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Low Carb Information






31 Days of Oscar on TCM, February 22 - March 3 star
Week Four, the final week movie guide for Turner Classic Movies (TCM) as they gear up for the Oscars with their annual 31 Days of Oscars Movie Maration. Here is your chance to catch some of the best movies out their commerical free during February.

31 Days of Oscar on TCM, Week One - February 1-7 star
Turner Classic Movies (TCM) is gearing up for the Oscars with their annual 31 Days of Oscars Movie Maration. Here is your chance to catch some of the best movies out their commerical free during February.

30 minute full body circuit workout for advanced star[offsite link]
This intense full body circuit workout combines some of the best boot camp type exercises to build muscular and cardiovascular endurance, burn fat, build lean muscle, and burn calories. It trains every inch of your body including legs, glutes, abs, arms, chest, shoulders, and back.

30 minute full body circuit workout for beginners star[offsite link]
This full body circuit targets upper body, lower body, abs, glutes, cardio, and flexibility in just 30 minutes? A great workout for semi-fit beginners that delivers tons of fat and calorie burning plus ultimate fitness.

31 Days of Oscar on TCM, Week Three - February 15 - 21 star
Week Three movie guide for Turner Classic Movies (TCM) as they gear up for the Oscars with their annual 31 Days of Oscars Movie Maration. Here is your chance to catch some of the best movies out their commerical free during February.

A Cold Man, Really Cold star
In "Limits of Control" will challenge the limits of any audience. The movie is a travel log with a cold, cold killer.

Alabama Groups/Info (South) star[offsite link]

Alfred Hitchcock on Turner Classic Movies (TCM) star
A look at all the Hitchcock movies showing in October on Turner Classic Movies (TCM).

Amanda Knox - More Italian vs. American Justice star
Granted an appeal for review of shaky DNA evidence and questionable testimony against her, Amanda Knox´s future now hangs in the balance of interpretation by expert witnesses and supportive evidence. Determine for yourself if you would endorse the Italian judiciary system.

Ancient Rome Unit Study star[offsite link]
Ancient Rome is awesome!

Arapaho Moccasins star[offsite link]
History, details and instructions to re-create a pair of Turn of the Century moccasins

Basset Hound star
Basset Hounds are sweet, gentle, loyal companions. They´re calm, affectionate dogs that are great with children and other pets.

Beagle star
Beagle popularity is likely to increase now that a dog named "Uno" has made history by becoming the first Beagle ever to win top honors at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. These highly sociable hounds can be wonderful family pets, but they are not for everyone.

Behavior star
Common child behaviors and strategies for responding

Being Involved Without Being Overbearing star
Giving your adolescent opportunities for freedom and to earn your trust are hard because you know the pitfalls. Help them benefit from your knowledge without being too controlling.

Bid Rigging and Anti Trust Violations star
Every business is exposed to the pervasive effects of, even an unintentional violation, Anti-Trust regulations. Forensic accountants investigate schemes such as bid rigging that not only undermine the conditions of free trade and but also foster fraud and corruption.

Black Birds Baked in a Pie star
Pie birds are small, hollow, ceramic or stoneware figures, usually about 3 to 5 inches high. They are vents which are "baked" in a pie to allow the steam to escape and prevent the pie filling in a two crust pie from cooking over in the oven

Bob Hope on Turner Classic Movies (TCM) star
Catch some of Bob Hopes Road to... series and others of his movies in December.

Bodyweight Circuit Workout star[offsite link]
This full body workout includes 13 bodyweight exercises and two dumbbells exercises. It´s great for beginners who need to build strength and boost endurance for tougher workouts plus it burns fat and calories.

Boot camp in 10 star[offsite link]
Burn tons of fat and builds lean muscle in just 10 minutes. It includes 3 warm-up exercises 4 super demanding more traditional multi-purpose full body exercises, and 3 stretches.

Boot camp in 20 star[offsite link]
This workout boosts cardio endurance and targets the legs, upper body, and core with challenging multi-purpose moves that burn lots of calories and build lean fat burning muscle.

Boot camp in 30 star[offsite link]
This workout builds lean fat burning muscle and torches calories with big multi-purpose moves that target every inch of your body especially shoulders and core.

Bread Recipe Index star
Recipes for homemade yeast breads, quick breads, biscuits and muffins

Budgie E-Book star
Budgies or Parakeets are one of the most commonly kept pet birds. The more you know about them, the more you can enjoy your pet.

Butt Makeover Workout star[offsite link]
The butt makeover workout is a quick 20 minute circuit that burns tons of fat, tons of calories, and builds a firm butt and lean sexy legs.

Celebrity butt workout star[offsite link]
This high intensity workout reshapes your butt and legs with a mix of high energy plyometric moves, yoga, pilates, and more. You´ll sculpt, burn fat, and boost endurance fast.

Chesapeake Bay Retrievers star
Chesapeake Bay Retrievers are full-bodied dogs but not so tall. Their stockier legs give them power running through grasses or reeds alongside creeks to get the prey.

Chicken on the Grill star
Delicious grilled chicken is an all time favorite main dish. Here´s grilling tips + recipes.

Chihuahua Information star
The Chihuahua, named for a Mexican state, is one of the oldest dog breeds in America. Here´s some fo the very best links to more information about this tiny breed

Chinese Shar-pei star
The Shar-pei is an ancient breed that originated in China more than 2000 years ago and became nearly extinct in the 1960s. Shar-peis have made a phenomenal comeback and are now popular, much loved dogs all around the world.

Christmas at Need A Recipe?...Call Mom! star[offsite link]
My holiday website has links to the web´s finest holiday cooking and baking sources.

Cooking with Tara star[offsite link]
From Need A Recipe?... Call Mom!, safety rules for kids in the kitchen, kids recipes, and links to the best sites for many more kids recipes.

Dead Famous: Ghostly Encounters star
Dead Famous: Ghostly Encounters looks for the spirits of famous people and or their energy in their favorite places, such as Elvis, John Wayne, Marilyn Monroe, Lucille Ball and others.

December Holiday Party Recipes star
Deck the Halls and Light the Candles! It´s time for holiday parties, and this holiday recipe directory is the one you don´t want to miss!

Double Indemnity star
DOUBLE INDEMINITY An perfect crime until Edward G. Robinson steps in.

Easter at Need A Recipe?...Call Mom! star[offsite link]
My guide to everything Easter for the Home Cook.

English Springer Spaniel star
As pets, Springers are extremely affectionate and thrive on attention. As sporting dogs, they are enthusiastic, tireless, and skilled.

Firm butt and lean legs workout star[offsite link]
This workout builds lean, toned, and sculpted, sexy legs and firm butt with lower body moves that burn tons of fat. If you have issues with flab and cellulite then this is the workout for you.

Five Ways to Enjoy A Springtime in Germany star
Spring’s flowers and blossom add to picturesque landscapes, and from major cities to medieval villages Fruehling Festivals and events begin to take place. Evenings are lighter but, to take advantage of the tables and chairs appearing outside café’s, layers are advisable, it is springtime in Germany.

Free Workout Music That Motivates star
Get music mixes specifically engineered for a great workout. They´re free, fun, and as varied as your workouts and your lifestyle. If your workout needs a boost this is a great way to go!

Fullbody dumbbell circuit workout star[offsite link]
This fullbody dumbbell workout requires dumbbells and a stability ball and can be completed in under 30 minutes. It targets every inch of your body with multi-purpose exercises that burn calories, burn fat, and boost lean muscle.

fullbody fat loss workout: star[offsite link]
This fullbody fat loss workout: burns tons of fat and calories with 3 fat burning mini-circuits that alternate between upper body and lower body exercises plus 4 easy stretches to lengthen tight muscles.

Fullbody PHAT Circuit star[offsite link]
The Fullbody PHAT Circuit is a high intensity full body workout that includes core exercises, power lifting moves, yoga, pilates, athletic moves, and dynamic stretches for major fat burning and ultimate fitness under 30 minutes.

Glen of Imaal Terrier star
Although the breed it´s relatively new to the world of purebred dogs in America, it´s definitely not a new breed. Glen of Imaal Terriers are people loving dogs and great family pets!

Glutes thighs workout star[offsite link]
This lower body workout combines squats, lunges, core butt moves and yoga stretches to burn fat and tighten and tone the the glutes and thighs.

Great Gifts for Husbands and Wives star
No more ties or smarmy lingerie, please. Here are some great gift ideas for husbands and wives that will enhance their marriages.

Hamburgers & Hot Dogs - All-American Food! star
These Summer holiday favorites are at the top of the list of foods most associated with America.

Hikes 86 star

Hiking 107 star

Hiking 75 star

Hiking 85 star

International Adoption in America star
Interested in international adoption, helping orphans, and helping children in need? This article highlights the increasing trends of international adoption in America and ways you can help orphans.

Irish Water Spaniel star
The most comical of the group of dogs native to Ireland is sometimes called "a leprechaun in disguise" because of its frazzled curls and clownish personality. The Irish Water Spaniel is a most unique dog, and according to AKC registrations, one of the most rare.

Joan Fontaine Movies on TCM in November star
Joan Fontaine the younger sister of Olivia de Havilland is the star of the month on Turner Classic Movies (TCM), Specialty Channel

Kabobs star
Kabobs make outdoor entertaining festive and fun. They can be easily assembled ahead of time, grilled to perfection in minutes and there´s little clean up after the meal.

Lean abs firm butt workout star[offsite link]
This circuit workout targets the abs and butt with full body exercises that burn tons of calories, more fat and build a fit sculpted body without having to do a lot of isolation work.

Lovable Labs star
The Labrador Retriever is always among the AKC´s top 3 most popular breeds. They´re gentle, loving pets and great hunting companions.

Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993) Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Alan Alda, Anjelica Huston star
Manhattan Murder Mystery, a comedy/mystery is a throw back to those witty 1930s and 40s movies. When a neighber suddenly dies, Carol Lipton (Diane Keaton) thinks it´s murder.

Metabolism Makeover Quiz star
Answer these top 11 metabolism questions and find out if you´re boosting it or stalling it. Plus great tips to help you rev up your fat burning.

Microchip Implants For Human Beings star
When compulsory micro-chipping comes into force, will you accept it as progress or see it as an invasion of privacy?

Mystery Radio star
Listen to Old Time Mystery Radio shows!

Need A Recipe?...I´ll Call Mom! star[offsite link]
This is my own homemade homepage. It contains my Mother´s Pennsylvania Dutch recipes, my own recipe collection, recipes from my 3 daughters, "Cooking with Tara" kid´s recipes, links to over 300 brandname food websites packed with recipes, plus entertaining seasonal and holiday pages.

New Year´s Eve Celebration Recipes star
In need of some New Year´s Eve party favorites? Try some of our feature appetizers, cakes, pies, and dips!

November Recipe Index star
Thanksgiving and Hanukkah are just a few of the days we celebrate in November, this useful recipe index will help you celebrate every day!

One-Dish Meal Recipe Index star
Recipes for home-cooked casseroles, slow cooker meals and skillet meals.

PIt Bull Terrier Guide star
The Pit Bull Terrier is one of the most popular dogs in America, in spite of not being an AKC recognized breed. Get much more information about this breed.... Pit Bull rescue, care and training, Pit Bull fun and fame, chat with Pit Bull Terrier owners and more.

Price Fixing and Bid Rigging star
Every business is exposed to the pervasive effects of, even an unintentional violation of these regulations. A forensic accountant’s ability to investigate approaches to uncover schemes involving anti-trust violations such as fictitious trades. They can be publicized through corporate newsletters.

Quick bootcamp star[offsite link]
This workout burns fat and builds lean strong muscle in just 10 minutes. It includes 3 warm-up exercises 4 super demanding more athletic multi-purpose full body exercises, and 3 stretches.

quick fat loss workout star[offsite link]
The quick fat loss workout: is a thirty minute full body workout that you can do twice a week for four weeks and is designed to strip 10-20 pounds of unhealthy fat off your body. It consists of two giant sets of exercises that work the larger muscles of the body including quads, hamstrings, chest, and back. It also includes ab exercises that work every core muscle.

Quick glute and leg workout star[offsite link]
This quick workout includes 3 of the best lower body exercises that do triple duty by working every inch of your legs and glutes, while sculpting and burning fat, so you´ll get results in less time.

Recipes in a Jar or a Bag star
Looking for a gift from the heart? These are easy to make and affordable! Don´t have time? contact susan@josiemae.com and see about having some made for you!

Restaurant Style Firecracker Shrimp Recipe star
Do you love that firecracker shrimp that you get in a Chinese restaurant? Then you will love this recipe! It´s spicy, crunchy, and tastes just like the restaurant’s wonderful dish.

Rituals and Routines - Start Something New! star
Rituals and routines make up our daily lives. Don´t be afraid to try something new!

Robert Mitchum on Turner Classic Movies (TCM) star
Turner Classic Movies (TCM) is paying tribute to Robert Mitchum. Find out about one of the more under-rated leading actors of all time.

Siberian Husky star
Siberian Huskies are gentle, affectionate pets and strong, adventurous sled dogs.

Slow & Easy Home Cooking: One Pot Crockery Cooking star
This ebook includes recipes for every occasion, every course, and every taste ... over 115 recipes in all + crockery cooking tips and a slow cooker buying guide.

Smoky: 4 pound Yorkshire Terrier Hero of World War II star[offsite link]
Smoky a four pound Yorkshire Terrier was in combat during World War II for 18 months straight and flew on 12 long combat missions up to 22 hours nonstop with the third Emergency Rescue Sq., covering strikes to Borneo and the Southern Philippines. This little hero, is the subject of the book "Yorkie Doodle Dandy". Read more...

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier star
One of three terrier breeds of Irish ancestry, The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is a medium size terrier with a soft, slightly wavy coat wheat colored coat.

Soup Recipes Index star
Soup recipes from the Home Cooking recipe archives

Successful Home Canning star
An easy to follow guide with the basics you need to know for successful home cannning.

Surviving the Summer Heat star
Information and tips on keeping your adolescent safe in the summer heat. Heat stroke is discussed and ways to identify, treat, and prevent it are discussed.

The Family Life of Really Ugly Killers star
What kind of person would a deformed baby thrown away as trash, then adopted by a family of repulsive psychopaths--turn out to be?

The Much-Maligned Pit Bull star
Today´s Pit Bull is the result and victim of traits that are bred into it. When properly bred, reared and socialized, the Pit Bull is an ideal companion and family dog. Unfortunately, because of the dog´s current negative reputation, it has become popular for all the wrong reasons.

The Reading Room on Hallmark Channel star
James Earl Jones give his usual best in The Reading Room on Hallmark Channel.

The Tales Of Beedle The Bard J.K.Rowling star
J. K. Rowling has a new book coming out. Will the kids like it and will it make a good keepsake Christmas, birthday, Halloween gift? If you’re already thinking about the treasury of literature as a good gift, discover what the Collector’s edition of The Tales Of Beedle The Bard has in store...

Tips & Tidbits star
Useful cooking tips, ideas and how to.

Your Erotic Dreams star
I wasn´t sure how I was going to feel about this book. I suspected that author Carol L. Cummings may have chosen to toss sex into the title of the book simply to grab attention. I´ve been pleasantly proven wrong. Book Review.

$25 Restaurant Gift Certificate star
Get a free dinner with this offer!

$25,000 and a Trip to Australia from Sportsman´s Guide star[offsite link]
**Can also be entered via mail in method.**Grand prize of $25,000 plus a trip for two to Australia. Monthly (one per month each) first and second prizes of sweepstakes certificates good towards merchandise. Enter monthly, ends October 31, 2008.

$40 a Day star[offsite link]
From San Diego to Seattle, Rachel Ray tells you where to eat. Just select your destination from the episode archive. Bon Appetit!

* Affinity Designer and Publisher star

* Animation Shop star

* Article Index - Adobe Product Reviews star
Reviews of Adobe digital art and graphics software categorized by subject.

* Article Index - After Effects star
After Effects is Adobe´s graphic motion software. Here you will find articles and tutorials.

* Article Index - Animation Reviews + Resources star
Reviews for animation software and other related products.

* Article Index - Ecard Server Software star
Articles and tutorials about ecard software.

* Article Index - Flash ActionScript star
ActionScript is the Flash scripting language. These articles and examples will cover beginner to advanced applications for ActionScript in Flash.

* Article Index - Flash and iOS Apps star
How to make iOS apps with Adobe Flash.

* Article Index - Flash Animation star
The Flash Timeline is the control panel for building animations in Flash.

* Article Index - Flash Catalyst star
Adobe Flash Catalyst simplifies and enhances the design process.

* Article Index - Flash Ecard Projects star
Tutorials about Flash techniques used in various ecard projects.

* Article Index - Flash Getting Started star
Want to learn Flash - start here.

* Article Index - Flash In Action star
Real world examples of Flash.

* Article Index - Flash Mobile App Experiment star
Tutorials for the Flash experiment - using Flash to create a book app.

* Article Index - Flash MX 2004 star
Articles and tutorials about Flash/Macromedia MX 2004.

* Article Index - Flash Special Effects star
Tutorials for creating some of the most popular special effects with Flash.

* Article Index - How To and Misc star
Misc articles and tutorials.

* Article Index - iMovie Software star
Articles and tutorials about Apple iMovie software.

* Article Index - Marketing Your Animation star
Tutorials and articles about how to market your animation products.

* Article Index - Particle System Tutorial Series star
How to make a snow fall particle animation in Flash.

* Article Index - ScreenFlow star
How to use ScreenFlow for educational and marketing videos.

* Corel Jasc Software star

* css-doodle star
Tutorials about creating graphics using css-doodle code.

* Design a Digital Planner in Affinity Suite star
How to Design a Digital Planner in Affinity Suite

* Digital Tangling star

* Food and Drink * star
A list of recipes for your football party.

* Graphics for Video star

* Health category star

* INDEX - Creating Code Art with css-doodle Course star

* INDEX Design a Digital Planner in Affinity Suite star
How to design a digital planner, including covers, page inserts and stickers

* Link to Medium Baby Doll Clothes star

* Mobile Apps star

* Official ABC Website star[offsite link]

* Official NBC Website star[offsite link]

* Paint Shop Pro 8 star

* Paint Shop Pro 9 star

* Processing and p5.js star
Tutorials about creating code art in Processing and p5.js.

* Southeast USA Blog star
Welcome to the Blog for the Southeast USA site at BellaOnline, The Voice of Women. Check regularly to learn what is happening in the Southeast USA. Find breaking news and opinion pieces.

* Swift Publisher and Amadine star
Articles, tutorials and projects for creating graphic design in Swift Publisher and Amadine by BeLight.

* Templates star
How to use templates to save time and how to design your own templates.

** Meditation from Pope John Paul II Cultural Center star

**Ayurveda star
Ayurveda is the ancient Indian philosophy that promotes balance and harmony between an individual´s mind, body and spirit.

**BellaOnline Quotations Newsletter*** star
A FREE monthly newsletter featuring new quotations, related news, links to helpful resources for QuoteLovers online, and much more...

**South Indian Recipes star
A yummy collection of regional recipes from the South Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala & Tamil Nadu.

**The Official AMC Website star[offsite link]

*Alliance For Natural Health* star[offsite link]
The Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) is a UK-based, European and international not-for-profit campaign organisation working to protect and promote natural health care through the use of ‘good science and good law’.

*Alternative Healthcare Network* star[offsite link]

*American Forests* star[offsite link]

*Animal Rights Stuff* star[offsite link]

*Animal Wellness Magazine* star[offsite link]
Animal Wellness Magazine is the only magazine produced in North America devoted to natural & holistic health for animals. Each issue speaks to animal lovers everywhere on how to improve the quality of life of our animal companions as well as animals in the wild.

*Artboard Studio star

*Ayurveda star
Ayurveda is the ancient Indian philosophy that promotes balance and harmony between an individual´s mind, body and spirit.

*Botanical Dog* star[offsite link]

*Cloud Forest Alive* star[offsite link]

*Constitution Day article star
Here is an article by the Bella history editor about Constitution Day.

*Defenders Of Wildlife* star[offsite link]

*Earth Friendly Goods* star[offsite link]
Earth Friendly Goods is a beautiful site with so many eco-friendly goods. From->jewelry->apparel-> beds, you name they have it!

*Earthy Family* star[offsite link]

*Eco-Artwear* star[offsite link]
Eco-Artwear.com is a neat site that offers gifts made of recycled materials.

*Eden Foods* star[offsite link]
Eden Foods has over 800 Recipes from Organic and Macrobiotic Chefs.

*Farm Sanctuary* star[offsite link]

*Featured: John James Audubon star
Born April 26, 1785, John James Audubon was an important ornithologist and artist

*Free Lessons - Series of Articles star

*Grassroots Animal Rights Conference* star[offsite link]

*Green Feet* star[offsite link]
Eco-friendly products for everyday living!

*Healthy New Age* star[offsite link]

*Healthy Pooch* star[offsite link]

*How to Teach Kids Meditation - Series of Articles star

*Labyrinths - The View From The Center* star
A fascinating article by Rev. Alesia Matson. The labyrinth is a metaphor for a life´s journey, a spiritual pilgrimage, a rite of passage; it compresses a lifetime into mere minutes.

*Meditation Channel At BellaOnline.com* star
Visit Host Susan Kramer´s wonderful Channel about meditation and contemplative living. She provides great information and featurse stunning photos taken by both her and her husband Stan.

*Meditations in Story Format star

*Mothering Magazine* star[offsite link]

*Nappturality* star[offsite link]
Nappturality is a fantastic site for African-American women who choose to wear their hair in its natural state without chemicals, weave and relaxer.

*National Wildlife Federation* star[offsite link]

*Native Remedies* star[offsite link]

*Naturally Beautiful Hair* star[offsite link]

*Numerology Quiz* star
Numerology has been an integral part of ancient mystical and religious tradition. Test your knowledge of this fascinating system with a fun quiz!

*Online Meditation Lessons - Series of Articles star

*Organic Valley* star[offsite link]

*PAWS* star[offsite link]

*People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals (PeTA)* star[offsite link]

*Real Age* star[offsite link]

*Recipes Around the Web* star
A collection of links to the Web´s best recipe sites.

*Roots & Shoots* star[offsite link]

*Seeds Of Change* star[offsite link]

*Sitting Meditations and Translations - Series of Articles star

*SmallStep.Gov* star[offsite link]

*Ten Commandments for Naturally Beautiful Skin* star[offsite link]

*The Five Love Languages* star
Where´s the needle on your love tank? Which love language do you speak? Find out why the love you give may not be the love that´s received. (Valentine´s Day)

*The New Age Shop* star
Do you need some gift ideas for the mystical minded? Or perhaps you´d like to learn more about New Age topics? Take a moment to browse the New Age Shop for calendars, movies, eBooks, intuitive readings and more!

*VegWeb* star[offsite link]

*What is Love? Part 2* star
What is unconditional love, anyway? Like choice, I believe agape is about awareness. So why is agape so difficult to receive and give? (Valentine´s Day)

*What is Love? Part 3* star
Perfect love casts out all fear. Fear is the biggest tool of the ego, which seeks to keep us small, frightened, and isolated. (Valentine´s Day)

*What is Love?* star
What *is* love? (Valentine´s Day)

*Wholesome Harvest* star[offsite link]
Beautiful website with tasty recipes and plenty of information on organic farming and eating. They also have an online store.

*Wild Oats* star[offsite link]
Wild Oats has a huge variety of organic and healthy recipes.

*Wildlife Works* star[offsite link]
Hip styles to support many great causes!

*Wolf Run* star[offsite link]

*World Wildlife Fund (WWF)* star[offsite link]

1. How to Design Doll Clothes Patterns star

10 Important Tips to Meditation star
Why meditate? On one level, meditation is a tool. It can help combat stress, fosters physical health, helps with chronic pain, can make you sleep better, feel happier, be more peaceful, as well as be ‘present’. But on a deeper level, meditation is a doorway into the unknown.

10 Minute Bootcamp Workouts for Busy Brides star
Get in shape for your wedding day quick. 10 minutes 4 times a week in your home or at the gym, with or without equipment.

10,000 Great Ideas star[offsite link]
Free Crochet Patterns - plus articles and other information. Also seeking to publish articles and patterns by other writers and designers.

100 Simple Secrets of Successful People star
Sharlene Thomas, Career Training Editor, offers an excellent review of the book 100 Simple Secrets of Successful People. After reading Sharlene´s review I would definitely consider purchasing this book if I were on the bottom side of the hill and just starting a career; instead of over it and happy where I am.

100 Ways to Find Ideas for Your Blog Posts Review star
If you find yourself at a loss for what to post to your blog on a regular basis, 100 Ways to Find Ideas for Your Blog Posts by Steven Aitchison is the perfect reference book to have handy.

1000 Good Books List star[offsite link]
Here is a wonderful listing of 1000 good books. It is a handy reference when you are searching for a good book for your student to read. This list was put together by 25 mothers who homeschool their children using classical methods. All of the books listed are wholesome. The list is divided into categories: Primary Reading Level (Grades 1-3) Elementary Reading Level (Grades 4-6) Junior Reading Level (Grades 7-9) Senior Reading Level (Grades 10-12)

1000 Rings star
1000 Rings, Inspiring Adornments for the Hand, is a beautiful book that celebrates rings as wearable art through lavish photographs and artist commentary.

101 Healthiest Foods for Kids Cookbook Review star
Although geared for kids, this book includes plenty of good information on healthy foods for everyone, both children and adults. it´s also great for anyone preparing family meals or anyone who likes to eat healthy.

101 Things for Teens to Do star
Bored? Try out this teen-centered list of things to do this summer.

15th Century Front Laced Kirtles star[offsite link]
Here´s a great article on how to make these beautiful Medieval dresses.

18 inch American Girl, Corolle, Gotz Precious Day and Similar Dolls star
Outfits that will fit 18-inch American Girl, 18-inch Corolle, 18-inch Gotz Precious Day Girl Dolls, and other historical and similar dolls.

19th Century French Music star[offsite link]
Read an article about the history of music in 19th century France.

2 Mad Scrappers star[offsite link]

20 minute leg circuit star[offsite link]
This 20 minute leg circuit workout targets every inch of your legs including: thighs, calves, butt, inner and outer thighs. It includes leg exercises that sculpt sexy legs and a firm butt.

20 minute leg circuit workout star[offsite link]
This intense 20 minute leg circuit workout burns fat and sculpts firm lean sexy legs.

2004 - Discovery Channel Brings Us “Rameses the Wrath of God or Man” star
Discovery Channel brings us “Rameses the Wrath of God or Man” and shares the myths and history behind this famous pharaoh

2004 - da Vinci on National Geographic Channel star
Two shows on Leonardo da Vinci, ‘Da Vinci and the Mysteries of the Shroud’ and the premiere of ‘Unlocking da Vinci’s Code: The Full Story’ are airing on National Geograpic Channel together for one night.

2004 - Travolta Receives Museum of the Moving Image Award star
John Travolta earns another honor with the Museum of the Moving Image Salute

2004 - ‘The Librarian: Quest for the Spear’ on TNT star
A lifetime student with 22 degrees if forced to leave college and face the real world. Now what is exactly the real world? A new job in a library protecting secret and not so mythical magical items.

2004 - ´Dawn Anna´ on Lifetime star
Lifetime brings us Debra Winger in ´Dawn Anna´, which looks like a good movie from the previous.

2005 Australian Motogp star
The Australian MotoGP weekend was great with lots of fun, excitement and drama both on and off the track. The weather also came to the party, with blue skies, the only rain fell during Friday morning and quickly cleared up, but the wind was pretty cold the whole weekend.

2005 Good and Bad for Women´s Businesses star
Women´s Business Trends 2005.

2005 MotoGP Calendar star
Racing calendar for 2005

2005 MotoGP Riders List star
2005 MotoGP Riders List

2005 Superbike Championship Calendar star
Race Calendar and Circuits for 2005 WSBK championship

2005 Venice Film Festival star
Select movies from around the world were recently screened and/or premiered at the 62nd Venice Film Festival. Many film stars were on hand to promote their latest or upcoming movies.

2006 MotoGP Racing Calendar star
MotoGP Racing Calendar 2006

2006 Provisional MotoGP Entry List star
MotoGP 2006 Provisional Entry List issued by FIM 27th January 2006

2012 - Year of the Water Dragon star
In 2012, Chinese New Year begins on January 23rd and Tibetan New Year (Losar) on February 22nd. Both are celebrated as major Buddhist holidays, and in both calendar systems, 2012 is the Year of the Water Dragon. Learn what this means, along with what the dragon represents spiritually.

2012 Review star
Jackson Curtis careens through Los Angeles one second ahead of heaving earthquakes that rip city blocks off their foundations as catastrophes hit LA, Tibet and Yellowstone Park, where a wilderness guru speaks truth about government conspiracies and Robert Emmerich destroys the entire world.

250cc Malaysia World Championship star
What a race for Aussie Casey Stoner! his main rivals for the championship crashing out handing him the race win and allowing him to improve his chances for the Championship win.

2nd Chance Aviary star[offsite link]
A rescue located in Ontario, Canada. Diane has pictures of the birds rescued and stores about many of them. She also has developed a cape to prevent plucking that you may want to check out if you have a bird that plucks.

3 star

3 Scrapateers Sketch Gallery star[offsite link]

3 Simple Strategies To Improve Communication star
3 easy ways to improve communication with your spouse.

30 min. full body circuit for advanced star[offsite link]
Get an intense boot camp style workout with this full body circuit that builds endurance, strength, and fat burning lean muscle.

30 min. full body circuit for intermediates star[offsite link]
Get a total body workout with this full body circuit for intermediates that builds lean muscle and incinerates body fat!

30 minute full body circuit for beginners star[offsite link]
This 30 minute full body circuit workout for beginners will torch calories and burn bodyfat quick!

30 minute full body circuit workout for intermediates star[offsite link]
This circuit training workout utilizes a stability ball, dumbbells, and jump rope. It is designed to work and fatigue all the larger muscle groups of the upper body, legs, and abs followed by isolation work of the smaller muscles of the upper body and abs. You will finish up with intense cardio intervals with jump rope work and complementary stretches.

30s and 40s Comedies on TV star[offsite link]
TV Now´s listing of the 1930 and 1940 movie comedies being shown during the week.

30s and 40s Mysteries on TV star[offsite link]
TV Now´s listing of the 1930 and 1940 movie mysteries being shown during the week.

30s and 40s Westerns on TV star[offsite link]
TV Now´s listing of the 1930 and 1940 movie westerns being shown during the week.

3rd to Die Book Review star

4 Noble Truths star[offsite link]
Graphically attractive overview of the Four Noble Truths.

4 Women.Gov star
Govenment website with health info

43 Folders star[offsite link]
Great blog with tips on all sorts of "lifehacks" and productivity tips.

4th of July Celebration Flag Cake star[offsite link]
Show your American spirit by baking up this wonderful cake.

4th of July Cupcakes star[offsite link]
Here´s a neat idea for a yummy patriotic display.

4th of July Recipes star[offsite link]
Here´s a nice collection of recipes for your 4th of July celebration.

5 Minute Introduction to Buddhism star[offsite link]
Buddhanet´s basic introduction to Buddhism.

5 Piece Kid´s Bakeware set by Chicago Metallic offered by Focus Products star
Offering bakeware for kids and adults cooking these folks have it all! Read the review and see what they have to offer.

5 Questions To Your Perfect Fitness Program star
Confused by all the promises and get fit quick plans that most books and infomercials advertise? Ask yourself these five questions and find out if any program is right for you.

5 Simple Ways to Earn Affiliate Money star
Here are five easy ways to earn a little extra money with your blog.

50 Quick Stress Relievers star
Got 10 minutes? Time for a mental health quickie! Try one of these 50 ways to balance mind, body, and soul.

50/50 Super Endurance Secrets star
Dean Karnazes author of 50/50 shares his super endurance secrets and lessons he learned while running 50 marathons in 50 days. Great secrets for getting super fit.

7 WordPress Plugins to Enhance Your Blog star
A blogger doesn´t have to be a programmer to manage a WordPress blog. If you need a special feature to enhance your blog and improve your readers´ experience, WordPress developers have it covered. Here are only a few plugins from the thousands that are available to bloggers.

9/11 - The Fifth Year Anniversary star
On this fifth anniversary of the gravest terrorism act our Nation has ever known, let us take a moment to reflect upon the heroes and the fallen, and everything that wasn´t left behind.

911 Parrot Alert star[offsite link]
An international initiative dedicated to helping reunite LOST or STOLEN parrots with their families.

911 Parrot Alert star[offsite link]
An international initiative dedicated to helping reunite LOST or STOLEN parrots with their families.

911 Parrot Alert star[offsite link]
An international initiative dedicated to helping reunite LOST or STOLEN parrots with their families.

Milestones star
Remembering those moments that shape our lives.

@UK - The UK Tourism Guide star[offsite link]
Provides a comprehensive listing of UK tourism-related links for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

A Real Mexican Town star
Do you have preconceived ideas as to what Mexico is really like? This article provides a descriptive example of one "real" Mexican community. The author concludes that all parts of Mexico are "real" but some are more real than others and one should discover it for themself.

A Backyard Lunch star
Entertain family or friends with a casual get-together.

A Beginner´s Guide to Changing the World star
A Beginner’s Guide to Changing the World by Isabel Losada made enjoyable summer reading for me. It tells her own tale of trying to make a difference for Tibet.

A Beginner´s Guide to Charleston Cuisine star
Charleston, South Carolina boasts some of the best southern cuisine to be found. Don´t pass up trying these unforgettable Lowcountry favorites.

A Beginner´s Guide To Dog Shows star[offsite link]
Showing dogs is a great sport where the thrill of competition is combined with the joy of seeing beautiful dogs. Dog shows are one of many types of AKC dog events in which AKC-registered dogs can compete

A Beltane Ritual star
This ritual can be done by a solitary or modified for a group to use.

A Burton star[offsite link]
Directions and photos of crochet and knitting patterns for caps, hats, scarves, and other small projects with a male perspective.

A Call For Your Holiday Stories! star
Do you have a holiday story to share? Here´s a special way to share it right here, at LDSFamilies.

A Catered Costume Party Book Review star

A Child´s Christmas in Wales Dylan Thomas Stories star
Inspirational short stories about Christmas,Wales and Childhood don´t come much better than Dylan Thomas A Childhood Christmas In Wales. Memories,imagery of winter, snow and sea, a humorous house-fire anecdote and poetry in the prose - Dylan Thomas offers us a perfect ´winter´s tale´ for Christm

A Child´s Full Apron star[offsite link]
Full apron with a pocket sized for a four year old.

A Classic American Story star
Nathaniel Hawthorne´s novel "The Scarlet Letter" is an American classic about hypocrisy and Puritan beliefs. This is a great read for any teen who´s interested in historical settings.

A Classic Thanksgiving Dinner for 8 star
Thanksgiving is only two weeks away and if you´re like me you haven´t yet planned your complete menu. Here´s a traditional menu with classic favorites and favorites with a new twist.

A Cold Day in Hell Book Review star

A Concert for Autism Speaks star
Jerry Seinfeld and Paul Simon will perform in a concert for One Night Only at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood.

A Creepy Halloween Recipe star
Crunchy caterpillars are on the menu this Halloween. A great recipe from the Desserts site on Bellaonline.com.

A Crocheted snowflake made from plastic bags star[offsite link]
This is a link to a pattern which is for a crocheted snowflake made using plastic bags!

A Deadly Eclair Book Review star

A Death in Sweden Book Review star
Former CIA Operative Dan Hendricks is at the top of a hit list, as his former colleagues are murdered, and he must keep himself safe while trying to tie an old murder to the new head of the CIA.

A Different Diaper Bag star[offsite link]
Sling type bag for carrying baby supplies. Would also work as a regular bag.

A Dog Called Christmas - Kids Story Writing Ideas star
Christmas stories for children can provide irresistible inspirations for their writing. Kids can´t fail to get motivated by the soppy,lonesome,Christmastime face of the abandoned black labrador on the cover of a book I found. Adults too will love reading it out- why,I nearly took him in myself...

A Faerie Weekend with Brian and Wendy Froud star
Do you believe in Faeries? I spent an enchanting weekend with John and Caitlin Matthews and Brian and Wendy Froud exploring the Faerie Realms.

A Forensic Accountant Global Mindset star
Going global means challenges and opportunities. Having worldwide operations implies that corporations should hire candidates with a global mindset. It entails higher earnings tied to a unique mix of qualifications.

A Fragile Thing Book Review star

A Franco-Mexican cocktail for Cinco de Mayo star
What better way to commemorate the triumph of Mexican identity over French imperialist aggression than with a “tequila margarita”, that most Mexican of cocktails, which blends the utterly Mexican tequila with the very French Triple Sec, Cointreau or Grand Marnier?

A Funeral star
At a funeral there are tears but there is often laughter, too. We are surprised that we can laugh during these times, but these are the memories we most want to hang onto in our hearts.

A Good Wife and a Really Bad Wife star
Some men marry the girl next door and some men marry sexpots they have to keep such close eye on that their very lives are in danger.

A Guide to Dog Breeds from Iams star[offsite link]
For information about a breed, click on the name of a breed from the alphabetical listing.

A Halloween Delight For Teens star
Do you know a teen who’s looking for a way to spend Halloween? Here´s an article that will show them how to enjoy the holiday safely.

A Hip Lounge Party star
A chic, urban lounge, what cooler setting for your next party? Or with a few wisely chosen accessories, turn it from chic, urban to fabulous retro...It´s all about the atmosphere!

A Kidnapped Santa Claus by L. Frank Baum star
This is a story from L. Frank Baum, who is best known for "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz." It is an amusing tale about the dangers of being a kind Santa Claus who just wants to make the children happy.

A Kyoto Accord? star[offsite link]

A Lady of Bayou St. John - A Review star
This is a romantic and revealing story by Kate Chopin. It was written in 1894 and part of her "Bayou Folk" collection. It was set in New Orleans and gives an explanation of the power of widowhood.

A Letter from your True Self star
Writing a letter from your True Self turned out to be one of the most powerful exercises on our Meeting your Self Retreat Weekend. Here I explain the process so that you can write your own letter and I share some excerpts from my letter, which I believe contains wisdom for others too.

A Lifetime of Memories star[offsite link]
Lists of poems.

A Man of Some Repute Book Review star
Hugo and Georgia Hawksworth have moved into Selchester Castle due to a housing shortage. The Earl of the Castle has been missing for seven years, land when his body is discovered,

A Matter of Revenge Book Review star
Two runaway children break into the home of a prominent citizen and one is shot while escaping. Nothing of value is taken, and police are unsure of the reason for the break in. The suspense builds as the story unfolds; can these children expose a serious crime?

A Memorial Day Gathering star
Usher in the summer with some fun and tasty Memorial ideas while honoring our troops.

A Minor Deception star

A Murderous Mind Book Review star

A Musical Timeline star[offsite link]
Take a walk through time and find out about the musical history of France - from earliest times to present-day.

A New Resurgence of Old Health Threats star
Fever, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue are all usually considered benign symptoms and generally expected to pass after a few days of treatment. But what if they don´t?

A No Turkey Thanksgiving Feast for 12 star
Turkey not your thing? No problem! Here´s a wonderful alternative menu featuring a spectacular glazed ham as its centerpiece.

A No Turkey Thanksgiving Feast for 12 star
Not everyone loves turkey on Thanksgiving. Here´s a menu that features a beautiful baked ham as the main dish. This menu can also be served at Christmas, New Year´s or for any large planned dinner.

A Pea in a Pod star[offsite link]
You can be fashionable AND expecting... at the same time! A Pea in a Pod offers beautiful maternity clothing for expecting mothers, whether you�re at the office or on leave.

A Pear Themed Engagement Party star
Throw the perfect couples engagement party starring this seasonal fruit.

A Perilous Undertaking Book Review star

A Pet-Sitter Is One Way To Handle Vacation Pet Care star[offsite link]
Plannng a vacation that can´t include your dog for whatever reason? Hiring a pet sitter is a tried-and-true solution that works for many dog owners.

A Place for Canaries star[offsite link]
Canary Cam, small bird stories, pictures, basic care tips & much more on this site.

A Place Of Your Own star[offsite link]
Are you ready to create your own place for scrapbooking? Check out this article at Creating Keepsakes for some ideas.

A pot of beans star
No Mexican kitchen is ever without its bubbling earthenware cazuela of frijoles – beans are an integral part of everyday life and food. They are utterly earthy, true Mexican food for the soul, wholesome, soothing, satisfying.

A Primer on Knife Sharpening star[offsite link]
Testing Sharpness, Sharpening Stones and other equipment, and more...

A Question of Inheritance Book Review star

A Quick Guide for the New Vegetarian star
Many people hesitate on the decision to become vegetarian simply because they are not sure were to begin, or how many food choices are out there. You would be surprised how easy it is. Here are some to tips to help get you started.

A Quick Guide to the Astronomy Site star
What are other people reading? Where can I find an astronomy word search? I´d like some help to start observing. What is a meteor shower? Here is a guide to help you find what you want and get the best out of the BellaOnline Astronomy site.

A Review Of Techniques In Managing Your Depression star
Some people have a difficult time in managing their depression. Sometimes, their depression and fears can get best of them. As a result, here is a short list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their depression.

A Samhain Ritual star
This is a ritual for Samhain. It can help you write your own or you can add to this one.

A Scone to Die For Book Review star
This new series of culinary mysteries is delightful. If you want something light, but also suspenseful, you´ll want to pick up this well-written, fun book.

A Sitting Meditation by Thich Nhat Hanh star[offsite link]
Description of method from this world-wide master.

A Sound Healing Workshop with Julie Felix star
I’m always interested in vibrational healing methods, but confess I haven’t used much sound healing in my work, so when a friend told me that singer Julie Felix was coming to Hereford, England, my nearest city, it was an opportunity I couldn’t miss.

A Sparkling of Summertime Fun & Folklore - Recipes for Summertime Gatherings star[offsite link]
Great summer recipes for entertaining family and friends, folklore and advice from The Old Farmer´s Almanac.

A Start the Summer Picnic star
For many, the three-day Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial start to summer and is celebrated by gathering with family and friends for picnics, barbecues and other events.

A Vegetarian Vacation in San Francisco star
BellaOnline´s Vegetarian Editor, Bridget Diana Soeder knows some great stops for delicious vegetarian fare near the Golden Gate!

A Woman Found Dead in a Farmhouse Book Review star
This trilogy begins with Rebecca Heilshorn, who is found dead in a remote farmhouse; Brendan Healy, a recovering alcoholic with many personal problems is the detective trying to solve the murder. As he investigates, he is drawn into a world of powerful politics and organized crime.

A Working Person´s Feast star
Celebrate Labor Day with this nearly labor-free meal.

A ´Mardi Gras´ in Germany star
If you are a fan of Carnival then Mardi´ Gras German cousin, Karneval, Fastnacht or Fasching, the different names are for the different areas of Germany where they are held, is the place to be. Known as The Fifth and Foolish Season’, feasting, fun and organised chaos take over the city streets, and disprove the theory that Germans have no sense of humour.

A* Meet the Man Behind the Black and White Pen and Ink Mystery Cartoon star[offsite link]

A2bTravel.com star[offsite link]
Comprehensive UK travel resource allows users to check flight arrival times, holiday deals, and discount flights. Includes a lodging directory and maps.

Ab circuit workout for advanced star[offsite link]
Ab circuit workout for advanced challenges your core with full body ab exercises that burn fat and calories

Ab circuit workout for advanced star[offsite link]
Ab circuit workout for advanced challenges your core with full body ab exercises that burn fat and calories.

Ab circuit workout for beginners star[offsite link]
Sculpt lean toned abdominals or six-pack abs with this ab circuit workout for beginners that consists of 4 ab exercise that are challenging for fit and not-so-fit beginners.

Ab circuit workout for beginners. star[offsite link]
Sculpt lean toned abdominals or six-pack abs with this ab circuit workout for beginners.

ab circuit workout for intermediate star[offsite link]
This ab circuit workout for intermediate burns fat and sculpts lean toned abdominals.

Ab circuit workout for intermediates to advaced star[offsite link]
This ab circuit workout uses full body ab exercises to sculpt lean abs and burn fat.

Ab circuit workout for intermediates to advanced star[offsite link]
This ab circuit workout for intermediates to advanced uses full body ab exercises to sculpt lean abs and burn fat.

ab circuit workout intermediate star[offsite link]
This ab circuit workout burns fat with 5 challenging ab exercises that work the entire core including shoulders, low back, hips, and even upper back.

Ababinili And Creation star
Great Spirit is known to the Chickasaw people as Ababinili, the Spirit of Fire and the Sun.

Abbott and Costello site star[offsite link]
Here is a site dedicated to Abbott and Costello.

ABC Family star[offsite link]
ABC Family broadcasts 8 Simple Rules, Falcon Beach, Fallen, Greek, Kyle XY, Lincoln Heights, Slacker Cats, Smallville, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, and Wildfire in prime time. They also show episodes of 7th Heaven, Boy Meets World, Everwood, Full House, Gilmore Girls, Grounded for Life, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and Sister, Sister.

ABC for Scrapping star[offsite link]
Make an ABC book for a Scrapper!

ABC Kids star[offsite link]
Prime time shows on ABC Kids include The Emperor´s New School, Hannah Montana, Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive, The Replacements, The Suite Life of Zack & Cody, and That´s So Raven.

Abenaki Lore star
In the Abenaki legends, Glooskap, the mythical spirit or god, is portrayed as a creator or helper of the Creator.

Abenaki Peoples star
The Abenaki Peoples are comprised of many Native American tribes throughout New England, Quebec and the Maritimes...

Ability Romance star[offsite link]
Articles and tips on relationships and disabilities.

Abledata star[offsite link]
ABLEDATA provides objective information about assistive technology products and rehabilitation equipment available from domestic and international sources.

About Avoidant Personality Disorder star
Avoidant personality disorder is a psychiatric condition characterized by a lifelong pattern of extreme shyness, feelings of inadequacy, and sensitivity to rejection. Personality disorders are long-lived patterns of behavior that cause problems with work and relationships.

About Bicycles - Choosing the Right Size Frame star
Here is some simple advice on choosing the right size bike frame for you.

About Buddhism star[offsite link]
A thorough and accessible introduction to Buddhism´s history and precepts.

About Chicken - Chicken Terms star[offsite link]
Do you know the difference between "organic´, "free-range", and "farm-raised" and chickens? These terms and others are defined by the National Chicken Council.

About Control star
When being educated about abuse, one must always remember that the main aspect is the fact that the abuser wants power and control over their victim.

About Twins star[offsite link]
answers all of your questions on the hows and why of twins. Very detailed

Abraham Lincoln Dreamed of Assassination star
According to a personal friend, Abraham Lincoln dreamed of his own assassination shortly before his death.

Abs legs shoulders full body circuit int/adv star[offsite link]
This quick workouts full body circuit burns fat with intense exercises that target the abs, legs, shoulders, and chest.

Absent Healing star
Absent healing is a way of sending or receiving healing over distance. The obvious advantage is that it can reach people, places and animals that the healer cannot physically be with.

Absolutely Whootie: Stories to Grow By star[offsite link]
Folk and fairy tales from around the world, illustrated by kids, grouped by values and origin.

Abundance star

Abusive Teachers star
Abuse doesn´t only happen in the child´s home. It can also happen at school, by their teachers.

Abyssinian Lovebirds star[offsite link]
Information & pictures of the beautiful Abysinian Lovebird.

Academy of American Poets star[offsite link]
Poets.org lists many contests, awards and gatherings of poets.

Acceptance - The Antidote to Perfectionism star
Perfection is a myth that poisons our sense of self-worth and satisfaction. When we practice acceptance, we can learn to appreciate the process of growth and value what we already are.

Accepting The End of A Friendship star
Sometimes we like to think that we´ll be friends forever. However, some will last and some won’t. This article discusses how to deal with friendships that come to an end.

Access-Able Travel Source star[offsite link]
Provides access information for mature and disabled travelers online.

Accountants with Guilty Verdict star
Being an accountant should infer a position of public trust. This perception is undermined when accountants have gone astray from professional ethical principles. Forensic accountants help uncover wrongdoing perpetrated by accountants and others in which public confidence has been placed on.

Accounting Information Systems (AIS) and Fraud star
An executive signed a Form S-4 and a Form S-4 amendment that Company WXZ, Inc. filed with the SEC while knowing, those filings contained materially false and misleading information on prior revenue and earnings per share(2) approved backdated contracts, among other misleading actions.

Ackley-McPhail, Danielle star[offsite link]

Activate Yourself - Ten Things you can do now for Human Rights. star
Get involved on a small scale and change the world, all from the comfort of your home.

Activities for developing phonemic awareness star[offsite link]
Here are some hands-on phonemic awareness activities to promote an understanding of rhyming and segmenting words.

Activities online for It�s Your Story-Tell It! Journey star[offsite link]
A link to GSUSA�s online activites for the It�s Your Story-Tell It Journey. There are PDF files, downloads, and activities for all age levels.

Activity Calorie Calculator star[offsite link]
Enter weight and time and see how many calories burned for all types of activities.

Acupressure to Combat Fatigue star
Acupressure can be a great way to help with fatigue. I have listed some simple steps in using this ancient technique to give your day an extra boost. It can be done anywhere and anytime you have a few minutes to focus on yourself.

Ada Blackjack, Arctic Heroine star
Motivated by a desire to provide a better life for her son, Ada Blackjack sets out on an arctic expedition from which she emerges as the sole survivor.

Adam Dalgliesh star[offsite link]

Adams, Douglas star[offsite link]
The official site of Douglas Adams, SciFi icon.

Add a Gorgeous Book Interface to Your Web Site star
My Scrapbook is an amazing open source interface that you can easily add to your web site that looks like a gorgeous full page, old style, open book.

Adding a Grid and Text in Photoshop star
There are quite a number of different ways and tricks of creating a border around your photographs in Photoshop. Here we look at adding a grid to layout text in your photographs.

Adding Inspiration to Your Life star
Inspiration can empower us to great achieve great things. How does being inspired affect us and how can we find the inspiration we desire?

Addison’s Disease star[offsite link]
What is Addison’s disease + information about a variety of means of treament such as conventional medications, alternative therapies, diet and exercise. AddisonDogs.com works to educate and support the companion animal community about Addison’s disease in dogs.

Adhesions: Ties That Bind star

Adolescent Communication star
Adolescents have many ways of communicating these days. This article discusses keeping them safe and you sane in cyberspace.

Adolescent Joy and the Holidays star
The focus of this article is on adolescent joy and giving, finding gratitude and abundance in everyday life, and sharing that with others.

Adolescent Resolutions star
This article describes how to help your adolescent set and keep measurable goals for the new year.

Adolescents and Anorexia Nervosa star
Is it a diet or the onset anorexia nervosa? The symptoms, behaviors, health issues and treatments associated with anorexia.

Adolescents and Bulimia Nervosa star
We´ve all had bouts of unhealthy food relationships. When is overeating considered bulimia nervosa?

Adolescents and Halloween star
Halloween is a time that parents can build relationships and have fun with their adolescents. It is a holiday that has been around for centuries and has existed in many cultures.

Adolescents and Mistakes star
As parents we often want to save our teens from the difficult lessons that we learned the "hard way" when we were their age. Sometimes this is a difficult lesson for us to learn...

Adolescents and Power Struggles at Home star
When conflicts arise in your household, these ideas may help...

Adolescents and the Truth star
Adolescents have to learn what truth means just as they do other things, by playing with it, manipulating it and being accountable for it. this article examines ways they might do that and informs parents about what is normal and what is not.

Adolescents and the Vampire Craze star
Adolescents are crazy for the vampires in the Twilight Saga and eagerly anticipate the release of new blood-sucker movies. This article discusses why these movies and vampires are so popular with adolescents.

Adoptee Stories star

Adoptee Stories star
Adoption stories from the point of view of adoptees.

Adoption star
This site is dedicated to providing information, education, and support to anyone whose life is touched by adoption.

Adoption Agency Spotlight Feature star
You´ve learned about the adoption process, and even researched domestic and international adoption programs. Now it´s time to meet the agencies that make it happen.

Adoption Conferences star
A list of conferences on varies topics related to adoption.

Adoption Conferences 101 star
Adoption conferences take place all over the United States. Here´s what you should know before you attend.

Adoption Scams star
It´s the subject no one likes to talk about, but one that needs much more awareness and support.

Adoptive Family Stories star
Stories from those who have adopted.

Adoptive Family Stories star

Adoptive Family Stories star

Adoptive Family Stories star
Adoption stories from the point of view of adoptive families.

Advent Calendar star[offsite link]
Each day, the child lifts a flap and answers a question, makes a craft or does an activity. The pictures are not available on the site, but you can easily find one of your own to use.

Adventure Bag star[offsite link]
A messenger style bag from savvyseams.com.

Advertise Your Blog Offline star
Advertising offline brings traffic to blogs and websites. Find new ways to reach your market and get them to visit your blog. One or two methods are all you need to get started.

Advice for parents star[offsite link]

Aesop, Writer of Fables or a Myth? star
Aristotle and other early Greek sources indicate that Aesop was born around 620 BC in Thrace at a site on the Black Sea coast.

Affections Touching Across Time Soundtrack star
The soundtrack for Inuyasha: Affections Touching Across Time contains twenty-nine tracks of the background music that appeared in the film.

Affections Touching Across Time Soundtrack star
The soundtrack for Inuyasha: Affections Touching Across Time contains 29 tracks of the background music that appeared in the film.

Affiliate Product Marketing Through Blog Memes star
Do you have an audience who loves your product recommendations? Here is a fun twist on the blogging meme. Share products you love through a blog meme.

Affiliate World Directory star[offsite link]
A directory of companies offering affiliate programs.

Affirmations and Prayers for Teens star

Affordable Fashion Jewelry star
Here´s a quick and handy guide to some affordable jewelry shopping resources for holiday gift-giving.

Affording College star
While the cost of college tuition is barbaric, that doesn´t mean that you have to be excluded from attending. Do you know how to afford college on a budget.

Afghans for Afghans star[offsite link]
This organization sends crocheted and hand-knit blankets, sweaters, vests, hats, mittens, and socks to the people of Afghanistan.

African Green Singing Finches star[offsite link]
Information, pictures and a sound file of a Green Singer, singing.

African Lovebird Society star[offsite link]
The African Lovebird Society (ALBS) is an international organization dedicated to the keeping, breeding, and showing of lovebirds.

African Lovebird Society star[offsite link]
An international society dedicated to all things lovebird.

African-American Culture and Dreams star

African-American Culture and Dreams star
Folklore suggests that prophetic dreaming was accepted as the norm among African-Americans during slavery. African-Americans excel at applying interpretive skills to dreams and view dreaming as a spiritual, rather than psychic, practice.

After Eli Review star
A review of a story about a young teen´s journey to acceptance through bereavement and the hope for new possibilities.

After the Break Up star
Breaking up is hard enough, but sometimes the days and weeks afterward are even harder. Here´s how to deal.

After The Sunset (2004) star
I was very disappointed in AFTER THE SUNSET. I expected so much more. However, I don´t think the actors had much to work with this time.

Agatha Christie Short Story - A Bad Example? star
Agatha Christie Short Story Review "The Hound of Death" Does the hysteria come from the hallucinating miracle-working nun or from laughter at the poor delivery of a melodramatic and implausible tale?

Agent Provocateur star[offsite link]
If Kate Moss is wearing it, it�s got to be good! Lingerie and nightwear that is both comfortable and truly desirable - feel like a goddess

Aging star[offsite link]
an interesting study about twins and aging

Airport Pizza, Nome star
Airport Pizza has been featured on NPR´s Weekend Edition, the CBS Evening News and a wide variety of newspapers and magazines across the country because of their pizza delivery service. They also serve up great food!

Aish.com star[offsite link]
A major Jewish educational resource that pulls together the efforts of various Jewish educational centers. The site includes articles and information pertaining to Jewish observance, family, singles, Israel, and contemporary issues.

Akira star
This is a review of the classic anime film, Akira.

AL:Homeschool History Academy in AL star[offsite link]
Huntsville, Alabama is the home to an awesome set of classes for homeschoolers, ranging from Inventors to Cabinetmaking/Woodworking.

Alabama Co-op (South) *NEW star[offsite link]

Alabama’s Orange Beach Awaits You star
From sun-kissed beaches to soaring Ferris wheels, this Gulf Coast community provides a variety of enjoyable attractions.

Alan´s Kitchen star[offsite link]
A variety of sandwich ideas, with recipes for simple cold fillings like egg salad, ham salad, tuna salad and chicken salad, to hot sandwich recipes like Grilled Flank Steak Fajitas on Tortillas, Sausage and Peppers Hoagies, Pita Chicken Sesame, Santa Fe Corn Dogs and more.

Alaska Bird Club star[offsite link]
A bird club in Anchorage, Alaska, dedicated to educationand owner support.

Alaska by Alice Adams star
This is a short story by Alice Adams that is an interesting collection of contrasts and similarities.

Alaska Seafood star[offsite link]
A good assortment of seafood recipes from Alaska Seafood.

AlaskaOne.com star[offsite link]
Find travel information, tour packages and more for your vacation in Alaska.

Alaska´s Geographical Regions star
A basic listing of towns, climate, wildlife, and travel accessibility for Southeastern.

Alaska´s Geographical Regions star
A basic listing of regional hubs, climate, wildlife and travel options for Western Alaska.

Alectra star[offsite link]
A division of Kiyonna, specializing in plus-size intimate apparel. No bras just camis, panties and hosiery Sizes 10 - 32. I’m a big fan of Kiyonna’s regular clothing line which is why I’m mentioning it.

ALEPH star[offsite link]
Aleph is the Alliance for Jewish Renewal. This site explains what Jewish Renewal is, connects with Jewish Renewal communities, and has a lot of information about Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, a leading figure in this movement which borrows from the Chassidic meditative tradition and presents it in a contemporary setting.

Alex Delaware Series star

Alex Foundation star[offsite link]
Learn about Dr. Irene Pepperberg´s research with Alex, the African Grey Parrot.

Alfred Hitchcock star[offsite link]
A site dedicated to all things Alfred Hitchcock.

Alice In Wonderland Unbirthday star
Throw a stylish fun Alice In Wonderland birthday party!

All About Cookies! star[offsite link]
Secrets for Perfect Cookies, Bar Cookies, Rolled Cookies, Drop Cookies, Refrigerator or Icebox Cookies, Macaroons, Cookie Exchanges, Cookie Sheets, Mailing Cookies, Cookie History

All About Dior... star[offsite link]
Christian Dior is one of the most popular designers of all time. You can see a rolling chronology of the company´s history, as well as view a photo fashion gallery that gives details about some of their more famous designs. (Go to "About Dior" at the top of the page to access.)

All About Entertaining - Summer Parties star[offsite link]
Betty Crocker.Com features menus with recipes and planning guides. Great Grilling Get-Togethers, A Summer Solstice Gathering, A Fourth of July Blast, A Pack-´n-Go Picnic, A 19th Hole Brunch, A Family Reunion BBQ, A Beautiful Summer Brunch, A Fire-Up-the-Grill Get-Together, A Rev-´em-Up Race Day Picnic, and a Summers´ Bounty Brunch are just some of the fun ideas for summer gatherings.

All About General´s Tso´s Chicken star[offsite link]
Here is the recipe and the history of one of the favorite American Chinese restaurant dishes.

All about Moccasins star[offsite link]
This site includes history, various styles, instructions, and numerous photos

All About Scanning star[offsite link]

All About Shrimp star[offsite link]
Buying Shrimp, Deveining & Cooking Shrimp, Brining Shrimp, Shrimp Etiquette, and Shrimp Recipes

All Culinary Schools star[offsite link]
Interested in a cooking career? Here´s a complete online guide to culinary education and careers.

All Fats Are Not Created Equal star
An informative article about fats by guest author Elizabeth Yarnell.

All Homemade Cookies. star[offsite link]
All Homemade Cookies provides easy and delicious cookie recipes from all over the world - recipes for Bar cookies and Brownies, Cut-Out CookiesDrop Cookies, Filled Cookies, Low Fat Cookies, Pressed Cookies, No-Bake Cookies, and more...

All Inclusive Retreats star[offsite link]
Affordable, fun weekends away!

All Inclusive Website Hosting Plan Review star
One essential element for successful modern businesses making money online is professional website hosting. Whether you´re hosting one business or starting a 20 site media company - this all-in-one offers all you need.

All Spirit Fitness star[offsite link]
Several methods of how-to-meditate in online articles including Zen and Transcendental Meditation.

All the Little Liars Book Review star
Roe and her new husband Robin are coping with the disappearance of Roe´s half-brother, Phillip, and several of his friends. Are they still alive? How could an entire group of kids go missing? Hopefully, Roe who is an amateur sleuth, can find them before it´s too late.

All These Perfect Strangers Book Review star

All-American Patriotic Pizza Recipe star
Show your patriotism with this yummy pizza which resembles the American flag.

Allcrafts.net - lots of free patterns catorgorised star[offsite link]
Lots of information and patterns about crochet, Catagorised

Allergies star[offsite link]
the study of twins in allergy research is discussed in this site. It offers scientific data on allergy findings. Fraternal and Identical twins were used in this study.

Allergies and children star[offsite link]
allergy testing information and advice on the real cause of allergy-like symptoms.

Alligators, Crocodile - Dream Symbols star
Alligators and crocodiles often appear in dreams as warnings or symbols of danger. They may also be shadow creatures. Read on for more information.

Allowing Children Free Agency star
We can allow children to exercise free agency in small ways to prepare them for bigger choices later on. we must "stand in the gap" and do what is best for our children even if others disagree with our parenting choices.

Almond Coconut Brownies Recipe star

Almost ACME Coleslaw star

Alphabet Blocks star[offsite link]
Antique Alphabets blocks to download and print.

Alternative Gift Ideas star
This holiday season why not avoid all of the shopping mayhem and give something more in line with the real spirit of the season? I’ve been looking at some gift ideas that show your loved ones you really care and you can make a positive change in the world at the same time.

Alternative Medicine Bellaonline star

Amanda Knox - Italian vs. American Justice star
After deliberating for over 11 hours, an Italian jury convicted Ms. Knox of all charges except theft. But, there are still some very compelling questions about the evidence and process it used in making its determination.

Amazing Crochet star[offsite link]
The name pretty much says it all, very beautiful and different designs.

Amazing Stories star[offsite link]
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Supernatural Horror and Superheroes

Amelia Earhart - Kansas Heroine star
Amelia Earhart, the world´s first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, was the heroine from Kansas. She was always elegant and feminine but what made her driven and independent? Amelia Earhart surely paved the way for all other female aviators.

Amelia Earhart Movie star
Subtopic - Subject Biographic. Over the years, aviatrix Amelia Earhart has garnered a lot of attention. New evidence and new technologies bring her forward again.

Amelia Review star
"I´m going to fly around the world." "It can´t be done!´ "Well let´s change that." Amelia Earhart had the heart and vision to do what no one had ever done before, and she did it knowing that in a new world era her actions carved a stairway for other women who had the will to try.

Amelia Review star
"I´m going to fly around the world." "It can´t be done!" "Well let´s change that." Amelia Earhart had the heart and vision to do what no one had ever done before, and she did it knowing that in a new world era her actions carved a stairway for other women who had the will to try.

American Association of Birth Centers star[offsite link]
Find a birth center near you!

American Authors star

American Cinematheque star[offsite link]

American Cockatiel Society star[offsite link]
Upcoming ACS affiliated shows.

American Dietetic Association star[offsite link]

American Federation of Aviculture star[offsite link]
THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF AVICULTURE (AFA) is a non-profit organization established in 1974 dedicated to the preservation of aviculture.

American Film Institute star[offsite link]

American Heart Association star[offsite link]

American Jewish Committee star[offsite link]
Lots of resources on Jewish identity, Israel, holidays, and more.

American Jewish University star[offsite link]

American Kennel Club (AKC) Recognized Breeds star[offsite link]
The American Kennel Club - dog breeds from A to Z, with pictures, descriptions, standards and videos.

American Movie Channel (AMC TV) star[offsite link]

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 star
Young people in the US are going to war, serving their country, and coming home to face bleak employment opportunities, only to realize their pro-rata share of $44,000 of government debt. How is government spending affecting your world?

American Red Cross star[offsite link]
Learn Where your Help is Needed and What you can Do

American Short Fiction star[offsite link]
American Short Fiction announces its Short Story Contest judged by National Book Award Finalist Dan Chaon. The winner will receive $1,000 and publication in our summer issue. Entries accepted between September 15-December 1 and all entries considered for publication. Send one story and a $20 entry fee to American Short Fiction, Short Story Contest, P.O. Box 301209, Austin, TX 78703. Full guidelines at www.americanshortfiction.org.

American Singers Club star[offsite link]
The National Organization for the American Singer Canary

Amethyst - February Birthstone star
Gorgeous amethyst, the birthstone for February, makes for popular and often affordable jewelry. While some collect only amethyst jewelry, others collect jewelry made with purple gemstones; amethyst is considered the beauty barometer against which all other purple stones are measured.

Ammolite - A Canadian Treasure and the Rarest of All Gemstones star
In our continuing series of Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About gemstones articles, Ammolite - A Canadian Treasure, the Rarest Gemstone of All, features comments and advice from our gemology expert, Barbara W. Smigel, PhD., Graduate Gemologist, GIA.

Amun - Egyptian God star
Amun had many aspects in his role as a deity. At first he was an earthly god, in human form, yet invisible. His name, Amun, meant "Hidden One", for he represented the essential and hidden.

An Affair to Remember Movie Review star
She finishes his sentences and he answers before she speaks. Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr have more magic between them than that which is written in their lines. The personalities of two cinematic greats quietly attain cult level greatness.

An Alaskan Thanksgiving star
How do villages in the Alaska Bush celebrate Thanksgiving? Here´s a glimpse of a Thanksgiving Feast in one Eskimo village.

An Audience with Caroline Myss star
I travelled to Bristol to hear Caroline Myss deliver the Christopher Pilkington Memorial Lecture on ‘Why and How we Heal’. I’m glad I made the journey as she speaks so much spiritual sense about healing. Here I distil some of her key messages for you.

An Echo of Murder Book Review star

An Education Review star
"So what you´re telling me is to be bored & then bored & finally bored again but this time for the rest of my life." A 17-year-old girl faces the world from both sides at once while she simultaneously prepares for Oxford and gets caught in the swirl of glamorous London nights and Paris mornings.

An Evil Man Sins Seven Deadly Times star
How evil can a killer be? How about Seven Deadly Sins evil?

An Experience of Crystal Healing star
People are sometimes sceptical that crystals can be agents of healing. The following is an account of my partner Steve´s first encounter with crystal healing, which was a bit of an eye opener for him. This is an extract from my book Light behind the Angels.

An IEP Teams Introduction to Functional Behavioral Assessment star[offsite link]
Tons of information - includes identifying the problem behavior, data analysis, addressing skill deficits and modifying the learning environment.

An Insectivore in Oaxaca star
Oaxaca´s famed gastronomy is complex and varied, and the cooking and eating of insects dates back to pre-hispanic times: grasshoppers, caterpillars and ants´ eggs are some of the local specialities.

An insectivore in Oaxaca star
Oaxaca´s famed gastronomy is complex and varied, and the cooking and eating of insects dates back to pre-hispanic times: grasshoppers, caterpillars and ants´ eggs are some of the local specialities.

An Introduction to Shamanism star
Shamanism is often thought of in connection with Native American culture, however there are many Shamanic customs and practices to be found across the globe. Shamanism can be traced back at least 50,000 years.

Anaheim Angels star[offsite link]

Anaheim Mighty Ducks star[offsite link]
NHL Western Conference

Anaheim Mighty Ducks Autism Awareness Night star
Help raise autism awareness at the Anaheim Mighty Ducks game.

Anal Sacs - More Than You ever Wanted to Know About Anal Sacs or Why is My Pet Scooting? star[offsite link]
Some dogs become unable to empty their anal sacs on their own, the sacs become impacted and uncomfortable. Dogs will usually scoot their rear on the ground in an attempt to empty the glands. They can be emptied in one of two ways.

Analog Science Fiction & Fact star[offsite link]
availabel in print and e-format

Ananda Books and Gifts star[offsite link]

Ancestry.com star[offsite link]
A brand new, FREE geneology research site listing more than 7.5 Million Names in the U.S. Indian Censuses; The Best Resource for Tracing American Indian Family History

Ancient Egypt Unit Study star[offsite link]
This comprehensive unit study will excite your cultural homeschooler!

Ancient Greece Lapbook star[offsite link]
Wow! Ancient Greece will fascinate your homeschooler!

Ancient Greek Recipes star[offsite link]

Andromeda the Chained Princess star
Andromeda stands in the northern sky eternally chained to her rock. She is one of the five constellations that Ptolemy described in the second century, all part of one particular ancient Greek myth. In the constellation is a quadruple star, a blue snowball, exoplanets and spiral galaxies.

Angel Animals star[offsite link]
Animals provide spiritual qualities such as unconditional love, joy, healing, forgiveness, patience, courage, and gratitude—virtues that are often lacking in our modern high-tech yet low-touch lives. Discover fascinating reasons why millions view animals as angels. This site is dedicated to increasing love and respect for all life... one story at a time.

Angel Hair Pasta and Almond Pie Recipe star
A fantastic dessert that is delightful to look at and even better to eat.

Angel Medicine star
Both a spiritual adventure story and a reference book, Angel Medicine is an exciting 3-part work by Doreen Virtue about the secret healing methods of Atlantis, messages from Hermes, Stonehenge, and the angels, scientific studies and case histories, and helpful charts for healing with crystals and angels.

Angel Oracle Cards star
Using an angel oracle pack is a great way to start to communicate with your angels. At a recent angel workshop we had access to an abundance of angel oracles. Here I present a selection of my tried and trusted decks and a few that I saw on that day.

Angel Quiz star
How much do you know about angels? Test your knowledge with this fun quiz!

Angels Burning Book Review star
Dove Carnahan is the Chief of Police in the small town of Buchanan, where the tortured body of a young girl has been discovered. While investigating, her dysfunctional childhood comes back to haunt her.

Angels From Above star[offsite link]
Poetry/lyrics about angels.

Anger Management star[offsite link]
Although anger is a natural emotion, it may be getting the best of you. Instead of expressing your anger in a healthy and assertive way, you may be expressing it in a hostile, aggressive manner — a manner that could lead to violence and a slew of personal and professional consequences. Here are some points to consider when assessing whether you express your anger in a healthy or unhealthy manner, and how to get a better grasp of anger management.

Anger Management Meditations star
A series of meditation lessons approaching anger management from a spiritual point of view.

Angie Housman/Murders star
It is because of Angie and Cassidy, two beautiful angels, that I am committed to helping Missing and Exploited Children. Those two little girls gave me the strength and courage to apply for this website. I have thought about Angie and Cassidy everyday since my daughter was born in December of 1993.

Anglo-Saxon Pantheon star
Anglo-Saxon Mythology of gods and goddesses

Angus and Dundee star[offsite link]

Animal & Nature star
Equine, panther, reptile, frog, floral and other animal and nature jewelry.

Animal ABC´s star[offsite link]
Lists of animal ABC´s from Creative Scrapbooking.

Animal Den star[offsite link]
Unique and interesting bird related items (other animal related items as well) ranging from jewellery to clothing to mousepads, address label stickers and mugs. Check this one out.

Animal Motif-Antique & Contemporary star
For anyone with a passion for jewelry inspired by animals, collecting is a fascinating journey of discovery. From an early Cartier diamond-studded, gold panther to the fabulous, contemporary art jewelry of Laurie Stetzler, the animal motif is alive and well.

Animal Planet Dog Breed Directory star[offsite link]
This dog breed directory is designed to inform you about the different breeds and help you choose the best dog for you. Click on the name of a breed from the pull down list to read about the breed history, plus temperament, upkeep, health concerns, form and function.

Animal Protein vs Plant Protein - 3 Major Facts star
When it comes to choosing animal protein vs plant protein, which one is better? What are the main nutritional differences between animal protein vs plant protein? Read this article to find out…

Animal Protein vs Plant Protein - 3 Major Facts star
When it comes to choosing animal protein vs plant protein, which one is better? What are the main nutritional differences between animal protein vs plant protein? Read this article to find out…

Animal Protein vs Vegetable Protein: Key Quesitons star
How to choose between animal protein vs vegetable protein? Here are the 6 key questions you should ask before making the decision...

Animal Spirit is Good Medicine star
Each animal has their own power and attributes. For instance, the bear symbolizes strength, power, self awareness, and survival.

Animal Spirit, Antelope to Bear star
Native American tribes are numerous throughout our lands. Animal symbolism may vary from tribe to tribe. Following are some basic attributes of animals from A - B

Animal Spirit, Beaver to Bluebird star
Beavers are hard-working, diligent and industrious little critters. They are great builders and very ingenious. The dams they build in their colonies provide them with deep, still waters.

Animal Spirit, Blue Jay to Buffalo star
The Blue Jay is inquisitive and often aggressive. It can be a noisy little critter

Animal Spirit, Bull to Coyote star
Following are some basic attributes of animals from Bull to Coyote.

Animal Spirit, Crane to Dolphin star
Following are some basic attributes of animals from Crane to Dolphin.

Animal Spirit, Dog to Eagle star
Dogs have been invaluable for people for centuries. They have been used to help with hunting, herding, protection...

Animal Spirit, Elephant to Goat star
Following are some basic attributes of animals from Elephant to Goat.

Animal Spirit, Goldfinch to Grouse star
Native American tribes are numerous throughout our lands. Animal symbolism may vary from tribe to tribe. Following are some basic attributes of animals from Goldfinch to Grouse.

Animal Spirit, Hawk to Lion star
Native American tribes are numerous throughout our lands. Animal symbolism may vary from tribe to tribe. Following are some basic attributes of animals from Hawk to Lion.

Animal Spirit, Lizard to Otter star
Native American tribes are numerous throughout our lands. Animal symbolism may vary from tribe to tribe. Following are some basic attributes of animals from Lizard to Otter.

Animal Spirit, Owl to Penguin star
This series of articles also includes the spirit powers of birds, insects, and reptiles.

Animal Spirit, Pheasant to Prairie Dog star
Native American tribes are numerous throughout our lands. Animal symbolism may vary from tribe to tribe. Following are some basic attributes of animals from Pheasant to Prairie Dog.

Animal Spirit, Quail to Raven star
Native American tribes are numerous throughout our lands. Animal symbolism may vary from tribe to tribe. Following are some basic attributes of animals from Quail to Raven.

Animal Spirit, Rhinoceros to Seal star
Native American tribes are numerous throughout our lands. Animal symbolism may vary from tribe to tribe. Following are some basic attributes of animals from Rhinoceros to Seal.

Animal Spirit, Snake to Squirrel star
Native American tribes are numerous throughout our lands. Animal symbolism may vary from tribe to tribe. Following are some basic attributes of animals from Snake to Squirrel.

Animal Spirit, Stag to Swan star
Native American tribes are numerous throughout our lands. Animal symbolism may vary from tribe to tribe. Following are some basic attributes of animals from Stag to Swan.

Animal Spirit, Tiger and Turtle star
Animal symbolism may vary from tribe to tribe. Following are some basic attributes of the Tiger and Turtle.

Animal Spirit, Weasel to Wolf star
Animal symbolism may vary from tribe to tribe. Following are some basic attributes of the Weasel, Whale, and Wolf.

Animals That Serve star
Few people realize that exotic animals can help people with disabilities lead a happier and richer life; allowing them independence they would not have had without these service exotic animals. Miniature horses, monkeys to ferrets, allow the dignity these folks ought to have.

Animated Knitting Techniqes star[offsite link]
From DnT Inc., nifty animations illustrating the basics, plus more advanced technique like short row wrapping, i-cord and duplicate stitch.

Animation - Flash ActionScript star
Articles and tutorials for Flash ActionScript

Animation - Flash Catalyst star
Articles and tutorials for Flash Catalyst

Animation - Flash MX 2004 star
Articles and tutorials for Flash MX 2004

Animation - Getting Started With Flash star
To learn Flash start here

Animation Newsletter star
Animation Newsletter is the easiest way to keep up with the latest articles about animation projects, book and software reviews, tutorials, resources and more. Delivered straight to your mailbox once a week.

Anime vs. Film Adaptation - A star
Here you will find anime vs. manga comparisons for properties that begin with the letter A.

Anime Basics star
Anime Basics is an anime ebook written by Lesley Aeschliman and published by BellaOnline.

Anime Clubs star
Here you will find information for anime clubs in the United States, as well as across the globe.

Anime Conventions star
Here you will find information for anime conventions held in the United States, as well as across the globe.

Anime Hangman Game star
Try your hand at this game of Hangman, which only features anime-related words.

Anime History star
Here you will find information on the history of anime.

Anime Information star
Here you will find information on anime and the anime industry.

Anime Music Videos star
Here you will find information on how to create anime music videos.

Anime Music Videos (AMVs) star
This article is about anime music videos (AMVs).

Anime Music Videos Assembling Your Video star
After you have acquired the anime footage you need for your video, it´s time to arrange that footage into your final project.

Anime Music Videos DVD to MPEG star
The second step in creating an anime music video is to rip DVD footage into MPEG or WMV files.

Anime Music Videos Matching a Soundtrack star
After you assemble the footage for your video, you need to match the music with your footage.

Anime Music Videos Planning Your Project star
You see an anime music video on YouTube, and think you’d like to make one of your own. If you aspire to produce your own video, then the first, and most important, step of the project is planning.

Anime Music Videos Titles and Credits star
After you have synchronized your video and audio and you´re happy with the results, it´s time to put on titles and credits.

Anime Reviews star
Anime Reviews is an ebook that compiles the anime reviews written by Lesley Aeschliman, BellaOnline´s Anime editor.

Anime Reviews Volume 2 star
Anime Reviews Volume 2 features anime reviews written by Lesley Aeschliman, BellaOnline´s Anime editor.

Anime Reviews Volume 3 star
Anime Reviews Volume 3 features anime reviews written by Lesley Aeschliman, BellaOnline´s Anime editor.

Anime Reviews Volume 4 star
Anime Reviews Volume 4 features anime reviews written by Lesley Aeschliman, BellaOnline´s Anime Editor.

Anime Shop star
The Anime Shop features many of the products that have been reviewed in the Anime section.

Anime Shows star
Anime Shows compiles the anime overviews written by Lesley Aeschliman, BellaOnline´s Anime editor.

Anime Shows Volume 2 star
Anime Shows Volume 2 features anime overivew articles written by Lesley Aeschliman, BellaOnline´s Anime editor.

Anime Shows Volume 3 star
Anime Shows Volume 3 features anime overview articles written by Lesley Aeschliman, BellaOnline´s Anime editor.

Anime Shows Volume 4 star
Anime Shows Volume 4 features anime overview articles written by Lesley Aeschliman, BellaOnline´s Anime Editor.

Anime vs. Film Adaptation star
This section contains articles that compare anime series with film adaptations.

Anime vs. Film Adaptation - D star
Here you will find anime vs. manga comparisons for properties that begin with the letter D.

Anime vs. Film Adaptation - S star
Here you will find anime vs. manga comparisons for properties that begin with the letter S.

Anime vs. Manga star
This section contains articles that compare anime series to their manga source material.

Anime vs. Manga - C star
Here you will find anime vs. manga comparisons for properties that begin with the letter C.

Anime vs. Manga - F star
Here you will find anime vs. manga comparisons for properties that begin with the letter F.

Anime vs. Manga - R star
Here you will find anime vs. manga comparisons for properties that begin with the letter R.

Anime Word Scramble and Word Search Games star
Do you enjoy word scrambles and word searches? Try your luck with these anime-themed games.

AnimeCons.com star[offsite link]
This site provides news and information about anime conventions in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere.

Anise star
Anise belongs in the same botanical family as parsley and carrots and has many health benefits.

Annabelle´s Quotation Guide star[offsite link]
By subject, lots of quotations!

Anne Enright - Taking Pictures - Caravan - Review star
Anne Enright is at it again – publishing bold short stories,that is.Her new collection is called ‘Taking Photos.´ In a personal review, your Short Stories editor shares,for Mother´s Day,her experiences of travelling with Anne through the monotony and mayhem.In this story it´s vacation motherhood.

Anne Enright Review - Short Story star
Booker Prizewinner Anne Enright has also written Short Stories. In ´The Portable Virgin´ all the glory and the grime of romantic attachment is there. Sometimes uproariously funny, sometimes shocking and bitterly sad, the stories are sure to take your mind off whatever thoughts you may be having!

Anne Enright Review - The Portable Virgin star
Booker Prizewinner Anne Enright wrote Short Stories too. A review to help you decide whether they are shockingly brilliant or brilliantly shocking. Review includes Book Buying Decision Tips and Gift Book Recommendations for Friends. or Family Christmas,Birthday,Wedding,Mother´s Day or Showers.

Anneke en Hans leren meditatie star

anntaylorloft.com star[offsite link]
Durable and fun tees that go anywhere.

Annual Winter Events in Alaska star
When the weather turns colder and the days get shorter, Alaskans don’t stop enjoying the great outdoors.

Ansel Adams - American Landscape Photographer star
American photographer Ansel Adams captured the American natural landscape in its most majestic form, and is no doubt best remembered for his sublime black and white photographs of the landscape of the American West. Read more about Ansel Adams here in this article...

Answers in Genesis star[offsite link]
Creation, Evolution, and Christian Apologetics

Anthology Film Archives star[offsite link]
This collection of avant-garde and independent films is based in New York.

Anthony Horowitz Short Stories for Children star
Exciting Mystery Short Stories by Anthony Horowitz are presented in the Three of Diamonds collection from the Diamond Brothers Stories series. Ideal for reading aloud to children, they are fast-paced, punchy and funny. In the first ´The French Confection´ our two incorrigible heroes hit Paris.

Antojitos, the Street Food of Mexico star
The actual meaning of the word “antojitos” is sudden cravings or hankerings, but it is used to describe delicious Mexican snacks, based on corn tortillas, which are enjoyed in Mexico throughout the day; they are typical of Mexican street and market food, and a real gastronomic adventure and treat.

Anton Chekhov - Joy - Short Story Review star
Anton Chekhov Short Stories - Joy - Take a Master Class from this Short Story Maestro. Warm familial scenes of Russian Victorian domesticity and a sly dig - short story about journalism,media and establishment bureaucracy, story about sons,story about foolishness or story about getting published!

Anton Chekhov´s Best Short Stories From Russia star
Anton Chekhov´s best short stories are presented on audio CD for all to enjoy, whether in-car or on the CD player.Short Story students will find them great for studying,some of his most celebrated short stories are presented through the quintessentially English voice of actor Stephen Fry.

Ants Lapbook star[offsite link]
Ants are interesting and icky!

Anxiety, Depression and Chronic Worry star
This article is a continuation of "What are the Differences between Anxiety and Depression?" with true-to-life examples and illustrations applicable to many situations.

AOL Television star[offsite link]

AP as an Educational Option star
There are a myriad of educational options out there for adolescents. Advanced Placement (AP) courses are one such option. Read on to find out more...

Apache Creation Story star
In the beginning was only Tepeu and Gucumatz (Feathered Serpent). These two sat together and thought, and whatever they thought came into being.

Aperture Foundation star[offsite link]
Aperture — The premier not-for-profit arts institution dedicated to advancing fine photography

Appalachain Legends, The Mothman star
Spending a few days not far from where the Mothman was said to have appeared, Point Pleasant, WV, I was inspired to look into his story in more detail.

Appearance Do´s and Don´ts star[offsite link]
This is a great resource for women with lots of advice on professional dress and appearance.

Apple Blackberry Pie star
Since the very first time I had ever tasted one I have been in love with blackberries and am always on the lookout for good recipes that feature blackberries.

Apple Blackberry Pie star
Since the very first time I had ever tasted one I have been in love with blackberries and am always on the lookout for good recipes that feature blackberries.

Apple Bread star
Prepare this easy-to-make bread for family and friends using season fresh apples.

Apple Cider Brew star
Apple Cider becomes a foamy drink with this tasty recipe.

Apple Cider Time star
Memories of the old neighborhood and making fresh apple cider.

Apple Picking Tote - Tutorial star[offsite link]
A rectangular tote from the Purl Bee.

Apple Pie Tart star
Apple desserts aren´t just for fall. With the year round availabilty of a variety of apples, an apple a dessert is always each to make.

Apple Strudel star
Surprise your family and friends with this authentic German apple strudel.

Apple Struedel star
Instead of apple pie, make this scrumptious strudel your guests will rave about for years to come.

Apple Varieties & Uses star[offsite link]
Click on the name of an apple variety, to see a picture of that kind of apple, a description(tart, sweet, juicy?), it´s best uses(eating, baking, sauces, salads?), it´s prime availability, plus special hints.

Appleseed star
Appleseed is an anime film directed by Shinji Aramaki, and was released to Japanese theaters on May 17, 2004.

Appleseed (1988 OVA) star
The Appleseed OVA was released on April 21, 1988, and is loosely based on the Appleseed manga.

Appleseed DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of anime DVDs based on the Appleseed manga.

Appleseed Ex Machina star
Appleseed Ex Machina is the sequel to the 2004 Appleseed film that was directed by Shinji Aramaki.

Appleseed Ex Machina Blu-ray star
This is a review of the Blu-ray pressing for the Appleseed Ex Machina anime film.

Applique Basics star[offsite link]
An illustrated guide to several forms of applique including the baste method, freezer paper method, needle-turn method, and reverse applique.

April History in the Midwest star
Discover more about the events and the people that mark the month of April in Midwestern history. How much do you know about April in Midwestern-- and American history?

April´s Shower star
At this wedding shower, secrets are revealed, realizations come to light, and one woman refuses to let go of the love of her life.

Apron star[offsite link]
Full apron with a pocket and adjustable neck strap. From jcarolinecreative!

Apron Tutorial star[offsite link]
This tutorial shows how to make a double layer gathered half-apron.

Arabat star[offsite link]
The official site for Clive Barker´s "Arabat" series (none of his horror work is found here)

Archangel Oracle Cards star
Doreen Virtue, a clairvoyant metaphysician who works with the angelic and elemental realms in her writing and workshops, has just released a brand new deck Archangel Oracle Cards. Learn to connect with your Archangel with this beautiful card set.

Are All Tahitian Pearls Black? star
Amy Hourigan is a graduate of the Gemological Institute of America´s Graduate Pearls program, fashion writer, and accessories buyer for Moon River Pearls. I invited Amy to be our Guest Author this week.

Are Teen Celebrities Role Models? star
The world is full of teen superstars nowadays. But what makes so many people look up to them? Read on to learn more on teen celebrities!

Are Writing Groups Necessary? star
Writing groups have become very common. This article considers the pros and cons to participating in a writer group. Writing groups are not always beneficial to writers. Learn if they will work for you.

Are you in a sexless relationship? star[offsite link]
Talk to a professional about how to re-create or salvage the remaining intimacy in your relationship. Sex is a powerful connection, don´t miss out on that in your relationship.

Are You Spiritual? star
With the start of the New Year, everyone is making New Year’s Resolutions. It may be that your thoughts turn towards spirituality. Let me ask you, are you spiritual?

Argyll, Loch Lomond and the Forth Valley star[offsite link]

Arkansas Fishing, State Waters and Records star
While Arkansas doesn´t have an official state fish to call its own, they do have an incredible choice of fishing from the many lakes, streams and rivers that can be found all over the state.

Arms of Steel Workout Circuit star[offsite link]
challenging upper body circuit workout

Aromatherapy star
The Maoris in New Zealand used tea tree oil to heal battle wounds, Native Americans used vitamin C enriched spruce to treat skin conditions. Today as an alternative to pharmaceutical drugs, aromatherapy oils are used.

Aromatherapy Florals For Spring star
When I think of Spring, I can´t help but think of flowers. Here are some common floral essential oils and their healing properties.

Aromatherapy for Stress Relief star
When stress becomes too much, use the healing power of aromatherapy to ease the burden and promote relaxation.

Aromatherapy For The Holidays - Enjoy The Scents of the Season! star
Aromatherapy is perfect for relaxing year-round, but it´s especially useful during the stressful times of the holidays. Whether you seek to de-stress, invigorate, refresh, or calm, the scents of the season has something for everyone! (Christmas/Winter Holidays)

Aromatherapy: Nature’s Healing Essence star
Have you tried aromatherapy lately? If so, what is your favorite essential oil? Read this article to find out the two most practical oils used in aromatherapy, their benefits and how to use them...

Aromatics and More star[offsite link]
New Zealand supplier for soap and personal care ingredients. Serving customers in Australia, New Zealand and The Pacific Rim. They are your one stop shop for soap supplies, cosmetic ingredients and packaging. Check out their comprehensive skin care formulary and cosmetic ingredient glossary files for information, ideas and instructions

Around The World In 80 Wines star
The explosion of wine in recent years makes a world tour with wine a very popular party option!

Art Appreciation @ BellaOnline star

Art For The Holidays star
Browse a unique selection of art prints for the Christmas holiday...

Art History @ BellaOnline star

Art History Site star
Learn about Art History right here at BellaOnline.com.

Art Nouveau star[offsite link]
If the delicate style of Art Nouveau holds an interest for you, this site provides a brief history of the movement and links to places to view its distinctive brand of art and architecture in the cities of Paris and Nancy.

Art You Can Wear by Diana Kirkpatrick star
The inspiration for Diana Kirkpatrick’s beautiful work draws on her lifelong fascination with unique gemstones and on her travels, particularly through the American West, the Florida Keys, the Peruvian Andes, Egypt and North Africa.

Arthritis star
Read about the kinds of arthritis in dogs and arthritis symptoms. Learn how it´s treated and read about medications such Rimadyl and Glucosamine.

Arthritis - Rimadyl - Important News if Your Dog Takes Rimadyl star[offsite link]
Rimadyl (Carprofen), a medication introduced in January 1997, has proven to be a successful means of relieving arthritis symptoms in dogs. But...There is a growing body of evidence showing that the drug has serious side effects. Some dogs have died due to the unexpectedly rapid onset of side effects, and/or because the drug´s side effects were not recognized by the attending veterinarian who did not take appropriate action.

Arthritis - Using Glucosamine to Ease Arthritis Pain in Pets star[offsite link]
Information on how glucosamine actually works for easing arthritis pain in cats, the science backing glucosamine, and how to select the best glucosamine formula for dogs.

Arthritis Resource Center for Dogs star[offsite link]
Arthritis is a chronic, slowly progressing condition that is caused by the breakdown and destruction of cartilage. diagnosed and arthritis treatments. Read more about the types of arthritis, diagnosis and treatment.

Arthur at PBS Kids star[offsite link]
These games are fun and challenging for older preschoolers, and entertaining for everyone! My son used to love helping Buster scoop ice cream in the game called "Scoop!".

Arthur Rackham, Illustrator star
Good illustration can take one from reality to the world of fantasy in a flash -- just like falling down a rabbit hole can!

Article Writing star
Learn how to write Articles for profit.

Articles and Essays on Film Noir star[offsite link]

Articles on Biomedical treatment star[offsite link]
As ranked by Generation Rescue, this is a listing of Top Media Articles that provide information on the biomedical treatment of autism and other mercury-induced childhood neurological disorders and health problems.

Artistic Colored Stones - Your Source for Gemstone Jewelry, Gemstones, and Gemstone Carvings star
Artistic Colored Stones offers a wide selection of custom cut one-of-a-kind gemstones, designer gemstone jewelry, and gemstone carvings.

Arundel Castle star[offsite link]

Ashford New Zealand star[offsite link]
Well-known for their wheels and other spinning products, Ashford also produces their own line of wool. Here you´ll find several sweater patterns using Tekapo Yarn. All include photos.

Asian Beef Wrap Recipe star
Looking for something different for lunch? Try this amazing Asian beef wrap recipe. Stir fried beef wrapped with fresh lettuce, seasoned tomatoes, carrots and green onion make the perfect healthy and delicious lunch.

Asian/Oceanic Body Artists star
Tattoo shops and body piercers found in Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific Islands.

Asimov, Isaac star[offsite link]
The Asimov Vault. A great resource for learning about Isaac Asimov. Beside the usually biographical listings, there are article about his work and writing style.

Asimov´s Science Fiction star[offsite link]
Available in print and e-format

Ask Dr. Sears star[offsite link]
Dr. Sears is a well known pediatrician who believes in responding to your baby.

Ask the Astronomer star[offsite link]
Website of Dr. Sten Odenwald, astronomer and author of "The Astronomy Cafe." Here, Dr. Odenwald answers basic astronomy questions and gives readers a glimpse into the life and career of a full-time astronomer.

Ask the Astronomer star[offsite link]
Astronomer Sten Odenwald answers some of the most common questions about astronomy, covering not only the solar system but also what it´s like to be an astronomer.

Ask The Dietitian star[offsite link]

Aspirin Cake Recipe star[offsite link]
Add a chuckle to your day with this charming recipe...sure to become a family favorite!

Assessing Your Skills star[offsite link]
An excellent article at Monster about assessing your own job skills for a successful job search.

Assistance Dogs International, Inc. star[offsite link]
A coalition of not for profit organizations that train and place assistance dogs and educate the public to the benefits of these dogs. They establish and promote standards of excellence in all areas of assistance dog acquisition, training and partnership of service dogs, hearing dogs, guide dogs and therapy dogs. Educate the public to the benefits of Assistance Dogs

Assistance Dogs of America star[offsite link]
ADAI locates, trains and places highly skilled service and therapy dogs with disabled adults and children to help them become more independent. ADAI is dedicated to training ´throwaway´ dogs rescued from animal shelters, and/or dogs donated by pet owners.

Association of Avian Veterinarians star[offsite link]
Among other information you will find at this site, is a listing of veterinarians who belong to the Association of Avian Veterinarians.

Association of Jewish Family & Children’s Agencies star[offsite link]
The membership organization of Jewish Family Services throughout the United States and Canada. The site provides information about the organization, job opportunities, and member services.

Assorted Valentine´s Day Recipes star[offsite link]
Good collection of recipes perfect for Valentine´s Day.

Assyrian Pantheon star
Assyrian Mythology of gods and goddesses

Astro Boy Anime Series vs. Film star
This article compares the 1960´s Astro Boy anime series to the animated film released in 2009.

Astro Boy DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of DVDs released for the Astro Boy television anime series.

Astro Boy Mini Set 1 star
Right Stuf issued two DVD mini-sets for Astro Boy, and this is a review of the first mini-set.

Astro Boy Mini Set 2 star
Astro Boy Mini Set 2 is the second DVD mini-set that Right Stuf released for the 1960s Astro Boy anime series.

Astro for Kids star[offsite link]
Astronomy magazine´s kids´ section, offering an interactive introduction to astronomy. Features games, pictures and explanations of astronomical terms and concepts.

Astronomy Books as Gifts star
What about some astronomy-related books for presents? I´ve made a dozen recommendations, mostly for readers (8-14), but there are some for adults too. Maybe one would suit somebody on your list.

Astronomy Books as Gifts star
What about some astronomy-related books for presents? I´ve made a dozen recommendations, mostly for readers (8-14), but there are some for adults too. Maybe one would suit somebody on your list.

Astronomy Books as Gifts star
What about some astronomy-related books for presents? I´ve made a dozen recommendations, mostly for readers (8-14), but there are some for adults too. Maybe one would suit somebody on your list.

Astronomy Books as Gifts star
What about some astronomy-related books for presents? Here are some recommendations that include something for readers from eight to eighty and beyond. Maybe an astronomy book would suit somebody on your list.

Astronomy Humor star
Here’s a collection of astronomy jokes for kids, adults and geeks of all ages. Laughter helps to keep us young and healthy, so see if anything tickles your fancy. (And how *does* the Man in the Moon cut his hair?)

Astronomy – Why? star
Astronomy is an ancient science, and today a popular profession and pastime. But what attracts people to astronomy? What´s special about it? Here are some answers to this question in the words of astronomers through the ages.

Athena - Goddess Of Wisdom And Warfare star
Athena personifies the balance of masculine and feminine. To call upon Athena in a ritual and ask for her help can restore the balance within us, to recognize both our masculine and feminine sides will restore harmony.

Atlanta Restaurants - Be Adventurous star
Take a chance, and try a dish at one of Atlanta´s popular ethnic restaurants.

Atlanta Restaurants - Bring the Family star
Take the entire family out for more than just a meal. At one of these family-friendly spots, you´ll find fun for everyone.

Atlanta Restaurants - Just the Two of You star
Make a reservation for two, and enjoy a romantic rendezvous with that someone special.

Atlanta Restaurants - Music Makes Dining Better star
Next time you head to Atlanta, check out one of these popular eating destinations.

Atlas of the Universe star[offsite link]
Here is the visible universe on different scales, starting with a map of the stars within 12.5 light years. Each zoom then expands the view by 10-20 times: out through the Milky Way and the smaller galaxies held by its gravity, the Virgo Supercluster made up of groups of galaxies held together by gravity. This is really still our local area, as there are some ten million superclusters in the visible universe. There is additional information and a glossary to help your understanding.

Atlas of the Universe star[offsite link]
Here is the visible universe on different scales, starting with a map of the stars within 12.5 light years. Each zoom then expands the view by 10-20 times: out through the Milky Way and the smaller galaxies held by its gravity, the Virgo Supercluster made up of groups of galaxies held together by gravity. This is really still our local area, as there are some ten million superclusters in the visible universe. There is additional information and a glossary to help your understanding.

Attachment Parenting star
Informative articles and resources

Attachment Parenting star
Plenty of articles and helpful advice

Attachment Parenting Basics star
Getting started: What you need to know about Attachment Parenting

Attract New Email Subscribers Using Social Media star
Your presence on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social media venues provide a unique opportunity to build your email subscriber base and make your business known to a wider audience of potential customers. Are you attracting new email subscribers using your social media resources?

Attractions in Alabama star
Get ready for your adventure in the Yellowhammer State. Discover what Alabama has to offer.

Attractions in Georgia star
Get ready for your adventure in the Peach State. Discover what Georgia has to offer.

Attractions in South Carolina star
Get ready for your adventure in the Palmetto State. Discover what South Carolina has to offer.

Attuning to Crystals star
Attuning to a crystal literally means tuning into its energies. It is a process of getting to know a crystal, which goes beyond and is much more subtle and personal than looking it up in a reference book. Attuning is how you can really get to know your stones.

Audrey Hepburn site star[offsite link]
Here is Audrey Hepburn´s site.

Aunt Lynnie´s Kitchen star[offsite link]
Aunt Lynnie has collected many recipes over the years... from family, friends, newspapers and old cookbooks. Check out her tasty everyday recipes, holiday recipes, cooking remedies, emergency substitutions and much more!

Aura Quiz star
Take this fun quiz to test your knowledge about the aura.

Aurora Inn, Nome star
The Aurora Inn is one of two hotels in Nome. With its distinctive exterior and location overlooking the Bering Sea, it is a favorite with many visitors to Nome.

Aurorae - Polar Light Shows star
There´s a glow on the northern horizon. The Sun set hours ago and there are no city lights there. What´s up? You could be seeing nature´s great polar light show – an aurora. With solar activity on the rise, you might not have to go to the far north (or south) to see one.

Aurorae - Polar Light Shows star
There´s a glow on the northern horizon. The Sun set hours ago and there are no city lights there. What´s up? You could be seeing nature´s great polar light show – an aurora. With solar activity on the rise, you might not have to go to the far north (or south) to see one.

Australia: Movie Classifications star[offsite link]

Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime - Sacred Era star
The ancient mythology of the Aranda people is still adhered to today and is closely tied in to their spirituality. This belief is called the Dreamtime.

Australian Budgerigar Society star[offsite link]
Information, articles, links and more.

Australian National Cockatiel Society star[offsite link]
The Australian National Cockatiel Society Inc is a non - profit based club which endeavours to support and encourage anyone interested in aviculture, in particular the keeping and or breeding of the Cockatiel

Australian Sea Lions star
A unique species of sea lions battles extinction.

Author - Nonfiction Book Writer star
Learn how to become a nonfiction book author.

Author - Nonfiction Book Writer star
Learn how to write nonfiction books.

Autism Awareness 101 - QUIZ star
Test your knowledge with this 10 question Autism Quiz. Can you get 100% correct?

Autism Speaks in the News star
It was recently announced that Autism Speaks has joined forces with National Alliance for Autism Research (NAAR) and is one of the charities profiled in the final two installments on The Apprentice.

Autism Take Two! QUIZ star
Part two of testing the knowledge of awareness regarding Autism Spectrum Disorders. Don´t miss this fun trivia quiz.

Auto Europe star[offsite link]
Reliable car rentals in Italy and all of Europe.

Avens Corner star[offsite link]
Unique and creative, this site requires a visit!

Avian Biotech star[offsite link]
A comprehensive listing of avian diseases with descriptions.

Avian Network star[offsite link]
A great site to check out if you are just thinking about getting into birds or even if you already have one.

Avian Welfare Canada star[offsite link]
Located in Manitoba, Canada. The A.W.C. is a registered charitable non-profit orginization that focuses on public education, the mentorship and support of bird owners and adoption of surrendered birds.

Aviculture Advancement Council of Canada star[offsite link]
The AACC is a national Canadian organization formed to establish a uniform set of standards for the exhibition of cage birds in Canada

Avocado in Tomatillo Sauce Recipe star
This very typical Mexican salad partners the liveliness of ripe tomatillos with rich, smooth avocado, chillies and fragrant coriander, all characteristic Mexican ingredients – and accompanied by totopos or tortilla chips with which to scoop it up, it is a vibrant taste of Mexico.

Avocado, Pear of the Indies star
The Aztecs’ ahuacatl has become the avocado but the name bestowed upon it by the Spanish conquistadores was both more romantic and more evocative: pera de las Indias, pear of the Indies, illustrating its shape and what must have seemed, in the sixteenth century, an exotic and outlandish provenance

Avoiding the Freshman Fifteen star
An article from BellaOnline´s Stress Management site that discusses how to cope with the stress of transitions to avoid weight gain for both college freshmen and others.

Awaken to Life with Daily Rituals star
A fast-paced way of life can spiral into counterproductive patterns of worry, overcommitment, and perfectionism. If your current lifestyle depletes rather than feeds your happiness, a daily ritual might restore your sense of balance and personal power.

Awareness Bracelet and Jewelry Colors star
A listing of colors that have been used to promote awareness of various diseases and societal issues.

Awesome Cookbooks for Easy Weightloss star
Cooking healthy doesn´t have to be a hassle. It can be simple, delicious, and very weightloss oriented with tips from these awesome cookbooks.

Awesome New Workout Videos To Try! star
All new workout videos you can do at home that are challenging, get you results, and are loads of fun.

Axes of Mental Health Disorders star
Personality disorders are like tips of icebergs. They rest on a foundation of causes and effects, interactions and events, emotions and cognitions, functions and dysfunctions that together form the patient and make him or her what s/he is.

Ayrshire and Arran star[offsite link]

Ayurveda & Ayurvedic Products star[offsite link]
A wonderful collection of Ayurvedic products to promote total well being and health from head to toe.

Aztec Pantheon star
Aztec Mythology of gods and goddesses

B and B on the Sea - A Review star
The “Blue Hour” is a luxurious 48’ Californian yacht. It provides an at dock party facility, cruises (everything from sunset cruises on Charleston Harbor to week long Bahamas getaways) and most importantly, a bed & breakfast. Check out the review of this unusual lodging opportunity.

Baabajoes Wool star[offsite link]
New Zealand company offering yarns, wool packs, patterns and other products worldwide. Their site includes store listings for the US and Canada.

Babel Fish Translation star[offsite link]
Enter text to translate from Japanese to English or from English to Japanese, as well as to and from many other languages

Baby star
Links for unique baby shower invitations, announcements, thank you cards and more.

Baby Carrier Patterns star[offsite link]
This page has patterns and instructions for many variations of baby carriers.

Baby It´s You Review star
This is a sprightly, funny opposites-attract romance set in small-town Texas with appealing characters in flighty, free-spirit Kari and gruff, protective Marc. The character nuances and interactions are especially good.

Baby Shower Freebies star
If you are planning your own baby shower or planning a shower for a friend or family member, you don´t want to miss this list of Baby Shower Freebies.

Baby Shower Icebreaker Mixers star
Icebreaker games can help make guests more comfortable and encourage mingling outside their typical circle of friends.

Baby Shower Invitations star
The first peek a baby shower guest gets for the upcoming event is the baby shower announcement. What should invitations include and who gets them?

Baby Towel Bathrobe star[offsite link]
Instructions and pattern for making a baby bathrobe.

Babysitting Know-Hows star
For many teens, babysitting is a great source of money. Print out this checklist of questions to ask every family that you are babysitting for. That way, you will never forget to ask all the important questions before taking care of the little ones.

Babywearing Bag star[offsite link]
Pattern and instructions for making a soft bag.

Baby´s First Thanksgiving - Delicious Baby Food Recipes star[offsite link]
Instead of buying "Thanksgiving in a jar" baby foods, use these baby food recipes to give your baby a first Thanksgiving he won´t forget.

Baby´s First Year star[offsite link]
Creative Scrapbooking´s Baby´s First Year list of ABC words.

Bach Flower Remedies and Dreamwork star
Flower essences work to balance mind, body and spirit and can assist us in dreamwork.

Bachelorette Party Fun from Spencer Gifts! star[offsite link]

Back Extensions for A Strong Low Back star
Back extensions for a strong low back are a must for all beginners and even some experienced exercisers with weak low backs. The variations below promote spinal flexion and reinforce the s-curve of the back.

Back in Time Tarot Feb 2009 Book Club Review star
The Tarot Book Club Selection for February 2009 is the intriguing book, Back in Time Tarot Book. Join Us!

Back to Back Knits star[offsite link]
I´ve been a hand knitter and sewer all my life (my mom had a yarn shop for 30 years), and was introduced to knitting machines around the Millennium holiday. I was amazed at the speed at which I could produce items and the quality they produced and quickly got hooked.

Back to School star[offsite link]
A wonderful collection of healthy and nutritious recipes for your child.

Back to School and the Brown Bag - Tips on Packing a Lunch Full of ´Brain Foods´ star
While reading, writing, and arithmetic are key to a child´s academic success, understanding the ABCs of good nutrition -- and a good lunch -- may be just as important.

Back to School Lunch Box Help star
Eating a balanced, healthy lunch enhances learning ability and supplies energy for the rest of the school day.

Back to School Lunch Box Help star
Does your child´s new lunch box hold a meal that´s nutritious and well balanced? Eating a healthy lunch enhances learning ability and supplies energy for the rest of the school day.

Backgrounds & Borders star[offsite link]
Print up some adorable borders!

Backpacking with Dogs star

Bacon Cheddar Cheese Ball star
Super easy and super good. Serve with crackers for a super presentation.

Bad Man, Good Family star
What kind of person represents the most evil among us? Isn´t the person who shows a kind veneer, who is indeed kind to his own family, but commits hideous, suffering murders of strangers, the worst sort of evil?

Bad Women, Really Bad star
Three beautiful women from mystery movies, use one set of men to provide them with money through marriage, and a second set to murder their boring husbands. The queens of Double Indemnity, Body Heat, and the Last Seduction.

Badges & Journeys Together for a Complete Girl Scout Experience star[offsite link]
Here�s an informative chart published by GSUSA illustrating how leaders can use GS badges & journeys together to provide a complete Girl Scout experience.

Baggy star[offsite link]
Small shoulder bag from Pfaff (made with leather in the pattern but fabric could be used as well). Link opens a .pdf file.

Bahá´í Faith - A Way Forward star[offsite link]
A new documentary on the Bahá´í Faith in action - in Africa!

Baked French Toast with Blueberry Sauce star[offsite link]
This wonderful breakfast recipe begins with hand sliced French or Italian bread. Plan ahead... refrigerate batter drenched bread slices overnight before baking.

Baked Rabbit star

Baking Bread star[offsite link]
From Mother Earth News, basic bread making information about ingredients, equipment, kneading and other techniques, plus bread recipes.

Baking Dish & Pan Sizes star[offsite link]
A table to help determine substitutions of pans and dishes of similar a size if you don´t have the specific baking pan, dish, or mold called for in a recipe.

Baking with Kids star[offsite link]
In "Baking with Kids" you´ll find scrumptious kid-friendly recipes, safety tips and a personalized baking certificate that kids can download once they´ve completed their baking project. You´ll also find more useful techniques and activities that will help children have a safe, fun and rewarding time in the kitchen.

Balance star
We need both good and bad to keep us in balance and to give us strength.

Balance Ball Fitness star
Get the benefits of working on the ball plus tips on how to choose the right size ball.

Balance Ball Fitness star
The advantages of working out with a stability ball plus tips on how to choose the right size ball.

Baldy of Nome - by Esther Birsdall Darling star
Baldy of Nome chronicles the life of Baldy, one of Scotty Allan´s lead dogs. It also provides historical detail about the All-Alaska Sweepstakes in Nome in the early 1900´s.

Baldy of Nome by Esther Birdsall Darling star
Written in 1913, Baldy of Nome provides a historical look at Nome during the mining boom and the beginnings of long-distance sled dog racing.

Baldy of Nome by Esther Birdsall Darling star
Baldy of Nome chronicles the life of Baldy, one of Scotty Allan´s lead dogs. It also provides historical detail about the All-Alaska Sweepstakes in Nome in the early 1900´s.

Balmoral Castle star[offsite link]
Situated in royal Deeside, Balmoral is the Queen´s official residence when she´s in Scotland.

Bamburgh Castle star[offsite link]

Banana Cream Pie Recipe star
A healthier version of the old-fashioned classic.

Bang! - The Universe Verse - book review star
What would it take to explain the Big Bang Theory? James Lu Dunbar´s "Bang!" might do it - and amuse you and your children at the same time. It´s a splendid little book which tells the story of the universe in verse and appealing graphics.

Banph star[offsite link]
An illustrated story (long) about an ant-knight.

Banshee Of Lament star
Throughout Ireland and Scotland when one hears a high wailing sound in the countryside, chills start creeping along the arms and neck of the listener. This is a sound one does not wish to hear, for it is from a messenger of death.

Bar Cookie Baking Bloopers star[offsite link]
Remedies for your bar cookie baking problems from Quaker Oats

Bar Cookie FAQs star[offsite link]
Try these tips for bar cookies that are tender and chewy, not hard or doughy. Plus, easy cutting suggestions, ideas for unusual shapes, recipes and more.

Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah and Confirmation star[offsite link]
A basic introduction to the purpose and significance of this Jewish coming of age ceremony.

Barbecued Worm Sandwiches star
Kids will love these wormy sandwiches made with hot dogs.

Bare Naked Body Program star
This 6 week online workout program features 6 killer workouts that target every inch of your body. Yoga, bootcamp, circuit training, plus mp3 cardio download and metabolism ebook. $240 value for only $69.99

Barker, Clive star[offsite link]
Lost Souls, Clive Barker´s official website. Although he is more known for horror, he also has a few fantasy novels.

Barrett Browning´s Sonnets from the Portuguese star[offsite link]
Sonnets from the Portuguese, a seguence of 44 Petrarchan sonnets

Basements Step by Step Projects - Book Review star
"Basements Step by Step Projects" is part of the "Smart Guide" series by Creative Homeowner and walks you through completing your basement in an easy to understand format.

Basic Aura Color Information star
What do the colors in the aura mean? Here’s a basic guide to seeing the colors in your aura and what they say about you.

Basic Buddhism: On Reincarnation star[offsite link]
An Article on Reincarnation from a Buddhist perspective.

Basic Dough for Chinese Steamed Buns Recipe star
Do you love those meat filled Chinese buns and snacks? Here is the basic dough recipe for many of those delicious treats. At the end of this article you will find links to the recipes in which this dough is used.

Basic Purse - Tutorial star
This tutorial shows the basic steps for assembling a lined purse.

Basic Quilling Shapes star[offsite link]
Free quilling tutorial with pictures.

basic skin care star[offsite link]
Great place to start. It covers some basic points on skin care and how you can do it yourself.

Basic Stir-Fry Sauce star[offsite link]
This is an all purpose sauce that can be used for just about anything.

Basics of Jelly Making star[offsite link]
How to make jellies, jams, conserves, preserves and marmalades. Information about the fruit, pectin, acid and sugar; canning jars and equipment; making jelly without pectin; spoilage prevention; problems; doneness tests; and processing times.

Basket makers star[offsite link]
Everything about baskets! How To, Tutorials, Techniques, materials, supplies and Free patterns

Basketry Of Native Americans star
One of the oldest Native American crafts known is that of basketry. Archaeologists have identified baskets of the Southwest that are almost 8000 years old.

Basketry, Weaving and Cordage star[offsite link]
Native Tech´s Overview and instructions for baskets, fingerweaving and fiber cords

Bat Brain Bites star
A true delicacy, these bat brains can be served either before or after dinner.

Battle Beanie - Tutorial star[offsite link]
Pattern and instructions for making a helmet liner for soldiers.

Battle Royal by Ralph Ellison - A Review star
This story was written in 1948 and later became the opening chapter to Ralph Ellison´s novel "Invisible Man."

Baxter House star[offsite link]
Kentucky Retreat

BBQ Bests star[offsite link]
Get grilling with sizzling recipes from burgers to kabobs.... from kraft.

Be #1 on Google Book Review star
At some point bloggers ask themselves, where is my traffic coming from and why? Once they figure out the how, they want to know how to do it better. Be #1 on Google – 52 Fast and Easy Search Engine Optimization Tools to Drive Customers to Your Web Site offers you 52 ideas on how to bring in traffic.

Be Jane´s Guide to Home Empowerment - Review star
A book designed for women seeking to become the ultimate do-it-yourselfer in their own homes. Fifty-two projects are described in an easy-going, enjoyable format with very clear, informative directions.

Beach Body star[offsite link]
A fitness site with programs that get quick results. Try "Slim in 6" or "Turbo Jam" to get in wedding worthy shape.

Beach Towel Cover-Up star[offsite link]
Make a swimsuit cover-up out of a beach towel.

Bead Crochet - Swallow Hill Creations star[offsite link]
Bead purse kits, be careful it´s very very addicting!!!

Bead Crochet Ropes star[offsite link]
Step by step instructions and photos using size 10 crochet thread to made bead ropes.

Bead Headdress star[offsite link]
Beaded Safety Pin Indian Headdress

Beads and beadwork - General Overview star[offsite link]
This section of Native Tech has information on traditional techniques and materials used to make beads

Beadwrangler star[offsite link]
Lydia is a historian and a bead crochet teacher. Offers kits, patterns, and supplies. Lot of book, product reviews and interesting bead history information

Beak N Wings Educational Pet Bird Club star[offsite link]
Located in Kansas City, USA

Bear Scrap Retreat star[offsite link]
Southern Indiana scrapbook retreat

Beast King GoLion DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of DVDs released for the Beast King GoLion television anime series.

Beast King GoLion Volume 1 star
Beast King GoLion Volume 1 is a three-disc set that contains the first 18 episodes of the series; this series is the original source for what ended up becoming Lion Force Voltron in the United States.

Beast King GoLion Volume 2 star
Beast King GoLion Volume 2 is a three-disc set that contains 18 episodes of the series; this series is the original source material for what ended up becoming Lion Force Voltron in the United States.

Beast King GoLion Volume 3 star
Beast King GoLion Volume 3 is a three-disc set that contains the last 16 episodes of the series; this series is the original source material for what ended up becoming Lion Force Voltron in the United States.

Beat the Winter Blues Party star
What better way to combat the dreariness of winter than to throw a party. Invite your friends and family to an impromptu gathering that´s guaranteed to lift your mood.

Beautiful Losers Book Review star
Kim Slade, a psychologist specializing in clients with eating disorders, is being stalked. She believes it is by a former model who is disfigured and bitter. Kim also has a facial disfigurement, but is confident in her personal relationships, so she can´t understand why this man is after her.

Beauty - Skin Care star
Learn from experts how to care for you skin.

Become a Successful Poet star
How to become a successful poet.

Becoming the Enchanter by Lyn Webster Wilde star
A student of mine passed me her copy of Becoming the Enchanter saying she felt I should read it. I’m glad she did! The book tells of a personal voyage into the British Mysteries. When I found out that the author also lived in Wales I went to visit.

Bedfordshire County star[offsite link]

Bedroom Feng Shui star
A bedroom should be a private place reserved for rest and romance only. Does your bedroom support both? These simple bedroom Feng Shui changes, especially in regard to color, artwork, and bed placement, can help make your space more appealing.

Bedtime Story star[offsite link]
Whimsical, magical and adventurous online stories for children 6 and up.

Bee-utiful Scrapbooking star[offsite link]
A new site! Scrapbooking ideas and a layout gallery.

Beef Cooking Basics star[offsite link]
From Beef, It´s What´s for Dinner - Preparing beef for cooking; Cooking methods... should you cook it broil it, roast it, grill it, stir-fry?; Cooking equipment - pots & pans, sizes, etc.

Beef Cuts star[offsite link]
Click on a section - chuck, rib, loin, round, or flank to see pictures of the cuts made from each section with descriptions and suggested cooking methods.

Beef Fillets in Wine star
This elegant beef dish will melt in your mouth.

Beef Ragout From Your Crockpot star
Ragout is the term used for a stew that may or may not contain meat. As with all stews, the best cook will cook it slow over low heat.

Beef Steak Color Guide - Degrees of Doneness star[offsite link]
A steak color guide shows you what internal temperature to reach for your preferred level of doneness.

Beer and Alcohol Calories star[offsite link]
Alcohol and calorie content for 202 popular beers.

Beer Cocktail star
Add pizzazz to your beer.

Beet Dip Recipe star
Beet dip is a quick seasonal appetizer for fall and winter holidays. The vibrant red hues will light up any appetizer table!

Beetroot Juice and Hypertension star
Want to prevent high blood pressure by natural means? Learn how a simple vegetable juice can improve the health of your blood vessels and bring those numbers down!

Begin Your Career star
Want to start a career in nonfiction writing? Take a look around here for articles that will help you decide what kind of nonfiction writing career you want and how to begin.

Beginners baby crochet ideas star
Some easy crochet patterns and ideas for beginners. Crocheting for charities does not have to be difficult to be beautiful. Basic ideas on patterns and how to crochet for charties.

Beginners´ Interview Skills star
Interviewing can be intimidating but once you know these tips, you´ll wonder why you ever thought it was hard.

Being A Great Teen Driver star
Like most teens, you probably have to ask permission to drive. You are most likely to get a "yes" if your parents know you are a good, safe and responsible driver. Here are some tips on how to show them.

Being a Renaissance Artist star
Being a Renaissance artist was more than just painting pictures of subjects you love. It was a job, and required a lot of work to become recognized as a master.

Being Less Shy star
Everyone feels anxious around people sometimes. Some people are more shy than others. Here is the story of a boy who got over it and how he did it.

Beit Midrash Virtuali star[offsite link]
From the Masorti movement in Israel, a fantastic collection of shiurim on Mishnah, Halakhah, Hashkafah and Talmud.

Bel, Book and Scandal Book Review star

BeliefNet Buddhism star[offsite link]
Popular religion site Beliefnet´s Buddhism section.

Bell Book & Candle Supply star[offsite link]
Bell Book & Candle Supply offers high quality Books of Shadows, dream journals, candles (the pretty kind and good basics for candle magic), incense, and many other basics for people on a spiritual path.

Bell Witch Chronicles star
Tales of the Bell Witch of Tennessee are so well documented that is difficult to believe the stories are not true.

Bella and Healthology on Allergies star
Informative articles on allergies

Bella and Healthology on Asthma star
Informative articles on asthma

Bella and Healthology on Children´s Health star
Informative articles on children´s health

Bella and Healthology on Diabetes star
Informative articles on diabetes

Bella and Healthology on Epilepsy star
Informative articles on seizure disorders

Bella Healthology on ADHD star
Informative articles on ADHD

Bella Online Exercise Site star
Visit the bellaonline.com exercise site and you´ll find free ab workouts, free butt workouts, free fullbody workouts, free quick workouts, and more.

Bella Wedding Shop star[offsite link]

Everything you need to make your wedding complete: bubbles, gifts, garters, flowergirl attire, headpieces & veils, jewelry, and MUCH, MUCH more!

Bellaonline Exercise Site star
How to improve your workout routines, free workouts, diet tips for losing body fat and weight, and all the latest fitness trends.

Bellaonline Health pages star
This is a link to the Bellaonline exercise page if you want to get REALLY fit!

Bellaonline Healthy Foods star
Tips, and tons of recipes to help you eat healthy great tasting food.

BellaOnline inspiration star
Where else to look for quotes than our very own administration logon? It doesn´t seem like the usual place to bring me inspiration for an article, but I think I´m about to be proved wrong...

Bellaonline Low Carb star
Product reviews, recipes, and links to everything low carb from our editor Lisa Shea who has had great success on Atkins.

Bellaonline Mental Health Site star
Read about coping with stress, family conflict and emotional issues, and the connection between a healthy mind and a healthy body.

Bellaonline Nutrition star
This amazing site has a wealth of information on everything from omega 3s to stress management, to the endocrine system. Looking to improve your eating this is the place to look.

Bellaonline´s Adolescence site star
Articles and interesting links for moms and adolescents.

Bellaonline´s Body Image Site star
Helping you regain and maintain a positive body image.

Bellaonline´s Breastfeeding Editor star
Information articles, support and links for breastfeeding moms.

BellaOnline´s Distance Learning Site star
Right here at BellaOnline.com, you can find a wealth of information on distance learning. You can find general information, as well as articles just for students. Use this valuable resource to find accredited schools, learning tools, and your options for learning at a distance.

Bellaonline´s Early Childhood site star
Advice, articles, crafts, nutrition information, and much more for moms of preschoolers.

Bellaonline´s Hobbies and Crafts Site star
Hobby and craft information and articles. Craft ideas for kids and info. to get you started on a new hobby.

Bellaonline´s Homeschooling Site star
Helpful articles and links on education information and homeschooling challenges.

Bellaonline´s Inspiration site star
Words of wisdom and and help creating a healthy perspective.

Bellaonline´s Preschool site star
Help, and teaching support, product reviews and more for homeschooling moms of preschoolers

Bellaonline´s Reading Site star
Information and advice for helping your child into the world of reading.

Bellaonline´s Siblings site star
Help and advice for moms on helping children co-exist.

BellaOnline´s Southern Cooking star

Bellaonline´s Teen Site star
Timely articles and good links for moms and teens.

Bellaonline´s Weightloss Site star
Helpful stratagies for sheading residual "baby weight."

Bellaonline´s Women´s Issues star
Topics of concern and general interest for your perspective.

BellaOnline´s Writing Shop star
A shop for everything a writer could need.

Belly Fat to Belly Flat star
Belly Fat to Belly Flat explains why it´s so tough for women to get rid of that stubborn fat around the midsection and offers effective solutions to lose the belly fat.

Beloved Doe Identified star
Those working his case lovingly called him Beloved Doe. Tuesday night that little boy was identified by relatives who viewed his story on a Spanish speaking television show.

Benefits of Racewalking star[offsite link]
Talks about the health benefits of racewalking.

Benjamin Bratt stars in The Cleaner star
A look at A&E´s new series The Cleaner with extreme interventionist Benjamin Bratt who makes a pact with God to help others after hitting rock bottom from his own addictions.

Bereavement Dreaming and the Individuating Soul star
Loved ones who have passed on frequently appear in our dreams. Author Geri Grubbs offers comfort, validation and support for healing in this informative book. Product Review.

Bereavement Dreaming and the Individuating Soul star
Loved ones who have passed on frequently appear in our dreams. Author Geri Grubbs offers comfort, validation and support for healing in this informative book. Product Review.

Berenstain Bear Paper Dolls star[offsite link]
Papa, Mama, Sister and Brother Bear paper dolls and wardrobes!

Berkshire County star[offsite link]

Best Exercise Equipment for Weight Loss star
The best exercise equipment for weight loss. The 3 most important factors to consider when buying fitness gear to lose weight and stay lean for life.

Best Exercise Equipment Tips star[offsite link]
Thinking about buying a treadmill or an expensive home gym for your fatloss workouts? Before you do, here´s a fun fitness gear story and something to consider before you buy that outrageously expensive machine.

Best Fat Burning Cardio Workouts star[offsite link]
Learn how fat burning cardio workouts work better and faster than traditional boring cardio for fat loss and weight loss plus links to free cardio workouts.

Best Fitness Apparel & Online Workouts star
Save time and money working out. The best place to find all the latest fitness apparel plus online workouts you can download on demand. The stress free way to get fit this holiday season.

Best Home Fitness Equipment star[offsite link]
Find the best home fitness equipment for your home gym workouts. A great video and checklist of what you need to get started plus free guides and workouts to get started.

Best of Inuyasha star
Best of Inuyasha is a soundtrack CD released in Japan that includes the opening and ending themes that appeared in the first 127 episodes of the Inuyasha anime, as well as songs from the first two Inuyasha films.

Best of Inuyasha star
Best of Inuyasha is a soundtrack CD released in Japan that includes the opening and ending themes that appeared in the first 127 episodes of the Inuyasha anime, as well as songs from the first two Inuyasha films.

Best Workout Wear for Your Body Type star
Take pounds inches and years off instantly by wearing the right workout clothes. This guide shows you how to find the right tops and bottoms for your bodytype plus what to avoid.

Betsy Raglan Pattern star[offsite link]
Another percentage system sweater, includes how to make the collar.

Bevs Country Cottage star[offsite link]
A large selection of free patterns for making crochet items that are needed by a variety of charity organizations.

Bewitched Canoe star
The Bewitched Canoe is a French Canadian tale of voyageurs who were unfortunate enough to have made a deal with the Devil,

Bib Style Apron star[offsite link]
These instructions tell you how to measure yourself to create a custom sized apron.

Bib with Sleeves star[offsite link]
This bib has sleeves so it is great for those messy eaters or as a craft apron.

Bible Verse ABC List star[offsite link]
Bible verses from A to Z.

Biblical ABC List star[offsite link]
List of Bible verses (NIV) for a child´s ABC book.

Bibliotherapy and Children´s Books star[offsite link]
"You´ll find bibliographies of books, articles and other information on using children´s books to help youngsters deal with problems."

Bibliotherapy and Reading star[offsite link]
"To provide current information about the various aspects of bibliotherapy as well as an open forum on the various strategies and techniques for using this approach."

Bibliotherapy Books star[offsite link]
A bibliography for bibliotherapy.

Bibliotherapy--Special Education star[offsite link]
This web site helps participants select books for children and young adults whose topics relate to the problems of people with special needs.

Bicep Curls for Sculpted Arms star
The best bicep curl exercises. Why you need to do them this way and how to get started.

Bidz - A Jewelry Auction Website star
An alternative to the well-know auction website. This one is specifically for jewelry.

Big Bertha Stories - A Review star
This is a contemporary story about a Vietnam War Veteran who has difficulty adjusting to life with his family. It is an honest portrayal written by Bobbie Ann Mason of Kentucky.

Big Gals Lingerie star[offsite link]
Sexy lingerie, hot pants and shoes. A mixture of slim and plus models. Ships internationally.

Big Girl Blue star[offsite link]
M. E. Wood´s personal blog of meandering thoughts and daydreams.

Big Girl Blue Lensography star[offsite link]
A categorized directory of M.E. Wood´s lenses on Squidoo.

Big Girls Make It! star[offsite link]
Their "mission is to affirm, build, and repair the self-esteem of plus size women and teen girls through resources, positive images and messages." Their focus about looking good from the inside out.

Bike Locks – Bicycle Safety and Security star
Baffled by the different kind of security devices on the market for keeping your bicycle locked up and safe? This quick guide explains the various types out there, so you can be sure that you’ve chosen the most effective security and protection for your bicycle.

Bike Locks – Bicycle Safety and Security star
Baffled by the different kind of security devices on the market for keeping your bicycle locked up and safe? This quick guide explains the various types out there, so you can be sure that you’ve chosen the most effective security and protection for your bicycle.

Bill Douglas Centre star[offsite link]
Virtual exhibitions on the history of cinema.

Bills, Bills, and More Bills star

Billy Collins star[offsite link]
Bio of form U.S. poet laureate, one of the most popular poets today.

Billy Collins as Seer star[offsite link]
Short biography of Billy Collins, former U.S Poetry Laureate.

Biographic star
Subtopic - Subject Historic. Excellent biographies of great individuals make excellent drama movies. Knowing others´ lives shines a light on our own.

Biographic Documentary star
Subtopic - Subject Biography. Documentaries tend to have their fair share--or a little more--of drama, so what more fitting place to find dramatic Biographic Documentaries?

Biographies of American Producers star
Here you will find biographies for American anime producers.

Biographies of American Producers - F star
Here you will find biographies of American producers whose last names begin with the letter F.

Biographies of American Producers - K star
Here you will find biographies of American producers whose last names begin with the letter K.

Biographies of American Producers - M star
Here you will find biographies of American producers whose last names begin with the letter M.

Biographies of American Voice Actors star
Here you will find biographies for American anime voice actors.

Biographies of American Voice Actors - B star
Here you will find biographies of translators whose last names begin with the letter B.

Biographies of American Voice Actors - D star
Here you will find biographies of translators whose last names begin with the letter D.

Biographies of American Voice Actors - F star
Here you will find biographies of translators whose last names begin with the letter F.

Biographies of American Voice Actors - K star
Here you will find biographies of translators whose last names begin with the letter K.

Biographies of American Voice Actors - P star
Here you will find biographies of translators whose last names begin with the letter P.

Biographies of American Voice Actors - S star
Here you will find biographies of translators whose last names begin with the letter S.

Biographies of Animators star
Here you will find biographies for animators.

Biographies of Animators - A star
Here you will find biographies of animators whose last names begin with the letter A.

Biographies of Animators - D star
Here you will find biographies of animators whose last names begin with the letter D.

Biographies of Animators - K star
Here you will find biographies of animators whose last names begin with the letter K.

Biographies of Animators - Y star
Here you will find biographies of animators whose last names begin with the letter Y.

Biographies of Directors star
Here you will find biographies for directors.

Biographies of Directors - A star
Here you will find biopgraphies of anime directors whose last names begin with the letter A.

Biographies of Directors - D star
Here you will find biopgraphies of anime directors whose last names begin with the letter D.

Biographies of Directors - E star
Here you will find biopgraphies of anime directors whose last names begin with the letter E.

Biographies of Directors - I star
Here you will find biopgraphies of anime directors whose last names begin with the letter I.

Biographies of Directors - K star
Here you will find biopgraphies of anime directors whose last names begin with the letter K.

Biographies of Directors - M star
Here you will find biopgraphies of anime directors whose last names begin with the letter M.

Biographies of Directors - N star
Here you will find biopgraphies of anime directors whose last names begin with the letter N.

Biographies of Directors - R star
Here you will find biopgraphies of anime directors whose last names begin with the letter R.

Biographies of Directors - S star
Here you will find biopgraphies of anime directors whose last names begin with the letter S.

Biographies of Directors - T star
Here you will find biopgraphies of anime directors whose last names begin with the letter T.

Biographies of Japanese Producers star
Here you will find biographies for Japanese anime producers.

Biographies of Japanese Producers - M star
Here you will find biographies of Japanese producers whose last names begin with the letter M.

Biographies of Japanese Producers - N star
Here you will find biographies of Japanese producers whose last names begin with the letter N.

Biographies of Japanese Producers - O star
Here you will find biographies of Japanese producers whose last names begin with the letter O.

Biographies of Japanese Producers - T star
Here you will find biographies of Japanese producers whose last names begin with the letter T.

Biographies of Japanese Producers - U star
Here you will find biographies of Japanese producers whose last names begin with the letter U.

Biographies of Japanese Voice Actors star
Here you will find biographies for Japanese anime voice actors.

Biographies of Japanese Voice Actors - A star
Here you will find biographies of Japanese voice actors whose last names begin with the letter A.

Biographies of Japanese Voice Actors - G star
Here you will find biographies of Japanese voice actors whose last names begin with the letter G.

Biographies of Japanese Voice Actors - H star
Here you will find biographies of Japanese voice actors whose last names begin with the letter H.

Biographies of Japanese Voice Actors - I star
Here you will find biographies of Japanese voice actors whose last names begin with the letter I.

Biographies of Japanese Voice Actors - K star
Here you will find biographies of Japanese voice actors whose last names begin with the letter K.

Biographies of Japanese Voice Actors - M star
Here you will find biographies of Japanese voice actors whose last names begin with the letter M.

Biographies of Japanese Voice Actors - N star
Here you will find biographies of Japanese voice actors whose last names begin with the letter N.

Biographies of Japanese Voice Actors - S star
Here you will find biographies of Japanese voice actors whose last names begin with the letter S.

Biographies of Japanese Voice Actors - T star
Here you will find biographies of Japanese voice actors whose last names begin with the letter T.

Biographies of Japanese Voice Actors - W star
Here you will find biographies of Japanese voice actors whose last names begin with the letter W.

Biographies of Japanese Voice Actors - Y star
Here you will find biographies of Japanese voice actors whose last names begin with the letter Y.

Biographies of Musicians star
Here you will find biographies for musicians.

Biographies of Musicians - K star
Here you will find biographies of musicians whose last names begin with the letter K.

Biographies of Musicians - M star
Here you will find biographies of musicians whose last names begin with the letter M.

Biographies of Musicians - O star
Here you will find biographies of musicians whose last names begin with the letter O.

Biographies of Musicians - S star
Here you will find biographies of musicians whose last names begin with the letter S.

Biographies of Producers star
Here you will find biographies for producers.

Biographies of Translators star
Here you will find biographies for anime translators.

Biographies of Translators - F star
Here you will find biographies of translators whose last names begin with the letter F.

Biographies of Voice Actors star
Here you will find biographies for voice actors.

Biographies of Writers star
Here you will find biographies for writers.

Biographies of Writers - O star
Here you will find biographies of writers whose last names begin with the letter O.

Biographies of Writers - S star
Here you will find biographies of writers whose last names begin with the letter S.

Biographies of Writers - T star
Here you will find biographies of writers whose last names begin with the letter T.

Biography of Carl Macek star
This is a biography for Carl Macek, the producer of Robotech and a co-founder of Streamline Pictures.

Biography of Eiko Tanaka star
This is a biography for anime producer Eiko Tanaka.

Biography of Hayao Miyazaki star
Learn more about Hayao Miyazaki, the man behind such films as Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, and Howl´s Moving Castle.

Biography of Leiji Matsumoto star
This is a biography of Leiji Matsumoto, who is best known in anime for his involvement with Space Battleship Yamato, Captain Harlock, and Galaxy Express 999.

Biography of W. B. Yeats star[offsite link]
A useful biographical sketch of Irish poet William Butler Yeats

Biography of Yoshinobu Nishizaki star
This is a biography of Yoshinobu Nishizaki, who is best known in anime for his affiliation with Space Battleship Yamato.

Bird Cages 4 Less star[offsite link]
This site has cages, toys, food, stands, books, jewellery and more. Check it out!

Bird Depot star[offsite link]
Handcrafted bird cages and parrot stands.

Bird Toy Creations star[offsite link]
Lots of choices here in bird toys, perches, play stands and cages.

Bird Toy Outlet star[offsite link]
Bird toys, food, cages & resources can be found at this online store.

Birdboard.com star[offsite link]
You can find bird specific forums & general bird forums here.

Birding in General star
Birding in general

Birds star
Find birds of a feather who flock together on the BellaOnline Bird page.

Birds Just Wanna Have Fun star[offsite link]
Bird Toy Parts Retail, Bulk, and Wholesale with some excellent Food Foraging Puzzle Toys.

Birds n Ways show listing star[offsite link]
A list of upcoming shows in the U.S.

Birdsafe Store star[offsite link]
An online bird store located in Virginia, offering a variety of bird safe toys and supplies.

Birdy Bag - Tutorial star[offsite link]
Pattern and instructions to make a bag with a bird applique. Link opens a .pdf document.

Birdy Bordom Busters star[offsite link]
A Canadian toy making company. Lots of toys for all sizes of birds.

Birth / First Family Stories star
Adoption stories from the point of view of birth / first families.

Birth / First Family Stories star

Birth by Paperwork star
International adoption comes with mounds of paperwork that can be completely overwhelming. Thankfully, there´s one company that is there to help you navigate what is commonly called the "paper pregnancy."

Birthday Ideas star[offsite link]
Create fun unique parties for your special birthday kid.

Birthing from Within Childbirth Preparation star[offsite link]
This book is amazing and extremely empowering.

Bishop, Anne star[offsite link]
Anne Bishop´s Official Website

Bitsy´s Kitchen star[offsite link]
One of the biggest collections of good recipes I´ve seen and certainly the best organized and easiest to navigate. Recipes collector´s will love this one!

Bitter Creek - Fragrance Chart star[offsite link]
Bitter Creek is my favorite supplier because they offer so much information in addition to fabulous products. Here look for the gold box with a link to their fragrance chart.

Black Bartelmy´s Ghost star
Black Bartelmy was an evil, surly buccaneer, who murdered his wife and children and went to sea, with a band of pirates as nasty as he.

Black Birds Baked in a Pie? star
Pie birds are small, hollow, ceramic or stoneware figures, usually about 3 to 5 inches high. They are vents which are "baked" in a pie to allow the steam to escape and prevent the pie filling in a two crust pie from cooking over in the oven.

Black Film Center and Archive star[offsite link]
This site offers African-American related films, screenplays, photographs and filmmaker interviews.

Black Henna Warning star

Black Henna Warning star
Watch out for henna artists who claim to be using "black henna." This may be a clue of misuse of hair dye, a powerful skin irritant.

Black Olive Soup Recipes star
These recipes bring a fresh take to soup.

Black Purse with Applique Trim star[offsite link]
Project using purse handles from Joann.com. Link opens a .pdf file.

Blackberry Cobbler star
I absolutely love cobblers. In a lodge restaurant in the Shawnee National Forest (at the southern-most tip of Illinois), I had the most awesome cobbler (they were serving blackberry and peach and I had them both--though not on the same day!) This is my attempt at a re-creation of that wonderful taste.

Blackfoot Creation Story star
The legend of creation as believed by the Peoples of the Blackfoot tribes. Retold by Phyllis D. Burns.

Bleach star
The Bleach anime is based off of a manga series written and illustrated by Tite Kubo.

Bleach DVD Reviews star
This section is devoted to reviews of the Bleach DVD box sets.

Bleach DVD Reviews star
This section is devoted to reviews of the Bleach DVD box sets.

Bleach DVD Set Six star
Bleach DVD Set Six is a three disc set that contains 12 episodes.

Bleach Movies star
This section is devoted to reviews of the films released for the Bleach franchise.

Bleach Movies star
This section is devoted to reviews of the films released for the Bleach franchise.

Bleach Season Five DVD Box Set star
Bleach: The Assault Season Five box set is a four disc set that contains 18 episodes.

Bleach Season Four Part One DVD Box Set star
Bleach: The Bount Season Four Part One box set is a four disc set that contains 16 episodes.

Bleach Season Four Part Two DVD Box Set star
Bleach: The Bount Season Four Part Two box set is a three disc set that contains 12 episodes.

Bleach Season One DVD Box Set star
Bleach: The Substitute Season One box set is a five disc set that contains 20 episodes.

Bleach Season Three DVD Box Set star
Bleach: The Rescue Season Three box set is a five disc set that contains 22 episodes.

Bleach Season Two DVD Box Set star
Bleach: The Entry Season Two box set is a five disc set that contains 21 episodes.

Bleach the Movie Memories of Nobody star
Bleach the Movie: Memories of Nobody is the first film for the Bleach anime franchise.

Blending and Segmenting Words in Reading star
Activities for teaching blending and segmenting to strengthen reading skills.

Blessed Are The PeaceMakers star
The men and women that have worked to achieve peace in this world, had to give it up themselves.

Bleu Bacon Butternut Squash Bake star

Blind Sailing International star[offsite link]
Competitive sailing is a sport enjoyed by many, and now it can be enjoyed by people who are blind or have visual impairments. Checked out this link to learn more about international competitive sailing.

Bloat/ Gastric Torsion star
Bloat is most often caused when a dog swallows excess air. The stomach rotates on itself and pinches off it´s blood supply. Symptoms include a distended abdomen, nausea, vomiting, ayttempting to vomit, sudden weakness or collapse. Bloat is a life-threatening condition, requiring emergency veterinary treatment. Read more....

Blog - Website Development star
Learn how to quickly set up a blog or website to sell your writing or create your Author´s Platform. No Worries...no techie stuff here.

Blog Carnival Blog Promotion star
Blog Carnivals are another promotional tool in a bloggers tool kit. Submit your own blog posts to upcoming blog carnivals or host a blog carnival on your blog to connect with other bloggers and visitors. Learn how to get involved in future carnivals or to host your own.

Blog Carnival Success star
Make the most of your blog carnivals regardless of minor setbacks. Here are some ideas to cure any blog carnival ailment from low submissions, to how to reuse and repurpose blog carnival posts.

Blog Commenting Etiquette star
There is more to learn about blogging than how to create and manage your own blog. A blogger has to consider the rules of the blogosphere, including the rules as they apply to blog commenting. Learn about blog commenting etiquette and gain respect among your blogging peers.

Blog for Free star
There are pros and cons of blogging for free. Find out what to look for in a free blog host before setting up an account.

Blog Talk Radio star[offsite link]
Become a radio blogging host for FREE, on BlogTalkRadio. So easy, a caveman could do it...(is that not politically correct to say?)

Blog Tips and Earth Day Celebrations star
Celebrate Earth Day and see key blogging techniques in action. A review of three blogs and what we can learn about blogging from them.

Blogs & Social Networking Shop star
A list of blogging and social networking resources, products and more that have been reviewed and discussed in BellaOnline´s Blogs & Social Networking site and forum.

Blogs and Social Networks Newsletter star
Never miss any of the new articles and information that will help you to start and become a successful blogger.

Blood Lines star

Blood Muffins star
Your guests will scream for more!

Blossom Knitwear star[offsite link]
Several free baby and accessory patterns by Dilys Sutherland. Most have pictures.

Blue Capped Cordon Bleu Finches star[offsite link]
Chronicles in learning to breed, raise, preserve & keep these wonderful little birds.

Blue Cheese Dressing Recipe star
Don´t think blue cheese dressing can be low fat and taste great? Try this recipe and you´ll be surprised.

Blue Jean Buddha: Voices of Young Buddhists star
Blue Jean Buddha is a wonderful and diverse compilation of essays from young Buddhists on what Buddhism means to them in 21st century America.

Blue Nile Jewelry, A Holiday Gift Resource star
Discover Blue Nile Jewelry, an online store featuring a large selection of elegant jewelry for the holidays or anytime!

Blueblood Book Review star
Marty Singer has been asked to help find who is torturing and killing undercover cops in several jurisdictions in the Washington, DC area. There are plenty of ups and down in this fast-moving book, and it is a nice addition to the series.

Blurbs of Wisdom star[offsite link]
PFFA´s excellent forum of wisdom and pith, delivering high examples of the do´s and don´ts of all things poetry.

BMI Baby star[offsite link]
The airline with tiny fares between Europe and the UK.

BMR & AMR Calculator star[offsite link]
Calculates your basal and active metabolic rates.

BMR Calculator star[offsite link]
Figure out how many calories your body needs a day based on your weight height and activity level.

Board Game Review - Debate This! star
A great review from the Board Games Site on BellaOnline.com. Debate This! may be the perfect game for your next party.

Bode and Bode´s Law star
Johann Elert Bode, the author of the greatest star atlas of the Golden Age of star atlases, is better known today for Bode´s Law. Strangely, Bode´s Law is neither a law nor original to Bode. So what was it? How did it inspire the Celestial Police? How did Neptune ruin it all?

Body Art Hangman star
Just like when you were a kid, this is the classic hangman word game, only all about body art, tattooing, piercing and mor!

Body Art Postcards star
You can send a FREE body art postcard to your friends! Various tattoo and body art-related images available.

Body Arts Quiz star
Test your knowledge of some of the technical aspects of tattooing and body piercing.

Body Fat Percentage Categories star[offsite link]
Find out if your body fat percentage puts you in the athlete, fitness, acceptable, or obese category.

Body Fat/1 Rep Max Calculator star[offsite link]
Get an estimate of your body fat and figure out your one repetition maximum.

Body For Life For Women star
The diet the workout and the top mental strategies that make this program one of the best choices for women who are serious about losing weight. Free 1 week body for life diet link.

Body Jewelry star
(Coming soon!)

Body Makeover Fitness Online Training star[offsite link]
Online workout and diet programs customized to your unique body type, metabolism, and lifestyle. So effective at stripping off fat and helping you shed the weight they offer a 100% money back guarantee.

Body Painting star
Body painting info, including make-up and liquid latex body painting techniques.

Body Positive star[offsite link]
This site encourages defining within yourself a positive self image.

Body Positive star[offsite link]
An informative site that helps us look at and appreciate the bodies that we have.

Body Type Fitness star
Customize your fitness and diet program to your body type and achieve your best body ever.

Body Weight Set Point star
The facts about your body weight set-point and how to reset it. Achieve your ideal weight no matter how much you struggle to maintain your weight now. The secrets to breaking through a weight loss plateau forever.

Bodyfat Calculator star[offsite link]
Calculates bodyfat according to age height measurements and activity level.

Boiling Water Bath Canning star[offsite link]
Boiling water bath canning is recommended for processing high-acid foods such as fruit, jams & jellies pickles, relishes, and tomatoes. This site, from the Virginia Cooperative Extension explains equipment Preparation, food preparation, processing, and testing the seal.

Bollywood Hits: Movies, Music & Much More star[offsite link]
If you are a true Bollywood fan, this website will be a favorite. It carries all the latest and hard to find Bollywood music and movies!

Bonding Through Crafts star
Sharing arts and crafts with your child can be simple. The rewards are great as you increase your bond, build your child´s self-esteem, and give them a lifelong gift of pleaseure in working with their hands.

Bone Chicken star[offsite link]
When you want boneless chicken, you can save money by buying a whole chicken and removing the bones yourself.

Book Club Update for Homeschool Moms! star
"Homeschooling at the Speed of Life" is the newest title for the Homeschooling Book Club. Join fellow homeschool moms and BellaOnline readers for an amazing book club experience!

Book Collaboration and Ghost Writing star[offsite link]
Learn how to become a book collaborator or ghost writer.

Book Publishers star[offsite link]
A listing of major book publishers for you to find exactly the write one for your new book.

Book Review - Bodyguards star
This gorgeous art book will increase the jewelry maker´s knowledge of the symbolism of amulets.

Book Review - Forgotten Warriors of the Aleutian Campaign star
In Forgotten Warriors of the Aleutian Campaign, Mr. Rearden brings to life one of the lesser known campaigns of WWII through his careful compilation of personal interviews, source documents, and historical photos.

Book Review - If You Lived Here star
If you don´t have the opportunity to visit Haines in person, the next best thing may be to read Heather Lende´s book.

Book Review - Sisters star
This memoir about life in the Copper River Valley in the 1920´s and 1930´s is full of adventure, yet told with warm-hearted humor and affection for the land and its people.

Book Review - “Draw Real People!” star
This is a book review of Lee Hammond´s "Draw Real People!" drawing book.

Book Review Criteria star
What should you expect as a reader when you see a book recommended on the BellaOnline Thyroid Health site. Are you the author of a book you would like to present for review? Ultimately, the goal is to present the most up to date and useful information on a complicated subject.

Book Review Field Guide to the Pacific Northwest star
Carry this small convenient Northwest reference book on your travels to Oregon and Washington.

Book Reviews star

Book Reviews - A star
Here you will find reviews for anime books that begin with A.

Book Reviews - An star
Here you will find reviews for anime books that begin with An.

Book Reviews - Ar star
Here you will find reviews for anime books that begin with Ar.

Book Reviews - E star
Here you will find reviews for anime books that begin with E.

Book Reviews - Ey star
Here you will find reviews for anime books that begin with Ey.

Book Reviews - H star
Here you will find reviews for anime books that begin with H.

Book Reviews - Ha star
Here you will find reviews for anime books that begin with Ha.

Book Reviews - P star
Here you will find reviews for anime books that begin with P.

Book Reviews - Po star
Here you will find reviews for anime books that begin with Po.

Book Reviews - R star
Here you will find reviews for anime books that begin with R.

Book Reviews - Ro star
Here you will find reviews for anime books that begin with Ro.

Book Reviews - S star
Here you will find reviews for anime books that begin with S.

Book Reviews - Sa star
Here you will find reviews for anime books that begin with Sa.

Book Reviews - Sc star
Here you will find reviews for anime books that begin with Sc.

Book Reviews - So star
Here you will find reviews for anime books that begin with So.

Book Reviews - St star
Here you will find reviews for anime books that begin with St.

Book Reviews for Kids and Adults star
All reviewed by the BellaOnline California site editor.

Book Yourself Solid - A Review star

Book Yourself Solid - A Review star
Women in business, this one book could save you valuable marketing time and energy. Do you want to find your ideal target market? Are you ready to set some new marketing goals and develop a practical plan of action? If you answered “yes,” this book for you! Read the article and watch the video.

Books star
Books of interest for plus size women covering weight issues like self esteem and body image. Some fiction thrown in for fun.

Books & Media star

Books by Deepak Chopra star

Books by Eckhart Tolle star

Books on a Variety of Topics star[offsite link]
Books on various topics reviewed by your BellaOnline California site editor.

Books on Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli star
Here you will find reviews of books about Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli, and their films.

Books Online star

Books Price star[offsite link]
Comparison shop amongst 34 online book stores for the best price. Quick and efficient site takes all the work out surfing numerous sites for the best deal.

Bookslut star[offsite link]
A monthly web magazine and daily blog providing news, reviews, commentary, insight, and opinions.

Boost Metabolism Q & A star
This super informative Q & A with fat loss expert Craig Ballantyne gives you the 411 on metabolism plus the facts about 8 metabolism boosters and whether they actually work for weightloss and fatloss.

Boot camp workout in 10 star[offsite link]
This boot camp workout burns tons of fat and builds lean muscle in just 10 minutes with tough demanding exercises that work.

Boot Camp Workout in 20 star[offsite link]
This boot camp workout uses dynamic exercises to blast calories and build lean fat burning muscle in just 20 minutes.

Boot camp workout in 30 star[offsite link]
This boot camp workout builds lean fat burning muscle and torches calories in just 30 minutes.

Boot camp workout in 30 star[offsite link]
This boot camp workout builds lean fat burning muscle and torches calories with big multi-purpose moves that target every inch of your body especially shoulders and core.

bootcamp assessment star[offsite link]
This simple fitness assessment measures cardio, strength, flexibility, and balance so you can uncover strengths and weakness, set fitness goals to improve, then re-measure in 3-4 weeks.

Bootcamp Fitness Challenge star[offsite link]
8 week fitness challenge designed to help you blast past fitness and fatloss plateus, get ultra lean and ultra fit fast

Bootcamp Fitness Challenge star[offsite link]
8 week fitness challenge designed to help you blast past fitness and fatloss plateus, get ultra lean and ultra fit fast.

Borderline Personality Disorder star
Borderline personality disorder is a mental illness characterized by instability of emotions, relationships, life goals, and uncertain self-identity.

Boston Review Tenth Annual Short Story Contest star[offsite link]
The winning author will receive $1,000 and have his or her work published in the November/December 2005 issue of Boston Review. Stories should not exceed four thousand words and must be previously unpublished. Entries should be postmarked no later than June 1, 2005.

Boulevard Bar & Grille in Las Vegas star
Here´s a great review from Paula Laurita, BellaOnline´s Italian Food Editor!

Br. David Steindl Rast star[offsite link]

Bracelets star
Browse select fashion bracelets available online. (Coming soon!)

Bradbury, Ray star[offsite link]
The official site of Ray Bradbury.

Bradley, Marion Zimmer star[offsite link]
Marion Zimmer Bradlet Literary Trust. Information about the popular Fantasy author, plus article on the craft of writing.

Brain & Behavior Research Fund star
This is a strong advocate for mental health research and awareness.

Brain Injury and Personality Disorders star
Traumas (such as brain injuries) have been known to induce states of mind akin to full-blown personality disorders. Read more about personality characteristics, traits of this specific kind of disorder and treatments that may be relevant.

Braised Chicken with Chestnuts Recipe star

Brandi´s Scrapbooking Page star[offsite link]
Lists of links to awesome scrapbooking tips on the www.

Bravo TV star[offsite link]

Bread Baking 101 star[offsite link]
How to Make Basic Bread, Special Bread Making Tips, Problems with Solutions, Terms & Definitions

Breadworld star[offsite link]
Find out about basic bread baking tools. Learn the art of kneading. Get professional answers to bread baking questions. Conventional Oven and Bread Machine recipe sections - more than 250 yeast baking recipes to choose from.

Breadworld´s Just for Kids star[offsite link]
Kids will find out all they need to know about baking bread. Try recipes written just for kids - bake not only loaves but fun shapes in fun colors. Other features include a Teacher´s Guide and Certificate of Achievement.

Breakfast & Brunch star

Breakfast and Brunch Egg Recipes star[offsite link]
Recipes from the American Egg Board for assorted omelets, quiches, egg sandwiches, casseroles and more.

Breakfast in Mexico star
Mexicans tend to “break the fast” in the early morning with a cup of hot chocolate or coffee spiked with cinnamon and a “pán dulce”, but as the morning progresses, appetites are kindled and it is time for the “desayuno”.

Breakfast in Mexico - Bricklayer´s Eggs star
Huevos del albañil are a typical, traditional breakfast throughout the country, although a popular variation is to toss some stale tortillas into the sauce to make green “chilaquiles” which serve as a bed for the eggs.

Breakfast in Mexico - Divorced Eggs star
Huevos Divorciados or Divorced Eggs are certainly not a part of historical, traditional Mexican cooking, as the origins of the dish are obviously very present-day!

Breakfast in Mexico – Huevos Motuleños Recipe star
The “Eggs from Motul” always strike me as a strange dish, featuring some very disparate ingredients – but the end result, although it does look rather messy, is rich and savoury, breakfast or brunch at its best.

Breakfast in Mexico – Huevos Motuleños Recipe star
The “Eggs from Motul” always strike me as a strange dish, featuring some very disparate ingredients – but the end result, although it does look rather messy, is rich and savoury, breakfast or brunch at its best.

Breaking Bad star[offsite link]

Breast Cancer Awareness Jewelry star
Handcrafted jewelry artists and jewelry companies give a portion of the proceeds from the sale of their jewelry to help find a cure for the disease.

Breastfeeding Cover Tutorial star[offsite link]
Directions for making a nursing cover-up.

Breed Clubs star[offsite link]
Hundreds of dog breed clubs are listed by state and by breed.

Breeding and Whelping star
Learn about responsible breeding and what you must know before you breed your dog. Get the facts about pregnancy, complications, birth of puppies and caring for the litter.

Brer Rabbit Falls Down A Well star
I love the stories of Brer Rabbit and his companions. Here is one of my favorite

Brian Weiss, M.D. star[offsite link]
As a traditional psychotherapist, Dr. Brian Weiss was astonished and skeptical when one of his patients began recalling past-life traumas that seemed to hold the key to her recurring nightmares and anxiety attacks. His skepticism was eroded, however, when she began to channel messages from "the space between lives," which contained remarkable revelations about Dr. Weiss´s family and his dead son.

Bribing Kids vs. Rewarding Kids for Good Behavior: What´s the Difference? star[offsite link]
This article discusses the vital difference between rewarding a child for good behavior vs bribing him to behave.

Bridal Jewelry - Pearls with Rhinestones star
Be radiant in rhinestones and pearls on your wedding day. Enhance your femininity by wearing this lovely and delicate, yet most glamorous of jewelry combinations. A stunning accent to white, cream, cafe au lait, pink, peach, even red, or dramatic black—rhinestones and pearls make your wedding pop!

Bridal Jewelry - Rhinestones star
Dazzle them on your wedding day! Be exquisite in rhinestone jewelry and accessories. Make your most precious memories sparkle like a diamond, forever.

Bridesmaids Revisited Book Review star

Brie en Croute Recipe star
Sweet chili sauce and carmarlized onions on top of a brie wheel wrapped in puff pastry.

Brigette Bardot: Cinematic Sex Kitten star[offsite link]
This brief bio of Brigette Bardot highlights some of her exploits, how and when she got started as an actress, and what she´s up to today.

Bright Star Review star
Bright Star is a story of love, trials and tears..some tears shed for beauty’s sake, some shed for sorrow’s sake and some shed for love’s sake. John Keats meets, loves and leaves Fanny Brawne, though true eternal love never leaves them.

Brilliant Earth star
Fashion Jewelry salutes Brilliant Earth! Brilliant Earth dedicates 5% of its profits to directly benefit local African communities who have been harmed by the diamond trade. Brilliant Earth is our favorite diamond resource of the year!

Bris Milah Information Site star[offsite link]
A site created by a Mohel (one who performs ritual circumcisions) and includes frequently asked questions about the procedure, medical information, and photos of a modern Bris ceremony.

Bris/Brit Milah star[offsite link]
Frequently asked questions and a guide to the ceremony.

Britannia Magazine star[offsite link]
Comprehensive "gateway to the British Isles". Great design complements a vast collection of features and links on travel, history, sport, and news.

British Airways star[offsite link]
Book your flight here!

British Ex Pat links star[offsite link]
Bags of links for US based Brits.

British Ex Pat magazine star[offsite link]
Information, news and humour for Brits abroad

British Film Institute star[offsite link]
This is the largest collection of films and television titles in Europe.

British Grocer in America star[offsite link]
Marmite and Walker´s crisps for everybody!!!

British Motogp 2005 - 125cc star
The 125cc class of Motogp rejoined the season at Donnington facing terrible weather conditions with many of the field crashing out and a race restart.

British Music Through the Decades star[offsite link]
Explains British music phenomenons from the 1960´s through today.

Broccoli Recipes star
Whether you can grow broccoli in your winter garden or buy it fresh or frozen at the grocery store, broccoli is nutrition and these recipes will become family favorites.

Brooks, Terry star[offsite link]
The Wonderous Worlds of Terry Brooks

BrookStone star[offsite link]
Gift Ideas

Brother Cadfael star[offsite link]

Brotherhood star[offsite link]

Brothers and Sisters star[offsite link]

Brotogeris Society International star[offsite link]
Promoting the conservation of Brotogeris species in the wild and in captivity.

Brown Rice Bread Recipe star

Brownies star

Brownies star

Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Ultimate Collection star
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Ultimate Collection is a six-disc DVD box set that includes all 26 episodes of the series.

Buddhism’s Spirituality is for Anyone star
Whether you are Buddhist or not, following The 5 Precepts of Buddhism can help lead to a guilt-free life, and peaceful soul.

Buddhist eBooks star
List of Buddhist eBooks available.

Buddhist Personality Types star
Fifth-century Buddhist scholar Buddhaghosa taught there were six types of people, corresponding to three mental tendencies. Come learn which one you are, and the best corresponding meditation technique.

Budgerigar and Foreign Bird Society star[offsite link]
Toronto, Ontario

Budgets and Planning star

Buffalo Girl Design star[offsite link]
The Zen of Socks video, for people who want to learn to knit socks!

Build a basic tool kit star
Tools that no vehicle should be with out!

Build-a-Bowl Cookbook Review star
This excellent cookbook has dozens of great ideas for making nutritious and attractive bowls of whole grains plus vegetables, proteins and sauces. The recipes are innovative, yet simple to make. Fun and delicious!

Building a Fishing Rod star[offsite link]
Here are some basic guidelines to building a fishing rod. Pictures are included along with list of tools needed.

Building a Good Relationship with Your Adolescent star
Adolescence is a voyage of discovery. Sometimes it is a tumultuous sea. At other times, it can be smooth sailing. Here are some suggestions to help you stay positive when interacting with your adolescent.

Building an actual Navajo Hogan star[offsite link]

Building Fitness through Cycling - 8 week Training Programme star
f you’d like to build on your fitness levels, tone up, or even just to explore the open air one great and easy way is through cycling. This simple programme is designed to help you improve you riding capability, fitness and strength on your bike, and is suitable even if you haven’t exercised regularly before. This 8-week programme will give you the motivation to get started on your fitness goals.

Building Fitness through Cycling - 8 week Training Programme star
f you’d like to build on your fitness levels, tone up, or even just to explore the open air one great and easy way is through cycling. This simple programme is designed to help you improve you riding capability, fitness and strength on your bike, and is suitable even if you haven’t exercised regularly before. This 8-week programme will give you the motivation to get started on your fitness goals.

Building Self-Esteem: A Self-Help Guide star[offsite link]
Learn about self-esteem and depression, change negative thoughts to positive ones, learn activities that will help you feel good about yourself - and journey towards a healthier, happier you!

Building the Ultimate Scrapsite star[offsite link]
Tips and photos for creating the ultimate scrapsite.

Building with Cob a step by step guide star
Did you know you could build amazingly beautiful and creative structures (even homes) simply by playing in the mud? You can! While there is a bit more to it than just adding water to dirt, cob building is an exciting and inexpensive way to build benches, sculptures and homes.

Bullied - A Review star
A review of author Katherine Mayfield´s latest informative book on bullying!

Bullying and Emotional Intelligence star
Bullying is an epidemic in this country and Katherine Mayfield may have a solution to help stop it!

Bunny Bib star[offsite link]
Instructions for making a cute 3-D bunny bib.

Bunny Doll - Photos and Hints star

Burb Cloths star[offsite link]
Instructions for making quick and easy burp cloths.

Burger King Slashes Whopper Price star[offsite link]
Facing a mounting price war in the fast-food industry, it´s Burger King´s turn! For a limited, time, the franchisees have agreed to offer their flagship Whopper for 99 cents. Will McDonald´s pick up the gauntlet and strike back?

Burger Tips star[offsite link]
Achieving better burgers is easy when you follow the practical pointers from Lawry´s.

Burn Belly Fat star[offsite link]
Burn belly fat with the best abdominal fat loss tips from the leading fat loss expert online.

Burn Fat During The Holidays star
Right now is the perfect time to start a mock weight loss plan that will keep you on track when the new year rolls around. Here´s your quick start 3 step guide plus great products to help you burn fat and deliver that brand new body for christmas.

Burpee Seeds star[offsite link]
Burpee has many varieties of herbs available in seed. Perfect for the garden or windowsill.

Burroughs, Edgar Rice star[offsite link]
Offical site For Edgar RIce Burough, author of Tarzan, as well as many scifi novels

Business Ethics for Coaches star
The Life & Business coaching industry has had to work hard for our good reputation. Make sure you adhere to positive business ethics.

Business Opportunities Scams star
Desperation for lack of job opportunities had led several job seekers to business opportunities fraud. Follow simple steps of due diligence and do not put money up front for allegedly profitable business opportunities. They are nothing but fraud schemes.

Business Success With Poster Board and Post-its™ star

Business Valuation Methods star
Determining the true value of a business is a permanent source of engagement for forensic accountants. The key to a successful business valuation is to use methods widely recognized in the valuation industry.

Business Writing star
Learn to write for business.

Business Writing star[offsite link]
Learn how to do all kinds of business writing.

Busy Beaks star[offsite link]
Cages, toys, food & more.

Busy Bee Knitting star[offsite link]
A large selection of wool and wool-blend yarns – including alpaca yarn, cashmerino, silk, and more – as well as knitting patterns and needles.

Busy Pet Toys star[offsite link]
A great foraging toy for your bird.

busybird.com star[offsite link]
A busy bird is a happy bird! - that is the heading at this site and they provide plenty of toys and supplies to keep your bird busy & happy.

Butt Makeover Workout star[offsite link]
The butt makeover workout is a 20 minute workout that includes exercises that burn tons of fat, tons of calories, and build a firm butt and lean sexy legs.

Butter Bonanza -- Everything You Want to Know About Butter star[offsite link]
Have a butter question? They’ve got the answer. FAQ´s about general butter information, cooking with butter, butter and your diet and butter pricing. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, e-mail your comments to their webmaster.

Butter FAQs star[offsite link]
Everything you need to know about butter—measuring, salted vs. unsalted, how to soften it to room temperature quickly and more.

Butterball Talk-Line - Top Ten FAQs star[offsite link]
The top ten most frequently asked questions from the Butterball Turkey Talk-Line. You can also email Butterball or call the Talk-Line toll-free.

Butterball Turkey Sandwich Index star[offsite link]
A huge collection of turkey sandwich recipes of all kinds from Butterball.com

Buttercup Bag star[offsite link]
Buttercup Bag Pattern found on the website Made By Rae.

Butterflies of Northeastern Mexico star
This wonderfully colorful book has fotos of the butterflies found in the Mexican States of Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi and Tamaulipas. A photographic checklist and map make this a very complete reference book.

Buttermilk Fried Chicken star
Fried chicken is a great food for buffets or casual get-togethers. If you´re going to be making your own, this is a great recipe.

Buttery Roasted Potatoes star
Easy to make and perfect for entertaining. A great side dish for beef or chicken.

Buttonquail´s Home Page star[offsite link]
Information on feeding, housing and special care for these interesting little birds.

Buy Post-it Personalized Notes On-Line star
Buy Post-it Personalized Notes On-Line

Buy Your Dog´s Medications Online star[offsite link]
They guarantee the lowest prices on Frontline, Heartgard, Advantage, and all your dog´s health care needs. Get volume discounts and free shipping on orders over $39.

byGosh.com Short Stories star[offsite link]
A site featuring illustrated stories for children.

C-Section Risks-It´s Your Choice star
Elective c-sections are on the rise, even given the latest research which indicates a three-times higher death risk for moms. Does the key to fixing this problem lie with the care providers, or the pregnant women in question?

C.A.A.R.E. star[offsite link]
Center for Avian Adoption, Rescue, and Education situated in Fargo, North Dakota.

C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation star[offsite link]
The C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation was formed in 1991 to join volunteers who love to fish with disabled and disadvantaged children for a day of fishing in the outdoors.

CA - Channel Islands star[offsite link]
Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Celebration of the Whales January - April 15

CA - Mendocino star[offsite link]
Mendocino Whale Festival March 7 and 8

CA - Mendocino South Coast star[offsite link]
Redwood Coast Whale & Jazz Festival April 2 - 18

CA - San Diego star[offsite link]
The Big Bay Whale Days Festival February 21 - 22

CA - Sebastopol star[offsite link]
Victorian Christmas Tree Ranch (707) 823-0831

Cadmium Found in Children´s Jewelry star
The Associated Press has documented in an investigative report that testing done on some children’s jewelry imported from China contains the toxic metal cadmium, which is even more harmful than lead.

Caiques Are People Too star[offsite link]
A website about Caiques put together by a group of people who met on a mailing list.

Cajeta - Sweet, Sickly and Hopelessly Calorific star
Cajeta is a delectable, fabulously calorific, caramelised goat´s milk concoction, as Mexican as you can get, and while it may not benefit the waistline, its intensely deep, comforting sweetness is undoubtedly soothing to the soul!

Cajeta - sweet, sickly and hopelessly calorific star
Cajeta is a delectable, utterly addictive, caramelised goat´s milk concoction, as Mexican as you can get, and while it may not benefit the waistline, its intensely deep, comforting sweetness is undoubtedly soothing to the soul!

Cajun Music star[offsite link]
"Let the good times roll!" The Cajuns descended from the Canadian French who emigrated from Canada into parts of Louisiana. Learn about their musical heritage on this site.

Cake Baking FAQs star[offsite link]
Learn the secret to perfect cakes, how to prevent falling and other mishaps, guidelines for types of flour to use, freezing tips and more.

Cal - Ital Roast Beef Sandwiches Recipe star
These sandwiches combine flavors of Italy with my home state of California. They are easy to make, but perfect for parties, picnics, half-time, or any time you need a great sandwich.

Calaloo star[offsite link]
A journal offering African-American and African arts and literature with a rich mixture of fiction, poetry, plays, critical essays, cultural studies, interviews, and visual art.

California & Las Vegas Theme Parks & Attractions star
Summer and warm weather are here. Where will you take your family for summer fun this year? Here are some fun ideas to get you started!

California Bird Nerds star[offsite link]
They specialize in SAFE bird toys and bird toy parts at low prices without compromising quality!!

California Cage Bird Shows star[offsite link]
A listing of the upcoming shows in California.

California Seafood Council star[offsite link]
Seafood recipes from the California Seafood Council.

Californication star[offsite link]

Calls to Mystic Alice by Alice Rose Morgan star
A psychic and her ‘Spooks’ explain karma, reincarnation, and everything else you forgot on your way to Earth illustrated with tales from her own work.

Calorie Calculator star[offsite link]
Calories burned throughout the day based on your activity level.

Calorie Control Council star[offsite link]
Information on cutting calories and fat in your diet, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, and low-calorie, reduced-fat foods and beverages.

Calories Burned star[offsite link]
Calories burned for exercise and other activities.

Calories Burned Calculator star[offsite link]
Calories burned per hour are listed below for the example body weights of 130, 155 and 190 pounds.

Camelot Village - The White Tower star[offsite link]

Cameos star
Would you be surprised to learn that throughout history men collected and wore Cameos too??

Camp Crop Alot star[offsite link]
2 Retreat locations in GA

Campbell´s Casserole Kitchen star[offsite link]
Campbell´s offers hundreds of quick and easy casserole recipes for any occasion, any time of year.

Campfire Beans star
Baked beans are the staple of a good camp-out -- whether you´re really on a camping trip or just pretending for a child´s party.

Camping With Your Dog star[offsite link]
Here are a few tips that may make camping with your dog a bit more enjoyable and possibly safer.

Can My Marriage be Saved? star
Marriage Q & A by Lori Phillips. Common questions about saving marriage are here in Part I of this article series.

Can We Build It? Yes, We Can! star
Throwing an over the top child´s construction birthday party

Can We Help You Keep Your Pet? star[offsite link]
Often people feel they must give up their pets for various reasons. On these pages, you´ll hopefully find some alternatives and be able to keep your animal. This info is also for those who would never dream of giving up their pet, but just need some advice on basic pet problems. Pets feel love, pain, loneliness, and joy. They should never be considered disposable property.

Can You Change Your Love and Save Your Life? star
Can a person who´s always been a fake become a real person? The Wrester, The Ram,tries to change to save his life.

Can You Teach Yourself Tarot? star
Is it really possible to teach yourself to read Tarot effectively? or do you need a class? Read on to find out...the answer may surprise you.

Can-Can Chili Bake star

Canada Day star

Canada: Movie Rating System star[offsite link]

Canadian Body Artists star
Tattooists and body piercing studios located across Canada. Got an recommendation? Send us an email!

Canadian Sweeps star
For Canadian residents.

CanaryAdvisor.com star[offsite link]
Canary care info from feeding to breeding ... including canary food and seed info, cages and housing tips, disease and health care, breeding and baby care ... plus sign up for a free Canary Tips Ezine.

Candida Overgrowth – A Hidden Epidemic star
Candida Overgrowth is said to be affecting about 80% of the population. Read this article to find out the danger and symptoms of Candida overgrowth…

Candied Yam and Marshmallow Casserole star
Yams and marshmallows combine to make a deliciously sweet side dish in this traditional favorite.

Candied Yam and Marshmallow Casserole star
Sweet yams topped with crusty marshmallows make this a yummy side dish. Perfect with turkey or ham.

Candy Making FAQs star[offsite link]
Basic information on mixing, which pans work best, storing suggestions and more about candy.

Candy Making Temperatures star[offsite link]
When reading a candy recipe, instead of stating the temperatures for a candy thermometer in the directions, it will tell you to cook the ingredients until a a small amount reaches a certain "stage" when dropped into a cup of cold water. This chart defines those stages and gives the temperature reading of a candy thermometer for each stage.

CandyWrapperDesigns.com star[offsite link]
Looking for custom candy bars? Don´t like the price? This website is a great money saver for the frugal bride! Purchase either wrapper templates, printed wrappers, or wrapped candy!

CandyWrapperDesigns.com star[offsite link]
Looking for custom candy bars? Don´t like the price? This website is a great money saver for the frugal bride! Purchase either wrapper templates, printed wrappers, or wrapped candy!

Canine Assistants - Training Great Dogs to Help Special People star[offsite link]
Canine Assistants is a non-profit organization, founded in 1991, which trains and provides service dogs for children and adults with physical disabilities or other special needs. In addition to physically assisting those with disabilities, service dogs remove many of the barriers faced by the disabled in today´s society

Canine Companions star[offsite link]
Canine Companions for Independence is a non-profit organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly-trained assistance dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality partnerships.

Canine Partners For Life star[offsite link]
CPL trains and places assistance dogs with individuals with mobility impairments to help increase their independence and quality of life. CPL has several types of assistance dogs in its program including service dogs, seizure alert dogs, home companions and residential (community) companions.

Canine Support Teams star[offsite link]
Canine Support Teams (CST) is a California based non-profit organization that provides specially trained dogs to people with disabilities other than blindness. Almost all skill, labor and help of every kind is provided by people who volunteer their time and energy.

Canines in the Car star[offsite link]
Your puppy´s first experiences riding in a car will influence his or her future reactions to being taken for a car ride. Fortunately, owners can take steps to prevent or reduce their puppy´s stress and fear. Read more...

Canning Your Own Fruits and Vegetables star[offsite link]
Canning is a great way to preserve vegetables and fruits for your own use or for gifts. The basic principal is simple: during the canning process, food is heated to a high enough temperature to stop the decaying action of enzymes and/or bacteria and other microorganisms in the food. The food is then stored in sterile, airtight containers to prevent contamination.

Cantinflas Mexico´s Non-Confrontational Folk Hero star
Have you ever heard of Cantinflas? In Mexico, if you asked that question virtually everybody could proudly tell you who he was. Having starred in over 50 films, a brilliant social satirist, Cantinflas who is often referred to as "Mexico´s Charlie Chaplin" has a permanent place in Mexican culture.

CanWest Raise-a-Reader star[offsite link]
Provides financial assistance and resources to family literacy programs and libraries. Unfortunately, there are many ads on the site but once you get through them there is literacy program resources, links for kids, and local campaign information.

Capirotada - A Pudding for Easter star
Semana Santa, Holy Week, and Pascua, Easter, are marked by widespread celebrations, festivities and rejoicing in Mexico and while this period is in essence a religious festival, it is also tremendous fun, with a decidedly carnival atmosphere. Capirotada is a traditional Lent and Easter dish.

Capirotada - a pudding for Easter star
Semana Santa, Holy Week, and Pascua, Easter, are marked by widespread celebrations, festivities and rejoicing in Mexico and while this period is in essence a religious festival, it is also tremendous fun, with a decidedly carnival atmosphere. Capirotada is a traditional Lent and Easter dish.

Caponata - Eggplant Relish Recipe star
This recipe is wonderful to prepare and have available to serve as an appetizer, take to work for lunch, or have a great meatless meal.

Caprese Salad Recipe star
Caprese salad, made with fresh Mozzarella and tomatoes, can be enjoyed as an antipasto or as a light delicious lunch.

Caprese Salad Recipe star
Caprese salad, made with fresh Mozzarella and tomatoes, can be enjoyed as an antipasto or as a light delicious lunch.

Car Manners star[offsite link]
From a professional who has trained the pets of countless celebrities and who´s own pets are celebrities themselves, here´s advice about commom car travel problems with pets.

Caramel Apple Chiffon Cupcakes star
Take advantage of season-fresh apples to make these incredible cupcakes. Perfect for your Halloween party or school bake sales.

Caramel Baked Apples star
Traditional baked apples with a mouth watering twist.

Caramel Baked Apples star
Traditional baked apples with a mouth-watering twist.

Caramelizing Onions star[offsite link]
Caramelizing onions brings out and sweetens the natural flavor of onions. You can caramelize any type of onion, but depending on the sugar content, some may caramelize quicker than others. Here´s how to caramalize - illustrated, step by step.

Carbs & Weightloss star
Everything you need to know about carbs including why we need them, dietary sources, different categories, and which ones to avoid when losing weight.

Carbs, Fats and Calories. What’s The Deal? star
A conversation with a friend over lunch reveals some interesting facts about nutrition.

Card, Orson Scott star[offsite link]
Hatrack River is award winning author Orson Scott card´s official site. Beside book info, look for writing tips and classes.

Cardio Coach Guided Workout star
Can´t motivate yourself to do your cardio? Can´t afford a personal trainer to motivate you either? Cardio coach is the solution you need!

Cardio Haters Guide to Burning Calories star
If cleaning your bathroom sounds more appealing than doing cardio then do that instead. Ideas on how to burn calories without spending hours on cardio machines.

Cardio Workouts That Work star
Challenge yourself with these three cardio workouts on the treadmill, recumbent bike, and crosstrainer. 20 minutes that will burn close to 300 calories.

Care for Your Grill , From Sunbeam-Coleman star[offsite link]
Details on performing regular seasonal maintenance on your gas grill. plus faq related to trouble shooting, repair and replacing parts. You can also download copies of lost used manuals.

Career Spread star
Making the right career choice is an important part of vital, healthy life. Learn to work with your natural strengths and talents and avoid situations that go against your natural inclinations by using this detailed career spread.

Careers in Writing star[offsite link]
There are a lot of nonfiction writing career specialties. Take a look at this list to find one your like.

Caring for Candles star
Ax the wax from your linens and furniture with these timely tips. These tips will also leave your tapers strong, sturdy and smelling as fresh as the day you bought them.

Carlsen Twins Separated at Mayo Clinic star[offsite link]
See updates on the Carlsen twins. The conjoined twin girls were separated successfully on May 12, 2006

Carnaval Souvenir in Saguenay star[offsite link]
Since 1961, the Carnaval Souvenir has been held in a valley crossed by three rivers. Once the fur route´s major trading post, it is today the site of one of Quebec province´s winter carnivals which features costume-clad townspeople who simulate the lifestyles of their 19th century ancestors.

Carnival Jelly Doughnuts Recipe star
A festival is not a festival in Germany unless there is some type of special food involved, and for Mardi Gras, Karneval, it is Faschingskrapfen or Berliner, the Carnival Jelly Doughnut.

Carribean Cuisine star
If a Carribean cruise is not in your budget this summer, try cooking up some great Carribean fare with recipes provided by BellaOnline´s Carribean Cuisine host, Vernell Clouden.

Carrigaline & District Budgerigar & Foreign Bird Club star[offsite link]
A small but active bird club on the south coast of Ireland.

Cartier and America star
Pierre Cartier´s creativity is being celebrated in an exclusive exhibit, Cartier and America, at San Francisco’s Legion of Honor museum. This exhibition celebrates Cartier’s 20th century work through the 1960s and 1970s, when he supplied celebrities with their jewels and luxury accessories.

Cartoon Network star[offsite link]

Casablanca site star[offsite link]
This is Casablanca´s site.

Case Closed Captured in Her Eyes star
Case Closed: Captured in Her Eyes is the fourth film released for the Case Closed anime franchise.

Case Closed Double Feature star
The Case Closed Double Feature DVD box set includes the first two movies, The Time Bombed Skyscraper and The Fourteenth Target.

Case Closed DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of DVDs for the Case Closed anime series.

Case Closed Movies star
Here you will find reviews of the Case Closed movies that were released by FUNimation Entertainment.

Case Closed Season DVD Box Sets star
Here you will find review of the Case Closed Season DVD box sets that were released by FUNimation Entertainment.

Case Closed Season Five Box Set star
The Case Closed Season Five DVD box set is a four-disc set that contains episodes 106 through 130 of the Case Closed anime series.

Case Closed Season Four Box Set star
The Case Closed Season Four DVD box set is a four-disc set that contains episodes 80 through 105 of the Case Closed anime series.

Case Closed Season One Box Set star
The Case Closed Season One DVD box set is a four-disc set that contains the first 26 episodes of the Case Closed anime series.

Case Closed Season Three Box Set star
The Case Closed Season Three box set is a four-disc set that contains episodes 53 through 79 of the Case Closed anime series.

Case Closed Season Two Box Set star
The Case Closed Season Two box set is a four-disc set that contains episodes 27 through 52 of the Case Closed anime series.

Case Closed The Fourteenth Target star
Case Closed: The Fourteenth Target is the second film released for the Case Closed anime franchise.

Case Closed The Last Wizard of the Century star
Case Closed: The Last Wizard of the Century is the third film released for the Case Closed anime franchise.

Case Closed The Time Bombed Skyscraper star
Case Closed: The Time Bombed Skyscraper is the first film released for the Case Closed anime franchise.

Casino Royale (2006) Daniel Craig, Judi Dench star
Actor Daniel Craig has proven that he is James Bond and that Bond is definitely back full throttle.

Cassini Mission and Website star
The space probe Cassini has been sending home fantastic pictures of Saturn and its satellites since 2004, and its mission has been extended twice. Its website has a wealth of images and some interesting material for teachers, students and astronomy fans.

Castle star[offsite link]
Ugly Betty returns with new episodes to round off its second season.

Castle Campbell star[offsite link]
A mediaeval castle that is the seat of Clan Campbell.

Castle In The Air ... Montezuma Castle star
Montezuma Castle and the Sinagua People in Arizona.

Castle in the Sky star
Castle in the Sky (which is known in Japan as Laputa: Castle in the Sky) is a film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki.

Castle in the Sky star
Castle in the Sky (which is known in Japan as Laputa: Castle in the Sky) is a film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki.

Castles star

Casual Country Buffet for 8 star[offsite link]
Here is a complete menu guaranteed to make the first day of the New Year a special one.

Catching Them Doing Good star
Catching adolescents doing good things is as important as catching their mistakes. Sometimes we look harder for the mistakes than the good deeds.

Categories, Tags and Keywords star
A little knowledge of the key elements of classifying blog posts helps bloggers bring in search engine visitors and keep them there to learn more. Invite web users to your blog using keywords and then give them the tour of your site to find relevant content using categories, tags and/or labels.

Catholic Library Association star[offsite link]
An international membership organization, providing its members professional development through educational and networking experiences, publications, scholarships, and other services.

Catnapped star
Catnapped! is an anime film from 1995 that was directed by Takashi Nakamura.

Cats star
Visit our BellaOnline Cat site to learn about these frisky felines.

Caught Bread Handed Book Review star

CBS´ The Unit Television Show Review star
Review of the new CBS show, "The Unit". The television show is based on the book "Inside Delta Force" and focuses on both the unit and their families.

CD Audio Books-Maeve Binchy Secret Stories star
In seeking creative Irish gifts for Irish American pals,I redicovered my most favorite Maeve Binchy Irish culture CD audio books!In´The Lilac Bus´ stories,the same neighbors are on the bus daily,but what are they all planning when they get to Dublin?Each one keeps their thoughts secret..

CD Audio Books-Maeve Binchy Secret Stories star
In seeking creative Irish gifts for Irish American pals,I redicovered my most favorite Maeve Binchy Irish culture audio books on CD!In´The Lilac Bus´ stories,the same neighbors are on the bus daily,but what are they all planning when they get to Dublin?Each one keeps their thoughts secret..

Celebrate 5 de Mayo with a Fajitas Fiesta star
5 de Mayo, 5 May, is a date dear to Mexican hearts and a cause for celebrations, fiestas and general jollity, especially in Puebla, where a memorable battle was once fought. No specific dishes are served on 5 de Mayo but fajitas are real fiesta food and an appropriate way to mark the occasion.

Celebrate Easter star[offsite link]
Games, stories, craft ideas, and pictures to download.

Celebrate Mother Goose star
Mother Goose Day is May 1st. Courtney Roberts, BellaOnline´s Party Planning host has put together a wonderful menu and party ideas to make your little ones happy.

Celebrate National Poetry Month! star
April is National Poetry Month - Learn all about it and get links to events, resources and more...

Celebrate National Poetry Month... star
April 2007 marks the 12th year of this special event...

Celebrating With Pears star
Celebrate a newly engaged couple or the arrival of twins with this flavorful theme. Use pear themed decorations, and add pears to the menu for a fun twist to either of these celebrations.

Celebrations & Entertainment star

Celebrity butt workout star[offsite link]
The celebrity butt workout is a high intensity workout that reshapes your butt and legs

Celebrity Fit Club 3 star[offsite link]

Celebrity Tattoo Quiz star
Test your celebrity tattoo knowledge. How much do you know about movie, music and sport star body art?

Celery´s Health Benefits star
What is green, crunchy and good for rheumatism? Discover the health giving secrets of celery.

Cellphones star
Cellphones provide pedophiles with easy access to children, especially teens. Learn how to keep children safe when using cellphones.

Cellulite on Buns and Legs star
Look good walking away after toning your buns and upper legs.

Celtic and Druid Beliefs star
Celtic culture has existed for centuries. The druids were the protectors of the way of life - not necessarily a religion, but a belief of the universe´s energy.

Celtic Heart star[offsite link]
This unusual heart is a workout in Celtic tatting and split rings. Pattern retrieved by the wayback machine.

Celtic Mythology star
Celtic mythology and legends.

Celtic Pantheon star
Celtic Mythology of gods and goddesses

Celtic Twilight - Book Review star
Reading Celtic Twilight is like spending evenings with William B. Yeats as he quietly and expressively relates tales told to him by the people of the lands he wandered through as a younger man full of the passion of mysticism and the people of his beloved Ireland.

Celts Vintage Crochet star[offsite link]
Wonderful collection of free vintage crochet patterns including tablecloths, doilies , runners, and other items crocheted mostly with threads.

Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation star[offsite link]
Brings policy makers and leader together to discuss and work towards peace.

Center for the Advancement of Women star[offsite link]
"A non-profit institution dedicated to research based education and advocacy for women."

Center On Education Policy star[offsite link]
"The article outlines how school leadership will have to change in order to successfully carry out the mandates of the No Child Left Behind Act."

Ceramic Dolls - Links star

Ceramic Historical Doll star[offsite link]
Ceramic doll from the Ukraine.

Ceremonies, Songs, and Poems star[offsite link]
This is a great collection of not just songs, but also poems and ceremonies. I particularly like the poems section. This is a page on a larger site put together by a Senior Girl Scout troop in Kansas City, Missouri.

Cernunnos - The Horned God star
Some gods prefer to remain mysterious, a little on the dark side, and away from humans as much as possible. Cernunnos, certainly seems to be one with these traits. Cernunnos is an ancient horned god of Celtic paganism beliefs.

Cerridwen And The Cauldron star
Cerridwen is the Mother Goddess of ancient Welsh mythology. She is one of the Old Ones, of the old order of witchcraft. She is strongly associated with the cauldron.

Certifications & Exams star

Cesareans and VBACs star
Information about these topics.

Ceviche Recipe star
Raw fish marinated in citrus juice is a traditional way of preparing seafood, found all along the coast of Mexico, and Latin America generally. The sharp, acid fluid effectively “cooks” the flesh without ruining the soft, delicate texture.

Chaco Canyon Fascination star
Come and explore the ancient mysteries of Chaco Canyon and it´s peoples.

Chakras Quiz star
How much do you know about the 7 main chakras? Take this fun quiz to find out!

Chandra X-Ray Observatory star[offsite link]
X-rays let us see some of the most dramatic sights in the universe. The site has pictures, background information, videos and education information. You can even see where Chandra is right now.

Channelling Nature Spirits star
When Cheri Barstow contacted me from California to say she was coming to the UK I thought we’d have some fun together! I’d read her channellings from nature spirits in her book ‘Elementally Speaking’ and wondered what she’d make of some of the magical places I know in Wales.

Chanukkah Candle Salad star
Delicious salad in three variations, featuring pineapple, bananas, asparagus, and more!

Character star
Learn how to show who your character truly is.

Characterization star

Characterization star

Characterization star
Learn how to characterize your characters before you write your story.

Characters/Occupations ABC List star[offsite link]
List of words to use for characters or occupations in an ABC book.

Charles Dickens New Year-Book Or DVD? star
Which is best, a Charles Dickens DVD,a Dickens story CD for the car,a pocket MP3 download of Dickens stories? Books and DVDs do portray the quaintness the eccentric Victorian cartoon drawings gave to the stories which Dickens couldn´t help but tell, even when supposed to be focused on an article!

Charles Gatewood´s Tattoo Gallery star[offsite link]
Tattoos photographed by Charles Gatewood.

Charlie Chaplin page star[offsite link]
This page is about Charlie Chaplin.

Charlie Chaplin Tribute Site star[offsite link]
An excellent tribute site for the legendary Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Wilson´s War Review star
Charlie Wilson drank at ten in the morning, in king´s palaces (or would have if he could have), in hot tubs, at 2 a.m. and any other time possible. He was the U.S. Congressman who, along with a woman and a rogue, made it possible for history to be rewritten in Afghanistan between 1980 and 1989.

Charter School Accountability star[offsite link]
A guide to issues and options for Charter School authorizers.

Chase star[offsite link]

Cheap Home Gym Guide star[offsite link]
How to build a cheap home gym guide shows you what equipment to get, the best fatloss exercises, plus free videos and workouts to get you started.

Cheaters & Broken Hearts star[offsite link]
A site intended to provide an outlet to express feelings about experiences with infidelity, and promote healing.

Cheese Blintzes with Blueberry Sauce star
Hanukkah desserts, such as jelly donuts, are traditionally deep-fried but this Jewish classic, cheese blintzes are appropriate to this holiday as well!

Cheese Please star
Cheese is the perfect accompaniment for any appetizer spread and can be an appetizer in and of itself. Here are some tasty cheese recipes to get you started.

Cheese-O-Rific Macaroni star
Macaroni and cheese is most everyone´s favorite comfort food -- especially kids.

Cheesenet.Com star[offsite link]
A large cheese information site with a database of over 100 cheeses which offers pictures as well as detailed information on individual cheese types. They also have a growing library of cheese-related articles. Still have unanswered questions about cheese? See their "Ask Dr. Cheese" section.

Cheeses of New England star[offsite link]
Types of Cheese, Nutrition and Storage, Serving Cheeses, Cheese Compliments, Cheese Trivia, and Chef´s Recipes

Cheesy Eye Balls star
Eye balls are the caviar of any Halloween party. Cook these up for your distinguished guests.

Chemo Caps star[offsite link]
Started in memory of her daughter, Heather, who succumbed to cancer in 2000, Ronni Spoll´s charity has delivered thousands of caps to chemotherapy patients across the U.S. Find free patterns, information and more on her website.

Chemotherapy Turban star[offsite link]
A head cover up for those undergoing cancer treatment.

Chenille Backed Blanket Tutorial star[offsite link]
This tutorial shows you how to make those cuddly chenille backed blankets.

Cherished Moments Craft Hideaway star[offsite link]
Retreat in Kokomo, IN

Cherokee Creation Stories star
Cherokee creation stories as told by the Cherokee Peoples and retold by P.D. Burns

Cherry Tree Yarns star[offsite link]
One or two free patterns, complete with pictures, to complement the company´s handpainted yarn selection. Patterns change periodically, so check back regularly.

Chicago Tribune: Books star[offsite link]
Includes Children´s Corner, New in Paperback, and Literary Awards Sections. Also many book reviews.

Chicken & Spinach Frittata Recipe star
This recipe is a great use for left over chicken breasts. This is a large reciepe and makes a great brunch dish.

Chicken Lettuce Cups Recipe star
Need a great party appetizer? Try this easy and delicious chicken lettuce cup appetizer recipe. Mini lettuce cups filled with a delicious mix of chopped char siu chicken and celery are sure to please any crowd.

Chicken Pasta Antipasto Recipe star
This pasta salad antipasto is an excellent choice for brunch, lunch, or the antipasto for a large meal.

Chicken Soup and Dumplings star
From my Down Home Cooking recipe box. This recipe for chicken soup has been handed down for four generations

Chicken Souvlaki Recipe star
Cubed seasoned chicken breast with Mediterranean flair.

Chicken Stock - Step by Step star[offsite link]
Step-by-Step illustrations for making chicken stock. Use it in soups, stews, sauces and any recipes calling for chicken stock/chicken broth. Homemade chicken stock can be frozen for later use.

Chicken Tortellini Soup Recipe star
Who says home cooking has to be difficult? This soup is tasty and easy to make.

Chicken-Pecan Quiche star
This delicious quiche has a unique nutty flavor.

Chicks Laying Nest Eggs star[offsite link]
An investment club for women, fun and entertaining! Lots of useful tools and forums!

Chilaquile Casserole Recipe star
In this very Mexican casserole, stale tortillas are folded into a rich, smoky tomato sauce studded with feta cheese, topped with cheddar and baked until crusty. Rich, savoury and utterly satisfying.

Child on Child Abuse star
Child on Child Abuse. This article highlights children abusing children; signs to watch for in your child; how parents can safeguard their children and what to do if it is happening to your child.

Children Abusing Children star
Many students, across the country, experience abuse firsthand from their peers. There are many forms of abuse that occur in our schools. This article takes a look at the abuse that is often labeled as bullying.

Children Abusing Children star
Do children abuse other children? Does it really happen? It most certainly does. In this article, I would like to highlight bullying. It happens at every grade level throughout a child’s educational years. Read this article for more information on bullying.

Children and Young Adults star
Favorite children and young adults mystery stories for all ages.

Children with Diabetes - Reader´s Favorite Recipes star[offsite link]
These recipes are mostly sugar free! Each is on its own page to make it easy for you to print a copy. Recipes marked GF are gluten free for celiac.

Children/Young Adult star
Children and young adult mystery stories are popular with all ages.

Children/Young Adult star
Check out your favorite children and young adult mystery book reviews.

Children/Young Adult star
Children and Young Adult mystery stories for all ages.

Children/Young Adult star
Favorite Children and Young Adult stories for all ages.

Childrens Disabilities Information star[offsite link]
This is an excellent site with a lot of information. Spend some time and roam around a bit you may find something very interesting or useful to you.

Children´s Books star
Reviews of books intended for children on the topic of adoption.

Children´s Books star[offsite link]
Reviews, discussions, award winners and more!

Children´s Cooking Toys from Off My Painted Rocker star
These toys will foster a childs culinary interest and give them hours of safe creative playing! Read the review and visit the site.

Children´s Hospital of Philadelphia star[offsite link]
New Model May Better Predict Outcomes for Children with Autism and Autistic Spectrum Disorders

Children´s Prayers star

Children´s Prayers of Thanksgiving star

Children´s Sitting Meditation in Translation: Dutch, French, German, Spanish star

Chillingham Castle star[offsite link]

Chilorio Recipe from Sinaloa star
Sinaloa, in the North West of the country opposite Baja California, is the home of the very regional Chilorio, which has spread north and east across the state’s borders but not much further. The best way to describe it is perhaps as the Sinaloaense cooks’ version of pork carnitas.

China Bride star
Reviews of Mary Jo Putney, Patricia Potter and Constance Laux.

China´s Impact upon the Serengeti star
Tanzanian President, Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete has supported the construction of a two-lane, 33 mile road running through the Serengeti National Park. In the spirit of erecting a “road to economic recovery,” one has to wonder if cell phones and hybrid cars are truly worth jeopardizing such a heritage.

Chinese Chicken Salad Filled Cucumber Cups Recipe star
Searching for different hors d’oeuvres for your next cocktail party? Try these amazing chicken salad cucumber cups. They are easy to make and add a unique twist to plain old chicken salad.

Chinese Dinner Recipes star

Chinese Finger Sandwiches Recipe star
Chinese inspired chicken salad served on baguette slices.

Chinese Foil Wrapped Chicken Recipe star

Chinese New Year Recipes star
Celebrate Chinese New Year in style by whipping up these tried and true recipes that will make any guest sit up and take notice.

Chinese Painted Quail (button quail) star[offsite link]
Information on the care, housing and feeding of the Button Quail.

Chinese Popcorn Shrimp star[offsite link]

Chinese Steamed Fish star[offsite link]
Use your favorite fish fillet for this dish. So easy, yet full of flavor.

Chips and Lips star
Here´s an easy to make meal for those hungry goblins!

Chistochina Fun Days star
Although it may look like little more than a quiet spot on the road, Chistochina can be quite lively. Read on to find out why!

Chivalry & Virtuous Living star

Chobits Anime vs Manga star
This article compares the Chobits anime series with its original manga source material.

Chobits Collection star
This is a review of the Chobits Collection box set, which contains seven DVDs of Chobits episodes, and a CD soundtrack.

Chobits Soundtracks 001 and 002 star
This is a review of the two soundtrack albums released for Chobits.

Chocoholic gifts star[offsite link]
Chocoholic.com carries beautiful, elegant gifts as well as treats that are cozy and glamorous at the same time. Their sauces are especially good.

Chocolate & Fruit Drink Recipes from Alan´s kitchen star[offsite link]
Old Pueblo Hot Chocolate, mulled cider, Catalina Orange Julep, Spiced Apple Cider Cooler, Luau Punch; smoothies such as an Orange Juice Power Smoothie, an Orange-Grapefruit Iceberg Smoothie and more.

Chocolate - Peanut Butter Bird Nests star
Fill with tiny jelly eggs or other small candies. This is a fun recipe for kids to make!

Chocolate 101 star[offsite link]
All about chocolate & cocoa... melting or tempering, dipping and molding, decorating and more.

Chocolate Festivals star
Listing of locations.

Chocolate for Dummies star[offsite link]
The Chocolate Lover´s Cookbook for Dummies -- well, we´ve all got to start somewhere. Tips on working with chocolate and chocolate recipes.

Chocolate info at Creative Chocolates star[offsite link]
Another company with a very good information page. Discusses how science has dispelled many of the myths of chocolate´s deleterious effect on the health.

Chocolate info at Stuffed Chocolate star[offsite link]
This site sells chocolate, but the particular page I´ve linked to is nothing but information. Talks about the history of chocolate and its health benefits.

Chocolate Molds Shaping Up as Valuables star[offsite link]
"Chocolate hearts and bunnies may charm, but many nostalgic chocolate lovers are going a step further to find the shape of love -- antique molds from the late 1800s to 1920s." --Reuters

Chocolate of the Month Club star[offsite link]

Chocolate Pizza star
From our Cooking for Kids host, this recipe turns our favorite food into a chocolate dream!

Chocolate Recipe Index star[offsite link]
Chocolate recipes from Cocoajava.Com - recipes for brownies, cakes, cookies, candy and more.

Chocolate Sensations star[offsite link]
An amazing selection of non-edible chocolate products for the bath and body, including perfume, body oils and lotions, bubble bath, and facial masks.

Chocolate U.S.A. star[offsite link]
Fairly serious and in-depth page with links to articles about chocolate

Chocolate Vault star[offsite link]
This site offers chocolate in myriad molded forms, including chocolate business cards, playing cards, tool sets, and a chocolate $100 bill. Claims to be able to make almost anything you can think of in chocolate form.

Choice Magazine Listening star[offsite link]
Choice Magazine Listening selects and records memorable writing from over 100 leading magazines, completely without charge, to adults unable to read standard print. The Library of Congress provides free of charge the required four-track player through its Talking Book program.

Choose Your Hotel with Feng Shui star
Where you stay can bring luck--good or bad--to your vacation or business travels.

Choosing Fruit That’s Truly Ripe star[offsite link]
Understand the ripening process and learn some tricks for telling which fruit is ripe now and which will get ripe once you take it home from the market.

Choosing Kitchen Appliances star
Are you tired of your kitchen appliances? If it is time to replace them, you´ll be happy and perhaps even overwhelmed by the choices available. Today’s appliances offer more functions and maintenance-free abilities than their dated counterparts.

Choosing Pots and Pans to Improve Your Cooking star[offsite link]
A few well-chosen pieces, starting with a good stockpot and a heavy sauté pan, can make a big difference

Choosing Sources for Balance star
When choosing people to interview for a controversial topic, be sure your sources are balanced for fairness.

Choosing the Right Size Bicycle Frame star
There are no steadfast rules when comes to choosing the perfect size bicycle. But to help you on your way, here is a simple guide to get you started on finding that new bicycle at just the right size.

Chow -Chow Recipe star[offsite link]
A tasty combination of late summer vegetables, pickled in a sweet and sour brine.

Christening and Baptism Prayer and Blessing star

Christian Classics Ethereal Library star[offsite link]
Writings in the public domain from the early Christian Church to the present.

Christian Ferguson star[offsite link]
Christian Ferguson has been missing since June 11th, 2003. Christian was last seen by his father who stopped at a payphone in Saint Louis to make a phone call. He tells authorities he was transporting his son to a local hospital when his SUV was carjacked. The SUV was found a short tme later, yet Christian remains missing.

Christian Readings star[offsite link]
Religious stories, poetry, humor, etc.

ChristianBook.com star[offsite link]
Find Bibles, study aids, books on how to live the Christian life, Christian fiction, and a wealth of resources here.

Christians for Environmental Stewardship star[offsite link]

Christin´s Free Tarot Lessons star[offsite link]
A list of all of my Tarot lessons and articles arranged by topic for ease of use and accessibility - includes links to ALL of my BellaOnline articles as well.

Christmas star
Christmas recipes, decorations, ideas and more.

Christmas ABC´s star[offsite link]
The ABC´s of Christmas.

Christmas Clip Art star[offsite link]
Christmas clipart from Kid´s Domain.

Christmas Eve Prayer star

Christmas Holidays in Mexico star[offsite link]
An indepth look into the history and origin of Christmas in Mexico.

Christmas In America star
Remembering and cherishing family Christmas traditions.

Christmas in Mexico - Alegrías Recipe star
The season of the traditional posadas is in full swing, the Ponche Navideño is being stirred and the piñatas are being broken open; out of them pour Mexican sweets which date back to pre-Hispanic times, including the delightfully named “alegrías”.

Christmas in Mexico - Champurrado Recipe star
The crescendo of the Christmas revelry, including the very Mexican “posadas” or Christmas parties, has reached its climax and Christmas Day has finally arrived. The day gets off to a very pre-Hispanic start with a mug of steaming champurrado, traditionally accompanied by tamales.

Christmas in Mexico - Christmas Eve Salad star
Christmas Eve in Mexico is an occasion for a family dinner, served before everybody goes off to Midnight Mass, known as “Misa de Gallo”, cockerel’s mass. The meal starts off with a special Christmas Eve salad, Ensalada de Noche Buena, which is a rather peculiar concoction.

Christmas in Mexico – Buñuelos Recipe star
The Mexican "posada" season is tremendous fun, raucous and jolly, and the street cooks and vendors do a roaring trade. Mugs of hot chocolate are downed and “buñuelos”, a fabulously crisp sweet fritter, are one of the most popular treats during the Christmas festivities.

Christmas in the skies star
Christmas is a special day with a magic of its own. A Christmas eclipse is a great treat and centuries ago a long-awaited comet finally showed up on Christmas day. On the other hand, imagine spending the holidays a quarter of a million miles from home as the crew of Apollo 8 did.

Christmas Legends star
Do you ever wonder about the lore or religious significance of the candy cane, the poinsettia, or other traditions of Christmas? Here are just a few brief stories of the legends of Christmas.

Christmas Party Themes star[offsite link]
Great ideas for everything you need to hold a themed holiday party. Choose from - Christmas in Scotland, Christmas Under the Sea, a Magical Christmas in King Arthur´s Court, the First Christmas Nativity theme, Victorian, 1940´s USO Theme, a Christmas Carnival, or a Christmas Friendship Luncheon.

Christmas Poetry star
Read joyous poems about the meaning of this holiday season...

Christmas Prayer and Meditation on Love star

Christmas Pudding - Tradition and Lore star
Making good old time Christmas foods is much easier today than it was in the distant past. To make an old favorite, like Christmas Pudding, one can bring back a feeling of nostalgia with the tried and true original method.

Christmas Pudding - Traditional Recipe star
Christmas Pudding is traditionally made on the Sunday before Advent. This was called "Stir-Up Sunday", which came from the old customs in England and is still commonly referred to by that name in the United Kingdom.

Christmas Recipes star[offsite link]
An outstanding collection of Christmas recipes from Allrecipes.

Christmas Recipes star[offsite link]
Delicious assortment of recipes from Merry-Christmas.com.

Christmas Recipes star[offsite link]
Favorite holiday recipes from the staff at Kids Domain.

Christmas Shopping for Children Pet Related star
Fun imaginative gifts for children all involving exotic pets. They have the benefit to appreciate animal life as well as having a great deal of fun. They have the benefit to appreciate animal life as well as having a great deal of fun. From video games, to play sets, to bedding sets – all exotic pet

Christmas Short Stories For Students On Kindle star
Christmas short stories for students are so modern with Kindle!Combining vintage mood with techie cool,the pocket reader Christmas Carol is perfect for internet-savvy teens needing fresh ways to study the history and literature of Dickens Victorian England via short story technique and style.

Christmas Short Stories For Students-Cool Classics star
Christmas short stories for students can be inspirational.Many are perfect for pre-Christmas lessons,like the classy ones by Louisa May Alcott, Charles Dickens and even Frank O’Connor. What better time to introduce young students to the joys of great literature and short story technique and style.

Christopher Guerriero´s Maximize Your Metabolism star[offsite link]
Renegade nutritionist flips the diet industry on its ear by shattering myths about weight-loss others don´t want you to know about. "Maximize Your Metabolism" founder Christopher Guerriero will teach you how to permanently transform your body and get Into the best shape of your life, even if you have no will-power, no helpful genetics, and no time to waste - but demand fast, safe, long lasting results.

Christ´s Birth: Factual Information star
Learn the facts behind the beloved story by studying articles from the Ensign and other sources.

Chrono Crusade Complete Collection star
The Chrono Crusade Complete Collection is a five-disc set that contains all twenty-four episodes of the series.

Chuck star[offsite link]

Chumash Peoples Of California star
The Chumash people are indigenous to the central and southern coastal regions of California. Archaeological research has shown that the Chumash have deep historical roots and have lived on the southern California coast for thousands of years.

Chunky Cinnamon Applesauce star
This is a wonderful chunky applesauce that works as a side dish, dessert or just as a snack.

Chyrel´s Recipe Box - Sandwich Recipes Index star[offsite link]
Sandwich recipes galore, French Dip Sandwiches, Tomato And Mozzarella Bruschetta, Corn Dogs, Reubens, Seafood Burgers, Subs...even an "Elvis Special."

Cinnamon and Sugar Swirls star
Here´s a super simple recipe for a fun dessert for a child´s party. It also makes a great after-school snack.

Cinnamon Sugared Nuts star
A salty and sweet treat perfect for a snack or appetizer.

Cinnamon Sugared Nuts star
Start your feast off right with these salty and sweet treats.

Circe - Greek Sorceress And Goddess star
Circe was a powerful sorceress. All throughout the forest roamed lions and wolves, once men, these animals were the result of the magic of metamorphosis by Circe.

Circle Pine Soapmaking star[offsite link]
SOAPMAKING WORKSHOP - CIRCE PINES CENTER January 22 ~ 24 - Please see the listing of the event here Circle Pines Center

Circle Tail star[offsite link]
A non-profit organization in Ohio that provides high quality assistance dogs to people with mobility, hearing, neurologic or psychiatric disabilities.

circuit workout advanced star[offsite link]
The ab circuit workout advanced is an ab circuit that challenges the core and the entire body with full body ab exercises that burn fat and calories. You can use this ab workout many ways.

Circulo Yarns star[offsite link]
Dozens of free knitting, crochet and needlework patterns available, with more added on a regular basis. Knitting projects include several adult sweaters, bikini and other warm weather wear, and a few items geared for kids. All include pictures.

Circumcision star
Information about the ritual of brit milah.

Citizens for Midwifery star[offsite link]

Citrus Handling & Preparation Techniques star[offsite link]
Basic techniques to use when preparing citrus fruit for serving or cooking + how to make attractive citrus garnishes.

City Confidential (A&E) star[offsite link]

Classes & Workshops star

Classic Actresses Fan Site star[offsite link]
This link is for a classic actress site by a fan.

Classic Anime - Al star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Al.

Classic Anime - Ar star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Ar.

Classic Anime - As star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with As.

Classic Anime - Au star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Au.

Classic Anime - Ba star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Ba.

Classic Anime - Bu star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Bu.

Classic Anime - Ca star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Ca.

Classic Anime - Cr star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Cr.

Classic Anime - Cy star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Cy.

Classic Anime - Di star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Di.

Classic Anime - Do star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Do.

Classic Anime - Dr star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Dr.

Classic Anime - Fi star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Fi.

Classic Anime - Ga star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Ga.

Classic Anime - Go star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Go.

Classic Anime - H star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that begin with H.

Classic Anime - He star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with He.

Classic Anime - K star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that begin with K.

Classic Anime - Ki star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Ki.

Classic Anime - L star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that begin with L.

Classic Anime - Lu star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Lu.

Classic Anime - M star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that begin with M.

Classic Anime - Ma star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Ma.

Classic Anime - Me star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Me.

Classic Anime - Mo star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Mo.

Classic Anime - N star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that begin with N.

Classic Anime - Ne star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Ne.

Classic Anime - R star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that begin with R.

Classic Anime - Ra star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Ra.

Classic Anime - Re star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Re.

Classic Anime - Ro star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Ro.

Classic Anime - S star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that begin with S.

Classic Anime - Sa star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Sa.

Classic Anime - Sh star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Sh.

Classic Anime - Sp star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Sp.

Classic Anime - T star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that begin with T.

Classic Anime - Te star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Te.

Classic Anime - U star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that begin with U.

Classic Anime - Ur star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Ur.

Classic Anime - V star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that begin with V.

Classic Anime - Vo star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Vo.

Classic Anime - Y star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that begin with Y.

Classic Anime - Yu star
Here you will find overview articles for classic anime series that start with Yu.

Classic Anime Information star
Here you will find information about classic anime series, such as episode listings.

Classic Bread Stuffing star
A moist and tasty stuffing perfect as a side dish or to use to stuff a turkey.

Classic Bread Stuffing star
A classic and filling side dish.

Classic Cherries Jubilee Recipe star

Classic Director Fan site star[offsite link]
This site has links to a fan´s directors sites.

Classic Film Noir Images star[offsite link]

Classic Movie Actors fan site star[offsite link]
This link is to classic actors´ sites.

Classic Movies star[offsite link]
Brad Lang´s site is a comprehensive resource for classic movie buffs. It spans all genres, but there are lots of classic Hollywood comedies included here, and Brad provides reviews, news and feature articles.

Classic Open Tote star[offsite link]
The open tote is an enduring style, both easy to make and well suited to a wide variety of uses.

Classic Train and Railroad Movies star
Who doesn´t enjoy a classic movie that has trains in it!

ClassicReader.com star[offsite link]
A comprehensive collection of short stories from renowned authors.

Clay Buttons star[offsite link]
Handmade Ceramic Buttons, wide variety of unique buttons.

Claymore Chapter 1 DVD star
Claymore: Chapter 1 – The Burden of the Blade is a DVD that contains the first five episodes of the series.

Claymore The Complete Series star
Claymore: The Complete Series was released on both DVD and Blu-Ray; this review covers the Blu-Ray edition.

Clean Sweep Apron Instructions star[offsite link]
Learn how to make this easy apron with instructions and illustrations from OrganizedHome.com - includes graphic for transfer.

Cleaning and Deboning Fish star[offsite link]
Filleting fish, scaling fish, skinning fish, making fish steaks and more.

Cleaning Your Bicycle - Get a Routine Going star
Getting a good cleaning regime going means that you ensure the longevity of your bike, helping to keep your bike riding safe, and keep your bicycle performing at its maximum. This article looks into how to keep a good general cleaning routine going, that you can implement after every ride to ensure your bike keeps working at its best!

Cleaning Your Bicycle - Get a Routine Going star
Of course a bike is designed for riding through all sorts and so it’s going to get a bit messy! But getting a good cleaning regime going means that you ensure the longevity of your bike, helping to keep your bike riding safe, and keep your bicycle performing at it’s maximum. Find out more here.

Cleckheaton star[offsite link]
Free sweater, sock and various other patterns.

Climate Change is Natural: 100 Reasons Why star[offsite link]

Clint Eastwood Site star[offsite link]
Here is Clint Eastwood´s site.

Clint Eastwood Site star[offsite link]
Here is Clint Eastwood´s site.

Close to Home Book Review star

Clothespin Apron - Tutorial star[offsite link]
Make an old-fashioned apron for holding clothespins. Very cute.

Clothing and Accessories star[offsite link]
Getting ready for a Pow-Wow? Native Tech has all the information and instructions for your regalia items.

Clothing Budget Rescue star
I know our budgets are taking a beating and it�s getting harder and harder to shop for everything without having to sell something vital. Here are a few tips on keeping your clothing budget from suffering.

Cloverfield - A Review star
How this horror movie is different from any that I have ever witnessed and what it tells us about monster movies.

Clubs in the Northwest star

Cluster B Personality Disorders star
Cluster B disorders, (the Dramatic, Emotional, or Erratic Cluster)are comprised of the Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, and Narcissistic Personality Disorders. We start with Cluster B because the personality disorders it includes are more pervasive in our society.

Clutch Bags star
These patterns are for making clutch style purses. A couple of these patterns make formal style bags.

CNN star[offsite link]
Breaking News Nationwide and Around the World

Cockatiel Cottage star[offsite link]
Information, pictures, warnings, jokes and fun things - all about cockatiels.

Cockatiel E-Book star
Cockatiels are wonderful birds and this e-book should help you learn more about their care.

Cockatoo Talk star[offsite link]
The Parrot Society of Australia and notes of a talk by Klaus Sietas on the Red Tailed Black, Major Mitchell, the Gang Gang Cockatoos.

Coco Before Chanel Review star
Ever wonder how women’s fashion made the jump from the corseted 1890s to the free and easy 1920s styles? The answer lies in the movie Coco Before Chanel. It´s the story of how Coco Chanel singlehandedly changed what women wear and became the biggest name in fashion.

Cocoa Mill gifts star[offsite link]
This company has a good solid selection of gifts, including chocolate gift cards and wine-filled cordials. And where else are you going to buy a ten-pound bar of bittersweet chocolate?

Coconut Macaroons Recipe star
Coconut macaroons are quick to prepare and an easy way to satisfy your sweet tooth. The combination of coconut milk, whole grain or almond flour, and shredded coconut creates a rich and satisfying afternoon snack or dessert.

Coconut Rice star
A delicious rice recipe from our Vegetarian Foods host.

Code Geass DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of DVDs for the Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion anime series.

Code Geass The Complete First Season star
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion The Complete 1st Season is a six-disc DVD box set that includes all 25 episodes of the first season of Code Geass.

Code Geass The Complete Second Season star
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 The Complete 2nd Season is an eight-disc DVD box set that includes all 25 episodes of the second season of Code Geass.

Coeus, God of Intellect star
Coeus is the Titan god of Intellect. He reigns over the art of learning,

Coffee Benefits Against Alzheimer´s Disease star
Can drinking coffee ward off Alzheimer´s Disease? Read this weeks article to see what ingredients in coffee prove to be beneficial to fight this disease.

Coffee Break [crumpled papers] star[offsite link]
Poetry on such subjects as Father/Fatherhood, Family/Children,Mothers/Motherhood, Patriotic/Military.

Coffee Clubs star
Are you searching to find the perfect coffee blend? Try this idea to discover your favorite flavor.

Coffeehouse for Writers star[offsite link]
Site featuring online writing courses. Net sessions begin September 9, 2002.

Cold Cucumber Soup star
A wonderfully refreshing soup.

Collaborator - Ghost Writer star
Learn how to become a Collaborator or Ghost Writer for nonfiction books.

Collapse Review star
“It will be nothing like what we´ve ever seen before… Everything that we said is happening: gold prices, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the stock market….” Michael Ruppert’s documentary on the upcoming financial collapse of America is categorized as a Horror film and as a Documentary. Don’t miss it.

Collected Memories star[offsite link]
Variety from The Racer´s Prayer to How Do I Love Thee?

Collected Memories-Free Diecuts star[offsite link]
Clear cut instructions! Must have Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Collectible Silver Jewelry by Fred Rezazadeh star
Beautiful book for the serious silver jewelry collector.

Collecting Hemitite Jewelry star
Hematite is a beautiful gemstone that possesses wonderful healing properties. It is one of the three most important crystals in healing.

Collecting the Dead Book Review star

College Board star[offsite link]
Prepare to take the SAT, Register for the Test, and Send your Scores to the Universities of your Choice

College Planning star[offsite link]
College planning for the high functioning student with autism.

CollegePrep 101 star[offsite link]
College preparation site includes information for high school students, their parents and those that work with them to prepare to enter college.

Colman-Smith Tarot Deck star[offsite link]
A virtual tarot deck of the Major Arcana that you can download and print (and color) yourself.

Color Healing star
Color is such an integral part of our lives that we sometimes take it for granted, yet it has the power to heal us. When we are poorly we talk about being off color and from an energy point of view this is absolutely true. A clairvoyant may see illness in the aura and body as grubby, dull colors.

Color Schemes for Every Room star
One of the best color books for use with feng shui isn´t a feng shui book. If you´re redecorating, this is a must-own reference when you´re selecting colors.

Colors and Numbers by Louise Hay - Book Review star
Louise Hay has written a fascinating book that details the importance of numbers and colors and how their vibrations can influence your life.

Comedies star

Comedy Writing star
Learn what comedy writing is and how to break into it.

Comfort Prayer for Strength in Loss star

Coming of Age star
Subtopic - Subject Journey. Coming of Age--to come of age sometimes requires a road journey but always requires a journey of heart and mind.

Coming to Your Center star
Having your energies centered will create a feeling of more stability, peace and harmony for yourself. By coming to center I mean a focussing of your energy at a central point in the body. By doing this we can respond with a more coherent and balanced approach to life.

Commando Birdies star[offsite link]
Its looking like Parrotlets are planning on taking over the world. Hoomans - I mean humans are not allowed on this site. Very entertaining reading!

Committee to Defend Women´s Rights in the Middle East star[offsite link]
Activist Site focused on middle eastern issues.

Common Bread Machine Problems and Solutions star[offsite link]
From Bread Machine Magic, solutions to common problems, and answers to questions about bread making ingredients

Common Complaints star
What you and many others are feeling, just because you´re pregnant.

Common Dog Commands star[offsite link]
Common commands used for communicating with dogs, in several languages.

Common Myths About Teen Pregnancy star
There are a lot of myths out there about teen pregnancy. Get the real facts as this article debunks the myths.

Communicating with Greater Self-Confidence star

Communicating With Your Adolescent star
How effective is your communication with your teen? Do you feel as though what you have to say is getting through? Read on for resources...

Communion Prayer and Meditation star

Community Service Hours – Why the Heck Do I Care Anyway? star
How you can make community service work for you - and even be less than dreadful!

Company Research at Hoovers star[offsite link]
A great site to research company information.

Comparative Mythology - Creation star
Greek mythology began its origins from the gaping void, or Chaos. From Chaos emerged Gaia, the Earth and Mother of all. Through parthenogenesis Gaia produced Uranus,the Sky, who became her consort, or husband.

Compassion Meditation star
A guided compassion meditation from BellaOnline´s Meditation editor, Susan Kramer.

Computer Forensic Terms star
Some of the words listed here are of common usage, however, the true definition is unclear to many.

Concept Lab - The Simulator star[offsite link]
In the mood for a burger? This one cooks faster than you can say, "McDonald´s!"

Connecting Teachers to Strategies ...Access to the General Curriculum star[offsite link]

Connecting with Trees star
Trees have enormous strength and wisdom to share with us. They are sentient beings and we can communicate with them. Learning to connect with trees can help you feel safely rooted on the planet whilst you undertake your spiritual journey.

Conquering Codependency - Loving without Leaning star
48 articles looking at different aspects of codependency from a spiritual point of view. A prayer or journaling meditation is included in each.

Conqueror of Shamballa Blu-ray star
This is a review of the Blu-ray pressing of Fullmetal Alchemist The Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa.

Conservative star
Conservative Jewish information and educational resources.

Constellation Maps star[offsite link]
Constellation maps of the northern and southern skies in different seasons are shown on this companion site to Constellations.

Constellation or Asterism & Other Posers star
Constellations, asterisms, galaxies and star clusters are all groups of stars. So how are they different? Why isn’t the Big Dipper a constellation? Where are the globular clusters? And if Saturn is in Virgo, has it left the Solar System?

Constellation or Asterism & Other Posers star
Constellations, asterisms, galaxies and star clusters are all groups of stars. So how are they different? Why isn’t the Big Dipper a constellation? Where are the globular clusters? And if Saturn is in Virgo, has it left the Solar System?

Constellations star[offsite link]
An alphabetical list of the constellations with basic information and a drawing, compiled by Jim Kaler.

Consumer Jungle star[offsite link]
Find out what it takes to survive in the consumer jungle and prepare for your future. Play games and learn about car loans, credit cards, how to stay safe on the Internet, and what it takes to live on your own.

Contact Forms for Blogs star
Protect yourself and others from spam by adding a contact form to your blog to collect data. Don´t rely on the comments area as a resource for readers communicating important information about your blog or business to you.

Contagious Hope Ministries-California star[offsite link]
Children are always in need of clothing, shoes, handmade blankets, quilts, soft toys, prayer shawls, baby booties, hat´s, mittens, or scarves. If you can donate your time by making any of these much needed items, please contact us. We are also able to put together blankets if you would like to send your handmade crocheted or knitted squares to us.

Context 19 star[offsite link]
Context 19 (Oct. 6-8 in Columbus OH) will be offering workshops for speculative fiction writers and screenwriters. Topics include creating character through dialog, screenwriting, paranormal romance, writing media tie-ins, and more. There´s also a two-day writing workshop in which you can get your stories or chapters critiqued by pro writers.

Continental Kennel Cub (CKC) Recognized Breeds star[offsite link]
The CKC offers the dog world a choice in canine registration services. The CKC provides its club members and the general public with educational material through direct mail, magazine publications, training seminars, and its online presence. It has established performance events, field trials, and breed evaluation shows. Click on their name to see the breed list.

Control Web Based Email Spam star
Every web site owner faces an unfortunate byproduct if they post their email freely on their site. This byproduct is commonly referred to as Spam. Here´s some an easy tip to control this annoying problem.

Conversion to Judaism star[offsite link]
An introductory course to Judaism aimed at those who do not have direct access to a rabbi where they live. The purpose of this course is to lead to a possible conversion. This site is presented by a Reform rabbi.

Conversion to Judaism Home Page star[offsite link]
A resource center for those converting or contemplating converting to Judaism. The site includes sections on dealing with one´s parents, the conversion process, a list of books, and a list of rabbis willing to help those wishing to convert. The materials here are presented from a Conservative perspective.

Converting Handmade Recipes to Machine Made Recipes star[offsite link]
Converting a handmade recipe for use in a bread machine is fairly simple. One thing you have to remember about converting recipes is that no matter how much yeast it says you need no bread machine recipe needs more than 2-1/2 tsp. Much of the time it is less than that. Read more....

Cookbook Corner star
Shop for cookbooks...from tried and true classics to today´s new best sellers.

Cookbook Corner - Cookbooks for Kids star
Here´s some of the best choices in cookbooks for kids. There´s cookbooks with recipes and ideas for young home cooks, cookbooks with recipes for healthy foods for kids and recipes with kid appeal, plus cookbooks with recipes for baby.

Cookie Baking Bloopers star[offsite link]
Remedies for your baking problems from Quaker Oats

Cookie Baking FAQs star[offsite link]
Create perfect, uniform cookies that don’t spread and are not over or under-baked. Plus, information on baking equipment, storing and lots more.

Cookie Making for Beginners star[offsite link]
Are you ready to learn how to make cut out cookies? Have you tried in the past but given up because you thought it was too much work? Learn easy techniques to help you become an expert cut-out cookie baker from illustrated step-by-step directions.

Cookie Wishes. Com star[offsite link]
At CookieWishes.com you can search for a recipe using the name of the person who submitted the recipe, by ingredients, by cookie name, etc. Submit your recipe, then stop back to watch the Cookie Wishes Online Cookbook grow.

Cooking for Groups - A Volunteer´s Guide to Food Safety star[offsite link]
This is a guide tp help volunteers prepare and serve food safely for large groups such as family reunions, church dinners, and community gatherings. This food may be prepared at the volunteer´s home and brought to the event, or prepared and served at the gathering.

Cooking for Kids star
Kid-pleasing recipes and articles with advice about cooking for kids from BellaOnline´s Cooking for Kid editor.

Cooking School Terms star[offsite link]
This is a great link to learn cooking terminoligy. Great to learn and experiment

Cooking with Beans star[offsite link]
Whether you are using dry-packaged or canned beans, these tips will ensure the best tasting beans for all of your favorite recipes.

Cooking with Milk - Blender Recipes star[offsite link]
As many milk recipes as your belly could possibly desire from "Got Milk". If you want recipes for chillers, smoothies and shakes, here´s where to find them!

Cool Archive Fonts star[offsite link]
Over 950 free fonts for PCs and Macs!

Cool Fitness Websites & Products star
Rent fitness dvd´s online, take an online yoga class, or get the latest and coolest fitness apparrel and accessories on these great fitness sites.

Cool Pops star[offsite link]
Whip up homemade ice pops with recipes from Weight Watchers. Not only can you save dollars making fruity ices at home, you will finally be in charge of the flavor assortment.

Cool Summer Drinks star
Five wonderfully cool drinks that your kids will certainly enjoy. From BellaOnline´s Cooking for Kids host, Cathi Guy.

Coping with a Parent´s Deployment star
Almost 2 million U.S. children have a parent in the military and one-fouth of these are adolescents. This article describes unique services for them and how to help them cope with military deployment of loved ones.

Coping with Awakened Kundalini Energy star
We live in changing times and some people are experiencing noticeable shifts in their energy systems. One potentially dramatic change is the spontaneous arousal of Kundalini energy in the spine. Here I discuss basic self help ideas for coping with the release of this strong energy.

Coppelion Episode One Recap star
Episode 1 Recap for Coppelion, a seinen anime based on the manga written and illustrated by Tomonori Inoue.

Coppelion Recaps star
This is where you will find recaps for the seinen anime, Coppelion.

Copywriter star
Learn how to become a copywriter.

Copywriting 101 star[offsite link]
Learn what a copywriter is and how to become a good one.

Cordelia Gray star[offsite link]

Corel Snapfire and Snapfire Plus - 2 star
Snapfire(TM) and Snapfire Plus are new photo software from Corel(R). Snapfire was recently released as a free download available at www.snapfire.com and Snapfire Plus is a budget priced upgrade which adds more advanced features.

Corel Snapfire and Snapfire Plus - 3 star
Snapfire(TM) and Snapfire Plus are new photo software from Corel(R). Snapfire was recently released as a free download available at www.snapfire.com and Snapfire Plus is a budget priced upgrade which adds more advanced features.

Corey Ford and his Comedy Lines star
Humor is a very important part of storytelling. This article takes a trip down memory lane for some and an educational path for others, as it introduces Corey Ford and his light-hearted and honest humor in life as he knew it.

Corn Husk Dolls - History and Lore star
Corn husk dolls have been a delightful craft for people of all ages. These dolls have a history of many different purposes within cultures from around the world. This is a very popular form of folk art.

Corn in White Wine star
This great Italian dish is the perfect combination of wine and corn.

Cornbread star

Cornhusk dolls star[offsite link]
In 12 easy steps, each with a graphic, you´ll have a traditional doll made by children for centuries

Cosediprocida star[offsite link]
Italian design site with crochet earrings.

Cosettes Closet star[offsite link]
Chart for measureing your dog for a sweater and click on the sweaters link to get an eyeful, well worth waiting for the pictures to load.

Cosmic - book review star
Cosmic isn´t an astronomy text. It´s a delightful novel for young people which includes space travel and an cast of great characters, including Liam who´s too tall for his age. It´s Willy Wonka meets Apollo 13, as the taikonauts get chosen in an unusual draw and end up stranded in space.

Cosmic - book review star
Cosmic isn´t an astronomy text. It´s a delightful novel for young people which includes space travel and a cast of great characters, including Liam who´s too tall for his age. It´s Willy Wonka meets Apollo 13, as the taikonauts get chosen in an unusual draw and end up stranded in space.

Cosmic Father´s Day star
What sort of tie would you give a cosmic father? What would you feed him? Where might he find challenging mountaineering, make an astounding golf shot or get up an interstellar soccer game? How can you send a special man a genuinely galactic greeting? Here´s how.

Cosmic White Christmas star
If you´re dreaming of a white Christmas, the cosmos may have something of interest. How about deep snow on one of Saturn´s moons, a gigantic Christmas tree whose lights are baby stars, a snowman on an asteroid or an Einstein ring?

Cosmic White Christmas star
If you´re dreaming of a white Christmas, the cosmos may have something of interest. How about deep snow on one of Saturn´s moons, a gigantic Christmas tree whose lights are baby stars, a snowman on an asteroid or an Einstein ring?

Cosmo Girl star[offsite link]
A link to Cosmo Girl´s Magazines beauty page

Counterfeit Brand Jewelry on eBay - The Controversy star
Sale of counterfeit or "fake" brand label jewelry on eBay is causing concern for sellers and buyers alike. Here´s an introduction to the controversy.

Counterfeit Brand Jewelry on eBay - Why is it a Problem? star
What´s the harm in getting a good deal on some fun fashion jewelry, even if it´s falsely advertised to be a designer label when it´s not?

Country Cheese Omelet star
Who doesn´t love an omelet? This hearty dish can be served alone or with hashbrowns and sausage.

Coupon Clutch - Tutorial star[offsite link]
Make a nifty clutch to store your coupons in.

Court Exhibit Content on Madoff’s Ponzi Scheme star
"This is an extreme example of uncontrolable greed which should be investigated by the proper authorities." This was the closing paragraph of an anonymous letter sent to the former Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC. Was this warning letter ignored?

Cowboy Bebop star
This is an overview of Cowboy Bebop, the first anime program that aired as part of Cartoon Network´s "Adult Swim" block.

Cowboy Bebop DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of Cowboy Bebop DVDs.

Cowboy Bebop DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of Cowboy Bebop DVDs.

Cowboy Bebop Remix Volume 1 star
This is a review of the first volume of the Cowboy Bebop "remix" DVDs.

Cowboy Bebop Remix Volume 2 star
This is a review for the second "remix" DVD released for Cowboy Bebop.

Cowboy Bebop Remix Volume 3 star
This is a review of the third "remix" DVD released for Cowboy Bebop.

Cowboy Bebop Remix Volume 4 star
A review of the fourth "remix" DVD released for Cowboy Bebop.

Cowboy Bebop Remix Volume 5 star
This is a review of the fifth disc in the Cowboy Bebop "remix" DVD releases.

Cowboy Bebop Remix Volume 6 star
This is a review of Cowboy Bebop Remix Volume 6, the final disc of Cowboy Bebop episodes.

Cowboy Bebop Tank The Best star
Cowboy Bebop: Tank! The Best! was one of the soundtrack CDs released for Cowboy Bebop.

Cowboy Bebop Tank The Best star
Cowboy Bebop: Tank! The Best! was one of the soundtrack CDs released for Cowboy Bebop.

Cowboy Bebop The Movie star
Spike and the rest of the Bebop crew got to hit the big screen in Cowboy Bebop: The Movie.

Cowboy On The Go Breakfast star
Days of my Dad´s cowboy wanderings, his lore of the wild and his recipe for Saddle Cakes.

Cowboy Poetry at the Bar-D Ranch star[offsite link]
Excellent source for cowboy and western poetry

Coyote Country Seasonings star[offsite link]
Seasonings for soups, chilis, dips, and more.

Coyote Helps Grandfather star
Grandfather, tell the children about the old ways...

Coyote The Hungry star
A Caddo legend about Coyote the Trickster, who is always hungry...

Cozy Hooded Baby Towel - Tutorial star[offsite link]
These make wonderful newborn gifts and are so much nicer than the store bought versions. From the Purl Bee.

Cozy Quick Blankie - Tutorial star[offsite link]
A double-sided baby blanket trimmed with rick-rack. From the Purl Bee.

CPG Bookmaking star[offsite link]
California Paper Goods gives text instructions (with only a few images) on creating a simple thread-bound book.

CPS False Allegations of Child Abuse star
The reality is that false accusations of child abuse strain an already overburdened system.

Craft Avenue ABC Lists star[offsite link]
Lists of ideas for ABC books from CraftAvenue.com

Craft Bits - with lots of pics star[offsite link]

Craft Yarn Council of America star[offsite link]
Free apparel, afghan, and various other crochet patterns.

CraftBits star[offsite link]
Free patterns and tutorials, not only for crochet but other crafts as well!

Craftown star[offsite link]
A nice selection of free patterns-baby and children´s items, things for adults, the home, accessories and more. Some include photos. They also offer free patterns for a wide range of crafts, so have a look.

Craftown-Knitting Instructions star[offsite link]
Basic introduction to casting on/off, knit, purl and other stitches, abbreviations, etc. Includes diagrams.

Crafts by Sortillege star[offsite link]
Card making and scrapbook technique ideas, including Tea Bag Folding, Paper Tole (3D Decoupage), Parchment Craft.

Crafts for Kids - Recycle & Create star[offsite link]
Craft projects for young ones made from paper bags, cardboard tubes, and other items around the house

Crafty Cottage star[offsite link]
It will take some to browse through all the patterns available on this site, but they are categorized to make the job easier.

Crafty Tool Belt star[offsite link]
A short apron with two rows of pockets.

Cranberry Salad star
Make a delicious salad mold with the holiday favorite, cranberries.

Cranberry Salad star
An elegant molded salad made with cranberries.

Crash (2005 ) withTerrence Howard star
This is not a feel-good movie, but there is something about it that won´t let you walk away.

Crash (2005 ) Terrence Howard - Now on DVD star
This is not a feel-good movie, but there is something about it that won´t let you walk away. May 2005 review.

Crate & Barrel star[offsite link]
Hot new colors and designs for spring! From dinnerware to casual furniture... this is one place to check out if you´re registering for gifts for the home!

Crazy About Jewelry star
Born of Susan Eisen´s lifelong passion for jewelry, "Crazy About Jewelry" is an invaluable resource for jewelry owners.

Crazy Man, Really Crazy star
A crazy person is someone who is not someone who fools outside people, a really crazy man is someone who fools himself.

Cream of Tomatillo and Chicken Soup Recipe star
A grey and drizzly February day is the perfect time to raid my freezer for some tomatillos or Mexican husked tomatoes and turn them into a creamy, rich and soothing soup.

Create a Family Recipe Keepsake star
Handed-down family recipes are a gift from past generations and an important part of a family´s history. A family cookbook is a wonderful way to preserve those precious recipes plus recipes for new family favorites for your children, grandchildren and future generations.

Create a Family Recipe Keepsake star
Handed-down family recipes are a gift from past generations and an important part of a family´s history. A family cookbook is a wonderful way to preserve those precious recipes plus recipes for new family favorites for your children, grandchildren and future generations.

Create a Family Recipe Keepsake star
Handed-down family recipes are a gift from past generations and an important part of a family´s history. A family cookbook is a wonderful way to preserve those precious recipes plus recipes for new family favorites for your children, grandchildren and future generations.

Create a Multiple Author Blog star
If you are overwhelmed by blogging and posting consistently or you are looking to diversify your blog content consider inviting other bloggers to author posts. Adding multiple authors to a site is fairly easy and an enjoyable experience for you and your readers.

Creating a Border Around Your Photographs - Photoshop Tutorial star
There are quite a number of different ways and tricks of creating a border around your photographs in Photoshop. This Photoshop tutorial shows you how to create a neat presentation like border in A4 size and looks very professional when printed out and the picture framed.

Creating a Sacred Space For Better Health star
Learn the importance of creating a space you can call your own. Whether it is a place to meditate, to quietly think or just to center and reflect on the day, everyone needs a special place. It can improve your health and peace of mind.

Creating A Soap Website star
Tips on creating an online presence

Creating an Editorial Calendar star
A new year brings a set of new goals for hobby and pro bloggers alike. Support your New Year’s blogging resolutions by creating a yearly, quarterly or monthly editorial calendar. Find new ways to incorporate holidays or high profile events into your blogging schedule.

Creating The Life We Dream star
Whether we are looking to retire soon, change what we do for a living, or desire romance in our life, thoughts determine very much the circumstances surrounding us. By understanding timing is only a portion of an unfolding event we can turn our thoughts into action creating the life we dream. From our Clairvoyance site.

Creative Design School star[offsite link]
Published six times a year, each issue features knitting lessons step-by-step instructions and a practice pattern for various knitting techniques. More comprehensive details and samples can be found on the website

Creative education - intro to unschooling star
Imagine growing up feeling honored and respected for who you are and being able to express your opinions and thoughts without the fear of being censored or made to feel wrong. How much easier would it be to let yourself create if you’ve always been allowed to do so?

Creative Exercises star
Some creative exercises to inspire you poets out there.

Creative Purse star[offsite link]
Purse pattern with embellishing tips including how to make a tassel.

Creativersity Page Titles star[offsite link]
Lots of cute ideas for page toppers.

Creatures Supernatural - Angels star
For everything you ever wanted to know about angels, from guardian angels to the great Archangels, .

Creatures Supernatural - Dragons star
The Great Wyrms, serpents breathing fire and smoke, dragons of legend and folklore

Creatures Supernatural - Fairy Folk star
Everything that has to do with fairies

Creatures Supernatural - Ghosts and Ghouls star
Banshees, Boggarts, Kelpies, Ghosties, Ghoulies, four-legged beasties and things that go bump in the night. Ghosts and visitors from the other side. Or are they ?

Creatures Supernatural - Unicorns star
The magic of unicorns, a selection of sites to charm the mystical steed to appear

Creatures Supernatural - Vampires star
Monsters of legend or creatures of flesh and blood? From travellers tales to contemporary film, the legends and myths abound.

Credit Card Debt star

Credit Card Debt star

creepy Cannibal Casserole star

Cricker´s Cuzins star[offsite link]
A page put together by a bunch of birds with an imagination.

Crime Thrillers star

Crispy Treat Pops star
Crispy treats on a stick - with a colorful, yummy addition.

Criss Angel Mindfreak season starts off with bang star
With two episodes under its belt in season four, illusionist Criss Angel has walked on water and narrowly escaped a building implosion on Criss Angel Mindfreak on A&E Network.

Critter Camp - Unadoptable Exotic Pets star
Discarded pets have a home where they are well cared for and loved. Maybe they no longer recognize the concept of love because of past abuse, neglect, and trauma. Who is the angel behind Critter Camp? Director Beth Randall, "They get to live the life they deserve; safe, happy, and loved."

Critters Workshop star[offsite link]
An on-line workshop/critique group for serious Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror writers

Crochet Food - Crochet Pattern Central star[offsite link]
Links to crochet food patterns. Great for pretend tea parties.

Crochet Pattern 30 Min Hat star
A free pattern for a quick and easy crochet doll hat.

Crochet Pattern Central star[offsite link]
Comprehensive directory featuring thousands of free crochet pattern in a variety of catgories.

Crochet Treasures star[offsite link]
Over 900 vintage crochet patterns, many done with thread, to purchase as well as a nice selection of free patterns.

Crochet Tunisiano star[offsite link]
Portuguese site with some very nice tunisian projects.

Crock-Pot Pizza Recipes star
Instead of calling for pizza serve this amazing slow-cooker pizza. The pasta substitutes for the crust.

Crock-Pot® Slow Cooker Hints & Tips star[offsite link]
To enhance your slow cooking experience, Vrock-Pot.com offers hints & tips to help you succeed with any slow cooking recipe.

Crop Cozy House star[offsite link]
Scrapbook Retreat in Lancaster, PA

Cropper´s Cottage star[offsite link]
Scroll down to Member Galleries, and scraplift away!

Crow Brings Daylight star
Long, long ago, when the world was still young, it was always dark in the north where the Inuit people live. They thought it was dark all over the world...

Cruise ABC List star[offsite link]
ABC list for Cruises

Crunches for Lean Abs star
The two crunch variations below work every inch of your abs along upper back, shoulders, and upper legs and get you lean toned abs faster.

Cry Of A Banshee star
All was peaceful and quiet till one night they heard what they all had feared, it was the cry of a banshee ...

Crystal Healing by Simon and Sue Lilly star
I was delighted to receive a copy of Crystal Healing by Simon and Sue Lilly in the post. This is their latest book and it is crammed full of practical ways to work with your crystals.

Crystal Mountain star[offsite link]
Everything you need to prepare for your next ski trip to Washington´s largest ski area.

Crystal Nets star
Crystal nets, or crystal grids, are layouts of crystals around a person, which can be simple or complex. They are excellent to use for self-healing as you can place yourself in a net, lie back, relax and let the crystals do the healing.

Crystal Visions Dream Balm star
Product Review. Crystal Visions Dream balm promises to enhance vivid dreams and meditation. With its blend of lavender, clary sage and mugwort, it delivers.

Crystals - Keri Manning - DVD star
Crystals is a introductory DVD by crystal healer Keri Manning. She guides you through some of the basics you need to know to choose, cleanse and begin to use crystals for yourself and friends and family.

Crystals - Keri Manning - DVD star
Crystals is a introductory DVD by crystal healer Keri Manning. She guides you through some of the basics you need to know to choose, cleanse and begin to use crystals for yourself and friends and family.

Crystals - Transformation, Spirit and Awareness star
I’m just back from a two day crystal conference featuring the UK’s leading crystal healers and authors. I feel refreshed and ready to go having experienced and been shown some great new ways to work with my favourite healing tools. Here´s a taste of day one!

Crystals And Gem Stone Powers star
Exploring the energies and powers of crystals and gem stones. Creating a Crystal Wheel.

Crystals and Gemstones Quiz star
For thousands of years, crystals and gemstones have been used for healing, protection and personal growth. Test your knowledge of them with this fun quiz that is automatically scored for you!

Crystals Conference - High Vibrational Crystals star
Day Two of the Exeter Crystals Conference opened with Hazel Raven’s presentation on high vibrational stones. These are the crystals that have the ability to connect you to higher realms of consciousness.

Crystals Conference - More Great Ideas! star
I recently attended a great Crystals Conference in Exeter, UK, featuring some of our best known and most highly respected crystal practitioners & authors. I came away with lots of new ideas and here I’ll be sharing more with you.

Crystals Quiz star
Test your knowledge of crystals and their properties with this fun quiz.

Crystals to Help you Sleep star
The quality of our sleep has a huge impact on how we feel during the day. If you struggle with insomnia you may find the right crystals can help you sleep better and wake up feeling more refreshed.

Cu Chulainn, Hound of Ulster star
Cu Chulainn of Irish mythology was known as the Hound of Ulster

Cubic Zirconia star
The fascinating story of cubic zirconia told through articles about its history and creation in a laboratory.

Cubic Zirconia star
Cubic zirconia or cz jewelry is a popular and affordable alternative to diamond jewelry. Lab-created cz´s exhibit brilliant fire and are perfect. Unlike diamonds, they are completely clear with no inclusions. Available in a range of stunning colors, cz jewelry is a gorgeous collectible.

Cucumber and Carrot Salad star
Carrots and green peppers bring extra color and crunch to this refreshing cucumber salad.

Cucumbers Filled With Tuna Antipasto Recipe star
This recipe is unusual and elegant, bringing together fresh flavors for a memorable appetizer.

Cult star
Subtopic - Subject Classic. Cult films are particular movies that have surprising lives all their own.

Current Anime - Ac star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ac.

Current Anime - Ae star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ae.

Current Anime - Ai star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ai.

Current Anime - Am star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Am.

Current Anime - An star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with An.

Current Anime - Ao star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ao.

Current Anime - Aq star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Aq.

Current Anime - Ar star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ar.

Current Anime - At star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with At.

Current Anime - Ba star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ba.

Current Anime - Be star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Be.

Current Anime - Bi star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Bi.

Current Anime - Bl star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Bl.

Current Anime - Bo star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Bo.

Current Anime - Bt star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Bt.

Current Anime - Bu star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Bu.

Current Anime - Ca star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ca.

Current Anime - Ce star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ce.

Current Anime - Ch star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ch.

Current Anime - Cl star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Cl.

Current Anime - Co star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Co.

Current Anime - Cu star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Cu.

Current Anime - Da star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Da.

Current Anime - De star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with De.

Current Anime - Di star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Di.

Current Anime - Du star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Du.

Current Anime - Eb star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Eb.

Current Anime - El star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with El.

Current Anime - Em star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Em.

Current Anime - Es star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Es.

Current Anime - Eu star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Eu.

Current Anime - Ex star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ex.

Current Anime - Ey star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ey.

Current Anime - Fa star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Fa.

Current Anime - Fi star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Fi.

Current Anime - Fl star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Fl.

Current Anime - Fo star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Fo.

Current Anime - Fr star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Fr.

Current Anime - Fu star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Fu.

Current Anime - G star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with the letter G.

Current Anime - Ga star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ga.

Current Anime - Gh star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Gh.

Current Anime - Gi star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Gi.

Current Anime - Gr star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Gr.

Current Anime - Gu star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Gu.

Current Anime - H star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with the letter H.

Current Anime - Ha star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ha.

Current Anime - He star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with He.

Current Anime - Hi star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Hi.

Current Anime - Hu star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Hu.

Current Anime - I star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with the letter I.

Current Anime - Ik star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ik.

Current Anime - In star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with In.

Current Anime - It star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with It.

Current Anime - Ix star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ix.

Current Anime - J star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with the letter J.

Current Anime - Jo star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Jo.

Current Anime - Ju star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ju.

Current Anime - Jy star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Jy.

Current Anime - K star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with the letter K.

Current Anime - Ka star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ka.

Current Anime - Ke star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ke.

Current Anime - Ki star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ki.

Current Anime - Ko star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ko.

Current Anime - Ku star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ku.

Current Anime - L star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with the letter L.

Current Anime - La star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with La.

Current Anime - Le star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Le.

Current Anime - Li star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Li.

Current Anime - Lo star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Lo.

Current Anime - Lu star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Lu.

Current Anime - M star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with the letter M.

Current Anime - Ma star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ma.

Current Anime - Me star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Me.

Current Anime - Mo star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Mo.

Current Anime - Mu star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Mu.

Current Anime - My star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with My.

Current Anime - N star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with the letter N.

Current Anime - Na star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Na.

Current Anime - Ne star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ne.

Current Anime - Ni star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ni.

Current Anime - No star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with No.

Current Anime - O star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with the letter O.

Current Anime - Oh star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Oh.

Current Anime - On star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with On.

Current Anime - Or star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Or.

Current Anime - Ou star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ou.

Current Anime - Oz star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Oz.

Current Anime - P star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with the letter P.

Current Anime - Pa star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Pa.

Current Anime - Pe star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Pe.

Current Anime - Ph star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ph.

Current Anime - Pi star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Pi.

Current Anime - Po star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Po.

Current Anime - Pr star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Pr.

Current Anime - Ps star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ps.

Current Anime - Pu star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Pu.

Current Anime - Q star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with the letter Q.

Current Anime - Qu star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Qu.

Current Anime - R star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with the letter R.

Current Anime - Ra star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ra.

Current Anime - Re star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Re.

Current Anime - Ri star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ri.

Current Anime - Ro star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ro.

Current Anime - Ru star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ru.

Current Anime - S star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with the letter S.

Current Anime - Sa star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Sa.

Current Anime - Sc star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Sc.

Current Anime - Se star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Se.

Current Anime - Sh star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Sh.

Current Anime - Sl star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Sl.

Current Anime - So star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with So.

Current Anime - Sp star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Sp.

Current Anime - St star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with St.

Current Anime - Su star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Su.

Current Anime - Sw star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Sw.

Current Anime - T star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with the letter T.

Current Anime - Ta star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ta.

Current Anime - Te star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Te.

Current Anime - Th star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Th.

Current Anime - Ti star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ti.

Current Anime - To star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with To.

Current Anime - Tr star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Tr.

Current Anime - Ts star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ts.

Current Anime - Tw star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Tw.

Current Anime - U star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with the letter U.

Current Anime - Un star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Un.

Current Anime - Up star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Up.

Current Anime - Ut star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ut.

Current Anime - V star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with the letter V.

Current Anime - Va star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Va.

Current Anime - Ve star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ve.

Current Anime - Vi star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Vi.

Current Anime - W star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with the letter W.

Current Anime - Wa star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Wa.

Current Anime - We star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with We.

Current Anime - Wi star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Wi.

Current Anime - Wo star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Wo.

Current Anime - X star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with the letter X.

Current Anime - Xe star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Xe.

Current Anime - Y star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with the letter Y.

Current Anime - Ya star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ya.

Current Anime - Yo star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Yo.

Current Anime - Yu star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Yu.

Current Anime - Z star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with the letter Z.

Current Anime - Za star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Za.

Current Anime - Ze star
Here you will find overview articles for current anime series that start with Ze.

Current Fox Movie Channel Letter Box Movies star[offsite link]
Up-to-date information on current letter box movies on television. The Fox Movie Channel is an excellent source.

Curriculum Management star[offsite link]
This is from Autism Teaching Tools. They discuss white boards for organization, data sheets and vocabulary lists

Curse of Macha The Red star
In ancient Irish Mythology one of the legends tell of her marriage to a wealthy farmer and how his boasting brought on the curse of Macha the Red.

Cushing´s Disease star[offsite link]
Cushing´s is caused by a hyperactive adrenal gland that pumps too many steroids and other hormones into the bloodstream. It can also be caused by a growth (tumor) in the adrenal gland or the pituitary gland. Most dogs with Cushing´s disease are at least six years old, but the disease can also occur in younger dogs

Cushing´s Disease: A Threat to Older Dogs star[offsite link]
The adrenal glands secrete excess cortisol due to either a tumor in the pituitary gland of the brain or a tumor in the adrenal glands themselves. The tumor results in the production of large amounts of cortisol in excess of what the body needs. This condition is called Cushing´s disease.

Customize Facebook Lists and Friend Settings star
In Facebook you can group your friends into custom lists. This is a helpful feature for the Facebook user with friends, family and business contacts. In addition, specifying friend settings enhances your user experience.

Customized Nutrition Bars for Weightloss star
Make your own customized nutrition bars for weightloss. How to do it yourself, design your own online at You Bar and my favorite nutrition bars.

cutelittleme.com star[offsite link]
Cute "little" fashions

CW TV star[offsite link]

Cyber Smart star[offsite link]
Free resources and lessons on being safe online.

cybRpunk star[offsite link]
A resource for writer of the cyberpunk sub-genre

Cycle Racing - The Teams, Strategy & More star
In competitive team cycle racing, each member of the cycling team has a very important role toward the team successfully winning the race. Read on in this guide and find out more..

Cycle Racing - The Teams, Strategy & More star
In competitive team cycle racing, each member of the cycling team has a very important role toward the team successfully winning the race. Read on in this guide and find out more...

Cycle Racing - The Teams, Strategy & More star
In competitive team cycle racing, each member of the cycling team has a very important role toward the team successfully winning the race. Read on in this guide and find out more...

D H Lawrence Odour Of Chrysanthemums Story star
The D H Lawrence Odour Of Chrysanthemums story is a popular short story for students to study,due to use of imagery and themes of death, bereavement and relationships.It is a historical piece which presents a snapshot of time - harsh family life in colliery town England at the turn of the century.

D Is for Double Star star
We´re used to having just one Sun, so the planet Tatooine in George Lucas´s Star Wars seems exotic with its double sun. Yet at least half the stars we can see in the sky are doubles. But a "double star" can be a true binary or just an optical double, which is a chance alignment of unrelated stars.

D.Gray-man The Complete First Season star
D.Gray-man The Complete First Season S.A.V.E. Collection is a four-disc DVD set that includes the first 26 episodes of the D.Gray-man anime series.

Daft Punk - Discovery star
Daft Punk’s album, Discovery, was released in 2001 and serves as the foundation for the Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem anime film.

Daft Punk - Discovery star
Daft Punk´s album, Discovery, was released in 2001 and serves as the foundation for the Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem anime film.

Dagoba Chocolate star[offsite link]
An intense and interesting collection of organic chocolate. Mostly bars, either plain or with exotic infusions such as dried berries and vanilla, raspberries and rosehips, and lavender. Also sell cacao nibs -- roasted pieces of cacao bean -- with which you can make your own chocolate (or just eat them plain).

Dahl, Roald star[offsite link]

Daily Buddhism star[offsite link]
Excellent five part series on the basics of Buddhism.

Daily Prayers star

Dairugger XV DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of DVDs released for the Dairugger XV television anime series.

Dairugger XV Volume 1 star
Dairugger XV Volume 1 is a three-disc set that contains the first 18 episodes of the series; this series is the original source for what ended up becoming Vehicle Voltron in the United States.

Dairugger XV Volume 2 star
Dairugger XV Volume 2 is a three-disc DVD set that contains 18 episodes of the series; this series is the original source material for what ended up becoming Vehicle Voltron in the United States.

Dairugger XV Volume 3 star
Dairugger XV Volume 3 is a three-disc DVD set that contains the final 16 episodes of the series; this series is the original source material for what ended up becoming Vehicle Voltron in the United States.

Dakota House Journal star[offsite link]
A quarterly online literary journal with social & political commentary

Dallas Morning News star[offsite link]
Read news of Texas and the world. (no registration required)

Dana Gioia star[offsite link]
Former Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, Dana Gioia has had fascinating career in poetry.

Dance For Exercise star
Dancing is an excellent way to keep fit. Read on to find out which dance class you would consider.

Dance Meditation for Kids and Teens star
The fun of dancing with a time for rest and quiet meditation.

Dance Meditation Lessons for Adults star
Techniques and elements that make up a dance meditation and 6 guided lessons.

Dance Shawls star[offsite link]
Dance Shawls are part of women´s regalia. This site has information and a photo gallery for creative inspiration

Dance with the Enemy Book Review star
Carl Logan works in US intelligence, and is assigned to rescue the US Attorney General before the kidnappers kill him. This mission is dangerous, and he pairs up with an FBI agent whose assignment is the same as Logan´s. Things are not as they appear and Logan may not get out alive.

Dancer Paper Doll - Short Tutu Costume for Halloween star
This short ballet or dancer tutu fits the free paper doll in this series.

Dangerously Curvy Novels star[offsite link]
Books with the well-rounded woman in mind. fiction, non-fiction, romance and mystery reviews.

Dangers of Fast Tracking Spiritual Attunements star
In these days of fast food, fast travel and get rich quick schemes it is perhaps not surprising that some people and organisations offer fast track attunements promising to instantly boost your spiritual development. Here I discuss the possible pitfalls of trying to rush your personal growth.

Daniel Espinosa star
With his fearless mix of Mexican silver and precious and semi-precious stones, Daniel Espinosa´s jewelry has not only made him a star in his native Mexico— he has achieved worldwide recognition for his beautiful jewelry designs.

Daniel Espinosa Jewelry star
Mexican jewelry designer, Daniel Espinosa, has attained star status in Latin America and become the most famous Latino jewelry designer in the world. His jewelry is collected by celebrity fashionistas such as Susan Sarandon, Madonna, Halle Berry, Eva Longorin and admirers from all walks of life.

Daniel Espinosa´s Pure Rain star
"Pure Rain" is the newest collection from Daniel Espinosa. Featuring exquisite earrings, bracelets, necklaces, and rings, this is one of a series of articles about the history (Late 19th Century to 1910) of earrings showcasing photographs from the "Pure Rain" collection.

Danny Pollak - Designer Extraordinaire star
Canadian jewelry designer extraordinaire, Danny Pollak, has been designing and making dramatic artful jewelry for the past 24 years. His stunning collection of breathtaking brooches, bracelets, pendants, necklaces, barrettes, and earrings will have you swooning!

Danu - Celtic Goddess Of Tuatha de Danann star
Since the earliest known cultures of humanity, archeological findings show evidence that people worshiped a Mother Goddess. Many of these ancient goddesses are very elusive to modern study and research. Danu (also Dana or Anu), Mother Goddess of the Tuatha De Danann, is one such goddess that there a

Daredevil star[offsite link]
Comprehensive site devoted to the Marvel Comic

Dark Blue star[offsite link]

Dark Chocolate Fondue star
You could eat this fondue with a spoon! Rich and decadent, it´s on the same level as running your finger over a freshly frosted chocolate cake!

Dark Chocolate Fondue star
You could eat this fondue with a spoon! Rich and decadent, it´s on the same level as running your finger over a freshly frosted chocolate cake!

Dark City: Film Noir and Fiction star[offsite link]

Dark Horse Comics star[offsite link]
A publisher of comics and graphic novels, including Aeon Flux, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and more

DarkEcho Fiction star[offsite link]
A graphically tasteful site featuring reviews, interviews and articles focusing on horror fiction and cinema. Great analyses of works of some well-known horror writers.

Darkest Fear Book Review star

Darkness of the Soul star
At times it seems as if those of us that have a spiritual life are always supposed to be tranquil or happy. Yet the journey along that same spiritual life can often cause much heartache and confusion.

Dating and Safety star
Dating can be vague and confusing and unwittingly lead to unwanted advances. Here are some practical suggestions for staying safe.

Dave Creegan star[offsite link]

Dave´s Guide to Buying a Home Computer star[offsite link]
Well documented guide for buying your first home computer. What to look for, definitions, differences with operating systems etc. A must read for a new computer buyer.

David Wells - Past, Present and Future star
Find out how to access the wisdom from your past lives in this easy to use guide by respected psychic medium David Wells.

davidsbridal.com star[offsite link]
Everything Bridal...

David´s Cookies star[offsite link]
Cookie Of The Month Club - Join Now!

DBTAC Nationa Network of ADA Centers star[offsite link]
The DBTAC Information Network, an online Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) resource that includes materials, databases, publications, products and tools for applying ADA best practices in a business environment.

DC Comics star[offsite link]
Official site of DC Comics- publisher of Batman, Superman and more

DC Gluties star[offsite link]
Living the gluten-free good life in DC.

DCI Ross Tanner star[offsite link]

Dead Cold Book Review star

Deadline Yemen star

Dealing with an Awful Roommate star
Are you in college and have a roommate who is simply unbearable? This article will help college teens with terrible roommates.

Dealing with Depression star
Click here to go directly to Bella Online´s Depression Site.

Dealing with Divorce and Separation for Teens star
When divorce and separation happen it can be devastating. Here´s how to cope.

Dealing with Heartburn star
A distressing but very common ailment, heartburn can be cooled by a variety of natural means.

Dealing With The Feelings Of Guilt star
Guilt is a destructive emotion. Feeling guilty about something you have said or done will not resolve anything. Face up to your demons and banish guilt from your life.

Dear Mr. Bush Re: No Child Left Behind star
In theory the proposal of No Child Left Behind is heroic, in reality it is on par with the search for the Fountain of Youth. It is ever elusive.

Death Before Decaf Book Review star
Juliet Langley is the new manager of Java Jive, a coffee shop on the Vanderbilt University campus. Her employees don´t like her, and she finds one of the dead in the dumpster on her first day on the job. Can Juliet find the murderer before she is blamed for it?

Death Crashes the Party Book Review star

Death in the Stocks star

death in the Stocks star

Deborah Brown-Volkman star[offsite link]
Deborah Brown-Volkman specializes in career coaching. Her company is Surpass your Dreams.

Decadent Christmas Dessert Recipes star
Dessert recipes for the holiday season

Decaying Orbit (2007) star
Lost in Space... and trying to solve a mysterious accident... and Earth is millions of miles away.

Deco-Pages.com star[offsite link]
Free digital samples each month for you to download!

Decorating and Home Improvement star
Take time to make improvements on your home through decorating your interiors.

Decorating for the Holidays star
Take some time to find ways to make your home more festive this season. Everything you do that creates a more welcoming environment is a great way to take care of your home.

Deep Fry a Turkey star[offsite link]
Deep-fried turkey is a concept that´s gradually rising in popularity. For a Deep-Frying Turkey experience that´s fun and produces delicious results, follow these guidelines from the National Turkey Federation.

Deep Magic star[offsite link]
An ezine of high fantasy and science fiction

Defend the Faith! star
Would you like to become a better Catholic Apologist? Here are some resources geared to help…

Define your relationship star
Hanging out and Hooking up. Figuring out if you are going out or just kinda going out can be really important.

Definitely Maybe Review star
An interesting story that falls apart in the telling, on the eve of his divorce, Will Hayes takes his daughter Maya and us on the roller coaster ride of his past three "serious" loves. It´s PG-13, a rating which should be respected.

Definition and Careers star[offsite link]
Definition of zoology, education, and careers

Deirdre and Naoise - In Exile star
In their exile, Deirdre and Naoise, the two brothers, warriors and their families, servants and all, journeyed from kingdom to kingdom, seeking refuge, and each time had to leave for fear of being killed.

Deirdre and Naoise - Irish Legend star
The Irish legend of Deirdre and Naoise comes from the Ulster Cycle stories. These are tales from the time when Conchobar mac Nessa was king of Ulster. The story of Deidre and Naoise is one of undying love and tragic consequences for that love.

Delectable Review star
MF romance Delectable by Adrienne Lee left me with a believability question, but otherwise delivers a light and fast-paced plot about second chances and the perils of start-up businesses.

Demeter´s Vengeance star
Not only was Demeter the goddess of the harvest, she also controlled the seasons, and because of that she was capable of destroying all life on earth.

Department for Work and Pensions star[offsite link]

Depraved Heart Book Review star
The saga from Flesh & Blood continues with psychopath and Lucy´s former lover, Carrie Grethen, who supposedly died several years ago in a helicopter crash, resurfaces and begins a killiing spree that Lucy is blamed for, and that Kay is targeted.

Depression at Bellaonline star
Learn more about depression at the BellaOnline Depression site.

Depression, During or After Pregnancy star
With hormones ebbing and flowing, it is very common to deal with varying degrees of depression, and/or anxiety. These sites my help you cope, and maybe when to contact your doctor. Always tell someone how you´re feeling.

Depression, symptoms and suicide star
Do you feel like you can´t go on? It sadness creeping in your life or something left you feeling out of control? Learn about the symptoms of depression and some resources to help.

Dept. for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs star[offsite link]

Derailed (2005) Jennifer Aniston, Clive Owen, Vincent Cassel, RZA star
While Derailed does not have the clever nuances of some of the old mystery movies, it is reminiscent of the old who-dun-its and will definitely hold your attention to the end.

Descent Book Review star

DeScrooging Christmas star
Do you find yourself dreading Christmas time every year? Have you developed a recurring case of Santaphobia? Read on to find ways to De-Scrooge your holiday season.

Desert Hot Springs : Desert Dunes Golf Club star[offsite link]

Desert Willow Golf Resort star[offsite link]
Desert Willow has emerged as the favorite southern California golf courses to play for many. In fact, Golf Digest named the Firecliff course, one of Desert Willow´s southern California golf courses, one of the "Places To Play".

Designed to Sell - Review star
Designed to Sell is a book based on the HGTV show of the same name. It is overflowing with home improvement and decorating advice for every homeowner.

Designer Aviaries star[offsite link]
Beautiful large aviaries, perfect for birds that enjoy having room to fly in.

Designer Jewelry in Support of Ovarian Cancer Research Fund star
September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and Fashion Jewelry salutes those who help promote awareness of ovarian cancer and jewelry designers, Randi-sue Deckard of Designing Diva and Sheela Rayala of Kuukivi have created beautiful jewelry to support the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund.

Designers star
Designers often have sites with free patterns or ideas to stir up your creative juices.

Designing Your Site with Traffic in Mind star
Several interlocking components of design contribute to high traffic volume. Intuitive navigation, visual appeal, worthwhile content and excellent writing are all characteristics of high volume sites. It´s important to keep these in mind as you plan and create your site.

Desire Streetcar star[offsite link]
Learn the history of the Desire streetcar from A Streetcar named Desire.

Desperate Housewives star[offsite link]

Dessert star
Throwing a dessert party is easier than you think! Here are some tips on throwing a dessert party.

Destination Daytona star
This Florida beach town offers more than fun in the sun and a gathering spot for bikers.

Detector Dogs: CBP´s star[offsite link]
Detector dogs were introduced on a wide scale in April 1970 as part of a major effort to interdict narcotics being smuggled through major air/sea and land border ports. See their photo gallery and read more about the service these dogs perform - from the U.S. Customs & Border Protection website.

Dexter star[offsite link]

Dharma Crafts star[offsite link]

Diabetic Desserts star
For delicious diabetic desert recipes like Festive Cake, Cranberry And Orange Salad and Pumpkin Pie plus many more you can´t go wrong. Links to diabetic dishes, dressings, dips and beverages can also be found here.

Diabetic Dips, Dressings and Beverages star
Dips, dressings and beverages for the diabetic holiday meal!

Diabetic Dishes star
Diabetic main dishes and vegetables

Diagnosing Personality Disorders star
Personality traits are enduring, usually rigid patterns of behavior, thinking(cognition), and emoting expressed in a variety of circumstances and situations and throughout one´s life (typically from early adolescence onward). Some personality traits are harmful to both oneself and to others.

Dial M for Murder (1954) with Grace Kelly, Ray Milland star
I had to dig into my movie vault to find movies suitable for warm-weather viewing and enjoyment. I found Alfred Hitchcock´s Dial M for Murder (color/1954)starring Grace Kelly, Ray Milland and Robert Cummings. This is a five star movie.

Diamonds, Care & Cleaning star
Diamond engagement and wedding rings are often worn 24 hours a day. Even though diamonds are the hardest minerals, a 10 on the MOHS Hardness Scale, they still require care to keep them looking their best, and to protect them from loss or damage.

Dichroic Glass star
Learn about Dichroic glass and how it used in making beautiful jewelry collector pieces!

Dick and Jane Crib Set - Tutorial star[offsite link]
Instructions for making items for the crib including bumpers, dust ruffle and a fitted sheet. From jcarolinecreative!

Dictionary of Dreams - Didier Colin star
My recent search for dream dictionaries on Amazon.com yielded 484 results! What makes this book unique is that it includes a set of 24 cards as a system of interpretation. Book Review.

Dictionary of English/Romanian Proverbs star[offsite link]
ABC Listing of popular proverbs and sayings in English and Romanian!

Dictionary.com star[offsite link]
Site offering dictionary, Roget´s Thesaurus, word games and puzzles, as well as a Doctor Dictionary where you can ask questions about words, grammar and language.

Die Me A River Book Review star

Diet & Nutrition During Pregnancy star
Find out what you need to know to grow a healthy baby; Natural supplements, prenatal vitamins, a healthy pregnancy diet and more. Several articles with menu plans and nutrition information.

Diet For Natural Beauty star[offsite link]

Diet Fraud HQ star[offsite link]
This site exposes fraudulent diet products and lists all lawsuits, bans, and other crucial info.

Diet Journals for Faster Weightloss star
Diet Journals for all types of dieters that guarantee you´ll take the weight off faster and keep it off forever.

Differences In Parenting star[offsite link]
How your child may be using it against you.

Different types of Light Meter star
There are a couple of different types of light meters and these measure light in different ways. Find out how these light meters work, why they measure light differently and which one would be great for your own photographs!

Different Types Of Vinegar And Their Uses star
Vinegar has so many uses, comes in many different flavours and can be used in health care, around the home and in cooking. Which is your favourite type of vinegar?

Digging for the Truth star
Are you a budding anthropologist or history nut then Digging for the Truth may be just the show for you.

Digital Art and Animation Newsletter star
Free weekly articles, tutorials, reviews and resources delivered straight to your mailbox. Sign up for the Digital Art and Animation Newsletter. The best way to keep informed about Digital Art and Animation at BellaOnline.

Digital Film Restoration star[offsite link]
An explanation of the important points for restoration of the Tokyo University Digital Museum´s Digital Ozo Project. Includes statistics about the number of films being lost to film degradation.

Digital Photography Journal star[offsite link]
Blog based website with daily updates of news, hacks, tips, and tutorials in the world of digital photography.

Digital Photography Review Camera Reviews star
Digital camera reviews. Great site!

Digital Scrapbook Freebies star[offsite link]
Lots of digital scrapbook freebies. New freebies added each Monday.

Digital Scrapbook Tutorials star[offsite link]
Digital Scrapbook Place has an extensive collection of tutorials to help you get started with digital scrapbooking and to teach you some advanced techniques.

Digital Scrapping 101 star[offsite link]
Digital Scrapbook Freebies

Dips, Spreads & More star
The easiest of appetizers that can be made to be simple or elegant.

Directories star
Websites with a searchable listing of fiction authors.

Directory of Bahá´í Sites star[offsite link]
A directory of Bahá´í websites.

DirecTV star[offsite link]

Dirt Cups star
Kids love dirt and these easy to make desserts are sure to be a party hit! From our Cooking for Kids host.

Dirty Shakes star
A chocolate shake with a twist!

Disability Is Natural star[offsite link]
This site deals with how disability is as natural as hair and eye color, height, weight and other attributes of a person.

Disability News and Views Radio Show star[offsite link]
Promoting awareness in the media.

Disability Resource Directory star[offsite link]
Special needs clothing for all sizes children to adult.

Disaboom Jobs star[offsite link]
Job listing site through Disaboom.com for disability-friendly employers and job seekers with disabilities

Discordant Monochorionic Twins star[offsite link]
The Florida Institute for Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy has designed this page to inform parents, patients, and physicians with the latest and most advanced resources

Discover Kuukivi - Unique Handcrafted Jewelry with Global Style star
Kuukivi is an up-and-coming handcrafted jewelry company that fuses Indian, American, and European style. Kuukivi´s fusion of styles reflect the background of founder and designer, Sheela Rayala.

Discovery Health Nutrition star[offsite link]

Disgusting Cat Litter Casserole Recipe star
Nothing is quite so disgusting as a full cat litter box. So, when you serve this casserole as the main dish at your annual Halloween BOO-ffet, you may have to convince some of your guests to taste it. Quinoa pilaf with sausage "cat dumps" are actually quite delicious!

Dishtowel Apron star[offsite link]
From Martha Stewart Living. General directions on how to make an apron using two dishtowels, one for the bib and the other for the skirt.

Disney ABC List star[offsite link]
Lists words associated with the Walt Disney Company for an ABC album.

Disney Channel star[offsite link]
Find out what your kids are watching on the Disney Channel!

Disneyland star[offsite link]
“The Happiest Place on Earth” is an enchanted kingdom of fantasy and imagination filled with classic family-friendly attractions and magical entertainment, dining and shopping.

Divas Website star[offsite link]
Here is a site dedicated to the divas not only from classic films, but music and world leaders. It has trivia, forums, and photos.

Do Buddhists Pray? star
Article by BellaOnline Buddhist editor, Samten Tsomo.

Do Faeries Exist Mr. Yeats? star
William Butler Yeats wrote a delightful book called The Celtic Twilight.

Do It Herself by Joanne Liebeler - Review star
An introductory reference and how-to book about home repairs and maintenance aimed at the woman who has very little hands-on knowledge of these things.

Do You Feel Like Your Child´s Behavior is Your Fault? star[offsite link]
Are You to be blamed for your child´s behavior? The answer might surprise you.

Do You Have PayPal, Yet? What You Need to Know. star
PayPal gives online entrepreneurs secure and easy options for payment management. Whether you eBay, buy or sell products or services, PayPal likely has a solution right for you.

Do-It-Yourself Family - Book Review star
"Fun and Useful Home Projects the Whole Family Can Make Together" by Eric Stromer, the carpenter from the hit t.v. show "Clean Sweep."

Do-It-Yourself Home Improvement - Review star
DK´s Step-by-Step Guide to Do-It-Yourself Home Improvement is a comprehensive reference & instructional manual about how to build, maintain and repair your home.

Does Tattooing Hurt? star

Dog Breed Information - Quick Links star[offsite link]
This quick reference page lists some of the most common breeds with a very short description of each. For more details about the breed with a photo, click on the name of the breed.

Dog Breeds Directory star[offsite link]
Search this dog breeds directory for information on your favorite breeds, pictures, breed health info, club and breeder links.

Dog Park. Com star[offsite link]
A dogpark is a place where people and their dogs can play together. As the name implies, these places offer dogs off-leash play areas while their people enjoy the park-like setting. Amenities, such as fencing, water, parking, and even grass, vary greatly among these places, but ‘off-leash’ and ‘park’ are the key elements that dog owners want. Find where they´re at state by state.

Dog Scouts of America star[offsite link]
For dog owners who want to become more involved with their dogs.... You & your dog can come to learn fun skills like agility & water rescue; dog sports like herding, sledding & frisbee. Explore topics like wolf behavior, canine fitness, first aid, dog massage, and how to shape your dog´s behavior to teach him to paint! With your help, your dog will create a painting, which can be taken home for framing.

DogFriendly.com star[offsite link]
Travel guides help you find dog-friendly getaway spots, dog-friendly accommodations, attractions, outdoor restaurants, parks & more.

DOGNY - America´s Tribute to Search and Rescue Dogs star[offsite link]
DOGNY is a public art initiative whose goal is to raise much needed financial resources for professional and volunteer Canine Search and Rescue organizations throughout The United States of America.

Dogs star
Visit the BellaOnline Dog page for howling fun and facts.

Dogs For the Deaf star[offsite link]
Dogs for the Deaf provides new freedom for the hard of hearing and brings a new level of opportunity and enjoyment. They rescue and professionally train dogs chosen from adoption shelters. They look for dogs that are healthy, friendly, intelligent, and energetic.

Dole 5-A-Day Kids Cookbook star[offsite link]
Trees In A Broccoli Forest, Burrito Banditos, and a Fruity Breakfast Parfait are just a few of the recipes in Dole´s Fun with Fruits and Vegetables Kids Cookbook.

Doll Clothes Patterns Ebook star
Clothes patterns to fit medium size dolls like 18 inch American Girl and Gotz; 14-16 inch baby dolls like Bitty Baby and Maxi Muffin; and slim 16-18 inch dolls like Sasha, Kathe Kruse play dolls and Magic Attic. 35 pages; fully illustrated.

Dolls in feudal Japan star
One of the more popular items carried by merchants in the feudal days of Japan were the various dolls created by craftsmen up and down the island chain.

Dolls in Literature star

Domakaya star[offsite link]
This is a family owned and run business with the main focus on art to wear crochet.

Domestic and International Adoption star
Did you know that November is National Adoption month in the United States? Progress in adoption guidelines now gives encouragement to those wanting to expand their family units, whether conventional or nuclear.

Dominoland star[offsite link]
Recipes for lots of kid´s treats and party goodies.

Donut Disturb Cozy Book Review star

Don´t Put Your Marriage First star
This guideline was intended to prevent married couples from weakening their relationship when parenting duties threatened to consume them but a little clarity is needed. Too many couples misunderstand this well-intentioned advice.

Don´t Wait to Back-up Your Computer Files star
Be prepared for the worst. Computer crashes do happen even to the best of us. Don´t risk losing data you´ve slaved over, agonized over, or even had the muse pen for you. Pick an option for back-up, but make sure you do something so you won´t lose files.

Doris Day site star[offsite link]
Here is Doris Day´s site.

Dorothy Dandridge site star[offsite link]
This site is about Dorothy Dandridge.

DotProject - Add a Project Management Area star
DotProject is an easy to use, robust open source project management software that you can use to organize project teams and tasks on your web site.

Double Blind star

Doubt the movie and Self Doubt star
Doubt, the movie, presents us with the mystery of who to believe, the stern nun(Meryl Streep) or the priest (Philip Seymour Hoffman)accused of an improper relationship with a boy. As we search for clues, we are confronted with the reality of how our own fears and prejudices affect how we treat other

Doubt, the movie, and the Mystery of Personality star
Doubt, the movie, presents us with the mystery of who to believe, the stern nun(Streep) or the priest (Seymour Hoffman)accused of an improper relationship with a boy. As we search for clues, we are confronted with the reality of how our own fears and prejudices affect how we treat other people.

Dover Graye, Book Review star
Shannon Lee Wolf has beautifully combined ancient Celtic folklore with Native American lore and the spirituality of both to weave a compelling tale in her first novel, Dover Graye.

Down Home Beef Stew star
I make that first huge pot of stew on Halloween day. I start it early to make sure the meat is very tender and the vegetables are cooked well.

Down On The Farm star
Young Children will love a Down on The Farm Party.

Download Your Facebook Information star
If you have been networking on the popular social media site Facebook, it is important to know that you have the ability to back up your content. Find out how to download your information today.

Downward Dog for Increased Fat Burning star
Yoga´s downard dog is a passive restorative pose but it also has the power to ignite fat burning. Why it works and five ways to incorporate it. Plus special offer from my yoga online.com

Downward Dog for Increased Fat Burning star
Yoga´s downard dog is a passive restorative pose but it also has the power to ignite fat burning. Why it works and five ways to incorporate it. Plus special offer from my yoga online.com

Doyle, Debra star[offsite link]
Madhouse Manor, Homepage to fantasy writers James D MacDonald and Debra Doyle

Dr. Jay Gordon star[offsite link]
Another great pediatrician with an extensive site on parenting and children´s health!

Dracula Mistakes star
Here are the mistakes in Dracula by the Bella Movie Mistakes editor.

Dragon Ball star
Dragon Ball is an anime series based on Akira Toriyama´s manga of the same name.

Dragon Ball Anime vs. Live Action star
This article compares the Dragon Ball anime series to the live-action film, Dragonball Evolution.

Dragon Ball Anime vs. Live Action star
This article compares the Dragon Ball anime series to the live-action film, Dragonball Evolution.

Dragon Ball Complete Collection Movie 4 Pack star
Dragon Ball: Complete Collection Movie 4 Pack was released by FUNimation Entertainment on February 8, 2011.

Dragon Ball Complete Collection Movie 4 Pack star
Dragon Ball: Complete Collection Movie 4 Pack was released by FUNimation Entertainment on February 8, 2011.

Dragon Ball Curse of the Blood Rubies star
Dragon Ball: Curse of the Blood Rubies is the first film released for the Dragon Ball franchise.

Dragon Ball Curse of the Blood Rubies star
Dragon Ball: Curse of the Blood Rubies is the first film released for the Dragon Ball franchise.

Dragon Ball DVD Box Sets star
Here you will find reviews for the DVD box sets released for the Dragon Ball anime series.

Dragon Ball DVD Box Sets star
Here you will find reviews for the DVD box sets released for the Dragon Ball anime series.

Dragon Ball DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of DVDs released for the various series in the Dragon Ball franchise.

Dragon Ball Episode Listings star
Here you will find episode listings for Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT.

Dragon Ball GT star
Dragon Ball GT is the only Dragon Ball anime series to not be based off of Akira Toriyama´s manga.

Dragon Ball GT Reviews star
Here are reviews of the Dragon Ball GT DVD box sets.

Dragon Ball GT Reviews star
Here are reviews of the Dragon Ball GT DVD box sets.

Dragon Ball GT Season One Box Set star
The Dragon Ball GT Season One box set includes five DVDs that contain 34 episodes of the series.

Dragon Ball GT Season Two Box Set star
The Dragon Ball GT Season Two box set includes five DVDs that contain the final 30 episodes of the series, as well as the Dragon Ball GT television special, A Hero´s Legacy.

Dragon Ball GT The Complete Series star
The Dragon Ball GT The Complete Series box set is a 10 disc DVD set that contains all 64 episodes of the series, as well as the Dragon Ball GT television special, A Hero´s Legacy.

Dragon Ball History star
Here you will find articles about the history of Dragon Ball in Japan and the United States.

Dragon Ball History in Japan star
Find out how the Dragon Ball franchise became popular in Japan.

Dragon Ball History in the United States star
Find out how the Dragon Ball franchise became popular in the United States.

Dragon Ball Information star
Here are articles providing information on Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT.

Dragon Ball Movies star
Here you will find reviews of the Dragon Ball anime films.

Dragon Ball Mystical Adventure star
Dragon Ball: Mystical Adventure is the third film released for the Dragon Ball franchise.

Dragon Ball Reviews star
Here are reviews of the Dragon Ball DVD box sets and movies.

Dragon Ball Season Five Box Set star
The Dragon Ball Season Five DVD box set includes five DVDs that contain 31 episodes.

Dragon Ball Season Four Box Set star
The Dragon Ball Season Four DVD box set includes five DVDs that contain 30 episodes.

Dragon Ball Season One Box Set star
The Dragon Ball Season One DVD box set includes five DVDs that contain 31 episodes.

Dragon Ball Season Three Box Set star
The Dragon Ball Season Three DVD box set includes five DVDs that contain 31 episodes.

Dragon Ball Season Two Box Set star
The Dragon Ball Season Two DVD box set includes five DVDs that contain 30 episodes.

Dragon Ball Sleeping Princess in Devil´s Castle star
Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil´s Castle is the second film released for the Dragon Ball franchise.

Dragon Ball Soundtracks star
Here you will find reviews for Dragon Ball soundtrack CDs.

Dragon Ball The Path To Power star
Dragon Ball: The Path to Power is actually the seventeenth film to be released that is based on the Dragon Ball manga series.

Dragon Ball Z star
Learn about Dragon Ball Z, the first spinoff of the Dragon Ball anime series.

Dragon Ball Z 20th Century-SONGS BEST star
Dragon Ball Z 20th Century-SONGS BEST is a soundtrack CD that was released for Dragon Ball Z in Japan in 2013.

Dragon Ball Z Bio-Broly star
Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly is the 11th film released for Dragon Ball Z.

Dragon Ball Z Bojack Unbound star
Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound is the ninth film released for Dragon Ball Z.

Dragon Ball Z Broly Second Coming star
Dragon Ball Z: Broly - Second Coming is the 10th film released for Dragon Ball Z.

Dragon Ball Z Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan star
Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan is the eighth film released for Dragon Ball Z.

Dragon Ball Z Cooler´s Revenge star
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler´s Revenge is the fifth film released for Dragon Ball Z.

Dragon Ball Z Dead Zone star
Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone is the first film released for the Dragon Ball Z franchise.

Dragon Ball Z Dead Zone/The World´s Strongest star
FUNimation released the first two Dragon Ball Z films, Dead Zone and The World’s Strongest, as two-disc DVD set on May 27, 2008.

Dragon Ball Z Dead Zone/The World´s Strongest star
FUNimation released the first two Dragon Ball Z films, Dead Zone and The World´s Strongest, as two-disc DVD set on May 27, 2008.

Dragon Ball Z Dragon Box Five star
Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Box Five contains episodes 169 through 209 of Dragon Ball Z.

Dragon Ball Z Dragon Box Four star
Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Box Four contains episodes 127 through 168 of Dragon Ball Z.

Dragon Ball Z Dragon Box One star
Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Box One contains the first 42 episodes of the Dragon Ball Z anime series.

Dragon Ball Z Dragon Box Seven star
Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Box Seven contains the final 40 episodes of the Dragon Ball Z anime series.

Dragon Ball Z Dragon Box Six star
Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Box Six contains episodes 210 through 250 of the Dragon Ball Z anime series.

Dragon Ball Z Dragon Box Three star
Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Box Three contains episodes 85 through 126 of Dragon Ball Z.

Dragon Ball Z Dragon Box Two star
Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Box Two contains episodes 43 through 84 of Dragon Ball Z.

Dragon Ball Z Dragon Boxes star
Here you will find reviews for the Dragon Ball Z Dragon Box DVD releases.

Dragon Ball Z Dragon Boxes star
Here you will find reviews for the Dragon Ball Z Dragon Box DVD releases.

Dragon Ball Z Fusion Reborn star
Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn is the 12th film released for Dragon Ball Z.

Dragon Ball Z Kai Reviews star
Here you will find reviews of Dragon Ball Z Kai DVDs.

Dragon Ball Z Kai Reviews star
Here you will find reviews of Dragon Ball Z Kai DVDs.

Dragon Ball Z Kai Season One star
The Dragon Ball Z Kai Season One box set includes four DVDs that contain the first 26 episodes of the series.

Dragon Ball Z Kai Season Two star
The Dragon Ball Z Kai Season Two box set includes four DVDs that contain episodes 27-52 of the series.

Dragon Ball Z Lord Slug star
Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug is the fourth film released for Dragon Ball Z.

Dragon Ball Z Movie Box Sets star
Here you will find reviews for Dragon Ball Z DVD movie box sets.

Dragon Ball Z Movie Collection One star
Dragon Ball Z Movie Collection One includes the first five movies released for the Dragon Ball Z franchise.

Dragon Ball Z Movie Collection Three star
Dragon Ball Z Movie Collection Three is a three-disc DVD set that includes four Dragon Ball Z films.

Dragon Ball Z Movie Collection Two star
The Dragon Ball Z Collection Two movie box set was released by FUNimation on December 6, 2011.

Dragon Ball Z Movies star
Here you will find reviews of the Dragon Ball Z anime films.

Dragon Ball Z Movies - B star
Here you will find reviews of the Dragon Ball Z movies that begin with the letter B.

Dragon Ball Z Movies - C star
Here you will find reviews of the Dragon Ball Z movies that begin with the letter C.

Dragon Ball Z Movies - D star
Here you will find reviews of the Dragon Ball Z movies that begin with the letter D.

Dragon Ball Z Movies - F star
Here you will find reviews of the Dragon Ball Z movies that begin with the letter F.

Dragon Ball Z Movies - L star
Here you will find reviews of the Dragon Ball Z movies that begin with the letter L.

Dragon Ball Z Movies - R star
Here you will find reviews of the Dragon Ball Z movies that begin with the letter R.

Dragon Ball Z Movies - S star
Here you will find reviews of the Dragon Ball Z movies that begin with the letter S.

Dragon Ball Z Movies - T star
Here you will find reviews of the Dragon Ball Z movies that begin with the letter T.

Dragon Ball Z Movies - W star
Here you will find reviews of the Dragon Ball Z movies that begin with the letter W.

Dragon Ball Z Orange Brick Boxes star
Here you will find reviews for the orange brick DVD season box sets released for the Dragon Ball Z anime series.

Dragon Ball Z Orange Brick Boxes star
Here you will find reviews for the orange brick DVD season box sets released for the Dragon Ball Z anime series.

Dragon Ball Z Reviews star
Here are reviews of the Dragon Ball Z orange brick DVD box sets, the Dragon Boxes and the movies.

Dragon Ball Z Season Eight Box Set star
The Dragon Ball Z Season Eight box set includes six DVDs that contain 34 episodes.

Dragon Ball Z Season Five Box Set star
The Dragon Ball Z Season Five DVD box set includes six DVDs that contain 26 episodes.

Dragon Ball Z Season Four Box Set star
The Dragon Ball Z Season Four DVD box set includes six DVDs that contain 32 episodes.

Dragon Ball Z Season Nine Box Set star
The Dragon Ball Z Season Nine box set includes six DVDs that contain the final 38 episodes of the series.

Dragon Ball Z Season One Box Set star
This is a review of the Dragon Ball Z Season One DVD box set that was released in 2007.

Dragon Ball Z Season Seven Box Set star
The Dragon Ball Z Season Seven box set includes six DVDs that contain 25 episodes.

Dragon Ball Z Season Six Box Set star
The Dragon Ball Z Season Six DVD box set includes six DVDs that contain 29 episodes.

Dragon Ball Z Season Three Box Set star
The Dragon Ball Z Season Three DVD box set includes six DVDs that contain 33 episodes.

Dragon Ball Z Season Two Box Set star
The Dragon Ball Z Season Two DVD box includes six DVDs that contain 35 episodes.

Dragon Ball Z Soundtracks star
Here you will find reviews for Dragon Ball Z soundtrack CDs.

Dragon Ball Z Soundtracks star
Here you will find reviews for Dragon Ball Z soundtrack CDs.

Dragon Ball Z Steelbook Releases star
Here you will find reviews for the steelbook releases for the Dragon Ball Z films and specials.

Dragon Ball Z Steelbook Releases star
Here you will find reviews for the steelbook releases for the Dragon Ball Z films and specials.

Dragon Ball Z Super Android 13! star
Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13! is the seventh film released for Dragon Ball Z.

Dragon Ball Z The Return of Cooler star
Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler is the sixth film released for Dragon Ball Z.

Dragon Ball Z The Tree of Might star
Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might is the third film released for the Dragon Ball Z franchise.

Dragon Ball Z The World´s Strongest star
Dragon Ball Z: The World’s Strongest is the second film released for the Dragon Ball Z franchise.

Dragon Ball Z Wrath of the Dragon star
Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon is the 13th film released for Dragon Ball Z.

Dragon Hoodie star[offsite link]
Very cute pattern for a small one, includes the little spots and the back ridge.

Dragon Tattoos and Designs star[offsite link]
Nice topical page with lots of dragon tattoo pictures. Galleries break down by arms, legs, back, etc.

Dramas star

Drawing Conclusions from Financial Statements star
Forensic accountants find useful information in the financial statements. Financial statements analysis helps decision-makers and financial investigators to draw conclusions for different purposes.

Dream Catchers for kids star[offsite link]
Clear, Simple instructions and graphics, suitable for elementary ages and up

Dream Diaries star
Read actual dream diaries here.

Dream Interpretation--A Personal Example star
An example of a dream interpretation with a client who had a recurring dream of driving a car with bad brakes.

Dream Research/film noir star[offsite link]

Dream Stones star[offsite link]
Canadian site with suggestions on using crystals for dream work.

Dream Symbols - Winter Holidays, Symbols star
Whether you celebrate Christmas, Yule, Channukah, Kwanza, Winter Solstice or no holiday at all, it´s likely that your dreams around this time of year may highlight symbols related to the season. Here are some symbols that may appear in your dreams.

Dreaming in English - A Review star
A review of author Laura Fitzgerald’s intriguing sequel to “Veil of Roses!”

Dreaming World Journal star[offsite link]
Here´s the 2006 exclusive edition of the Bellaonline dream journal, designed just for our readers!

Dreaming: Function and Meaning star[offsite link]
Contemporary theories of dreaming by expert Stephen LaBerge. The Lucidity Institute.

Dreams - Twelve Days of Dreaming star
Ancient folklore has it that dreams occurring through the twelve days of Christmas or Yule can provide the dreamer with insight into the coming year.

Dreams - Your Dream Plan For The New Year star
Although the time and date of the new year may vary across cultures, most recognize the transition with tradition or ritual to reflect upon the past and dream of the future. Your dream can´t come true if you don´t have a dream. We must plan our dreams before we can live them.

Dreams and Relationships star
Book Review

Dreams in Literature star[offsite link]
Excerpts from literary works featuring dreams.

Dreams In The Bible star
The Bible is full of stories and references to dreams. This article from our Baptist site lists these scriptures.

Dreamy Fairy Tales For Children-Princess Stories star
Dreamy fairy tales for children don´t come more floaty than this traditional royal fairytale with everything-including a whole host of princesses,floaty dream-like illustrations,wishes and-hopefully-a prince!Princess stories for kids are popular and can enhance even kindergarten pre-reading skills.

Dreamy Fairy Tales For Children-Princess Stories star
Dreamy fairy tales for children don´t come more floaty than this traditional royal fairytale with everything-including a whole host of princesses,floaty dream-like illustrations,wishes and-hopefully-a prince!Princess stories for kids are popular and can enhance even kindergarten pre-reading skills.

Dreamy Orange Chiffon Cake star
If you´re looking for an easy yet elegant dessert, this chiffon cake, a take on the traditional lemon chiffon, will please you and your guests. Light and irresistibly good.

Dress For Success With Confidence star
Article from BellaOnline´s Job Search site giving information about dressing for a job interview.

Driven star[offsite link]

Driving a 4x4 star
Discover the Fun of Driving a 4x4

Driving Your 4x4 in Wet Conditions star
Information on hazards and responses to driving a 4x4 vehicle on wet roads.

Drupal adds Community Features to your Web Site! star
Drupal is a sophisticated open source content management software that you can use to create dynamic, information rich communities on your web site.

Drywall - Pro Tips for Hanging & Finishing - Review star
Aimed at the beginner to the more skilled do-it-yourselfer, this book is filled with step-by-step projects that will get you started in the right direction for your next drywall job.

Dumbbell Presses for Toned Shoulders star
Dumbbell presses for toned shoulders can be a more fat burning type of exercise. These two variations work legs, glutes, and core as well.

Dumfries and Galloway star[offsite link]

Dyed in the Wool star[offsite link]
A small, but impressive British company with a lovely selection fo hand-dyed yarns and knitting kits. View their products online, plus pricing and order information. Visit the factory shop section for current specials.

DYI Coffee Bar star
Saving money while enjoying your favorite cup of coffee may turn into your next hobby. Read this weeks article to find out.

Dysfunctional Families star
There are many types of dysfunctional families; definitions differ according to different experts. One thing they seem to agree on though, is that adults that are the products of these families suffer from a variety of long-term effects.

e - Sheep star[offsite link]
Have you always wanted sheep but can´t have any? Then these virtual pet sheep are just the thing. And, even better, they´re free.

E! Online star[offsite link]
Celebrity Gossip and Current Entertainment News

E-book library at Buddhanet star[offsite link]
This site has an abundance of e-books and crafts for children.

E-L Services star[offsite link]
Leading the way in professional development for educators.

Eagle Ridge Golf Club star[offsite link]
Eagle Ridge Golf Club in Gilroy is nestled among the unspoiled foothills of California’s Central Coast Region. Six tee placements on each hole guarantee a rewarding round for every player.

Early American Candle Supplies star[offsite link]
Many fragrance oils for soap and candles

Early Writing Skills star
Come read about ideas to promote beginning writing skills by increasing fine motor skills.

Earobics Phonics star[offsite link]
Learn phonics in an entertaining way!

Earth Calendar star[offsite link]
Find out what holidays are being celebrated around the world today and everyday.

Easiest Apron to Make Tutorial star[offsite link]
Super simple adult half apron made using a tea towel.

East Coast Exotic Animal Rescue star[offsite link]
Info on the rescue of exotic animals

Easter Recipes from Kraft star[offsite link]
Kraft offers delicious recipe ideas from entrees to sides to help you create a wonderful meal to remember!

Easter Basket star[offsite link]
Pattern and instructions to make an Easter Basket from jcaroline creative!

Easter Brioche Breakfast Buns Recipe star

Easter Bunny and Colored Eggs Origins star
The bunny as an Easter symbol seems to have its origins in Germany,

Easter Celebration Corner star[offsite link]
Easter Recipes, Easter Tips& Ideas, Easter Egg Facts, Easter Decorating and more Nestle´s Celebration Corner

Easter in Germany - Customs and Traditions star
Easter in Germany is a mass of colour where decorated eggs and chocolate rabbits do play a large part in the celebrations, but there are many additional religious, secular and folk traditions and customs around the days of remembrance and festivities.

Easter in Germany - Eggs and Easter Trees star
An Easter without eggs is hard to imagine, and in Germany from Easter Trees and Easter Fountains to Easter Sunday´s Egg Hunts and Breakfast Table, eggs of one type or another still play a starring role in the country´s Easter celebrations.

Easter in Mexico - Torrejas Recipe star
The sweet, sickly and very moreish Torrejas are a great favourite during the Easter season in Mexico and are served in one form or another all over Latin America, as well as in their country of origin, Spain. They are reminiscent of Pain Perdu, French Toast or Eggy Bread.

Easter Recipes star
Delicious recipes to help give your Easter gathering a special spark!

Easter, Passover, Spring and Egg Salad Week star[offsite link]
Fun facts about Easter, Passover and Spring + tips on making and decorating hard-cooked eggs + recipes for using hard-cooked eggs in egg salads and other dishes.

Easter/Ostara star
Some call is Easter, some call it Ostara. Actually it is the same thing. Eastre or Ostara was a Pagan Saxon Goddess of fertility and springtime. The name stuck, although the story got changed a bit.

Eastern Canada Avian Association star[offsite link]
A group based in Eastern Canada that promotes the keeping of birds in captivity.

Eastern Promises (2007) star
A review of the theatrical release "Eastern Promises", starring Viggo Mortensen and Naomi Watts, and directed by David Cronenberg. In theaters everywhere Sept 21, 2007.

Eastern Promises - Interviews star
An interview with David Cronenberg,the director of Eastern Promises, and actors Viggo Mortensen and Naomi Watts, who star in the film.

Easy Cooking Guide: Grilling for Beginners star[offsite link]
Prepare a tender, juicy, picture-perfect turkey on the grill. Both charcoal and gas-grill cooking methods are covered.

Easy Drawstring Bag - Tutorial star[offsite link]
Small drawstring bag from the Purl Bee.

Easy Drop Biscuits Recipe star
A drop biscuit recipe that is more nutritional and less time-consuming than traditional biscuits!

Easy Fourth of July Celebration star
Independence Day is a great time for a celebration! This time of year you don´t want to spend hours in a hot kitchen getting ready, you need to have a party that is as effortless as it is entertaining...

Easy Jet star[offsite link]
Low cost British airline to get you from various European airports into England and back again.

Easy Kids Recipes star[offsite link]
All the easy recipes in this collection are easy, quick, delicious, and kid pleasing. So if you´re a busy mom or dad, and you need to cook for kids in a hurry, try these recipes. And if you´re a kid, these recipes are easy to make, too!

Easy Labor Day Recipes star[offsite link]
A nice menu with recipes for a Labor Day celebration.

Easy Purse star[offsite link]
An easy envelope style purse with a button loop closure.

Easy Split Pea Soup Recipe star
Split pea soup is hearty, nutritious, and comforting. Try this easy recipe next time you are looking for a simple yet satisfying meal.

Easy Squeeze Helps Boost Ketchup Sales star[offsite link]
Strong performance from new products such as its Easy Squeeze upside-down ketchup bottle and price increases in some markets, show that quarterly earnings rose slightly for H.J. Heinz Co.

Eat Chicken.Com Recipes star[offsite link]
"The ultimate chicken recipe database" - Fill in a keyword or an ingredient, then choose a chicken part, cuisine type and/or a preparation method and get some great chicken recipes.

Eating Disorders star[offsite link]
Definition, symptoms, causes, risk factors and when to seek medical attention for eating disorders

Eating Disorders star
Nearly everyone knows that eating disorders exist. Here’s what you need to know about the reality of how easy they are to acquire and how to keep yourself and your friends safe.

eBook Mall Short Stories and Freebies star
An article introducing another way to download and read short stories online. eBook Mall is also offering free titles with each download order.

Ebooks star
This section is for the anime ebooks that BellaOnline has published.

Eccentric Cinema star[offsite link]
This genre-spanning movie review site is a comprehensive guide to all things cult. While the quality of the movies is sometimes suspect, the quality of the reviews remains high, and the site also offers links to Youtube movie tasters. Top notch!

Echo Burning Book Review star

Eco-Jewelry - Looking Good & Doing Good! star
How today´s environmentally-conscious thinking translates into ethical and beautiful jewelry style!

Economics, Oil Shortages and Government Shutdowns star
One of the legacies Albert Einstein left was the following quote:“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Today´s politics are almost like déjà vu. You know-the feeling that you’ve been here before, but the reasons why and end results are a little fuzzy.

Ecumenical and Interfaith Meditation star

Eddie Muller Interview with Ann Blyth star[offsite link]
Ann Blyth talks about "Mildred Pierce" and her career.

Edible Gift Ideas star
Here are some ideas for edible gifts and creative packaging ideas.

Edinburgh Castle star[offsite link]
The daddy of all Scotland´s castles, this site contains details of what you can expect when you visit.

Edinburgh Twilight Book Review star

Edith Piaf - French Chanteuse star[offsite link]
This site from the UK comes complete with a bio of singer Edith Piaf, and an index of pages for additional reading.

Editor´s Picks star

Editor´s Picks - About this section star
I only review the best nonfiction writing books available today. Find out why inside...

Editor´s Picks: Summer Products for Toddlers star

Education star

Education star

Education Financing star
Information on how to finance your education.

Egg Drop Dead Book Review star
Suzanne pays a visit to a food vendor and discovers his murdered body; she and her fellow Cackleberry Club members vow to find the murderer. Great recipes are included

Egg-White Bites Recipe star
Eggs are both inexpensive and healthy. Here is a recipe that uses eggs that is delicious and easy to make.

Eggplant & Mushroom Soup Recipe star
This soup is rich, creamy, and delicious, featuring the tastes of eggplant, mushrooms, and lamb.

Eggs Benedict Italian Style Recipe star
This is an incredible brunch recipe. These eggs are stylish and flavorful when resting on a potato cake and topped with a red bell pepper sauce.

Eggs in Mestiza Sauce Recipe star
The traditional name is impossible to describe or interpret. Translated word for word, it means eggs in the rags and tatters of a woman born of a Spaniard and an indigenous Mexican – which of course means nothing at all!

Egyptian Pantheon star
Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt

Elaine Haydon Jewelry - Semi-precious Gemstone & Silver star
Elaine Haydon Jewelry offers a wonderful selection of handcrafted one-of-a-kind bracelets, earrings, necklaces, rings, and watches, all fashioned from semi-precious gemstones with fine sterling silver clasps and findings.

elearnspace. - everything e-learning star[offsite link]
Intended for users, managers, developers, and facilitators of elearning, this site outlines the entire picture of making electronic learning experiences work for both educators and students.

Electric Acorn star[offsite link]
An online literary magazine featuring poetry and short fiction from Dublin writers

Electronic Telegraph star[offsite link]
Online version of the Daily Telegraph features news and opinions from the United Kingdom and around the world. Includes a searchable database.

Elegant Summer Brunch star
Whether you´re planning a special occasion or just want to gather family and friends, hosting a brunch is a great way to spend a sunny afternoon. You and your guests will love this diverse and elegant menu.

Elegant Summer Brunch star
Whether you´re planning a special occasion or just want to gather family and friends, hosting a brunch is a great way to spend a sunny afternoon. You and your guests will love this diverse and elegant menu.

Elf Quest star[offsite link]
Official site of the ongoing tale

Elizabeth B. Henry Photography star[offsite link]
She has an elegant website to highlight the unique effects she uses to bring photos to life. Her photo presentation is inspiring.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning star[offsite link]
A short biography of the Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

Elizabeth Mcnew’s Playing House- A Review star
A review of the upcoming book by author Elizabeth Mcnew!

Elizabeth´s Fiber & Yarn Store star[offsite link]
This online calculator will convert yards to meters, meters to yards, grams to ounces, or ounces to grams.

Ellens Essentials star[offsite link]
Located in Texas, Ellens Product base is extensive and fairly priced!

Ellen´s Essentials star[offsite link]
Located in Texas, Ellen´s Product base is extensive and fairly priced!

Ellen´s Essentials star[offsite link]
Located in Texas, Ellen´s Product base is extensive and fairly priced!

Ellison, Harlan star[offsite link]
Harlan Ellison Webderland. Ellison´s official homepage

Elvis´ Passion for Jewelry star
The most memorable personality in American music, Elvis Presely, was the definitive jewelry collector, and even helped design his own jewelry with his personal jeweler, Lowell Hayes. You can get a reproduction made from the original mold at Lowell Hays´ online store, Jeweler to the King.

Email Readings by Christin star[offsite link]
Choose from a variety of spreads to meet your needs. I offer several different affordable email readings including the traditional Celtic Cross, Relationships, Self-Help, and Calendar spreads.

Embellished Burb Cloths star[offsite link]
Ideas for embellishing the standard white diaper to make cute burp cloths. From jcarolinecreative!

Emergencies and small animals star
A little planning can help you avoid abandoning your animals in an emergency

Emergency situations and the disabled star[offsite link]
Fire safety for the disabled and their caregivers.

Emily Dickinson´s star
Emily Dickinson´s winter poem, "Like Brooms of Steel," dramatizes the cold stillness of the season for the always-observant poet who saw "New Englandly."

Emily Dickinson´s Love Poems star[offsite link]
A selection of Emily Dickinson´s poems that focus on love.

Emma Parker?s Holiday Vegetable Bake star

Emotional Disability Definition star[offsite link]

Emotional Freedom Technique star
Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT for short, is a simple and popular healing technique that can be self administered once learned. It is often referred to as the ‘tapping cure’.

Empathy´s Mystical Occult Site star[offsite link]
Mystical interpretations of dream symbols and spells and herbs to induce prophetic dreams.

Employment Resources for the Disabled star[offsite link]
A variety of links for employment ideas and possibilites.

Emulators for snes,nes,dream cast,game boy,game boy color, etc ... star[offsite link]
Here you can find emulators for all the old consoles that you once use to cherish, but unfortunately had to sell them in a garage sale because PS1 came along.

Encyclopedia Of Magical Herbs - Review star
The depth of research and dedication to the accuracy of the powers of herbs gave us the perfect companion book for Magical Herbalism. Cunningham´s Encyclopedia Of Magical Herbs is an excellent resource for herbs and their magical, as well as ritual, uses.

End Of Summer Recipes star
The end of summer is swiftly approaching! Host a friendly get together and cook up all your favorite recipes from the summer to say goodbye to the heat and hello to cooler weather.

English Artists, Biographies and Artwork Online star[offsite link]
Provides artist biographies, examples of their works, and museum listings.

English Country Inns star[offsite link]
English Romantic hotels, some at historic sites; a few with four poster beds, jacuzzis and open fires. For that extra special holiday.

English Heritage star[offsite link]

English History and Heritage Guide star[offsite link]
Covers Britain´s history from Pre-historic times through the Victorian period. Also contains a timeline of the monarchy.

Entertaining Basics star
Entertaining and creating pretty spaces doesn’t always mean elaborate and it certainly doesn’t always mean expensive. Aside from the menu and decorations there are other things that need your attention.

Entertainment Book star[offsite link]
travel 468x60

Entertainment Book star[offsite link]
travel 468x60

Entertainment Tonight star[offsite link]
Entertainment Tonight website

Eostre - Germanic Goddess Of Spring star
The German goddess of spring, fertility, and rebirth is considered by many to be Eostre, sometimes referred to as Ostara. Some say Eostre is the ancient Norse goddess of spring. Both the name Eostre and Ostara are often used in Germanic Neopaganism.

Epidural Anesthesia During Labor star
Epidural anesthesia is the most commonly used form of pain relief medication during labor. Find out what an epidural is, and how it is given to pregnant or laboring mothers.

Epiphany in Mexico - Pastel de Tres Leches Recipe star
The traditional Epiphany treat is the delicious fruity yeasted “Cake of the Kings” or “Rosca de Reyes”, baked with a tiny figurine of the baby Jesus inside it. However, the Pastel de Tres Leches or Three Milk Cake is a popular alternative, lighter but much richer.

Episode Recaps - Kuroko no Basuke star
Here you will find episode recaps for the anime Kuroko no Basuke (English title- The Basketball that Kuroko Plays).

Eragon, Book One of the Inheritance Trilogy star[offsite link]
Publisher´s site about Chirstopher Paolini´s book

Escaflowne Complete Collection star
Escaflowne Complete Collection is an eight-disc DVD set that contains all 26 episodes of The Vision of Escaflowne.

Escaflowne DVDs star
Here you will find DVDs released for the Escaflowne anime.

Escaflowne The Movie DVD star
Escaflowne the Movie is an anime film based on the anime series, The Vision of Escaflowne.

Escape from Knab star[offsite link]
You´re stranded on the slimy planet of Knab and need to earn enough money to get back. Find out if you know enough about money and investing to earn your way back home!

ESPN star[offsite link]
ESPN brings you up to date information on various sports.

Essay Writing star
Learn how to write great essays.

Essence Of The Dreamcatcher star
Whether you make your own dreamcatcher, purchase a ready-made one, or receive one as a gift, you must put your own essence, thoughts, and energy into it.

Essence Supply star[offsite link]
A really good alternative for those living in Canada! Located in Nanaimo, BC

Essential Oils in Healing star
Essential oils may lift our spirits, change our moods and help us to connect spiritually. I find I use an essential oil in one way or another at some point in most of my healings and love to use them for my own benefit too.

Essential WordPress Plugins for a Church Blog star
Find the right functionality for a church WordPress blog using the many free plugins available at WordPress.org. Publish sermons, share favorite Bible verses, manage an events calendar and more, all from within WordPress.

Establishing Concrete Web Presence star
The first steps in establishing web presence involves domain registration, establishing web hosting service, and aligning the Name servers between the two.

Establishing Whois Privacy Protection star
Protect your privacy on the internet and purchase Whois privacy protection when registering your domain name.

Estimations that Remain Standing in a Court star
When a forensic accountant gives a testimony as an expert witness, he or she is confronted with many challenges. Being ready involves preparation that ensures sound responses. This case gives you some insights about those challenges.

Ethical Monotheism star[offsite link]
Contemporary Jewish scholar and philosopher Dennis Prager discusses the definition of Ethical Monotheism.

Ethnicgrocer.com star[offsite link]
A gigantic marketplace for all your exotic cooking needs.

Etsy - A Jewelry Lover´s Paradise star
Etsy is a jewelry lover’s paradise! Whether a relaxing browse or seriously shopping, Etsy is pure fun. A fascinating array of beautiful jewelry created by an incredibly talented community of jewelry designers offers up a virtual feast that awaits your hungry eyes.

Etsy the home of everything hand made. star
Etsy is the one place you can find lots of handcrafted fashion from jewelry to clothing all in one place.

Eufonius - Idea star
"Idea" by Eufonius is the opening theme song for Noein: To Your Other Self.

European Body Artists star
Tattoo artists and body piercing services located throughout Europe. Shops are marked with a country designation.

European Gigolo (2005) Rob Schneider, Eddie Griffin star
Gigolo Deuce Bigalow goes under cover to help find a murderer. He is trying to find out who is going around killing gigolos.

Evaluating the Qualifications of a Source star
Your researched books and articles must use valid sources to be taken seriously by publishers.

Evangeline by Longfellow star
In 1847 the epic poem, Evangeline, A Tale of Acadie was published.

Evangelion 1.11 Blu-ray star
This is a review for the Blu-ray pressing of Evangelion 1.11 You Are (Not) Alone.

Evangelion 1.11 Blu-ray star
This is a review for the Blu-ray pressing of Evangelion 1.11 You Are (Not) Alone.

Evangelion 2.22 Blu-ray star
This is a review of the Blu-ray pressing of Evangelion 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance.

Evangelion 2.22 Blu-ray star
This is a review of the Blu-ray pressing of Evangelion 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance.

Eve Enslers The Good Body star
"Eve Ensler is the internationally known playwright whose work serves to bring into the light the struggles we as women face."

Everlane star[offsite link]
A company that challenges the way you view fashion.

Everyday an Earth Day star
Earth Day is here again, what can you and your family do to make every day Earth Day?

Everyday Mendhi star[offsite link]
Herbal skin and hair care including soaps, face masks, creams and scrubs.

Everything That Rises Must Converge-Lost Cl;ues star
Everything That Rises Must Converge-is that actually true?Ever since a character in the Lost TV series was seen reading the short sories by Flannery O Connor, fans are entering the discussion and seeking clues. Could there be some lost clues or secrets hidden in Flannery O Connor´s christian books?

Everything That Rises Must Converge-Lost Clues star
Everything That Rises Must Converge-is that actually true?Ever since a character in the Lost TV series was seen reading the short sories by Flannery O Connor, fans are entering the discussion and seeking clues. Could there be some lost clues or secrets hidden in Flannery O Connor´s christian books?

Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Cockatoos star[offsite link]
This is a site you must read if you are thinking about getting a cockatoo.

Eve´s Bayou (1997) Samuel L. Jackson star
The color and scenery in this movie is wonderful. The people are elegant and troubled. Even the character´s names stir up visions of dark swamp water and sultry heat. How does a young child of 10 kill her father? Was it murder or something else?

Exceeding Great Joy (A Christmas FHE) star
This year´s installment of the Nativity Family Home Evening series features the star.

Exercise Ball Workouts star
Find out why stability ball workouts are essential for a strong core and fit body plus tips on how to buy the perfect ball.

Exercise for Stress Relief star[offsite link]
The exercise for stress relief workout balance the 4th chakra (zone 4) and will also melt shoulder and upper back tension, instantly improve your breathing, and soften your entire chest area so you begin to feel more receptive to everything you desire in your life.

Exercise Your Body And Mind star
Exercise is beneficial to both the body and the mind. There are four main types of exercise which could lead to a healthier lifestyle.

Exercising In The Summer star
Staying fit during the summer is fun and learning how is easy to do!

Exoplanets star
The search for life is closely linked to the the search for extrasolar planets--also known as exoplanets. But extrasolar planets are interesting to astronomers whether or not they bear life.

Exotic Large Plush Animal Toys for Children star
Exotic Large Plush Animal Toys for Children are realistic and soft, poseable, and huggable. What better way to teach your child about animals. Large, soft plush animals are something that can start with a toddler and your child will still be interested to haul it off to college.

Exotic Parrot Rescue of Central Indiana star[offsite link]
A small in home rescue in Indiana.

Exotic Pets star
Stop by BellaOnline´s Exotic Pets site and find out if Polly really does what a cracker.

Expand Your Professional Network star
Do you think you are networking professionally in the right social networks? Here are three professional networking tools that are good business.

Experience Washington star[offsite link]
Plan travel to Washington State with this interactive website - inlcudes picture galleries of many destinations as well as hotel, restaurant and attraction listings.

Explore The Power of Poetic Expression star
Putting your emotions on paper...

Exploring Chocolate star[offsite link]
This interesting article from Exploratium features a video tour of the Scharffen Berger chocolate factory near San Francisco, California.

Exploring Stars and Planets - book review star
Looking for an astronomy book for readers 8-14? Philip´s has a brand new edition of Ian Ridpath´s best seller. Clearly written and illustrated with up-to-date images, it´s the story of the Solar System. But there are also glimpses into galaxies, exploding stars and the history of the Universe.

Exploring Stars and Planets - book review star
Looking for an astronomy book for readers 8-14? Philip´s has a brand new edition of Ian Ridpath´s best seller. Clearly written and illustrated with up-to-date images, it´s the story of the Solar System. But there are also glimpses into galaxies, exploding stars and the history of the Universe.

Exploritas - Something for Everyone star
Have you heard about Exploritas? No? What if I asked you if you had heard about Elderhostel? Elderhostel is now called Exploritas. Lots to do for travelers over the age of 21.

Extending Your Eyelashes star
Faux eyelashes, often called eyelash extensions have become all the rage. Although they are a celebrity favorite, everyday women are also lash extending. Read on to see if this trend may be for you too...

Extensive List of Homophones star[offsite link]
Here is a long list of homophones (also known as homonyms) for teaching these sometimes tricky pairs of words.

Extracurriculars Are Important Because… star
Are you thinking about joining a school organization or forming a local fundraiser? If not, this article will tell you why being involved is important!

Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia star[offsite link]
This is an interactive catalog of the planets. It tells you when and how they were discovered and information about them. You can also find out what groups are involved in the searches and the latest news.

Extreme Halloween star[offsite link]
Large sized costumes available year round up to size 4X.

Ezine For Writers star
Free bi-monthly newsletter will help you find the best resources for writers online. It will also help you improve, publish and promote your own writing. It will deliver regularly updated links to sites featuring freelance job listings, free stuff for writers, markets and publishers, publications for writers, classes and contests, publications seeking submissions, self-publishing information, services and supplies, and much more. All new subscribers get one free ad.

Ezine For Writers star
Free bi-monthly newsletter will help you find the best resources for writers online. It will also help you improve, publish and promote your own writing. It will deliver regularly updated links to sites featuring freelance job listings, free stuff for writers, markets and publishers, publications for writers, classes and contests, publications seeking submissions, self-publishing information, services and supplies, and much more. All new subscribers get one free ad.

Ezine For Writers star
Free bi-monthly newsletter will help you find the best resources for writers online. It will also help you improve, publish and promote your own writing. It will deliver regularly updated links to sites featuring freelance job listings, free stuff for writers, markets and publishers, publications for writers, classes and contests, publications seeking submissions, self-publishing information, services and supplies, and much more. All new subscribers get one free ad.

Ezra star[offsite link]
Ezra the Congo African Grey has a lot to say & you can hear him on his site. This site also has links to other talking bird sites.

F Scott Fitzgerald Bio-Stories-Pat Hobby Himself star
F Scott Fitzgerald may have been a great and successful novelist of the Jazz Age and American Dream, but he knew better than most that success and fame also has its disadvantage. What was he personally afraid of? Perhaps we can guess, from these Pat Hobby short stories....

F Scott Fitzgerald´s Bio,Early Success,Crack Up star
F Scott Fitzgerald is famous for The Great Gatsby and for chronicling The Jazz Age, but what does he have to say about his own bio - the excesses, drinking and partying that the Jazz Age brought to him personally? Students can learn a lot about F Scott Fitzgeral´s bio from the novelist himself.

Fables From Ignacy Krasicki star
Another folkloric medium were fables, mock epics and animal folk tales. Ignacy Krasicki, 1735 - 1801, was a master of fable writing.

Fables: Folklore and Speculative Fiction star[offsite link]
Site providing quality folklore and speculative fiction on the internet

Fabric Card Holder Tutorial star[offsite link]
A tutorial to make a card holder from fabric. These make great gift card enclosures; two gifts in one!

Fabulous Fitness Gifts star
Find a fitness gift for that fabulous fitness buff. Everything from fun to necessary to high tech or comfortable all at reasonable prices.

Facade online readings star[offsite link]
This extensive website has a bit of everything: Tarot, Runes, IChing. You can choose from a variety of decks and spreads for a free reading.

Facade.com star[offsite link]
Nice overview of the Tarot and all of the cards; large selection of celebrity tarot readings.

Face Painting, A Book Review star
Face Painting is a book by a makeup artist who has transformed scores of recognizable American women. Read on to see if it is worth taking a look at...

Facebook Page for Southeast USA star[offsite link]
Follow us on Facebook!

Facebook Timeline star
Facebook fans and naysayers alike may find common ground when discussing the pros and cons of the new Facebook Timeline.

Fact Sheet for Iron Stains Treatment star[offsite link]
treatment fact sheet for iron stains in the laundry.

Faeires In The Garden star
Are faeries real? Some say not, yet I can not imagine a garden without them.

Fagioli Toscanelli con Tonno - White Bean and Tuna Salad Recipe star
This is a fresh tasting anitpasto that is very easy to make. It also makes a great lunch dish.

Fairy Magazine star[offsite link]
Fairy Magazine has lots of wonderful photos and drawings to inspire you when making a fantasy fairy costume.

Fairy Name Generator star[offsite link]
Did you ever think you had your very own fairy? Now you can find out its name!

Faith.com star[offsite link]
Amazing website chock full of spiritual and philosophical information.

Faithbooking Freebies star[offsite link]
Faith Sisters is always adding New Freebies. Everything from word art,alphabets to digital kits. You will certainly want to bookmark this shop!

Fake or Foto? star[offsite link]
It´s so easy to blur the line between computer generated art and real photographs. This site asks if you can tell the difference by giving you ten pictures, and you guess if it´s the real deal or a rendering.

Fall Apple Recipes star
Apple recipes

Fallen (1998) Denzel Washington, John Goodman, Donald Sutherland star
Fallen is the kind of movie that those who absolutely do not believe in the supernatural, think, “Well maybe.”

Falling Asleep Naturally With Nytex star
In January 2005, Tharos Laboratories, Inc., a nutraceutical and phytochemical ingredient company announced the introduction of NYTEX™, an innovative sleep supplement that contains a fruit-derived antioxidant ingredient, PROCIDIN™. Product Review.

Family Circle Easy Knitting & Crochet star[offsite link]
The website also features technical and shopping sections, and a comprehensive listing of knitting links.

Family Doctor star[offsite link]
Why your doctor needs to know your beliefs about spirituality.

Family Fun star[offsite link]
This site offers many ideas for birthday cake and party theme ideas to get to started.

Famous Castle Hauntings star
Probably some of the most popular folktales are those to do with hauntings and ghosts and there are no better hauntings than those found in castles..

Famous Dreams star

Famous Dreams and Dreamers star[offsite link]

Famous Pumpkin Pie star
The best pumpkin pie recipe ever from Libby´s.

Famous Pumpkin Pie star
The best pumpkin pie recipe ever -- from Libby´s.

Fancy Starters star
Some occasions and events call for something more than chips and dip. Here are recipes for special appetizers that will add elegance to your party.

Fantastic Stories of the Imagination star[offsite link]
Science Fiction & Fantasy

FAQs About the Eiffel Tower star[offsite link]
If you´ve ever had questions about how high the Eiffel Tower is (324 meters - almost a quarter mile!) or how many people visit it per year (over 6 million) or whether the wind causes it to sway (it´s actually due to heat expanding the metal), this site will provide the answers to many of those questions.

Far From True Book Review star
In book two of the Promise Falls Trilogy, a screen at the drive in theater falls into the parking lot and dozens are injured and four are killed. The investigation uncovers other murders, and there are also attempted kidnappings, corruption in government & politics, and plenty of suspense.

Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, NY star
Animal Sanctuaries offer hope to animals and people alike.

Farmers Market Locator star[offsite link]
Click on a state to find a list of that states farmers´markets, listed by city. Includes locations and days/hours of business. Use this handy chart to make a list before you travel.

Farmers Market Locator star[offsite link]
A guide to Farmers´ Markets Throughout the United States - organized geographically by state and International Farmers´ Markets - listed by country and city, with individual specialties noted.

Farmer’s Market Veggie Pasta star
The freshness of fruits and vegetables bought at your local farmer´s market make cooking easy as the ingredients are amazing on their own. Try this fabulous pasta dish tonight.

Farmer´s Markets star
Some of the joys and benefits of farmer´s markets.

Farthingales Fabrics by Mail star[offsite link]
This is a great site on all aspects of corsetry. Here you will find information, tips, techniques, instructions, photographs, and historical info, as well as reviews of commercial patterns for corsets. Also offered is a good selection of tools, supplies, and fabrics used in the construction of corsets.

Fashion Able star[offsite link]
Fashion able shows that people with disabilities can have fashion too.

Fashion Jewelry Newsletter Sign-up star
Free Fashion Jewelry Sign-up where you will receive tips, info and news on giveaways to bring out a better, more fashionably accessorized you!

Fashion Jewelry Steals star
Fashion Jewelry Steals,Deals, and Tips that´ll leave you with more money in your wallet at the end of your shopping day.

Fashion Trends for 2011 – Jewelry Edition star
The Jewelry Trends for 2011 draws inspiration from vacation getaways in a big way; it´ll only make you feel like you´ve traveled somewhere exotic.

Fast Food Facts star[offsite link]
Calorie counts for food from all your favorite fast food restaurants.

Fat Actress star[offsite link]

Father Hell - Astronomer star
The Moon´s Hell crater sounds like the last place a space tourist would ever want to visit. But it´s named for 18th century astronomer Father Maximilian Hell, director of the Vienna Observatory. He observed the 1769 Venus transit from Norway´s far north, surviving the cold by adopting Sami dress.

Father´s ABC List star[offsite link]
List of ABC words for a Father´s album.

Father´s Day Prayer and Meditation star

Father´s Day Prayer of Remembering star

Father´s Day Recipes star[offsite link]
A nice collection of recipes to make Dad´s day special.

Fatloss Foods Secrets star
These fatloss foods secrets can make all the difference between fast results or weightloss plataeus. Top diet foods mistakes and fixes you need to shed the fat.

Fatloss Supplements That Burn Stubborn Fat star
Fatloss supplements that work aren´t loaded with fat burners, cortisol blockers, carb or fat blockers. Get the truth about what really helps you burn stubborn fat.

Fauna Classifieds star[offsite link]
Fauna Classifieds has a huge number of animals in many countries. If there is something special you are looking for take a look through the classifieds. They are quite interesting to read. Buyer beware, this is not a company, pet store, breeder, but individual people selling animals.

Favorite Christmas Recipes star[offsite link]
Favorite Christmas Recipes from Christmas-Joy.com.

Faycullen.com, Antique Resource star
FayCullen.com is one of the world´s largest wholesale Antique, Estate and Vintage jewelry online stores. This virtual smorgasborg of Antique, Vintage and Estate jewelry is addictive. A visit, even if just to "window-shop", is a delight for discriminating collectors and anyone who loves jewelry.

Fear Factor Party star
There is something about combining teenagers and things that are gross or daring that makes the idea of a Fear Factor party a huge success!

Fear, the Basic Evil star
If evil is the thing that prevents us from being or doing good, then fear is the greatest evil of them all.

Feathered Friends Adoption Service star[offsite link]
Save a bird, Adopt

Feathered Gems Jewellery star[offsite link]
Stirling silver & gemstone parrot charms.

Feathers star[offsite link]
Fans made with feathers are an important part of regalia. Native Tech covers different styles and instructions

Felicity´s Paper Dolls by American Girl star
Historical paper doll book that is really a collection of items including doll, pet lamb, doll clothes, scenery and accessories - set in 1774 in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Felicity´s Paper Dolls by American Girl star
Historical paper doll book that is really a collection of items including doll, pet lamb, doll clothes, scenery and accessories - set in 1774 in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Fellowmenhttp://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art305142.asp star

Females of Film star
Subtopic - Subject Personalities. Females of film include characters, directors, screenplay writers and others who make memorable contributions to film, like costume designer Beatrix Aruna Pasztor.

Festival International de Louisiane star[offsite link]
The largest free outdoor music event in the world dedicated to Francophones, this festival features performers from Africa, Canada, the Caribbean, Europe, and the U.S. With visual, culinary and performing arts offerings, it´s no wonder performers want to make it to this party!

Festivals and Holidays - Christmas Folklore star
The Folklore Christmas Collection

Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation star[offsite link]
The Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation is the only guide dog school located in New England. It is a non-profit organization that breeds, raises and trains German shepherd guide dogs to be placed with blind men and women.

Fido Friendly star[offsite link]
Up-to-date listings,state by state, to the following Fido Friendly services - Accommodations, Groomers, Dog Parks, Apartments, Daycare/Kennels, Animal Hospitals and Veterinarians, Dog Trainers, Pet Transportation, and Fido Friendly Restaurants. Also subscribe to Fido Friendly Magazine for hotel, city, and state reviews plus celebrity and artist profiles.

Fidos For Freedom star[offsite link]
Fidos For Freedom, Inc. is run by a dedicated group of volunteers who strive to increase the quality of life for people living in the Baltimore-Washington area through the use of hearing dogs, service dogs and therapy dogs.

Fifth Disease star[offsite link]
Outbreaks at schools are common. Good to have some knowledge on this.

Figgy Pudding For The Folks Down Home star
From sixteenth century West Country of England comes the traditional Christmas dessert, "figgy pudding".

Fighting for animal welfare can take its toll. star
Fighting the good fight for the sake of animals can take its toll on those who care - a few suggestions to help avoid burnout.

Fighting Fraud and its pervasive effects star
Fraud instances have undermined corporations all over the world. Prevent and deter fraud is a need that Certified Fraud Examiners and forensic accountants fulfill. In response to these needs, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, AICPA, launched a new credential.

Figuring Your Estimated Due Date star
One of the most important dates in a pregnant woman´s mind is her "due date". How is a due date estimated and how accurate is it?

Film Began with Vision in Time Film Appreciation star
Where does film begin…where did it start? With Fred Ott´s first sneeze? With a pan or cut into another time? Film conjures “angel songs and wild imaginings” and fills the screen. Andy Williams won’t mind that I´ve borrowed his song, will he?

Film Cell LTD star[offsite link]
Take home an actual film cell from your favorite classic film!

Film Classification Schemes star[offsite link]

Film History star
Subtopic - Subject Movie Appreciation. The history of film has some interesting developments in it, including the development of a whole nomenclature, enough to fill a glossary, and authoritative film resources.

Film History by Decade star[offsite link]
Comprehensive site which lets you choose which year you are interested in researching.

Film Noir star
Subtopic - Subject Classic. Film noir--those darkly haunting films of the past that are epitomized by such as Double Indemnity.

Film Noir Films star[offsite link]

Film Preservation Without Access is Pointless star[offsite link]
Statement by The Committee For Film Preservation and Public Access before The National Film Preservation Board of the Library of Congress.

Film Restoration star[offsite link]
An explanation of how films are restored using the "Guns of Navarone" as an example.

Film Reviews star

Film Reviews star
Reviews of films that are inspiring in the New Age

Film Sound History star[offsite link]
Organized by decades for easy searching.

Filmmakers Library star[offsite link]
This is a collection of award-winning documentary films and videos available primarily for educational use.

Films involving disabilities star[offsite link]
This site presents a detailed list of 2,500 feature films which involve in one way or another various disabilities.

Films of the Golden Age star[offsite link]
Online magazine giving information about classic film history. You can also subscribe to their print edition.

Final Fantasy DVDs star
Here you will find DVDs released for the Final Fantasy franchise.

Final Fantasy The Spirits Within star
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within is a science fiction film by Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of the Final Fantasy role-playing games.

Final Fantasy The Spirits Within Blu-ray star
This is a review of the Blu-ray release for Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within.

Final Fantasy Unlimited The Complete Collection star
Final Fantasy Unlimited: The Complete Collection is a five disc DVD box set that contains all 25 episodes of Final Fantasy Unlimited.

Final Fondue Book Review star
Val Deniston discovers a body in her Granddad´s backyard - one of the guests staying at their house during the tri-centennial celebration in their small town of Bayport. An amateur detective, Val is trying to solve the murder before the police charge the wrong man.

Final four episodes of Wildfire star
Who will troubled teen-turned jockey Kris Furillo choose to marry as the ABC Family original series Wildfire shows its final episodes?

Final race of the 2005 season star
The final race of the MotoGP season begins next weekend at Valencia in Spain.

Financial Aid Resource Center star[offsite link]
Provides useful information to help you plan your educational venture, how to finance it without draining your resources.

Finch Information Center star[offsite link]
Information of several types of finches, along with breeding info, health, nutrition and housing. Under housing there is a listing of compatible finches for a mixed collection.

Finch Niche star[offsite link]
This site was formerly known as Myras´ Finches, but has been updated with new information. This site lists safe plants as well as unsafe plants for birds.

Finch of the Month (Green Singer/Grey Singer) star[offsite link]
Pictures and details on both the Green Singer and the Grey Singer.

Finch Personality Chart star[offsite link]
If you like the idea of having an aviary consisting of a mixed collection of finches, this chart will give you an idea of which birds you can mix.

Finch World star[offsite link]
Pictures & descriptions of many varities of finches.

Find a Death star[offsite link]
Are your favorite stars alive? This site has tributes to different stars.

Find A Grave star[offsite link]
Find a Grave lets you see your favorite stars´ graves and pay respect from all over the world.

Find a Midwife star[offsite link]
One of many sites you can find online to help you connect with a midwife in your area.

Find a Niche and Fill It star
To be successful you can not do the same thing everyone else is doing. You need to find a niche that only you can fill.

Find a Therapist in your Area star[offsite link]
Choosing a therapist, whether online or from an insurance provider list, can be a daunting task. There are many types of licensed mental health professionals, differing in educational backgrounds, training, licensure philosophy and technique. Regardless of the degree, you should always interview a prospective therapist about their experience and training with similar concerns to yours.

Find out about other helpful editor-reviewed books and resources about mental health that are availa star

Find Serenity at The Sanctuary at Kiawah Island star
Find refuge from today´s stressful world at this upscale beach resort.

Finding a Teacher can be a Challenge star
Finding a teacher of natural healing within the American Indian community can be a challenge. There are reasons for the obstacles a prospective student must work through, and these are based in history.

Finding A Writing Job Online star
Learn how to identify real writing jobs vs. scams online...

Finding Friends Classmates star[offsite link]
Ever think about an old friend or classmate and wonder whatever happened to them? I was sent an e-mail from a friend asking me to sign up for free. It was like opening the door to the past and many memories. Sign up is free. But if you want to actually contact someone there is a slight fee.

Finding Joy in Thanksgiving star
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, more teens are ready to enjoy the spirit of the season than ever before. Here’s how to fully experience the spirit of the season.

Finding Literary Agents-The Writer Magazine Review star
Finding literary agents that are well-established and respected is an early task that writers of short stories, novels and poems look to do-as soon as their piece or manuscript is done,but which ones are best?This review of ´The Writer´ magazine shows how sharing other writers experiences helps..

Finding the Peace Within star
Only by changing our inner selves do we see the change we want in the world. If you´d like to see a peaceful world, then you must start with finding peace within.

Finding the Perfect Small Business for You star
This ebook is a simple how-to guide for determining what small business would work for you. Explore your interests, skills and motivations, and find a business that works for you and your life.

Finding Your Identity star
As a teen, have you ever had a difficult moment where you just can’t seem to find your way? When a difficult moment arises, it may seem as if there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Find out how to get to a better place by following these steps.

Finger Monkey Pygmy Marmoset star
A tiny monkey hanging on to my finger does sound pleasantly cute and intriguing. The so called finger monkey weighs all of a half of an ounce at birth. Enjoy the pictures of the darling little pygmy marmoset. In reality what is the finger monkey? New article link how to care for the Pygmy Marmoset.

Finger Weaving, a Beginner´s Project star[offsite link]
Instructions for finger weaving a thin belt or sash with 4 common materials. Age 8 and older

Fire on the Mystic Island Soundtrack star
This is the soundtrack for the fourth Inuyasha theatrical film, Fire on the Mystic Island.

Fire on the Mystic Island Soundtrack star
This is the soundtrack for the fourth Inuyasha theatrical film, Fire on the Mystic Island.

Fireball Search Engine star[offsite link]
A German search engine where you can write your query in English in the Subject box, and it will supply you with English language answers to your query.

Firm butt lean legs workout star[offsite link]
Builds lean, toned, and sculpted, sexy legs and firm butt with lower body exercise that burn tons of fat. If you have issues with flab and cellulite then this is the workout for you.

Fish star
Go "swimming with the fishes" at BellaOnline´s Fish site.

Fish Cooking Basics star[offsite link]
Resist the temptation to over-cook fish until it "flakes," which indicates the fish is becoming dry. Fish is fully cooked when the color turns from translucent to opaque (usually white). Read more about how to cook fish...

Fish For Dinner star[offsite link]
Fish is the perfect summertime food: delicious, easy to cook and healthy. Get tips for cooking your catch, plus some tasty marinades.

Fish! - A Review star
A quick read parable about how an insightful manager took an emotionally toxic work environment and turned it into an award winning team of motivated employees. Fish! is a small book about leadership, motivation and team building – all vital elements to a healthy happy work environment.

Fit Pregnancy star[offsite link]
Articlesoffer advice to women on how to remain in shape during pregnancy. Contains nutrition tips, chat room, and a discussion forum.

Fit Tip of The Day star[offsite link]
Fit tip changes daily to help you stay on track with your fitness goals.

Fitness & Exercise While Pregnant star
What´s safe, what´s not, and ideas on how you can maintain your best level of fitness while pregnant. Several articles to help you stay healthy during pregnancy.

Fitness Bootcamp star
This 4 week online training program includes 4 dynamic bootcamp style workouts that burn fat and tone your body quickly plus cardio coach guided cardio mp3 workout. An $80 value for just $39.99

Fitness Gifts That Rock! star
Fitness gifts that rock is a great guide that clues you in about what´s hot and what´s not for that exercise fanatic in your life.

Five Great Italian Cook Books star
Looking for a great gift for a lover Italian food? Look no further than these great books.

Five Great Italian Cookbooks star
Looking for a great gift for an Italian food lover? Look no further than these great books.

Five Mindfulness Training star[offsite link]
Located on the famous Buddhist Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hahn’s official website, this page shows the world some of the fundamental training and beliefs of Buddhism. This peaceful religion calls for our awareness and the respect of lives around us. In addition, it calls for our compassion for the suffering in the world.

Five Rhythms Dance star
Gabrielle Roth developed Five Rhythms ecstatic dancing as a joyful way of working through the tensions and issues that we all store in our bodies. Having spent a day dancing the Five Rhythms I can testify it is a great workout too!

Five Tips To Consider When Choosing A Publisher star
Choosing a publisher probably seems like a complicated task, however, you may find the process somewhat less challenging if you consider the following five suggestions.

Fix, Freeze, Feast Cookbook Review star
This excellent cookbook will help even the busiest of cooks put mouthwatering dishes on the table in record time, since it has dozens of great recipes that are frozen ahead and cooked when ready. Definitely recommended.

Flash Fiction - Inspiration to Publication star
Learn how short story writers carry a Flash Fiction project through from first inspiration through writing completion, submission and hopefully - publication, My short story ´Silver Zone´ was based on risks historically faced by women, has appeared in ´Mused´, and is used as illustration,

Flash MX 2004 Basics Series - Building A Website With Flash star

flexbaby.com star[offsite link]
Baby Claw Clips

Flight - Doris Lessing - Short Story Review star
This Short Story review of "Flight" by Doris Lessing examines some St Valentine´s Day concerns. First Love, Teen Romance, Parental Responsibilities, Marriage Commitment, Separation Amxiety, Letting Go and Empty Nest syndrome. Negative feelings of Jealousy and Possessiveness appear too.

Flightplan (2005) Jodie Foster star
Thumbs up to Jodie Foster, she is excellent in Flightplan. This tense thriller fits nicely in the “suspense” genre.

Flipped for Murder star

Flirting Differences Between Girls and Guys star
This article talks about the many questions related to flirting. How do you do it? How do you know when someone else is flirting with you and what do you do about it if they are?

Floortime star[offsite link]

Flora, Goddess of Flowers star
With the return of Spring, Flora rises again.

Florida State University star[offsite link]
Degrees Accredited by the American Library Association, Master of Science (Next Review: 2005), Master of Arts (Next Review: 2005) Other Degrees or Certificates: Bachelor´s Degree, School Library Media Program

Florida Tropical Fruits star[offsite link]
Click on the name of a tropical fruit for information and a picture.

Florida West Coast Avian Society, Inc star[offsite link]
A rescue located in Sarasota, Florida

Flowers Of Love star
Find out which flowers have come to represent love and affection.

Fluffy Buttermilk Biscuits with Honey Butter star
These melt-in-your-mouth biscuits are doubly good with sweet honey butter.

Flutes, Hauntingly Beautiful Music star
The hauntingly beautiful music of the Native American flute is unparalelled. The love songs the young men played for the girls they loved was from their heart.

FMA Brotherhood Complete Collection One Blu-ray star
The Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Complete Collection One Blu-ray set collects the first 33 episodes of the series together into one release.

FMA Brotherhood Complete Collection One Blu-ray star
The Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Complete Collection One Blu-ray set collects the first 33 episodes of the series together into one release.

FMA Brotherhood Complete Collection Two Blu-ray star
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Complete Collection Two is a set that collects the remaining 31 episodes of the series into one release.

FMA Brotherhood Complete Collection Two Blu-ray star
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Complete Collection Two is a set that collects the remaining 31 episodes of the series into one release.

FMA Conqueror of Shamballa Blu-ray star
This is a review of the Blu-ray pressing of Fullmetal Alchemist The Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa.

Focus on Fitness Not Fatness star[offsite link]
A good article to help you focus on leading a physically-fit life with a primary goal of being thin.

Folk Ways Of The Past star
What ever happened to the folk ways of the past? You know -- when families sat out on their porch after supper..

Folklore Weather Predictions star
Learning how to predict the weather like the Ozark folks did is not all that difficult. Come on! I´ll show you how!

Folklore Winter Predictions star
Let us look at some of the ways of folklore winter predictions.

Follow the Money- Financial Investigator Readiness star
Follow the money and behind it you will find economic crimes. Financial investigators help regulatory agencies and law enforcement uncover money laundering, fraud, and embezzlement.

Font Garden star[offsite link]
Archive of over 1000 free fonts.

Font Links star[offsite link]
Several links to fonts, including their descriptions.

Fonts & Things star[offsite link]
Various holiday fonts.

Fonts for Scrapbookers star[offsite link]
You have to download these to see them....Helpful hints on the last page.

Food 52 A New Way to Dinner star

Food Allergy Alerts star[offsite link]
Kids With Food Allergies listing of the U.S. FSA and USDA Food allergy recalls.

Food Can Heal!: Flaxseeds star
Flaxseeds are thought to be one of the natural miracle foods. Read this article to find out the many benefits of flaxseeds from preventing cancer to decreasing heart disease and how easily you can incorporate this miracle food into your diet today!

Food Database Search star[offsite link]

Food Guide Pyramid for Kids star[offsite link]
The USDA Food Guide Pyramid for Kids features guidelines for healthy eating.

Food Matters Healthy Eating Tips star
The 2 healthy eating tips from Food Matters that will transform your eating habits so you can lose the fat, look and feel great, and be environmentally conscious.

Food of Ancient Greece star
Looking at food of the Ancient Greeks

Food Storage star
Here are some articles on how to establish, maintain and use your food storage.

Food Storage for Five Dollars a Week star[offsite link]
This list tells you what to buy in what quantities to build your food storage at minimal cost. It then tells you what you´ll have at the end of the first year.

FoodFit star[offsite link]
This site is choc full of healthy eating and cooking tips, great recipes and fitness advice.

Footage.Net star[offsite link]
The only place ad, film, TV and digital video pros can instantly search the footage trade’s best stock, archival and news footage databases all at once.

Football at BellaOnline star
Bella´s own Judith Hodges keeps you up-to-date with all the hoopla surrounding football´s biggest day.

Football Feast star[offsite link]
Make game day special with these marvelous recipes from ChefMom.com.

Football Quarterbacks star[offsite link]
These football figures would be great for your football layouts! You can even put your own number on the jersey!

For more about jewelry visit Fashion Jewelry at Bella Online star
Bella Online´s Fashion Jewelry Editor and Jewelry Making Editor, Chris Franchetti, is a jewelry artisan/designer, collector, and writer in Seattle, Washington. Her Fashion Jewelry site is brimful of information about jewelry, jewelry buying tips, interviews, reviews, and great jewelry resources.

For Slow-Cooked Flavor in a Hurry, Turn Up the Pressure star[offsite link]
Rich, full-bodied chili in 30 minutes? Artichokes in 10? You can do it with a pressure cooker. Today´s pressure cookers are a far cry from their predecessors. Safety features make kitchen mishaps a thing of the past.

For Your Bird star[offsite link]
Toys, cages & supplies as well as a great choice of bird foods can be found at For Your Bird.

Forensic & Investigative Accounting star
Forensic accounting is challenging but rewarding. Forensic and Investigative Accounting is a valuable tool for those who want to gain status in the accounting and legal communities.

Forensic Accounting Quizzes star
Here you will gain a better understanding of forensic accounting. Enjoy and test your knowledge!

Forever A Song star
Back before the days of computers, television, telephones and all these wonders of modern science and technology, the family homes of the common folk were filled with song.

Forked Umbilical Cord star[offsite link]
by RB Fraser, RM Liston, DL Thompson, and JR Wright Jr. this is a report of Monoamniotic twins born with a forked umbilical cord. Contains other reports.

Formal Invitations by Grafcomm star[offsite link]
Premium invitations for less than $1 each, which includes handmade card with real flower petals, vellum overlay, sheer ribbon and envelope.

Forming Gnocchi star[offsite link]
How to cut, shape, and cook Gnocchi

Fortunately for You- Monthly Free E-Book star[offsite link]
Homeschoolers will want to check out this site weekly to catch the latest e-book, which is always a free treat!

Fortune Cookie Bracelet star
Make this bracelet in honor of the Chinese New Year.

Forty Something N Beyond Style star
Style, is it something that a select few are born with, or can it be acquired? What actually makes one stylish? For great things to know about style take a look.

Four Brothers (2005) Mark Wahlberg, Terrence Howard,Tyrese star
The movie "Four Brothers" is full of surprises. The first surprise Mark Wahlberg. Those who are coming to see stud-boy Marky Mark in low-slung jeans will be surprised to find in Marky´s place, a fine actor.

Four Ways to Foster a Love of Learning star
Education and learning aren´t the same thing. Some of the most innovative thinkers in the world know that. Fostering a love of learning, especially in a child who doesn´t fit perfectly in a traditional school setting, nurtures their natural curiosity and keeps it growing.

Fourth of July star
An array of Fourth of July ideas, recipes and decoration ideas.

Fourth of July star
Fourth of July party ideas, recipes and game.

Fourth of July BBQ Apron - Tutorial star[offsite link]
This apron would make a great host or hostess gift.

Fourth Of July Patriotic Pie - Recipe star
For the Fourth of July, there is a special pie I make that is very patriotic with the colors of the American flag.

Fowl Play star[offsite link]
Online catalogue for toys & toy parts, shower perches & other interesting items.

Fox Movie Channel star[offsite link]

Fox Movie Channel star[offsite link]
Along with their schedule and information about letterboxed films, you can get more details about classic movies through their interviews and features.

Foxes of Gormanston Castle star
The strange behavior of the foxes at Gormanston Castle.

Fraktur In Folk Art star
Fraktur (sometimes pronounced frock tur) is the Old World art of using archaic and decorative fonts for lettering on certificates or wall hangings.

Frangipane Peach Tart star
Start with a flaky and buttery crust. Add a creamy almond filling and top with sweet juicy peaches. Then add a sprinkling of blueberries. This decadent dessert brings a taste of summer any time of the year.

Frangipani Knitwear star[offsite link]
Based out of the UK, this company provides traditional Guernsey "5 ply" wool in thirteen colors. Also carries a small selection of books, needles and other accessories for making your "gansey."

Frank Capra star[offsite link]
This is a fan site with a lot of Capra information.

Fraud Reality also as Social Engineering star
Social engineering is used to exploit human behavior. For example, one of the tactics used is to develop trust overtime through a relationship and then, take advantage of it. Social engineers use many devices to achieve their goals: Telephone, e-mails, text messages, etc.

Free and Inexpensive Holiday Jewelry Gifts star
Yes you can find inexpensive fashion jewelry for gifts and even for free!

Free Daily Tarot Reflection star[offsite link]
I post a free daily Tarot reflection each weekday on my Blog and Facebook Page.

Free Daily Tarot Reflection star[offsite link]
Each weekday I share a free Tarot reflection on my blog.

Free Daily Tarot Reflection star[offsite link]
Each weekday I share a free Tarot reflection and interpretation on my blog.

Free Eagle Native Arts star[offsite link]
This is a great site where you can see finished crafts and also order kits to make them. Lovely site and they offer many things!

Free Food at Denny’s on April 8th star
Get a Free Grand Slamwich from Denny´s when you bring a friend and order a Grand Slam Breakfast on April 8th, 2009

Free Graphics & More star
Get free graphics, clip-art, photos, fonts, banner creators and more to enhance your site...

Free Health Product Samples star
How to find free health product samples.

Free International online autism conference star
Autism2005 will be held from 17th to 21st October 2005, with over 30 experts in the field of autism to answer questions from around the world. This is a FREE online event.

Free Las Vegas Attractions - On & Off the Strip star
You don´t need expensive tickets to see these shows and attractions...

Free Link Checkers star
Check for dead links on your website FREE!

Free Link Popularity Checkers star
Check your website´s link popularity for free...

Free Online Tarot star[offsite link]
This website has links and reviews to dozens of free online Tarot readings as well as runes, I-ching,numerology, and other oracles. Get an idea of what to expect and the type of reading you´ll receive.

Free Online Tarot star[offsite link]
hand-picked and edited directory of free online Tarot oracles. Also includes Runes, Astrology, I-Ching and others. Read the reviews and then enjoy a free reading that is right for you.

Free Pattern star[offsite link]
Free paper piecing pattern from Great Moments.

Free Pregnancy Tips, News and Information star
Free pregnancy resources, delivered right to your email inbox, in a simple and concise way! Stay in touch with the latest pregnancy news and get encouragement as you, and your baby, grow together.

Free Recipe Cards star[offsite link]

Free Rice: Charitable Computer Game star
Free Rice is a charitable computer game that donates ten grains of rice for each correctly answered question

Free Stories From Around The World India To USA star
Stories from around the world open our eyes,and those of our young people, to a new world of alternative cultures to ours,so making short stories from other cultures entertaining,colorful and vibrant.Topselling Unaccustomed Earth (Jumpha Lahiri) paints lives of 2nd generation Indians in the US.

free toy patterns star[offsite link]
baby toys

Free Travel Guides star
While there are many quiet little getaway spots hidden away around the southeast, the tourism agencies of each state are not trying to hide their lights under a basket. Almost every state in the US has created its own vacation guide and they´re all willing to send it to you for free. Just ask.

Free Vacation Guides star
While there are many quiet little getaway spots hidden away around the southeast, the tourism agencies of each state are not trying to hide their lights under a basket. Almost every state in the US has created its own vacation guide and they´re all willing to send it to you for free. Just ask.

Free Vacation Guides star
While there are many quiet little getaway spots hidden away around the southeast, the tourism agencies of each state are not trying to hide their lights under a basket. Almost every state in the US has created its own vacation guide and they´re all willing to send it to you for free. Just ask.

Free Website Hosting star
Many businesses offer free website hosting and very limited builders but should you use them for your website?

Free Wordpress Layouts star[offsite link]
All themes found here are 100% original, and validated via w3c for XHTML and CSS. The creator requests you leave her footer alone, to properly give her credit for her free goodies. :-)

Freebie Short Stories in Children´s Cereal Packs star
Now food manufacturers are putting freebie short stories as well as toys inside children´s cereal packs. Will this make kids better readers or worse eaters? This article takes a look at The Spiderwick Chronicles - a mini story for younger readers - and assesses the idea, and the books.

Freegraphics.com star[offsite link]
Find some fonts!

Freelance Writing star[offsite link]
Freelance writing opportunites.

Freelance Writing star
Learn how to be a freelance writer.

FreeNeedle.com star[offsite link]
Lots of free patterns and projects. Although mainly sewing, these make great templates for a variety of crochet projects.

FreePatterns.com star[offsite link]
Over 500 quality free crochet patterns including afghans, doilies, home decor, holidays, clothing, and accessories.

French Crime Films at the American Cinematheque star
The American Cinematheque is showing some awesome crime thrillers November 1-4, and if you´re lucky enough to be out in Los Angeles, you oughtta go check them out.

French Crochet star[offsite link]
Several free filet crochet charts (site is in french but the charts are readable)

French Fashion Designs of the 1700´s star[offsite link]
A nice little web page with some black & white illustrations and some specifics about the types of clothing and accessories that were popular during the reign of Marie Antoinette.

French Onion Soup star[offsite link]
Nothing fancy or elaborate, this quick and easy recipe for French Onion Soup is a perfect last-minute choice for a French-inspired meal. Serve with crusty bread and a simple green salad for a light and freshing meal!

French Photographer - Henri Cartier-Bresson star
Henri Cartier Bresson, (1908-2004) was a French Photographer who´s considered as one of the greatest photographers of the 20th Century. Henri Cartier Bresson pioneered a new moment in the art of photography, the art of Photojournalism

Fresh and Fabulous - Designer Jewelry Summer Collections star
In this ongoing series of articles throughout the summer, I will be sharing with you some of the fresh and fabulous summer collections from the hottest designers. Discover LK Designs by Leetal Kalmanson and Rapt Elegance by Sue Lindsey!

Fresh Crab Dip star
Even people who don´t like seafood will enjoy this subtle, yet tasty dip.

Fresh Feta Cheese star
Feta cheese is extremely versatile and adds flavor and texture to just about anything. Here is a whole day’s worth of eating suggestions!

Fresh From the Oven: French Croissants star[offsite link]
If you´ve ever wanted to try your hand at making these delicious, airy breakfast treats - here´s your chance!

Fresh Fruit Compote star
An elegant and refreshing dessert for a brunch, lunch, breakfast or tea.

Fresh Fruit Shake star
A healthy and refreshing drink that can be served with a meal, given as a snack or a quick breakfast.

Fresh Fruit Shake star
A healthy and refreshing drink that can be served with a meal, given as a snack or a quick breakfast.

Fresh-Caught Fish star[offsite link]
Fresh-caught fish from either freshwater or saltwater must be handled properly to avoid spoilage and to maintain a delicate flavor, firm texture and a pleasing odor. Clemson University offers expert advice.

Freyja - Norse Goddess of Love star
Freyja is the Norse goddess of love. She is associated with beauty, fertility, gold, witchcraft, war, and death.

Fried Green Tomatoes star
A great sidedish for a Mardi Gras celebration. From Bella´s own Quick Cooking Editor.

Fried Mealed Catfish star

Fried Sweet Potatoes star

Friend of the Devil Book Review star

Friend of the Devil Book Review star

From Poldark to Pachuca - a pasty´s journey star
The Cornish pasty is a stalwart of British gastronomy, steeped in tradition, history and folklore. However, it has travelled widely, following the Cornish tin miners across the globe, and in the 19th century, it reached Mexico and the silver mines of Pachuca and Mineral del Monte.

From Poldark to Pachuca - a pasty´s journey star
The Cornish pasty is a stalwart of British gastronomy, steeped in tradition, history and folklore. However, it has travelled widely, following the Cornish tin miners across the globe, and in the 19th century, it reached Mexico and the silver mines of Pachuca and Mineral del Monte.

From The Glens Of Scotland star
There is more folklore in one glen in Scotland than you will find anywhere. From delightful customs to tales of beasties, heroes and chivalry!

From The Green Hills Of Ireland star
Looking into the folklore and legends of Ireland, featuring William Butler Yeats.

Frozen Banna Fluff Recipe star
A delicious ice cream substitute recipe from Dr. Joel Fuhrman´s "Eat for Health" book set.

Fruit & Diabetes star[offsite link]
This Diabetes information center page has an exchange list for canned, and dried fruits and fruit juices.

Fruits Basket Anime vs Manga star
This article examines the Fruits Basket anime and manga, and discusses how the anime differs from the manga.

Fruits Basket The Complete Series star
Fruits Basket The Complete Series is a four disc DVD set containing all 26 episodes.

Fruity Waffle Treat star
This is a fun and fast recipe for a healthy waffle dessert that´s perfect for kids or when you have to satisfy your sweet tooth right away.

Fudgy Hanukkah Cake - Lowfat Version star
Fudge is a holiday favorite, this cake will please both your fudge cravings and your sweet tooth!

Full Apron with Adjustable Neckstrap star[offsite link]
Apron from jcaroline creative!

Full body circuit star[offsite link]
This quick workouts full body circuit burns fat with intense exercises that target the abs, legs, shoulders, and chest.

Full body circuit for intermediates star[offsite link]
This free workouts full body circuit utlizes a stability ball, dumbbells, and jump rope. It is designed to work and fatigue all the larger muscle groups of the upper body, legs, and abs followed by isolation work of the smaller muscles of the upper body and abs.

Full body circuit workout for beginners star[offsite link]
This 30 minute full body circuit workout for beginners will torch calories and burn bodyfat quick!

Fullbody core workout star[offsite link]
This fullbody core workout targets every muscle in the body especially your abs, low back, hips, and shoulders.

Fullbody dumbbell workout star[offsite link]
This fullbody dumbbell workout targets every inch of your body with multi-purpose dumbbell exercises in under 30 minutes.

Fullmetal Alchemist star
Fullmetal Alchemist (which is also known as Hagane no Renkinjutsushi in Japan), is an anime based on a manga written and illustrated by Hiromu Arakawa.

Fullmetal Alchemist Blu-rays star
Here you will find reviews of Fullmetal Alchemist Blu-rays.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Blu-rays star
Here you will find reviews of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Blu-rays.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood DVDs.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood DVDs.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Information and Reviews star
Here you will find reviews and information on Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OVA Collection star
The Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood OVA Collection includes four short stories that can only be seen in this release.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OVA Collection star
The Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood OVA Collection includes four short stories that can only be seen in this release.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Part Five star
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Part Five is a two-disc set that contains the final 12 episodes of the series.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Part Four star
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Part Four is a two-disc set that contains episodes 40 through 52 of the series.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Part One star
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Part One is a two-disc set that contains the first 13 episodes of the series.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Part Three star
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Part Three is a two-disc set that contains episodes 27 through 39 of the series.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Part Two star
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Part Two is a two-disc set that contains episodes 14 through 26 of the series.

Fullmetal Alchemist DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of Fullmetal Alchemist DVDs.

Fullmetal Alchemist DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of Fullmetal Alchemist DVDs.

Fullmetal Alchemist Information and Reviews star
Here you will find information and reviews of Fullmetal Alchemist.

Fullmetal Alchemist Premium OVA Collection star
The Fullmetal Alchemist Premium OVA Collection was released by FUNimation Entertainment on August 4, 2009.

Fullmetal Alchemist The Complete First Season star
Fullmetal Alchemist The Complete First Season is a four-disc set that contains the first 25 episodes of the series.

Fullmetal Alchemist The Complete Second Season star
Fullmetal Alchemist The Complete Second Season is a four-disc set that contains episodes 26 through 51 of the series.

Fun & Games star
Would you like to play a game? Here, you´ll find anime word games, quizzes, and more.

Fun and Different Exercises star
We all know exercise is good for us. This article gives ideas on how to make it fun and exciting.

Fun and Funky Purse star[offsite link]
Small bag pattern with a zipper.

Fun Facts About Champagne star
This web page provides you with some amusing trivia, quotes about this bubbly beverage, and useful pieces of information.

Fun Facts Publishing star[offsite link]
"...Devoted to Helping The Scrapbook Business Owner Succeed!"

Fun Fashion at Whimz Accessories star
Shopping at Whimz Accessories is a great way to start your day! It brightens up even the grayest morning with its hot pink and black virtual storefront brimful of fun fashion jewelry. And the prices will blow you away! Very affordable chic, indeed!

Fun in the Kitchen: Teaching Your Kids to Cook (from Table Talk: Raising The Kids) star[offsite link]
Younger children might be too little to do very much, but you can teach them about nutrition. This article offers advice on what kids can do according to their age.

Fun in the Sun Party Games star
Hosting a summer party and want to get out of the house and try something different? Why not take your guests to the zoo for a scavenger hunt?

Fun Parties for Kids from Betty Crocker star[offsite link]
Party Themes complete with menus, recipes, and ideas for decorations and games. First Birthdays, A Kids´ Firehouse Birthday Party, A Scavenger Hunt Birthday Party, A Turkey in the Straw Birthday, A Pet Lovers´ Birthday Party, A Kids´ Birthday Carnival, Fishin´ Fun, Splashin´ Fun, and A Stargazing Sleep-Over are just a few examples.

Fun Thanksgiving Turkey Facts star
Make your Thanksgiving dinner memorable (and educational) with these fun facts about the traditional Thanksgiving turkey.

Fun Trivia with Lord of the Rings star[offsite link]
Several trivia games and quizzes about Lord of the Rings. Test your skill!

Functional and Fun Gifts for iPad Bloggers star
If you have a blogger or iPad aficionado friend or family member in your midst and need gift ideas then you´ve come to the right place. Pick a fun and/or functional gift to support their blogging or iPad habit.

Functions of Baking Ingredients star[offsite link]
a list of baking ingredients and a description of the function each performs in baked goods. Flours, Sweeteners, Salt, Leavening Agents, Fats, Eggs, and Liquids are included.

Fund-raising Tea Party Ideas star
What do tea parties and fundraising have in common? Well, they can both take place in your living room and, with a little planning, they can raise a whole lot of money for your favourite charity.

Funky Deco Photo Album star[offsite link]
This members-only group charges $7/yr to join - provide samples of your decos to be evaluated.

Funny Fairy Tales For Children - DIY Short Stories star
Funny fairy tales for children can educate and entertain.This fairytale collection has rave reviews and is sure to raise giggles.Preschool writing activities and pre-reading skills can be advanced with good teaching resources for literacy - this children´s book is contrary,colorful and creative.

Funorama Paper Dolls star[offsite link]
This pattern is for a lady and a young child doll. There are also clothes patterns for each doll!

Fuzzy Bumblebee star[offsite link]
Wonderful site to see what you can really do with crochet if you push the limits.

G. I. Gurdjieff - Meetings with Remarkable Men - A Film (Video) Review star
In the film we follow along the path Gurdjieff took growing into manhood and ever more intensely into his quest for the Truth.

Gabriel Foundation star[offsite link]
A nonprofit corporation promoting education, conservation, rescue, rehabilitation, adoption, and sanctuary for the needs of parrots everywhere.

Galactic Winter Games star
Welcome to the Galactic Winter Games, a starry tribute to Earth´s Winter Olympic Games. It´s a tour of some really cool cosmic sights – as well as some hot ones, such as one of the biggest explosions in the Universe.

Games and Toys star[offsite link]
Native Tech has interactive, online games for kids of all ages, and a selection of traditional games to make and play.

Games, Quizes and Contests star
Wanting to have some more fun? Now I am putting some fun and excitement to this site by adding games, quizes and contests that you can play and win prizes.

Garbl´s Writing Resources star[offsite link]
An annotated guide to online resources focusing on creativity, the writing process, grammar, style, vocabulary, punctuation and so much more.

Garden Salad with Vinaigrette star
This simple to make salad and vinaigrette is wonderful.

Garden Salad with Vinaigrette star
This simple to make salad and vinaigrette is wonderful.

Gardening Sundries at Briers.com star[offsite link]
Gardening gloves, pruners, bulb planters and more.

Garlic Mashed Potatoes star
Spruce up ordinary mashed potatoes with garlic.

Garlic Mashed Potatoes star
Spruce up ordinary mashed potatoes with garlic.

Garlic Pull Aparts star
This mouth-watering bread is easy to make and delicious. A great alternative to traditional-style garlic bread.

Garn Studio/Drops Designs star[offsite link]
Based in Scandinavia, Garn studio´s line of yarns, patterns and accessories are now available worldwide. Their website allows visitors to preview their line, find a retailer, enjoy some free patterns, and much more. Site can also be viewed in Danish, Spanish, Swedish and Norwegian. There´s a handy dictionary that will help you translate knitting terms as well. Have fun!

Gary Null--Your Guide to Natural Living star[offsite link]
Gary Null has put together a beautiful website loaded with valuable information on natural living.

Gas Grill Buying Guide star[offsite link]
What to look for when purchasing a grill - a database to help you sort through all of the different grills, sizes, and options and eliminate some of the confusion when buying a gas grill.

Gaslight, (1944) Ingrid Bergman, Charles Boyer star
George Cukor, whose name is synonymous with so-called women´s movies directed GASLIGHT which is a tightly knit psychological Victorian gem of a thriller.

Gaudy Party star
Sometimes we all just need to throw a party for the sake of having one. Here are some tips on throwing a fun party, your friends will definitely remember, with little effort.

Gay Envy star
Not that I make light of the social challenges the gay population still faces, but I just see the benefits of being gay when I’m mad at my husband who is decidedly and unabashedly and annoyingly male.

Gayscape´s Disability links star[offsite link]
A place for gays who are deaf to find resources.

Gear that Gives star[offsite link]
Searching for that perfect gift for a holiday or special occasion? Every purchase from this site also provides funds for great causes such as breast cancer, animal rescue and the rain forest. For example, a jewelry purchase will provide 28 bowls of food for a shelter animal.

Geerlings & Wade Wine Accessories star[offsite link]
A wide selection of gift ideas and wine to fit every occasion.

Gems of Wisdom, Gems of Power by Teresa Kennedy star
´Gems of Wisdom, Gems of Power´ has something new to offer the crystal enthusiast and I think it makes a worthwhile addition to the bookshelf.

General Bread Making Tips star[offsite link]
From Robin Hood Flour, bread making tips on everything from testing the yeast to storing fresh baked breads.

General Facebook Task List star
Quick and helpful updates you can make to your Facebook Account Settings and Timeline for ease of use and a fresh new look.

Generating Ideas star
How do you find things to write about?

Genesis Climber Mospeada star
Genesis Climber Mospeada is better known to the American audience as the final third of the Robotech anime series.

Genesis Climber Mospeada star
Genesis Climber Mospeada is better known to the American audience as the final third of the Robotech anime series.

Genetic Assessment star[offsite link]
St. Thomas Hospital in London, UK is currently researching the genetics of twins as they grow. A very scientific site.

Genetic Experimenting star[offsite link]
The untold story of the twins of Auschwitz. It tells of inhumane testing on twins done during W.W.II in the concentration camps.

Genetics and Personality Disorders star
Are personality disorders the outcomes of inherited traits? Are they brought on by abusive and traumatizing upbringing? Or, maybe they are the sad results of the confluence of both?

Geocaching is a Treasure Hunt star
Geocaching is an adventure with your 4x4 vehicle to find hidden caches using handheld GPS receivers.

Geoff & Jo´sCockatiel Aviary star[offsite link]
A small breeder of Cockatiels in Queensland Australia. This site has thorough descriptions, explanations and pictures of the various colour mutations.

George & the Big Bang - book review star
Will a secret organization and an evil genius succeed in destroying a big physics experiment and killing the scientists involved? Can George and Annie find and disarm the quantum bomb? How is Schrödinger´s cat involved? Another great blend of fantasy and science from Lucy and Stephen Hawking.

George´s Cosmic Treasure Hunt - book review star
George is sad. The family next door are moving away and things will be so dull without them. Or maybe not! Why is the new Martian rover acting so strangely? Has the search for life met an alien threat to Earth? Lucy and Stephen Hawking take George and the reader on a cosmic adventure.

George´s Secret Key to the Universe - book review star
In Lucy & Stephen Hawking´s book, the hero George used to have a quiet life, but now he´s trying to rescue his next door neighbor from a black hole. Here´s a lively illustrated story, beautiful color images of the universe, and from the man who knows, a great explanation of what a black hole is.

George´s Secret Key to the Universe - book review star
In Lucy & Stephen Hawking´s book, the hero George used to have a quiet life, but now he´s trying to rescue his next door neighbor from a black hole. Here´s a lively illustrated story, beautiful color images of the universe, and from the man who knows, a great explanation of what a black hole is.

George´s Secret Key to the Universe - book review star
In Lucy & Stephen Hawking´s book, the hero George used to have a quiet life, but now he´s trying to rescue his next door neighbor from a black hole. Here´s a lively illustrated story, beautiful color images of the universe, and from the man who knows, a great explanation of what a black hole is.

Georgia´s Heart Doily star[offsite link]
A doily made up of hearts and designed by Georgia Seitz, which includes split rings. This link is posted offsite and the doily photo is not showing. You can view the doily on the Online Tatting Class website also: http://www.georgiaseitz.com/2012/gssrheart.pdf http://www.georgiaseitz.com/2010/georgia_heart.jpg

German History Links star[offsite link]

German Pantheon star
German mythology of gods and goddess

Germany and its Beer Culture, Fast Facts star
Germany has excellent wine and equally excellent beer, and although wine is catching up in homegrown popularity it remains the different beers, thousands of breweries, beer gardens and the iconic beer stein that continue to capture the imagination and reinforce the image of a beer loving nation

Germany�s Garden Gnomes star
Gartenzwerg have a history as another type of invention from Germany, and originated as the result of mid 19th century legend that gnomes protected German gardens. Kitsch, folklore, good luck symbols, characters from literature, and for a protector about as far from frightening as it is possible to be.

Germany�s Schornsteinfeger, Lucky Chimney Sweeps star
Traditions and superstitions about Chimney Sweeps are common throughout Europe, but in Germany both the practice and the customs are rooted in the past.

Germany�s White Asparagus Season, Spargelzeit star
A symbol of spring, �Spargelzeit�, the white asparagus season in Germany. The much loved white stalks known as �The Royal Vegetable or �Das Koenigliche Gemuese�, that are harvested and enjoyed for two months from around the middle of April until June 24th, St. John the Baptist�s feast day.

Germany´s Garden Gnomes star
Gartenzwerg, another of Germany´s many ´inventions, the gnomes who spend the summer months protecting German gardens. Kitsch, folklore, good luck symbols, characters from literature, and for a protector about as far from frightening as it is possible to be.

Germany´s Irresistable Gummi Bears star
The Gummi Bear began life in 1922 as a fruit gummi "Dancing Bear" in Bonn, Germany. Invented by Hans Riegal in his small confectionery company, its form was based on a dancing bear and the "Teddy Bear" which was becoming increasingly popular, and today it is a cult candy known world wide.

Get Active Stay Active star[offsite link]
A neat new way to learn about and track your fitness online.

Get and book a train star[offsite link]
Finding and booking a train connection made easy.

Get Lean Legs with FitFlop Sandals star
Need extra help sculpting lean legs and a firm butt? FitFlop sandals were designed to exercise your feet, legs, and butt so you can firm up without even thinking about it.

Get Noticed! Jewelry star
Natalie & Jessa Lemke, the design team behind Get Noticed! Jewelry are not only sisters and best friends, they are good friends who share a passion for a dream.

Get Over It Kid star[offsite link]
Kids express strong emotions every day. If we want them to recover quickly, we need to show them we can handle their emotions. These articles are written for fathers but hold valuable information for moms too.

Get Published star[offsite link]
How to get published.

Getting Along Better With Your Parents star
Need help getting along with your parents? Here are six practical suggestions that will help.

Getting Dad More Involved in Parenting star
Often getting Dad involved in Attachment Parenting is as simple as providing him with the right tools. Here are some tips on getting Dad involved.

Getting Ready for College Now star
You can start getting ready for college as soon as you get into high school. Here are some tips for freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

Getting Settled in Your WordPress Blog star
Five easy steps in your WordPress dashboard helps get rid of that newbie blog look.

Ghirardelli Chocolate star[offsite link]

Ghostly Slime Shakes star
All those ghosts in your house can serve a purpose. Be sure to place a container at the places where your ghosts make their appearances so that you can catch the slime for these deliciously slimy shakes.

Giant and the Four Wind Brothers star
There were four brothers in a family that lived in a huge cave on the top of a high mountain in the present state of Maine.

Giant Oatmeal Cookies star
Irresistibly good, these all-time favorites are easy to make.

GIANT Rug Pattern star
Another use for clothesline rope. Here´s a free pattern for a crochet rug that can be made out of rope of either a natural or man-made fiber.

Gibson, William star[offsite link]
Visit William Gibson, the creator of the cyberpunk subgenre.

Gifts star

Gifts For Dad - My Father´s Tears by John Updike star
Gifts for Dad can be a challenge,so here’s some tear-jerking short sad stories he’s sure to love.John Updike,author of short stories and novels like Witches Of Eastwick and Separating died recently.Out in June is his deeply touching ‘My Father’s Tears’ which really is moving enough to make us cry.

Gifts For Mom - Sweet Inspirational Short Stories star

Gifts For Mom - Sweet Inspirational Short Stories star

GiGi Hunter star[offsite link]
Designer who incorporates crochet/knitting into several of her famous clothing lines.

Gillian´s Help Desk star[offsite link]
Gillian Willis is a pharmacist and toxicologist. She is considered an "expert" in matters of poisoning and toxic substances.

Girl in Snow Book Review star
Written in the style of Gone Girl, this fascinating debut novel tells the story of a murdered 15 year old girl through the eyes of Cameron, who stalked her, Jude, who hated her, and Russ who is investigating the murder. Well-written and fascinating.

Girl Number One star

Girl Scout Badges - How Are They Changing? star[offsite link]
Petals, Try-Its IPA´s and Badges are changing. Read this PDF from the North Carolina Girl Scout Council which discusses changes to Girl Scout earned awards.

Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, & Gold Award Guidelines star[offsite link]
Find GSUSA�s new requirements for the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, & Gold Awards. You can access the steps & guidelines for all levels here.

Girl Scout Ceremonies #2 star[offsite link]
More Girl Scout Ceremonies.

Girl Scout Junior Nature at Night Council Patch star[offsite link]
This junior patch program from Heart of New Jersey Council teaches girls about nocturnal animals, constellations, and much more.

Girl Scout Nightwatcher IPP star[offsite link]
Girl Scouts of Central & Southern NJ´s IPP that incorporates many nighttime activities.

Girl Scout Patrol Leader�s Notebook star[offsite link]
Patrol Leader booklet created by Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta, Inc. for use by Girl Scouts. It details everything girls will need to know about being a patrol leader.

Girl Scout Terms star[offsite link]
The glossary always makes me laugh...

Girl Scouts 111 star

Girl Scouts 112 star

Girl Scouts 113 star

Girl Scouts 13 star

Girl Scouts 14 star

Girl Scouts 16 star

Girl Scouts 17 star

Girl Scouts 18 star

Girl Scouts 19 star

Girl Scouts 20 star

Girl Scouts 22 star

Girl Scouts 23 star

Girl Scouts 24 star

Girl Scouts 25 star

Girl Scouts 26 star

Girl Scouts 28 star

Girl Scouts 29 star

Girl Scouts 30 star

Girl Scouts 31 star

Girl Scouts 32 star

Girl Scouts 34 star

Girl Scouts 35 star

Girl Scouts 36 star

Girl Scouts 37 star

Girl Scouts 38 star

Girl Scouts 40 star

Girl Scouts 42 star

Girl Scouts 43 star

Girl Scouts 44 star

Girl Scouts 45 star

Girl Scouts 46 star

Girl Scouts 47 star

Girl Scouts 49 star

Girl Scouts 50 star

Girl Scouts 51 star

Girl Scouts 52 star

Girl Scouts 53 star

Girl Scouts 54 star

Girl Scouts 55 star

Girl Scouts 56 star

Girl Scouts 57 star

Girl Scouts 58 star

Girl Scouts 59 star

Girl Scouts 6 star

Girl Scouts 60 star

Girl Scouts 61 star

Girl Scouts 62 star

Girl Scouts 63 star

Girl Scouts 64 star

Girl Scouts 65 star

Girl Scouts 66 star

Girl Scouts 68 star

Girl Scouts 69 star

Girl Scouts 7 star

Girl Scouts 70 star

Girl Scouts 72 star

Girl Scouts 73 star

Girl Scouts 74 star

Girl Scouts 77 star

Girl Scouts 78 star

Girl Scouts 79 star

Girl Scouts 8 star

Girl Scouts 80 star

Girl Scouts 81 star

Girl Scouts 82 star

Girl Scouts 84 star

Girl Scouts 85 star

Girl Scouts 86 star

Girl Scouts 87 star

Girl Scouts 88 star

Girl Scouts 89 star

Girl Scouts 9 star

Girl Scouts 90 star

Girl Scouts 91 star

Girl Scouts 92 star

Girl Scouts 93 star

Girl Scouts 94 star

Girl Scouts 95 star

Girl Scouts 96 star

Girl Scouts 97 star

Girl Scouts USA star[offsite link]
The official homepage of the Girl Scouts organization.

Girls Night Inn star[offsite link]
Scrapbook Retreat in Richmond, IN

GirlShrink Web Site Review star
Don´t let the name fool you; GirlShrink.com has some good offerings for just about everyone, even though many of the links go to another site that sells related items.

Give the Gift of Oxfam star
Give Give the Gift of Oxfam this holiday season.

Glacial Clay Products star[offsite link]
Glacial Clay Products; Cleanser, Mask, Lotion

Glastonbury - Place of Legend star
Glastonbury is a small town with a big reputation. Located in Somerset UK it is a focal point of the Arthurian myths and legends. The curious energy of the place, centred on Glastonbury Tor, has attracted a concentration of healers, psychics & mystics unparalleled anywhere in the world.

Glastonbury Legends Of Old star
There are so many legends of Glastonbury and so very much mystery shrouded in the mists of time that fiction and lore are often intermingled with historical facts.

Glazed Ham with Pineapple Relish star
This baked ham makes a delicious and elegant main dish for any occasion or get-together.

Glazed Ham with Pineapple Relish star
This baked ham makes a delicious and elegant main dish for any occasion or get-together.

Global Cooling? star
The NOAA reports that this winter was, globally, the coolest since 2001.

Global Warming and Climate Change: Facts and Hype star[offsite link]

Global Warming on Other Planets star[offsite link]

Global Warming: A Chilling Perspective star[offsite link]

Glossary star[offsite link]
A Glossary of writing terms.

Glossary - An to Az star
Jewelry and gemological terms beginning with the letters Ab through Am.

Glossary - V star
This glossary page covers words beginning with the letter V.

Glossary D, E and F terms star
In this glossary I will focus on gemstone and costume jewelry. I hope you find this helpful in broadening your understanding making the collecting process that much more enjoyable.

Glossary of Digital Terms star
From the Digital Photography Review site. A good place to start learning about the terms used in digital photography.

Gluten Free Products star[offsite link]
Udi´s breads and muffins makes gluten tasty.

Gluten-Free Recipe Exchange star[offsite link]
These include breakfast items, just getting started, puddings, salads, soups and stews.

Glutes thighs workout star[offsite link]
The glutes thighs workout combines squats, lunges, core butt moves and yoga stretches to tone the entire lower body with special emphasis on the glutes and thighs.

Go Planet Earth star[offsite link]
Located in Michigan, a full supply of Melt and Pour bases,molds, embeds, as well as some shower gel bases.

Goddess At Home, Book Review star
Llewellyn has given us the secrets to invoking the Greek goddesses in our homes.

Goddess Dream Journal star
Record your dreams in a journal that´s as individual as you are!

Goddesses star
These Goddesses may be called upon for assistance with dreams, divination and discernment.

Godiva Chocolate star[offsite link]

Godiva Chocolates star[offsite link]
Godiva is the highest-quality chocolate manufacturer of all the big companies (and a lot of the littler ones). Pricey, but this is an example of getting what you pay for.

Godiva Italiano star
Looking for a chocolatey cocktail to satisfy your sweet tooth? Try the Godiva Italiano, a luscious blend of amaretto and Godiva liqueur.

Gods star
Gods associated with dreams and dreaming.

Gods and Godesses - Goddess Lore star

Golden Age, Elder Gods star
The Titans are the Elder Gods of Greek mythology. They were a race of powerful deities who descended from Gaia and Uranus.

Golden Creamed Onions star
A sweet, creamy and delicious side dish.

Golden Creamed Onions star
These creamy onions can be spiced up with a little red pepper or sharp cheddar cheese.

Golden Ears star[offsite link]
A non profit organization that works to train guide dogs for the deaf and severely hearing impaired, Golden Ears Hearing Guide Dog Training Center is located in the Tacoma, Washington area. A hearing dog is trained to alert a person to specific sounds they cannot hear, such as an alarm clock, smoke alarm, oven timer, door knock/bell and telephone.

Golden Phoenix Exotica star[offsite link]
"Because bugs aren´t just for breakfast anymore." Just too cute had to add it.

Golden State Warriors star[offsite link]
NBA Western Conference

Golfing Information at BellaOnline star
Golf site at BellaOnline with lots of information.

Gone with the Wind Mistakes star
Here are the Gone with the Wind movie mistakes by the Movie Mistakes editor at Bella.

Gone with the Wind Review star
Here is a review on Bella from the comedy editor.

Good Bird, Inc star[offsite link]
The official website of Barbara Heidenreich; an excellent animal trainer and behaviourist who specializes in birds.

Good Carbs for Fatloss star
All the best diet plans encourage people to eat good carbs for fatloss. Learn the difference between good carbs and not so good carbs then print the list and go shopping.

Good Fairytales For Adults To Study star
Good Fairy Tales for adults to study have very different elelments to fairytales for kids. They need to be unabridged, and preferably have some sort of guide with background and history attached, so that we can study them in context - and that includes the weird scary bits!

Good Man, Really Good star
Can a serial killer who only kills people who really deserve killing, be an angel of God?

Good Morning America Sandwich Recipes star[offsite link]
Sandwich recipes as broadcast on ABC´s Good Morning America from world famous chefs like Emeril Lagasse, Wolfgang Puck, Sara Moulton and more.

Good Mother, Bad Sons star
Good, hard-working parents end up with pathologically self-centered and dangerous sons whose emotional problems result in their mother being shot and killed.

Good Reads About Victorian England-Sketches By Boz star
Good reads about Victorian England are so funny and authentic with Dickens´ Sketches by Boz.Boz (Dickens!) wrote more than just David Copperfield and Oliver Twist.If you aren´t familiar with his short stories then you´re in for a treat, especially if you´ve a soft spot for English Victorian hist

Good Reads For Fans Of Dark Historical Fiction star
Dr Curlew and his daughter of marriageable age, Emmeline,take Luncheon of cold meat galantine. Emmeline cuts herself a fat slice and chews it in horse-like fashion. She has other ideas for her future. But does Faber need to shock in order to tell a good story? Some good reads and dark stories.

Google Analytics General Overview star
Want to measure the success of your blog? Learn as much as you can about your visitors and give them what they want or find a way to find the visitors you want studying Google Analytics.

Gore Wins Peace Prize Amid Criticism star
The former vice president has been selected as this year’s recipient for his evangelism on global warming.

Gorgonzola and Anchovy Spread star
This cheese spread makes a wonderful antipasto when served with fresh vegetables and bread.

Gorton´s Fish Glossary star[offsite link]
Everything you ever wanted to know about your favorite fish, plus links to recipes.

Gourmet Sleuth star[offsite link]
Great source for Mexican spices, chocolate, cornmeal and masa, chilies, cooking utensils, and more.

Government employment for the disabled star[offsite link]
An online resource for Americans with disabilites.

Government Shutdown - More Political Deja vu star
Significant factors in the political landscape of the US from 1980 – 1992 included the demise of the Federal Savings and Loan division of banking, a stagnant US economy, record unemployment levels and a Republican domination of both chambers of the US Congress. Sound familiar?

Grades K-3 Free Curriculum Videos, Games, More! star[offsite link]
Games, videos, presentations, worksheets and much more are here! Older grades are in the works, and will also be free.

Grads With Autism star
Spotlight on students who have achieved success at school. Preparing for the transition from school to college or work.

Graham Cracker Bars Recipe star
Although the recipe for these bars was published in the 50s, they are still delicious now. They are also quick and easy to put together.

Grand Heritage Hotels International star[offsite link]
North American and European hotels with historic character. Includes contact and reservation details, facilities, photos, as well as job opportunities.

Grandma´s Old Fashion Cinnamon Rolls Recipe star
Recipe for old fashion cinnamon rolls that taste like they just came from Grandma´s oven.

Grandmother Spider Steals The Fire star
A creation story of the Choctaw People of Tennesse and Mississippi as told by the Choctaw and retold by P.D. Burns.

Grandpa Tucker´s star[offsite link]
Silly Poems, Story of the month, Family Fun- which includes ideas for writing a poem with your child.

Grants in Canada, Australia & UK star[offsite link]
Generous list of funding agencies for researchers and graduate students.

Grave of the Fireflies star
Grave of the Fireflies is a film written and directed by Isao Takahata.

Gravity - Cosmic Glue star
Aristotle´s perfect cosmos didn´t need gravity to hold it together. However the system with planets orbiting the Sun called for an explanation. In the process, Newton was inspired by a falling apple, but Galileo´s experiments with falling bodies didn´t involve dropping them off the Tower of Pisa.

Gravity - Cosmic Glue star
Aristotle´s perfect cosmos didn´t need gravity to hold it together. However the system with planets orbiting the Sun called for an explanation. In the process, Newton was inspired by a falling apple, but Galileo´s experiments with falling bodies didn´t involve dropping them off the Tower of Pisa.

Grease is the Word star[offsite link]
Food critic Nigel Slater, from The Observer in London, is seduced by Elvis Presley´s fried-peanut-butter-and-banana sandwich, and although he has a fondness for peanut butter, vows never to go back again.

Great Animated Christmas Films star[offsite link]
If you want to build a great collection of animated Christmas movies, check out some of my favorite animated Christmas films.

Great Exercise DVDs for Beginners star
Exercise dvd´s for beginners are not hard to find the trick is finding the right workout for your body and your weightloss and fitness goal. Here´s some great options that will help you get started.

Great Films by Year star[offsite link]
Do you know what great films were in the theaters when you were born or married?

Great Fitness Gifts star
Check out some of the coolest, most practical, and affordable fitness gifts for your favorite exercise buff or for your own wish list.

Great Gobs of Gooey Things To Eat star[offsite link]
Have a howlin´ Halloween with these ghoulish treats from Kraft.

Great Music Composers and the evolution of music in the Western World star[offsite link]
A Think Quest site.

Great Serpent And The Flood star
Like all tribes, the Ojibwe have their Creation myths. This is an Ojibwe Creation myth...

Great Workout Shoes for All Types of Feet star
Replacing your workout shoes on a regular basis is a smart move but are you choosing the right shoes for your feet? Check out 5 great picks and boost workout productivity while looking stylish!

Great Workout Shoes for Fatloss Workouts star
Get the best workout shoes for great workouts. Check out great choices for running, walking, yoga, kickboxing, and more. All the best workout shoes for your favorite workouts.

Greed and its Narcissistic Personalities star
Many psychologists suggest that Narcissistic Personality Disorder is common among those who exhibit behavior motivated by financial greed. There is a consensus of opinion that this particular disorder is manifested by rendering the host body and brain impotent to protest. Here are some examples.

Greek Bread Recipes star[offsite link]

Greek Desserts at About.com star[offsite link]

Greek Food and Drink star[offsite link]

Greek Main Dishes at About.com star[offsite link]

Greek Mythology star
Myths and legends of Greece

Greek Pantheon star
Greek Mythology of gods and goddesses

Greek Salad Recipes star[offsite link]

Greek Seafood star[offsite link]

Greek Soup Recipes star[offsite link]

Greek Style Pasta Salad Recipe star
Greek style pasta salad is refreshing and perfect for potlucks and outdoor dining.

Greek Vegetable Dishes star[offsite link]

Greek Yogurt Recipes and Information star
Greek yogurt is tasty, traditional ingredient in Greek food. This article contains general information about Greek yogurt as well as a recipe for Tzatziki and a honey and walnut dessert.

Green and Blacks star[offsite link]
Mostly bars of chocolate -- dark, milk, and white; also such flavors as mint, caramel, and ginger. Sells cocoa and hot chocolate as well.

Green Cine star[offsite link]
Another great list, sorted by genre, of dream-based movies.

Green Goblin Slime star

Green Green Complete star
This is a review of the Green Green DVD box set.

Green Neck Humor star[offsite link]
You might be a green neck if....

Green Salad with Orange-Poppy Dressing star
A wonderful festive-looking salad. The dressing can be prepared several days ahead of time.

Green Smoothie Recipes star
Are you getting enough greens in your diet? Green smoothies are an easy and tasty way to get more greens and control sugar cravings.

Greens, Greens, Greens star[offsite link]
Romaine and Iceberg are great, but did you know there are more than a dozen other greens that can give salads a huge boost of nutrition and zing? Click on the name of a salad green to read what it is and get preparation tips and recipes.

Greeting Card Writer star
Learn how to become a Greeting Card writer.

Greeting Card Writer star
Learn How to Become a Greeting Card Writer.

Grey Feather Toy Creations star[offsite link]
Safe bird toys exclusively with stainless steel. Natural parrot foods, bird play gyms, swings and more. Extensive toy part collection.

Greyhaven Exotic Bird Sanctuary star[offsite link]
A parrot rescue organization located in British Columbia that is run solely by volunteers.

Grey´s Anatomy star[offsite link]

Grill A Turkey star[offsite link]
Lots of information about grilling methods and times along with some hints that will make the grilled turkey dinner at your house a little easier and a lot tastier.

Grilled Taco Nachos star
Here´s a quick appetizer that´s ready in no time. Perfect for Super Bowl parties.

Grilling Tips from Reynold´s Kitchens star[offsite link]
Tips and timesaving ideas - The Right Grilling Equipment, Charcoal Grilling Tips, Adjusting Charcoal Heat, How to Determine the Temperature of a Grill, How to Handle Flare-Ups, How to Determine if Food is Done

Grilliong Tips from Johnsonville star[offsite link]
Johnsonville Brats has facts and important details for sausage grilling success, from smoking your Brats to injecting bbq sauce in your Brats to making Brat kabobs and more.

Grimm Fairy Tales star[offsite link]
Web featuring both German and English versions of the fairy tales from the Grimm Brothers along with a selection of illustrations from 19th-century editions

Grits star
"What is a grit?" The perennial question asked by so-called comedians looking for a laugh at the expense of a large portion of the population of the United States. If you are interested in Southern culture and cuisine, a better question to ask would be: "What are grits?" Here´s the answer.

Grocery Cart Seat Cover star[offsite link]
Directions to make a grocery cart cover.

Groucho Marx star[offsite link]
Here is a site dedicated to Groucho Marx.

Ground Beef Zucchini Tomato Recipe star
Yes Virginia, you can eat low carb Italian. This delicious recipe involves ground beef, zucchini, tomato, garlic and olive oil. Mix it all together and enjoy something low carb, healthy, and tasty! You can serve this with any salad or veggie side, but we took the photo with just the main dish.

Groundhog Day Origins star
On February 2 each year, folklore tradition honors the groundhog and his prediction for spring.

Groundhog Day Recipes star[offsite link]
Looking for recipes ideas for Groundhog Day? Look no further than this page which features Groundhog cupcakes, cookies, and "dirt pie". The kids will love it!

Groundhog Day, Hedgehogs and Candlemas star
February 2nd is Groundhog Day, an annual tradition with roots which lie in a Christian festival, age old European and German superstitions about hedgehogs, the weather, and pagan celebrations bound to the cycles of nature.

Groups of Animals star
Learn the various names we have for different groups of animals.

Grow Your Blog Community With a Forum star
Take your blogging community to the next level. Add a forum to your blog for indepth discussions, to grow your membership and to add content to your blog. Easy options are available to both Blogger/Blogspot bloggers and WordPress bloggers alike.

Growing Up Too Fast star
Do you feel your "tween" is growing up too fast? Guess what - you are not alone. Psychologists, researchers and sociologists are expressing concern along the same lines. The book "Growing Up Too Fast", by Dr. Sylvia Rimm, concords. Learn what you can do!

Growing without Schooling star[offsite link]
Site on John Holt and his views of institutionalized education.

Gu Byeong-mo star

Guardian Of Yosemite star
A Miowak Myth, Retold by Phyllis Doyle Burns

Guide Dogs For The Blind star[offsite link]
Guide Dogs for the Blind is a nonprofit, charitable organization with a mission to provide Guide Dogs and training in their use to visually impaired people throughout the United States and Canada. Their dogs and services are free, thanks to the generosity of donors and support of volunteers. They are devoted to promoting the human/animal bond.

Guide Dogs of America star[offsite link]
Guide Dogs of America is dedicated to its mission to provide guide dogs and instruction in their use, free of charge, to blind and visually impaired men and women from the United States and Canada so that they may continue to pursue their goals with increased mobility and independence.

Guide to Beadwork star[offsite link]
9 Chapters on Beading, including Brick, Flat Peyote (Twill), and Round Peyote (Gourd) stitches. Short and easy steps to follow with graphics

Guide to Grating Cheeses star[offsite link]
This guide is a brief sketch of some of the world´s most interesting grating cheeses and some recommendations on how to use them.

Guide To Planning Your Retirement In Mexico star[offsite link]
There are so many reasons why North Americans are considering Mexico as their final living destination. Here is some more information to help you make a sound decision when it comes to moving to beautiful Mexico.

Guided Walking Meditation for Problem Solving for Kids star
Walking meditation suitable for kids by BellaOnline´s meditation editor.

Guides to Understanding Film Noir star
What is film noir? What makes film noir? What do I look for? Ask ten people and you will get ten different answers. The one constant answer you will get is that THE MALTESE FALCON ranks as one of the best, if not the best example of fim noir.

Gulf Coast Exotic Bird Sanctuary star[offsite link]
Located in Texas

Gulf Shores Offers Unlimited Entertainment star
Trade your usual beach vacation destination for this popular Alabama Gulf Coast locale.

Guy De Maupassant-Short Scary Stories A La Poe star
Short scary stories-Guy De Maupassant ideas for gothic fiction fans running out of grisly Edgar Allen Poe stories-perfect for Burns Night Supper or Halloween,´The Hand´all grisly,shrivelled and black,may open a new world of classic gothic horror genre short stories about death- is that hand moving?

Gwen by Louis Maistros - A Review star
This is a piece by a contemporary writer and resident of New Orleans, about a mentally ill woman with some remarkable artistic talent but who is invisible to society in her day-to-day struggles.

H&D Cagebird Society - Java Finch star[offsite link]
Article describing these birds,with pictures and information on feeding and breeding.

H.Y. Hanna star

Habit Reversal Training star[offsite link]
Habit reversal training is a method used to help people deal with their habits.

Hagen star[offsite link]
Hagen produces food, cages, toys for all types of birds.

Hagen star[offsite link]
The makers of Tropican Pellets, Tropimix, Premium and Gourmet bird foods as well at many treats. You can follow the links to the HARI site to read articles from this research facility.

Hair Adornments star
(Coming soon!)

Hair Boutique star[offsite link]
Give your hair the star treatment to really complete your evening look - this site gives tips for any hair type with some great accessory ideas

Hairpin Lace - Berroco free pattern star[offsite link]
Free pattern for shawl made from Hairpin Crochet

Hairpin Lace Crochet - Wrights star[offsite link]
Technique and instructions

Hairpin/tatted angel by Martha Ess star[offsite link]
Practice your hairpin lace with this quick easy pattern.

Hairpin/tatted angel by Sandra Hameed star[offsite link]
another cute little angel to make with hairpin lace

Half.com star[offsite link]
One of the best places I know on the net to find used books at a great price!

Halley´s Comet for Kids star
It visits every 75 years or so, appearing like a celestial ghost in our skies. In the past it has been a bad omen and scary object, but last time it came it was a big event around the world. What is it? Halley´s Comet, the most famous comet of all. Here´s an updated article for you.

Hallmark Channel star[offsite link]
Official Hallmark Channel

Halloween star
Recipes, decorations and crafts for the spookiest day of the year.

Halloween star

Halloween star
An array of Halloween party planning ideas.

Halloween star
Halloween costumes, crafts and recipes.

Halloween star
Halloween crafts, costumes and food creations!

Halloween Basket star[offsite link]
Pattern for a Halloween basket from jcaroline creative!

Halloween Candy and Treats star
Passing out candy is part of the Halloween fun. Enjoy the opportunity and make it a treat for everyone!

Halloween Party Games star

Halloween Party That´s Kid-Friendly star
Throwing a Halloween party for both adults and kids? Make it a kid-friendly celebration!

Halloween Treats & Weightloss star
Halloween treats can really pack some calories. Top high calorie halloween treats to avoid and top ones to eat for weightloss.

Ham and Cheese Gratin star
Cheesy, hammy and yummy! A perfect dish for a brunch or breakfast.

Ham Sandwich star[offsite link]
Especially for parents! Here´s a little anecdote that´s sure to put a smile on your face!

Han Solo Quiz star
How well do you know Han Solo from Star Wars? The SF/Fantasy Movies editor has a quiz to test you!

Handcrafted Jewelry for the World star
WorldofGood.com by eBay is the world´s first online marketplace to gather the people who want to change the world for the better - and the products that they make and sell - so that you can make a positive influence on the planet with every purchase.

Handfasting and Spiritual Wedding Ceremonies star
Handfastings are wedding ceremonies. My husband Steve and I were Handfasted at Beltane and we wrote our own ceremony. Here I share what we got up to and discuss some of the choices to be made if you are planning your own Handfasting.

Handling Peer Pressure star
Having trouble combating peer pressure? Here are a few inspiring steps towards success!

Handmade Needles star[offsite link]
How to make your own wooden knitting needles, very good tutorial

HandSpeak star[offsite link]
HandSpeak is a visual dictionary of sign language from Deaf World Web. Includes American Sign Language, International Sign Language, and signs for use with babies and pets.

Hangman star
Test your homeschool knowledge by playing hangman.

Hangman Game star
Here is a Hangman game containing lots of terms related to knitting.

Hangman! star
See how many you can get!

Hanky Baby Bonnet star[offsite link]
This bonnet is a wonderful gift for a new mother. Includes the text for the poem to be included.

Hans Christian Andersen star[offsite link]
The most comprehensive site on the web featuring the English translations of over a hundred of Anderson´s classic stories, including "The Little Mermaid"

Hans Christian Andersen Fairytales Snow Queen DVD? star
Kids often complain they´d rather watch Hans Christian Andersen fairytales and stories rather than read them.On revisiting The Snow Queen,I don´t blame them! Teachers and parents may disagree- a new generation of short story readers are seemingly on their side-if the story´s a young adult retelling!

Hanukkah Dreidel Brownie star
The Hanukkah Dreidel Brownie has a rich, smooth texture and is fun for the whole family to prepare together. Cocoa powder gives this oversized brownie its rich chocolatey taste and kids will gladly give up some gelt for this treat! Since cocoa powder also blends easily with other baking ingredients, there are no messy pre-melting steps, leaving more time for spinning dreidels and opening gifts.

Hanukkah Poems star[offsite link]
Holiday poetry.

Harrison´s Bird Foods star[offsite link]
Harrison´s Bird Foods are certified organic by The Organic Crop Improvement Association. They also make aline of birdie bread, offer organic seed, and some supplimetns

Harrods star[offsite link]
Shop online or luxury goods from the word famous Harrods store, based in Knightsbridge, London.

Harry Potter Films star
Movie goofs on Harry Potter films.

Harry Potter Treats star
If you´re throwing a Harry Potter party for your little one, these treats are sure to please.

Harvard Classics: Shelf of Fiction star[offsite link]
An offering of complete anthologies of many classic poems by beloved and well-known authors.

Harvard Film Archive star[offsite link]
Here is a screening schedule for films being shown on the Harvard campus.

Haunted Island On Lake Xochimilco star
He looked down at her broken body, caked in mud, lying there half in, half out of the muddy canal. Tying a thin rope around her, he raised her up to the nearest tree limb and secured her there.

Haupia Ice Cream Recipe star

Have a Film Noir Party star
Have you ever thought of holding a film noir party with music, food and friends who love noir?

Have a peaceful holiday time star[offsite link]
The Flylady website has many suggestions for clutter-free holiday gifts, a Control Journal for helping your keep your home organized during the chaos of family visits, travel safety tips, and holiday tradition ideas.

Have Fun with Word Games and Quizzes star
Take a break from your day and have some fun. Try out my Hangman, Word Search, or Word Scramble games. Or try your hand at one of my fun quizzes. It´s great to be a child again. So what are you waiting for? Jump in and enjoy!

Have Leash, Will Travel star[offsite link]
Hitting the road with a four-legged friend -Preparing your dog for the journey, travel tips, identification, good travel manners, seeing the sights without your dog.

Have You Seen a Miracle Today? star
Have you seen a miracle today? Maybe you just need to look at the world around you with a different mindset.

Hawaiian Potato Mac star

Hawthorne star[offsite link]

Hay House Radio to Air Program on Dream Interpretation star
Louise L. Hay and Hay House are launching Hay House Radio! Scheduled guests include dream interpretation expert Leon Nacson.

Hayao Miyazaki Master of Japanese Animation star
Hayao Miyazaki: Master of Japanese Animation is a book written by Helen McCarthy, and it was published in 1999.

HBO TV star[offsite link]

Heading South Rasta Bag star[offsite link]
Free tapestry crochet bag pattern on Interweave site.

Healing Crystals For Children star
Is your child experiencing back-to-school anxieties, or needing a self-esteem boost? These 16 Healing Crystals may provide some relief for these areas, as well as easily-hurt feelings, daydreaming, and aggressive tendencies.

Healing for the Earth star
It is up to us to hold sacred the vision of a bountiful Earth that we share with all our relations. The Earth is not here for humans alone, it is home to our animal, plant and stone brothers and sisters, not forgetting the devas, elementals and other beings who usually go unseen by humankind.

Healing With Herbs star
The Native American way of healing with herbs.

Healing with Medication and Meditation star[offsite link]
Carolyn Masters tells her story of combining meditation with traditional western medicine in healing from cancer.

Health and Yoga star[offsite link]
Informative articles about what meditation is and is not.

Health Care Infomation - General star[offsite link]
This is one of the best sources I´ve found to easily get fast facts on health questions. It covers first aid, immunizations, signs of disease, viral diseases, bacterial diseases, parasites, bloat, reproductive disorders, hip displaysia, and aging.

Health Central star[offsite link]
A well-researched, easily accessible resource of health tips, symptoms, tools, option and information for people of all ages.

HealthAtoZ Healthy Eating star[offsite link]

Healthy Cooking for Weight Loss star
Practical healthy cooking tips you need for quick weight loss, high energy levels, and a better body. Simple healthy cooking tips that anybody can follow regardless of diet plan to save time, money, and calories.

Healthy Eating - A guide for Teens star[offsite link]
A guide for helping teens eat healthy.

Healthy High Protein Low Carb Foods star
What are the good quality high protein low carb foods? You will be surprised to find out how many high protein low carb foods are available. You don’t need to be on a special diet to enjoy the benefits of these healthy foods…

Healthy High Protein Low Carb Foods star
What are the good quality high protein low carb foods? You will be surprised to find out how many high protein low carb foods are available. You don’t need to be on a special diet to enjoy the benefits of these healthy foods…

Healthy Parenting star[offsite link]
Great site on parenting naturally!

Healthy Pizza Recipe star
Do you love pizza but think there are no healthy versions? Think again.

Healthy Weight Network star[offsite link]
Guidelines to help you identify fraudulent weightloss products such as pills, creams, gadgets, wraps, and more.

Heart Bookmark Lily Morales star[offsite link]
Lily Morales´ Heart Bookmark is a workout in split rings and spiral tatting, and even includes good clear instructions on how to make the tassel - a real rarity! A lovely lace you will enjoy.

Heart Edging star[offsite link]
The instructions are in french but it is worth taking a look at this unusual heart shaped edging.

Heart of the Ocean Titanic Necklace Replicas star
Years after the release of the hit movie Titanic starring Kate Winslet, the luxurious Heart of the Ocean necklace she donned for the role is as popular as ever.

Heart Rate Monitors and Weight loss star
Learn why adding high intensity intervals and using a heart rate monitor burns more calories and results in faster weight loss plus how to get started.

Heart Symbology in Valentine´s Day Jewelry star
Heart symbology past and present, the origin of the heart symbol, and some red-hot Valentine heart jewelry to fall in love with this season.

Hearts Ease star[offsite link]
Victorian and contemporary poems and poetry.

Heavenly Hash Brownies star
If you love brownies, this one´s for you. It´s chock full of walnuts, chocolate chips and marshmallows.

Heavens Above star[offsite link]
Heavens Above helps you find things in the sky. You can get predictions for the International Space Station and for a number of satellites. Each prediction includes the time, brightness and where to look. A whole sky chart feature lets you see where stars and planets are from any location at the time and date that you choose. If you register as a user, which is free, you don´t have to put in your location every visit and you can list a number of locations.

Heavens Above star[offsite link]
Heavens Above helps you find things in the sky. You can get predictions for the International Space Station and for a number of satellites. Each prediction includes the time, brightness and where to look. A whole sky chart feature lets you see where stars and planets are from any location at the time and date that you choose. If you register as a user, which is free, you don´t have to put in your location every visit and you can list a number of locations.

Hebrew Union College star[offsite link]
HUC is the institution where Reform rabbis receive their education. Learn about the various degree programs, search directories of students and staff, and read the latest news.

HebrewBooks.org star[offsite link]
Thousands of freely-available Hebrew books for download.

Heels and Toes Gazette star[offsite link]
A quarterly newsletter devoted to sock knitting. Original sock patterns, sock yarn reviews, designing hints, knitting tips, and more, visit their website for details.

Hellboy star[offsite link]
The official site of the award winning comic series

Hello Kitty & Friends DVDs star
Here you will find reviews for the Hello Kitty & Friends DVDs.

Hello Kitty & Friends Volume 1 star
Hello Kitty & Friends: Fairy Tale Fantasy is the first volume of DVDs released for Hello Kitty & Friends.

Hello Kitty & Friends Volume 2 star
Hello Kitty & Friends: Summer of Fun is the second volume of DVDs released for Hello Kitty & Friends.

Hello Kitty & Friends Volume 3 star
Hello Kitty & Friends: Timeless Tales is the third volume of DVDs released for Hello Kitty & Friends.

Hello Kitty & Friends Volume 4 star
Hello Kitty & Friends: Let´s Be Friends is the fourth volume of DVDs released for Hello Kitty & Friends.

Hello Kitty & Friends Volume 5 star
Hello Kitty & Friends: Princess Dreams is the fifth volume of DVDs released for Hello Kitty & Friends.

Hello Kitty & Friends Volume 6 star
Hello Kitty & Friends: Holiday Magic is the sixth volume of DVDs released for Hello Kitty & Friends.

Hello Kitty & Friends Volume 7 star
Hello Kitty & Friends: Basket of Fun is the seventh and final volume of DVDs released for Hello Kitty & Friends.

Hello Kitty DVDs star
Here you will find anime DVDs released for Hello Kitty.

Hello Kitty´s Paradise DVDs star
Here you will find reviews for the Hello Kitty´s Paradise DVDs.

Hello Kitty´s Paradise Volume 1 star
Hello Kitty´s Paradise: Pretty Kitty is the first volume of DVDs released for Hello Kitty´s Paradise.

Hello Kitty´s Paradise Volume 2 star
Hello Kitty´s Paradise: Fun With Friends is the second volume of DVDs released for Hello Kitty´s Paradise.

Hello Kitty´s Paradise Volume 3 star
Hello Kitty´s Paradise: Share & Care is the third volume of DVDs released for Hello Kitty´s Paradise.

Hello Kitty´s Paradise Volume 4 star
Hello Kitty´s Paradise: Learn With Love is the fourth and final volume of DVDs released for Hello Kitty´s Paradise.

Help for Shy Adolescents star
Is your adolescent painfully shy? Here’s some information that may help you understand and help your adolescent break out of his or her self-imposed shell.

Help Identify Beloved Doe star
Update - Beloved Doe has been identified as José Bernando Martinez, the son of José Martinez Sr. His mother has been charged with his death. It is now going on five years this March since the little boy whom investigators have named “Beloved Doe” was found stuffed inside a plastic bag and thrown away inside an apartment dumpster. One little boy, still remains nameless, unidentified, thrown away as if he never existed.

Help Relieve Your Allergies Using Bee Pollen star
Most of us suffer from some kind of allergy in the spring and summertime. Some symptoms can be very mild and over looked, but some of us can suffer in the extreme. Learn how Bee Pollen can bring relief to your seasonal suffering.

Help with Choosing a Bike For Your Child star
Bikes are a wonderful enriching gift to buy your child. Not only do they provide so much joy, and an immense amount of fun but also in learning to cycle builds confidence and helps to develop a valuable life skill of riding a bike and engaging your child in the benefits to health and fitness. Here are some tips on choosing a children´s bike.

Helpful Homework Tips star
Establishing a homework routine and creating an atmosphere that is conducive to learning can make homework easier.

Helping Books Connection star[offsite link]
More useful links.

Helping Hands star[offsite link]
Have some time you can devote to helping a youngster, or know what who would like to learn the craft? This might be the group for you! Adult mentors are paired with youth for teaching of the skills of knitting, crochet, and other needlearts. Find out how to start or join a chapter near you.

Helping Paws of Minnesota, Inc. star[offsite link]
Helping Paws is a volunteer-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to further the independence of people with physical disabilities (other than blindness or deafness) through the use of service dogs.

Hemp Oil Cures Cancer star
Hemp oil cures cancer but the pharmaceutical companies refuse to use it as a plant cannot be patented so therefore they would make no money! It is also made illegal even though we could cure ourselves with hemp oil.

Hemp Seeds And Oil star
Hemp seeds and oil contain many essential fatty acids required by the body. Hemp seed contains a very rare protein known as globule edestins that is similar to globulin found in human blood plasma.

Henna Body Painting star
What is henna? Learn the basic history of this ancient form of body painting, also called mehandi.

Henna eBook star
The basics of the ancient body art of henna, also called mehandi. Includes design samples, a basic recipe and supplemental ingredients, tips for application and how to have long-lasting designs.

Henna Resources star
An index of henna articles, tips and resources.

Henriette´s Blog star[offsite link]
Henriette´s blog is just one part of a superb website. She is a knowledgeable herbalist, insightful and often witty. A great resource for learning about healing herbs

Her Final Breath Book Review star
Tracy Crosswhite is investigating the murders of several strip-club dancers, and is being stalked. Not only is her life in danger, but she is in danger of losing her job. The suspense in this novel builds throughout, and the twists and turns will make it difficult to put down.

Her Majesty´s Treasury star[offsite link]

Herb Pharm star[offsite link]
Check out Herb Pharm´s ten week work/study program.

Herbal Luxuries Natural Skin Care star[offsite link]
Skin care made with organic herbs & extracts.

Herbal Soaps By RJ star[offsite link]
RJ has a LOT of everything! This site is wonderful for all your soaping needs. Friendly and fast service! Located in Georgia.

Herbarie star[offsite link]
Great product listing and recipes. Essential oils, herbs, ingredients and bath and body products formulary

Herbs Site at BellaOnline.com star
Information about herbs right here at BellaOnline.

HerCorner.com star[offsite link]
A site that provides inspiration and support for women who write.

Hercule Poirot star[offsite link]

Hershey´s Keep Easter Easy Recipes star[offsite link]
Hershey´s has a fun and easy Easter recipes such as Easter Spring Surprise Chocolate Cupcakes and Easy Mounds Jolly Bunny Cake.

Hershey´s Kisses Occasions - Christmas star[offsite link]
Christmas recipes and craft ideas from Hershey´s famous tiny treats.

Hershey´s Smore´s Maker by Spinmaster star
The Hershey´s Smore´s Maker is the stuff that dreams are made of for children. Their own safe little cooker that warms marshmallows so they can have gooey delicious treats anytime!

Hertage Page Toppers star[offsite link]
Hertiage page topper ideas from n2scrappin.com

Hetty Wainthropp star[offsite link]

HGTV Dream Home Giveaway star
HGTV will giveaway its luxurious, spacious and colorful 2008 Dream Home on March 16.

High Fashion star

High School star
Subtopic - Subject Journey. High School is surely a dramatic time in life and some fine dramas that are family friendly tell all about the journey from school kid to high school graduate.

High-Altitude Cooking star[offsite link]
Cooking & baking is directly affected by low atmospheric pressure at high altitudes. If you live in a high altitude area, you´ll need to convert standard recipes into those that can be used for high-altitude baking... here´s how.

Highchair Cover star[offsite link]
Instructions for making a cover for the wooden high chairs that many restaurants use.

Highway On My Plate - Book Review star
Highway on my Plate is a must have book for anyone planning to hit Indian roads. This easy to use guide helps you locate the best places to fill your tummy on a long ride in Indian Highways. Read this review to learn what else you can find with Highway on my Plate on your Indian road travels.

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Spring fever means searching for a warm hiking getaway!

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Hindu Dietary Customs star[offsite link]
This website contains some preliminary musings on the diversity (and sometimes contradictions) within various Hindu food traditions (mostly focusing on India, but also acknowledging other Hindu traditions around the world).

Hindu Philosophy star[offsite link]
This online encyclopedia contains a wealth of information on the different philosophical traditions based on various texts.

HIndu Timeline star[offsite link]
This link contains a thoroughly detailed timeline of the history of Hinduism within the context of other world events as well.

Hinduism and Hindu Art star[offsite link]
This official site of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City contains a thorough introduction into Hindu architecture and some photographic examples from the collection held at the museum.

Hints and Tips for Successful Bread making star[offsite link]
From the flour advisory board, information about measuring accurately, trouble shooting and - "What went wrong". Also "Frequently Asked Questions" with answers to some of the most common problems when bread-making results are not as good as you had hoped for.

Hip Extensions for Toned Hamstrings star
Hip extensions that involve the core, glutes, and calves are more challenging but also more effective. You´ll burn more calories while doing them and get faster results.

Hire Disability Solutions star[offsite link]
job network site

His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama star[offsite link]
Many thoughtful and inspiring essays on right living in today´s world.

His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama star[offsite link]

Historic Documentary star
Subtopic - Subject Historic. Documentaries tend to have their fair share--or a little more--of drama, so what more fitting place to find dramatic Historic Documentaries?

Historic Scotland star[offsite link]
The official site of Historic Scotland, an agency of the Scottish government that protects historic houses and buildings.

History and Background of Runes star
Runes are an ancient style of writing, made up of straight lines. Runes are often used in divination because of their long history and symbolic meaning.

History Channel star
You can find a plethora of historical facts and special dates from the history channel.

History of Earrings star
This is one of a series of articles about the history (Art Deco Period to Modern) of earrings.

History of Mental Health star
In modern society, we generally think of mental health care as a relatively new development. In fact, the first psychiatric hospitals were built as early as the 8th century.

History of the King Cake star
Find out the history of the King Cake from Bella´s own Southcentral USA Editor.

Histrionic Personality Disorder star
Sam Vaknin discusses Histrionic Personality disorder, which is a less well known personality disorder than some. Like the somatic narcissist, the histrionic is preoccupied with physical appearance, sexual conquests, her health, and her body.

Hitchiti Of Georgia star
The Hitchiti tribe resided in west Georgia, along the Chattahoochee River. The Hitchiti language was similar to the Mikasuki language, which is still spoken in Florida.

Hobo Bag star[offsite link]
Pattern and tutorial for a Hobo Bag from jcaroline creative!

An article from Winged Wisdom to help you get a bird fair started in your area.

Holiday & Specialty Breads from Fleishmann´s Breadworld star[offsite link]
Chocolate Bunny Bread, An Easter Egg Nest and other holiday recipes for the bread machine from Fleishmann´s Yeast.

Holiday Cooking Tips star[offsite link]
The National Turkey Federation provides complete information from buying your turkey to dealing with leftovers.

Holiday Fat Burning Workout Plan star
A great holiday fat burning workout should be short simple and effective. Get the 3 step plan to stay fit and prevent weight gain during the holidays plus top holiday fatloss tips from boot camp trainers all over the country.

Holiday Fatloss Guide star
The holiday fatloss guide can help you burn fat with the best weightloss detox kit, the best quick fatloss workouts, and all the best fitness gifts.

Holiday Fatloss Workouts star
Holiday fatloss workouts can be a challenge due to stress, travel, food, and time, but these 5 fat burning strategies will keep you lean and help you avoid holiday weight.

Holiday Gift Ideas for Your Biggest Loser star
Need great gift ideas for the biggest loser in your life? Show your friend or relative you care about their weightloss success with a gift that fits their weightloss personality.

Holiday Recipes - 4th of July star

Holiday Recipes - Chinese New Year star

Holiday Recipes - Christmas star

Holiday Recipes - Halloween star

Holiday Recipes - Mardi Gras star

Holiday Recipes - Memorial Day star

Holiday Recipes - St. Patrick´s Day star

Holiday Recipes - Thanksgiving star

Holiday Weight Loss & MaintenanceTips star
Lose or maintain your weight this holiday season with simple holiday tips that prevent frustration, weight gain, and guilt. Quick holiday weight loss tips to keep the weight off.

Holiday Weight Loss Plan star
The holiday weight loss plan you need to shed fat and look great in your new year´s eve party dress.

Holiday Weightloss Foods star
Holiday weightloss foods that fight cravings, build muscle, burn fat, and prevent binges. Indulge and lose weight!

Holiday Weightloss Gifts Guide star
Holiday weightloss gifts for fitness fanatics, the stressed, the calorie conscious, the unmotivated and more. Also great as a reward to yourself for all your hard work!

Holiday Weightloss Survival Tips star
Holiday weightloss survival tips that make it easy to stick to your diet, stay on track with your exercise program, reduce stress, and say no to fattening holiday foods.

Holiday Workouts for Busy Women star
The best holiday workouts for busy women, save time, burn tons of calories, and keep you fit. The workouts you need to stay lean and motivated during the busy holiday season.

Holiday Writing - When to Write star
Holiday writing is always needed, but who has time to write it? We´ll show you how to have plenty of material for vivid holiday writings for every holiday of the year. You´ll become an editor´s dream with having ready holiday material all the time.

Holiday-Rentals on the Internet star[offsite link]
Long list of vacation rentals from around the world. Supplies information on available facilities plus photos and contact details.

Holidays and breaks star
Tips & resources for college students related to various holidays and breaks during the school year.

Holistic Approaches to Healthy Adrenal Glands star
This article helps assess the health of your adrenal glands and what to do to enhance their wellness.

Holistic Approaches to Infertility star
Use relaxation exercises, guided imagery, meditation and journaling to increase fertility.

Holistic Approaches to Preventing Breast Cancer star
Safe and easy ways to prevent breast cancer.

Holistic Health ~ Total Attitude star
Holistic health is living a healthy lifestyle as a whole where our mind, body and soul are in balance. On the Holistic Health site we look at the person as a whole and take into account our environmental, physical, emotional and spiritual factors.

Hollywood Ten Website star[offsite link]
This is a great website with lots of Hollywood Ten resources.

Hollywood´s Underground Treasures star
Priceless original film negatives and production outtakes are stored in underground vaults in Pennsylvania and Kansas.

Home And Garden TV star[offsite link]
HGTV´s scrapbooking info page, a wealth of information.

Home And Holidays Aspiring Page star[offsite link]
Many poems listed by subject. Wonderful site, make sure and look at the rest of it, too.

Home Canning Basics star[offsite link]
If this is the first time you´re doing home canning, look here for information on canning methods, jars, lids, equipment - just about everything you should know to start canning.

Home Canning of Fruit and Fruit Products star[offsite link]
This university page has easy to follow directions for canning and good recipes too.

Home Canning Recipes from Mountain Breeze Kitchen star[offsite link]
A personal homepage with a long list of tried and proven canning recipes...including a variety of pickle & relish recipes, pie fillings, salsa & more.

Home Finance Newsletter Sign Up star
Subscribe to the Home Finance newsletter to get article updates and bonuses of money saving information. The newsletter is free and a great way to keep current.

Home of the Arabian Horse Association star[offsite link]
A very informative site about Arabian history, care, and events within the AHA as well as access to DataSource for bloodlines (feebased).

Homemade Baby Food Recipes star[offsite link]
Popular site with lots of great content.

Homemade Fruit Rolls star
Forget that sugary stuff you get at the store. This homemade fruit roll is not only healthy but fun to make and a perfect cooking activity for a child´s party.

Homemade Taffy star
Make this easy taffy to give away to Halloween trick-or-treaters.

Homeschool Mom´s Book Club Update star
Are you reading "Homeschooling at the Speed of Life" by Marilyn Rockett? How effective has it been for you so far?

Homeschooling Book Club for Moms: Another Update star
Have you joined in on the BellaOnline Homeschooling Book Club? If not, it´s not too late! Here is the first of many articles and activities for Homeschooling at the Speed of Life.

Homework Hell - 7 Real Techniques That Work star[offsite link]
Tried and true methods that work.

Homework Hell - How To Turn It Around star[offsite link]
Put an end to the homework hell.

Honey Recipes for Kids star[offsite link]
A great selection of kid pleasing recipes from Honey.com.

Honey Walnut Tart star
A spectacular dessert that will "wow" your guests.

Honolulu Zoo (Green Singing Finch) star[offsite link]
Information from the Honolulu Zoo about the Green Singing Finch.

Honolulu Zoo – Lavender Waxbill star[offsite link]
A good source of information on the Lavender Waxbill.

Honoring American Indian Heritage Month star
American Indian Heritage Month and celebration of the First Peoples of the land.

Hooked on Phonics Review star
Read a review of the Hooked on Phonics reading program.

Hopi Creation Story star
The Creation Story as told by the Hopi Peoples and retold by P.D. Burns

Horror Movie Quiz star
What does your love of horror movies say about you?

Horses star
When it comes to equines there´s no horsing around at the BellaOnline Horse site.

Horton´s Family Recipes star[offsite link]
Lots of good recipes here! This site was the first "Homemade Recipe Homepage of the Month" for March for the "Home Cooking Scoop", BellaOnline´s Home Cooking Newletter.

Host a Sunday Brunch star
Before the work week begins spend a relaxing Sunday with family and friends. Hosting a Sunday brunch is easy, breezy and helps you begin the week with a smile.

Host A Yankee Gift Exchange star
Hosting a yankee swap/gift exchange is a great way to entertain a large crowd! Read on for tips.

Hostage (2005) star
I recently saw HOSTAGE and I loved it. There are not too many heavy action movies that grab me.

Hostage Rescue Attempts Fail in Mali star
While enjoying a leisurely dinner at Le Toulousain, a restaurant well-known for its French cuisine, these two, as yet unnamed, French nationals were kidnapped by masked gunmen. What were the motivations behind this kidnapping?

Hosting a Successful Cookie Swap star
Tips on hosting a cookie swap

Hot Mexican Dip Recipe star
This hot mexican dip recipe is a perfect appetizer, a satisfying light meal, or simply perfect comfort food for a winter day. Guests and family will never guess the dip is healthy and vegan.

Hotels & Travel in the UK star[offsite link]
UK section of this exhaustive travel directory. With links to national and local directories, hotel sites, maps and tourist information.

House of Spies Book Review star
Gabriel Allon has now taken his post as Chief of The Office, but breaks protocol and accompanies his team, along with the Brit and American teams to hunt down Saladin before he orders another terrorist strike.

House of White Birches star[offsite link]
Publisher of high quality books, patterns, and magazines for crochet and other crafts.

How Big a Bird Junkie Are You? star[offsite link]
Answer the questions & get your score.

How Committed Are You? star[offsite link]
We must change our thinking and realize that it´s not about what´s easy and what we think tastes good, but what is good for us. What you do each day will affect your tomorrow...your looks, your body and your quality of life. *This Link will take you offsite to another web page.

How Competitions Can Make You A Better Writer. star
How Participation in Writing Competitions Can Help the Writer

How Different, How Similar? star[offsite link]
A U.S. Government publication on comparing American public and private schools.

How Different, How Similar? star[offsite link]
A U.S. Government publication on comparing American public and private schools.

How do Crystals Work? star
As a crystal therapist I am often asked how crystals ‘work‘. The simple answer is no-one is absolutely sure, but they do! The more complex answer is that crystals may be healing on several levels at once and we have some idea both scientifically and esoterically how this can be.

How does Hypnosis work? star
Hypnosis is a very versatile and useful therapeutic tool. It can help with anything that your mind has some effect upon; that includes most of your life experience! Hypnosis directly addresses the subconscious mind and this is why it has the potential for lasting change.

How I Wrote My First Book – Book Review star
Learn how dozens of successful writers overcame the daunting task of writing their first book. Here you will find tips and techniques to help you follow successfully in their footsteps.

How is a Tattoo Done? star

How It Works: CD-R, CD-RW star[offsite link]
Link to PC World that defines the difference between a CD-R and CD-RW drive.

How Jedi Are You? star[offsite link]
Aparently I am Yoda...

How Jewelry Gets to the Oscars and other Celebrity Events star
It´s becoming more common for celebrities to receive large sums of money from design houses to wear their products to big public events. Some fear this practice is leading to too much control of the market, and our culture, by wealthy private companies.

How Love Dies star
Ever resilient, love doesn’t die easily. It takes considerable neglect or abuse before the final spark of love snuffs out. Learn what it takes for love to die so you can keep yours alive.

How Marriages Get Through Bad Times star
It might sound counterintuitive, but did you know that bad times can make a bad marriage better?

How Much Embellishment Should You Use star
How much embellishing is too much? When is it a waste of time to work intricate trim? Find out here.

How Much Embellishment Should You Use? star
How much embellishing is too much? When is it a waste of time to work intricate trim? Find out here.

How Parents Can Stop Dating Violence star
Violence and teen dating certainly do not mix. Parents can take the first step in protecting their teens.

How Rabbit Got His Long Ears star
A long time ago when Rabbit was first on Earth he had very short ears. One day he had nothing to do...

How Selfishness Was Rewarded star
A Tlingit Tale, retold by Phyllis Doyle Burns

How Teens Change The World star
Sometimes teens get a bad rap from adults. But teens impact their communities positively, too. Here are some ideas to spread the awesome-ness and importance of teenagers.

How to Add Music to Your Web Site star
Music is a popular addition to many sites, audible in a variety of venues and formats. Gone are the days of tinny midi background music that won´t stop playing unless a viewer leaves a site. Here are some tips on how to incorporate music into your web site without driving your viewers crazy.

How to Alter Boots for Large Calves star
Learn how to alter boots to fit larger legs and calves. It´s easy!

How to Alter Boots to Fit Large Calves star
Love boots but have trouble finding them in your size? Here are some simple ways to alter them to fit perfectly.

How to Barbecue Chicken Without Burning It star[offsite link]
The secret to great barbecued chicken, one with moist, tender meat and sticky, pleasantly smoky skin, is to lower the heat of the fire and leave the sauce off until the last minutes of cooking.

How to Become a Lyricist star[offsite link]
How to Become a Lyricist or Jingle writer.

How to Become a Scriptwriter - Screenwriter star[offsite link]
Learn how to become a scriptwriter or screenwriter.

How to Become a Speechwriter star[offsite link]

How to Become a Travel Writer star[offsite link]
Learn how to become a travel writer.

How to Begin an Online Writing Career star[offsite link]
Learn about all the online writing careers available today.

How to Break into the Greeting Card Market star[offsite link]
How to Break into the Greeting Card Market.

How to Buy Eggs star[offsite link]
From the USDA... egg nutrition, egg quality and grading, safe storage and safe handling

How to Buy Fresh Fruits star[offsite link]
Wholesomeness, quality, nutritive value, convenience, methods of use, labeling and grade designations, freshness, and ripeness are important points to consider. This printable brochure from the USDA will help you be an educated shopper.

How to Buy Fresh Vegetables star[offsite link]
There are no set rules for buying fresh vegetables because they all have individual characteristics and values. This printable brochure from the USDA is a handy reference to help you make your selections.

How to Carve A Ham star[offsite link]
Illustrated directions for carving a whole ham, a shank half of ham and a rump half of ham.

How to Carve a Turkey star[offsite link]
Here´s a few easy pointers to make you look like a true professional when carving the turkey.

How To Chop An Onion In Four Easy Steps star[offsite link]
Learn how with illustrated instructions from "The Old Farmer´s Almanac".

How to Control Your Temper star
Do you ever lose your temper and wonder why? Find out how to control your anger here.

How to Create a Healthy Living Space star[offsite link]
This is an informative article from Positivehealth.com.

How to Cultivate Self-Reliance in Adolescents star
It´s crucial for parents to learn to ´let go´ in healthy ways in order to encourage self-reliance and self-confidence in teens. Here are some tips and hints on how to do so in your family...

How To Cut A Pineapple star[offsite link]
Learn how to cut a pineapple... step by step... with pictures.

How to Decorate an Ostara Altar star
The Ostara altar celebrates the spring equinox. The snow is melting, the trees are budding, and the spring bulbs are flowering. Now is the time to forget about snow (even if it continues to blanket the landscape), turn our thoughts toward spring, and banish the color white from our altars.

How to Draw Holiday Lights Affinity Designer star
In this Affinity Designer tutorial, we will learn how to draw Xmas lights. These lights will be great for a simple Xmas layout for a card or used in an animated gif for the holidays.

How to Draw Pokemon star
How to Draw Pokemon was written by Ron Zalme, and was released in 1999.

How to Draw the Newest Pokemon star
How to Draw the Newest Pokemon Featuring Sinnoh Characters is a book written by Maria B. Alfano, and it was released in 2007.

How To Establish Trust star
Without trust in a relationship you have nothing! But not everyone knows how to have trust in a relationship. Here´s how!

How to Grill Seafood star[offsite link]
Clemson University offers tips and great recipes for grilling fresh fish and shellfish.

How to Have A Fun and Safe Prom star
Prom night is an exciting time for any teen. Find out how to enjoy it safely.

How To Have Perfect Skin star
Acne can be really upsetting to some teens, but it doesn’t have to be.

How to Keep the Teen Years Fun star
Life is meant to be enjoyed...carefully.

How to Know When Your Marriage is Over star
Most marriages end too soon. But there comes a time when a beleaguered union, having tried and failed at all the right life-saving options, runs its course; and it is time to walk away.

How to Make a Great Green Salad star[offsite link]
Everyone knows how to make a green salad - just wash, dress, and toss. But few know how to make a really great green salad, like those served in the best restaurants, where tender, fresh greens are handled with care from garden to plate and tossed ever so gently with just the right amount of oil and vinegar. Wonderful salads aren´t hard to make; they just require care.

How to Make a Showgirl Costume star
Step-by-step tutorial on how to make a Vegas showgirl costume, including photos

How to Make a Showgirl Costume star
A step by step tutorial on making a complete Las Vegas showgirl costume including bra, panty, fantail and headdress. This is a photo heavy article.

How to Make Crème Fraîche star
It´s often hard to find crème fraîche in grocery stores. This recipe is easy to follow.

How to Make Flower Essences star
Making your own flower essences is cheap, easy, enjoyable and effective. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making your own from the plants around you.

How To Measure & Lose Body Fat star
The best ways to get body fat measured, how to burn it off, and how it affects your weightloss.

How To Publish star[offsite link]
How to publish your book.

How to Recognize and Combat Teen Bullying star
Standing up for what´s right isn’t always easy. But even though it can be hard to do, helping someone in need is very important.

How to Recognize and Manage Arthritis in Dogs star[offsite link]
What is arthritis, it´s symptoms and how to alleviate the discomfort

How to Replace an Inner Tube star
If you experience a flat whilst out riding, this method is the quickest to get you back the road in no time! Discover how to replace your punctured inner tube with a spare inner tube. Find out more here...

How to Saute´ star[offsite link]
The method and technique of sautéing and how to make delicious pan sauces to serve with your sautéed food.

How To Scare A Bear star
Long ago and far away this did not happen.

How to Sew Knits Without a Serger star
You can sew all kinds of dance and skate costumes with your regular sewing machine. This article shows you how.

How to Shed Pounds by Wearing Fashionable Jewelry star
Your insider fashion jewelry styling guide on ways to feel encouraged and beautiful when you think weight is an issue and it´s keeping you from feeling attractive.

How to Sign Up for the Teen Site Newsletter star
Sign up for the free BellaOnline Teen Newsletter.

How to Spot an Abuser on Your First Date star
Is there anything you can do to avoid abusers and narcissists to start with? Are there any warning signs, any identifying marks, rules of thumb to shield you from the harrowing and traumatic experience of an abusive relationship? Read more to tell how he/she is a ´would-be´ abuser.

How to Start a Blog with Pictures to Follow star[offsite link]
An easy tutorial with pictures that shows you how to easily set up a blog.

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World star
So much of what we hear about in the world is negative that it is difficult to keep a good outlook. Here is how positive people stay positive.

How to Stop Hip Scarf Slippage star
Don´t you hate it when your hip scarf slips down your hips in the middle of a belly dance class or performance? Fix it once and for all with just a little piece of elastic.

How to Store Turkey star[offsite link]
Following proper storage procedures is important for food safety and to maintain the best quality of the turkey.

How To Survive The Food Court star
Top tips from Prevention´s The Sugar Solution on how to eat healthy at the mall so you can avoid the weight gain and the stress.

How To Survive The Holiday Party star
Three unusual ways to prevent binges, overeating, weight gain, and food comas. Fun and easy solutions that work!

How to Teach Kids Meditation star

How to Teach Kids Meditation - Series of Articles star

How To Tighten and Tone Problem Areas star
You too can have flat abs, defined arms, shapelier thighs, or great glutes. These advanced tactics will help you tone and tighten even the most stubborn areas.

How to Use a Pendulum star[offsite link]
Here is a site devoted to pendulums and pendulum dowsing!

How To Use Social Media Effectively star

How To Write a Book star[offsite link]
Everything you need to walk you through the process of writing your book.

How To Write A Good F Scott Fitzgerald Bio star
What makes a good F Scott Fitzgerald bio and which are the best sources to use? Students can find that writer biographies are too long or detailed for their needs - some articles may even have dubious sources. Read some brief facts on the jazz age author of The Great Gatsby and many short stories

How to Write an Essay star[offsite link]
Learn how to write a basic essay.

How to Write an Exceptional Essay star
Tired of getting a low grade on what you thought was a superb essay? Here’s an article that will show you how to write something that truly stands out!

How to Write for Magazines star[offsite link]
Learn how to write for magazines.

Howard Hughes star[offsite link]
Howard Hughes directed very few films, but he was a big part of Hollywood. This is an overview of his life.

Howie Brounstein´s Homepage star[offsite link]
This link is to Columbine´s School of Botanical Studies apprenticeship program and includes extensive course notes on ethical wildcrafting. There are also links to lists of endangered plants that should not be harvested.

Howl´s Moving Castle star
Howl´s Moving Castle is an Academy Award-nominated film by Hayao Miyazaki, which is based off a novel written by a British author named Diana Wynne Jones.

http://wReaching beyond Academics in Academic Advising star[offsite link]
Reaching beyond Academics in Academic Advising, an article from The Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal.

http://www.bellaonline.com/subjects/12443.asp star
The most up-to-date books for women who want to fine-tune their leadership and management skills.

http://www.denvernursingstar.com/newsletter/newsletter_view.asp?newsid=610&catid=82&active=0&mode=cu star[offsite link]
Disabled nurse succeeds despite hurdles, attitudes

Huff star[offsite link]

Huge Flower Delivery star[offsite link]
Win a dozen roses, to be delivered anywhere in the US or Canada. Weekly entry.

Huge Movie Quiz star[offsite link]
This site has a database of 3807 film trivia questions. Check your movie IQ.

Hugs for Homeless Animals star[offsite link]
"Project Snuggles" seeks to provide handmade blankets for homeless, lost or abandoned dogs and cats that end up in Humane Society shelters. Their website includes free patterns, chapter/society listings worldwide, and more.

Huitlacoche, the truffle of Mexico star
Rainy seasons bring fungi, and the summer and early autumn markets in Mexico, particularly in the mountains, are full of wild mushrooms, from ceps, morels, pieds de mouton, bright orange trompetitas and chanterelles, to the incredibly sinister-looking huitlacoche, known as the truffle of Mexico.

Human choice ends animal lives star
Many choices humans make cause pain and death to animals - are you sure you´re not contributing to such?

Human Giants - Fact Or Myth? star
Throughout the history of folklore and mythology there have been stories and legends of giants. One may often wonder if the myths were based on facts or if the facts actually became distorted into mythological legends over time.

Human Studies Film Archives star[offsite link]
This archive contains ethnographic moving image materials and is part of Smithsonian Institution´s Nat´l Museum of Natural History.

Human Writes - Death Row Needs You star
Human Writes, a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to providing compassion through the art of letter writing.

Humorous Girl Scout Terms and Their Meanings..... star[offsite link]
This is a great site for a laugh :)

Humphrey Bogart site star[offsite link]
Here is Humphrey Bogart´s site.

Hungary´s Media Suppression star
Under newly-elected Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH) now serves as a governmental watchdog on all private and public media outlets. See for yourself if you think its tenements and penalties qualify as media suppression.

Hungry Jack Breakfast Recipes star[offsite link]
Some of the recipes are Apple-Oat Pancakes, Chocolate Chip Bubble Biscuits, Mini Pancakes with Strawberry-Banana Topping, Overnight Maple French Toast, Pancake Snowmen, Peach-Stuffed Oven French Toast, Quick Apple Pancakes

Hunt Up Some Fun at River Bend Sportsman’s Resort star
If you like to hunt, shoot skeet or take on your friends in paintball, then the River Bend Sportsman´s Resort is right up your alley.

Hunters in the Snow - A Review star
Tobias Wolff´s story explores the way men experience relationships with one another and their circumstances. This story is full of tension and cold. It shows the complexities of men and their world with twists of dark humor.

Hunting star
Is hunting a sport, environmental necessity, required food source or human entertainment?

Huntley Film Archives star[offsite link]
With more than 80,000 titles, Huntley Film Archives is one of the largest film libraries in Europe.

Hurricane Rita Aftermath star
Over the weekend as Hurricane Rita threatened the Gulf Coast 150,000 people sought refuge in American Red Cross shelters.

Hyperion, God of Light star
Hyperion, God of Light, was the father of the sun, moon, and stars.

Hypnos star[offsite link]
Greek god associated with prophetic dreams.

Hypolita Villa Crafters Retreat star[offsite link]
Florida crafters retreat

Hypothyroidism Type 2 Book Review star
A review of Dr. Mark Starr´s book, Hypothyroidism Type 2. He has extensively studied hypothyroidism in our population that has reached epidemic proportions. Most importantly, he recognizes that type 2 hypothyroidism is not detected by blood tests and outlines treatment recommendations.

Hysterectomy FAQ star

I Can star[offsite link]
Offers articles and advice to people with disabilities.

I Caught it from My Bird star[offsite link]
A humourous look at diseases?? you can get from your bird.

Ian Fleming Center star[offsite link]

Icarus at the Edge of Time - book review star
Icarus flew too close to the Sun with wings of wood and wax. The wax melted and he fell to his death. Brian Greene´s Icarus of the future flies too close to a black hole and finds that he should have paid more attention to Einstein.

Icarus at the Edge of Time book review star
Icarus flew too close to the Sun with wings of wood and wax. The wax melted and he fell to his death. Brian Greene´s Icarus of the future flies too close to a black hole and finds that he should have paid more attention to Einstein.

Ice Tea star
Sometimes called Southern Table Wine, sweet ice tea is a staple in the southeast US. Although it is available in many other parts of the country, in cooler climes ice tea is reserved for the height of summer while southerners drink it year round. Here´s a little history.

Ideal Body Weight Scale star
Not all scales are created equal. Find out why getting an accurate weight, along with bodyfat, water weight, and ideal calories is essential for weightloss.

Idealist.org star[offsite link]
Idealist is an interactive site where people and organizations can exchange resources and ideas, locate opportunities and supporters.

Ideas For Creative Writing Lesson Plans - Students star
Creative writing lesson plans are easy to dream up!Knowing if you have a gifted little creative writing student in the family can be guesswork-but there are clues!Nurturing early signs o story writing talent can make the difference between raising an undiscovered genius or a successful writer.

Identifying and Treating Teen Anorexia star
One to two percent of American teenagers suffer from eating disorders. The most prevalent of these is anorexia. Understanding the causes, symptoms and treatments for anorexia makes dealing with it a little less scary.

Iditarod National Historic Trail star
Want to get a taste of travel during Alaska´s Gold Rush era? Explore the Iditarod National Historical Trail.

Iditarod National Historic Trail star
Want to get a taste of travel during Alaska´s Gold Rush era? Explore the Iditarod National Historical Trail.

Iditarod National Historic Trail star
Want to get a taste of travel during Alaska´s Gold Rush era? Explore the Iditarod National Historical Trail.

Iditarod National Historical Trail star
Want to get a taste of travel during Alaska´s Gold Rush era? Explore the Iditarod National Historical Trail.

IEP Tips for Children on Yeast Free/Wheat Free/Milk Free Diets star[offsite link]
From the Wisconsin Institute of Nutrition.

If I Can Forgive, So Can You by Denise Linn star
If I Can Forgive, So Can You: My Autobiography of How I Overcame My Past And Healed My Life is Denise Linn’s story. This remarkable lady has been a source of inspiration for me over the last decade since I came across her book Sacred Space. Her life is fascinating.

If I Can´t Have You, No One Will star
In "Possessed" (1947) a woman on the verge of a breakdown falls in love then kills the one she "loves" because he does not love her.

ILRU: Independent Living Research Utilization star[offsite link]
Independent Living Research Utilization provides knowledge in independent living, the Americans with Disabilities Act, home and community-based services and health issues for people with disabilities.

Image Under Glass Photo Pendant - Product Review star
Image Under Glass creates custom quality pendants and charms featuring pictures of your family or loved ones, human or pet. I had the chance to review one of their products: the photo pendant in sterling silver.

IMDB Mystery Films star[offsite link]
The Top 50 Mystery Films ranked on IMDB. This list varies according to reviews and votes on the site.

Immigration and Marriage Movies star[offsite link]
Listing of movies with a theme of both immigration and marriage.

Important Pages Every Blog Should Have star
Whether you blog for business or pleasure it is important to offer as much information as possible to your audience. These five blog pages are the most common pages needed to do just that.

Impossibly Easy Breakfast Pie star[offsite link]
Enjoy all the traditional tastes of breakfast in one easy pie.

In Celebration of Pooh! star
A timeless and treasured classic, Winnie the Pooh will make the perfect theme for a very special and classic party.

In Praise of the Cubic Zirconia - Exquisite Diamond Look-Alike That Doesn´t Break the Bank star
An ode to the beautiful cubic zirconia, including it´s history and how it is made.

In Praise of the Cubic Zirconia - Exquisite Diamond Look-Alike That Doesn´t Break the Bank star
An ode to the beautiful cubic zirconia, including it´s history and how it is made.

Incan Pantheon star
Incan Mythology of gods and goddesses

Including All Kids Beyond Participation star[offsite link]

Incompatibility and Marriage star
Compatibility issues should be worked out during the dating phase. What happens when you find out just how incompatible you are after you marry?

Independence Day Celebration star
Safe and stylish ideas for your July 4th celebration.

Independence Day in Mexico star
General Agustín de Iturbide, having signed the treaty of Córdoba which finally gave Mexico its freedom, made his triumphant way from Veracruz to Mexico City. His passage through Puebla resulted in the creation of one of Mexican gastronomy’s most famous concoctions, Chiles en Nogada

Independent Educational Evaluations star[offsite link]
What? Why? How? Who Pays? - Wrightslaw article by Wayne Steedman, Esq.

Index of Lists - Databases to Submit Your Free Articles star
Find more than 25 websites where you can submit your writing for free publication online...

India Plaza star[offsite link]
They have got it all and at great prices!

Indian Gifts & Handicrafts star[offsite link]
A great selection of Indian art and handicrafts, both traditional and modern.

Indian Harvest Online star[offsite link]
Sells Indian spices, grains and legumes.

Indian Traditional Costume star[offsite link]
While this site only covers the clothing traditions of India, it serves as a good introduction to the diverse styles of both women and men´s clothing.

Indio : Landmark Golf Club star[offsite link]

Individual Articles on Meditation for Kids star

Individual Yorkshire Puddings star

Inexpensive Home Gym star
Build an inexpensive home gym with five basic pieces of equipment and save yourself driving time and membership fees.

Information for Travelers star
Information and contact addresses for anyone planning a visit to Germany

Information for Travellers star
Information and contacts addresses for travelers.

Information on the Pokemon star
Here you will find information on the various types of Pokemon and in what region they were introduced in.

Ingrid Bergman star[offsite link]
Here is Ingrid Bergman´s site.

INKnitters star[offsite link]
From the publishers of Machine Knitters Source, this new quarterly magazine features patterns, technical support and informative articles. Visit their website for subscription information and a comprehensive look at previous issues.

Inland Revenue star[offsite link]

Inside Man (2006) Denzel Washington, Clive Owen, Chiwetel Ejiofor star
A bank robbery becomes a waiting game when a laid back thinking man’s cop meets a thinking man’s bank robber.

Inspector Morse star[offsite link]

Inspiration Gallery star[offsite link]
Bellaonline scrapbooking doesn´t have it´s own gallery so the Faith Sisters gallery is the next best thing to our own! You will find some amazing inspiration at this gallery and we encourage you to add some of your own layouts as well!

Inspiration Peak star[offsite link]
Search engine to find quotes, poems, etc.

Inspirational Book and Kindle Gifts for Bloggers star
If you are looking for inspiration and motivation for a fellow blogger or writer, here are a few books and ebooks helpful to overcome writer´s block and more.

Inspirational Gifts-Maya Angelou Short Stories star
Maya Angelou’s book of Inspirational stories is a gift dedicated to all of us-female fans from different backgrounds and struggles all round the world-that represent the daughters she never had.Motivational stories and biography pieces span facing fear,giving birth,stage performance and analysis.

Inspirational Gifts-Maya Angelou Short Stories star
Maya Angelou’s book of inspirational stories is a gift dedicated to all of us-female fans from different backgrounds and struggles all round the world-that represent the daughters she never had.Motivational stories and biography pieces span facing fear,giving birth,stage performance and analysis.

Inspirational Poems star[offsite link]
Inspirational poetry.

Inspirational Quotes star[offsite link]
A huge listing of links that take you to sites that feature inspirational quotes.

Inspirational Quotes: The Collection star[offsite link]
Search by author.

Inspirational Stories For A Hammock Chair Summer! star
Here´s some inspirational stories and children´s´ book recommendations for a hammock chair summer...for those writer/reader moms on kid´s vacation duty like me!Stories for summer reading when chilling out in the garden alone in peace, or short stories for kids to share in the hammock swing!

Inspirational Stories For A Hammock Chair Summerf star
Here´s some inspirational stories and children´s´ book recommendations for a hammock chair summer...for those writer/reader moms on kid´s vacation duty like me!Stories for summer reading when chilling out in the garden alone in peace, or short stories for kids to share in the hammock swing!

InspiRING & Italian American Webrings star
Sites that feature the best recipes, cooking info, and homemaking resources! Please join if your site has to do with recipes, cooking methods, food preparation, food storage, canning, preserving, bulk cooking, fast meals, specialty food preparation, entertaining, holiday favorites or anything simila

Instant Meditation Technique star

Instant Pudding & Pie Filling star

Institute for Creation Research star[offsite link]
A wealth of evidence for the Bible´s accuracy.

Institute on Disability Culture star[offsite link]
The purpose of this site is to provide information about disability culture and to share examples of our culture.

Instructions to make a dreamcatcher star[offsite link]

Integral Yoga Distribution star[offsite link]

Integral Yoga Magazine star[offsite link]
Interfaith articles, yoga, meditation and the teachings of Sri Swami Satchidananda.

Interested in making some of your own collectable jewelry? Visit Bella Online´s Jewelry Making site. star
Bella Online´s Jewelry Making site is a rich resource for jewelry making techniques, courses, book reviews, and so much more. Make your own line of collectable jewelry. Jewelry Making site Editor, Chris Franchetti, is a jewelry artisan/designer and shares with you her vast knowledge of the art of jewelry making.

Interesting tip for ´flipping´ illustrations star[offsite link]

Interfaith Family star[offsite link]
An online publication aimed at families where one spouse is Jewish and the other is not. There is a wide variety of articles by non-Jewish spouses dealing with their interpretations and practises of the Jewish holidays. Interactive forums invite users to post their thoughts and opinions on such topics as "Dealing with Intolerance" and "Growing Up in an Interfaith Family," and past articles are archived.

Interfaith Meditation and Prayer Celebration star

Interfaith Peace Prayer and Meditation star

Interfering Parents star
Parental interference in the classroom is hurting education, here´s why...

Intermarriage star
Resources for intermarried couples and those contemplating intermarriage - promoting a Jewish home.

Internal Dialogue star[offsite link]
Your thoughts are powerful; create a positive self image to change your body and create the life you´ve dreamed of

International Association of Coaches star[offsite link]
The IAC´s mission is to "further the interest of coaching clients worldwide". Also includes a coach directory.

International Aviculturists Society star[offsite link]
Dedicated to preserving parrots in the wild as well as encouraging proper captive bird keeping through education.

International Conure Association star[offsite link]
This Association was formed by a group of people interested in sharing knowledge and love of that wonderful group of birds called Conures.

International Movie Studios star

International Parrotlet Society star[offsite link]
Dedicated to education about and promotion of all parrotlet species.

International Society for Twin Studies star[offsite link]

International Society of Altered Book Artists star[offsite link]
ISABA includes artists, hobbyists, professional artists, teachers, librarians, and students, dedicated to promoting altered books as an art form.

International Virtual Women´s Chamber of Commerce star[offsite link]
For women engaged in eCommerce.

Internet Addiction Disorder star
Internet addiction is currently not included in the DSM-IV as a formal disorder. Some experts agree that it is a compulsive behavior; therefore, not necessarily an addiction. Others see it as an undesirable or troublesome behavior since it takes away time from more important activities.

Internet Advocate star[offsite link]
Web-based resource guide for librarians and educators interested in providing youth access to the Internet.

Internet Marketers - Understanding Spam star

Internet Marketers - Understanding Spam star

Internet Movie Data Base star[offsite link]

Internet Safety Kit star[offsite link]
Information on Internet safety issues and suggestions for family usage, especially for those who don´t feel comfortable with the Net yet. Sponsored by New Zealand´s Ministry of Education.

Interstella 5555 star
Here you can find information on Interstella 5555, a collaboration between Leiji Matusumoto and music group Daft Punk.

Interstella 5555 star
A review of Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem, a film animated by Leiji Matsomoto and set to the music of Daft Punk´s Discovery album.

Interval cardio workout for beginners star[offsite link]
This interval cardio workout for beginners burns more fat and calories than traditional cardio in less than 20 minutes.

Interval cardio workout for beginners star[offsite link]
This interval cardio workout for beginners burns more fat and calories than traditional cardio

Interval cardio workout for intermediates star[offsite link]
This interval cardio workout for intermediates burns fat and calories with 15 minutes of walking and running intervals.

interval cardio workout for intermediates star[offsite link]
This interval cardio workout for beginners burns fat and calories with 15 minutes of walking and running intervals.

Interview with Author Katherine Mayfield- Part 1 star
An exclsive interview with award winning author Katherine Mayfield about her compelling memoir "The Box of Daughter."

Interview with Author Katherine Mayfield- Part 2 star
The second part of my interview with award-winning author Katherine Mayfield!

Interview with Molly Magdalain of StarStrings star
Jewelry Artist and Designer, Molly Magdalain, talks about some of her favorite pieces of jewelry from her StarStrings Collection, and how to purchase her jewelry.

Interview with The Cleaner´s Amy Price-Francis star
Interview with Amy Price-Francis, who portrays Melissa Banks, wife of Benjamin Bratt´s character William "The Cleaner" Banks, an extreme interventionist and recovering addict, in A&E´s new series The Cleaner.

Interzone star[offsite link]
Award-winning magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy

Into The West star
Into the west is a 6 part drama that looks at two familes one Lakota and one white and how there lives come together in the time when the west was young.

Introducing . . . Collard Greens star
This is a cute story about the unpredictability of a child´s palate. It was based on personal experience

Introductory Notes on Digital Imaging and Preservation star[offsite link]
Stanford University Libraries´ explanation of the work they do in film preservation.

Intuitive Crystal Work star
Crystals are a popular magickal tool for many Pagans. There is much to be learned, and if you listen carefully, the crystals themselves can tell you!

Inuyasha star
Inuyasha is an anime that tells the story of a half-demon from feudal Japan, a middle school girl from modern-day Japan, and a quest for fragments of an ancient artifact.

Inuyasha Complete Deluxe Movie Box Set star
The Inuyasha Complete Deluxe Movie Box Set includes all four of the Inuyasha movies and CD soundtracks.

Inuyasha DVD Box Sets star
Here you will find reviews of Inuyasha DVD box sets.

Inuyasha DVD Box Sets star
Here you will find reviews of Inuyasha DVD Box Sets.

Inuyasha Information and Reviews star
Here you will find information and reviews for Inuyasha.

Inuyasha Movies star
Here you will find reviews of the Inuyasha films.

Inuyasha Soundtracks star
Here you will find reviews for Inuyasha soundtrack CDs.

Inuyasha Soundtracks star
Here you will find reviews for Inuyasha soundtrack CDs.

Inuyasha The Final Act Blu-rays star
Here you will find reviews of Blu-ray releases for Inuyasha: The Final Act.

Inuyasha The Final Act Blu-rays star
Here you will find reviews of Blu-ray releases for Inuyasha: The Final Act.

Inuyasha The Final Act Part 1 Blu-ray star
This is a review of the Blu-ray pressing of Inuyasha: The Final Act Part 1.

Inuyasha The Final Act Part 2 Blu-ray star
Inuyasha: The Final Act Part 2 contains the final 13 episodes of Inuyasha: The Final Act.

Investigative Reports on: A & E TV star
Investigative Reports is one the most deverse and longest running investigative news shows on TV with something for everyone.

Iodine Deficiency star
Iodine deficiency has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. Iodine deficiency is strongly linked to thyroid disorders as well as other serious diseases. Iodized salt is not a suitable source of iodine in the diet. Increasing iodine in the diet is extremely important.

Iowa - Iowans Dedicated to Educational Alternatives (IDEA) star[offsite link]

Iraq War Resolution star[offsite link]
If people would read this document, they would realize that this war is about more than weapons of mass destruction.

Ireland´s Debt and Bank Bailout star
It appears that insolvency of the banks in Ireland, just as it was in the U.S., is a major factor in its financial quandary. Will it´s recovery be any easier?

Iris Silks star[offsite link]
Luxurious pure silk lingerie in regular and plus sizes.

Irish Stew And Blessings star
With my Father´s wonderful gardens and Mother´s great cooking, us seven kids never wanted for more.

IRS Child Tax Credit - Check´s In the Mail star
If you have a child in your family and filed a 2002 Income Tax form, you might have a hefty check coming to you in the mail shortly! The Child Tax Credits are on their way.

Is Anyone Out There? star
by Guest Host, Nicole Lambert Strickland

Is homebirth for you?? star[offsite link]
6 Myths about childbirth exposed. An oldie but goodie.

Is It Twins? star[offsite link]
this site gives all the warning signs of twins. Even if twins do not run in your family - watch out - you can still have twins

Is Mother’s Milk Enough for 14 Babies? star
Is it economically responsible for a woman to have as many infants as her body can reproduce or does society have a moral obligation to determine how many children a woman can have based on her level of income?

Is Our Love Gone? - A Quiz star
Not sure if you still love each other? Here’s a quiz to help you find out.

Is The Atkins Diet Right for You? star
What you need to know about Atkins, how to do it, what to expect, is it right for you, and other options you can explore.

Is Your Child Using Anger To Control You? star[offsite link]
Is your child´s anger wearing you down and making you feel guilty? Here are 5 steps to putting an end to that NOW!

Isaac Ebey Of Whidbey Island star
A continuation of the tales of Isaac Ebey on Whidbey Island in the mid to late 1800s.

iShopIndian star[offsite link]
The largest online Indian shopping site - your one stop shop!

Island Treat star[offsite link]
Hand blends of all of the things birds love to eat

Isle of Arran star[offsite link]

Isle of Man - Isle of Man Online star[offsite link]
Douglas-based publisher of Isle of Man Newspapers offers local news, business updates, and sports headlines. Includes classifieds and weather forecasts.

Israel Film Archive - Jerusalem Cinematheque star[offsite link]
Jerusalem Film Center is a rare institution where Israelis and Palestinians of all faiths can meet and work together.

It?s Not Easy Being Green When You?re Married star
A humorous essay about introducing a skeptical husband to an eco-friendly lifestyle. It´s great for the planet. But is it good for my marriage?

Italian American Web Site of New York star
Information related to Italians such as discrimination, genealogy, history, scholarships, organizations, Italian music and books, as well as, products. Great sports information related to Italian ball players, male and female.

Italian Beef Soup Recipe star
This soup is hearty, yet fresh and sophisticated with the flavor of cilantro.

Italian Crochet Necklaces star[offsite link]
These are crocheted gem necklaces from an Italian Designer. It loads slow but is worth the wait.

Italian Food Forever star[offsite link]
A wonderful site created by someone very familiar to long time Bella food channel visitors! It has hundreds of original recipes, unique articles, monthly newsletters, shopping links and much more.

Italian Grocer star[offsite link]
Suppliers of gourmet groceries, local produce and other regional food from Italy and surrounding provinces.

Italian Olive and Cheese Salad Recipe star
This recipe is a fantastic antipasto dish, meatless meal, or fun salad to serve at a luncheon or picnic. It´s lovely served on a bed of lettuce.

Ithaca´s Silent Movie History star[offsite link]
With numerous cliffs, waterfalls, and gorges, Ithaca, NY, was a popular location for filming early movies. This site includes photos and information about the films.

Its a Grey´s World star[offsite link]
Articles, photos, recipes, e-cards, toys, FAQ´s and more. Directly referring to African Grey Parrots, but much can apply to all parrots.

Itty Bitty Birdie Bites star[offsite link]
Itty Bitty Birdie Bites (also known as IB3) has been developed to convince stubborn seed eaters that there is something better out there for them. Check it out.

It´s a Wonderful Life star[offsite link]
Information and gallery about the film.

It´s Alive - book review star
The Universe Verse is back. Book 1 was the Big Bang Theory in verse and drawings. Now stars and planets have formed, but something new is happening: Life. Book 2 is about evolution by natural selection. In its cheerful verse and lovely color drawings, it´s also a love poem to our beautiful Earth.

It´s Alive - book review star
Bang Theory in verse and drawings. Now stars and planets have formed, but something new is happening: Life. Book 2 is about evolution by natural selection. In its cheerful verse and lovely color drawings, it´s also a love poem to our beautiful Earth.

It´s Alive! - book review star
The Universe Verse is back. Book 1 was the Big Bang Theory in verse and drawings. Now stars and planets have formed, but something new is happening: Life. Book 2 is about evolution by natural selection. In its cheerful verse and lovely color drawings, it´s also a love poem to our beautiful Earth.

I´ve Learned... star
a lot in the past year...

Jack and Erin star[offsite link]
Free knitting patterns with basic and advanced knit techniques.

Jack-O-Lantern Cheesecakes star
It´s never too early to start planning for your Halloween party. These unique cheesecakes will be a great addition to your Halloween bash menu.

Jack-O´-Lantern Cookie Recipe star
Here is one great cookie recipe my kids and their friends always loved and still ask for every Halloween.

Jackie Chan fansite star[offsite link]
A fan website dedicated to everything Jackie Chan! Learn more about some of the hilarious action comedies he´s starred in.

Jacques Brel star[offsite link]
Another site from the UK, this one is quite thorough and offers a complete history of performer Jacques Brel. Additional links showcase his music.

Jails have become the new Psychiatric Hospitals star[offsite link]
Incarceration and the mentally disabled

Jaipur Tote Bag - Tutorial star[offsite link]
Tote bag showcasing embroidered fabric from the Purl Bee.

JAlbum adds a Gallery to Your Site star
JAlbum is an easy to use open source album and gallery software you can use to add a professional gallery to your web site.

James Bond - Die Another Day (2002) Pierce Brosnan star
When James Bond is released after a compromising trade and allowed to return home, he does not receive the usual ‘007’welcome. Instead has to prove his fidelity and allegiance to M and MI6.

Jane Doe Teenager Identified - Yesenia Becerra Nungaray star
For three years and eight months, Jane Doe had no name, no identity, and no personal history. Her story began May 1, 2003 behind a local diner, among tall weeds.

January 1st - June 30th Meditations and Prayers star
Meditations and prayers for events during this time period.

January in Midwest History star
A brief listing of important January dates in US history that occurred in the Midwest, or by people with ties to the region.

Jan´s Computer Literacy 101 star[offsite link]
Jan´s Computer Literacy 101 contains a wide selection of well written documents and tutorials. This site is a must stop to get you going with your new computer.

Jan´s Dough - Create Your Sourdough Starter star[offsite link]
This entire process will take about 10 days. You will only need to go through the create starter process one time.

Japanese Apron - Kappogi - Tutorial star[offsite link]
Learn how to make a traditional Japanese apron that covers the full torso.

Japanese MotoGP 2005 star
Motegi MotoGP round provided plenty of excitement for fans as the riders hit the circuit. The question on everyone´s lips as to whether Valentino Rossi would clinch another World Championship title at this circuit, was answered when he surprisingly made an error and crashed out of the race.

Japanese Mythology star
Myths and legends of Japan

Japanese Pantheon star
Japanese Mythology of gods and goddesses

Java Finch.COM star[offsite link]
An excellent site on these birds with pictures, breeding info, sexing info, video and song of the Java Rice Finch.

Jaws Mistakes star
Here are the mistakes in Jaws.

Jean Cocteau star[offsite link]
This web page will take you to a nice mini-biography of writer Jean Cocteau. There are also links to pages with information on his relationships with other well-known men and women.

Jello Kid´s Favorites star[offsite link]
Here´s creative kid´s recipes from Jello

Jelly and Jam Recipes star[offsite link]
A wonderful assortment of recipes for jellies, jams and marmalades from the Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service.

Jen Osborn star[offsite link]

Jennifer Lopez: Español star
Jennifer Lopez es una de las personalidades más famosas de nuestro tiempo ambas de la comunidad hispánica así como América en grande. Aparte de esto ella ha fijado la barra para ser el agente o la actriz hispánico pagado más alto de la industria de la película.

Jenny Craig star[offsite link]
One-on-One consultations at Jenny Craig Centres, along with menu plans that are nutritionally balanced according to the recommendations of the USDA Food Guide Pyramid and U.S. Dietary Guidelines.

Jenny Sueyoun Kim Jewelry Designs star
Jenny Sueyoun Kim is a handcrafted jewelry designer who takes a great deal of pride in making one of a kind jewelry designs using the ancient process called lost wax casting method.

jennyyoo.com star[offsite link]
Beautiful bridesmaids dresses

Jewelry - Diamonds International star[offsite link]
One of the largest jewelry retailers in the world. Diamonds are a girls best friend after all. Rings, earings, watches.

Jewelry and the Job Interview star
How to ace your job interview with a winning jewelry look that will help you to land the job.

Jewelry Artisans Directory - O through Z star

Jewelry Auction Guide star
Jewelry collecting is a fascinating hobby and there are times when you would like to sell a few pieces to make room for new ones. Auctions like eBay, Bidz, and Yahoo work very well.

Jewelry Collecting star
Here is what I did when my Jewelry Collection took on a life of it´s own!

Jewelry Collecting Newsletter star
Here is what to expect with each installment of The Jewelry Collecting Newsletter!

Jewelry Collecting Topic Review star
The Jewelry Collecting site explores a diverse variety of jewelry-collecting topics. Anything and everything about jewelry is fascinating, so if you have any feedback on existing articles or would like to see an article about something specific, we invite your topic suggestions.

Jewelry Designer, Daniel Espinosa star
Review of the famous Mexican jewelry designer, Daniel Espinosa.

Jewelry Designers Support Ovarian Cancer star
September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and Jewelry Collecting salutes those who help promote awareness of ovarian cancer and jewelry designers, Randi-sue Deckard of Designing Diva and Sheela Rayala of Kuukivi have created beautiful jewelry to support the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund.

Jewelry for Children and Kids Who Love to Collect Jewelry star
Articles and stories about children´s love of jewelry collecting.

Jewelry in Ancient Egypt star
The Ancient Egyptians were among the world´s most ardent jewelry lovers. Women, men and even children walked the sun-baked streets of Egypt bejeweled from head to toe. In life, and in death, jewelry revealed one´s status in the society.

Jewelry Mistakes star
From time to time I invite a jewelry expert to contribute to Fashion Jewelry. Louise Coulson gives us some great guidelines!

Jewelry Retailers A through N star

Jewelry Retailers O through Z star

Jewelry Shopping at Etsy Shops star
For anyone with a passion for jewelry, Etsy Shops delivers. On a recent visit to Etsy Shops I discovered a dazzling smorgasbord of handcrafted jewelry delights. I´ll be sharing my favorite finds in a new series of articles about Etsy Shops´ jewelry designers and artisans.

Jewelry Shows star
Our calendar and links to resources will keep you abreast of upcoming jewelry collecting shows and conventions

Jewelry Tips for the B.B.W. star
How fashion jewelry can enhance the beauty of the B.B.W.

Jewelry with a Mission star
CharityUSA.com gives you the power to make a difference in the world. Shop for artisan jewelry and benefit leading non-profit organizations that help people, animals, and the planet.

Jewels by Victoria Finlay star
In Jewels, A Secret History, we are taken across the world in a search for the history of the most popular gemstones. The stories Victoria Finlay uncovers are often surprising and I found it very interesting to learn how the various gems were mined, valued and traded.

Jewish Attitudes Towards Non-Jews star[offsite link]
From Judaism 101, an overview of Jewish attitudes towards Gentiles from a variety of different perspectives. The essay includes sections on intermarriage and conversion.

Jewish Community Centers Association star[offsite link]
Jewish Community Centers and camps are a focal point of Jewish life in North America. Visit JCCs online and find JCCs and camps near you.

Jewish Family & Life star[offsite link]
An online magazine with articles and resources for the entire family.

Jewish Genealogy star[offsite link]
An essay documenting the Jewish history of the geographical areas of Bohemia and Moravia in the former Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Jewish Geography star[offsite link]
A popular Jewish pastime on the Web: asking others about where they are from, their college affiliation, and so on, and then seeing if you know anybody in common. Here you can post information about yourself and search for long lost friends. Maybe a few will find you in the process!

Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance star[offsite link]
This organization advocates for greater ritual participation of women within a Halakhic framework. Many excellent resources may be found here, including topical articles and recordings from previous conferences.

Jewish Prayer star[offsite link]
A wealth of information and how-tos on Jewish prayer from Chabad-Lubavitch.

Jewish Rome and Fosse Ardeatine star
When thoughts turn to the Jewish experience in Europe the Italian experience is often overlooked. During my most recent trip to Italy I focused my attention on the Jewish experience in Rome.

Jewish Spirituality - Foundations star[offsite link]
In a series of writings, Rabbi Noah Weinberg discusses issues such as the meanign of life, pleasure and happiness.

Jewish Theological Seminary star[offsite link]
Not only is the JTSA the rabbinical school for the Conservative movement, but there is also a lot of information on community and online outreach. The JTS Magazine is online along with JTS News, upcoming events, and staff profiles.

Jewish Wedding Resources star[offsite link]
Buy gifts and plan your wedding at this online shopping center.

Jewish Womens Archive star[offsite link]
Cataloging the history of American Jewish women.

JewishGen star[offsite link]
The most extensive Jewish Genealogy site on the Internet, aiming to help people research their Jewish ancestry. The site contains a database of Jewish surnames, a discussion group, and a Family Finder for those researching the same family names and towns.

Jews by Choice star[offsite link]
A trans-denominational web site for converts to Judaism and those interested in conversion.

Jiaozi - Dumplings star
More commonly known as pot stickers, pre-made jiaozi can be found frozen and make an easy, warm and delicious lunch!

Jícama, the Mexican turnip star
Brown, bulbous and rather hirsute, Pachyrrhizus Erosus has little to offer in the way of glamour, but it is an important member of the Mexican larder, both ancient and modern.

Jimmy Carter visits Cuba star
Former US President and statesman, Jimmy Carter, has been a man on a mission in Cuba. Accepting an invitation from government officials - no doubt with an agenda - Mr. Carter met with Cuban President Raul Castro and many other interesting people during his 3-day visit there earlier this week.

Jimmy Carter, It Turns Out, Is a Poet, Too star[offsite link]
President as poet, always an anomaly.

Jistin And The Dogwood Tree star
A short story about a young boy who found his fortune.

Jistin And The New Market star
More in the life of Jistin Time.

Joan of Arc star
Sub-Subtopic - Subtopic Religious - Subject Thematic. Joan of Arc is one of the most intriguing and in some ways mystifying of historical figures.

Job Interview Strategies for Teens: star[offsite link]
An article about everything you need to know to find and get your first job.

Job-Hunt.org star[offsite link]

Job-Seeking Sites in the Midwest star
Are you looking for a job in the Midwest? Here are some job hunting sites that you´ll find useful for finding a job in the Midwest. This listing of job sites by state should give you a great start!

Jobs Across the Southeast star
Like most of the country, the Southeast US has been hit hard by problems with the economy. Unemployment in the country is 8.2%. In the Southeast, Alabama is doing the better than the national average at 7.4% while both Georgia and South Carolina are above the median with 8.9% and 9.1% respectively.

johannagrace.com star[offsite link]
Couture Children�s Dresses For Special Occasions

John Donne [1573-1631]: Holy Sonnets, Hymn, Meditation & a Secular Poem star[offsite link]

John Herschel star
John Herschel was the son of William Herschel, discoverer of the planet Uranus. But he earned his own reputation as an astronomer, mathematician, chemist, translator, artist, writer, and pioneer of photography. When he died he was laid to rest in Westminster Abbey near Sir Isaac Newton.

John Hughes Mega-mix star[offsite link]
In 5 minutes and 30 seconds, re-live the highs and lows of Ferris Bueller´s Day Off, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club and Some Kind of Wonderful - all set to the Simple Minds´ Don´t You Forget About Me. It´s like the Cliffs Notes for teen movies.

John Michael Talbot - CD star[offsite link]
Uplifting inspiring recordings for meditation and relaxing. Order online.

John Milton Collection star[offsite link]
The John Milton collection at the Poetry Foundation.

John Updike Short Stories-´Separating´ star
John Updike,author of short stories and novels such as Witches of Eastwick, died this month aged 76.Among his early stories about a couple (the ´Maples´)is ´Separating.´But is the story really about the end of a marriage or more about the start of a mental health condition signalled by depression?

John Updike Short Stories-´Separating´ star
John Updike,author of short stories and novels such as Witches of Eastwick, died this month aged 76.Among his early stories about a couple (the ´Maples´)is ´Separating.´But is the story really about the end of a marriage or more about the start of a mental health condition signalled by depression?

John Wayne Enterprises star[offsite link]
This is link to the offical John Wayne site.

John Wayne Fansite star[offsite link]
This is a link to a appreciation/fan site for the legendary actor, "The Duke" John Wayne.

John Wayne Site star[offsite link]
This is link to John Wayne´s site.

John Wayne´s Birth Place Site star[offsite link]
This site tells you about where John Wayne was born.

Joseph Campbell, Storyteller star
The thing that makes mythology and folklore so intriguing and endearing is the storyteller.

Journal Notes star[offsite link]
Pages of poetry, prose and one-liners to use in your albums.

Journaling 101 star
Journaling can be soothing, informative, organizational, and even sociable.

Journalism star
Learn how to become a Journalist.

Journalism star[offsite link]
How to become a Journalist.

Journalism star
Find numerous resources for journalists online

Journals @ BellaOnline.com star
A weekly column on all aspects of journaling by our own Melissa Waters.

Jovani Prom star[offsite link]
A complete evening collection with sensational suits, seperate tops and skirts and a stunning Red Carpet collection that will guarantee you turn heads on the night

Judaism 101 - Purim star[offsite link]
An easy to read description of the holiday of Purim - including history, customs and a hamentashen recipe.

Judas star[offsite link]
Featuring hardboiled/noir crime fiction

Judy Hall’s Good Vibrations star
Good Vibrations is a self help manual that contains all the advice most people will ever need on psychic protection, energy enhancement and space clearing. Judy Hall is one of the UK’s most respected metaphysical teachers and author of the bestselling Crystal Bible.

Juegos De Palabras star
¿usted tienen gusto de juegos de palabra? ¿Por qué no probar los juegos de palabra hispánicos de los foros de la cultura? Aquí están algunos juegos de palabra usando las palabras asociadas a la cultura hispánica y los asuntos encontrados en el foro hispánico de la cultura. ¡Apenas siéntese detrás y

July 1st - December 31st Meditations and Prayers star
Meditations and prayers for events during this time period.

Jupiter Facts for Kids star
King of the Roman gods, comet-killer, contains two and a half times the mass of all the other planets put together, has the shortest day of any planet in the Solar System. It´s Jupiter! Find out more.

Just Like Mom´s Apple Pie star
Who doesn´t love apple pie. Here´s a recipe that´ll bring back memories. It´s perfect for your next gathering.

Just Smoked Salmon Recipes star[offsite link]
Many variations of smoked salmon dips and spreads plus recipes for dishes like Smoked Salmon Chowder, Smoked Salmon Nuggets, Smoked Salmon Macaroni & Cheese, Smoked Salmon & Macaroni Salad, Smoked Salmon Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes and many others.

Kabbalah star
Kabbalah is the study of how the universe and life co-exists. It is a form of ancient teachings on the wisdom of living healthy in all forms. Body, Mind, and Spirit.

Kaiser Bakeware for children and adults. star
Bakeware for the chef of all ages. Kaiser has it all! Little hand will love these tools for making treats that are just the right size. Visit the site and see all they have to offer.

Kakariki star[offsite link]
A site dedicated to the Kakariki, with a forum, lots of photos and information.

Kakariki as Pet star[offsite link]
Informative article and pictures of this family´s Kakarikis.

Kakariki Netword star[offsite link]
A listing of Kakariki breeders.

Kalliope star[offsite link]
Journal of Women´s Art & Literature, publishes poetry, short fiction, visual art, and interviews

Kalustyans star[offsite link]
An excellent site! You will find everything you need to stock your pantry and turn your kitchen into a traditional Indian kitchen.

Kangaroo Blue star[offsite link]
Established in Illinois since 2001, Kangaroo Blue is a family owned and operated business, dedicated to supplying only the finest products and services to their customers. They offer a selected range of products, consisting of fragrance oils, soap boxes, packaging, colorants, soap molds, soap cutters, micas, dead sea mud and much more. They offer the kind of courteous service and attention to detail that you would expect from a family owned and operated company.

Kansas Salt Mine Warehouse star[offsite link]
645 feet beneath the Kansas prairie in a vast underground salt mine warehouse that is a kind of Noah´s Ark, but without the animals.

Kaplan University star[offsite link]
Kaplan University offers a variety of on-campus and online certificate programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels—all designed to provide you with new skills that can be directly applied to your field. Certificates offered surround social and behavioral sciences, information technology, criminal justice, nursing, business, and legal studies. Accredited.

Kappa Legends Of Japan star
Yokai can be malevolent, mischievous, and some may bring good fortune to those who see them. Some, like the kappa, are flesh-eating water monsters who kidnap children, and drown people or animals.

Karma star
Karma is one of those ideas that is often misunderstood and misused by many people. “It is Karma” is a more complex sentence than it would seem.

Karmapa - The Politics of Reincarnation - Book Review star

Kashrut.com star[offsite link]
Aimed at the consumer, this site provides up to date information on kosher food and products, including articles, alerts, travel links, and recipes.

Katharine Hepburn star
An article about Katharine Hepburn.

Katharine Hepburn site star[offsite link]
Here is Katharine Hepburn´s site.

Katherine Anne Porter Prize for Fiction star[offsite link]
Sponsored by the Nimrod International Journal of Prose and Poetry, this contest runs from January 1 and must be postmarked by April 30. Fiction is 7,500 words maximum and must not have been previously published. Entry fee is $20. First prize is $2,000 and second prize is $1,000.

Katherine Hayton star

Katie The Scrapbook Lady star[offsite link]
Katie The Scrapbook Lady´s List of quotes under subject headings.

Kauai Movie History star[offsite link]
Listed chronologically, dating back to 1933, along with some trivia.

Keep Your Heart Healthy star
Everything you need to know to start an exercise program that will keep you bring you into holistic balance, keep you calm and make sure your heart is healthy. Click on the underlined article titles to find out.

Keeping a Journal for Literary Writing star
No one becomes a great writer or author in one day, just like that. It takes practice, and lots of it, to be on the path towards becoming a successful author. In this article, we discover some tips on the best ways to keep a journal for writing improvement.

Keeping A Personal Development Journal star
More information on journaling from our New Age site.

Kellogg´s Holiday Recipes star[offsite link]
Delicious ideas to make your holiday special - from Kelloggs

Kentucky Bourbon Brownies star

Kentucky- Bluegrass Home Educators star[offsite link]

Ken´s Exotics star[offsite link]
Fruit bats, porcupines, Albino Bennett´s wallaby bottle babies, white hyena, Bat Eared Fox Breeder Pairs, and Fishing Cats. A site worth checking out. I have had no personal experience with this site.

Kesher star[offsite link]
An organization for Reform college students, there are resources (such as a directory, listserv and newsletter) for high school students, college students, campus leaders, and campus professionals.

Kettle Valley Fiber Company star[offsite link]
Based in the beautiful Okanagon Valley of British Columbia, Canada, this small but productive farm produces its own line of mohair, alpaca and other exotic fibers. They carry knitting kits, blankets and other products as well.

KEWL Open Knowledge Commons star[offsite link]
Open standards, content, archiving, communities of practice, knowledge construction, free to join.

Khatkhate Recipe star
A traditional mixed vegetable & dal stew that is a staple in India´s Saraswat community. Use seasonal or handy vegetables to make this delicious dish. By the way, this classic recipe contains absolutely no onions or garlic! I grew up eating this dish :-)

Kicked Up Chicken Wings star[offsite link]
Follow Emeril´s step-by-step directions for preparing and frying spicy chicken wings and preparing a blue cheese dipping sauce.

Kid Flick Girl´s Purse - Tutorial star[offsite link]
A charming girl´s purse with bracelet handles.

Kid friendly crafts star[offsite link]
Unique CD dreamcatcher.. they also have a Native American Leg Rattle

KidPub star[offsite link]
A website containing over 42,000 stories written by and for children

Kids Artist Party star
Bring out the artist in your children and entertain their guests with a party to remember: An artist party!

Kids Can Cook - Chocolate Holiday Bears star[offsite link]
With pudding mix as its base, the dough for these chocolate cut-out cookies is easy to work with. Kids will love cutting out the bear shapes, then dressing up the bears by decorating the cookies.

Kids Can Cook Chocolate Holiday Bears star[offsite link]
With pudding mix as its base, the dough for these chocolate cut-out cookies is easy to work with. Kids will love cutting out the bear shapes, then dressing up the bears by decorating the cookies.

Kids Care star[offsite link]
Get great ideas for volunteer projects.

Kids Domain Software Reviews star[offsite link]
This is so cool. Assorted software programs are reviewed by kids.

Kids Favorites star[offsite link]
Breakfast recipes for kids from Quaker Oatmeal

KidsAstronomy.com star[offsite link]
A comprehensive introduction to astronomy, complete with games, space news, resources for teachers and free online classes for kids.

Kids´ Category star
How to teach kids several kinds of meditation in English and in translation: Dutch, French, German, Spanish

Kiki´s Delivery Service star
Kiki´s Delivery Service was directed by Hayao Miyazaki, and is based off a novel by Eiko Kadono.

Killer Body Workout Plan star
Just 6 weeks to a killer body with this online workout program that includes 3 tough full body circuit workouts, 2 challenging cardio workouts, and 1 yoga workout. A $120 value for only $29.99

Killer Book Review star

Kinds of Poultry star[offsite link]
Clear photos of various kinds of poultry from cornish hens to turkeys with uses, substitutions and facts about each kind.

King Arthur Flour star[offsite link]
One of the most popular sites for serious bread makers. Great bread recipes; Online school, store and bakery; Online classes and tips; flour for home bakers, flour for professional bakers.

King Tut the Golden Pharaoh star
Was King Tut killed? What did the Golden Pharaoh look like? These are questions that the National Geographic Channel and scientists try and answer with this special in May.

Kingdom of Heaven and the Crusades star
With the realease of Kingdom of Heaven, A & E, and two of its channels, The History Channel and History International bring us a look at the crusades.

Kinky Boots Review star
Kinky Boots provided a wealth of information below the surface because the aspirations of different characters were embodied in their accents and speech patterns. Rated PG-13 but better for 17 and up.

Kirks Folly star
Kirks Folly exclusively uses Swarovski crystal in their designs.

Kirtan Meditation Technique star

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Premier JB Web Site star[offsite link]

Kitchen Home Improvements star
A thoughtfully planned, beautifully decorated kitchen is a good investment in your home.

Klug Suchen (Smart Searching) star[offsite link]
In German, and one of many easily navigated German search engines for links to German websites.

Knead Dough star[offsite link]
A well-kneaded dough should be smooth and elastic. Here´s illustrated directions for kneading dough from The Food Network.

Knife Shapes and Uses star[offsite link]
There are many types and shapes of knives available. Here are some of the basic shapes of knives and what they were designed to be used for.

Knightmare star[offsite link]
Knightmare was a British children´s adventure gameshow that ran from 1987 to 1994. Read the History of Knightmare (third button) for a fascinating glimpse into the process of creating a brand new television idea.

Knit Rennie star[offsite link]
Yarns from Scottish Manufacturer J.C. Rennie, for Machine Knitters.

Knits and Tidbits star[offsite link]
If you are looking for a place to sell your knitting check out Knits and Tidbits.

Knitted Outfits for Fashion Dolls by Gillian Buchanan star

Knitted Shoes star[offsite link]
Learn how to make your own Knitted Shoes or you can make them into boots, a great way to recycle your old shoes.

Knowing If You’re In Love star
Knowing if you are truly in love can be a difficult thing. There are some questions you can ask yourself to help you decide.

Kobashi Essential Oils star[offsite link]
Kobashi Essential Oils is a UK based company selling pure essential oils and rare concretes and c02 extracted essences

Kol Kore star[offsite link]
A multimedia learning tool for learning Torah chanting. Download a demo of this software and view some screen samples of the program at work.

Kolhapuri Mixed Vegetable Curry star
My tasty Kolhapuri Mixed Vegetable Curry has its origins dating back to the ancient Maharashtrian city of Kolhapur. Traditionally, this dish is meant to be eaten spicy - but feel free to adjust the spicy heat levels to suit your palate. This dish is a great way to use fresh seasonal vegetables.

Kooler Design Studios Inc. - Donna Kooler star[offsite link]
In addition to designing crochet patterns, Donna Kooler has created cross-stitch, embroidery, needlepoint, knitting, and quilting designs.

Kosher Expeditions star[offsite link]
A very useful site for those who wish to travel and keep kosher at the same time. The site offers information about all kinds of trips and cruises around the world, with kosher food provisions.

Kosher: It´s Not Just Chopped Liver star[offsite link]
Get your "rethinking cap" on, Kosher food now includes sushi-grade tuna, Italian grappa, Wasabi horseradish spread in a squeeze bottle, micro-brewed Pacific Rim marinades and an endless variety of "healthy" vegetarian, low-carb and sugar-free products since the recent Kosherfest held in Secaucus, New Jersey. (Reuters)

Kosherfinder star[offsite link]
Find kosher restaurants and companies. The site includes restaurant reviews, news, and contests.

Kraft - Miracle Whip star[offsite link]
Visit Kraft´s Interactive Kitchen to learn more about one of your favorite condiments, Miracle Whip Salad Dressing. Don´t forget to check out their search feature where you can find recipes listed by type of dish, ingredient, or by type of Miracle Whip.

Kraft - Philadelphia Cream Cheese star[offsite link]
Not only will you find dozens of yummy sandwich recipes here, but Philadelphia will tempt you with their delicous dessert recipes including mousses, pies, and, of course, cheesecake!

Kraft - Velveeta star[offsite link]
Explore "family-pleasing" recipe ideas using Velveeta cheese through the Clean Plate Club. Use their quick recipe search to find sandwich recipes or share your own favorites in their recipe swap.

Kristen Ten Dyke star[offsite link]
Brand new designer who has generously provided several free patterns, take a look at the gallery.

Kristina´s Printable Paper Dolls star[offsite link]
Barbie like fashion dolls with wardrobes.

L. Ron Hubbard´s Writers of the Future® Contest star[offsite link]
An international search for new and amateur writers of new short stories or novelettes of science fiction or fantasy. No entry fee is required. Entrants retain all publication rights. The Contest has four quarters, beginning on October 1, January 1, April 1 and July 1. The year will end on September 30. To be eligible for judging in its quarter, an entry must be postmarked no later than midnight on the last day of the quarter.

L.A. Weightloss star
Compare Jenny Craig, L.A. Weightloss, Weight Watchers and see which one fits your goals and lifestyle the best.

La Costa Resort and Spa star[offsite link]
The two PGA Championship 18 hole golf courses are both beautiful and traditional in design, challenging golfers shotmaking ability, both off the tee, and around the greens.

La Historia De Lowrider parte2 star
Mucha gente mira el Lowrider hoy y no entiende sus orígenes, significados y valores. Mucha gente ha adoptado esta invención distintamente chicano y ha procurado llamarla sus el propios. El Lowrider. Verdaderamente uno de las reconstrucciones más grandes y más hermosas de una versión más llana y más

La Quinta Resort & Club star[offsite link]
Some of the country´s most beautiful and challenging golf courses await you, including La Quinta Resort Mountain and Dunes Courses and PGA WEST TPC Stadium Golf Course, Jack Nicklaus Tournament and Greg Norman Courses.

La Rubrique Crochet star[offsite link]
French crochet site, free patterns, they are in french but many have readable charts.

La Vie en Rose star[offsite link]
Books as gifts? Nothing new but this sites offers a complete care package to go with the book. Music, desserts, tea and socks. Cute site, easy to surf.

La Vonne´s Knot Just Knits star[offsite link]
Check out some of these designs, sells patterns and looks like more will be coming.

Labor Day star
The first Monday in September is commonly known as Labor Day. This holiday, celebrates the men and women of our workforce. Use these helpful tips to plan a simple Labor Day party.

Labor Day star
The end of summer is unofficially marked by Labor Day weekend. From backyard barbeques, to hitting the beach, or relaxing on a sailboat, there are countless things to do Labor Day weekend! Here are some Labor Day weekend activities you can plan to say farewell to summer.

Labor Day Across the Southeast star
Celebrated the first Monday in September, Labor Day has evolved from a purely labor union celebration into a general last fling of summer festival. Here are some of the top events celebrating Labor Day or simply scheduled for the weekend.

Labor Day Cookout Menu star[offsite link]
A nice menu with recipes for a Labor Day cookout.

Labor Day party star
Throw a fabulous labor day party!

Labor Day Party star
Tips for hosting a labor day party.

Labor Day Pasta Salad star[offsite link]
A great menu item for your Labor Day picnic or barbeque.

Labor Day Picnic star[offsite link]
Diabetic-Lifestyle.com offers a wonderful menu with recipes for a Labor Day picnic.

Labor Department - Family Medical Leave Act star[offsite link]
United States Department of Labor´s Family Medical Leave Act

Lackey, Mercedes star[offsite link]
Fantasy writer Mercedes Lackey´s Homepage

Lady Gouldian Finches e-mail list star[offsite link]
A wonderful e-mail group at yahoo groups, that is the oldest, the biggest & the best supported Lady Gouldian Finch group on the world internet

LadyHawke´s Site star[offsite link]
Free instruction for a wide range of crafts, such as jewelry, drums, sand painting, mandelas, featherwork and breastplates

Lafeber star[offsite link]
Lafeber makes Nutriberries, a seed treat many birds go wild for! They also make other treats, as well as a pelleted biet.

Lahanosalata - Greek Cabbage Salad Recipe star
This light cabbage slaw is a refreshing alternative to some of the heavier recipes found in other cultures.

Lair of Dragons Bird Rescue star[offsite link]
A small family operated private bird/reptile rescue & sanctuary located in Lancaster, PA

Lake Spirits Of Washington State star
Come find out about the hauntings at some of the most beautiful lakes in the Pacific Northwest.

Lakota Creation Story star
The story of creation as told by the Lakota Peoples and retold by P.D.Burns

Laminated Bib star[offsite link]
Instructions for making a baby bib using laminated fabric from jcarolinecreative!

Lana Grossa star[offsite link]
Published seven times a year by the European yarn company,Lana Grossa. Preview current issue and past issues online. Site can also be viewed in German

Lana Grossa star[offsite link]
A nice selection of adult sweater patterns from this popular European company. Most of the designs are for women, and all include pictures. The current and past patterns can be found under the "Model of the Month" section. Site can also be viewed in German.

Lana Grossa star[offsite link]
A popular company in Europe, Lana Grossa is also making an impact with knitters worldwide. Their website features images and descriptions of their product line, free patterns updated monthy, and information about their publication, "Filati." Site can be viewed in German as well.

Landmark Golf Club star[offsite link]
Landmark Golf Club is one of the premier courses of the Palm Springs area. Open to the public, the unique design sets the fairways amidst rolling dunes of wildflowers and foothills of natural desert terrain offering dramatic views of the valley below.

Language Development star[offsite link]
An MIT study on language development of identical and fraternal twins

Large & Lovely star
M. E. Wood´s original BellaOnline site for Large and Lovely women. She´s been writing for and supporting plus size women at this location for two years.

Las Vegas for Lovers star
Las Vegas is not just for gambling anymore. This city is a place where wedding dresses are fashionable on the streets and love can be rekindled. From France to Italy, there is something for everyone.

Las Vegas Wedding Chapels star
Of course, you can get married by the Clark County clerk’s office but half the fun of a Las Vegas wedding is getting hitched at a Las Vegas wedding chapel that represents your taste.

Las Vegas Wedding Hair with Beautiful Bride star
Planning an exciting and glamorous wedding in Las Vegas? You likely won´t be near your favorite hairdresser, but still will want the perfect hairstyle.

Las Vegas Wedding or Marriage Prayer star
Here is a prayer - that while lighthearted - can be an enriching part of your Las Vegas marriage ceremony.

Las Vegas Weddings and Spas star
Visit a few of the romantic hotels in Las Vegas that are sure to make a memorable wedding experience.

Lasagna with Shrimp and Scallops Recipe star
Looking for something different? Try this great pasta dish on a Friday night!

Laura Mulvey´s Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema star[offsite link]
Editorial Reviews/Amazon.com "Laura Mulvey did not invent feminist film criticism, but her short piece "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" is a seminal essay, cited more often than almost any other single article on the movies...". Raphael Shargel View Mulvey´s Essay concerning cimema in Power Point presentation

Laurel & Hardy - The Official Site star[offsite link]
A great place to find information on this classic comedy duo, with information, essays and short clips of their features and short films.

Laurel and Hardy Museum star[offsite link]
Oliver Hardy is from Harlem, GA. Their fans have created a museum in Laurel and Hardy´s honor. They also have a festival each year.

Lauren Bacall star[offsite link]
Here is a Lauren Bacall site.

Laurent Guillaume star

Lavender Oil and Its Benefits star
Lavender Oil has so many great health uses. Try these and experience great benefits for you body, mind and soul. Essential oils are so easy to use by everyone. There are several to choose from one of my favorites is Lavender.

Lavender Waxbill star[offsite link]
Lots of information on the Lavender Waxbill (Finch) here.

Law and Order Los Angeles star[offsite link]

Law and Order Special Vicitms Unit star[offsite link]

Layered Dried Bean Soup star

Layered Italian Sandwich star
A scrumptious sandwich that can be customized to your liking. You can also make this on fresh Italian bread, if desired.

LDS Moms At Home Recipe Archive star[offsite link]
Reader submitted recipes that are divided into categories for easy searching. Includes the traditional LDS casserole and recipes for children.

Le Cajun Music Awards star[offsite link]
If you´re at all interested in Cajun French music, check out this site devoted to the "Le Cajun" Music Awards Ceremony and Festival in Lafayette, Louisiana.

Le Guin, Ursula K star[offsite link]
Fantasy Writer Ursula K Le Guin´s Website

Leadership - Management star
The most up-to-date books for women who want to fine-tune their leadership and management skills.

Leaf Books Competition Winners Anthology Review star
Readers who also happen to be writers will find the introduction to ´Derek and More Micro Fiction´ just as gripping as the stories! Could it be because the Leaf Books anthology represents its Micro Fiction competition winners? Read about this small press collection and decide!

Lean Abs & Firm Butt Workout star[offsite link]
The lean abs firm butt workout targets the entire body, burns tons of fat, and builds more fit and sculpted lean muscles faster.

Lean abs workout star[offsite link]
The lean abs workout challenges every inch of your abs and also burns fat with ab exercises that challenge your entire body.

Leap Castle Hauntings And Legends star
Leap Castle, in County Offaly, Ireland, is one such castle that has the beauty of the medieval architecture,and an enigmatic aura of mysteries and ghosts. It is considered the most haunted castle in Ireland.

Learing to Crochet star
Choosing the pattern, hooks, yarns and colors that will help you learn to crochet.

Learn about Characterization star

Learn About Cookie Baking and Decorating star[offsite link]
See Cookie Decorating 101 for a step by step guide for using Royal Icing. Also learn everything you need to know about decorating with piping gel, learn how to make beautiful stained glass cookies plus other very creative cookie decorating ideas.

Learn All About Eggs and How To Cook Them star[offsite link]
How to make scrambled eggs aand omelets, shirred eggs, boiled eggs, coddled eggs, poached eggs, fried eggs; How to make Meringue; Egg recipes; Egg storage; Egg nutrution; Everything about eggs!

Learn All About Eggs and How To Cook Them star[offsite link]
From "What´s Cooking America", everything a home cook should know about eggs - How to boil eggs, make scrambled eggs and omelets, fry eggs, store eggs and much more. There´s also a great selection of brunch recipes.

Learn the Hebrew Letters star[offsite link]
Click on a letter to hear its name. Or, in slide show style, each letter is presented in the order of the Hebrew alphabet.

Learn to Knit Quiz star
Here is a fun quiz you can take about learning to knit!

Learning About Adoption Webinars star
Adoption webinars provide an easy and convenient way to learn more about adoption topics.

Learning about Tarot Card Numbers star
What do the numbers on Tarot cards mean? Does it mean anything if you have many of the same number in a spread? Numerology plays a strong secondary role in the Tarot. Learn more about it here.

Learning Activities for The Little Match Girl Short Story star
A Short Story like Hans Christian Andersen´s "The Little Match Girl" can provide a perfect motivating drive for Learning Activities right across the curriculum. Homeschooling parents,or parents wanting to give children extra Educational Resources can find out how with these tips and fun activities.

Learning Circuit Online Journal star[offsite link]
Great resource featuring articles and resources on the latest trends and progress in engaging e-learning. Offers paid ASTD membership.

Learning Circuits star[offsite link]
ASTD offers a packed site with discussions, demos and resources, and articles, email newsletter, LC Express, sends news, teasers, and links to educators, designers, and other elearning activists.

Learning How Colors Can Affect Your Life star
Most people don’t consider what colors they wear or their significance. Wearing certain colors can change your mood the moods of others and what’s happening around you. Find out what the color red can do for you.

Leeds Castle star[offsite link]

Leftover Spaghetti Sauce star
Wondering what to do with that leftover spaghetti sauce...

Leftover Thanksgiving Foods - Turkey Recipes star
If you had a turkey for your Thanksgiving Day feast, there are many ways to use up the leftovers in delicious ways.

Leftover Turkey Soup Recipe star
Wondering what to do with your leftover turkey? This recipe for a healthy, delicious soup is exactly what you need on a cold winter´s day, and a great way to use up those leftovers.

Legends From The Rhine star
The ancient tales of the Rhine cast a depth of feeling and meaning, like a spell, upon the reader

Legends Of Lorelei star
Among the plethora of tales are legends of Lorelei, the water-spirit who lures sailors who cannot resist her beauty and song.

Lemelange star[offsite link]
This site has just about everything! located in Florida

Lemon Crispies star
Light and lemony, these are perfect luncheon or baby shower cookies.

Lemon Lavender Cordial Cake Recipe star
Nothing says comfort dessert like a pound cake. This one incorporates the exotic taste from a lavender cordial, which pairs beautifully with the lemon. Pound cakes are perfect for any type of party or event.

Lemon Pudding Cake star
It’s a cake and pudding all in one.

Lemon-Ginger Chicken star
A simple exotic chicken that is flavorful without being too sweet.

Lemongrass - What is it? star
One of a series of articles featuring different ingredients used in cooking. This article on lemongrass tells a little about the vegetable and also includes a recipe for a great Thai soup using the lemongrass.

Lenten cooking in Mexico - Bacalao star
Bacalao is virtually synonymous with Lent and features in Lenten dishes throughout the Christian world. It plays an important role in Mexico’s “cocina cuaresmeña”, and while badly prepared bacalao is a true penance, it can be a very delicious vehicle for many indigenous Mexican ingredients.

Lenten cooking in Mexico - Broad bean soup star
Sopa de habas, or broad bean soup, makes a regular appearance in Mexican homes and restaurants during the Lenten or “La Cuaresma” season, and yet cannot be considered an ancestral or indigenous dish, as broad beans originated not in the Americas but in North Africa as well as Southeast Asia.

Lenten cooking in Mexico - Broad bean soup star
Sopa de habas, or broad bean soup, makes a regular appearance in Mexican homes and restaurants during the Lenten or “La Cuaresma” season, and yet cannot be considered an ancestral or indigenous dish, as broad beans originated not in the Americas but in North Africa as well as Southeast Asia.

Lenten cooking in Mexico - Calabacitas Entomatadas star
Lent in Mexico sees the appearance of “La Cocina Cuaresmeña” or Lenten cuisine, with its focus firmly on fish and vegetables. “Calabacitas entomatadas” is a very simple but highly popular Lenten dish which combines three of the "milpa’s" time-honoured inhabitants: squash, tomatoes and chillies.

Lenten cooking in Mexico - Chilpachole star
Chilpachole is a spicy stew or thick soup traditionally made with prawns or crab, eaten often during Lent or La Cuaresma. Although it is very typical of the cooking of Veracruz, it is served all along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and ranges from utter simple to downright luxurious.

Lenten Cooking in Mexico - Gratin of Crab Recipe star
With the arrival of Lent, La Cuaresma, Mexican cooks’ focus turns towards fish and vegetables. Jaiba Gratinada, or gratin of crab, is a typical Veracruzano dish, and while it is very popular during the Lenten period, its savouriness and richness has nothing to do with abstinence!

Lenten Cooking in Mexico - Torta de Elote star
Vegetable “tortas” or “budines” are popular vegetable bakes served during La Cuaresma or Lenten period and very far removed from pre-Hispanic dishes, as they are set with eggs and tend to contain dairy products, none of which made an appearance in Mexican cuisine until after the Conquest.

Lenten cooking in Mexico - Tortitas de camarón star
Lent may bring to mind pictures of fasting, penitence, abstinence and “giving up” a food which you particularly enjoy, but it is also an opportunity to explore the wealth of vegetable and fish dishes which make up “la cocina cuaresmeña” or Lenten cooking of Mexico.

Leo Tolstoy´s star
Leo Tolstoy was a gifted writer who used his gift to enlightened the world about people, politics and spiritual responsibility. Tolstoy also wrote short stories. "The Porcelain Doll" was a satire regarding marriage and relationship.

Lessons From Illness star
What can illness teach us? Can we gain insight & wisdom when we are ‘laid low’? Can an illness serve a higher purpose? I had to consider all of these questions when a bout of the flu knocked me right off my feet.

Letter Box and Wide Screen star[offsite link]

Letterbox Format Explanation star[offsite link]

Letterbox TV Schedule star[offsite link]
You can check here to see when your favorite movie will be shown in letterbox on TV.

Letters of Recommendation and How To Get Them star
You will discover that getting an internship, a job, or even into college requires references and letters of recommendation. This article describes the best way to get ´em.

Letting Go of the ´How´ star
When I started MassageWorks in 2000, I weighed 135 pounds and was in pretty good shape. Five years later, I had blossomed to over 160 pounds. On a 5’2” frame, 160+ pounds does not look very good and feels. I would touch my stomach and it was like I was touching someone else.

Let´s Talk Adoption Conference star
This is the twenty eighth year that this adoption conference has taken place. With over thirty six adoption workshops to choose from, it´s easy to see why it continues to have such success.

Lexicon of Parrots star[offsite link]
This online book of Parrots has descriptions and pictures of all kinds of parrots from the tiny parrolets & budgies to the majestic macaws. You have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to get to the species links.

Liar, Liar star

Liberal Democrats star[offsite link]

Libertad Latina star[offsite link]
Excellent site dedicated against the violence against Latina women. Also included, detailed reporting on the killing of the women (femicides) of Juarez as well as Guatemala.

Liberty Natural star[offsite link]
Extensive product inventory. Bulk essential oils- attars, extracts, concretes, CO2 Extracts, SCO2 Extracts, fixed oils, packaging supplies, bath care bases and herbs. Located in Blodgett, Oregon. Fast Shipping and great customer service.

Library of Congress´ American Memory Motion Pictures star[offsite link]
You can search by subject or title at this site that contains one of the world´s largest collections of American films that are from long ago to the present day.

Life After Death - The Burden of Proof by Deepak Chopra - Book Review star

Life is a Balancing Act star[offsite link]
Happiness, success, and peace of mind are attainable if you learn to balance these seven aspects of life. This article is one of many motivational topics on this site.

Life On The Front Porch star
It is a place to pretend and imagine we are back in the days when folks sat on the front porch, had shindigs, and all sorts of fun.

Life Sklls for Vocational Success star[offsite link]
Over 60 lesson plans to teach people life skills

Lifehacker star[offsite link]
Great site with good information, mostly on computer productivity.

Lifestyle Immunity Boosters star
A look a how we can boost our natural defences by taking note of lifestyle factors and changing what we can for the better.

Lifetime star[offsite link]
The TV channel online. Focuses on women´s concerns and interests.

Lifetime Moments Gallery star[offsite link]
Gallery of members´ work on LifetimeMoments.com

Lifetime TV star[offsite link]
Lifetime TV shows previously aired episodes of Grey´s Anatomy, Still Standing, Desperate Housewives, Will & Grace, The Golden Girls, Frasier, Reba, Medium, and The Nanny. Lisa Williams: Life Among the Dead premieres Friday, October 12 at 9pm (EST).

Light a Candle star[offsite link]
A place to light a candle and make a dedication. Take a few quiet moments out.

Light behind the Angels by Lauren D´Silva star
Light behind the Angels tells the true story of my own journey to enlightenment. Join me on my quest to find lost pieces of my psyche, scattered in distant lands and across time. I needed to heal ancient wounds, release curses, dissolve shame and work on forgiving those who had hurt me.

Light behind the Angels Image Gallery star[offsite link]
A link to the Image Gallery on my own site about my book. See some of the colour photos that wouldn´t print clearly enough in black and white.

LIKE - Learning in a Knowledge Europe star[offsite link]
Articles, commentaries, resources, links, conference proceedings, e-portfolio guides, all related to fostering dynamic e-learning from a European perspective.

Lilith Magazine star[offsite link]
Independent, Jewish, and Frankly Feminist, this quarterly publication covers issues of interest to Jewish women.

Lingerie at Large star[offsite link]
Spicy Lingerie for plus size women, including bridal wear, bustier and garter belt sets.

Linguistic Interest star
Subtopic - Subject Movie Appreciation. Dialects and speech patterns can tell a hidden story that supports the overt story of a movie and informs viewers who know what´s going on.

Link Popularity Check star[offsite link]
This Link Popularity Check will search Lycos/AllTheWeb, MSN and AltaVista to determine how many pages on the Internet contain links to your site.

Link to Films and Books star

link1 star

Linking Files to Excel star
Forensic accountants gathered so much information. The process of managing different sources of information can be enhanced by inserting hyperlinks to our spreadsheets. It is simple and helps access information on the spot. This guide walks you through this process. Enjoy!

Links to Poetry star[offsite link]
Nice long list of links to poetry on the web.

Links4learning star[offsite link]
This site is intended to be a collection of links to sites related to all aspects of e-Learning.

Lipton Feel Good Drink Recipes star[offsite link]
"The only thing more satisfying than well-mixed drinks is a fun get-together to serve them. Keep the conversation flowing with these easy and delicious drink recipes."

Lisa´s Online Bella Tarot Reading star
Ready for a free online Tarot Consult? Lisa Shea developed this wonderful program for us. Relax, take some deep breaths, then think of your question. Click on the cards and receive your own personal reading, courtesy of BellaOnline.

Lisa´s Tarot Reading star
Our very own Lisa from BellaOnline.com has put together a wonderful program where you can enter your question and pick your cards for the answer.

List of free patterns for baby star[offsite link]
Useful list of wonderful baby crochet patterns. There is something here for everyone.

Literary Fiction Lovers star[offsite link]
These readers affectionately call themselves "Bibliophiles". They have a set reading monthly schedule that is voted on thier members.

Literary Potpourri star[offsite link]
an ezine featuring contemporary short stories, poetry, essays, photography, graphics, flash fiction, and book reviews

Literature Quizes star[offsite link]
Includes some Scifi and Fanatasy

Little Boys star[offsite link]
ABC list for a little boy´s album!

Little Burnt Face and Strong Wind star
He had three daughters. The eldest was jealous, cruel, and ugly; the second was vain; but the youngest of all was very gentle and lovely.

Little Circle Purse star[offsite link]
Make a cute little drawstring purse.

LITTLE CROCHET-by Linda Permann star

Little Girls star[offsite link]
Another from Creative Scrapbooking...about little girls!

Little Miss Sunshine Review star
A normal family with tendencies to various dysfunctions takes a road trip to Redondo Beach, CA for their youngest daughter in big oversized plastic rimmed glasses, the alternate finalist in the Miss Sunshine Beauty Pageant, providing a vehicle for understanding beauty—but a poor vehicle for driving.

Little Passports star[offsite link]

Live Lobster Cooking Manual star[offsite link]
Step-by-step easy-to-follow directions for live lobster preparation & cooking from the LobsterGram website.

Live Readings with Christin star[offsite link]
Affordable, live readings with Tarot editor Christin Sander done via Yahoo Messenger. Flexible scheduling available and transcripts are sent to all clients free of charge.

Livestrong.com star[offsite link]

Living Beauty, A Book Review star
Written by the founder and CEO of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, this book is about more than just makeup. Take a peek. See what Living Beauty really discusses...

Living Together Separation Divorce star
Part II in a series of articles that address typical questions about marriage.

Living Wisdom School at Ananda star[offsite link]
Schools based on the spiritual teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda.

Local South Carolina Treasure Cheraw State Park star
Cheraw State Park in Cheraw, South Carolina is a great stopping point when headed for the lowcountry.

London 2012 Olympics star[offsite link]
Official site for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games

Looking For Holden Caulfield With JD Salinger star
JD Salinger,reclusive writer and author of Catcher In The Rye,never told us what happened to Holden Caulfield and now he´s going to sue David John California for second-guessing what we all want to know in an allegedly phony sequel.I´d rather find out for myself,so I looked for him in Nine Stories

Looking For Holden Caulfield With JD Salinger star
JD Salinger,reclusive writer and author of Catcher In The Rye,never told us what happened to Holden Caulfield and now he´s going to sue David John California for second-guessing what we all want to know in an allegedly phony sequel.I´d rather find out for myself,so I looked for him in Nine Stories

Looking for resources for Business Coaches? star
Click here for articles & links for Professional Coaches

Lore Of The Yukon star
The lore of the Yukon is full of mysterious tales and the law of the call of the wild is not for the weak and wary.

Los Angeles Clippers star[offsite link]
NBA Western Conference

Los Angeles Dodgers star[offsite link]

Los Angeles Galaxy star[offsite link]
MLS Western Conference

Los Angeles Kings star[offsite link]
NHL Western Conference

Los Angeles Lakers star[offsite link]
NBA Western Conference

Lose Weight With Brain Wave CD´s star
Boost metabolism, enjoy exercise, build a positive self image, and change behavior patterns to support your ideal weight, with brain wave cd´s.

Losing Weight On Vacation star
Vacations can either boost or blast your weight loss plan. Make your vacation a weightloss victory with these easy to follow vacation diet guidelines.

Lost Universe star
The Lost Universe DVD box set released by Right Stuf! includes five DVDs that have all 26 episodes of the series.

Lost Wax Casting Earrings by Laurie Stetzler star
Laurie Stetzler creates unique handmade fine art jewelry. This jewelry work reflects an emphasis on jewelry as fine art. Lost wax casting is only one of the many jewelry making techniques employed by Laurie in the creation of her exquisite works of wearable art.

Louise Brooks Society star[offsite link]
From articles to merchandise, everything centered around the famous Silent Film star Louise Brooks can be found here.

Lousiana - LA Home Education Network star[offsite link]

Love Happens Review star
What do you do when your life changes—for the worse—and suddenly makes you famous? What do you do when your life changes again and a woman in flower shop requires truth from the cardboard cutout of yourself? Love Happens and when it does, changes in life can change again.

Lovebird E-Book star
Lovebirds are wonderful little birds and this e-book contans helpful information to guide you in the proper care.

Lovebird Mania star[offsite link]
New Zealand´s Official Lovebird website with lots of information and pictures of all the different types of lovebirds.

Loving Paws Assistance Dog star[offsite link]
A non-profit organization that trains dogs to assist children under the age of 18 from around the United States who are physically disabled. While the majority of Loving Paws placements are with children with spinal cord injuries, Loving Paws also provides Service and Social Dogs to children with Muscular Dystrophy, Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida, and other disabilities.

Loving You star[offsite link]
Over 100,000 love poems!

Loving Your Curves star[offsite link]
Articles. "LovingYourCurves is here to establish a new positive body image attitude for curvy, larger women -- and show society it´s not all about thin."

Low-Carb Thanksgiving & Christmas star[offsite link]
A guide to having a low carb, low-fat but high in nutrition, taste and enjoyment kind of holiday

Lucid Dreaming star
Tools for lucid dreaming.

Lucid Dreaming by Bagheera Pardus star[offsite link]
A personal account of a lucid dreamer and the excellent research article that resulted.

Lugh star[offsite link]
God of all crafts and arts, including journeys, prophecy and healing.

Lulworth Castle star[offsite link]

Lunches Kids Love star[offsite link]
Sub and Boat Sandwiches, Pita and Pizza Sandwichesm, Peanut Butter and... lots more than jelly sandwiches. Here´s creative sandwich ideas to entice even picky eaters, from Disney´s Family Fun.

Lunges for Firm Glutes & Lean Legs star
Lunges that sculpt firm glutes and lean legs involve more muscles and burn more calories. Why you need these variations and how to do them.

Lyons, Jonathan star[offsite link]

Lyricist - Jingle Writer star
Learn how to become a Lyricist or Jingle writer.

L´Bel, Product Review star
See how I fared, using products from the L´Bel ´Essential´ skin care line. Read on to see if they might be of interest to you...

M&M ColorWorks star[offsite link]

M&Ms ColorWorks star[offsite link]

M&Ms ColorWorks star[offsite link]

M&Ms ColorWorks star[offsite link]

M&Ms ColorWorks star[offsite link]

M.A.C. Deck of Cards Project star
The M.A.C. cosmetics company produced a unique deck of cards, featuring body paintings, as an AIDS fundraiser.

Mabel White Home Living Corp star[offsite link]
Wonderful company. many supplies for soapers including fragrances, colorants, essential oils, and packaging

MacDonald, James D star[offsite link]
Madhouse Manor, Homepage to fantasy writers James D MacDonald and Debra Doyle

MacIntyre, Vonda N star[offsite link]
Official site for the multiple Hugo and Nebulon awards winner.

Mackerel Veracruz style star
Veracruz, style, fish, cuisine, cooking, recipe, pescado, a la veracruzana, old world, new world,culinary influence, melting pot, Cortes, red snapper, huachinango, mackerel, tangy sauce, pre-hispanic, chillies, tomatoes, authentic Mexican food, easy Mexican recipe, authentic easy Mexican recipe

Mack´s Classic Film Trivia star[offsite link]
Check back for a new quiz every week!

Macross II The Movie star
Super Dimensional Fortress Macross II: The Movie is the North American release of the six-volume OVA series.

Macross II The Movie star
Super Dimensional Fortress Macross II: The Movie is the North American release of the six-volume OVA series.

Macross Movie DVDs star
Here you will find reviews for the Macross movies.

Macross Movie DVDs star
Here you will find reviews for the Macross movies.

Macross Plus Movie Edition star
Macross Plus: Movie Edition takes place thirty years after the end of the original Macross series.

MAC´s how to guide to bridal makeup star[offsite link]
Whether your look is romantic or edgy, MAC and their artists show you how to get bridal makeup that is uniquely you.

Mad Men star[offsite link]

Maddy Laine star[offsite link]
Canadian designer Maddy Cranley is well known for her gorgeous sweater patterns, and knitwear/felting books. View products at her site and read her informative monthly column Find a retailer near you, or order products directly from her.

Madeleine L´Engle star[offsite link]
Official hompage for the author of "A Wrinkle in Time

Madoff’s Accountant and the Financial Debacle star
Charges against Madoff´s auditor describe many omissions incurred in detriment of the public trust in our profession. Our responsibilities as professionals include exercise sensitive professional and moral judgments in all our activities.

Mae West blog star[offsite link]
Here is a blog all about actress Mae West.

Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction star[offsite link]

Magazine Wallet - Tutorial star[offsite link]
Recycle those magazines you have laying around the house and turn them into a wallet! Link opens a .pdf document.

Magazine Writing star
Learn how to write for magazines.

Magazines star
Magazines with the plus-size woman in mind.

Magazines and News Online star

Magazines in Print star

Maggie Dickson - Convicted and Executed Yet Lived star
Maggie was convicted of murder, tried, executed, then lived another forty years.

Maggots Magnifique star

Magic Attic and Slendr 18 Inch Dolls star
Check here for patterns to fit slender 18 inch dolls.

Magical Herbalism - Book Review star
If you want to know all there is to know about the magic and healing powers of herbs, you will want an excellent reference guide to help you along. What you will need is a book that tells you all about the secrets of herbs and the wisdom of an expert on the subject.

Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi DVDs star
Here you will find reviews for Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi DVDs.

Magnesium - The Beautiful Mineral star
In old Chinese medical texts the mineral magnesium is known as mei - the beautiful mineral. It is as vital to the body as air and water and can revitalise tired skin.

Magnetic Personalities star[offsite link]
Long list of some REALLY cute one-liners!

Maine - Homeschoolers of Maine star[offsite link]

Maine Home Education Association star[offsite link]

Maintaining Relationships After Graduation star
Once you graduate from high school, everything changes. How to deal with the changes to your relationships.

Maison Ikkoku star
Maison Ikkoku is based on a manga series by Rumiko Takahashi, and is the only anime series based on one of her manga series where the ending corresponds with the manga ending.

Maison Ikkoku Information star
Here you will find information for Maison Ikkoku.

Major Arcana Card Meanings star
The Major Arcana characters are fascinating and fun to get to know up close and personal. This is the tale of the Fool´s journey.

Major Arcana Overview star[offsite link]
Easy to follow overview of each of the Major Arcana cards, from Wyrdology.

Make a Fashion Statement with Brooches star
Adding pizzazz to everything from lapels to handbags, the brooch is a favorite accessory of fashionistas everywhere. WhimZ Girl Brooches´ online shop offers a wide selection of fashion brooches—the perfect finishing touch to any outfit!

Make A Medicine Wheel star
It is easy to make a simple Medicine Wheel of your own, with your own spiritual symbolism.

Make For Baby star[offsite link]
Lots of things to make and crochet for baby.

Make Ice Cream.com star[offsite link]
Many recipes for making your own ice cream - Most make 1 to 1.5 quarts and can be doubled or tripled for larger ice cream makers.

Make Money Writing star[offsite link]
How to make real money writing.

Make Your Own Christmas Gifts star
Christmas is coming and we have some great ideas for handmade gifts for kids.

Making a Gem Essence star
Making your own crystal essences is cheap, easy, enjoyable and effective. You can take them orally as drops or evaporate them through your aura. Here I show you how to make them step by step.

Making a Dance Shawl star
The energy and joy of dancing in the Circle can’t be adequately described, only experienced. For women and girls, dance shawls are proper attire. As simple or as elaborate as one may desire, the possibilities are endless, but the basics of making one are easy.

Making An Informed Choice- GBS in Pregnancy star
Do you know what Group B Strep is? You do have options when deciding if you should test (and even treat). Get informed and make your own choices!

Making Cream Puffs is Easy - Let Nana Show You How star[offsite link]
From "Nana´s How-To Kitchen" Nana shows you how to make delicious cream puffs, step by step, in pictures.

Making Crystal Malas star
A mala is a string of beads used as a traditional Buddhist tool to aid prayer and meditation, in a similar way to a Catholic rosary. Beads have been used as a spiritual focus in many cultures and traditions, stretching back at least as far as the Ancient Egyptians.

Making Friends . com star[offsite link]
Crafts for kids.

Making Friends in A New Environment star
Are you a teen who’s felt lonely and scared in a place that’s completely unknown to you? When this happens, it can be pretty difficult to find encouragement. Find out how in this exciting article!

Making Money in Network Marketing star

Making Paper Beads by Wendy Kerr star[offsite link]
Don´t have the beads to go with your current project? Why not make your own!

Making Peanut Butter Nerds -Step by Step star[offsite link]
Nana has no idea how the name "Nerds" became associated with this peanut butter and chocolate candy. For a variation, use white chocolate.

Making Perfect Biscuits star[offsite link]
Follow Pillsbury´s simple seven-step process for perfect biscuits every time.

Making Perfect Meringue star[offsite link]
When making meringues, the eggs whites should be at room temperature. For optimum volume and faster beating, add sugar between the beginnings of foam formation and soft peak formation. Read more....

Making Pie Crust is Easy - Let Nana Show You How star[offsite link]
From Nana´s How-to-Kitchen - Watch & learn how as Nana shows you step-by-step in pictures.

Making Room for Romance star
Tips on how to rekindle those fading romantic fires.

Making the Perfect Science Project star
Having trouble deciding on how to create the perfect science experiment? Find out how to make your project unforgettable.

Making Your Own Henna Paste star
Basic instructions and a recipe for making your own henna paste.

Mama reviews -- Pirates of the Caribbean 4 star
Pirates of the Caribbean -- On Stranger Tides is the fourth installment in a franchise. It´s a swashbuckling adventure film that, while not perfect, isn´t a bad way to spend an afternoon. Read more for a Mama Review before your teenager watches it.

Mama Reviews -- Thor star
The movie Thor is based on an Avengers comic book character. Read more for a Mama Review before your teenager watches it.

Managing Depression star
Click here to connect directly to Bella Online´s Depression Site.

Managing Depression star
Click here to connect to Bella Online´s Depression Site.

Managing Social Networking Overload star
Social media is important to bloggers and businesses for branding and networking with clients and customers. Here are some solutions to avoid social media overload and improve on the success of the tried and true social network accounts you currently manage.

Managing Twitter with Browser App Twitter Clients star
Need a way to manage your Twitter content? Apps are available in both Google Chrome and Firefox browsers. Test and find one that you are comfortable with to meet your needs today.

Mango Butter Bars Recipe star
These luscious bars will remind you of a tropical island; they contain mango, lemon, and toasted coconut. They can be made ahead and are perfect for picnics and summer gatherings.

Manual Lessons to Adapt star
Links to official church manual lessons that can be adapted for your family gospel study or Family Home Evening.

Mapping out your website star
Knowing what is going to go into a new website design is important to figure out before you even start building the sites. This article offers a few ideas to get you started on an organized path.

MAPS and IEPs star[offsite link]

Marcel Marceau - France´s Famous Mime star[offsite link]
A comprehensive and fascinating look at one of France´s most important cultural exports, Marcel Marceau, who still performs in front of sold-out crowds.

March History in the Midwest star
The Midwestern states have played an important part in American history. Historically speaking, the month of March is a busy month for the Midwest! Read on to learn more about the Midwest´s part in shaping American history and society.

Mardi Gras and a Movie star
Learn about horror movies with a Mardi Gras twist from Bella´s own Horror Movies Editor.

Mari, Supreme Goddess of Basque Mythology star
Mari lives in different abodes of her choosing, depending on her moods.

Marilyn Monroe Official Site star[offsite link]

Marinated Mushrooms and Eggplant Recipe star
This recipe is a fantastic appetizer, cold lunch dish, or a snack when your feeling peckish.

Mari´s Bias Tape Purse with Zipper - Tutorial star[offsite link]
Mari from the Purl Bee shows you how to make a small zippered bag to hold your small items.

Mark Twain Unparalleled star
This year marks the 100th year since Mark Twain´s death. Celebrations have been held all over the country in memory of this remarkable and well-loved man.

Market Your Business With Guest Blogging - Review star
I may be a little biased but I believe the book How To Market Your Business with Guest Blogging: Your Step-by-Step Guide To Becoming A Successful Guest Blogger is one of the best books ever written on the subject of guest blogging. Why am I biased? I wrote this book.

Marketing and Networking star
Business Book Club selections to help us market, promote and grow our businesses.

Markets for Writers star[offsite link]
I have included this link to Writer´s market because I find they have an enormous amount of market listings that are updated almost monthly. You can find a lot of websites that contain near endless listings of magazines and book publishers looking for writers. But it´s hard to find one that lists markets that are open and looking for writers right now. Not 6 months ago.

Marlon Brando star[offsite link]
This site is dedicated to Brando.

Marriage and Crisis star
In times of crisis, do you help, hurt or bail? Or do you step up to the plate and be the committed partner you vowed to be?

Marriage Combines Two Souls star
Marriage is the joining of two people; commitment, heart, and soul.

Marriage License Requirements State by State star[offsite link]
Want to know if your state requires blood work or a waiting period? Check this site out for a state by state guide to the requirements for obtaining a marriage license in your area.

Marriott Millionaire Sweepstakes star[offsite link]
Grand Prize is one million Marriott rewards points, one million airline miles, and a $25,000 Marriott gift card, valued at $51,050. 100 instant win prizes also to be awarded ranging in value from $90 to $9,000. Play daily, ends September 30, 2008, or when all instant win prizes have been awarded.

Mars Facts for Kids star
The red planet has no little green men, but it´s a fascinating place. It has a mountain three times the height of Everest and a deep valley that dwarfs the Grand Canyon. Although Mars has no liquid water on the surface, if the southern polar icecap melted, it could cover the planet 36 feet deep.

MarsBrightIdeas.com Back to School Recipes star[offsite link]
Lunch box surprises, classroom snacks, after school treats and more can be found at the home of M&Ms!

MarsBrightIdeas.com Back to School Recipes star[offsite link]
Lunch box surprises, classroom snacks, after school treats and more can be found at the home of M&Ms!

MarsBrightIdeas.com Christmas Recipes star[offsite link]
Popcorn Balls, Nutcracker Cake, Pudding, Ornament treats, and more can be found at the home of M&Ms!

MarsBrightIdeas.com Summer Recipes star[offsite link]
Patriotic CupCakes, Firecrackers, Cherry Explosions and more can be found at the home of M&Ms!

MarsBrightIdeas.com Valentines Recipes star[offsite link]
Brownie Hearts, Fudge, Chocolate Flowers, and more can be found at the home of M&Ms!

Martha´s (AKA Stargazer) Links star[offsite link]
Martha (AKA Stargazer) has collected a large collection of links to hundreds of free crochet patterns.

Martin Buber Homepage star[offsite link]
A Jewish philosopher, theologian, and Bible translator whose beliefs lay in Chassidic thinking. This extensive site includes an overview of his life and work, discussion, exerpts of his materials and more.

Martin, George R R star[offsite link]
The official website for George R R Martin, author of "The Song of Fire and Ice" series.

Martin´s Film Noir Page star[offsite link]

Martin´s Play Dough star
This is very easy to make and turns out just like the real thing..even smells like it! It lasts a long time when stored in an airtight container.

Marvel Comics star[offsite link]
Home to The X-Men, Spiderman and other Marvel comics

Mary Jane´s Crochet star[offsite link]
Mary Jane Hall´s website. Read interviews with Mary Jane in the Interview section and a review of her book in the Review section.

Maryland - Christian Home Educators Network star[offsite link]

Mashed Potato Cakes star[offsite link]
Try this fine old way Pa.Dutch way to use leftover mashed potatoes.

Master Bedroom Suites star
Master bedrooms have come a long way from being just another mere 4 walls in the house.

Master Jeweler, Danny Pollak star
Canadian jeweler, Danny Pollak, has been designing and making flamboyantly elegant jewelry for 30 years. Not for the timid, his elaborate designs are fearless and amazing. Although not every woman´s cup of tea, for those of us who love the unusual and dramatic, Pollak is a must-have.

Master the Mold star[offsite link]
How to create molded Jello, what to put in it, how to unmold it and more from Kraft Kitchens.

Masters of Horror star[offsite link]

Matt Damon´s Linus in Ocean’s 11, 12 and 13 star
Linus Caldwell, the apprentice with moxie in Ocean’s Eleven, played by Oscar winner Matt Damon of The Bourne Identity fame, undergoes a metamorphosis before reappearing in Ocean’s Twelve and Ocean’s Thirteen. Ah. But was the metamorphosis a good change or a bad change?

Maureen Flockitniels star[offsite link]
Information and pictures of her cockatiels as well as the outdoor aviary she keeps them in.

Maximize Your Metabolism star
Maximize Your Metabolism shows you how to increase your motivation, stick to your diet, eat for energy. Get the 411 on how to boost metabolism from metabolism expert Christopher Guerriero.

May 2005 Love Notes star
This month´s newsletter is filled with things for romance writers!

May Day Traditions star
a tradition to take flowers to neighbors on the first day of May, place the little bouquet at the door, knock and run away.

May is Animal Guardian Month star
Animals are people too.

Mayan Pantheon star
Mayan mythology of gods and goddesses

McCaffrey, Anne star[offsite link]
The Worlds of Anne McCaffrey. The official site of Anne McCaffey, author of the Dragonriders of Pern Series.

McDonald´s to Post First-Ever Loss star[offsite link]
McDonald´s Corp. said it will post its first-ever quarterly loss after cutting jobs and closing outlets, as sales at the world´s largest restaurant company deteriorated in the saturated U.S. fast-food market.

Meadowlands star[offsite link]

Mecca star[offsite link]
Offsite link: Mecca is the holiest of cities in the religion of Islam

Mechon Mamre star[offsite link]
A site containing five editions of the Tanakh, the Mishneh Torah and many other Jewish texts in English, Hebrew and many other languages!

medidit.com - Eva´s website star[offsite link]
Eva´s website where you will find a lot of the patterns and designs which used to feature here.

Medieval Architectural Marvels star[offsite link]
This site contains a fairly substantial offering of photographs, floorplans and drawings of the exteriors and interiors of some of the beautiful churches, castles and abbeys that were built during the Medieval Ages. There is limited information given, however, so it´s mostly a visual tour.

Medieval and Renaissance Costume Fabric Resources star
Making a Medieval or Renaissance costume? Here are the top recommended resources for finding fabric and trim at great prices.

Medieval Sourcebook star[offsite link]
A resource on everyday medieval life could be useful to Fantasy writers.

Meditate Anywhere - Article star

Meditation - A BellaOnline Article star
A BellaOnline article by Zaida Neives for the beginner in meditation.

Meditation Bench to order star[offsite link]

Meditation for Kids star
How to teach kids meditation.

Meditation for Teens star
Several kinds of meditations for teens

Meditation Garden - Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer star

Meditation Music (off-site links) star

Meditation Society star[offsite link]
Offers non-denominational courses in meditating. Site includes techniques and concepts.

Medusa - Once Beautiful star
In mythology, Medusa is portrayed as a hideous, grotesque and evil figure. With a head covered in snakes, and looking like a decaying corpse, men who looked upon her face were immediately turned to stone. Yet there was a time when Medusa was beautiful.

Meet Molly Magdalain, Jewelry Artist and Designer star
Meet New York City Jewelry Artist and Designer, Molly Magdalain. Her StarStrings Collection features totally unique one-of-a-kind high fashion jewelry crafted from gemstones, recycled guitar strings, and other design elements. And the designer is just as fascinating as her jewelry.

Meg Meyer, Editor of the Business Coach is available for select qualified clients. star[offsite link]
I�m Meg Meyer, editor of the Business Coach site. I specialize in helping people create businesses based on their own passion. I also help writers go from idea to published professional. Making a living doing fun, interesting, profitable things is one of the greatest feelings in the world! Are you there, yet? Want some help?

Megazone 23 star
Megazone 23 was one of the earliest OVAs to be released in Japan.

Megazone 23 Complete Collection star
A review of the 2007 DVD release of all three parts of the Megazone 23 OVA.

Melting Chocolate star[offsite link]
Chocolate melting tips and techniques from Hershey´s Kitchens

Memorial Day Menus star[offsite link]
A nice collection of recipes for Memorial Day.

Memorial Day Recipes star[offsite link]
A nice collection of grill recipes for Memorial Day.

Memorial Service Prayer and Meditation star

Memories Expo star[offsite link]
Memory Makers Magazine´s expo for scrappers!

Memory Games for Baby Showers star
A fun way to challenge baby shower attendees with a game that doesn´t rely on physical skill is to play a memory baby shower game.

Memory Makers Inn star[offsite link]
Scrapbook Retreat in Michigan

Memphis Beat star[offsite link]

Men love jewelry, too! Avid collectors of classic jewelry, men revere watches, necklaces, bracelets, star
What man could refuse a beautiful diamond-encrusted watch, or dazzling gold bracelet? Men love jewelry too, and we showcase the best of the best of men´s jewelry here at the Jewelry Collecting site.

Men of a Certain Age star[offsite link]

Menopause at Bellaonline star
Visit the Bellaonline Menopause site for interesting and informative articles about menopause, written by Editor Tammy Southin.

Mental Health and Spirituality star
Those who feel a spiritual connection usually have a higher power to trust and focus on, enhancing their ability to cope with life and their health, mental well-being.

Menu Ideas from Weaver Chicken Products star[offsite link]
Chicken recipes and ideas especially for kid´s, international favorites, homestyle cooking, party dips and easy Hors ´doeuvres.

Mercury Facts for Kids star
Now that Pluto is a dwarf planet, Mercury is the baby of the planets. It´s close enough to the Sun for lead and zinc to melt during the day. Yet there may be frozen water in deep craters. Until space probes came along Mercury was a mystery hidden in the Sun´s glare, but that´s changing!

Merga´s Mates star[offsite link]
Information on the various colour mutations of the Bourkes as well as pictures.

Meringue Pie Tips star[offsite link]
Do your meringue pies become watery? Does the meringue shrink? Read these tips from the American Egg Board to create a billowy meringue topping and minimize weeping.

Merriam-Webster Online star[offsite link]

Merry Christmas From Heaven star
A fabulous poem to include in a memorial album or just a special layout for a cherished loved who has passed away.

Meta Tag Analyzers & Generators star
Create and/or analyze your meta-tags for free...

Meta-Ger - Hannover University star[offsite link]
This is a German search page that concentrates on German searches provided by the Hannover University.

Metabolic Conditioning for Quick Weight Loss star
Achieve quick weight loss with metabolic conditioning. How metabolic workouts and the ME diet boost fat burning hormones and help you lose weight quickly and permanently.

Metabolism Boosting Smoothies star
Control calories and hunger with these 3 quick and easy smoothie recipes that boost metabolism and taste great.

Metabolism Makeover Quiz star
Answer these top 11 metabolism questions and find out if you�re boosting it or stalling it. Plus great tips to help you rev up your fat burning.

Metaphors are Key to Top Notch Web Design star
Design and layout are intimately linked, but before you figure out how you will arrange everything, figure out the design effect you want. The easiest way to do this is to think of a metaphor. Ponder what your content scope is. What metaphors come to mind?

Metaphysics star
Metaphysics is the study of life, the mind and religion.

Mexican Antojitos - Chilaquiles star
According to an old Mexican wives’ tale, chilaquiles are an excellent cure for a hangover, but excess consumption of tequila aside, chilaquiles are the most comforting of foods, satisfying, rib-sticking, deeply flavoured and very good for the soul.

Mexican Antojitos - Enchiladas star
As the name suggests, enchiladas pack a punch! The verb “enchilar” means to add chilli to something, and in its very simplest form, the enchilada is nothing more than a tortilla with a fiery sauce - but in most cases, the tortilla is rolled or folded around a filling and topped with the sauce.

Mexican Antojitos - Gorditas star
Gorditas: little plump ones.... The name alone evokes gastronomic comfort and joy and the endless delight of Mexican antojitos. There are many ways to prepare a gordita but its main characteristic is that it balloons and puffs up as it cooks, producing a wonderfully crisp crust.

Mexican Antojitos - Papadzules star
Papadzules are one of the specialities of the southern state of Yucatán, typically served at breakfast in the markets and on the streets. The word translates as “food of the lords”, a grand name indeed, but it is in fact a very simple dish with a subtle complexity of the flavours and textures.

Mexican Antojitos - Quesadillas star
Quesadillas, the Mexican version of a toasted cheese sandwich, are a crisp, crusty, golden envelope made from a corn tortilla, filled with rich, savoury cheese which is all gooey, melting and oozing out around the edges.

Mexican Antojitos - Sopes star
The “sope” family is vast and convoluted, difficult to track, but whatever a sope’s origin, regional designation or topping may be, it is definitely a member of the clan. Name aside, it is simply a container or tartlet made of masa which acts as a base or plate for a delicious, savoury topping.

Mexican Antojitos - Yucatecan Codzitos Recipe star
To “codz” is to roll and the Yucatecan codzitos are to all intents and purposes what the rest of Mexico calls a taco, or more specifically a taco dorado, golden taco, one which has been fried until it is deeply coloured and wonderfully crunchy.

Mexican Festivals star[offsite link]
Mexico is known for their vast amount of festivals, fairs, national holidays and food celebrations! If you are in Mexico during one of these events, make sure you share in the fun and find out more about these fabulous traditions.

Mexican Food Newsletter Sign-up star
Sign up for the Mexican Food newsletter today and receive regular updates about articles on this bold, earthy, exciting and deeply satisfying cuisine.

Mexican Meatballs Recipe star
Meatballs are a global favourite, and recipes for them abound. There are of course countless ways of making them, some very regional like the one below, some virtually international. Certain additions however do seem to be very Mexican, which contribute to their specific texture and flavours.

Mexican Silver star
Silver jewelry mined and crafted in Mexico decades ago is highly collectible, as are contemporary pieces from designers such as Daniel Espinosa.

Mexico Hot...Or Not! star[offsite link]
A great online market for hard to find ingredients.

Mexico´s Regional Gastronomies - Veracruz star
The “Jarochos” of Veracruz are as colourful as their cuisine and their turbulent history. Their territory is long, thin and faintly curved, rather like a green chilli; there are volcanoes, rainforests, steamy coastal plains, differing climates, tropical fruit plantations and smoke-dried chillies.

Mexico´s Regional Gastronomies - Yucatán star
The Yucatán´s early isolation noticeably influenced its culture and of course its food. It was not until the 20th century that real communication by rail and road was established with the Mexican capital, and the strongest commercial and cultural connections were created along sea routes.

MGM´s Film Noir star[offsite link]

Miami Vice (2006) Colin Farrell, Jamie Foxx, Naomi Harris, Li Gong star
This new version is a good cop drama, but it is not the old Miami Vice of the 80’s, if you can remember that, you will enjoy watching detectives Sonny Crockett (Colin Farrell) and Ricardo Tubbs (Jamie Foxx) do their thing.

Michelangelo´s Sun & Moon Creation star
As a Creationist, Michelangelo depicted God in art as the supreme maker of the universe. "The Creation of the Sun & Moon" tells the story of Genesis on the Cistine Chapel ceiling.

Michigan - Homeschoolers of South West Michigan star[offsite link]
Contact info: Patty Hone

Michigan - Michigan Homeschoolers star[offsite link]

Microsoft OneNote Review for Bloggers star
Bloggers looking for software programs to get organized need look no further than Microsoft´s OneNote. OneNote is the perfect software program to save and organize the proliferation of content, research info and idea files that take over a blogger´s hard drive.

Microwave Cooking Part 1 - The Basics star
There are so many everyday uses for a microwave oven... so many ways to ways to simplify cooking. Here´s things microwave ovens can do really well, some things they can´t do + a little microwave oven history.

Microwave Cooking Part 4 - Microwave Meals star
Cooking meals in a microwave oven can save energy and help keep you cool in the Summertime

Microwave Cooking - Part Three star
Tips on defrosting and reheating in a microwave oven.

Microwave Cooking Part 2 - Cooking Vegetables star
Microwave cooking retains the nutrients and preserves the color and flavor of most vegetables better than conventional cooking. Here´s basic cooking tips plus 8 quick and easy microwave veggie recipes.

Midnight Moon Sandwiches star
Grilled cheese sandwiches gone mad!

Midnight Palace star[offsite link]
Midnight Palace not only has information about classic films, but they cover radio too.

Midwesterner Contributions to American Culture star
There are some innovative thinkers that have come from the Midwest. These Midwestern thinkers have a strong can-do spirit and have contributed many aspects of our American culture and society. How much do you know about the things you use and do every day?

Milestones star

Military Poetry star[offsite link]
Links to military poetry.

Milk and Honey star[offsite link]
An Israel-based site with Torah teachings and discussions.

Millenium Restaurant, San Francisco star
Bridget Diana Soeder, BellaOnline´s Vegetarian Editor, reviews Millenium Restaurant in San Francisco.

Mimi´s Cyber Kitchen star[offsite link]
This site was established in 1995 as the first "food portal" on the Internet. With its easy-to-use format, it has become a prime source of food information for millions of people around the globe, In addition to Mimi´s personal recipe collection it features a growing archive of tens of thousands of recipes posted to the Mimi´s Cyber Kitchen Recipe Exchange board.

Mincemeat Shortbread Squares star

Mindful Family Leadership and Buddhist Parenting star
Parents who have studied and internalized the Buddhist teachings and live accordingly to the middle path are in a position to help their children to become independent and compassionate adults.

Mindful Parenting star[offsite link]
Interview with Jon and Myla Kabat-Zinn, authors of Everyday Blessings: The Inner Work of Mindful Parenting.

Mini 8 Inch Baby Dolls - Pants Pattern star
This pattern is to make pants for 8 inch (20cm) mini baby dolls, such as Gotz Mini Muffin, Corolle Mini Calin, and similar baby dolls.

Mini Diaper Bag/Purse star[offsite link]
Pattern and instructions for a small diaper bag that holds the basics.

Miniature Spring Rolls star[offsite link]
I love the taste of spring roll wrappers much more than the standard egg roll wrappers that you find in your grocery store. Check for them in your local Asian market.

Mint Julep Bars Recipe star
Celebrate the Kentucky Derby with these bars containing the flavors of the official cocktail, the Mint Julep.

Mint Julep Sorbet star

Mint Themes WordPress Theme Review star
Premium WordPress themes to promote a business, church, band or e-commerce site are available at affordable prices. Improve your blog or e-commerce website with a theme from MintThemes.

Miriam´s Baby Zebra Finch Page star[offsite link]
If you have any questions about breeding Zebra Finches you should be able to find the answers here.

Miscellaneous Webmaster Tools star
Get links to numerous free tools for webmasters...

Misdiagnosing Personality Disorders as Bipolar I Disorder star
The manic phase of the Bipolar I Disorder is often misdiagnosed as a Personality Disorder. In the manic phase of Bipolar Disorder, patients exhibit many of the signs and symptoms of certain personality disorders which will be described further in this article by Sam Vaknin.

Miss Marple star[offsite link]

Miss MoMo Fashion Jewelry star
Fashion Jewelry gives kudos to Miss MoMo Fashion Jewelry for its commitment to the environment and participation in a variety of charitable organizations. Miss MoMo offers a wide selection of jewelry that is not only beautiful, but wonderfully affordable, too!

Missing Pieces star

Mission Impossible III (2006) Tom Cruise star
Ethan Hunt is back in this action packed film. Tom Cruise reprises his role as the IMF super-spy.

Mississippi Mud - Recipes star
Where did the name come from? Who wants to eat something with mud in the title of the recipe? You will, once you try these Mississippi Mud Brownies and Mississippi Mud Cake. Chocolate goes with every holiday and season - enjoy!

MIT Acedemic Library star[offsite link]
Search the MIT library collections online!

Mitzvah99´s Page star[offsite link]
A simple site from a young man who became Bar Mitzvah in 1999, which presents suggestions for ways of celebrating the occasion with projects to do before, during, and after the event.

Mixed Breed Dog Clubs of America (MBDCA) star[offsite link]
"Owners of mixed breeds can enjoy the thrill of competing for titles in obedience, conformation, tracking and much more. The Mixed Breed Dog Clubs of America (MBDCA) is a national registry for mixed breeds, providing many of the same opportunities that the American Kennel Club (AKC) offers for purebreds. We are not a mixed bred placement center nor do we provide rescue services. Contact your local humane society or shelter if you are interested in placing or adopting a mixed breed dog."

Mixed Marriages star
Today, multicultural marriages are more socially acceptable but that doesn´t mean there aren´t some old challenges to overcome.

Mixed Up Fairy Tales star
Funny fairy tales for children can educate and entertain.This collection from two respected creatives has rave reviews from teachers and parents. Kindergarten pre-reading skills and preschool writing activities develop quickly with good literacy teaching resources.This kid´s book is fun!

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Books star
Here you will find reviews of books about Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Books - A star
Here you will find reviews for books on Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli that start with the letter A.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Books - An star
Here you will find reviews for books on Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli that start with An.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Books - Ar star
Here you will find reviews for books on Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli that start with Ar.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Books - H star
Here you will find reviews for books on Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli that start with the letter H.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Books - Ha star
Here you will find reviews for books on Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli that start with Ha.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Books - S star
Here you will find reviews for books on Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli that start with the letter S.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Books - St star
Here you will find reviews for books on Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli that start with St.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film Blu-rays star
Here you will find reviews of the Blu-ray releases for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli´s films.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film Blu-rays - P star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Blu-ray releases that start with the letter P.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film Blu-rays - Po star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Blu-ray releases that start with Po.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film Blu-rays - S star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Blu-ray releases that start with the letter S.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film Blu-rays - Se star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Blu-ray releases that start with Se.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of the DVD releases for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli´s films.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - C star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with the letter C.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - Ca star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with Ca.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - G star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with the letter G.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - Gr star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with Gr.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - H star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with the letter H.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - Ho star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with Ho.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - K star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with the letter K.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - Ki star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with Ki.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - M star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with the letter M.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - My star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with My.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - N star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with the letter N.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - Na star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with Na.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - P star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with the letter P.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - Po star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with Po.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - Pr star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with Pr.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - S star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with the letter S.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - Se star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with Se.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - Sp star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with Sp.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - T star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with the letter T.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - Ta star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with Ta.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - W star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with the letter W.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Film DVDs - Wh star
Here you will find reviews for Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli DVD releases that start with Wh.

Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Films star
Here you will find reviews of the films created by Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli.

Mobile Millinery Museum & Costume Archive star[offsite link]
A unique travelling museum that presents retrospective millinery fashion shows, "Shoe and Tell" events, costume and wedding exhibits.

Mobile Suit Gundam DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of DVDs for the Mobile Suit Gundam anime franchise.

Moccasins Walking star
Native American moccasins are not only comfortable for walking around in, but are the most beautiful footwear...

Modern American Poetry star[offsite link]
Biographical information and critical analyses of 161 modern American poets and their work.

Modern Times site star[offsite link]
Here is a site that covers different classics.

Molly´s Folk Remedies for Facial Care star
Molly´s soaps are ones with lavender flowers and rose petals for a lovely and soothing fragrance, comfrey to soothe stressed and irritated skin, or mint to invigorate

Molly´s Garlic Remedies star
Garlic is one of Molly´s most often used remedy for a variety of ailments, maladies and general good health.

Molly´s Herbal Salve star
Molly Time´s healing herbal salve for minor cuts and scratches.

Molly´s Home Remedies star
Molly Time´s natural home remedies, with a peek into her magical garden.

Molly´s Journey Into Self star
Molly always manages to save time for herself, to relax, unwind,dream, and take a "Journey Into Herself".

Molly´s Little Purses - Tutorial star[offsite link]
Two sizes of small shoulder bags using pre-made handles. From the Purl Bee.

Molly´s Thyme For Remedies star
Molly uses only the best thyme (Thymus vulgaris or common thyme) in her folk remedies. To assure that she gets only the best she grows it herself in a sunny location in her healing garden with well drained soil.

Mom & Child Relationships star
A look at the magical - and sometimes challenging - relationships between a mother and her children.

Mom & Child Relationships star

Mom & Child Relationships star
A look at the magical - and sometimes challenging - relationships between moms and children.

Moms star
You´ll find nformative articles and helpful links here.

Mom´s Obesity Makes Twins More Likely star[offsite link]

Mom´s Recipes - Family Treasures star
Many good cooks will proudly tell you they learned all about cooking in Mom´s kitchen and some of their best recipes came from Mom.

Mona Lisa was 83% happy star[offsite link]
Scientists in the Netherlands used a scan of the Mona Lisa to demonstrate new emotion recognition software. The results were interesting.

Money Launderers Alert for Opportunites star
Accountants and lawyers are called to be Gatekeepers as per the USA PATRIOT Act. Being aware of vulnerability factors is an important step in achieving this goal.

Money Laundering and Human Trafficking star
Forensic accountants can help uncover dirty money. Many of us enjoy liberty.Supposedly slavery was abolished, however, numbers don´t lie. There is black market where traffic in persons, especially women and children are trafficked for profit. Human trafficking involves force, fraud, and coercion.

Money, Mishaps and Murder Book Review star

Monk´s Bag - Tutorial star[offsite link]
This bag has long, wide straps for wearing across your body. From the Purl Bee.

Monoamniotic Organization star[offsite link]
an organization designed to research monoamniotic and monochorionic twins. Contains some interesting research

Monoamniotic Twins star[offsite link]
An information page containing resources on monoamniotic twins

Monochorionc Twin placeta study star[offsite link]
Web Path Resource collection. This is an internet pathology laboratory. It contains images, text, tutorials and laboratory exercises on a variety of subject areas. Click on General Pathology then Placental Pathology for a wide variety of images and information on pregnancy.

Monster.com star[offsite link]
Monster has a place to post your resume and an entire area for people with disabilities.

Monster´s Starting Points for Job Searching star[offsite link]
Monster provides some useful tips on the building of a network, and profiles of trades and industries.

Montreal´s Largest Outdoor Winter Event star[offsite link]
You can get a bit of French culture without ever leaving the continent. Consider visiting Montreal in the winter when the city hosts La Fete des Neiges de Montreal, over three consecutive weekends beginning Jan. 24, 2004. Snowball contests even make their way into this festival!

Moon Facts for Kids star
The Moon has no air, no sound, no weather and no liquid water. But you could see the Earth in the sky, shining more brightly than the Moon does from Earth. And since gravity is weaker, you could jump quite high and the footprint you left might last a million years.

Moon Gardening in Germany star
Often thought a New Age trend, or an old superstition, ‘moon gardening’ is science based, and evidence suggests, as the ancients believed, there is a connection between the sky’s energy and that of the earth. From wine, cheese and honey to vegetables, biodynamic produce is found throughout Germany.

Moondance star[offsite link]
Ezine celebrating the vision, strength and wisdom of the creative woman

MooseBerry Graphics star[offsite link]
Adorable graphics! Check out the layouts, too.

more Cages, Toys & Supplies star

More Entertaining Basics star
Entertaining at home doesn’t have to be a complicated process. A contingency plan and some afterthought will leave you stress free and ready to plan your next event.

More Ghost Towns Of Nevada star
If there are still some wandering ghosts out there looking for a home, you just may find a good one in Nevada.

More moves by top MotoGP riders star
Although 2005 season has come to an end, top riders are still sorting out rides for the 2006 season.

More Richard Yates Stories-Revolutionary Road Fans star
The new novel-based movie Revolutionary Road has gained acclaim from some critics, and some readers are adding its troubled author Richard Yates to their lifelong favourites bookshelf- but for those wanting more, where they can they go next? Short Stories...Autobiography..

More Than Romance On The Moors star
There is a lot more than wild, abandoned love and romance among the moors. The moors seem to bring out the passion of lovers as well as the passion of murderers, and the eternal wanderings of ghostly hounds.

Morning (or all day) Sickness star
Sites with suggestions, not guarantees to help when you feel ill.

Mother Nature.com star[offsite link]
I use this site frequently to order healthy snacks and personal care products.

Mothering Magazine star
Absolutely THE best natural living resource for parents on the web. The forum is wonderful as well as the content on the site. I also recommend subscribing to the magazine.

Mothering: The Magazine of Natural Family Living star[offsite link]
Absolutely wonderful resource with information all all natural family living topics. Find a midwife, talk to other natural moms in the forum, research vaccinations, and everything else all in one place.

Mothers Day Jewelry Gifts star
Jewelry can make the perfect gift for all the treasured moms on your Mothers Day list.

Mothers Who Murder star
Some mothers love their sons too much. Too much to allow them to grow up and take care of the affections of another woman. For these mothers, getting rid of their sons´ lovers, means seeing that they are taken out of the picture-permanently.

Mother´s Day Benediction star

Mother´s Day Ideas star[offsite link]
Here are some great ideas for crocheting Mom something to cherish.

Mother´s Day Recipes star[offsite link]
Treat Mom to a special meal with this collection of recipes.

Mother´s Day Treats star[offsite link]
Treat Mom to something special with these great recipes.

Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) star[offsite link]

Motivational Quotes star[offsite link]
Quotes to keep you motivated

Motive Book Review star
Alex Delaware and Milo Sturgis are attempting to solve the murder of a shy, quiet accountant when another murder occurs and may be connected due to full dinners that are set up at the murder victims´ homes. This is another great Kellerman novel.

Motive Book Review star

MotoGP 2006 - Rider updates star
Max Biaggi has issued a statement on his website concerning his future career in Motorbike Racing.

MotoGP History and Background star
The MotoGP was established by FIM in 1949 as a road racing class. Originally established with 4 classes it has now evolved into three classes comprising of 125cc, 250cc with the premier class known as the Motogp World Championship.

MotoGP Pre season testing - Sepang,Malaysia star
First day of official testing for 2006 MotoGP held at Sepang,Malaysia

Mountain Bike Racing star
There are a number of different types of mountain bike racing. The Racing ranges from cross-country mountain biking, to downhill racing and even marathon and enduro racing. Discover more about a few of the different types of mountain bike races in this short guide.

Mountain Bike Racing star
There are a number of different types of mountain bike racing. The Racing ranges from cross-country mountain biking, to downhill racing and even marathon and enduro racing. Discover more about a few of the different types of mountain bike races in this short guide.

Mountain Bike Racing star
There are a number of different types of mountain bike racing. The Racing ranges from cross-country mountain biking, to downhill racing and even marathon and enduro racing. Discover more about a few of the different types of mountain bike races in this short guide.

Mountain Bike Racing star
There are a number of different types of mountain bike racing. The Racing ranges from cross-country mountain biking, to downhill racing and even marathon and enduro racing. Discover more about a few of the different types of mountain bike races in this short guide.

Mountain Breeze Kitchen star[offsite link]
This site features recipes for everyday country cooking, including canning recipes, breakfast and brunch Recipes, wild game recipes, kid´s recipes, a great selection of holiday recipes and much more.

Mountain Rose Aromatherapy Blends Concentrated Oils star[offsite link]
Some very unique and wonderful concentrated oils specifically designed for aromatherapy.

Mountain Rose Herbs: Incense, Resins and Candles star[offsite link]
Whether you want to purchase ready made incense or learn to make your own Mountain Rose has what you need, in addition to scented candles.

Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life - review star
One of the best feng shui books for beginners, enthusiastically reviewed.

Movie House History star[offsite link]
This site features over a hundred theaters throughout Kansas many with photos and stories.

Movie Lovers Party Theme star
There is nothing teenagers love more than movies, music, food and friends. Combine all of these with a little creative decorating and you have a hip and cool teen party idea.

Movie Mistakes star[offsite link]
If you are curious about the bloopers and errors in movies, browse through this site. You can even add your own findings to the site.

Movie Studios: USA star

Movie Terminology Definitions star
Much of filmmaking jargon is useless to the casual movie goer but some concepts are actually useful for adding to your enjoyment of movie viewing.

Movieprop.com´s Movie Review Pages star[offsite link]
Many links to review pages divided by genre.

Movies star
Movies featuring plus size actors or a plus size theme.

Mozzarella Company star[offsite link]
Cheese serving suggestions - uses for various kinds of cheese, recipes using cheese, and more.

Mr Horatio Sparkins - Charles Dickens Short Story star
What was Charles Dickens like as a young author? We may have an impression of him as a worthy talented writer of socially critical tomes like the classics ´Oliver Twist´ or ´David Copperfield. Nothing could be further from the truth - his first short stories in Sketches by Boz are very telling..

Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie star
Mr. & Mrs. Smith are a dysfunctional married couple who happen to be assassins. Mr. & Mrs. Smith is billed as an Action, Thriller, Adventure, Comedy, Romance movie. James Bond was never like this.

Mr. Wong, Detective Series (1938) star
The idea of Boris Karloff (Frankenstein) cast as an Asian super sleuth was so intriging to me that I had to buy movies to see for myself. These films were marketed Karloff as ´James Lee Wong, Oriental sleuth´.

Mrs. Wages Canning Information star[offsite link]
Mrs. Wages™ Canning Products offers the latest information on home canning...from safety tips, to basics, to hints from the pros.

Ms. Marple - May 05 Schedule star
In May we get double helping of murder. Geraldine McEwan stars as Miss Marple in A Murder Is Announced and What Mrs. McCillicuddy Saw

Mslexia star
Mslexia is a women’s magazine site for aspiring and published writers, it contains up to date information on competitions, new publications and high profile writers. It contains workshops, hints and tips to becoming a better writer and is packed full of ideas.

Mslexia Magazine Review - Impressions star
Take a peep through the pages of Mslexia, the magazine that´s loved by women readers and writers alike - in the UK and beyond. What´s in them for you? Your Bella Short Stories Editor gives her personal impressions on a page or two.

MSN TV star[offsite link]

MSNBC - Twin Study on Ear Infections star[offsite link]
A study done on twins and triplets backs up the belief that middle ear infections — one of the most common medical problems of early childhood — runs in families.

Mt. Bachelor star[offsite link]
Everything you need to plan a ski trip to Mt. Bachelor.

Mt. Hood Meadows star[offsite link]
Learn about the services and activities available at Mt. Hood Meadows Ski Resort.

Mt. Rainier - My Spiritual Home star
The ancient ones called her Talol, Tahoma or Tacoma. To be back once again in the presence of her beauty is always a part of my thoughts.

Muffin Baking Bloopers star[offsite link]
Remedies for your muffin baking problems from Quaker Oats

Muffins and quick Breads star[offsite link]
Make perfectly textured homemade muffins and quick breads with these simple baking tips.

Multisensory Reading Instruction star
Teach reading using the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic senses to make learning stick.

Munich´s Oktoberfest, 15 Fast Facts star
It started as a horse race at Munich´s city gates to celebrate a royal wedding on October 12, 1810, and had no connection to beer. Now an Oktoberfest is one of the world´s most popular, and best known folk festivals, which celebrates and highlights all things Bavarian wherever in the world it takes place.

Murder 101 Book Review star

Murder Can Be Funny star
In the English mystery,"Keeping Mum",Maggie gives us a delightful serial killer. Rosie (Dame Smith), only kills people causing problems for herself or people she cares about. And, who´s to say she´s wrong? A similar method was used in Athens by the great Greek philosophers.

Murder Could Happen to You star
Mystery movies about innocent people drawn into the evil web of people who look normal but are actually killers remind us how we, too, are vulnerable. Though we don´t give up our lives to killers, most of us do give up some of who we are to manipulative people.

Murder in Red Lake, Minnesota: Why? star
What makes a teenager "snap" to the point of committing murder?

Murder In Villisca, Iowa star
Find out about the horrifying history of the Villisca, Iowa Axe Murder House. Many people claim that it´s haunted and have witnessed paranormal activity. Read about it and decide for yourself.

Murder Most Malicious Book Review star
Post WW1 at the Foxwood estate, Lord Wroxly´s granddaughters get involved in trying to solve the murder of one of their guests. When a servant is wrongly arrested, Phoebe teams up with her maid, Eva, and they find their lives are endangered as they get closer to solving the murder.

Mused Art Submission Guidelines star
Submission guidelines to Bella Mused Literary Magazine for art, photography, poetry, fiction, non-fiction & plays.

Museum of Television and Radio star[offsite link]

Museums of Paris star[offsite link]
A remarkable source of information about the vast array of museums within Paris. You can either search for museums alphabetically, or by category - a great feature if you´re interested in finding out which museums have collections you´d want to see.

Music of Paul Winter - CD star[offsite link]
Inspiring collections to buy.

Must Do BBQ Tips star[offsite link]
Grilling is cooking over direct heat, usually a hot fire for a shot time. Barbecuing is cooking by using indirect heat at low temperatures and long cooking times. It is the smoke from the wood gives barbecue its unique and delicious flav. Get tips from an expert on grooming the grill, marinating, using the right tools and more....

Mutts: Praising the Purity of the Impure star[offsite link]
According to the author, "True champions are nowhere to be found at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show."

My Chocolate Fantasy star
If only my husband were made of chocolate…

My Dilemma star
My Dilemma---what does a writer do when a writer can´t write??

My Fathers Folk Art star
My Fathers folk art expresses his days of youth in Montana.

My Flower Child star
My daughter is like a fragile flower.

My Generation star[offsite link]

My Gouldian Aviary star[offsite link]
Lots of information and pictures of the beautiful Gouldian Finch as well as the Owl Finch & the St. Helena Waxbill.

My Grannio star
In loving memory of - my Grannio, my best friend...

My Gym star[offsite link]

My Jewish Learning star[offsite link]
a transdenominational resource, featuring content on everything from Jewish beliefs and values to Jewish culture and cuisine. Also features a frequently-updated blog, an ask the expert section and many how-to videos.

My Mother´s Finest Recipes star[offsite link]
A collection of old Pennsylvania Dutch family recipes, passed from mother to daughter. There´s recipes for Fastnachts, pulled molasses candy, lemon sponge pie and more....

My Neighbor Totoro star
My Neighbor Totoro is a film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, and it was released in Japan in August 1988.

My Neighbors the Yamadas star
My Neighbors the Yamadas is a film produced by Studio Ghibli and directed by Isao Takahata.

My Potato Diet Experiment star
Is it possible to live on a diet of potatoes? I decided to find out and embarked on a seven day potato experiment.

My Pyramid star[offsite link]
Excellent Resource to Learn More About Nutrition Create a customized pyramid for your age and lifestyle that will help you determine what your correct food servings are.

My Scrapbook Sketches star[offsite link]

My Yoga Online.com star
Can´t get to a yoga class? Tired of your yoga dvd collection? Looking for shorter yoga workouts? Get your fix online with an extended free trial to myyogaonline.com

Mynah Bird Home Page star[offsite link]
Information on mynahs kept as pets.

Myron Bolitar Series star

MySpace star[offsite link]
MySpace is a social networking site that you build, design, create, share or keep private. It´s used by music artists, illustrators, authors, woodworkers . . . the list goes on and on. It´s an entire creative community at your fingertips. And . . . it´s free! You can uploads pictures and add video and music to your page.

Mysterical-e star[offsite link]
An Ezine run by mystery lovers for mystery lovers

Mystery Fans are Like Pychologists star
Mystery movies lovers participate while watching as we strive to solve the puzzle offered up by the writer and director. Solving the puzzle is much of he fun of the movie.

Mystery Fiction star[offsite link]
This site, run by author Mary Emmons, features the latest and greatest mystery fiction coming out. They have a free newsletter that you can enjoy. So enjoy!

Mystery Solved! Costume Jewelry by HAR star
Collectors of vintage costume jewelry have long been captivated by jewelry marked HAR. Find out why!

Mystery.net star[offsite link]
The website for everything mystery; novels, groups, games, and fun.

Mystic Crystal star
Explore some of the natural ways of healing with crystals, used by the Native American healers for centuries.

Mystics, Masters, Saints, and Sages - Book Review star

Myteries on A&E (Arts and Entertainment TV) star[offsite link]

Mythbusters star[offsite link]
Join Adam Savage and Jamie Hynemann as they seek out urban (and not so urban) myths and old-wives-tales to bust or prove true.

Mythbusters star[offsite link]
Join Adam Savage and Jamie Hynemann as they seek out urban (and not so urban) myths and old-wives-tales to bust or prove true.

NACD star[offsite link]

NACHRI star[offsite link]

Name That Religion! star
If you have read most of my articles on the beliefs of different world religions you should be able to pass this quiz with no problem at all!

Nancy´s Kitchen Kreations star[offsite link]
Nancy´s Kitchen Kreations features more than 1200 recipes with 30 or more being added every month. Most of the recipes featured are quick and easy to prepare. There are recipes for appetizers and munchies, soups and salads, main dishes and side dishes and desserts.

Nannies & Childcare Directory includes Germany star[offsite link]
Find international or local nannies from around the world. This website is a directory for a good cross-section of nanny agencies etc.

Napa Valley star
Course listing for the Wine Country, including the Napa Valley.

Napa Valley Golf Guide star

Narcissist vs. Psychopath - Similarities and Differences star
Sam Vaknin clarifies common misconceptions about Narcissistic and Antisocial Personality Disorders

Narrative Innovations in Film Noir star[offsite link]

Naruto star
Learn more about the popular anime series, Naruto.

Naruto Best Hit Collection star
Naruto Best Hit Collection is a nine track CD that includes the first four opening themes and the first five ending themes of the Naruto television anime series.

Naruto DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of the Naruto DVD releases.

Naruto DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of the Naruto DVD releases.

Naruto Episode Listing star
This is an episode listing for the first Naruto anime series, and it also includes the OVAs and the movies.

Naruto Information star
Here you will find information on the Naruto anime series.

Naruto Movies star
Here you will find reviews of the Naruto movies.

Naruto Movies star
Here you will find reviews of the Naruto movies.

Naruto Movies star
Here you will find reviews of the Naruto movies.

Naruto Shippuden DVDs star
Here you will find reviews for Naruto Shippuden DVD releases.

Naruto Shippuden Movies star
Here you will find reviews of the Naruto Shippuden movies.

Naruto Shippuden Movies star
Here you will find reviews of the Naruto Shippuden movies.

Naruto Shippuden Movies star
Here you will find reviews of the Naruto Shippuden movies.

Naruto Soundtracks star
Here you will find reviews for Naruto soundtrack CDs.

Naruto Soundtracks star
Here you will find reviews for Naruto soundtrack CDs.

Naruto The Lost Story OVA star
Naruto: The Lost Story contains an OVA exclusive episode titled, Mission: Protect the Waterfall Village!

Naruto Uncut DVDs star
Here are reviews for the original Naruto Uncut DVDs.

Naruto Uncut DVDs Volumes 1-8 star
Here you will find reviews for the first eight volumes of the Naruto Uncut DVD box sets.

Naruto Uncut DVDs Volumes 9-16 star
Here you will finds reviews for volumes 9-16 of the Naruto Uncut DVD box sets.

Naruto Uncut Season DVDs star
Here, you will find reviews for the Naruto Uncut Season DVD sets.

NASA Astrobiology Institute star[offsite link]
The homepage for the NASA Astrobiology Institute, which explains their program, and gives news about discoveries, outreach and conferences. You can also Ask an Astrobiologist.

Natasha Trethewey star[offsite link]
Brief biography of the current U. S. poet laureate.

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorders star[offsite link]
Get information and support about Anorexia Nervosa.

National Association of Independent Schools star[offsite link]
Tips and ideas for financing a private education.

National Cage Bird Show star[offsite link]
Information on the National Cage Bird Shows, both past & upcoming.

National Center for Jewish Film star[offsite link]
This film library was created to preserve the pictorial records of the Jewish experience.

National Center on Physical Activity and Disability star[offsite link]
National Center on Physical Activity and Disability Home Page

National Cockatiel Society star[offsite link]
Lots of information on Cockatiels

National Cockatiel Society star[offsite link]
Information on show, articles, affiliated bird clubs and more - on cockatiels.

National Confectioners Association star[offsite link]
Candy making tips, recipes plus a little something for the kids!

National Council of Private School Education star[offsite link]
A consortium of accrediting associations for the recognition of private schools.

National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities star[offsite link]
NICHCY stands for National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities. Take some time to visit this website.

National Education Association PDF Booklet star[offsite link]
The Puzzle of Autism - contents include communication, intervention, social skills and behavioral issues. 44 page PDF document

National Endowment for the Arts-High School Freebies star[offsite link]
Parents of High School Students take note- there are lots of free lesson plans and resource guides for literature here!

National Finch & Softbill Society star[offsite link]
Informative articles on all types of finches.

National Institute of Mental Health Web Site star
This was a well-structured web site with convenient navigation and several links to direct someone searching for specific information.

National Kennel Club (NKC) Recognized Breeds star[offsite link]
National Kennel Club The NKC licenses all-breed dog shows, events for Coon Dogs, Beagles, Squirrel Dogs, Bird dogs, Fox dogs, Licensed Dog Kennels, Show Judges, and other dog related-events. See their recognized breeds and read the breed profiles.

National Offender Registry star
With the free National Sex Offender Registry, parents can enter their address and determine if registered sex offenders live in their neighborhood.

National Park Week star
Here is a brief description of a few parks in Alaska to celebrate National Park Week!

National Portrait Gallery star[offsite link]
A public museum for the exhibition and study of portraiture and statuary depicting people who have made contributions to American history.

National Portrait Gallery star[offsite link]
This gallery is in Trafalgar Square, London. It houses more than 160,000 portraits, with paintings dating from the 16th century to modern times. Access to permanently housed collections is free. There may be charges for some exhibitions.

National Spinal Cord Injury Association star[offsite link]
National Spinal Cord Injury Association is an interactive community providing information, referral and support for people living with spinal cord injury, their families and professionals.

National Sports Center for the Disabled star[offsite link]
National Sports Center for the Disabled provides recreation and competitive opportunities for children and adults with disabilities. Activities include skiing, horseback riding, camping, rock climbing, plus education and outreach programs.

National Statistics star[offsite link]

National Underground Storage star[offsite link]
Millions of reels of motion picture film, master negatives, sound recordings and video tape are stored in Pennsylvania in specially designed vaults.

Native American Bags And Pouches star
For keeping their sewing articles, beads and other supplies handy and safe, they also made beautifully ornamented bags and pouches.

Native American Dolls Of Tradition star
One of the most satisfying hobbies I have ever spent time on is the making of Native American dolls in traditional clothing.

Native American Ethnobotany star[offsite link]
A database of plants used by Native Americans for food, medicine, dyes and fibers.

Native American Family Winter Project star
Make a wonderful and endearing memory for and with your family by making a Winter Count.

Native American Gifts On-Line star
Selecting gifts for the holidays or other special occasions can sometimes be hard. A tight budget can make finding a unique and affordable gift even more difficult. However, many American Indian artists and traders also sell from websites. You don’t have to attend a Pow Wow to shop with them.

Native American Legends star
Native American legends.

Native American Legends star
Native American legends

Native American Ribbon Work star
When it comes to beautiful design and creativity in clothing, Native American peoples are experts.

Native American Spirituality and Dreams star

Native Artists star
For American Indians there is art in all things.

Native English Animals star
Were there ever wild, dangerous animals in England? The answer is yes. Here is what they were and where they are now.

Native Essence Crafts star[offsite link]
Free printable patterns and instructions for 3 leather pouches and 4 loomwork bead designs. Good for beginners and older children

Native Tech Plants and Trees star[offsite link]

Native Women of Influence star
Our Mothers and Grandmothers whose courage, skill, and wisdom continue to nurture those who follow

Natural Birth & Baby Care star[offsite link]
AWESOME resource!

Natural Skin Cleanser star
Commercial skin cleansers are harsh and drying on the skin, try this simple natural skin cleanser for glowing natural beauty.

Nature´s Megadiversity in Mexico star
Despite the stereotypes, Mexico is more than cacti, scorpions, and parched land. Encompassing only 1.5% of the Earth´s land area, it ranks 5th in the world in species diversity. Out of 170 nations worldwide, it is one of the 17 countries that is considered to be megadiverse, flora and fauna-wise.

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind star
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind is a landmark Japanese anime film directed by Hayao Miyazaki.

Navajo Creation Story star
A Navajo Creation story as told by the Navajo Peoples and retold by P.D. Burns

Navidad tradicional en Argentina star
En la serie continua de Celebraciones hispanas Tradicionales de Navidad, nosotros empezaremos por mirar Argentina. La Navidad tradicional en Argentina

Navigating the Bible star[offsite link]
The Torah online with commentaries, as well as the weekly readings presented in Hebrew with translation, transliteration, and chanting.

NCC Budgies Forum star[offsite link]
A forum that is dedicated to the hobby of exhibiting & breeding budgerigars.

NE Ohio Bird Show star[offsite link]
A bird show in Hudson, Ohio

Necklaces star
(Coming soon!)

Ned Kelly, Bold and Cunning star
With the anger and resentment of the local folks growing towards police and government, Kelly´s gang became folk heroes.

Ned Kelly, Bushranger star
By the time Ned Kelly was twenty-four he had spent a lot of time in jail and was considered by the law as a bushranger who was nothing but trouble.

Ned Kelly, Early Years star
Edward "Ned" Kelly was a bushranger...an outlaw who turned into a folk hero in Australia.

Ned Kelly, Final Chapter star
An attempt to further correspond and make his grievances known was written by Ned with the help of his friend, Joe Byrne.

Ned´s Yarn Online Wool Shop star[offsite link]
Ned´s Yarns online wool shop. Please browse through our site where in addition to hand dyed, organic and value yarn we also offer many patterns, needles, hand made buttons, soft touch crochet hooks and accessories which are ideal for a variety of knitting projects such as blouses, cardigans, baby clothes and birthday ideas.

Neon Genesis Evangelion star
Neon Genesis Evangelion is also known under the titles NGE, Eva, or Evangelion.

Neon Genesis Evangelion Blu-ray Reviews star
Here you will find reviews for Neon Genesis Evangelion Blu-rays.

Neon Genesis Evangelion DVD Reviews star
Here you will find reviews for Neon Genesis Evangelion DVDs.

Neon Genesis Evangelion DVD Reviews star
Here you will find reviews for Neon Genesis Evangelion DVDs.

Neon Genesis Evangelion Movie Reviews star
Here you will find reviews of the Neon Genesis Evangelion movies.

Neon Genesis Evangelion Movies star
Here you will find reviews of the Neon Genesis Evangelion movies.

Neptune Facts for Kids star
Far beyond Uranus is another blue planet, one named for the Greek sea god. It could well have been named for a god of winds as it´s the windiest place in the Solar System. Here is an update on facts about Neptune, the planet that was discovered using math.

Neural Core star[offsite link]
A few silly quizzes

Nevada Is A Good Place For Ghosts star
If there are any homeless ghosts out there, come on over to Nevada. There are lots of ghost towns here that you can call home.

Never Lose Hope In Dealing With Your Fears and Depression star
When your fears and depression have the best of you, it is easy to feel that things will not get any better. But to the contrary there is much help available in today’s society and the best way to deal with your fears is to find effective ways to overcome them.

New Age Reviews star
Read dozesn of reviews by Janet spanning New Age non-fiction, fiction, CD´s, audio teachings, Tarot/Oracle decks and more! Each is accompanied by a *direct* link to Amazon.com.

New Doctor Who Stories And Best Selling Toys star
The new Doctor Who Shorts stories and hot best selling toys to match should have kids reading in a flash! My own favorites in this Science fiction short stories collection are the spooky Daleks but there are lots to choose from in a vintage science fiction series fans are raving about...

New FanFic Stories Make Unusual Gifts For Men star
The latest short fantasy stories make original,unususal gifts for men.Here´s some top-selling ideas from Terry Brooks and Co to delight a male Sci-Fi or Fan-Fiction fan whether he´s a husband,Father´s Day recipient,birthday boy or boyfriend anniversary recipient.Books are easy to order and send too!

New season of Wildfire on ABC Family star
ABC Family Channel´s original series "Wildfire" season four full of change.

New Short Stories For Students-Young Adult Authors star
Short stories for students to enjoy studying need one thing first:not to be boring!These Geektastic new short stories for teens offer nerd-herd stories from some of the freshest new young adult authors.Friendship tales and humorous stories examine alcohol,relationships,popularity,success,failure.

New Writers star[offsite link]
Everything a new writer needs.

New Year in Mexico - Churros and hot chocolate star
A darkened room and a bottle of mineral water may be the best, if not the most rousing, cure for the first hangover of the year, but a cup of hot chocolate and a freshly cooked churro are an infinitely more appealing antidote to the excesses of New Year´s Eve.

New Year in Mexico - Pozole Recipe star
The Aztecs’ ceremonial “potzolli” still plays an important role in the Mexican diet of the 21st century, and on New Year’s Eve, it will be protecting countless tummies from the effects of all the raucous celebrations and the inevitable - and abundant - consumption of alcohol!

New Year in Mexico - Shrimp Broth star
“La cruda” is such an evocative name. It literally means raw, but in Mexico it is used to describe a bad hangover, from which many Mexicans will be suffering on New Year’s Day.

New Year Traditions And Lore star
A brief history of New Year celebration traditions.

New Year Traditions and Lore star
New Year´s Day is one of the oldest holidays known to recorded history. The first known observance of this day was in ancient Babylon over 4000 years ago.

New Years Eve Recipes star
New Years Eve Recipes

New Year´s Day Menu star[offsite link]
Here is a collection of recipes to help you celebrate New Year´s Day southern-style.

New Year´s Prayer and Meditation star

New York ABC´s star[offsite link]
ABC list about The Big Apple, NYC!

New York Cockatiel and Parrot Society star[offsite link]
New York Cockatiel and Parrot Society is a Place for Cockatiel Owners and Parrot Owners in New York to get together and discuss The Joys and Problems of owning all size Parrots.

Newborns star[offsite link]
Newborn puppies must have all their needs met by their mother or their owner. Caring for the newborn includes correct feeding and nutrition, knowledge of normal development, preventative health care and much more. Read informative articles on caring for newborn puppies at Pet Education.com.

Newborns In Need star[offsite link]
This charity serves the needs of premature and newborn babies throughout the United States and in a variety of ways. Free patterns for making a variety of handcrafted items are included on the site.

Newport Beach Breakers star[offsite link]
World Team Tennis

Newport News star[offsite link]
I love shopping here for the latest trends.

Newsletter star
Subscribe to the newsletter to read about holiday and seasonal cooking. Enjoy sharing customs and foods through the seasons! I will send out a new newsletter every Wednesday.

Newsletter for the Journey star
While your body grows, and your baby grows, you can sign up for these online newsletters to keep you informed, and involved.

NGE Directors´ Cut Resurrection star
Neon Genesis Evangelion Directors´ Cut: Resurrection is a DVD that contains "director´s cut" versions of episodes 21 through 23 of the series.

Nickelodeon star[offsite link]
Find out what your Kids are watching on Nick!

Nidia Sophia Jewelry star
Nidia Sophia Jewelry celebrates different kinds of beauty, from classic and refined to exotic and wild, or even quiet and conservative. Attention to detail and exquisite designs characterize the collection.

Nifty Nibbles star
From simple finger foods to hearty appetizers, here´s a list of recipes to start your party off on the right foot.

Nikita star[offsite link]

Nintendo 64 star[offsite link]
This is the N64 official homepage, and contains info on the N64 and it´s accessories.

Niven, Larry star[offsite link]
Known Space: The Future Worlds of Larry Niven

No Child Left Behind and States’ Rights star
Utah stands to lose $116 million in federal aid if it signs legislation challenging the nation´s No Child Left Behind Act...

No Means No star[offsite link]
How To Teach Your Child You Mean Business

No Ordinary Family star[offsite link]

No Time to Die Book Review star

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Read this article to understand common reading terminology. Find ideas on how to work with your child in all these areas.

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The end of summer is unofficially marked by Labor Day weekend. From backyard barbeques, to hitting the beach, or relaxing on a sailboat, there are countless things to do Labor Day weekend! Here are some Labor Day weekend activities you can plan to say farewell to summer.

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Collections and reviews of new and classic short stories.

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Does your child feel that you owe him whatever he wants, whenever he wants it?

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Why misreading social clues can cause your child to misbehave.

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No Title star[offsite link]
This blog is super cool and offers lots of downloadable unit studies and lapbooks. The Tale of Despereaux, the country of Macedonia and grammar lapbooks are only a few of the neat resources you´ll find- all for free, of course!

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No Title star[offsite link]
This is an interesting article on logic vs. intuition and the gender implications of these terms. We often refer to men as more logical whereas women more intuitive. Is this true? Read this article and decide for yourself.

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Review of Brief Encounters.

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by Roseann Hogan, Ph.D. ("Ancestry" Magazine, Mar/Apr 1996, Vol. 14, No. 2

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by Roseann Hogan, Ph.D. ("Ancestry" Magazine, Jul/Aug 1996, Vol. 14, No. 4)

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by Roseann Hogan, Ph.D. ("Ancestry" Magazine, Nov/Dec 1996, Vol. 14, No. 6)

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Books by this great yoga master.

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When looking for a relaxing holiday, on a short budget and close to home, my husband and I decided to follow the trail -- wine trail that is. The weekend helped us relax and mellow, it was romantic and fun. For the price of an expensive resort we brought home a few bottles that will keep us mellow for weeks to come.

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No-Bake White Chocolate Peppermint Balls star

Noah´s Wish - Helping Animals in Disasters star[offsite link]

Noein Soundtracks star
This review takes a look at the two CD soundtracks released in Japan for Noein: To Your Other Self.

Noein To Your Other Self Soundtracks star
Here you will find reviews of soundtracks and CD singles for Noein: To Your Other Self

Noir Television star[offsite link]

Noll´s Home Canning and Freezing star[offsite link]
An excellent source of canning information and recipes. This wonderful site has step-by-step, illustrated directions for many canning procedures.

Non-Technical PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) FAQ star[offsite link]
This article offers a non-technical overview of PGP to help you decide whether or not to use this globally popular computer software to safeguard your computer files and e-mail. Written especially for people with a sense of humor. You may distribute this unaltered FAQ for non-commercial purposes.

Nonfiction Newsletter Sign-Up star
Learn everything you need to start a nonfiction writing career or begin and flourish in your own nonfiction writing business. I scour the nonfiction writing world and bring all aspects of it to you in bite size actionable steps.

Nonfiction Newsletter Sign-Up star
Learn everything you need to start a nonfiction writing career or begin and flourish in your own nonfiction writing business. I scour the nonfiction writing world and bring all aspects of it to you in bite size actionable steps.

Nonfiction Writing Book Club star
Join us in our Nonfiction Writing Book Club. Learn new publishing and writing tips and techniques. Enjoy lively discussions. Keep up with the newest trends. Discover secrets other writers use that may help you also. Join us each month. You´ll have lots of fun.

Nonfiction Writing Newsletter Sign up star
Find and learn everything you need to start a nonfiction writing career, or begin and flourish in your own nonfiction writing business. I scour the nonfiction writing world and bring all aspects of it to you in bite size actionable steps. Finally a place to find real answers.

Nopal a Perennially Multi-Utilized Cactus star
Nopal cactus also known as prickly pear cactus is an iconic part of Mexico´s landscape. Its image dominantly appears on the country´s flag. Indigenous to Mexico and dating back approximately 12,000 years, do you realize how many functions it currently serves to all sorts of life forms?

Norse Pantheon star
Norse Mythology gods and goddesses

North American Cockatiel Society star[offsite link]
Articles, genetics, band orders & fun stuff about cockatiels.

North Carolina - Families Learning Together star[offsite link]

North Carolina Botanical Garden star[offsite link]
The Mercer Reeves Hubbard Herb Garden illustrates and interprets the Garden´s theme of the dependence of human quality of life on plant diversity.

Northeast Historic Film star[offsite link]
This Maine site has an archives, a theater, and study center preserves and promotes the historical value of home movies and has one of the largest collections of amateur film in North America.

Northwest Roller Canary Club star[offsite link]
The members of The Northwest Roller Canary Club are a group of hobbyists who are dedicated to the care, breeding, and contesting of the Roller Canary.

Notable Women star

Novica star[offsite link]
National Geographic brings you this wonderful website with traditonal Indian items.

Nucleus CMS - Instant Writing Space for your Web Site star
Nucleus is an attractive open source content management system that provides instant and flexible writing space for your blog or web site.

Number 10 Downing Street star[offsite link]

Numerology - Calculating Your Personal Year, Month, and Day star
Discover your *own* Personal Numbers for the Year, Month and Day--and get into the Flow!

Numerology - Numbers and Colors at a Glance star
In numerolgy, numbers and colors have specific vibrations and purposes. We can choose to work with our personal numbers, and thus enhance our lives.

Numerology in the Bible star
The Bible is filled with numerical references and meanings. Here are the most frequently used numbers and what they mean

Nursery Rhymes A to Z star[offsite link]
Long list of nursery rhymes in alphabetical order.

Nursery Rhymes-Daughter Goose star[offsite link]
A nice collection of Nursery Rhymes.

Nursing Cover-Up star[offsite link]
Pattern and instructions for making a cover-up for use while nursing. Link opens a .pdf document.

Nursing Pillow star[offsite link]
Instructions for making a nursing pillow to your preferred dimensions.

Nurturing Children´s Natural Love of Learning star[offsite link]
In my opinion, this is a must see for all parents.

Nutrient Dense Weight Loss Smoothies star
Nutrient dense weight loss smoothies for health and quick weight loss. An easy way to implement healthy eating and calorie restriction for rapid weight loss that lasts.

Nutrition & Pregnancy Diet star
Ideas for meals, and maintaining nutritional balance for Mom and Baby.

Nutrition Action Health Letter star[offsite link]

Nutrition Calculators star[offsite link]
Calculate Ideal Body Weight, BMR and BMI.

Nutty Halloween Balls star
Here´s a quick treat for hungry Halloween goblins.

Nuvein Magazine star[offsite link]
A site self described by one of its founder as "a forum for voices rarely heard in mainstream magazines". Offers fiction and poetry.

Oakland Athletics star[offsite link]

Oakland Raiders star[offsite link]

Oasis Sanctuary star[offsite link]
To provide permanent "retirement" housing and care for any and all psittacine birds (other than those with fatal contagious diseases.)

Oatmeal Recipes star[offsite link]
Heart-healthy hot breakfast cereal recipes.

Obama’s Tax cuts Creates Class Conflict star
If there must be a tax increase to balance the economic budget, shouldn´t taxpayers of all income levels contribute to the overall well-being of their country? Is it healthy for America´s morale to only financially penalize one class of people?

Oceanus, God of Waters star
In Greek mythology and classical antiquity, the Titan god Oceanus personified the world ocean.

October 20 - A Tolkien Book and a Coincidence star
The final volume of J. R. R. Tolkien’s fantasy masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, was published on this date in history. But there’s more: an actor from the film versions also celebrates his birthday on October 20.

October 20 - A Tolkien Book and a Coincidence star
The final volume of J. R. R. Tolkien’s fantasy masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, was published on this date in history. But there’s more: an actor from the film versions also celebrates his birthday on October 20.

October 20 - A Tolkien Book and a Coincidence star
The final volume of J. R. R. Tolkien’s fantasy masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, was published on this date in history. But there’s more: an actor from the film versions also celebrates his birthday on October 20.

Odin, Norse God of Wisdom star
Odin is a principal member of the Norse Pantheon and is associated with wisdom, war, battle and death

Of Calabacitas, Courgettes and Zucchini star
The Squash family, Cucurbita, is Mexican, whatever you may choose to call its various members, and the earliest traces, dating as far back as 7000BC, have been found in Oaxaca and Tamaulipas. However, the modern courgette or zucchini is thought to have originated in Italy in the 19th century.

Of Course-It´s a Corset! star[offsite link]
Believe it or not, there is an organization called the European Corset Society. They claim to be "dedicated to a most feminine garment," and their site certainly backs that up. Everything (and more!) that you could possibly want to learn about the corset is here, and it provides a fascinating walk through time. (You might note that some of the grammar is a bit off, which is perhaps the result of a translation into English from another language. Regardless, it´s a fun site!)

Off Site Instruction star

Off Two School We Go star[offsite link]

Official Mickey Rooney Site star[offsite link]
The official site for the gifted child actor.

Official Roald Dahl Wedsite star[offsite link]
Home to the author of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and "James and the Giant Peach"

Official Website for the Dalai Lama star[offsite link]
Official website for the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Oh My Goddess OVA Series star
The Oh My Goddess! OVA series was released in Japan between February 21, 1993 and May 17, 1994.

Ohio - LINK star[offsite link]

Ohio Bird Fairs star[offsite link]
A listing of the upcoming bird fairs in Ohio.

Ohio State University Prize in Short Fiction star[offsite link]
This annual award is given to the manuscript collection of short fiction selected by an independent judge to be the best submitted. The winning author will receive a cash prize of $1,500 and publication under a standard book contract. Manuscripts must be postmarked in the month of January and be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of $20 (U.S. dollars). The winner is announced in May.

Oil Prices - Political Deja vu star
Threats of a governmental financial shutdown and further attacks on South Korea by North Korea are two common denominators shared by Presidents Clinton and Obama early on in their presidency. Now, examination of the third significant but underlying factor common to both of their administrations.

Oilcloth Coin Purse Tutorial star[offsite link]
Illustrated directions for making a zippered coin purse using oilcloth.

Ojibwe Dream Catcher Legend star
Long ago in the ancient world of the Ojibwe Nation, the Clans were all located in one general area of that place known as Turtle Island.

Oklahoma - Christian Home Educators Consociation star[offsite link]

Old English Inns star[offsite link]
Oak beams, fire places, ales and lots oc character. Wouldn´t you want to come in and stay?

Old Fashioned Taffy Pull Party star
Now this is one way the folks used to keep the kids in line and have fun at the same time.

Old Mother Of The Mountain star
A short fiction story by Phyllis Doyle Burns

Old Wives, Old Beliefs star
Old wives´ tales are old beliefs coming from long ago...Some of my favorites are about courtship and love.

Old Wives´ Tales And Legacies star
Our grandmothers have handed down a legacy from generation to generation and the tales they have told us often influence our way of doing things.

Old-Fashioned Sticky Buns star
A perfect pastry for any occasion.

Olympian Style: Ancient Tradition Goes Online star
Before the advent of the personal computer we had to see the Olympics in one of two ways. We could attend in person or watch events on TV. We could also read about it in the paper or magazines. Computers have made it easier for us to read and watch the highlights of the Olympics at our leisure.

Olympians star
Greek mythology gods and goddesses who defeated the Titans

On-Line Menorah star[offsite link]
A virtual menorah that is updated each day of the holiday.

One Body Too Many (1944) star
One Body Too Many a 1944 black and white movie is not an especially good movie. BUT, it is a fun movie. It is a silly mystery/horror/comedy type B movie that became the meat and potatoes of so many early studios.

One Body Too Many (1944) star

One Cook star[offsite link]
"Serving the World One Cook at a Time." Wonderful site FULL of recipes. This site could keep you going for years.

One Piece DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of DVDs released for the One Piece television anime series.

One Scrappy Site-Fonts star[offsite link]
One Scrappy Site´s font list.

One Year Later: CA´s Public School Accountability Act star[offsite link]
"This EdFact is a review one year after adoption of the state’s accountability act and its three major components: the Academic Performance Index; the Intermediate/Underperforming Schools Program; and the Governor’s Performance Award Program."

Onion and Gorgonzola Frittata Recipe star
Hmmmm, the sharp flavor of blue cheese works wonderfully well with the onion and potato. It´s a sophisticated take on vegetarian frittata.

Online Finger Meditation Through a Labyrinth star[offsite link]
Neat online finger meditation through a Labyrinth. This site also has information about walking the labyrinth and a labyrinth locator.

Online Jewelry Deals for the Holidays star
It’s no secret that you can’t go wrong with giving jewelry as a gift, but you might not be aware of some of these great deals at jewelry stores online. Save yourself the hassle of the malls and check these sites out.

Online Learning star
More than 70 instructional technology and curriculum based courses.

Online Personal Training star
Customized workouts for $60 a month vs. $660 a month. Why more trainers are offering online training and what to expect from this latest trend.

Online Publications star

Online Writing Careers star
Learn about all the different types of Online writing.

Online Writing Careers star
Learn about all the career opportunities in online writing.

Ooey-Gooey Marshmallow Brownies star
Ooey and gooey, these brownies are delicious. Kids will love helping make these.

Open House Party star
Host an open house party to introduce yourself, or welcome neighbors to the area.

Operation Homecoming star
Operation Homecoming shares the stories of our returning soldiers. It is a warm look at the soldiers, their familes and the peoples lives that they touch.

Opportunities After College star
Deciding what to do after you graduate from college can be difficult. Here are some options you can explore that will help.

OR - Chocolate Fest star[offsite link]
February in Portland

OR - Corvalis star[offsite link]
Donovan’s Christmas Tree Farm (541) 758-6237

OR - Hillsboro star[offsite link]
Helvetia Christmas Tree Farms (503) 647-5858

OR - Newport star[offsite link]

OR - Northwest Chocolate Festival star[offsite link]
September in Portland

OR - Oregon Chocolate Festival star[offsite link]
March in Ashland, OR

OR - Pleasant Hill star[offsite link]
Northern Lights Christmas Tree Farm (541) 746-5161

OR - Portland & Camas star[offsite link]

OR - Tualatin star[offsite link]
Lee Farms – Tualatin, near Portland (503) 638-1869

OR - Wine, Chocolate and More star[offsite link]
June at Polk County Fairgrounds in Rickreall

Orange Varieties star[offsite link]
Information from Sunkist oranges about sizing, nutrition, buying, handling & storage of fresh oranges.

Orangoo - Online Spellcheck star[offsite link]
Orangoo´s free online spellchecker.

Orchid Fashion & Gifts star[offsite link]
I will be adding Orchid Shower Curtains / Duvet Covers / Area Rugs sometime this week.

Orchid Fashion & Gifts star[offsite link]
I will be adding Orchid Shower Curtains / Duvet Covers / Area Rugs sometime this week.

Orchid Fashion & Gifts star[offsite link]
I will be adding Orchid Shower Curtains / Duvet Covers / Area Rugs sometime this week

Orchid fashion and Gifts star[offsite link]
I will be adding Orchid Shower Curtains / Duvet Covers / Area Rugs sometime this week.

Oregon - Homeschooler´s Educational Resources star[offsite link]

Organic Bird Food star[offsite link]
100 percent organic foods for your pet birds. Our flagship product is the Foundation Formula. Foundation Formula pellets for hookbills is the first of its kind. 100% of the ingredients used in this pellet and its manufacturing are certified organic and are free from artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or additives.

Organizing Your Scrap Space star[offsite link]
This is a fabulous resource for organizing every aspect of your scrap space.

Original Fairytales For Adults - Student Essays star
Fairytales for adults to study can be tricky to find-these top-rated original fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen got rave reviews from bookworms and essay-writing literature students.Unedited in their original unabridged style, the folk stories and fairy tales give a creepy peep at the past.

Origins of Easter Celebrations star[offsite link]
Articles on the origin of many family Easter traditions like the "Easter Bunny."

Orkney star[offsite link]

Ornaments from the Kitchen star
Rrim your Christmas tree with homemade ornaments from your kitchen - Cinnamon Dough Ornaments, Salt Dough Ornaments, and traditional Gingerbread People.

Orson Wells Estate Site star[offsite link]
Another Orson Wells site without all the popups.

Orson Wells site star[offsite link]
This site is about Orson Wells.

Orthodox star
Orthodox laws and information.

Orthodox Caucus star[offsite link]
Aimed at uniting Orthodox leaders, mostly rabbis and Yeshiva teachers, for causes affecting the Orthodox community, including Torah Ethics.

Orthodox Union star[offsite link]
A huge site with news from Israel, a variety of email lists, and lots of information about kashrut, Jewish holidays, and Torah. There is also a searchable list of synagogues affiliated with the Orthodox Union around the world.

OS X Guide star[offsite link]
Site includes links, news and discussion boards relating to Max OS X.

Oscar Wilde Fairy Tales star
On Oscar Wilde and his life, education, philosophy and writing; The Happy Prince.

Ostalgie, recipes from East Germany star
East German meals were normally planned around what was available to buy that day, the queues were long and legendary, and a banana was seen on television but not in a shop. Appetizing and healthy food was served nevertheless, and here are some favourite, and easy, recipes from the time.

OSXFAQ - Technical News and Support for Mac OS X star[offsite link]
Site for Mac OS X tips, tutorials and current news. Also, provides a tip of the day. Can also listen to Inside Mac radio.

OU Kosher star[offsite link]
OU Kosher is the most comprehensive Kashrut site -- after all, the Orthodox Union is partly responsible for designating foods as being kosher. With both commercial and consumer information, you can get any questions you have answered regarding specific foods and general inquiries about Kashrut.

Our Blogger Templates Review star
It is possible to find great, functional and easy to customize Blogger templates for your Blogger.com blog. Here is one resource to update your Blogger blog today.

Our Favorite Successful Young Celebrities star
Are the glitz and glamour of fame just celebrated by stars who are adults? Here are a few teens that have captivated us all and stolen the spotlight from some of the most notorious names in Hollywood.

Our Lady of Fatima by William T. Walsh - Book Review star

Out of Time (2003) Denzel Washington star
Denzel Washington is Matt Lee Whitlock a small town police chief in the Florida Keys faced with a double homicide and all evidence points to him. He must prove himself innocent but that´s hard to do when it´s learned that he was involved with one of the victims.

Out to Sea Movie Review star
Out to Sea is a delightful comedy romance drama movie that will be a joy for the whole entire family to watch. Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau join up with Hal Linden, Donald O’Connor, Dyan Cannon and Brent Spiner to romp joyously through life changes in their golden years.

Outdoor Barbecuing for Small and Large Groups star[offsite link]
Functions that involve outdoor cooking for a crowd are popular summer fundraisers. Being organized will help ensure food that´s appealing, ready on time, served at the right temperature, available in sufficient quantity and delicious. This site offers advice in menu planning, site selection, buying food & paper goods , labor selection, food prep and safety, serving and clean-up.

Outdoor Pursuits star
The activities that people enjoy and which draw people to visit Africa.

Outlet Shopping in the Southeast USA star
Everyone is looking to save money these days. One option that appeals to many people is shopping at outlet malls. Discover where to shop and how to make the most of your outlet mall trip.

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Jewelry star
Jewelers donate a portion of the proceeds from the sale of their designs to help the cause of the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund.

Ovarian Cancer: Detecting the Silent Killer star

OVAs A - D star
Here you will find reviews for anime OVAs with titles starting with A - D.

OVAs E - H star
Here you will find reviews for anime OVAs with titles starting with E - H.

OVAs I - L star
Here you will find reviews for anime OVAs with titles starting with I - L.

OVAs M - P star
Here you will find reviews for anime OVAs with titles starting with M - P.

OVAs Q - T star
Here you will find reviews for anime OVAs with titles starting with Q - T.

OVAs U - Z star
Here you will find reviews for anime OVAs with titles starting with U - Z.

Over 200 Jewelry Gift Ideas for the Holidays star
This holiday season check out SPJ, a new jewelry shopping resource featuring more than 200 designer jewelry gift ideas!

Over My Dead Body Book Review star[offsite link]

Overcoming Stigma star[offsite link]
Moving past stigma

Overview of the Cups Court Cards star
This article explores the cups court cards, the astrological signs and personality traits they represent.

Owl & Mouse Free Educational Software star[offsite link]
Many free places to visit and get free educational software. No spam.

Oxymorons - Figure of Speech star
Examples and lesson ideas for teaching how oxymorons work in literature and speech.

O´tentika - Skincare Product Review star
Read about a skin care line made with natural ingredients, one that claims to enhance ethnic skin...

P.F. Chang´s Shrimp Dumplings star[offsite link]
A favorite dumpling recipe by the restaurant.

P.F.Chang´s Mongolian Beef (copycat) star[offsite link]
Flank steak with a wonderful gingery, garlicky sauce and topped off with the fresh flavor of green onions.

P.F.Chang´s Singapore Street Noodles (copycat) star[offsite link]
Curry-flavored noodles with chicken and shrimp.

Pacific Burn Book Review star
Jim Brodie gets involved in the murder of his close friend´s son, and learns that someone is trying to murder the entire family. His investigation takes him to Japan, where he is in danger at every turn.

Pack A Picnic Anytime star[offsite link]
Many useful picnic packing ideas from Reynolds Kitchens

Packable Lunch Recipes from Sunkist Kids star[offsite link]
Stumped for brown-bag ideas your kids won´t trade away? Get creative. Think outside the breadbox. Try one of these ideas, add a piece of fruit, a whole grain cookie and milk money, and you´ve got the stuff great lunches are made of.

Pagan ClipArt star[offsite link]
Excellent clipart for newsletters and papers.

Page by Page Books star[offsite link]
A vast free online collection of classics and more recent classics from the 1800´s and early 1900´s.

Page Starters star[offsite link]
Nice list of idea starters from Craft Avenue. Great for titles or captions!

Page Topper / Headline Sayings star[offsite link]
The Scrappin´ Room´s page toppers and sayings!

Page Toppers star[offsite link]
Look here for some really cute ideas for titles and page toppers from n2scrappin.com!

Pain Assessment & Management in the New Millennium star

Pala Mesa Resort star[offsite link]
Recipient of the Four Star rating from Golf Digest, Pala Mesa features one of the top championship golf courses in California. Lined with majestic oaks, sycamores and elms, the Pala Mesa Resort course is a classic par 72, presenting ambitious challenges for even the most accomplished golfer.

Palm Desert : Marriott Shadow Ridge star[offsite link]

Palm Springs star
Course listing for the Coachella Valley and Palm Springs areas.

Palm Springs Golf Guide star

Palm Springs Golf Guide star

Pam´s Place Easter Craft Ideas for All Ages star[offsite link]
A variety of nice Easter craft projects including Easter treat ideas.

Pan Frying Fresh Saltwater Fish Fillets star
One simple way to prepare fresh saltwater fish is to pan fry it. Pan frying gives it a crispy browned crust and leaves the interior tender and hot, yet completely cooked through. Here is a basic recipe to try for pan frying your favorite saltwater fish fillet.

Pan Frying Freshwater Fish Fillets star
One simple way to prepare freshwater fish is to pan fry it. Pan frying gives it a crispy browned crust and leaves the interior tender and hot, yet completely cooked through. Here is a basic recipe to try for pan frying your favorite freshwater fish fillet.

Panchatantra - Ancient Fables star
The Panchatantra (Five Principles) of ancient India is a collection of fables originally written in Sanskrit. It is believed to have been written by Vishnu Sharma.

Papas and Beer Restaurant Review star
The best Mexican food in western North Carolina hands down!

Paprika Blu-ray star
This is a review of the Blu-ray release for Paprika.

Paradise Perch star[offsite link]
An all bird species chat board.

Paradox star[offsite link]
Historical and Speculative fiction

Paramount´s Great America star[offsite link]
Paramount´s Great America has the most rides in Northern California: the most kids´ rides, the most coasters, and the most water rides.

Parent Action Tools star[offsite link]

Parent Information Network Resources star[offsite link]

Parental Media Guide star[offsite link]

Parenthood star[offsite link]

Parenting a special needs child star[offsite link]
This site is a resource targeted to assist parents raising disabled children.

Parenting Twins - Infants star
Click here for articles on parenting infant twins

Parenting Twins - Toddler and Preschool Twins star
Click here for articles on toddler and preschool twins

Parents Aren´t The Problem star[offsite link]
If you feel guilty and responsible for your child´s bad behavior, then you need to realize that you aren´t the problem. You, as the parent, are the solution.

Parents Helping Parents IEP Prep star[offsite link]
This is a wonderful tool that lists questions to respond to and then creates a document for you to be prepared. Includes transition plans, supports, services and accommodations.

Parents With Disabilities Online star[offsite link]
A comprehensive list of resources for parents with disabilities.

Parrot Adopt Southern Ontario star[offsite link]
P.A.S.O is a Rescue, Rehabilitation, Adoption and Education Agency for Parrots, Owners, and those interested in knowing about parrots located in Durham Region in Southern Ontario.

Parrot Enrichment Activity Book - Review star
e-book by Kris Porter who wants every bird to have a more enriched life.

Parrot Enrichment Activity Book V2 - Review star
I was excited when I saw that Kris Porter had released version 2 of the Parrot Enrichment Activity Book because version 1 was great to read and I was sure that version 2 would be as well.

Parrot Haven star[offsite link]
Parrot Haven developed in July of 1999, as part of the Rescue Operation of Parrot Fancier´s Club. It is the Parrot Haven´s policy that no bird will be turned away. Once the birds become adoptable, they will be placed in suitable homes within the New York area.

Parrot House recipes star[offsite link]
Lots of healthy recipes to prepare for your birds.

Parrot Playhouse Bird Toys star[offsite link]
Toys and toy parts for all sizes of parrots.

Parrot Rehabilitation Society star[offsite link]
goal is to take in homeless, unwanted or abused parrots, "rehabilitate" them, and find them good, permanent, loving homes with our members.

Parrot Speach.com star[offsite link]
Meet Arielle, a Blue and Gold Macaw whose talking ability has been studied.

Parrot Talk recipes star[offsite link]
Good, healthy recipes to make your bird´s food.

Parrot Toy Angels star[offsite link]
Parrot Toy Angels is an all-volunteer organization committed to providing toys, food and other avian supplies to companion birds in difficult situations.

Parrotdise Perch star[offsite link]
A large Canadian online parrot supply store with everything from food, toys & cages for the bird to clothing & jewellery for the bird owner.

Parrotlet Ranch star[offsite link]
Breeders, located in Santa Cruz, California who specialize in hand-fed pets as well as rare species and subspecies of parrotlets.

Parrotlets Plus star[offsite link]
A parrotlet chat group that grew too large to just have chats. Find photo albums, photo contests and more.

Party for America star
Celebrate the 4th with this all-American menu.

Party Planning Newsletter star
An introduction to the new and improved party planning newsletter from your new party planning editor.

Party Tips: Etiquette star
Tips to help you learn the etiquette and the basics on guests, host duties, and menus.

Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder star
Wikipedia: "Merely being passive-aggressive isn´t a disorder but a behavior - sometimes a perfectly rational behavior, which lets you dodge unpleasant chores while avoiding confrontation. It´s only pathological if it´s a habitual, crippling response reflecting a pervasively pessimistic attitude."

Past Life Vows star
Past life vows can impact dramatically on your life. Maybe you took a vow of chastity, poverty or perhaps promised to love someone else for eternity. Here I share a personal experience of releasing vows.

Past Subjects star
Previously featured Contests and Sweepstakes.

Pasta e Fagioli - Pasta and Bean Soup Recipe star
There are many variations on this classic Italian soup recipe. This "pasta fasul" recipe is from the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy.

Pasta Shapes star[offsite link]
When pasta dishes, be sure to choose a pasta shape and sauce that complement each other. Thin, delicate pastas like angel hair or thin spaghetti, should be served with light, thin sauces. Thicker pasta shapes, like fettuccine, work well with heavier sauces. Here´s a chart with all the details.

Pasta Shells With Gorgonzola Sauce Recipe star
This dish features Italian blue cheese. This dish is perfect to serve with steak.

Patagonian Conure star[offsite link]
Pictures and information on the largest of the Conures.

Patriotic Parties star[offsite link]
Celebrate the patriotic summer holidays with this colorful collection of red, white, and blue recipes from Kraft

Patriotic Poetry star[offsite link]
Patriotic Poetry.

Patterned Jewelry Pouch - Tutorial star[offsite link]
Directions for making round drawstring bags.

PatternsThatFitYou.com - Altering Darts on Commercial Patterns star[offsite link]
Learn the simple steps for correcting the angle of the original dart so that it will point to the bust point, and not “above” or “below” the bust.

Paula´s Knitting and Crochet Charity star[offsite link]
Paula crochets for charities for children, mainly Project Linus. Paula seeks volunteers who would like to help by donating crocheted squares, granny´s daughters, and 7 x 9 inch rectangles.

Paws With A Cause® star[offsite link]
Paws With A Cause® trains Assistance Dogs nationally for people with disabilities, provides lifetime team support which encourages independence, and promotes awareness through education.

Paycheck (2003) Ben Affleck, Uma Thurman, star
What could be so top secret that your employer would have you sign a contract to have your short-term memory erased?

PBS Kids´ Zoom Into Action star[offsite link]
PBS Kids’ Zoom Into Action: Volunteering is a great resource! Check out their 28-page downloadable and printable guide.

PBS Mystery Movies Schedule star[offsite link]

PBS´s Classic Film Site star[offsite link]
This is a site that PBS does about classic films.

Pea Soup star[offsite link]
Two Peas In A Bucket poem/title section!

Peace On Earth star
As Christmas comes around we hear lots of songs that tout "Peace on Earth". Why then do we always seem to be at war?

Peanut Brittle Recipe from Veracruz star
The Aztecs called the peanut tlalcacahuatl or cacao of the earth as it grows underground, and in the state of Veracruz, it makes an appearance in a variety of guises, Palanquetas de Cacahuate, or peanut brittle, among them.

Peanut Butter Bugs star
Who doesn´t like a nice crunchy bug? Especially for a Halloween dinner. After you have one of these tasty bugs, you´ll be craving bugs every day of the year.

Peanut Butter Sandwich Contest star[offsite link]
Seven-year-old Emily McComas-aka the "Peanut Butter Princess"-created her "Chip Chompin´ Cherry Nutter" sandwich to take first prize in GOT MILK?´s first peanut butter sandwich contest. See her winning recipe here!

Pearlygates Fonts star[offsite link]
Several fonts listed by subject type.

Pebble Beach Golf Links star[offsite link]
Pebble Beach...it´s legendary...enough said.

Pecan Waffles star
Pecans add a great flavor to these waffles.

PEN American Center star[offsite link]
This association "works to advance literature, to defend free expression, and to foster international literary fellowship." Information on their support, programs, publications and international organization.

Pencil Lines Sketches star[offsite link]
Great sketch challenges posted weekly.

Pendulums and the Light star
According to author Diane Stein, pendulums can be used for just about anything: finding lost objects, energy diagnostics, job selection, locating a place to live, driving directions, healing, and even karma clearing.

Pengersick Castle star[offsite link]

Penn & Teller - B.S. star[offsite link]

Penzeys Spices star[offsite link]
A fantastic selction of spices at great prices too, delivered right to your door.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals star[offsite link]
International animal rights organization explores welfare issues, campaigns, etc.

Perdue Chicken Cooking Guide star[offsite link]
Safe cooking temperatures and methods for all kinds of poultry - whole chickens, chicken parts, ground poultry, cornish hens, whole turkeys and turkey parts.

Perfect Pocket Beach Towel star[offsite link]
Add a handy pocket to your beach towel for a book or some sunscreen.

Perfect Rice star[offsite link]
No fail recipe and information on how to cook perfect rice everytime!

Perfectly Grilled Steaks star[offsite link]
The right cut and a smartly built fire can blaze the way to tender, juicy steak with just a hint of smoke.

Perfectly Grilled Steaks star[offsite link]
There´s nothing quite as satisfying as a beautiful steak grilled over a hardwood fire. The ritual of building the fire, the aroma of smoke, and the mouthwatering flavor of grilled steak all contribute to the uncomplicated pleasure of this summer tradition.

Perfumekits star[offsite link]
Perfumekits.com your source for essential oils and absolutes and perfume crafting supplies. We have hard to obtain essential oils and absolutes as well as perfume label templates, perfume bases and bottles

Perfumekits star[offsite link]
Perfumekits.com your source for essential oils and absolutes and perfume crafting supplies. We have hard to obtain essential oils and absolutes as well as perfume label templates, perfume bases and bottles

PerfumeKits - source for soap labels and soap cigar bands star[offsite link]
perfumekits.com is your source for fantastic, fresh bath and body make it yourself kits. The kits comes with free printed color labels that are available from the website and are customized during the ordering process. Our kits are great for special events such as birthdays, showers, gift giving or when you just want to make fresh body care products for yourself. In addition to the kits and labels, perfumekits.com has soap cigar band templates and even free soap cigarbands.

Perfumekits soap box coop star[offsite link]
We will be designing some pretty special soap boxes and would like our customers to get in on this deal. I am in the process of designing the boxes. These will be boxes with patterns on them and they will be sold on perfumekits.

Permission Granted by Stacy Julian of Simple Scrapbooks star[offsite link]
Do you plan to scrapbook every photo you have ever taken in chronological order? This article will help you feel some freedom!

Persephone as Symbol of Life and Death star
Demeter so loved her daughter that she kept Persephone hidden away from the Olympian gods.

Perseus And Andromeda - Perseid Dynasty star
On his way home, with the head of Medusa safely tucked away in a protective bag, Perseus happened to see a lovely woman chained to a rock by the turbulent seas of Aethiopia.

Perseus And Danae star
Seeking help from the Oracle at Delphi, Acrisius was not told what he wanted to hear, that he would have a son, rather, he learned that his own daughter´s son would one day kill him.

Persian Poet Rumi star[offsite link]
A collection of works by the sufi poet, Jalaluddin Rumi.

Personalities star
Subtopic - Subject Movie Appreciation. To the actors, actresses, directors, writers, cinematographers, editors who make film viewing fun: Here´s lookin´ at them, kid.

Personalized Honey Favor star[offsite link]
Legend has it that Cupid dipped his love arrows in honey before aiming at unsuspecting lovers...These brilliantly unique little favors are filled with pure wildflower honey. The 2 oz. jars are personalized with gold foil labels and "Our Love is Sweeter than Honey" along with the bride and groom´s first names and wedding date. Date is printed in numerical format only.

Personification in Picture Books star
Teach students how to identify personification using picture books. Here is a list of picture books to use during lessons about personification as a figure of speech.

Perspective star
Thyroid disease often comes with many frustrating physical and emotional symptoms. Taking time to appreciate the good things in life and understanding the big picture from a new perspective can be helpful to the healing process.

Perthshire star[offsite link]

Pet Costumes star[offsite link]
Does your pooch like to dress up too? Find lots of dog and cat costumes right here.

Pet Ettiquette star[offsite link]
Respect other people when you travel with pets, Always assume that these rules exist, unless the manager or written policies indicate otherwise.

Pet Safety - Things to know before you embark star[offsite link]
According to the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association (APPMA), an unsecured 60-pound dog during a 30-mph crash becomes a projectile that could hit a windshield, backseat or his owner with the force of 1,200 pounds. After years of safety campaigns, Americans buckle up their kids in the family vehicle, but most are unaware that the family pet is also at risk in a crash or panic stop. Read more from Valvoline Car Care....

Pet Safety on Halloween star
Pet costumes are all the rage, especially for Halloween. But you need to consider these safety factors when choosing a costume for your special friend.

Peter Ruggs, the Missing Man - A Review star
This is a humorous tale from the eighteenth century of a man who is lost. He seeks directions to his home but is distraught when they don´t make sense to him. This story is possibly an analogy for a doomed past.

Pets Welcome! star[offsite link]
Pet Friendly Bed and Breakfast, Country Inns, Hotels and Vacation Rentals across America United States, Canada and Mexico

Pets Welcome.Com star[offsite link]
Find hotels that welcome your best friend...Also campgrounds, beaches and other travel destinations...even pet sitters and emergency vets along your travel route

Pets, July 4th and fireworks star
July 4th is a celebration that your animal would like to skip.

Philip Marlowe - Private Eye star
Will the real Philip Marlowe please stand up? Perfect Noir from the 1940´s to the 1980´s.

Philip Marlowe 1983-86 DVD Collection - Review star
This collection is pure enjoyment. Devout Boothe-Philip Marlowe fans will find that this is a set well worth having.

Philippine Bill of 1902 and a Poem star
While poetry and politics ususally do not mix, the poet José Rizal exemplifies that rare poet who could influence politics with his poetry.

Phobia Anxiety Disorders star
There are over a hundred different phobias from fear of flying to nosocomephobia, fear of hospitals. The actual cause of phobias is unknown; however, children may learn phobias by observation, especially a family member´s extreme reaction to an object or situation.

Photo.net star[offsite link]
Photo.net - Stuffed full with articles, tips and advice for learning how to take better photographs. Be sure to visit their excellent forums too.

Photo.net Learning star[offsite link]
Photo.net - Stuffed full with articles, tips and advice for learning how to take better photographs. Be sure to visit their excellent forums too.

Photos from Wrangell-St. Elias star
Here´s a taste of the what you´ll see if you visit Wrangell-St. Elias National Park.

Photoshop Elements Kids Club star[offsite link]
Not just for kids! This site from Adobe has a great selection of how-to video tutorials for Photoshop Elements. Great for beginners!

Photoshop Tutorials star[offsite link]

Physical Well-Being star
Mom´s physical well-being is an important part of self-care

Picture Perfect Party star
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a photo booth at a kids party would speak volumes. What a great way to capture the moments!

Pie Making FAQs star[offsite link]
Create perfect pies - Learn how to make tender, flaky pie crust, prevent soggy bottom crusts, overly browned edges and other common pie mishaps.

Pierre Cardin - A Leader in Men´s Fashion star[offsite link]
The first couturier to "bring fashion into the street," Pierre Cardin designed men´s clothing and accessories to be accessible to "everyman." His bio will provide some surprising glimpses into a familiar name in fashion.

Pies & Pastries star

Pin-Tailed Parrot Finch star[offsite link]
A breeder talks about the difficulty in having these birds raise their own babies.

Pina Colada Pie star
Bring a taste of Hawaii to your next gathering with this scrumptious pie.

Pinch Pot star[offsite link]
A simple project for a child´s first experience with clay.

Place Holder star
This webring promotes cooking resources and everything related to it. Featuring sites with recipes, cookbooks, country cooking, BBQ, ethnic, all international foods and the beverages that accompany meals - not to mention the cooks themselves! The art of entertaining. Kitchen cookware, utensils, & ga

Placemat Purse star[offsite link]
Directions on how to make a purse from a placemat from jcaroline creative!

Placemat Tote star[offsite link]
Directions on how to make a tote bag from placemats from jcaroline creative!

Plan a Steak-Out star[offsite link]
Treat Dad to a delicious steak dinner on Father´s Day.

Planet Shoup star[offsite link]
Detailed explanation on how to convert a knitting pattern to crochet.

PlanetShoup star[offsite link]
Linda offers up a healthy serving of free patterns, tips, valuable links and more

Planks for Toned Abs star
Planks for tighter toned abs involve the entire back and shoulders so you get better alignment and more core control which leads to more toned abs.

Planned Parenthood star[offsite link]
Educate yourself on Birth Control Options and what to do if you are Faced with a Teen Pregnancy

Planned Parrothood Toxic and NonToxic Plants star[offsite link]
This page at Planned Parrothood (I love the name :) ) has a comprehensive list of safe branches, safe plants, toxic plants & household toxins.

Planning A Baby Shower star
A great article from the Bellaonline.com Pregnancy site.

Planning for the future star[offsite link]
Estate planning for the care of your disabled child after your death.

Planning The Ultimate Family Reunion star
A wonderful article from the Family Travel Site on Bellaonline.com.

Plateaus & Weight Loss star
Why it´s crucial for your body to land on a weight loss plateau and three simple steps to getting off one.

Pleated Purse Pattern star[offsite link]
Pattern for pleated handbag.

Plot Generator star[offsite link]

Plus Size Apparel star[offsite link]
A resource for clothing for plus sizes.

Plus Size Ink star
Moe, the Large & Lovely editor, interviews Rae (Body Art editor) about considerations for body art when someone is plus-size.

Poem Sampler Spiritual Poetry star[offsite link]
Jane Hirshfield´s commentary on 22 poems about spirituality and enlightenment.

Poems For Moms star
Read insightful poetry especially for mothers...

Poems For Special Children star[offsite link]
Special poems for special children.

Poems of Paramahansa Yogananda star[offsite link]
Poems by Hindu poet, Paramahansa Yogananda

Poems Toppers and Quotes star[offsite link]
Victoria´s Keepsakes Poems Toppers and Quotes.

Poeple.com star[offsite link]
Stay in the know with trends, style tips and more.

Poet star
Learn everything you need to know to become a successful poet.

Poet Bios star[offsite link]
Find biographies and poems of famous poets

Poetry star

Poetry and Poets in Rags star[offsite link]
News Articles, with Rus Bowden

Poetry and Quotations star[offsite link]
Misc. poetry and quotations.

Poetry and the Library of Congress star[offsite link]
If you love learning the history of poetry in America, you´ll find lots of fascinating information on the Library of Congress poetry site, even a poem by President Tyler.

Poetry at the Library of Congress star[offsite link]
If you love learning the history of poetry in America, you´ll find lots of fascinating information on the Library of Congress poetry site, even a poem by President Tyler.

Poetry Free for All star[offsite link]
PFFA, a subsidiary of everypoet.com, specializes in forum based critiquing for beginner through advanced poets.

Poetry Magazine star[offsite link]
One of the oldest continuing poetry publications inthe US, Poetry Magazine was founded in 1912 by Harriet Monroe and continues to publish quality contemporary poetry.

Poetry To Make You Think... star
Take time to truly appreciate your children during this holiday season...

PoetryMagazine.com star[offsite link]
Listen online to contemporary poets reading their work. Don´t we all wish we could write so well?

PoetrySuperHighway star[offsite link]
An extensive poetry web resource managed by Los Angeles ficture Rick Lupert. Features work by two new poets every week and holds an annual contest. Submit!

Poets & Writers star[offsite link]
The online home of Poets & Writers Magazine includes articles, event and contest listings, a directory of writers, and more.

Poets & Writers Magazine star[offsite link]
The online home of Poets & Writers Magazine, www.pw.org, includes articles, event and contest listings, a directory of writers, and more.

Poet´s Corner star[offsite link]
Large data base...search by author or title or also key word.

Pointing Dog Breeds star[offsite link]
Generalized information on pointing dog breeds. The author says more breeds will be added as time goes by and reminds us that an individual dogs temperment and ability may differ depending on the breeding, environment, training, and many other variables.

Pokemon 2.B.A. Master star
Pokemon 2.B.A. Master is a Pokemon soundtrack CD that was released on June 29, 1999.

Pokemon 2.B.A. Master star
Pokemon 2.B.A. Master is a Pokemon soundtrack CD that was released on June 29, 1999.

Pokemon Books star
Here you will find reviews of books related to the Pokemon anime franchise.

Pokemon Books star
Here you will find reviews of Pokemon books.

Pokemon Drawing Books star
Here you will find reviews of Pokemon drawing books.

Pokemon Drawing Books star
Here you will find reviews of Pokemon drawing books.

Pokemon DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of Pokemon DVDs.

Pokemon DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of Pokemon DVDs.

Pokemon Episode Listings star
Here you will find episode listings for the various Pokemon series.

Pokemon Handbooks and Guides star
Here you will find reviews of Pokemon handbooks and guides.

Pokemon Handbooks and Guides star
Here you will find reviews of Pokemon handbooks and guides.

Pokemon Information star
Here you will find information on Pokemon.

Pokemon Introduced in the Hoenn Region star
This is a listing of the Pokemon that were introduced in the Hoenn region.

Pokemon Introduced in the Johto Region star
This is a listing of the Pokemon that were introduced in the Johto region.

Pokemon Introduced in the Kanto Region star
This is a listing of the Pokemon that were introduced in the Kanto region.

Pokemon Introduced in the Sinnoh Region star
This is a listing of the Pokemon that were introduced in the Sinnoh region.

Pokemon Introduced in the Unova Region star
This article lists all of the Pokemon introduced in the Unova Region.

Pokemon Jr. Handbook Meet Buizel and Friends star
The Pokemon Junior Handbook: Meet Buizel and Friends book was published by Scholastic in 2009.

Pokemon Jr. Handbook Pikachu and Pals star
The Pokemon Junior Handbook: Pikachu and Pals book was published by Scholastic in 2009.

Pokemon Movies star
Here you will find reviews of the Pokemon movies.

Pokemon Movies star
Here you will find reviews of the Pokemon movies.

Pokemon Movies - A star
Here you will find the Pokemon movies that begin with the letter A.

Pokemon Movies - Ar star
Here you will find the Pokemon movies that begin with Ar.

Pokemon Movies - D star
Here you will find the Pokemon movies that begin with the letter D.

Pokemon Movies - De star
Here you will find the Pokemon movies that begin with De.

Pokemon Movies - G star
Here you will find the Pokemon movies that begin with the letter G.

Pokemon Movies - Gi star
Here you will find the Pokemon movies that begin with Gi.

Pokemon Movies - J star
Here you will find the Pokemon movies that begin with the letter J.

Pokemon Movies - Ji star
Here you will find the Pokemon movies that begin with Ji.

Pokemon Movies - L star
Here you will find the Pokemon movies that begin with the letter L.

Pokemon Movies - Lu star
Here you will find the Pokemon movies that begin with Lu.

Pokemon Movies - M star
Here you will find the Pokemon movies that begin with the letter M.

Pokemon Movies - Me star
Here you will find the Pokemon movies that begin with Me.

Pokemon Movies - P star
Here you will find the Pokemon movies that begin with the letter P.

Pokemon Movies - Po star
Here you will find the Pokemon movies that begin with Po.

Pokemon Movies - R star
Here you will find the Pokemon movies that begin with the letter R.

Pokemon Movies - Ri star
Here you will find the Pokemon movies that begin with Ri.

Pokemon Movies - Z star
Here you will find the Pokemon movies that begin with the letter Z.

Pokemon Movies - Zo star
Here you will find the Pokemon movies that begin with Zo.

Pokemon Pocket Guides star
Pokemon: The Complete Pokemon Pocket Guide is a set of companion books that cover the first 491 Pokemon.

Pokemon Series star
Here you will find overview articles for the various Pokemon series.

Pokemon Series star
Here you will find overview articles for the various Pokemon series.

Pokemon Sinnoh Handbook star
The Pokemon Sinnoh Handbook was released to give information about the Pokemon that are part of Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl.

Pokemon Soundtracks star
Here you will find reviews for Pokemon soundtrack CDs.

Pokemon Soundtracks star
Here you will find reviews of Pokemon soundtracks.

Pokemon The First Movie Soundtrack star
This is a review of the soundtrack CD for Pokemon The First Movie.

Pokemon The First Movie Soundtrack star
This is a review of the soundtrack CD for Pokemon The First Movie.

Pokemon The Movie 2000 Soundtrack star
The soundtrack CD for Pokemon The Movie 2000 was released around the same time that the film was released to theaters.

Pokemon The Movie 2000 Soundtrack star
The soundtrack CD for Pokemon The Movie 2000 was released around the same time that the film was released to theaters.

Pokemon Ultimate Handbook star
The Pokemon Ultimate Handbook was written by Cris Silvestri, and was published in 2008.

Pokemon Visual Guide star
The Pokemon Visual Guide was written by Katherine Fang and Cris Silvestri, and was published in 2008.

Pokemon World of Sinnoh star
Pokemon: World of Sinnoh was written by Simcha Whitehill, and was published in 2008.

Pokemon X 10 Years of Pokemon star
Pokemon X: 10 Years of Pokemon is a soundtrack CD that covers the first nine seasons of the Pokemon anime series.

Pokemon X 10 Years of Pokemon star
Pokemon X: 10 Years of Pokemon is a soundtrack CD that covers the first nine seasons of the Pokemon anime series.

Pokemon Young Reader Books star
Here you will find reviews of Pokemon books for young readers.

Pokemon Young Reader Books star
Here you will find reviews of Pokemon books for young readers.

Pokoh, Old Man star
Pokoh, Old Man, they say, created the world.

Police, Detective & Law Enforcement Thrillers star

Political Poems star[offsite link]
Includes several inaugural poems.

Political Voices of Women star[offsite link]
Opinion and Commentary of Over 500 Women Political Bloggers

Polyamory Married and Dating star
Can you have multiple love partners openly while being married at the same time? Apparently you can if you practice polyamory.

Pom Poko star
Pom Poko is a film produced by Studio Ghibli and directed by Isao Takahata.

Ponyo star
Ponyo (which is also known as Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea) is a film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki.

Ponyo Blu-ray DVD Combo star
This is a review of the Blu-ray/DVD combo release for Ponyo.

Ponyo Blu-ray DVD Combo star
This is a review of the Blu-ray/DVD combo release for Ponyo.

Pop Music of France. star[offsite link]
On this site you´ll find several other links, and information about some of the movers and shakers in French pop music: past and present.

Pope John Paul II star

Poppy Seed Dinner Rolls star
These flaky and buttery rolls will melt in your mouth.

Poppy Seed Dinner Rolls star
These flaky and buttery rolls will melt in your mouth.

Popsicles - Refreshing Summer Treats star[offsite link]
A list of make-it yourself kid-pleasing popsicle recipes.

Porco Rosso star
Porco Rosso is a film produced by Studio Ghibli and directed by Hayao Miyazaki.

Porcupine Quillwork star[offsite link]
Native Tech covers all aspects of decorating with porcupine quills. Tools & techniques, jewelry & embroidery

Pork 4 Kids star[offsite link]
Recipes for kids from Pork - The Other White Meat

Pork and Health, Org star[offsite link]
Healthy recipes, nutrition research, food safety and more...

Pork Cooking Timetable star[offsite link]
A chart with recommended times for roasting, cooking and broiling/grilling pork and pork products.

Pork Loin Cuts star[offsite link]
From the Cook´s Thesaurus, The loin is the leanest and most tender pork. This page describes pork loin cuts and has detailed pictures of each one.

Pork Marinades & Rubs star[offsite link]
Whether you are seasoning your pork chop with a rub or marinating your pork tenderloin with a homemade concoction, here´s tips for garnishing.

Portuguese Easter Cake star

Portuguese Easter Cake star

Portuguese Easter Cake star

Positive Pause Online Meditation star[offsite link]
Beautiful online meditations.

Post secondary Education star[offsite link]
The transition from high school to college can be a challenge for any student, but there are unique challenges for students with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Information for this document has been assembled from a variety of sources, with personal experiences also used to expand on the advice.

Post Weight loss Sabotage star
Sabotaging your weight loss success? Find out which type of saboteur you are and how to stop it and keep the weight off forever.

Potatoes with Poblano Chillies and Chorizo Recipe star
A Mexican recipe which combines very Mesoamerican potatoes and chillies with very post-Hispanic chorizo into a deeply savoury and robust side dish to accompany a mole perhaps, or a herb and spice roasted chicken, grilled fish or fried eggs.

Potty Advice star[offsite link]
Potty training suggestions and free offers.

Poultry Dishes star

Powells star[offsite link]
Used and new, hardcover and paperback books. Often hard to find or rare books can be found here. They are huge!

Practicing Writing Plot Online for Teens star
A writing workshop that discusses how chat rooms can be great places to learn about and practice writing plot.

Praisebooking.com star[offsite link]
Praisbooking articles and idea gallery.

Pratchett, Terry star[offsite link]
Terry pratchett´s official site include a travel guide to discworld. If you´ve never read one of his Fantasy Satires, you´re missing out!

Prayer and Meditation by Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati star[offsite link]
An uplifting prayer and meditation from an interfaith spiritual point of view.

Prayer and Meditation Gems compiled by K. Demerly star[offsite link]
Selections drawing from many faiths and traditions.

Prayer and Meditation to the Holy Spirit star

Prayer/Meditation (off-site links) star

Praying Simply star
We can learn a lot from children about how to pray simply and genuinely.

Pre School Writing Activities - Schooling At Home star
When considering pre-school writing activities,taking kids scribbles,art and craft games and little stories seriously can have profound effects on their later schooling or even,literary,success.Read on for ideas on nurturing their early creative attempts and for prioritising their learning space.

Prefixes and Suffixes for Reading star
Prefixes and suffixes are added to base words to form new words. Use these lists of common prefixes and suffixes to teach students how they work in words and sentences.

Pregnancy & Childbirth ABC´s star[offsite link]
ABC list about Pregnancy & Childbirth.

Pregnancy and Birth star
Click here for a collection of great articles about twin pregnancy

Pregnancy Journal star
Make a special keepsake by keeping a journal of your pregnancy.

Pregnancy Ultrasound and Your Baby´s Brain star
The lastest research indicates that ultrasound may indeed mess with your baby´s brain development. So, why are routine ultrasounds still being done? Do your homework on this one!

Prelinger Collection star[offsite link]
This fascinating site tells the Rick Prelinger story and about his collection of ephemeral films. You can view some films online.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder star
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is a more severe form of premenstrual syndrome, which occurs about five to 11 days before a menstrual cycle.

Premier Inns star[offsite link]
With over 500 Premier Inns in the UK, there is bound to be one near you.

Preparedness Insights star[offsite link]
How to store water, food, and emergency supplies. First aid, using your supplies, growing food, preparing for and dealing with disasters.

Preparing for the SAT star
Are you anxious about taking the SAT? Learn how to avoid your anxiety here!

Preschool Coloring Fun star[offsite link]
Visit this site to print a variety of pictures for you and your preschooler to color.

Preschool Newsletter Sign Up star
Find out information about our free weekly newsletter.

Prescsription Drug Ratings star[offsite link]
Ask a patient - ratings report by drug class. This includes anti-psychotics.

Preserving Herbs star[offsite link]
Herbs, fresh or dried, can greatly improve any dish. Here´s tips on how to preserve fresh herbs.

Preserving Pie Fillings star[offsite link]
Pie fillings are an excellent way to preserve an abundance of fruit. Here´s recipes for fruit fillings from Ohio State University Extension.

Pressure Canning star[offsite link]
Pressure Canning is the safe way to can low acid vegetables, meats, etc. This site, from the Virginia Cooperative Extension has a safety checklist, and information on equipment preparation and processing, plus a 3-way test for checking the seals on jars.

Pretty Paisley Apron star[offsite link]
The ruffles run along the bottom and up the rounded sides of this half apron.

Preventing Holiday Weight Gain star
Many of us who walk do so at least in part due to the weight control benefits we get from walking. Walking can help you lose weight and then keep it off. It can also help you avoid putting on those pesky holiday pounds. Try these tips this year for preventing holiday weight gain.

Preventing Texting While Driving star
Cell phones and texting may seem harmless, but there are many risks associated with teens and cell phone usage.

Pride and Prejudice Quiz star
Test your knowledge of Jane Austen´s novel, Pride and Prejudice with ten interactive questions.

Prime Suspect - PBS Finale November 2006 star
If you loved the PBS Prime Suspect series with Helen Mirren as Detective Superintendent Jane Tennison, you must watch the series finale.

Prime Time History, a Look Back star
It is that time of year again! Fall Premiere Season and I am so excited. This year we have a wide spectrum of quirky, innovative, and cutting edge television heading our way. Let´s take a look back as we move forward.

Prime Time TV Newsletter Sign up star
Join me for some Prime Time TV Talk! Sign up for the Prime Time TV´s site newsletter today!

Prime Time TV, Changing of the Guard star
Where is Prime Time TV headed, there seems to be a whiff of change in the air but is it the sweet smell of excitement or the stench of television losing its way?

Prince Caspian Movie Companion Book Review star
A review of the book: “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. The Official Illustrated Movie Companion” by Ernie Malik with an excerpt.

Princess Angeline Of Seattle star
The ghost of Princess Angeline, daughter of Chief Seattle, walks the streets of Seattle, keeping watch over her homeland.

Princess Mononoke star
Princess Mononoke is a film directed by Hayao Miyazaki, and it is set in the Muromachi period of Japan. Even though it is a Miyazaki film, it really is not meant for children.

Princess Party Favors and Prizes star
Favors and prize ideas for a Princess themed party.

Print Awareness Activities for Reading star
Learning about how print works is an important prereading skill. Here are some activities to develop print awareness for young children.

Printable Invitations to a Cookie Swap star[offsite link]
From HP.com - Print cute invitations to a cookie swap. You can enter all your information - date, time, etc - before printing so the invitations will be ready to send as you print them.

Printing Digital Layouts star[offsite link]

Private Practice star[offsite link]

ProBlogger Secrets for Blogging Book Review star
Looking for a comprehensive book on blogging? ProBlogger - Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income offers bloggers the essentials for getting started blogging on a strong foundation. Get advice from probloggers Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett.

Processed Food Diet Mistakes star
If you´re relying on packaged foods to lose weight then you may be making it tougher for your body to burn fat. The top processed food diet mistakes and how to correct them.

Product Recalls star[offsite link]
Be sure to check the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Website for a complete list of recalled products.

Products H - Z star
Websites in this collection that begin with the letters H to Z.

Professional Sports star

Programming Crystals star
Crystals can be given specific jobs to do if you know how to programme them. Whether you need help to sleep, stop smoking, or meditate more deeply, a programmed quartz crystal can support you. Here are some step by step instructions.

Project Africa star[offsite link]
Among other interesting information is a short video of a flock of Congo African Grey Parrots in the wild. I watched it again & again after downloading it.

Project HIRED star[offsite link]
Project HIRED - assisting people with disabilities find competitive employment

Promise Keepers star[offsite link]
A ministry dedicated to the training and accountability of men as husbands, fathers, and children of God.

Pros and Cons of an Arranged Marriage star
Arranged marriages can have benefits—and deficits.

Psi Phi´s Star Trek Book Database star[offsite link]
A fan site with lots of information on Star Trek books

Psyche and Eros - A Story Of Faith star
Is it possible for a mythological story to have an affect on real life, or help us learn something valuable? Let us take a look at the story of Psyche and Eros.

Psyche And Eros - A Story Of Love star
Eros had fallen in love with Psyche after he placed a curse on her that his mother, Aphrodite, demanded. Now he would have to have faith in that love and trust that Psyche, too, would have faith.

Psyche And Eros - A Story Of Trust star
Psyche now knew she had to find trust if she was to ever know love.

Psyche And Eros - Trust Betrayed star
I will love you and protect you forever, he whispered. Even if you were sent to the gates of hell, I would be with you in spirit and protect you from all harm.

Psyche And Eros - Trust Restored star
Psyche set out to find Eros. The journey she began would not be an easy one. It would be one of heavy burdens and sadness.

Psyche And Eros - Trust Reunites star
Psyche found her way to a tower above the abyss that led to the infernal regions underground. She sat by the tower and contemplated flinging herself down to Hades´ kingdom from the tower.

Psychological Thrillers star

Psychology and Dreams star

Psychosis and Schizophrenia star
Schizophrenia is a disorder that is often times misunderstood and feared by those outside of the disorder. Read more about what this mental illness can entail, including possible symptoms and medications that are used to treat the disorder.

Publications Seeking Submissions (A to K List) star
Browse the A to K list of guidelines and links to more than 60 sites of publications seeking submissions from writers online...

Publications Seeking Submissions (L to Z List) star
Get the L to Z list of guidelines and links to more than 50 sites of publications seeking submissions from writers online...

Publish Your Poetry star
In honor of National Poetry Month, I researched publications seeking poetry submissions and poetry writing contests.

Publishing Book star[offsite link]
How to publish your book.

Puerto Rico - Caribbean Center of Home Education star[offsite link]

Pumpkin Bars star[offsite link]
A great treat for Halloween! From PastryWiz.com.

Pumpkin Cheesecake star
An easy to make yet elegant dessert perfect for holiday gatherings.

Pumpkin Cheesecake star
Pumpkin combined with cheesecake makes this a delectable dessert.

Pumpkin For Recipes star
Recipe box "memory notes" like of the days when Grandpa or Dad would take us little kids out to the pumpkin patch...

Pumpkin Oatmeal Bars Recipe star
Pumpkin Oat Bars make a perfect snack, dessert, or edible gift. This recipe can be customized easily to incorporate your favorite flavors or to add a seasonal touch.

Punctuation and Reading star
Readers need to know what punctuation marks mean and sound like in text. Teach readers how to pause, stop, and change their voice as they read and comprehend.

Pure Action star
Movies that are pure nonstop action from start to finish.

Purim with Aish HaTorah star[offsite link]
A comprehensive site on the holiday of Purim. Topics cover the basics, how to´s of Purim, family information and recipes.

Pushups for Core Strength star
Pushups are great for building upper body strength but here are more reasons to do them and how to get started.

Putting Responsibility into Perspective star
The responsibility of raising adolescents can be intimidating. This article helps you put it all into perspective. This perspective includes taking care of yourself to take care of them and above all, keeping a sense of humor.

Puzzlemaker star[offsite link]
A fun and exciting website to tickle your brain!

Pyhurra Breeders Association star[offsite link]
Promotes the keeping and breeding of Pyrrhura conures, as well as owner education.

Q & A star[offsite link]
Answers to your writing questions

Quaker Toddlers star[offsite link]
Especially for you and your little one...find out about toddler nutrition, parenting a toddler, age-appropriate activities and product information. You can also have age-specific information delivered right to you through our Quaker Toddlers newsletter.

Quality Children´s Books star[offsite link]
A Spunky site devoted to finding the best childrens´ books at the absolute best prices.

Quebec City Summer Festival star[offsite link]
Quebec is North America´s oldest French city, and for the past 35 years it´s hosted a summer musical and artistic celebration unique among the festivals of the world. "This major showcase for planetary culture offers the opportunity to explore trends and traditions in music, enjoy exhilarating performances, and bask in an unforgettably festive atmosphere." Find out all about the 2003 Quebec City Summer Festival on its official web site.

Queen Geeks Sketch Blog star[offsite link]

Queer as Folk star[offsite link]

Quick and Easy Grilling Tips star[offsite link]
Grill prep, quick & easy edibles, and the secrets to tastier seafood.

Quick and Easy Cookie Exchange star[offsite link]
Discover an easy way for you and your friends to get an assortment of homemade cookies for the holidays - while baking only one kind!

Quick Bias Tape Bib - Tutorial star[offsite link]
A quick and easy bib with bound edges and a crumb catcher. From the Purl Bee.

Quick boot camp workout star[offsite link]
The quick boot camp workout burns fat and builds lean strong muscles all over in just 10 minutes

Quick butt workout star[offsite link]
The quick butt workout takes just 10 minutes and includes 3 killer exercises that sculpt, tone, and burn fat.

Quick Fatloss Workout Program star[offsite link]
8 week workout program designed to strip 10-20 pounds of fat off your body with intense and quick workouts.

Quick Healthy Weight Loss Meals star
Learn how to make quick healthy weight loss meals using the foods you love. 3 easy steps to meals that boost metabolism and help you lose weight effortlessly.

Quick interval cardio and arm circuit star[offsite link]
This quick interval cardio and arm circuit workout builds lean sculpted arms while burning lots of fat. It´s great for all levels from beginners to intermediates and advanced.

Quick Meals That Boost Metabolism star
No time to cook and no desire to eat out. These quick and easy meals taste great and will keep your metabolism running high.

Quick Tips for Editing Your Writing star
How to increase your chances for publication by honing your self editing skills. Self editing is an essential skill, and it doesn´t need to be a bone of contention. Find out how...

Quick Workout Routines star[offsite link]
Quick workouts and quick fitness plans to burn fat, get fit, and lose weight fast.

Quiet Neighbors Book Review star

Quiz: Which Major Arcana Tarot Card Are You? star[offsite link]
Fun, quick quiz that asks you to self rate yourself on a number of characteristics to ultimately identify which Major Arcana card you are most like.

Quotation Center star[offsite link]
Over 13,000 quotes, search by keywords. Also listed by author or subject.

Quotations star[offsite link]
One of the oldest and largest quotation pages on the Web.

Rabbinic Center for Research and Counseling star[offsite link]
An organization that seeks to serve the needs of the intermarried and intermarrying. The site presents links, resources, offers a list of rabbis willing to officiate at intermarriages, and an overview of programs and current research projects.

Rabbit A La Berlin, Film Review star
Original title Mauerhase - A hare that lives by a wall. This 2010 Oscar nominated film, uses the viewpoint of Berlin’s death zone rabbits as a parable for the lives of many East German and USSR citizens, to give a different perspective on socialism, the fall of the wall and the end of communism.

Rabbits and Bunnies - Dream Symbols star
Rabbit as totem and dream symbol.

Rabindranath Tagore at the Biography Channel star[offsite link]
A brief introduction to the Bengali poet, whose most noted work, Gitanjali, earned him the Nobel Prize in 1913.

Rabindranath Tagore´s The Journey star[offsite link]
Tagore´s "The Journey" is from his most important collection titled Gitanjali, for which he won the Nobel Prize in 1913.

Rachel Carson star
Biologist, writer, ecologist. A courageous woman who battled against chemical pollutants.

Racing the flags star
Motogp officials communicate with the riders on the track by the use of flags. Here are some of the flags shown by the marshalls on race days and what they mean to the riders.

Raglan Sweater by Janis Cortese star[offsite link]
Instructions on how to crochet a basic raglan sweater.

Rail Transportation Benefits star
Somehow I just can’t imagine the PRC or India slowing down the natural flow of their goods and services, just because there may be a few people in the US who still believe that traveling by car or truck down Interstate 4 from Orlando to Tampa is a better way. If you build it, the jobs will come.

Rainbow Bridge Myth star
The legend of the Chumash people and their love of dolphins.

Rainforest Cafe star
Shelley Shearer, BellaOnline´s Adventure Living Editor reviews the Rainforest Cafe at Tyson´s Corner Mall in Virginia. For information about other locations in Washington, California, Nevada and more, visit www.rainforestcafe.com

Raising the Flag at Iwo Jima - Joe Rosenthal star
Few photographs are so enduring in the memory once first looked at than that iconic photograph by Joe Rosenthal taken during World War II in 1945. Here we take a look in more detail in the background to Joe Rosenthal´s historical image of the Raising of the flag at Iwo Jima.

Ralan´s Webstravaganza star[offsite link]
A genre specific market list, Ralan includes book publishers, pro & semi-pro press, dead markets and more.

Rambam (Maimonidies) star[offsite link]
Maimonides (Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon) is a central figure in Jewish theology. Here is a biography of his life and time, including information on his many writings and works.

Random House star

Random House´s Star Wars Page star[offsite link]
Information from the publisher of Star Wars Fan Fiction.

Ranma 1/2 star
Ranma 1/2 is an anime based off of a manga created by Rumiko Takahashi.

Ranma 1/2 Anime vs. Manga star
This article compares the Ranma 1/2 anime series with its original manga source material.

Ranma 1/2 DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of Ranma 1/2 DVDs.

Ranma 1/2 DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of Ranma 1/2 DVDs.

Ranma 1/2 Information and Reviews star
Here you will find information and reviews for Ranma 1/2.

Ranma 1/2 OAV Series star
The Ranma 1/2 OAV Series DVD set has two discs that include all 12 OAV episodes released for the series.

RareBreed Network star[offsite link]
A resource dedicated to bringing you information on rare dog breeds. You´ll find information on rare dogs, breeders, kennels, clubs, breed standards, shows, rescue, and more. RareBreed Network offers a much needed centralized information source for rare dog breeds of the world.

Rate My Tattoo star
Upload your tattoo photos and rate your favorites! Or just browse and vote for the tattoo you think is the best.

Rate Your Plate star[offsite link]
From the American Dietetic Association! Are you making the right food decisions? Take a closer look at yourself--your current food choices and your lifestyle.

Rattle: Poetry for the 21st Century star[offsite link]
Online home of Rattle, a magazine of poetry and prose. Editor, Alan Fox, Poetry Editor, Stellasue Lee.

Rave Master DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of DVDs released for the Rave Master anime series.

Ravenscraig Castle star[offsite link]
Castle build by James II in the 1450s.

Reactive Attachment Disorder in Adoption star
Review of the book - An Unlit Path. When attachment goes wrong even every day family life can be unbelievably difficult. Talking about the down side of adoption is difficult - living it is beyond description. Author Deborak Hannah shares her family´s experience with adopting abused children.

Read French Poetry star[offsite link]
This is a wonderful site. The poetry they provide links to is all accessible for free, and you can read it in its original language. Send someone you love a poem in French, or consider using some of the verses in your wedding vows. After you´ve spoken them, you and your mate could translate for your gathered guests...now there´s a romantic idea! (*Once you´re on the site, you need to click on: "Collected French Verse" to access the poetry.)

Read Home Improvement Books star
Reasons to build up your home improvement book library.

Reading around Psychic Protection star
People are increasingly aware of the need to protect their energies, this is especially needed at this time as so many of us are developing spiritually. If you’d like to read around the subject there are a wealth of good books about psychic defence.

Reading Group General Info star
Information about reading groups and how to start one in your community.

Reading Group Guides star[offsite link]
The online community for book groups -- over 1500 guides available!

Reading Group Guides: Literary Fiction star[offsite link]
A directory of reading group guides for literary fiction books. Tempermental but worth it.

Reading with Metaphors and Similes star
Introduce students to metaphors and similes using these examples and lesson ideas.

Ready-Set-Create star[offsite link]
Magazine offering articles on cards, tags, rubber stamping, and more.

Real Dream Catchers of the Seventh Fire star[offsite link]
This is a beautiful site, one that can only be experienced, not described. Contains much wisdom.

Real Fast Food - Book Review star
Nigel Slaters’s book Real Fast Food is a delight – a cookery bible for the modern world. The recipes focus on fresh ingredients and meals that can be made (mostly) in half an hour or less.

Real Fast Puddings Book Review star
Reaal Fast Puddings by Nigel Slater concentrates on puddings which are quick and easy to make. The book focuses on seasonal recipes, many of which use fruits and thus are not heavy or calorie-laden.

Real Work at Home Solutions star[offsite link]
This site is by an LDS homeschooling mother. It tells you how to avoid scams and how to find real work you can do at home while raising children.

Realms of Fantasy star[offsite link]

Rear Window (1954) James Stewart, Grace Kelly star
A restless professional photographer confined to a wheel chair because of a broken leg suspects that a murder has been committed. But can he prove it? Pure Hitchcock.

Reasons for Movie Ratings star[offsite link]

Reasons to Celebrate the New Year star
Don’t know what to do in the new year? Read on to learn more about bringing in 2013 with a bang!

Rebecca Mistakes star
Here is the Rebecca movie mistakes by the movie mistakes editor at Bella.

Rebecca Online star[offsite link]
Favorite patterns from past issues of "Rebecca" knitting magazines. Includes mostly adult designs, but there are some fun kids´ knits too. Click on the "pattern" link to access the page. You´ll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to download the patterns (link to free download on right hand side of page), and all include photos. Site can also be viewed in German as well.

Rebirthing and Primal Therapy star
When we feel emotional pain as an adult, is it really the child within that hurts? A look at ways to reconnect with our young self and create healing.

Rebound Workouts star
Burn up to 700 calories an hour and get your abs in the best shape of your life.

Recipe Book Online star[offsite link]
This great family website has a very professional look. It´s well organized and super easy to navigate with nice features like submit your own recipes, updated cooking tips, and above all - pages and pages of very good recipes!

Recipe of the Day star[offsite link]
Healthy delicious recipes updated daily.

Recipe Quantity Converter star[offsite link]
A handy online tool to convert any recipe ... cut it in half or make enough to feed a crowd. Just enter the original quantity - click on the unit (teaspoon, tablespoon, cup, pound)- type the name of the ingredient - Click calculate to convert the recipe to the factor you entered. You can add you recipe directions for a printable version of your converted recipe, and optionally include the original ingredient amounts.

Recipe Substitutions star
Has this ever happened to you? You find a terrific recipe that you cannot wait to try? But when you get all the ingredients together you discover you are missing a key ingredient!

Recipes and Kids Crafts star
Recipes and kids crafts to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Recipes and Projects from Wilton star[offsite link]
Recipes and creative projects for your Easter celebration from cookie pops for your baskets to an adorable Easter Lamb for your table centerpiece.

Recipes For Dog Treats star
Pamper your dogs with healthy treats, fresh from your oven. If you´ve never made home-baked treats for your dog, the holiday season is a great time to start!

Recipes for Helping Arthritis star[offsite link]
Create a menu plan to help your arthritis symptoms. Use the helpful recipes on this page and take back your life.

Recipes for the 4th of July star[offsite link]
A nice collection of recipes for the 4th of July.

Recipes from Perdue star[offsite link]
Check the featured recipes or use their recipe finder to search for the recipes you want.

Recipes from the Long Island Fish Industry star[offsite link]
A good collection of seafood recipes from the Long Island Fishing Industry.

Recipes Kids Can Cook star[offsite link]
Easy to make recipe ideas for kids from Skippy Peanut Butter

Recognize A Jivanmukta star[offsite link]

Recognizing Zodiac Correlations in Tarot Cards Video star[offsite link]
Youtube based video that gives a simple overview of the Astrological Symbolism the Tarot by G.S. Warner.

Recommendations for students with High Funtioning Autism star[offsite link]
Very detailed guidelines for parents and teachers - a TEACCH article.

Recommended Uses for Washington Apples and Pears star[offsite link]
Charts which describes the flavor and texture of apple and pear varieties and the best uses for each - eating fresh and in salads - using in pies, sauces, and baking.

Reconstructing History patterns star[offsite link]
Here is a site that sells historical patterns that may be helpful for your costuming needs.

Reconstructionist star
Resources about the Reconstructionist movement.

Recourse Against False Claims star
The success of litigation against three major drug manufacturing and distributing companies sends a message that no-one is above examination and reproach. Know your recourse against false claims made by those who manufacture and sell many different kinds of commodities.

Recovered - Jamie Rose Bolin star[offsite link]
Jamie Rose Bolin, age 10, was found deceased in the apartment of a neighbor´s downstairs from where she lived.

Recovered - Jared McGuire star[offsite link]
Jared McGuire an Autistic 8 year old boy was found deceased less than 24 after an Amber Alert was issued.

Recovered - Nicholas Gochnour star[offsite link]
I was getting ready to add Nicholas Gochnour to the missing person´s page, when I discovered the news he was identified as the body pulled out of the water on June 29. Fly with the angels Nicholas!

Recovered Children star
Children here have been recovered and are safe in the arms of angels.

Recovered-Avery Stately & Tristan White star[offsite link]
Avery Stately & Tristan White, ages 2 and 4, are half brothers. The boys were last seen at their home in Redlake, Minnesota on the morning of November 22, 2006, they spent the morning playing outside of their home. Update - Both boys have been found deceased encased in ice less than a mile from where they were last scene. Authories are unsure if this was accidental or foul play.

Recycle Article star

Red & Yellow´s Easter Recipes star[offsite link]
Cute cupcake ideas - Spring Bud Cupcakes, Baby Animal Cupcakes, Beehive Cupcakes

Red Potato Salad star
A palate-pleasing potato salad perfect for your picnic or casual get-together.

Red Star Yeast star[offsite link]
"Loaves" of bread making information - Carol’s Collection Recipes, to download or print - baking tips and answers to "Dear Carol" questions.

Red, White, & Blue Slaw Americana Recipe star
Patriotic Food is a must on the Fourth of July, and this crunchy, yummy salad will be a hit with everyone. It?s quick and easy to make, and it?s Red, White, & Blue.

Red-Headed Baby by Langston Hughes star
This is a story written by Langston Hughes in 1934. It is a fictional story of racism and women.

Redwall Abbey star[offsite link]
The official site for children´s author Brian Jacques

Refined Foods May Be Cause of Pimples and Acne star[offsite link]
Eating too much refined bread and cereal, rather than chocolate and greasy foods, could be the cause of teenage acne and pimples according to recent research.

Reflections on various Philosophies of Life star[offsite link]
Site contains a booklet containing reflections on various issues pertaining to life in general such as Philosophy of life, Purpose of life, Meaning of life, Existence of God, Morality, Women´s liberation etc.

Reform star
Resources pertaining to the Reform, liberal branch of Judaism.

Refreshing Gazpacho star
Gazpacho is a splendid soup perfect for hot summer days. This is a cold soup and uses fresh garden vegetables. Serve it with a side of fresh bread or tortillas.

Register Your Own Blog URL and Set Up WordPress star
Not sure how to get started with registering a domain or hosting your own website? It is one of the most common asked questions when someone wants to move from a free blog hosting company to running WordPress.org on their own domain. Learn how to get started here.

Regular Consumption of Wine and Coffee star
Daily doses of coffee and regular consumption of wine do not fit into a lifestyle of Optimal Health.

Reiki - Energy Healing star
Reiki is an energy therapy from the East that has taken off in popularity. Here´s some advice if you are considering an attunement.

Reindeer Herding in Alaska star
You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen. Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen. But do you know. . . about reindeer herding in Alaska?

Related Kids´ Topic star

Relationship Advice star
Visit this blog to get relationship survival advice.

Relationships, Friends and Family star[offsite link]
Articles, questions, answers, games, quizzes and videos on teenwire.com.

Relax And Sleep Well star
Relaxation is hard for some but a good nights sleep can be achieved with a few simple steps.

Relaxing at The Woodbridge Inn star
Looking for serenity in the North Georgia Mountains? You´ll find it at The Woodbridge Inn Restaurant & Lodge in Jasper, Ga.

Religion and Ethics from the BBC star[offsite link]
Online news on world religions, ethics and related topics.

Religious Tolerance FAQ about Wicca star[offsite link]

Remembering Prayer star

Remembering Your Dreams star
Articles and links to help develop your skills.

Reminders star

Removing the Compulsory from Education star
Public compulsory education is not a good fit for all teenagers. An open mind and trust in your child open up a whole world of learning options you may have never considered before.

Renovating Old Houses - Review star
"Renovating Old Houses - Bringing New Life to Vintage Homes" is a 410 page reference book on inspecting and renovating older homes.

Replacement Closet Doors star
So, your closet doors are broken and replacing them is just not in the budget? You can come up with some makeshift doors for your closet without breaking the bank.

Reproducing Crochet Items star
Have you found a crocheted item you absolutely love? Here’s how to make your own pattern from a finished product.

Reptiles and Amphibians star
Scale the heights of information at the BellaOnline Amphibian and Reptile Site.

Rescue Chef new Food Network show star
Rescue Chef to premiere March 1 on the Food Network featuring British-born chef Danny Boome

Researching Adoption Conferences star
When researching adoption conferences, you may find out just how different one conference can be from another. Take a look at a few questions to ask conference organizers prior to sending in your payment.

Researching Background For A Short Story Plot star
Short Story plots can be difficult to dream up from a cold start. Writers, English students and pupils coping with English homework compositions can all struggle alike. Yet with a little background research, your short story plot could almost write itself.....

Researching Short Story Collections In Libraries star
Short stories collections in libraries are often non-existent. Books of short stories there are in plenty, but books of short stories arranged together – that is a different question. How easy are short story collections to find in your local library? And how can fans request a category?

Resort at Squaw Creek star[offsite link]
Majestically located at the base of Squaw Valley USA at an elevation of 6,200´, the Squaw Creek Championship course is par 71 and measures 6,931 yards from the gold tees. Named one of the "Top Ten Courses You Can Play" by Golf magazine.

Resources star[offsite link]
Resources to help you with your writing.

Resources and information for Caregivers star[offsite link]
A wonderful site that offers all sorts of information including personal stories, a Newsletter and a Forum

Resources on Buddhist Art and Architecture Page star[offsite link]
Main page for the Art and Architecture page of Buddhanet´s website. Buddhanet is devoted to compiling articles and teachings from all the world´s Buddhist branches.

Restaurants star
Explore Las Vegas restaurants with Editors from BellaOnline!

Restoring Black and White Photos star[offsite link]

Review - Gothic - The Whole Story by Ali Smith star
´Gothic´- from Ali Smith’s ‘The Whole Story’collection, tells of a young assistant who has had a ‘bad day at the office’(or in this case,´the bookshop´)handling a weird customer - some personal observations on Smith´s technique for building tension and atmosphere from your Short Stories editor.

Review of Lotzdollpages.com by Jean D. Lotz star
This is a website doll lovers will enjoy and return to frequently.

Review of MedlinePlus Mental Health Site star
This was a well-organized site with well-written articles that were easy to find. I would recommend it as a starting point for any research or information on mental health.

Review of Mental Health America Web Site star
Mental Health America has an attractive, well-laid-out home page. The top menu bar has links for About, Mission, Affiliate-Network, Mental Health Info, News, Take Action, Donate, Join, and Get Help.

Review Zone star[offsite link]
Site features in depth reviews for teachers and parents.

Review-Painting Beautiful Skin Tones star
This is a book review of Painting Beautiful Skin Tones with Color & Light in Oil, Pastel and Watercolor by Chris Saper

Review: Smoke and Mirrors star
Taking a look at a collection of short fiction by Neil Gaiman

Review: 2003 Mazda Tribute SUV star
This SUV has been from New York to Las Vegas. How did it fare?

Review: Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman star
A collection of short fiction by Haruki Murakami

Review: Faithless star
a collection of tales of trangression by Joyce Carol Oates

Reviews of Blu-ray/DVD Combos star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray/DVD combo releases.

Reviews of Blu-ray/DVD Combos - F star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray/DVD combo releases that start with the letter F.

Reviews of Blu-ray/DVD Combos - Fu star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray/DVD combo releases that start with Fu.

Reviews of Blu-ray/DVD Combos - P star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray/DVD combo releases that start with the letter P.

Reviews of Blu-ray/DVD Combos - Po star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray/DVD combo releases that start with Po.

Reviews of Blu-ray/DVD Combos - S star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray/DVD combo releases that start with the letter S.

Reviews of Blu-ray/DVD Combos - Se star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray/DVD combo releases that start with Se.

Reviews of Blu-ray/DVD Combos - T star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray/DVD combo releases that start with the letter T.

Reviews of Blu-ray/DVD Combos - Te star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray/DVD Combo releases that start with Te.

Reviews of Blu-rays star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray releases.

Reviews of Blu-rays - A star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray releases that start with the letter A.

Reviews of Blu-rays - Ap star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray releases that start with Ap.

Reviews of Blu-rays - C star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray releases that start with the letter C.

Reviews of Blu-rays - Cl star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray releases that start with Cl.

Reviews of Blu-rays - E star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray releases that start with the letter E.

Reviews of Blu-rays - Ev star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray releases that start with Ev.

Reviews of Blu-rays - F star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray releases that start with the letter F.

Reviews of Blu-rays - Fi star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray releases that start with Fi.

Reviews of Blu-rays - Fu star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray releases that start with Fu.

Reviews of Blu-rays - I star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray releases that start with the letter I.

Reviews of Blu-rays - In star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray releases that start with In.

Reviews of Blu-rays - P star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray releases that start with the letter P.

Reviews of Blu-rays - Pa star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray releases that start with Pa.

Reviews of Blu-rays - S star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray releases that start with the letter S.

Reviews of Blu-rays - Sl star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray releases that start with Sl.

Reviews of Blu-rays - T star
Here you will find reviews for anime Blu-ray releases that start with the letter T.

Reviews of DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of anime DVDs.

Reviews of DVDs - A Through C star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with the letters A through C.

Reviews of DVDs - Ak star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Ak.

Reviews of DVDs - An star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with An.

Reviews of DVDs - Ap star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Ap.

Reviews of DVDs - As star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with As.

Reviews of DVDs - Be star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Be.

Reviews of DVDs - Bl star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Bl.

Reviews of DVDs - Bu star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Bu.

Reviews of DVDs - Ca star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Ca.

Reviews of DVDs - Ch star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Ch.

Reviews of DVDs - Cl star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Cl.

Reviews of DVDs - Co star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Co.

Reviews of DVDs - Da star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Da.

Reviews of DVDs - Dr star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Dr.

Reviews of DVDs - Es star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Es.

Reviews of DVDs - Fi star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Fi.

Reviews of DVDs - Fr star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Fr.

Reviews of DVDs - Fu star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Fu.

Reviews of DVDs - G star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with the letter G.

Reviews of DVDs - Ga star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Ga.

Reviews of DVDs - Ge star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Ge.

Reviews of DVDs - Gh star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Gh.

Reviews of DVDs - Gr star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Gr.

Reviews of DVDs - H star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with the letter H.

Reviews of DVDs - He star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with He.

Reviews of DVDs - Ho star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Ho.

Reviews of DVDs - I star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with the letter I.

Reviews of DVDs - In star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with In.

Reviews of DVDs - K star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with the letter K.

Reviews of DVDs - Ka star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Ka.

Reviews of DVDs - Ki star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Ki.

Reviews of DVDs - L star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with the letter L.

Reviews of DVDs - Lo star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Lo.

Reviews of DVDs - M star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with the letter M.

Reviews of DVDs - Ma star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Ma.

Reviews of DVDs - Me star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Me.

Reviews of DVDs - Mi star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Mi.

Reviews of DVDs - Mo star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Mo.

Reviews of DVDs - My star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with My.

Reviews of DVDs - N star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with the letter N.

Reviews of DVDs - Na star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Na.

Reviews of DVDs - Ne star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Ne.

Reviews of DVDs - No star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with No.

Reviews of DVDs - O star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with the letter O.

Reviews of DVDs - Oh star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Oh.

Reviews of DVDs - On star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with On.

Reviews of DVDs - Ou star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Ou.

Reviews of DVDs - P star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with the letter P.

Reviews of DVDs - Pa star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Pa.

Reviews of DVDs - Pe star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Pe.

Reviews of DVDs - Pl star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Pl.

Reviews of DVDs - Po star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Po.

Reviews of DVDs - Pr star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Pr.

Reviews of DVDs - R star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with the letter R.

Reviews of DVDs - Ra star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Ra.

Reviews of DVDs - Re star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Re.

Reviews of DVDs - Ro star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Ro.

Reviews of DVDs - Ru star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Ru.

Reviews of DVDs - S star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with the letter S.

Reviews of DVDs - Sa star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Sa.

Reviews of DVDs - Se star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Se.

Reviews of DVDs - Sk star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Sk.

Reviews of DVDs - Sl star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Sl.

Reviews of DVDs - Sp star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Sp.

Reviews of DVDs - St star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with St.

Reviews of DVDs - Su star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Su.

Reviews of DVDs - T star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with the letter T.

Reviews of DVDs - Ta star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Ta.

Reviews of DVDs - Te star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Te.

Reviews of DVDs - Th star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Th.

Reviews of DVDs - To star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with To.

Reviews of DVDs - V star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with the letter V.

Reviews of DVDs - Vo star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Vo.

Reviews of DVDs - W star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with the letter W.

Reviews of DVDs - Wh star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Wh.

Reviews of DVDs - Wo star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Wo.

Reviews of DVDs - X star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with the letter X.

Reviews of DVDs - Y star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with the letter Y.

Reviews of DVDs - Yu star
Here you will find reviews for anime DVD releases that start with Yu.

Reviews of Soundtracks star
Here you will find reviews for anime soundtracks and singles.

Reviews of Soundtracks - A star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with the letter A.

Reviews of Soundtracks - An star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with An.

Reviews of Soundtracks - C star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with the letter C.

Reviews of Soundtracks - Ch star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with Ch.

Reviews of Soundtracks - Co star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with Co.

Reviews of Soundtracks - D star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with the letter D.

Reviews of Soundtracks - Di star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with Di.

Reviews of Soundtracks - Dr star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with Dr.

Reviews of Soundtracks - I star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with the letter I.

Reviews of Soundtracks - In star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with In.

Reviews of Soundtracks - L star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with the letter L.

Reviews of Soundtracks - Lo star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with Lo.

Reviews of Soundtracks - N star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with the letter N.

Reviews of Soundtracks - Na star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with Na.

Reviews of Soundtracks - No star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with No.

Reviews of Soundtracks - P star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with the letter P.

Reviews of Soundtracks - Po star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with Po.

Reviews of Soundtracks - R star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with the letter R.

Reviews of Soundtracks - Ro star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with Ro.

Reviews of Soundtracks - S star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with the letter S.

Reviews of Soundtracks - Sp star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with Sp.

Reviews of Soundtracks - V star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with the letter V.

Reviews of Soundtracks - Vo star
Here you will find reviews for soundtracks that start with Vo.

Reviews on Goodreads star[offsite link]
Good Reads is an online site where you can read and write reviews, vote for your favorite stories and books, as well as find new favorites.

Revolution Responsive Slider for Wordpress star
If you have a responsive Wordpress site, one resource you might want to consider is the Slider Revolution by Themepunch. Besides being responsive, cross browser and SEO readable, it has some very nice features including layers, jQuery fallback and embedded video.

Revolutionary Girl Utena DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of DVDs released for the Revolutionary Girl Utena anime series.

Rewriting Your Life Script star
Shakespeare wrote “All the World’s a Stage, And all the men and women merely players.” Do you like the play you are acting in right now? Are you happy with your role & your lines? Would you like to rewrite the script?

Rhinestones – Junk jewelry?? I think not!! star
When someone uses the term “junk jewelry” in reference to rhinestone jewelry it really bothers me! Just like anything else there are good and bad pieces out there, education is key!

Rhodium - This Most Precious of Metals Adds Pizzazz and Durability to Jewelry star
Rhodium, a member of the platinum family, is the rarest and most expensive of all precious metals. It enhances the beauty and durability of sterling silver jewelry.

Rhonda Britten´s Fearless Living Institute star[offsite link]
You might know Rhonda Britten from the TV show "Starting Over.

Rhose Island - SOS star[offsite link]

Rhubarb Cheese Bars Recipe star
Got Rhubarb? These easy bars combine tart rhubarb with smooth cream cheese on a crunchy, buttery crust. They are a perfect springtime treat.

Ride Now! star
RIDE NOW is a rally, ride and shindig benefiting Cure Autism Now. RIDE NOW will be cruising through four cities, raising much-needed funding for biomedical research in autism.

Rigatoni With Sausage and Tomato Cream Sauce star
Enjoy this easy to fix pasta. The kids and your guests will love it!

Rings star
(Coming soon!

Rio Rosa Mosqueta Oil ~ Product Review star
Rio Rosa Mosqueta Oil is made from cold pressed Rose Hip oil. 100% natural ingredients which help fade visible scars and stretch marks.

Ripley Castle star[offsite link]

Rise of the Enemy Book Review star

Rites and Ceremonies star[offsite link]
This article from Patheos library provides introductory information on major rituals in various Hindu traditions (mostly as they are associated with important life events). This site also provides some information on the philosophical underpinnings of these rituals.

River of Love - Documentary Drama about Amma star
Uplifting VHS video drama on the life and work of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, also known as Amma.

River Room Restaurant and Tavern – A Review star
Off the beaten path, enjoy lunch or dinner at this Atlanta restaurant.

Roast Chicken Made Better, Start to Finish star[offsite link]
Make classic roast chicken even better by starting with seasonings under the skin and finishing with a delicious sauce from the pan juices.

Roasted Red Potatoes with Rosemary star
These roasted potatoes make a wonderful side dish for ham, turkey or beef.

Roasted Red Potatoes with Rosemary star
These roasted potatoes make a wonderful side dish for ham, turkey or beef.

Robert Frank - The Americans star
Robert Frank is one of the most important photographers of the modern era. It was Robert Frank’s book, The Americans published in 1958 that pioneered a new direction in post-war photography and revolutionised photography of the 20th century.

Robotech star
Have you heard about the classic anime show, Robotech? This article presents a brief overview.

Robotech and Related DVDs star
Here you will find reviews for Robotech DVDs, as well as for the original Japanese series that comprised Robotech.

Robotech and Related Information star
Here you will find information on Robotech, as well as the original Japanese series that comprised Robotech.

Robotech Legacy Box Sets star
Here you will find reviews of the seven Robotech Legacy DVD box sets.

Robotech Legacy Box Sets star
Here you will find reviews of the seven Robotech Legacy DVD box sets.

Robotech Perfect Soundtrack Album star
The Robotech Perfect Soundtrack Album was a two-disc CD set released in 1996 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Robotech.

Robotech Perfect Soundtrack Album star
The Robotech Perfect Soundtrack Album was a two-disc CD set released in 1996 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Robotech.

Robotech The Shadow Chronicles star
Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles is a film that is a direct continuation of the final episode of the Robotech television series.

Rock and Gem star
A review of ´Rock and Gem´ by R L Bonewitz; a beautiful ´coffee table´ book from Dorling Kindersley

Rock Hudson site star[offsite link]
This is a link to Rock Hudson´s bio site.

Rock Lee and His Ninja Pals star
Rock Lee and His Ninja Pals (which is known as Rock Lee no Seishun Full-Power Ninden in Japan) is a Naruto spin-off anime series that´s based on a gag manga that features Rock Lee as the main character.

Rock Lee and His Ninja Pals star
Rock Lee and His Ninja Pals (which is known as Rock Lee no Seishun Full-Power Ninden in Japan) is a Naruto spin-off anime series that´s based on a gag manga that features Rock Lee as the main character.

Rodas star[offsite link]
A Sephardic genealogy page with over 1800 surnames. In Spanish.

Roger Ebert´s Reviews star[offsite link]
Use the search engine at this site to review his reviews of classic films.

Roman Pantheon star
Roman Mythology of gods and goddesses

Romano´s Macaroni Grill Allergen Menu star[offsite link]
There is a link for egg, dairy, peanut, shellfish, soy, tree nut and wheat & gluten

For those of you who continue to search the ends of the earth for new and fun romantic ideas, here are just a few.

Room for Improvement - Book Review star
Room for Improvement is by Barbara Kavovit who created a company that makes tools specifically for women. This book highlights dozens of fix-ups and repairs targeted to women in very understandable terms. Most can be done in less than a day and all with simple hand tools.

Rose Center and Hayden Planetarium star
One of the world´s leading planetariums, located in one of the world´s premier museums in one of the world´s great cities. It´s the Hayden Planetarium in New York City. The old Hayden Planetarium was razed in 1997, to many people´s sorrow. But the new one opened in 2000 and it is stunning.

Rosh Hashanah star
Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year.... and so much more.

Rosh Hashanah: The Jewish New Year star
Customs and traditions related to the holiday of Rosh Hashanah - including recipe and meal ideas, spiritual preparation and how to observe this holiday.

Rotten Tomatoes star[offsite link]
Movie reviews and articles

Roudybush star[offsite link]
Roudybush pellets contain essential vitamins and minerals thus preventing selective eating & poor nutrition. Roudybush also makes an allergy formula, certian veterinary formulas, and a few treats.

Rougarou Of The Bayou star
Similar to the European werewolf, the rougarou is a man who can shape-shift, or transform, into a creature.

Royal Greenwich Observatory Photography star
An ancient tree is young compared to the center of the Galaxy. The Sun shines through dark clouds as a perfect ring in an annular eclipse. These are two of the dazzling images in the Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition. You can see the exhibition online.

Royal Shakespeare Company star[offsite link]
The official site of the Royal Shakespeare Company, based out of Stratford.

RubberStampingLinks.com Scrap Links star[offsite link]
Alphabetical list o scrapbooking links. Tons of them!

Rubbish Dumps May Soon Be Valuable Real Estate star
Landfills and rubbish dumps conceal valuable resources. Plastic may soon be more valuable than metal and thirty year old garbage could be a hot commodity.

Rubicon star[offsite link]

Rumi star[offsite link]
A short biography of the Persian poet, Rumi.

Rune Dreaming Techniques star[offsite link]
Technique for using the runes in dream incubation.

RunPee - User Generated Movie Breaks star[offsite link]
RunPee is a wiki - pee - dia...where people enter the best times to take breaks from current movies and run pee to the bathroom. No more wondering when to go and asking what you missed!

Ruth Mailbag Group-Facebook group star[offsite link]
Charity group that knit, crochet and sew for the needy of the Ladysmith community in South Africa. Needs are clothes, blankets, toys, food and toiletries for premature babies to the elderly. Good quality second hand items especially cloth nappies are also welcome. Donations may be sent C/o Foto First, 180 Murchison Street, Ladysmith, 3370. Further information please visit our facebook group

Ryanair star[offsite link]
The low-cost airline between Europe, the UK, and Ireland.

s star

Sacramento Capitals star[offsite link]
World Team Tennis

Sacramento Kings star[offsite link]
NBA Western Conference

Sacred Places of Goddess 108 Destinations star
Whether you are looking to book a trip around the world to visit some ancient Temples, or you just want a virtual tour of Goddess’ Temples – "Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations" will fulfill that for you.

Saddle Creek Golf Club star[offsite link]
Saddle Creek Golf Course - for the best in Northern California golf, come to the premier gold country golf course! Awarded four and a half stars by Golf Digest - second in California only to the legendary Pebble Beach - this dazzling golf course has received similar accolades from Golfweek, Golf Today, Travel and Leisure, Golf and Travel and Golf for Women magazines.

Safe Handling of Cheese star[offsite link]
Cheese comes in many forms. Recommendations for storage and handling of cheese will depend on the type of cheese. This page tells you how to store cheese, how long it´s safe to keep cheese, how to serve cheese + tips on melting, microwaving, and freezing cheese.

Safe Surfin´ star[offsite link]
Athletes and celebrities offer cool tips about being smart while surfing the ´Net. Take the Driver´s Ed challenge and earn your Internet Driver´s License too!

Safety During the Holidays star[offsite link]
Holidays are a time for gathering with family and friends. Keep everyone safe by looking through these helpful suggestions.

Saint Patrick Follows His Dreams star
A dreaming and storytelling culture, the Irish embellished stories of St. Patrick´s life.

Sakura Diaries DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of DVDs released for the Sakura Diaries OVA series.

Sakura Diaries Volume 1 star
Sakura Diaries Volume 1: Secrets & Lies is a single disc release of the first six episodes of the Sakura Diaries OVA series.

Sakura Diaries Volume 2 star
Sakura Diaries Volume 2: Love & Kisses is a single disc release of the final six episodes of the Sakura Diaries OVA series.

Salad Greens star[offsite link]
Close up photos of some of the more poular salad greens such as iceberg , bibb, Boston, and greenleaf lettuce, endive, belgian endive, escarole and more, with substitutions and characteristics of each.

Salads for Weightloss star
Learn 3 salads for weightloss tips that boost your metabolism, satisfy your appetite, and speed up fatloss, plus salad bar tricks that save calories.

Salon|Monstrous Acts and Little Murders star[offsite link]
A series of insightful articles by Salon on writer Shirley Jackson

Saltwater Fish Identification in Florida star[offsite link]
Indian River County, Florida fish idenification guide.

San Diego Chargers star[offsite link]

San Diego Padres star[offsite link]

San Francisco Chronicle star[offsite link]
News and commentary from Northern California. (no registration required)

San Francisco Giants star[offsite link]

San Jose Earthquakes star[offsite link]
MLS Western Conference

San Jose Sharks star[offsite link]
NHL Western Conference

San Juan Oaks Golf Club star[offsite link]
Created within a quiet, natural foothill setting of mature oak trees and rolling hills, San Juan Oaks was designed PGA Tour Pro Fred Couples. The front nine plays through a valley replete with lakes, interconnecting streams and native grasslands. Play into some of the holes on the back nine takes the golfer 150 to 200 feet above the valley floor for some spectacular views of pristine California countryside.

Sanctuary star
What does the word "Sanctuary" mean to you; a place to worship or a place of safe haven? Perhaps it is both.

Sanctuary star
What does the word "Sanctuary" mean to you; a place to worship or a place of safe haven? Perhaps it is both.

Sandwich & Wrap Recipes star[offsite link]
A large selection of sandwich recipes, both hot and cold from BeefTips.Com

Sandwich Recipes from star[offsite link]
Here´s some great ideas for burgers, sandwiches and subs! These are not just the same old sandwiches!!!

Sandwich Recipes from Kraft star[offsite link]
A large assortment of sandwich recipes including tea sandwiches, chicken salad sandwich recipes, seafood sandwiches, breakfast sandwiches and much more from Kraft Foods.

Sandwich Recipes from Land O´ Lakes star[offsite link]
Recipes for a great variety of All-American Burgers, Club Sandwiches, Melt Sandwiches, Wrap Sandwiches and more.

Santa Clara Valley Canary & Exotic Bird Club star[offsite link]
Santa Clara, CA

Santa In America star
Our Dear Ol´ Santa Claus, as we know him in America, is the "right jolly old elf" who comes down the chimney on Christmas Eve with a bag full of toys.

Santa Poems star[offsite link]
Poems on Jolly Old St. Nick!

Sappho star[offsite link]
Brief bio of Greek poet, Sappho, at World Poetry Movement.

Sarah´s House Of Mystery star
The Winchester Mystery House in full of oddities, spirits and the number 13. Built for the fallen victims of the Winchester rifle, this house is huge, confusing and haunted.

Sargento Cheese Glossary star[offsite link]
Cheeses are classified according to texture: soft, semi-soft, semi-hard and hard. Click on the link to discover everything you want to know about each cheese variety. This interactive glossary helps take the guesswork out of cooking with cheese

Sassafras Products star[offsite link]
Visit this site for cooking kits and products expecially designed for children. Great for any young chef!

Sauces to Serve with Cooked Trout star
Here are some great sauces to serve with cooked trout. Baked trout, grilled trout, or pan or deep fried trout are all good ways to serve this freshwater fish with these sauces.

Saucy star

Saucy Pork Medallions star
This easy-to-make meat is tender and tasty. You and your guests will love the flavor even if pork is not a favorite dish.

Sausage Breakfast Pizza star[offsite link]
A great brunch recipe from Jimmy Dean Sausage. Prepare it in under thirty minutes.

Sauteed Collard Greens star
A tasty alternative to steamed spinach.

Save the Dolls.org star[offsite link]
Site on how to rescue and dress dolls for charity - excellent ideas.

SBA Business Plan Basics star[offsite link]
Guidelines for your business plan--what goes in a business plan, plus samples.

Scale of the Universe 2 - website star
How big is the Universe? And how small? This website takes you from yoctometers - unbelievably small - to yottameters – just as unbelievably big. Navigate up or down from the human scale, with drawings and diagrams that make sense of the numbers. A great tour for everyone.

Scale Weight vs. Body Fat Scale or Monitor star
Relying on the scale to maintain your weight isn´t smart. Why weight scales and tape measures tell you nothing and why the closer you are to your goal weight the more you need to measure body fat to stay at a healthy weight.

Scam or Legitimate? Cameroon Adoption star
Almost everyone who is using the internet for adoption information has received at least one infamous letter, usually supposedly from a pastor, promising a baby or child from Cameroon.

Scenting Your Room star
As a scent lover, I have tried a number of things to make a room smell good. Here are some of the best.

Scheduling Blog Posts in Advance star
Plan now to publish posts everyday on your blog. In addition to features at Blogger and WordPress, use other blogging tools available for drafting and scheduling posts for publication in advance of when you need them published on your blog.

School Conferences and Reading Progress star
Preparing for a school conference when your child is a struggling reader.

School House Reviews star[offsite link]
This site features software reviews for K-12 and adult learning programs.

School Shootings star
Guns don’t kill? Yes, they do when they are in the hands of a killer...

Schools and Teachers for Everyone star

Schools for Children star

Schools for Children star

Schultueten, Zuckertueten and the first school day star
The first day at school is a milestone in the lives of German children. Whenever possible parents and grandparents escort the new pupil to school where, after welcoming speeches and songs, those photos taken for posterity and with that Schultuete held tightly, it’s time for school life to begin

Sci-Fi Fantasy Movie Newsletter star
Keep up to date with all the new Sci Fi and Fantasy movie articles and reviews at BellaOnline, sign up for this free weekly newsletter.

Science Fair Astronomy Projects star
Attention, educators and students! Need help with astronomy ideas for a science fair? Wonder about how to do a project or investigation? Here are some useful sites with suggestions for astronomy-themed projects, as well as plenty of how-to on researching and presenting work.

Science Fiction and Fantasy RoundTable star[offsite link]
An online community for readers and writers of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror.

Science Fiction and Fantasy World star
One of the largest scifi/fantasy literature websites on the Net, offering short fiction, reviews, novel excerpts from acclaimed scifi writers, articles as well as poetry. You can submit works and have them rated.

Science Fiction Writers´ Workshop star[offsite link]
A free service

Science Literature and Vocabulary Activity star
Children’s books about science can support science learning in classrooms. Expand science knowledge and vocabulary doing an semantic feature analysis based on the reading theme.

SciFi.com star[offsite link]

SCORE star[offsite link]
Service Core of Retired Executives (SCORE) provides assistance to small businesses.

SCORE 60-second Guide to Financing your Start-up Business star[offsite link]
SCORE has great information. This article tells you how to finance your start-up costs.

Scotland´s castles star[offsite link]
Features photos of Scottish castles.

Scott Fitzgerald´s Benjamin Button Story Is Movie star
F Scott Fitzgerald´s Jazz Age American Short Stories sure took a random leap with this quirky little number!Now adapted as a movie starring Brad Pitt, The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button flew off The American Dream agenda at a tangent - what´s the worst occupant of a baby´s cradle you can imagine?

Scottish Borders star[offsite link]

Scrap and Spa star[offsite link]
The Place To Scrap & Relax! Michigan

Scrap Club Ministries star[offsite link]
A great website with Free Digital faithbooking downloads, Scrapbook devotionals and much more.

Scrap Forums Sketch Gallery star[offsite link]

Scrap Happy star[offsite link]
Retreat company in Illinios

Scrap Muse sketches star[offsite link]

Scrap Paper Organization star

Scrapbook Cottage star[offsite link]
Gather with friends at Scrapbook Cottage for a fabulous weekend scrapbook retreat.

Scrapbook Dreamer Sketches star[offsite link]

Scrapbook-bytes Sketches star[offsite link]

Scrapbook-Elements star[offsite link]
Lots of Digital Scrapbooking Information.

Scrapbookie - Eyelet Tips star[offsite link]
Eyelet instructions for beginners

Scrapbooking Top 50 star[offsite link]
Scrapbooking Top 50...lists tons of scrapbooking sites that people vote for.

Scrapbooking.com ABC Archive star[offsite link]
List to help you write your ABC Book.

Scrapbooks Mega Meet star[offsite link]
Great Lakes Mega Meet-May 6-8, 2004 Novi, Michigan. March 19-21 2004 Traverse City, Michigan

ScrapKitchen Freebie star[offsite link]

ScrapLink star[offsite link]
Links to everything scrapbooking...

Scrapping Fun, Under The Sun star[offsite link]
A self service scrapbooking retreat in Lake Michigan, Indiana.

Scrapping Usa star[offsite link]
"...scrapping and stamping conventions in the HEARTLAND of the USA" For states: NEBRASKA, KANSAS, MISSOURI, & OKLAHOMA

Screen It star[offsite link]
Great site with hundreds of very thorough reviews. Although it is primarily films from the 1990´s and new films, some classic films that are on DVD are reviewed. This is a busy site and you may get an error or server busy message. Try again!

Scriptwriter - Screenwriter star
Learn how to be a scriptwriter or screenwriter.

Scrubby Buddy - Tutorial star[offsite link]
Make a scrubby buddy for your little buddy using a picture from a coloring book.

Scrying star
Crystals have been used in divination since ancient times. Gazing into a reflective surface, termed scrying, to obtain images is one of the oldest forms of divination. Polished slabs of crystal, dark mirrors of obsidian & crystal balls have a long history of usage.

Sea Glass Jewelry star
Try hunting for sea glass and turn these gems of the ocean into stunning one-of-a-kind jewelry!

Seafood Cooking Basics star[offsite link]
Baking, broiling, foil Ccoking, grilling, microwaving, pan searing, poaching, steaming, and boiling seafood.

Seafood Cooking Guide star[offsite link]
Read how to prepare and cook lobster and lobster tails, clams, oysters, shrimp, scallops, crab and fresh fish from the seafood experts at LobsterAnywhere.com.

Seafood Recipes star[offsite link]
A collection of recipes for fish and shellfish dishes, organized by species, from the Florida Department of Agriculture.

Seafood Recipes from Adelphia Seafood star[offsite link]
A long list of fish recipes, shrimp recipes, crab recipes and other shellfish recipes plus recipes for seafood accompaniments. This fantastic assortment of seafood recipes is from Adelphia Seafood of Reading, PA.

SeafoodRecipe.com star[offsite link]
A nice collection of seafood recipes.

Seal Hunting star
Seal Hunting only serves the fashion industry - this practice must stop.

Seasonal - Fall star
Fall is such a beautiful time of year. The rich autumn hues make a great background for any party. Celebrate fall is grand style.

Seasonal - Winter star
Winter parties provide the perfect opportunity to showcase the foods and natural decor of the season. Comfort foods and natural decorations are easy to work into any winter party no matter where you are.

Seasonal -Winter star

Secret Life of the American Teenager star
Last two episodes of the first season of ABC Family´s Secret Life of the American Teenager to air Sept. 2 and Sept. 9.

Sedna, Mistress Of The Underworld star
Once upon a time there lived on a solitary shore an Inung with his daughter Sedna.

Seeker Magazine star[offsite link]
Thoughtful poems and articles offered monthly.

Selecting Cookie Sheets star[offsite link]
Using and prepapring cookie sheets from - Quaker Oats.

Self Help for Depression star
Many of us have experienced depression at first hand. While professional help is important, there are ways in which we can help ourselves overcome depression and prevent it taking control of our life.

Self Publish star
How to self-publish your books and ebooks.

Self Publish star[offsite link]
How to self publish any of your writing.

Self-Dedication Ritual star
A ritual you can perform to present yourself before the Gods to dedicate yourself to the Wiccan path.

Self-Publishing star
One of the most challenging tasks any writer faces in their career is the task of publishing. Self-publishing is an investment in time and money. It is very important to your homework before you invest.

Self-Publishing star
Find tips, groups, and many related resources.

Self-Publishing Resources star

Self-Realization Fellowship Lecture Tours star[offsite link]
Retreats and lecture tours.

Selling Is About Listening star

Seminole Indian Wooden Doll and Clothing star
Seminole Indians lived in the Southern Woodlands of the United States.

Senior-site Poetry star[offsite link]
Poems by author, listed alphabetically.

Sensible & Effective Diet Plans star
These days it´s all about balance and uncomplicated diets that fit your busy lifestyle. Choose any of the following books and you can´t go wrong. You´ll lose weight, get a handle on healthy eating, and you won´t feel like you´re being tortured or deprived.

Sephardic Genealogy Sources star[offsite link]
Forums, search for surnames, newslists, and sources.

September 11, 2001 - Remembering star

September 26 - Drake Goes Around the World star
Sir Francis Drake, one of history´s most famous privateers, completed a voyage around the world 435 years ago. What happened on that voyage? Piracy, of course! What´s the difference between piracy and privateering? There is a difference, though it has become greyed ...

Set Weightloss Goals That Get Results star
How to set weightloss goals that will help you lose weight quickly, without added stress and for life. The biggest loser weightloss tip you must follow and why most people who don´t follow this tip fail to lose weight over and over.

SETI Institute star[offsite link]
The website of SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), including an FAQ and information about their research.

Setting star
Use these different types of settings to add variety to your writing and engage your readers.

Setting star
Use setting to create more reader involvement and improve your writing.

Setting star
Use different types of setting in your writing to engage your readers and improve your prose.

Setting Limits: Why You Should Say No and Mean It star
Saying no and setting limits can be difficult for anyone, but especially for a parent. Adolescents need limits, find out how this helps them mature and grow as people and prepares them for adulthood.

Setting up a Church Blog star
Many churches rely on print and community advertising to get noticed, but a blog or website can open up new opportunities for your church and its programs. Reach both current members and potential new members online.

Setting up a Multiple Author Blog star
Learn how to set up a multiple author blog in both Blogger and WordPress. This side by side tutorial helps bloggers determine which popular blogging platform is right for them in a multi-author blog setting.

Seven Free Ways To Promote Your Writing Online star
Yes It is True - You can promote your writing without spending a penny - Find out how...

Seven Tips for Writing Articles On the Web star
Learn how writing for the Internet differs from writing offline...

Seventh Sanctum-- Anime/Manga Generator star[offsite link]
A resource I use regularly to find character names and storyline inspirations. Also a great procrastinating tool!

Severed Werewolf star

Sewing Charity star[offsite link]
Directory of charitable crochet, knitting, sewing and quilting projects. This directory can be searched alphabetically, by location, or by recipient.

Sex Slavery and its link to money laundering star
Money laundering schemes are on the rise. Forensic accountants play an important role investigating ill-gotten gains. Human trafficking and particularly sex slavery generate billions that need to be cleaned. Money laundering undermines safety across the globe.

Sexual Health Network Home Page star[offsite link]
This page gives practical advice and provides lots of links.

Sexual Information and Education Council of the United star[offsite link]
SIECUS is a national non-profit advocacy organizations that affirms that sexuality is a natural and healthy part of living.

Sexuality After Spinal Cord Injury star[offsite link]
This site is a bit on the technical side, but it is a great resource by providing medical information as well as lifestyle choices.

Provides information for men and women from rehab specialist.

Sexuality R Us star[offsite link]
A site geared towards disabled women and their sexuality. It provides links, research, and culture resources mixed with humor.

Shakespeare Complete Works star[offsite link]
Shakespeare´s complete works online.

Shakespeare Sonnet 1 with notes star[offsite link]
Shakespeare Sonnet 1 with notes to help the reader understand certain terms that have changed since the sonnet was written

Shakespeare Sonnet 42 star[offsite link]
A Cliffs Note analysis of sonnet 42

Shakespeare, Joyce, and Love star
April 23rd was William Shakespeare´s birthday. I thought it would be a great idea to combine two very interesting things- the concept of young love and literature to celebrate!

Shakespeare´s Globe Theatre star[offsite link]
The official website of the Globe Theatre in Southwark.

Shalini Boland star

Shamanic Meditations with Sandra Ingerman star
Sandra Ingerman has been one of the leading teachers of Shamanic practice in the West for many years. Her latest double CD of meditations caters both for the complete novice and for those that have started to explore shamanism already.

Share Your Expertise with a Journalist star
Are you an expert in your topic? If you are blogging to share your business or talent then you want to reach as many people as possible that are interested in what your blog is about. One way to do that is to share your expertise with a journalist.

Sharing Time Lessons to Adapt star
A list of Christmas Sharing Times that were written for Primary presidencies to give their students. These are easily adaptable to your family, and usually include crafts and games.

Shear Paradise Salon, Las Vegas star
Whether you are having a Las Vegas wedding or are visiting for fun, this salon seems like a small peice of home in the midst of the city.

Sheep v. Gravity screen saver star[offsite link]
Cute sheep screen saver.

Sheet Pan Sugar Cookies Recipe star
Big Soft sugar cookies are a favorite, and because these contain real butter, they are much better than the store bought ones. They require no rolling, and are quick and easy.

Shell & Clean Shrimp star[offsite link]
How to clean shrimp - removing the shell, removing and the vein and butterflying shrimp

Shelley´s Favorite Poems star[offsite link]
Short and cute poetry!

Shelley´s Scrapbook Layouts star[offsite link]
ScrapJazz creative team member and her friends show off their creativity, along with several submitted layouts.

Shepherds ( A Family Night Lesson) star
Suggestions for creating a family home evening about shepherds, including a personal application for becoming modern-day shepherds.

Sherlock Holmes star[offsite link]

Sherlock Holmes Mystery Movies star
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Who can resist these masters of mystery?

Sherman star
Sherman is one of the most highly coveted of vintage designer jewelry.

Sheryl Sandberg - Lean In - A Review star

Sheryl Sandberg – Lean In – A Review star
Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer at Facebook, has written a “must read” for all women who aspire to succeed in business. Lean In is a well-documented and thoughtful look at the internal and external obstacles facing today’s career women. You’ll want to read the article and watch the video.

Shetland star[offsite link]

Shetland Wool Brokers star[offsite link]
Based out of the Shetland Isles in the UK, Jamieson and Smith act as brokers for shetland wool and wool products world-over. Visit their website for more information on the products, plus an informative guide on the history of the Shetland sheep. Yarn/products information kits can be ordered directly from them.

She´s Not There Book Review star
Amelia Tobias wakes up in the hospital with amnesia after an automobile accident; as parts of her memory return, she feels that she must escape the hospital and disappear. She is pursued by a private detective who is being paid to not only find her, but to kill her.

Shields Pictures Inc. star[offsite link]
Shields Pictures Inc. "The Paramount Collection" are libraries of rare 35 mm films. This is the link to find out what they have and how to contact them.

Shirley Temple Cocktail star[offsite link]
A kid-friendly recipe dedicated to the little talented girl every little girl idolizes.

Shirley´s Wellness Cafe star[offsite link]
Wonderful site with all kinds of great info.

Shirley´s Wellness Cafe star[offsite link]
Holistic treatment recommendations for people and animals!

Short Scary Stories For Burns Night-Stephen King star
New short scary stories- here´s a taste from Stephen King-a new book called Just After Sunset is an unusual gift for men. The short stories collection will chill short scary fiction fans sharing Burns Night Tales. A Modern day girl goes jogging -confident,cool and therefore safe?I don´t think so..

Short Scary Stories For Burns Night-Stephen King star
New short scary stories- here´s a taste from Stephen King-a new book called Just After Sunset. This Stephen King short stories collection will chill and thrill short scary fiction fans sharing tales on Burns Night.A Modern day girl goes jogging -confident,cool and therefore safe?I don´t think so..

Short Stories - Making It Real star
Tired of rambling novels? Curl up with a short story for twice the impact and double the reality.

Short Stories For Students-The Fox-DH Lawrence star
Out of the many short stories for students that are analysed each semester, perhaps The Fox, by D.H. Lawrence, is the perfect one for highlighting the use of personification and metaphor in characterization. The anti-hero of the real fox is exemplified and personified by the real, human,villain...

Short Stories For Students-Writing Tips star
Short Stories for students can be an inspirational source of imagination for creative writing exercises - if you choose the right ones. Classic short stories are good sources to start with, followed by some good story planning tips...

Short Stories For Teens-Urban Myths-Hairdo Spiders star
Scary short stories for teens for sizzling city school holidays when everyone else has gone on vacation ...and the streets are quiet..oh so quiet.. Sure to interest the most disinterested teen,funny Spiders In The Hairdo presents some scary old city legends as well as some weird new urban myths

Short Stories For Teens-Urban Myths-Hairdo Spiders star
Scary short stories for teens for sizzling city school holidays when everyone else has gone on vacation ...and the streets are quiet..oh so quiet.. Sure to interest the most disinterested teen,funny Spiders In The Hairdo presents some scary old city legends as well as some weird new urban myths

Short Stories inside Poetry star
This article explores how poetry can be a form of storytelling. It was a technique commonly used throughout history.

Short Story Competitions 2011 Mslexia Mag star
Mslexia Women’s Novel Competition 2011. 1st prize £5000 ($7500 approx.) Closing date: 30 th September 2011 If you have a 50,000 plus word novel waiting to be published that you feel would be ideal for this competition, in any genre, but only aimed at adult or young adult readers, you can enter online. You may submit up to 5,000 words of your novel and there is no need to send a synopsis. For any support contact me through the short stories site at Bellaonline or for complete set of guide

Shortening, Oils , & Frying Methods star[offsite link]
There are 3 ways to fry food - pan frying, deep-frying and shallow frying. This table, from Crisco, indicates the the best frying methods for many foods, plus the equipment you´ll need, the amount of oil or shortening and the prodedure.

Should Healers Charge for Healing? star
The question of whether healers should charge in return for giving healing is an ongoing debate. Here I present the arguments as I see them & my own view on this thorny issue.

Should I Get an Agent? star
Learn the basic benefits of finding an agent for your work. Also, do you even need an agent? Read on to find out.

Should we eat more fish? star
"Eating more fish" might not be environmentally sustainable

Should you confront his lover? star[offsite link]
If your mate is cheating on you, should you confront his lover? Read an article about making this decision.

Should You Hire a Business Coach? star
I’m an independent person and often believe that I can do almost everything on my own. Why would I need a coach? I was pretty sure I could find all the answers I needed to grow my business on the Internet. I was wrong! Here are a few reasons why it is important to work with a business coach.

Should You Hire a Business Coach? star
I’m an independent person and often believe that I can do almost everything on my own. Why would I need a coach? I was pretty sure I could find all the answers I needed to grow my business on the Internet. I was wrong! Here are a few reasons why it is important to work with a business coach.

Show & Tell the World About Your Collection star
April marks my two year Anniversary as the editor of Jewelry Collecting at BellaOnline. It has certainly been a fabulous two years and I’ve learned something new about jewelry every single day, and about myself, too! I am pleased to extend a special invitation to jewelry collectors everywhere!

Shrimp star[offsite link]
All about shrimp - how many per pound according to size, how many to buy per person, shelling, cooking, etc.

Shrimp Marinated in Lemon Recipe star
Try this easy, make-ahead dish! It´s great as an antipasto or a light dinner.

Siblings in the Bible star[offsite link]
Siblings have been having up and down relationships since the beginning of time. Rabbi Barry H Block gives an interesting look at both conflicted and healthy sibling relationships in the Old Testament.

Sick Minds of Health Care Crooks star
Greed knows no limits. A former dermatologist performed more than 800 surgeries to patients that were falsely diagnosed with skin cancer. Forensic accountants play an important role in determining the extent of economic losses in cases such as the ones described in this article.

Siddur Audio star[offsite link]
This is a fantastic resource for learning Jewish liturgy. The site contains audio files for Shabbat as well as weekday liturgy. There is also a selection of Shabbat zemirot, joyous Shabbat songs that are often sung during Shabbat meals.

Sidelines star[offsite link]
HIGH-RISK PREGNANCIES: Sidelines provides nationwide support for women with complicated pregnancies and their families.

Sight Hounds star[offsite link]
Sighthounds are dogs that traditionally hunt primarily by sight, taking off in hot pursuit of game at the detection of the slightest movement. These 14 breeds are Sighthounds.

Sign Up For Our Newsletter! star
Fashion Jewelry Newsletter - how to sign up.

Sign Up For The Current Events Newsletter star
Get a weekly synopsis of the most critical, entertaining, and even bizarre happenings from around the world.

Sign Up for the Job Search Newsletter star
Could you use a friendly reminder when this site is updated with helpful information about your job search? This article will tell you just what to do!

Sign Up for the Spirituality Newsletter star
The weekly newsletter will keep you informed of the last Spirituality articles, the hot topics being discussed in the forums, and interesting tips and quotes that I find along the way.

Significant Unusual Transactions star
Former CEO, CFO, and other top officers of a corporation were accused of falsifying the company’s financial records in order to inflate the organization revenue so that the company would meet analysts’ financial projections.

Signs and Symptoms of Labor star
Many women experience some of these physical changes prior to, or during, the onset of labor. While some of these labor signals can happen in the days prior, others are very good clues it might be time to call your care provider.

Silks star

Silver star
The story of silver, its formation, its uses in jewelry, and silver resources.

Simon & Schuster´s Star Trek Page star[offsite link]
Information for the publisher of the Star Trek Fan Fiction books

Simon Wiesenthal Center star[offsite link]
An international Jewish human rights organization that is known especially for Holocaust education and awareness.

Simple Delicious Italian Recipes Ebook star
Simple Delicious Italian Recipes is a great collection of Italian recipes written by Cinzia Aversa, Editor of the Italian Food website at BellaOnline.com.

Simple Ingredients, Deliciously Prepared - Pennsylvania Dutch Style star
Pennsylvania Dutch home cooking is a tradition of "wonderful good" food made from simple ingredients. It´s deliciously prepared today as it was in years gone by... using fine old recipes passed from generation to generation.

Simple Scrapbook Digital Scrapbooking Gallery star[offsite link]
A Digital Scrapbook Gallery.

Simple Scrapbooks Schemes star[offsite link]

Simple Ways to Improve Your Holistic Lifestyle star
Simple tips that can make a large impact on your Holistic life. By gradually making changes you can not only do better things for yourself, but also the planet.

Simplers Botanical Company star[offsite link]
Herbal products from the California School of Herbal Studies including extracts, oils and aromatherapy products.

Simply Fresh Soaps and Supplies star[offsite link]
Simply Fresh is located in Atlanta, Georgia and they carry ingredients for making lotions and soaps. They pride themselves on the integrity of their products. They have been in business for over five years.

Simply Southern Scrapbook Convention star[offsite link]
A scrapbook convention with lots of shopping, crops and classes!

Sinister Severed Head-Loaf star

Sirloin Tips in Garlic Butter star
This is an easy to make dish for dinner guests. Plus, it looks elegant on the plate.

Site Disclaimer star
Important Holistic Health site disclaimer. Please read.

Site Index star
If you are trying to find a particular type of article, here is a site map to lend you a hand.

Site Map star
Sitemap of the Jewelry Collecting site. Find all our subjects with a brief overview of each one.

Site Map star
Site Map of the Jewelry Collecting site. Features list of subjects with brief overview of each.

Site Map star
Site Map of the Jewelry Collecting site. Features list of subjects with brief overview of each.

Site Map star

Site Map star

Site Map star

Site Map star

Site Map star

Sitting Meditation -- off site links star

Sitting Meditation for Kids star
Guided meditation for kids from BellaOnline´s meditation editor, Susan Kramer.

Sitting Meditation in the Lotus Position star[offsite link]
A Buddhist practice described in detail.

Sizzle Steak Sandwiches star
These spicy sandwiches are quick and easy and great for parties.

Skateboard Theme Decorations star
Here´s a great place to start when you need skateboard theme decorations. Links to lots of ClipArt and graphics.

Sketch Blog by Amy star[offsite link]

Skin care tips star[offsite link]
Good place for basic information on skin care.

Skin Care Tips for a Radiant Complexion star[offsite link]
Here´s skin Care tips concerning how exfoliation can lead to a radiant, healthy, younger looking complexion.

Sky and Telescope Magazine star[offsite link]
A useful resource for anyone wanting to purchase astronomy equipment.

Sleep Sac star[offsite link]
Instructions and tutorial for making a sleep sac based on one you have.

Sleuth (2007) star
A millionaire detective novelist matches wits with the unemployed actor who ran off with his wife in a deadly serious, seriously twisted game of wits.

Sleuth - Interviews star
Interviews with Michael Caine and Kenneth Branagh about their new movie "Sleuth", a remake of the 1972 version, which also starred Caine and Laurence Olivier.

SLEUTH, the online detective game star[offsite link]
An interactive online detective game for people DYING to solve a murder today.

Slow Cook Modern Book Review star

Slow Cooker Plain White Rice star

Slow Cooker Thanksgiving star

Slow Dough - Real Bread Cookbook Review star
Even though the dough takes time, hands-on time is often minimal for making incredible European style breads from this excellent cookbook. The end results are definitely worth it,

Slumber Parties star[offsite link]
Looking for something special? Slumber Parties features romantic lingerie and other adult novelty items.

Slumber Party star
Ideas for throwing a fun slumber party

Small Business Administration star[offsite link]
United States Small Business Administration

Small Luxury Hotels - UK star[offsite link]
International chain of small luxury hotels, listed by country and city. With photos, descriptions, maps, rates and reservations.

Smart Men, Bad Men, Proud Killers star
Hitler was surprised that the rest of the world did not agree that certain people had more of a right to live than others. The main characters in the murder mystery "Rope" heald similar opinions.

Smith, Sherwood star[offsite link]
Official site for YA fantasy author, Sherwood Smith

Smithfield Hams - Ham Owner´s Maunal star[offsite link]
Preparing, cooking, carving, and storing a ham. Click on "Recipe Corner" on the left, for ham rcipes too.

Smithsonian Photographic Services star[offsite link]
Search and Retrieve Images From The Smithsonian Photographic Services Data Base. Use this program to search through almost 1,000 gif files covering topics relating to culture and community life.

Smoke A Turkey star[offsite link]
The USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service recommends the following pointers for smoking a turkey.

Smooth Hound - UK Hotels & Guesthouses star[offsite link]
Search this extensive database via clickable maps or by regions or towns.

Smoothie Central star[offsite link]
A cold, frosty, sweet smoothie is a great way to cool off and get your daily servings of fruit. Choose your favorite flavors from their recipes, then dust off your blender.

Smucker´s Breakfast Recipes star[offsite link]
Recipes from Smucker´s Jam for Orange Marmalade Muffins, Cherry Swirl Coffee Cake and Stuffed French Toast

Snack Mix Recipes star
Off-set all the candy of the season. Make some of these snack mixes and enjoy! Put some in a bottle or container and give to a friend. Make family game night fun - or enjoy during family movie night.

Snacks star

Snakes and Ladders star

Snakes in a Dream! star
Find out why that snake slithered into your dream.

Snapshots of Private Schools in the U.S. star[offsite link]
A brouchure in PDF form comparing the types of private schools, as well as the benefits and problems associated with private education.

Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen star
The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen, first published in 1845, was one of his best stories.

Snow Skiing in North Carolina’s High Country star
Looking for a new locale for your next ski trip? Think outside the box, and head to the high country of North Carolina.

Snow White and Red Rose - A Review star
This article compares the stories of Disney´s "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and "Snow White and Red Rose" by the Brothers Grimm. Some believe they are one and the same.

So Many American Indian Veterans – Why? star
Knowing the darker parts of our history begs the question frequently asked. Why would so many volunteer to protect and defend a country which has treated their People so badly?

Soapies-Supplies star[offsite link]
With a little bit of everything, you´re sure to find what you need here.Located in Arizona.

Social Anxiety Disorder - SAD star
"I hope he doesn´t talk to me..." "Why are they looking at me that way?" "I wish I could just go home so I don´t have to deal with this." Sound like you? Someone you know? Could be Social Anxiety! Read more inside to figure out why.

Social Networking Advanced star[offsite link]
A study that shows the difference between word-of-mouth advertising and social networking.

Socks on Circular Needles star[offsite link]
A great how-to on knitting socks on two circular needles by Sarah White at about.com.

Soldier´s Angels star[offsite link]
Crochet for a veteran. The VA Crochet & Craft Team makes and sends lapghans (blankets), hats, scarves, trach/stoma bibs, catheter bag covers, ditty bags, wheelchair/walker totes and slipper socks to VA medical facilities around the country.

Solua - Yoake no Ashioto star
"Yoake no Ashioto" by Solua is the ending theme song for Noein: To Your Other Self.

Some Birds of West Africa star[offsite link]
This is where I found the picture of the Lavender Finch for my article. There are more pictures of other African birds here that are worth looking at.

Some interesting games food and crafts star[offsite link]

Somer Renee Thompson Case star
Somer Thompson was seven years old when she disappeared on Monday October 19, and she was walking home from her elementary school. Somer Thompson had just finished another day of second grade when she vanished...into thin air. Do you know what happened to Somer Thompson?

Somewhere To Go star[offsite link]
An interactive map shows tourism links and hotels.

Song of Fire and Ice Character test star[offsite link]
Ever wonder which charater in George R R Martin´s Song of Fire and Ice novels you are most like?

Song Thrush And Sister Peter star
Gentle homespun tale from my first ´Lulu Self Publishing´ Short Stories collection, Dead Nun´s Shoes. Convent schooldays, nuns both nice and nasty, an evil-eyed cockerel and a bittersweet discovery for two little Irish children unleashed from the stuffy classoroom at last - all are depicted here.

Songwriting Resources star
Browse a comprehensive list of links to valuable resources for songwriters, songwriting, aspiring lyricists, lyrics online, the music industry, and much more...

Sons star
An excellent resource for mothers of boys

Sons of Odin in the Poetic Edda star
In the Eddic poems, only three gods are unequivocally claimed to be the sons of Odin.

Soul Journey by Richard Salva star
Soul Journey: From Lincoln to Lindbergh is an unusual book as it’s central aim is to link the lives of two great American heroes. Yogi Paramhansa Yogananda declared the two men were incarnations of the same soul and had previously incarnated as a Himalayan yogi. Salva decided to investigate.

Soul Journey by Richard Salva star
Soul Journey: From Lincoln to Lindbergh is an unusual book as it’s central aim is to link the lives of two great American heroes. Yogi Paramhansa Yogananda declared the two men were incarnations of the same soul and had previously incarnated as a Himalayan yogi. Salva decided to investigate.

SoulMates star
Have you found your soul-mate? Are you still searching? If so, do you know what you are searching for?

Sound Healing Workshop star
I recently invited Jules Heavens to facilitate her Singing the Bones workshop with some of my students. She arrived with a car full of huge gongs and an array of other fascinating looking instruments.

Sounds that Soothe - CD star[offsite link]
"Silver Streams" CD - located in Great Britain.

Soundtracks A - D star
Here you will find reviews for the soundtracks of anime series starting with the letters A - D.

Soundtracks E - L star
Here you will find reviews for the soundtracks of anime series starting with the letters E - L

Soundtracks M - P star
Here you will find reviews for the soundtracks of anime series starting with the letters M - P.

Soundtracks Q - T star
Here you will find reviews for the soundtracks of anime series starting with the letters Q - T.

Soundtracks U - Z star
Here you will find reviews for the soundtracks of anime series starting with the letters U - Z.

Soups star

Soups, Stews, and Chilis star[offsite link]
Recipes for soups, stews and chilis made with beef - from the Texas Beef Council

Soups, Stews & Chowders star
Whether it´s golden chicken noodle, chunky vegetable beef, or a rich and creamy chowder, soup just makes you feel good inside. It´s the ultimate comfort food! It´s the ultimate comfort food!

Sourdough FAQ´s star[offsite link]
How to get a great crust, a lofty loaf, and other useful information related to the art of sourdough bread making.

South Bay Crochet star[offsite link]
This CGOA chapter site includes 17 original crochet patterns for a sequined purse, pillow, afghan, socks, potholders, and more.

South Beach Diet Phase I star
Lose 8-13 pounds in the first two weeks on the only diet with sensible carb restrictions, healthy fat and protein recommendations and no portion restrictions.

South Carolina - School´s Out Support star[offsite link]

South Carolina State Museum star
You don´t have to be a South Carolina native, or even a resident, to enjoy the South Carolina State museum. It provides a wide variety of programs from family friendly events to lectures by prominent scholars, as well as live performances and living history re-enactments.

South Dakota - SD Home School Association star[offsite link]

South of Nowhere Book star

Southern Splash Super Sayings star[offsite link]
Great idea starters for your titles or captions!

Space & Time Magazine star[offsite link]
Science Fiction & Fantasy

Space Battleship Yamato and Star Blazers star
This article takes a look back at the 1970s anime Space Battleship Yamato (which is better known to American audiences as Star Blazers).

Space Battleship Yamato BGM Collection 1 star
Space Battleship Yamato Background Music Collection 1 is a soundtrack CD of the background music from Space Battleship Yamato: The Movie and the first set of episodes for Space Battleship Yamato.

Space Battleship Yamato BGM Collection 1 star
Space Battleship Yamato Background Music Collection 1 is a soundtrack CD of the background music from Space Battleship Yamato: The Movie and the first set of episodes for Space Battleship Yamato.

Space Battleship Yamato Movies star
Here you will find reviews of the Space Battleship Yamato movies.

Space Battleship Yamato Movies star
Here you will find reviews of the Space Battleship Yamato movies.

Space Battleship Yamato/Star Blazers DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of DVDs for Space Battleship Yamato and Star Blazers.

Space Battleship Yamato/Star Blazers DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of DVDs for Space Battleship Yamato and Star Blazers.

Space Battleship Yamato/Star Blazers Information star
Here you will find information about Space Battleship Yamato and Star Blazers.

SPAFA´s Annual Adoption Expo star
Southern Piedmont Adoptive Families of America, Inc. is hosting their thirteenth annual Adoption Expo on November 7th, 2009 in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Spaghetti alla Puttanesca star
A classic sauce made with tomatoes, capers, olives, and anchovies.

Spaghetti Your Way or My Way star
Your way, my way, any way, spaghetti is GOOD fixin´s for the folks down home.

Spanakopita Recipe star
Traditional Spanakopita recipe with spinach,cheese, and a light flaky crust.

Spark Family Enrichment Center star[offsite link]

Spark Family Enrichment Center star[offsite link]
Using an Enrichment Center, like Spark, is a great way to enhance your homeschooling program!

Speaking in Bones Book Review star
Tempe gets involved in a religious cult when a cybersleuth brings in the tape of a distressed girl and suggests that unidentified bones in Tempe´s office belong to the girl on the tape.

Special Aids for the Kitchen star[offsite link]
Some of the wide range of newly available cleverly designed assistive kitchen products and aids for the elderly and disabled include:

Special Care Organization Guide star[offsite link]
Print out this record book for reporting health care data on your special needs child.

Special Needs Adoption star
Special needs children around the world are waiting for forever families to give them a chance to thrive.

Special Needs Children star
Support and information for parents of children with special needs.

Special Needs Children @ Bella star
No matter what your child´s special need is, you´re sure to find information here.

Special Occasion Prayers star

Specialty Channels at BellaOnline star
At this link you can find information about specialty channels where you can see classics.

Speculations star[offsite link]
An online resource for writers of SciFi, Fantasy and Horror.

Speechwriter star
Learn how to become a speechwriter.

Speechwriting star
Discover dozens of informative links to resources for speechwriters...

Speed Racer Anime vs. Live Action star
This article compares the Speed Racer anime series with the live-action film.

Speed Racer DVD star
In the past, a sweepstakes was held to win a limited edition Speed Racer DVD.

Speed Racer DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of the DVDs released for the Speed Racer anime series.

Spelling and Reading star[offsite link]
A look at the connection between spelling and reading.

Spencer Tracy site star[offsite link]
Here is a Spencer Tracy site.

Spessartite Garnet star
Spessartite garnet is a gorgeous orangey toned type of garnet that is wonderfully durable for jewelry.

Spider Woman And The Twins star
Spider Woman represents the female aspect of the Hopi matrilineal culture.

Spiders and Insects star[offsite link]
coloring pages and learning activities for teachers and kids

SPIKE TV star[offsite link]

Spinach Puffs star
An easy to make and elegant appetizer.

Spinach Puffs star
An easy to make and elegant appetizer.

Spinning Wheel FAQS star[offsite link]
Ever wonder how a spinning wheel works? Christine Jordan offers this fascinating insight into how wheels are built and operate, types, history, and more. Her site boasts a wealth of spinning, weaving and other fiber links as well, so stop by for a visit!

Spirit Element star
The 5th and final element in our series, Spirit is the most personal to all of us. Unlike the other elements that exist outside of our bodies in nature, Spirit lies within our very being.

Spirit Folk Of Cherokee Legends star
Among the Cherokee peoples of the Southeastern United States there are many legends told of the spirit folk who live near them. Some of these spirit folk are great warriors who protect the people.

Spirited Away star
This Miyazaki film from 2001 has become an anime classic. Read this review to learn more about it.

Spiritual and Emotional Well-Being star
Taking care of ourselves includes our spiritual and emotional selves

Spiritual Guidance Tarot star[offsite link]
Christin´s website featuring 3 free Tarot readings. A simple one card "what surrounds me", a 3 card "body, mind, and spirit" or a 5 card "Spiritual Guidance" tarot spread. I hope you will find time to enjoy them all.

Spiritual Poetry star[offsite link]
A collection poets who have written poems of spirit.

Spiritual Response Therapy star
Spiritual Response Therapy is a method of removing old restricting beliefs for the aura. It is completely non-invasive & potentially very powerful.

Spirituality star
Read more about the psychological and spiritual aspects of dreams here.

Spirituality & Health star[offsite link]
Some articles online and free e-courses, too

Spirituality - What does going up a level mean? star
In spiritual circles you will often hear the phrase ‘going up a level’ bandied around, but rarely does anyone stop to explain what they mean by this. Here is my understanding and experience of the spiritual maturation process.

Spirituality Across the Religions star
I came close to naming this article the “Spirituality Breakfast Club”. After all, I asked the opinions of an Atheist, a Jew, a Pagan, a Buddhist, a Wiccan, and then myself – a Baptist. How much more diverse can it get than that?

Spirituality and Health star[offsite link]
You will find articles, eCourse, and book reviews relating to spirituality, health, and the soul-body connection.

Spirituality.com star[offsite link]
Features insights on wellness, personal growth, relationships, the workplace, and current events.

SPJ, A Jewelry Shopping Resource star
Launched October 13th, Susan´s Passion for Jewelry (SPJ), is a new website that aspires to become the ultimate jewelry shopping guide for jewelry lovers. SPJ features a Designer Showcase, Designer Directory, comprehensive Learning Centre, and lots more!

Sport England star[offsite link]
Sport England (formerly known as the English Sports Council) is a government agency that supports community based sports, clubs, coaches and volunteers.

Sports star
Movies with lots of sports action!

Sports star
The sports and their stars that are African.

Sports ABC´s star[offsite link]
Sports ABC´s.

Spring Break Fatloss Plan star
The spring break fatloss plan lists 3 easy to follow steps you can use to lose fat and get that lean bikini body for spring break

Spring Break Ideas for Teens star
With vacation time from school and lots of sun, teens can find numerous activities to do over spring break.

Spring Centerpieces star
Spring has sprung! Set a table to reflect the mood of the season.

Spring Clean Your Body, Mind And Soul star
Spring is here and if the New Year´s resolutions have faded to dust, now is the time to revive yourself with a spring clean.

Squash blossom crêpe recipe star
The season of the very traditional “flor de calabaza” or squash blossom has begun, and every market stall in Mexico is festooned with flowers and garlanded with this highly prized delicacy of late summer and early autumn.

Squats for Lean Legs star
When you already have muscle and you want to lean out your legs, the two squat variations below are the best for sculpting sexy legs without the bulk.

Squire Cabell Of Buckfastleigh star
Squire Richard Cabell of Buckfastleigh in the Devon, England countryside, was a local squire in the 1600�s.

Sri Swami Satchidananda - Articles star[offsite link]
Begin on this page with "Hatha Yoga and Meditation" by Swami Satchidananda.

St. Patrick´s Day Dessert Recipes star
Satisfy your sweet tooth after the traditional St. Patrick´s Day dinner of corned beef and cabbage with these festive dessert recipes. Kids will love the Green Sherbet Punch just as much as much as your adult guests will enjoy the rich Irish Bread Pudding.

St. Patrick´s Day Prayer star

Stage Door Canteen Review star
Stage Door Canteen (1943) is a magnificent look at a real USO canteen in New York City during World War II. USO canteens were always operated by volunteers and in NYC, celebrities were the volunteers!

Stain Guide star[offsite link]
includes stain guide for WASHABLES, CARPETS, and UPHOLSTERY.

Stain Removal Guide star[offsite link]
The Ultimate Guide in How to Remove a Multitude of Stains!

Stains from Holidays Past star[offsite link]
Guests are arriving tomorrow for the first holiday meal at your new home. Not a good time to discover an assortment of stains from a previous dinner party. Wine, gravy, vegetables and candle wax all remain on your best tablecloth. Find out how to eliminate set-in stains before everyone sits down to eat.... from Tide Detergent.

Stalker star

Stanley Tucci 2009 Independent by Nature Award star
America’s favorite character actor, Stanley Tucci, received the 2009 Independent by Nature Award in acknowledgment of some of his contributions to filmmaking (Blind Date, Julie & Julia, The Devil Wears Prada, The Terminal, Shall We Dance, The Impostors, The Pelican Brief).

Star Quilts and Native American Women star
Native American women have always found ways to use every scrap of fabric or animal hide in some way that either clothed their families or provided warmth and protection.

Star Trek star

Star Wars star

Star Wars : Episode II - Attack of the Clones star
I love the Star Wars series, although it did get sillier and sillier as it went. The fighting scenes got better! Here are the mistakes to spot in Attack of the Clones.

Star Wars : Episode II - Attack of the Clones star
Here are the mistakes in Star Wars : Episode II -Attack of the Clones.

Star Wars Movies star
Movie goofs on Star Wars films.

Star Wars Origami star[offsite link]

Star Wars Party star
The Star Wars movie franchise is one of the most successful in history, and is a timeless theme. Finding merchandise and movie memorabilia makes throwing a Star Wars party a piece of cake.

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Mistakes star
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Movie mistakes.

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope Mistakes star
here are the Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope mistakes.

Star-K Kosher Certification star[offsite link]
Lists of kosher products, information about kashruth, Passover information, information for travellers to Baltimore, and in-depth articles.

Starfall Learn to Read with Phonics star[offsite link]
Free interactive holiday reading games and activities.

Stars and Stripes Fruit Salad star
This star-shaped fruit salad makes a yummy addition to your 4th of July or any summertime festivities.

Stars of David International star[offsite link]
Jewish adoption resources for everyone involved in the adoption process including birth parents, adoptees, and prospective parents.

Stars on TV star[offsite link]
TV Now makes it easy for you to discover when your favorite stars are going to be on TV.

Start of the Tour de France & The Crucial Decade star
With the amount of controversy surrounding the early Tour de France of the 1920´s, and with its lack of winning successes for it’s homeland, its appeal was starting to waver. So the 1930´s saw significant changes. Read on to find how the Tour continued to survive...

Starting Point 1979-1996 star
Starting Point 1979-1996 is a book by Hayao Miyazaki that was translated by Beth Cary and Frederik L. Schodt.

Starting Solids: Do you need organic? star
Starting solid foods, does baby need organics?

State Bird Provisions Cookbook Review star
This cookbook includes recipes from the Award winning, Michelin starred restaurant, State Bird Provisions. The recipes are unique, difficult, and time-consuming. This cookbook will appeal to those with a culinary background who are willing to spend a lot of time in the kitchen.

State by State Access Laws star[offsite link]
State by state access laws for seeing eye dog and guide dog users

Staying Positive in a Negative World star
As you become more aware of the world around you it can be difficult to stay positive. Here are some strategies that people use to overcome and move ahead.

Staying Safe on the Internet star
Tips to know before you blog.

Steak Tacos star[offsite link]
A marinade penetrates the steak, making it simple to cut after grilling. Assemble the tacos any way you like or let everyone make their own. Serve with taco sauce, salsa, sour cream or any other condiment of your choice.

Steamboy Poster star
In the past, BellaOnline´s Anime section held a sweepstakes to win a poster for Steamboy.

Step-parenting Adolescents star
Blended families are becoming more and more common in our society’s landscape. Step-parents may find themselves disappointed or surprised when their expectations for familial harmonies are not met. What follows are some key points to remember as a step-parent.

Stephen Hawking´s website star[offsite link]
Legendary physicist Stephen Hawking made science accessible to everyone when he wrote "A Brief History of Time" and "The Universe in a Nutshell".

Stevens comfy Toes star[offsite link]
Slippers for White Pine county of Nevada.

Steven´s Comfy Toes/Cyndy´s Tiny Tootsies star[offsite link]
This charity provides handmade slippers, hats, and mittens to children ages birth to 12 years old in White Pine County, Nevada.

Steve´s Parrot Finch star[offsite link]
Information on breeding, and pictures of the Red Faced Parrot Finch.

Stigma and Mental Illness star
Fear of stigma (negative stereotypes, labeling, and rejection) causes the majority of people with mental disorders to suffer in silence. By educating ourselves and others, we can fight this stigma and restore hope and dignity to people suffering from mental illness.

Still Struggling With Too Much TV, Part Three star
Help for taming the TV monster!

Still Struggling With Too Much TV, Part Two star
Help for taming the TV-monster!

Still Struggling With Too Much TV? star
Another excellent help for taming the TV-monster!

Stinkfish and Quaq, Northern Delicacies star
Curious about traditional Native foods? Here´s a look at one form that is still relished in communities today.

Stir Fry Chicken in Black Bean Sauce star[offsite link]
Ken Hom is great for giving us quick and easy dishes to prepare. This one only takes about 30 minutes.

Stone Tree Golf Club star[offsite link]
StoneTree Golf Club remains one of the finest Northern California golf courses because of its sand-plated fairways ensuring the finest turf conditions year-round, its accommodations for players of all skill levels, and its prime location in beautiful Marin County.

Stones of Stonehenge star
Preseli Bluestone comes from Wales and is the stone that the legendary Stonehenge stone circle is made from. Why did the ancients bother to transport huge stones hundreds of miles when they could have used more local rock?

Stop the Hate star
Unfortunately, hate crimes are still one of society´s ills. Read on to find out more...

Stopping Senioritis star
In their last year of school, students can develop a horrible disease called senioritis. Read on to discover how it impacts you and your grades.

Storage and Handling of Commercially Packaged Foods star[offsite link]
Article and chart on storing packaged foods, from Virginia Cooperative Extension, part of Virginia Tech.

Storage/Water Bottle Bag for Umbrella Stroller star[offsite link]
Instructions for making a storage bag for your umbrella stroller.

Stories For Students - D H Lawrence star
Some of the best short stories for students to study come from D H Lawrence. D H Lawrence, famous English writer of short stories, novels and poetry,may have been a coal miner’s son,but he also carried the aspirations of a mother who came from a more educated middle class background.His perspective

Stories That Make You Cry-The Little Match Girl star
Such a short sad story to make you cry! A little girl, like many of the world´s exploited children of today, dies in an effort to bring in some money for her family. She is found, frozen to death next morning.Yes,it´s The Little Match Girl fairytale by Hans Christian Andersen.

Storymania - Submission star[offsite link]
An online community for publishing and marketing your stories; automatic submission

Storytelling-Supernatural Burns Night Short Story star
The ancient art of storytelling is becoming fashionable in some circles, especially on Burns Night. The storytelling experience pales into insignificance, however, without some eerie scene-setting and a gripping short story. Scottish short story ideas and tips for memorable storytelling experiences.

Strange Horizon star[offsite link]
A weekly web-based magazine of and about speculative fiction which is a melange of science fiction, fantasy, magic realism, and a host of sub-genres.

Strawberry Lemon Tart star

Strawberry Soup star
Cold soups are very refreshing when the temperatures start to rise and are also pretty tasty when they start to dip. Some of the prettiest and tastiest cold soups are made from strawberries.

Stress Free Holiday Workout Plan star
Workouts usually fly out the window during the holiday season primarily due to lack of time, stress, and lack of energy but the stress free holiday workout plan is easy to follow. Just perform the 12 quick workouts below and remember to be flexible.

Stress Management star
Ideas for moms about managing stress.

Stress Management Exercises star[offsite link]
Stress caused by financial hardship, instability, insecurity and fear of change are a real obstacle for many but it´s something that can easily be fixed with stress management exercises for zone 1 or what some call your first chakra or root chakra.

Stress Relief Balls Workout star[offsite link]
If you´re dealing with stress as a result of zone 3 issues: low self esteem, procrastination, irritability, feeling powerless, digestion, or stomach´s in knots about life, the stress relief balls workout is for you!

Stress Relief Exercises star[offsite link]
Stressed about about change, can´t seem to go with the flow, experiencing trouble with your hips, low back, bladder, kidneys, or having relationship issues? The Stress Relief Exercises zone 2 workout address all those issues and more.

Stu-Poetry star[offsite link]
Various poetry.

Stuart Stories star[offsite link]
Entertaining short stories, writing activities, and reading lists for children and students, ages 3 through 15

Student-Led IEPs star[offsite link]

Studio 2B star[offsite link]

Studio Ghibli star
Studio Ghibli: The Films of Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata is a book written by Colin Odell and Michelle Le Blanc, and it was published in 2009.

Study finds Malaysian Orangutans In Trouble star
Study finds Malaysian Orangutan population in danger of inbreeding

Study of Fraternal Twins star[offsite link]
The Rockefeller University in New York is doing a study of fraternal twins. Looking for twins to participate

Study The Rumpelstiltskin Story Online-Fairytale star
Reading the Rumpelstiltskin story online is a quick way to study the fairytale and complete a summary or review of it´s darker, more adult themes. Therefore it makes a more suitable short story for students to study.Older more able students are ready to pick out and discuss the fairy tale sub plot.

stuff star

Stuffed! Cookbook Review star
Who knew that there are so many ways to stuff fruits and vegetables? This fun cookbook has dozens of unique and innovative ideas to serve fruits and vegetables stuffed with delicious fillings.

Stun Guns – Excessive and Lethal Force or Keeping the Peace? star
An article about the use of stun guns by law enforcement officers.

Style Tips star

Submarine Sandwiches and Other Deli Style Sandwiches star[offsite link]
Heroes, Gyros, Grinders, Submarines, and other hearty sandwich recipes from "That´s My Home".

Submitting to Mused - BellaOnline Literary Journal star
‘Mused’ is the literary ezine for Bellaonline and is simplicity itself to submit a piece of work electronically. After reading the ezine, I checked the Mused guidelines and checked the category I wished to submit to.

Subscribe to the Investing Newsletter star
Sign up for the BellaOnline Investing Newsletter

Succeeding at Work with Autism star[offsite link]
An article on monster.com under workplace issues.

Successful Home Canning star
Here´s my easy to follow guide with the basics you need to know for successful home canning.

Sudden Behavior Changes In Teens star[offsite link]
Your teenager seems to have become a stranger overnight. Here´s why and what those changes mean.

Sudden Behavior Changes In Teens Part 2 star[offsite link]
How to handle the behavior changes in your teenager

Sugared Monster Guts star
Ever wonder what happens to all the displaced monsters after Halloween is over? This deliriously delicious recipe features recycling at its finest.

sugartush.com star[offsite link]
Babies work out too.

sugartush.com star[offsite link]
Baby Yoga Clothes

Suicide star
Suicide is a very painful and controversial subject within many religions. It takes forgiveness, love and time to get past the hurt left behind.

Sulphur Crested Cockatoo star[offsite link]
Information on the various types of Sulphur Crested Cockatoos.

Sumerian Pantheon star
Sumerian Mythology of gods and goddesses

Summer BBQ Helper star[offsite link]
Whether you’re packing a picnic basket, grilling in the backyard, or having dinner on the patio after a long day at the beach, here are some ideas and inspiration to make this summer cool, easy and enjoyable - from Kraft Kitchens

Summer Diet Tips star
Here´s how summer weight gain happens quickly and the summer diet tips to help you avoid it. Plus link to travel workout videos that burns fat the fun way.

Summer Frosty Favorites star
July will be cool with these favorites on your menu!

Summer Fun List star[offsite link]
List of ABC words about Summer Fun!

Summer Grilled Fruit Recipes star
Recipes for summer grilling

Summer is Here! star
Summer is finally here, so let´s celebrate! How about a backyard barbecue or a pool party?

Summer Seasonal Eating in Greece star
Seasonal summer eating in Greece and how to apply the principals no matter where you are.

Summer Smarts for Adolescents star
This article discusses some of the common issues regarding physical health in the summer, heat stress, insect bites, plant reactions and sunburn.

Summer Solstice star
Summer Solstice, as with summer in general, is a time of celebration across Alaska! Fairbanks, in Interior Alaska, has a host of activities for young and old on this special day when the sun never quite sets.

Summer Stain Mishaps - Don´t Let Them Spoil Your Plans star[offsite link]
From Tide detergent - how to get out barbecue sauce, ice cream, ketchup, mustard and other summer stains.

Sun Conure.com star[offsite link]
Information and pictures of the beautiful Sun Conure, as well as toys for your bird & merchandise for you.

Sunday Brunch star
How to throw an easy Sunday brunch party.

Sunday Supper Pot Roast - Recipe star
From my Folks Down Home Recipe Box comes Mothers recipe for a delicious pot roast supper.

Sunkist Kids star[offsite link]
Citrus Yogurt Sundaes, Coconut Orange Smoothies, Strawberry Orange Frosties and other yummy recipes from Sunkist.com

Super Baby Food star[offsite link]
Really great website that goes along with the book, Super Baby Food, by Ruth Yaron. Look for my detailed review in the Natural Living Shop.

Super Bowl Menu star[offsite link]
An outstanding collection of recipes that will take you from the opening kick-off to end of the game.

Super Bowl Party star
Tips for hosting a Super Bowl Party.

Super Bowl Party Recipes star[offsite link]
Having a Super Bowl Party? Here are some great recipes that will score a touchdown with all of your guests.

Super Bowl Recipes star

Super Dimension Fortress Macross star
This is a review of the DVD box set that was released by AnimEigo in 2001.

Super Dimensional Cavalry Southern Cross star
Super Dimensional Cavalry: Southern Cross is better known to American audiences as the second portion of the Robotech anime series.

Super Moms Newsletter star
Introducing the new BellaOnline moms newsletter, ´Super Moms Newsletter´ Find out how to become the super mom you want to be with this free parenting newsletter!

Super Summer Supper star
A perfect menu for summer entertaining.

Superior Parrot star[offsite link]
A fun site where they take cute bird pictures and add captions. You can submit pictures and/or captions to join in.

Superkids star[offsite link]
Superkids is a really wonderful site that reviews educational software in many different categories.

Superstitions in India star
Indians are a superstitious community who believe that where you walk, what goes before you, what you see and a host of other things dictate the good or bad that happens in life. Here are a few famous Indian Superstitions. (Remember there are hundreds more)

Supplement Guide: Get Fit and Lose Weight star
Supplements that will help you shape up and lose weight quickly and safely. Plus what supplements to avoid.

Supplication, Meditation, Appreciation, Application - 4 part series star
For understanding how to use your prayer and meditation time to achieve peace and harmony.

Supplies star

Surgical Anesthesia and Autism star[offsite link]
A letter to parents and to the Anesthesiologist by a father of two children on the spectrum who also happens to be an Anesthesiologist.

Surrey German School star[offsite link]
This is a three-hour Saturday German School for children ages 4 to 18.

Susan Krinard star[offsite link]
This very talented author´s bio is here, as well as book list, reviews and much more.

Sweet & Salty Kitchen Sink Bars star

Sweet Mexico - Apricot Paletas Recipe star
When I was a child, paleteros or iced lolly vendors roamed the streets, pushing a little insulated container cart which was packed with ice and delectable, wonderfully fresh paletas. They were made daily, probably by a member of the paletero´s family, from natural, unadulterated ingredients.

Sweet Potato Crunch star
You don´t have to wait until Thanksgiving or Christmas to enjoy this spectacular dish.

Sweet Potato Crunch star
The perfect side dish for your Thanksgiving turkey.

Sweet Potato Latkes star
A sweet and delicious version of this traditional fried food.

Sweet Potato Pie star
A sweet and delicious pie that rivals pumpkin.

Sweet Potato Pie star
Try this pie in place of traditional pumpkin -- you will be impressed.

Sweet potato, a very early vegetable star
Sweet potatoes, with their rough, scratchy skin and warm orange or deep purple flesh, were one of the first vegetables to be cultivated. They originated in South America, probably Peru, where 8,000 year old traces have been unearthed.

Sweet Song of the Siren star
The Siren represents a fear of feminine sexuality, and the sweet call of death

Sweet Stories To Make You Cry-Chinese Cinderella star
Sweet sad stories that make you cry can also inspire-and they embolden you to bravely challenge injustices in your own life.In Chinese Cinderella,little Adeline,an unwanted daughter, tells the true story of how she was mistreated by a cruel stepmother..until she submitted her first short story!

Swirled Pumpkin Chocolate Pie star

Swisher Sweets 50th Anniversary Game star[offsite link]
Register to be notified when the game begins on January 13, 2008. This is a trivia game where participants will be asked to answer 5 questions in 50 seconds. Everyone answering correctly will go into the weekly drawing for $1,000 cash. Ends December 27, 2008. Actual trivia game questions can be found inside Swisher Sweets packs.

Swords of an Honorable Ruler Soundtrack star
The soundtrack for Inuyasha: Swords of an Honorable Ruler contains thirty-five tracks of background music that appeared in the film.

Swords of an Honorable Ruler Soundtrack star
The soundtrack for Inuyasha: Swords of an Honorable Ruler contains 35 tracks of background music that appeared in the film.

Sword´s Edge star[offsite link]
Quarterly fantasy and science fiction magazine

Sylvester and The New Year in Germany star
A fun time is guaranteed for anyone who is in Germany for ´Sylvester´, the country´s celebration of New Years Eve. It is a mixture of ancient and modern tradition, based in part on customs from the Pagan past, and all designed to ensure that the coming year will have the best chance possible of becoming a vintage one.

Symbols of the Tarot star
Ever wonder what all the little pictures in the big picture meant and how do they go with what the card means? Looking at the symbols on each card can give you more information as to what that card is telling you.

Syndicate Your Blog through NetworkedBlogs star
Syndicate your blog through NetworkedBlogs to broadcast your blog to your social networks.

Szechuan Stir Fry Sauce star[offsite link]

S´more Lasagna star
You don´t need to sit by a campfire to make these delicious treats.

T.H.E. Institute star
Technology courses in curriculum integration.

Taco Tuesday Recipes star
Designate Tuesday as Taco Day to liven up your weekday meals.

Tacos of Achiote-marinated Pork Carnitas Recipe star
Achiote, a spice blend based on annatto seeds, is one of the most recognizable flavours of southern Mexican cuisine and finds its way into countless regional dishes including Yucatecan pork carnitas: rich and succulent, hot, sweet and sharp, wrapped in a warm corn tortilla with a sparkling salsa.

Tacos of Oven-roasted Achiote Carnitas Recipe star
Achiote, a spice blend based on annatto seeds, is one of the most recognizable flavours of southern Mexican cuisine and finds its way into countless regional dishes including Yucatecan pork carnitas. Slow-roast belly of pork, basted with an achiote marinade, makes wonderfully succulent carnitas.

Tai Chi Meditation star[offsite link]
Being in the moment while moving.

Take a Walk on the Dark Side star
Let your dark side out every once in a while, for just a little bit!

Take Herbal Supplements? How To Pick The Right One star
Label-Reading Tips To Ensure Safe and Effective Herbal Supplement Use

Take It Anywhere Bag star[offsite link]
Pattern and instructions for an easy drawstring bag.

Take Off Pounds Sensibly star[offsite link]
An international family of 235,000 members of all ages, sizes, and shapes, from all walks of life, dedicated to helping each other take off-and keep off-pounds sensibly.

Taking a Cruise? Bring The Kids! star
Cruise ships are a great idea for your next vacation. However, if given the opportunity, many parents would choose to take a cruise alone. This isn’t because of a lack of love, but because of a common misconception among parents with children. If this is you, read this article.

Taking a Year Off Before College star
After just graduating high school, is taking a beak the way to go? Find out if this option could be the best one for you.

Taking Time Out star
Sometimes we need to take some time out to refresh our minds, bodies and souls. Make time to reflect on the moment.

Tales From Earthsea star
Tales From Earthsea is a film that is loosely based on a combination of plots and characters from the first four books in Ursula K. Le Guin’s Earthsea series.

Tales From Earthsea star
Tales From Earthsea is a film that is loosely based on a combination of plots and characters from the first four books in Ursula K. Le Guin’s Earthsea series.

Talk Budgies star[offsite link]
The ultimate Budgie Forum - where all topics are about the wonderful little Budgie

Talk Tools star[offsite link]
A site I have purchased from several times - they have items for oral motor, feeding, speech.

Tangy Barbecued Spareribs star
Ribs are everyone´s favorite summertime meal. These are delicious and super easy. If you want, you can cook these in the oven at 400F.

Tanning and Teens star
There are many who think that a tan looks cool, healthy. Everyone also knows that UV rays cause cancer. How to tan and not die in the process.

Tanuki and Mujina, Shapeshifters star
Tanuki and Mujina are shapeshifters, from ancient Japanese folklore.

Taoism with the Barefoot Doctor star
The Barefoot Doctor delivers his own distinctive brand of Taoism bringing an ancient Chinese spiritual system bang up to date for the ‘Urban Warrior’. For those who aren’t familiar with the Doc, he’s one of the best known healers in the UK today. I love his ‘down to earth’ style of spirituality.

Tapestry crochet for left handers star[offsite link]

Target Heart Rate Calculator star[offsite link]
Calculate your target heart rate.

Tarot and Astrology - Which Tarot Card Are You? star[offsite link]
This article gives the astrological signs and characteristics associated with each of the court cards. Can you guess which one you are before getting to the answers on the bottom?

Tarot Numerology – What Tarot Card Numbers Mean star[offsite link]
Learn about the numbers in Tarot and how they affect the meanings of a spread.

Tarot Talismans Sept 2008 Book Club Review star
My review of our October 2008 Book Club Selection: Tarot Talismans: Invoke the Angels of the Tarot

Tarot Theory and Practice Oct 2008 Review star
My review of our October 2008 Book Club Selection: Tarot Theory and Practice: A Revolutionary Approach to how the Tarot Works

Task Stream star
Mentors and students develop courses to meet individual goals.

Tate Britain star[offsite link]
Tate Britain displays the national collection of art from 1500 onwards. Entry is free except for major exhibitions.

Tate Modern star[offsite link]
Tate Modern displays modern and contemporary art from 1900 to the present. Entry is free (there are donation boxes); there is a charge for some exhibitions and events.

Tattoo Library star
Fiction and non-fiction books on tattooing and body art.

Tattoo Museums star
Want to visit a Tattoo Museum and take a look at the colorful history for yourself? Here ya go...

Tattoos & the Military star
All the Bellaonline Body Art articles about tattooing and the military.

Taunton´s 2008 Tool Guide - Magazine Review star
"Taunton´s 2008 Tool Guide" is a special tool by tool comparison from the Editors of "Fine Homebuilding & Fine Woodworking" magazine.

Tax Evasion and Its Punishment star
Forensic accountants have played important roles when investigating tax evasion. The great precedent was the investigation against Al Capone. Today, many tax preparers have tried to circumvent the law and have ended up paying a high price in terms of freedom and monetary fines.

TBHL - Peter Jackson fan site star[offsite link]
Before Lord of the Rings and King Kong, back in the late 80s and early 90s, Peter Jackson made three of the best black comedies ever made - Braindead/Dead Alive, Meet the Feebles and Bad Taste. TBHL has comprehensive information about all of these projects including insider trivia. Warning - some strong language!

TCM Tribute to Joan Crawford by Ann Blyth star[offsite link]
A video of Ann Blyth´s Turner Classic Movies tribute to Joan Crawford.

Tea Bag and Other Folk Remedies for Toothache star
Do those old folk remedies our grandmothers talked about really work? Putting a warm, wet tea bag on a toothache will give you the answer to one remedy.

Tea Bag Folding star
Originating in Europe, tea bag folding takes decorated squares of paper and turns them into greeting card decorations and much more.

Tea Clutch - Tutorial star[offsite link]
A cute clutch purse made with overlapping circles.

Tea Council star[offsite link]
The British Tea Council´s site includes information about teas from around the world, the history of tea, and information about the UK tea market.

TEACCH star[offsite link]
Treatment and Education of Autistic and related communication handicapped Children. Structured teaching and applications.

Teaching About Hyperbole star
Hyperbole is fun, and sometimes ridiculous, figure of speech often used to create humor in books and poetry. Find examples of hyperbole and suggestions for teaching activities.

Technical Writing star
Get selected resources devoted to technical writing...

Techniques star
Information on various parenting methods and practices

Ted Kooser star[offsite link]
Officials website of poet Ted Kooser.

Ted Koppel on Discovery Channel star
Ted Koppel and Discovery Communications brings you Ted Koppel in a new series which will look deeper into the news.

Teen Angels by Diana Cooper star
People have asked me where they can find inspirational gifts suitable for young people. I’ve been on the look out and found a lovely set of cards by Diana Cooper, the UK’s answer to Doreen Virtue, illustrated by Cecilie Okada called ‘Teen Angels’.

Teen Fashion Basics for Spring star
Spring is here! What should you wear in order to be prepared for the season?

Teen Girl Summer Fashion Checklist star
The top essential items that every teen girl should have for a fashionable, comfortable and fun summer. Some of them may surprise you!

Teen Health FX star[offsite link]
This site is a great resource for teens suffering from depression, eating disorders, stress, Anger, and many other problems. It is done in a question and answer format, with real questions from teens like you.

Teen Health FX star[offsite link]
A health site geared towards teens and set up in a question and answer format. This site has real questions from teens like you.

Teen Pages star
For older kids

Teen Pregnancy and The Media star
Are various media outlets glorifying teen mothers, or are they simply exposing the challenges of teen pregnancy in the pursuit of preventing it?

Teen Summer Ideas -- Starlight Week star
Schools out for summer! Every Wednesday this summer, come on by for a themed week of ideas for your family. This weeks theme: Starlight! Spend some time this week looking up at the best light show around.

Teen Vogue - Style star[offsite link]
A link to Teen Vogue Magazines Style page

Teenagers and Birth Control star
What you need to know about teenagers and birth control, so that you can be informed when it´s time to have tough discussions about sexual health and responsibility.

Teenagers and Distracted Driving star
Distracted driving is a leading cause for traffic fatalities in the US, and teenage drivers are the age group most likely to engage in this behavior. The US Department of Transportation has a website full of information and tools to help your adolescent driver understand the risks involved.

Teens and Cell Phone Use star
It´s safe to say that every teen has a cell phone these days. Here are some things that you should know to help you keep your minutes, keep texting, keep your cool, and above all keep you safe.

Teens and Halloween star
With Halloween quickly approaching, some teens may be wondering if they’re just too old for the holiday. Here are a few alternatives that will keep their spirit of the season alive.

Teens and Sleep 101 star
Teens have unique sleep needs that are often not met. Get the low down on how much sleep you need, what happens when you don’t get it, and how to fix that.

Teens and Their Doctors star
Moving from childhood to adulthood does strange things to a teen’s body and you should feel that you have the freedom and confidence to talk with your doctors about your questions and concerns. Here is some information to jump start this process.

Teens for Politics star[offsite link]
The issues today will be their issues tomorrow. Despite the fact that we often disagree, our youth must get involved.

Teens Making a Difference star[offsite link]
Too often I hear teenagers say that nothing they do makes a difference. You do not have to effect change on a global level to make a difference. You change the world with the daily interactions you have with your family, friends, and people in your community. The simple things you do make the world a better place.

Teens, Poetry, and Lyrics star
Let´s break down some common misconceptions about poetry and lyrics. It´s not just for English class - it´s all around us every day and you love it whether you realize it or not.

Teen´s Moving Meditations star

Temporary Tattoos Explained star
What is the difference between ´tattooing´ and ´temporary tattooing´ for those who would like to test the waters and how long you can expect your new exploration to last.

Ten Basic Etiquette Tips for Business Meals star
Etiquette tips for meals during job interviews and other business-related events.

Ten Query Letter Basics Never to Do star
There are basic dos and don´ts in writing good query letters. Here´s a list of things queries should never have.

Tenchi Muyo! OVA Collection The Complete Series star
Tenchi Muyo! OVA Collection The Complete Series is a Blu-ray/DVD combo that contains the first 13 episodes of the Tenchi Muyo! OVA series.

Tender Loving Canines star[offsite link]
A nonprofit organization that provides custom trained assistance dogs to people with disabilities. TLCAD teams trainer, dog and disabled handler during the development of each dog so that the dog is trained specifically to the needs of the handler. This team persists for the working life of the dog.

Tennessee - TnHomeEd star[offsite link]

Tepper, Sheri S star[offsite link]

Tera Leigh star[offsite link]

Tera Leigh Art Journals star[offsite link]
Tera Leigh is a VERY active journaler with a wide range of talents. Look through the wide variety of journals online.

Terra Tarot Deck at Rajuna´s Refuge star[offsite link]
You can also view my evolving Terra Tarot Deck all on one page at Rajuna´s Refuge. BellaOnline readers are welcome to download a digital copy of this deck for their own personal use. No reproduction allowed beyond personal use.

Tetley Sip - Recipes & More star[offsite link]
Recipes for Honey-Apple Tea, Orchard Punch, Spiced Cape Cod Cooler and more from Tetley Tea.

Tetley Tea Folk Collection star[offsite link]
The home page of Tetley Tea offers a range of goods, including tea towels, oven gloves, mugs, soft toys, fridge magnets, and more.

Texas - Homeschooling Texas star[offsite link]

Texas Cook Online - Beckies Crockpot Recipes star[offsite link]
Broccoli rice, ribs, chili, goulash, potato and leek soup, jambalaya, corned beef and cabbage, lot´s of chicken, barbecue, stew, casserole, even a dessert designed for you crockpot. These are recipes for great meals with minimal time involved.

Texas Disability and Job Resources star[offsite link]
Resources for Texas

Texts of Judaism star[offsite link]
From Sacred-Texts.com, a fantastic library of sacred texts from all faith traditions is this comprehensive list of Jewish texts in the public domain. This site includes editions of the Tanakh, Talmud, Midrash and much more.

Thanks For... star[offsite link]
ABC list of things to be thankful for.

Thanksgiving Prayer and Meditation star

Thanksgiving - Main star
Find delicious main dish ideas for your Thanksgiving feast here.

Thanksgiving at Need A Recipe?... Call Mom! star[offsite link]
Find Pennsylvania Dutch recipes + a guide to the best sites on the web for Fall and Thanksgiving recipes and ideas. This is my personal website.

Thanksgiving Desserts star
End your Thanksgiving meal with these spectacular desserts.

Thanksgiving Lore And History star
A brief history of the Thanksgiving Day customs in America and around the world.

Thanksgiving on a Budget star[offsite link]
There are some simple ways to make your Thanksgiving dinner festive and budget-friendly.

Thanksgiving on the Net star[offsite link]
A guide to Thanksgiving on the internet - Stories of the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving, Pictures to print and color, Holiday recipes and e-greeting cards and more

Thanksgiving Peace Meditation star

Thanksgiving Recipes - Starters star
Start your Thanksgiving feast off right with these yummy appetizers.

Thanksgiving Recipes from America´s Past star[offsite link]
Create your own historic Thanksgiving dinner with recipes from Pilgrim Hall Museum in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Thanksgiving Sides star
From mashed potatoes to stuffing, find recipes for all your Thanksgiving fixings here.

Thanksgiving Turkey Stuffing star
This delicious stuffing features the flavors of America, including walnuts, apples, and rosemary. An American tradition!

The Art of Creativity star[offsite link]
The unconscious mind is far more open to creative insight than the conscious mind. This is why daydreams are so useful in the quest for creativity.

The Art of Creativity star[offsite link]
The unconscious mind is far more open to creative insight than the conscious mind. This is why daydreams are so useful in the quest for creativity.

The Basics About Dreaming star[offsite link]
Dream Central provides information on the basics of dreams and dreaming.

The Super Power of Cubic Zirconia star
Learn everything you need to know about the power of Cubic Zirconia, and why it´s such a fashion jewelry must-have.

The 5 Factor Diet star
Wondering what to eat for weight loss and why it seems so hard to make healthy choices. Check out the 5 Factor Diet and see why this way of healthy eating is so effective.

The 6400 Zone star[offsite link]
Your source for info on the 5400, 5500, 6360, 6400, 6500 series Macs! There is a lot of information on this site, from upgrading to troubleshooting.

The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle star

The Adventures of Stevenson - A Biography star
The Author of "Treasure Island" and "The Strange Case of Dr. Jykell and Mr. Hyde" lived a life of his own adventure. He was multi-talented and used it in his work. He was a literary pathfinder.

The Alexander Technique star[offsite link]
Everything you need to know about the Alexander technique including articles, links to books, teachers, etc.

The Angels Script star[offsite link]
Theolyn Cortens presents a set of Archangel cards with angel script cards. This symbolic script is believed to be an angelic language of light. There is a free trial card reading available on her site.

The Animatrix star
The Animatrix consists of nine animated shorts that revolve around the Wachowski Brothers´ trilogy of The Matrix films.

The Animatrix Soundtrack star
The Animatrix soundtrack was released by Warner Bros. Records on June 3, 2003.

The Anime Art of Hayao Miyazaki star
The Anime Art of Hayao Miyazaki is a book written by Dani Cavallaro that was published in 2006.

The Arranged Marriage star
Throughout history, a marriage between two people was a carefully orchestrated match for socio-economic and political purposes. Love was inconsequential.

The Art of Candy Making - Compiled by Mrs. Sherwood P. Snyder (1915) star[offsite link]
Although these lessons in candy making were written in Great Grandmother´s day, they contain a wealth of useful information plus an extensive collection of wonderful old recipes for almost any kind of candy and confection.

The Art of Dreaming - Tools for Creative Dream Work star
Clinical psychologist and registered expressive arts therapist Jill Mellick can help you take your dreams beyond traditional methods of interpretation by taking an active and creative role in your personal practice. Book Review.

The Art of Negotiation star
Successfully negotiating boundary adjustments is a partnership between you and your teenager. How do you work with your adolescent to decide on boundaries that are acceptable to you both?

The Art of Princess Mononoke star
The Art of Princess Mononoke is a book originally released in Japan, and was translated and released in the United States in 1999.

The Art of the Necklace star
“Unspoken Messages: The Art of the Necklace” is a thought provoking exhibit at the Minneapolis Institute of Art..."Like other articles of adornment, the necklace communicates many messages about the wearer, among them wealth and status, through the use of precious materials and elaborate designs."

The Atlantic Online|Fiction star[offsite link]
The Atlantic Monthly Online Magazine, which features works by some of the premier contemporary authors

The Aztecs´ tomatl star
The Incas thought little of the vine with its small golden fruit, a weed growing among the bean and corn plants in their fields. However, the vine slowly spread across the continent and today the Aztecs’ tomatl is cultivated wordwide and is an intrinsic part of countless gastronomies.

The Baker´s Catalogue star[offsite link]
From the good folks at King Arthur Flour, their fabulous Baker´s Catalogue features chocolate mixes, chocolate extract, Dutch-process cocoa, and black cocoa.

The Barcelona Review star[offsite link]
An ezine featuring contemporary short literature as well as book reviews and interviews with many of today´s diverse authors. Archives go back five years and the site offers multiligual mirror sites.

The Basics of Taoism star[offsite link]
This is a brief overview on Taosim, a branch of Chinese philosophy, it’s history and fundamental belief of the “way”. Want to learn more about Tao and who Lao Tzu is? This article will definitely lead the way.

The Basics: Party Etiquette star
Tips to help you learn the etiquette and the basics of guests, host duties, and menus.

The Beautiful Carved Birds of Takahashi star
Takahashi birds are unique, colorful, and expertly made. Find out more about them from our guest author Jackie Rehmann!

The Bellaonline Teen Newsletter star
An introduction to the BellaOnline Teen Newsletter!

The Berit Mila star[offsite link]
A Mohel who will perform circumcision at home for families embracing any movement of Judaism.

The Best Exercise DVD´s for Weightloss star
The best exercise dvd´s for weightloss will help you build lean long muscles that burn fat and calories. You´ll shed pounds faster, have fun, and stay motivated.

The Best Fruitcake Ever star
What would the holidays be without a fruitcake? This wholefood twist on the traditional recipe will give you a moist and delicious cake you will want to celebrate.

The Best Lower Body Exercise Ever! star
This exercise is the best one you can do to slim and strengthen your lower body. Click on the underlined title to find out.

The Best Lower Body Exercise Ever! star
The squat is the best exercise overall for legs and butt. Find out how to do it, exactly what muscles are working, and variations you can try.

The Best of Lost Universe [from TV] star
The Best of Lost Universe [from TV] is a soundtrack CD released for the Lost Universe television anime series.

The Best Online Personality Tests star
Investigating the difference between personality tests that are just for fun and those that can help you learn more about yourself.

The Best Supplements for Weightloss star
The most effective and safe weightloss supplements on the market. What your body needs to help you lose weight.

The Best Weightloss Supplements star
The best and only supplements that will help you lose weight.

The Bible and the Environment star[offsite link]

The Big Tea star[offsite link]
The Big Tea offers tea-related education, health, and industry information. Don´t forget to have your astrotealeaves read.

The Black Box Book Review star

The Black Dahlia (2006) Aaron Eckhart, Scarlett Johansson, Josh Harnett, Hilary Swank star
Aspiring actress Elizabeth Short came to Hollywood in the 1940’s to make a splash and see her name in lights. Instead, she ended up dead.

The Black Echo Book Review star

The Blue Moon Review star
One of the oldest online literary magazines (started in 1994 as The Blue Penny Quarterly), it offers a nice mixture of short fiction and poetry from celebrated authors.

The Bold Signature Style of Kirks Folly star
Jewelry designers and innovators of design trends are those who by nature are drawn to color, symmetry, form, function, and the creative arts. Kirks Folly has an uncanny understanding of the important role jewelry plays in ever evolving fashion trends.

The Book Blogger’s Cookbook Reviews star
Christy Dorrity has paired book reviews and recipes in her 2011 and 2012 Book Blogger’s Cookbooks to serve up a feast for book and food lovers alike.

The Bradley Method star[offsite link]
Unlike Lamaze, these childbirth classes are designed for the natural birthing mama.

The Brat by Anne Enright - Short Story Review star
This story tears at the heart-strings, but for all the wrong reasons in terms of Valentines Day. If you´re a parent of teen daughters or remember the romantic angst and troubles of your own teen days, this one´s for you! Anne Enright´s "The Brat" is a sad tale indeed.

The Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs, Inc star[offsite link]
A non-profit organization which evaluates, tests, trains, qualifies and supports therapy dogs for the purpose of giving loving and empathic support in nursing homes, hospitals, psychiatric wards and other facilities where emotional service dogs are indispensable.

The British Monarchy star[offsite link]
The official web site of the British monarchy.

The British Music Page star[offsite link]
Offers information, sound clips, and magazine articles on British classical music of the 20th-21st centuries.

The British Theatre Guide star[offsite link]
Contains news, reviews, articles and more about what´s hot in Britain´s theatre scene.

The Budgerigar Society star[offsite link]
Set up in 1925, this large UK-based society promotes budgerigar breeding, showing and care.

The C&S Toolbar star
Introducing our BellaOnline Contests and Sweepstakes site search-and-win toolbar, featuring Wynonna Judd!

The Can-Can star[offsite link]
Listen to the music of, and learn the words to, a can-can.

The Caribbean Writer star[offsite link]
an international anthology with a Caribbean focus, publishing poetry, short fiction, personal essays, one-act plays, translations, book reviews, and interviews

The Case of the Yellow Diamond star

The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass Soundtrack star
The soundtrack for Inuyasha: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass contains 37 tracks of the background music that appeared in the film.

The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass Soundtrack star
The soundtrack for Inuyasha: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass contains thirty-seven tracks of the background music that appeared in the film.

The Castle of Cagliostro star
The Castle of Cagliostro is the second animated film for the Lupin III franchise, and is also the first feature film directed by Hayao Miyazaki.

The Castle of Cagliostro star
The Castle of Cagliostro is the second animated film for the Lupin III franchise, and is also the first feature film directed by Hayao Miyazaki.

The Cat Returns star
The Cat Returns is a film produced by Studio Ghibli and directed by Hiroyuki Morita.

The Cat Returns star
The Cat Returns is a film produced by Studio Ghibli and directed by Hiroyuki Morita.

The Center for Commercial-Free Public Education star[offsite link]
An organization fighting the commericalism of today´s public education institutes.

The Center for Study of Multiple Birth star[offsite link]
Provides resources and information about the causes, effects and problems of multifetal pregnancies. Includes several research articles about twins

The Chairoscuro star[offsite link]
A quarterly publication of scifi, fantasy and horror

The Character of Magical Realism star
This article introduces a characteristic trait of the genre Magical Realism.

The Cheat Sheet - Book Review star
The purpose of this book is to provide in-depth methods of detecting and preventing cheating. It also provides advice on when to move on from a relationship.

The Child Care Nutrition Resource System star[offsite link]
The Child Care Nutrition Resource System provides you with recipes, resources and information on preparing nutritious meals and food safety. It´s developed by the National Agricultural Library´s Food and Nutrition Information Center and the University of Maryland Department of Nutrition and Food Science in collaboration with USDA´s Food and Nutrition Service.

The Chillies of Mexico - El Jalapeño star
The jalapeño chilli, plump, smooth and glossy, has a lively rather than fiery ardour, and while it notches up a creditable 7/10 on the heat scale, it is often relatively mild, warm without too much punch - but be warned, it can sometimes be very hot indeed and catch you unawares.

The chillies of Mexico - El Pasilla star
Pasilla translates as “little raisin”, which is an obvious indicator of its flavour: faintly sweet and reminiscent of dried fruit, even of sun-dried tomatoes, quite earthy, even woodsy or herby, with a hint of sharpness and acidity in the background, and a lush, full aftertaste.

The chillies of Mexico - El Poblano star
El Poblano, as its name implies, is a native of the state of Puebla but it makes an appearance in virtually all the regional cuisines of the country. It is a handsome chilli, mild-mannered, well fleshed, broad-shouldered, with a smooth shiny skin and a rich dark green to near black colour.

The chillies of Mexico - El Serrano star
The bullet-shaped serrano chilli, small, slender and dark green, reminds me of a delightful Mexican song, which goes: “soy como el chile verde, picante pero sabroso”, “I am like the green chilli, hot but tasty”.

The Closer star[offsite link]

The Collective star[offsite link]
A large directory of magazines on many aspects of spirituality to buy online.

The Collector Book Review star
The art world is full of priceless works, and when art investigator Marion Spicer inherits a huge collection from her late father, there are some willing to resort to murder to get their hands on some of the pieces.

The Community Manager Role star
Do you have a community manager to promote your business and gather information in the online trenches? If not, improve customer relations and consider a community manager to expand or improve your online reputation. If you do have a community manager, say "Thank you."

The Company Christmas Party Planning Guide star[offsite link]
Office Christmas Party ideas for decorating, activities, door prizes, party favors, food & drink

The Complete Guide to Ceramic & Stone Tile - Review star
A wonderful resource for the do-it-yourselfer. Over 600 photos and specific step-by-step instructions will give you the confidence to undertake your next home tiling project.

The Complete Photo Guide To Home Repair - Review star
This book is the perfect home repair bible for any homeowner. The 500 pages and over 2000 accompanying “how-to” pictures, provide directions that are extremely clear and concise, without intimidating the novice do-it-yourselfer.

The Conservative Yeshiva star[offsite link]

The Constant Gardener (2005) Rachel Weisz, Ralph Fiennes star
The Constant Gardener is Academy Award Worthy.

The Cookie Jar (formerly Scrapperiffic!) star[offsite link]
"The Cookie Jar Message Boards are intended to be our own global online community, used mainly for fun and friendship and as a support for the scrapbooking enthusiast."

The Cook´s Thesaurus star[offsite link]
A cooking encyclopedia that covers thousands of ingredients and kitchen tools. Entries include pictures, descriptions, synonyms, pronunciations, and suggested substitutions. This is a great reference site!

The Counting of the Omer star
Not exactly a holiday, the Counting of the Omer takes place between Passover and Shavuot. It connects us from the physical liberation of Passover to the upcoming spiritual liberation of Shavuot.

The Crime Library star[offsite link]
Sponsored by TruTV, this website gives detailed information about Serial Killers, Gangsters, Mass Murders, etc.

The Crossing Book Review star
Even though Harry Bosch is retired, his skills are in demand. This time, he crosses the line to work against the prosecution and help his half-brother, Mickey Haller, in the defense of a former gang member who has been framed for the brutal murder of a woman.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button star
We see life more clearly in retrospect, but when you’re born at the wrong end of life, which way is retrospect? Benjamin Button leaves the world with less experience than he brought into it. He becomes the incarnation of the “second childhood.” An implausible story is brilliantly made believable.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Review star
We see life more clearly in retrospect, but when you’re born at the wrong end of life, which way is retrospect? Benjamin Button leaves the world with less experience than he brought into it. He becomes the incarnation of the “second childhood.” An implausible story is brilliantly made believable.

The Cycle of Life star[offsite link]
Hinduism is one of the world’s oldest religions. Its teaching includes karma, moksha (enlightenment) along with other doctrines. This page gives a brief review of the Hindus’ view on reincarnation, death & life.

The Cyclocross Season star
Cyclocross typically takes place during the fall and winter months of the year, and world cup season is between September and January. It’s a great way for cyclists to keep their training going throughout the year off-season by riding cyclocross. Find out more about the event here.

The Cyclocross Season star
Cyclocross typically takes place during the fall and winter months of the year, and world cup season is between September and January. It’s a great way for cyclists to keep their training going throughout the year off-season by riding cyclocross. Find out more here.

The Damaged Girls star
Read about this latest (and frightening) APA study...and then let´s do something about it!

The Day of the Dead – Candied Pumpkin Recipe star
1st and 2nd November are known as “Los Días de los Muertos” or the Days of the Dead which are an important pre-Conquest celebration in Mexico, and surprisingly enough, cheerful and festive occasions when Mexican families honour their deceased relatives.

The Deadliest Warrior star[offsite link]

The Death Tarot Card star
The Death card in Tarot is often very misunderstood. It speaks to us, not of physical death, but of endings, new beginnings and transformation. The Fool faces his deepest fears in this phase of his journey.

The Definitive Job Book Review star

The Developments of Short Stories star
This article discusses how short stories developed and its current trends, and how those trends helped writers through the ages. It also touches on marketing strategies past and present.

The Difference Between An Argument and a Debate star
Information and tips on how to debate instead of argue.

The Difference Between Religion and Spirituality star
Religion vs. Spirituality, which is better? Can these two ideas really be compared?

The Digital Film Restoration Process star[offsite link]
An explanation of the digital film restoration system LIMELIGHT that was developed by Joanneum Research (Graz). Split screen examples and graphics explain the process.

The Dinner Table star
Setting a table; napkin folding; caring for china, crystal and glassware.

The Dirty Little Secret Happy Wives Keep star
Even the happiest wives have fleeting thoughts of homicide. Is your irritation toward your spouse silly or serious?

The Domino Decorating Book star
The Domino Decorating Book is a Fantastic Gift for College Students or Newlyweds.

The Downside of Being a Child Prodigy star[offsite link]
Even brilliant, talented people face challenges with self-esteem. Learn how this incredibly gifted woman dealt with feelings of failure.

The Downsides of Weightloss star
Weightloss isn’t a 100% positive experience. Here are the top 3 downsides of losing weight and helpful tips to help you address these issues and keep the weight off for good.

The Dream Encyclopedia star
Understand the symbols in your dreams with this e-book, written by one of our own editors.

The Drinks of Mexico - Fruit Cooler Recipes star
On a hot day, Mexico’s aguas frescas or fresh waters are a taste of heaven. They are not as dense and rich as an actual juice, as water is often added to give the required lightness and breezy zest and there are countless varieties on offer.

The Edmund Fitzgerald Wreck star
The Edmund Fitzgerald is a tragic Midwestern story. Many people have heard the touching Gordon Lightfoot song, but what really happened to the Edmund Fitzgerald and her 29 men? Find out more about the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

The Elizabeth Taylor Collection star
Elizabeth Taylor´s passion for beautiful jewelry is renowned. Explore resources, and articles about her fabulous collection and the equally fabulous Liz, who recently donated one of her most precious possessions to the AIDS Foundation.

The End of Something - Ernest Hemingway star
Unusual Gifts For Men - Stories by Ernest Hemingway -Summer´s coming,soon there´ll be teen vacations and summer camp. boating and fishing.This teen sweetheart story describes two teens who go moonlight fishing. Sounds romantic? Maybe not!Clues are in the title-and memories of teen angst!

The English Spy Book Review star
Gabriel Allon enlists the help of his friend, Christopher Keller along with M16 and Graham Seymore to find a cold blooded killer who recently murdered a princess. He is using terrorist tactics and his excellent bomb making skills to kill across the globe. Gabriel is also killed - or is he?

The eReader and Coffee star
Are you a Nook e Reader and enjoy coffee? Find out how you can enjoy both on your errands and enjoy some free perks as well.

The Erotomaniac Stalker star
The erotomaniac intrudes on your privacy, does not respect your express wishes and personal boundaries and ignores your emotions, needs, and preferences. It is important if you are dealing with this to know how cope with this sort of intrusion into your life.

The Escape star

The Essence of Greek Cooking star
Greek cooking is about more than just Greek food. In order to understand where the food comes from and how it is prepared, you need to understand the culture, the people, and the setting. This article provides an overview of all of these things.

The Essentials of Teen Writing star
Turning daily teenage life into great writing is simpler than you think!

The Ethics of Ghostwriting star
Ghostwriting has become all too common in the publishing business. It has fallen prey to some very unethical practices. Yet, ghostwriting is a valuable service and medium for honest writers.

The Event star[offsite link]

The Ex Pat forum star[offsite link]
Communicate with ex pats around the World.

The Faithbuilders star
The Faithbuilders are "ordinary" women with extraordinary faith and each is dedicated to touching the lives of women through Christ.

The Feldenkrais Guild of North America star[offsite link]
Somatic education that uses gentle movement and directed attention to enhance human functioning. Includes articles, online lessons and FAQs.

The Film Noir Reader star[offsite link]

The Finch Niche star[offsite link]
This site was formerly known as Myras´ Finches, but has been updated with new information. This site lists safe plants as well as unsafe plants for birds.

The First Step in Attracting More Clients star
One thing that all businesses have in common, regardless of size... You Need Clients / Customers. While there are companies that will lie, cheat & steal to get ahead - As a Professional Life & Business Coach & a Citizen of the World - I believe in a better way. Read On!

The First Step in Attracting More Clients star
One thing that all businesses have in common, regardless of size... You Need Clients / Customers. While there are companies that will lie, cheat & steal to get ahead - As a Professional Life & Business Coach & a Citizen of the World - I believe in a better way. Read On

The Flannery O´Connor Award For Short Fiction star[offsite link]
A contest run by the University of Georgia Press to honor one of the South´s most celebrated writer. Two winners are chosen each year; the prize is $1,000 for a winning manuscript. Note: there is a $20 entry fee. Manuscripts must be submitted between April 1 and May 31. (Postmark should be no later than May 31.)

The Flavor of Route 66 star
Renovated small diners on Historic Route 66 serve great food with heaping portions of old-fashioned friendly service.

The Florida West Coast Avian Society, Inc. star[offsite link]
A non profit avian society in Florida.

The Flying Dutchman star
The appearance of the ghost ship, the Flying Dutchman, is a terrifying omen of disaster

The Food You Crave star
The Food You Crave: Luscious Recipes for a Healthy Life by Ellie Krieger shows you how to make nutritious non-processed dishes that are both delicious and great for weight loss.

The Forever Young Generation star
Around 40 million women have a very different attitude from their mothers as to what it means to be old.

The Fox Sisters star
The three teenage Fox sisters lived in a supposedly haunted house, and it was here that "modern spiritualism" was born.

The Fruit Pages.Com star[offsite link]
Everything you wanted to know about fruit - Descriptions and pictures of every type, nutrition, selection and much more.

The Galaxy Railways The Complete Collection star
The Galaxy Railways: The Complete Collection is a six disc set that is part of FUNimation Entertainment´s S.A.V.E. line of DVD releases.

The Gargoyles of Notre Dame star[offsite link]
This web page provides information about the fantastical creatures known as "gargoyles." It also provides specific references to the gargoyles of Notre Dame, and features several photos of them at the end of the article. A fascinating read!

The Gathering of Nations star[offsite link]
The Gathering Of Nations, the world´s largest powwow. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Every April.

The German Hollywood Connection star[offsite link]

The Ghost in the Mill - A Review star
This is a great ghost story told by Sam Lawson Of Oldtown, Massachusetts, a fictitional character created by Harriet Beecher Stowe. This short story made its debut around 1880 in "The Atlantic Monthly."

The Godfather Trilogy star[offsite link]
Here is a site dedicated to the Godfather Trilogy.

The Golden Age of Hollywood Forum star[offsite link]
Try discussing the Golden Age of Hollywood on a large forum dedicated to the classic films of the past.

The Golden Ratio star
Since Renaissance times artists, designers, and architects have been composing their works according to the golden ratio, often known as the golden mean. Find out how these concepts can be used to help you in composing great photographs today.

The GPS Mapping System star
Discover the benefit of GPS to 4x4 off-road enthusiasts and the history of global positioning systems and how GPS works.

The Great Cake Mystery Review star
A review of the engaging story by celebrated author Alexander McCall Smith about a young girl who encounters a mystery that plagues her school.

The Greatest Films star[offsite link]
All sorts of great information about the great films. Includes great scenes, quotes, filmographies, film star legends, and reviews. You can access reviews by titles of the movies.

The Greek Pantry star
Must Haves to Make Greek Food at Home

The Green Gospel: Seven Reasons Why We Should Care About Creation star[offsite link]

The Green Singing Finch star[offsite link]
Information and pictures on the Green Singer.

The Greencheek Conure Homepage star[offsite link]
Lots of information and pictures of these lovely little Conures.

The Grey Play Roundtable star[offsite link]
The magazine for the concerned African Grey "pet human." It is totally Grey specific and provides tips, ideas and information to help readers better nurture their African Grey Parrots.

The Healing Crystal First Aid Manual by Gienger star
The Healing Crystal First Aid Manual by Michael Gienger is an easy way for anyone to find out which crystals may help them alleviate a whole variety of common ailments. There are some useful tips and advice about how to use the suggested crystals in treatments too.

The Healing Power Of Faery - Book Review star
The Healing Power of Faery, written by Edain McCoy, is a must have book for those who are believers in the faery and desire to learn their ways of healing.

The Healing Qualities of Serpentine star
Serpentine has been used as a protective amulet for thousands of years. This mostly green stone carries various patterns and hues, but its name is derived from pieces that are veined and mottled like snakeskin. This is a quietly powerful stone and well worth a place in your collection.

The Heart Chakra star
The heart chakra is the centre of love and healing energy. Discover how it affects our wellbeing and how to harness its healing power.

The Height of Your Bike Seat star
Here are a couple of tips on adjusting the height your bicycle seat for a better ride.

The Help Group Summit 2005 star
An in-depth and thought provoking 1½ day conference for professionals and parents. Advances and best practices in Autism, Learning Disabilities and ADHD.

The herbs of Mexico - Epazote star
Epazote grows wild in Mexico and spread from there across America and eventually to southern Europe and beyond, but outside its homeland, it is seen as a weed rather than a culinary herb – only in central and southern Mexico does it play an essential role and find its way into the cooking pot.

The herbs of Mexico - Epazote star
Epazote grows wild in Mexico and spread from there across America and eventually to southern Europe and beyond, but outside its homeland, it is seen as a weed rather than a culinary herb – only in central and southern Mexico does it play an essential role and find its way into the cooking pot.

The Hidden Meaning of Dreams - Book Review star
Unlock the mysteries of your dreams with this beautifully illustrated book.

The High Priestess Tarot Interpretation star
The High Priestess Tarot reflection and interpretation.

The History of Studio Ghibli star
This article explains the history of Studio Ghibli, one of the most well-known animation studios in Japan.

The History of the Statue of Liberty star[offsite link]
From the U.S. Park Service, this page brings you the history of the Statue of Liberty - a gift from the people of France to the citizens of the United States.

The History of Trunks/Bardock the Father of Goku star
Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks / Bardock the Father of Goku is a two-disc DVD set with these two Dragon Ball Z television specials included in it.

The Holistic Spine star
The spine is the main conduit of life force energy through the body. Clearing the energy in your spine can help your wellbeing on every level.

The Holly King and The Oak King star
The yearly battle for dominance as represented by the the Holly King and the Oak King is more than a battle to win the Crown of the Year. Their battle represents the battle within all of us.

The Hollywood Collection star
This article from the Jewelry Collecting site at BellaOnline is about The Hollywood Collection where you will find original reproductions of movie star legend´s rings.

The Hollywood Collection - Interview with Elliot Abbot star
Elliot Abbot, President of The Hollywood Collection, talks about the design of his unique Hollywood Collection jewelry.

The House of Memory Book Review star

The Hudsucker Proxy Review star
Insidious members of the Hudsucker Board of Directors deviously plot the take-over of controlling interest of the owner bereft company. Norville Barnes is their entry level candidate for Hudsucker President. Twists and turns show off the Coen brothers’ taste for dark farce. Definitely PG-13.

The Human Body star
We sometimes forget what a magnificent piece of engineering the human body is. It harbours the soul and the mind. It submits to the rhythm of life with every breath it takes.

The Hurricane star
Bella´s own Cocktails Editor shares a recipe for a delicious Hurricane drink.

The Hurricane-Teen Years star
What does the game of Risk, Hurricane Wilma, and the teen years have in common? Read further for parenting tips.

The I Ching and the Tarot star[offsite link]
The minor arcana forms a group of archetypes linked with the ancient system of typology using basic elements. These suit assignments correlate well with the I Ching digrams.

The Impact of Adolescent Stealing on a Family star
Some may feel that stealing and/or shoplifting is a rite of passage, but parents must decide what it means in their family and how to restore trust between themselves and the adolescent.

The Importance of Cross Training star[offsite link]
Cross training will boost your metabolism and increase your fitness level

The Importance of Michigan Trade Schools star
Michigan isn´t just for exploring the Great Lakes...you cna gain a great education there as well.

The Importance of Vitamin D star
Many people don’t realize the importance of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency can have a huge traumatic response on the body and can be the root cause of many diseases. Learn the benefits and importance of vitamin D.

The Incredible Edible Egg Website star[offsite link]
Lots of basic egg facts, FAQ about eggs, an Eggcyclopedia, egg nutrition, egg safety, egg recipes and more. Egg Safety Other Sites Egg Recipes

The Inheritance - a Review star
"The Inheritance", a Christian fantasy novel by Donna Sundblad, is a modern-day version of "Pilgrim´s Progress". This is not a rewritten version of John Bunyan´s classic, but an original fantasy story, one that proved to be exciting and hard to put down.

The International Center Of Photography (ICP) star[offsite link]
The International Center of Photography - a museum, a school, and a center for photographers and photography based in New York City.

The International Conure Association star[offsite link]
Promoting the study of conures in the wild and in captivity, as well as sharing information with owners and breeders.

The International Parrotlet Society star[offsite link]
The International Parrotlet Society´s (IPS) purpose is to educate its members and promote interest in parrotlets, whether for exhibition, reproduction, care, knowledge, conservation, study, companion birds, or hobby; also to present to its members information to increase the understanding of the various genera, species and subspecies of parrotlets.

The Internet ~ The World Wide Web star
How does the World Wide Web effect everyday life and how would we cope without it in the twenty first century?

The Interpreter (2005) star
An interpreter for the United Nations over-hears an assassination plot to kill a foreign head of state. Now she has to get someone to believe her.

The Irish Setter star
The pround, elegant Irish Setter is the most popular dog that originated in Ireland. These beautiful dogs are easily recognized by their luxurious deep mohagany red coats

The Irish Terrier star
Last, but certainly not least of the Irish American Canines, the Irish Terrier is one of the oldest terrier breeds. Beneath the bushy eyebrows, there´s deep dark brown eyes, a black nose, and a sweet, inquisitive, endearing expression.

The Irreplaceable Cast-Iron Skillet star[offsite link]
Using and Caring For Your Cast-Iron Skillet; Techniques for Restoring an old Cast-Iron Pan: How To Season A New Cast-Iron Pan; Recipes Using a Cast-Iron Skillet

The Jewish Woman star[offsite link]
From Chabad-Lubavitch, a site with articles and tips geared towards Jewish women.

The Jimmy Stewart Museum star[offsite link]

The John Hughes Files star[offsite link]
Sadly, The John Hughes Files will no longer be updated, but the fantastic archive remains! Packed with unusual photos, bits of trivia and links to articles and essays on all things Hughes.

The Jolly Corner - A Review star
The season of frights and macabre has begun. This is an unusual story about a haunted house. The ghost is not that of a traditional one and the reason for its activity is a bit unorthodox as well. The story was written by Henry James and published in 1908.

The Joshua Bush Case - The Good of the One, but Which? star
An article chronicling the Joshua Bush case.

The Joy of Salads star
Salads come in all shapes and forms, from the traditional green tossed salad to fruit, fish, pasta and more. Summer is a great time to serve salads because they are cool and refreshing. Salads are great for picnics, parties and backyard barbecues.

The Kakarikie star[offsite link]
Information and pictures of the very pretty and active Kakariki by a breeder in the Netherlands.

The Kennel Murder Case (1933) star
Philo Vance is a debonair detective (William Powell) who runs with the rich and elite. His love of dogs and his own dog has brought him to a show at a prestigious kennel club in Long Island. This leads him to investigating the deaths of two brothers Archer (Robert Barrat) and Brisbane Coe (Frank Con

The Key to Self-Esteem in Teens star
Feeling down in the dumps? It´s a no-brainer that life can get pretty hectic sometimes. With school, homework, and friends, it´s clear that some days can get you down. Here are a few powerful steps towards staying positive!

The L Word star[offsite link]

The Labour Party star[offsite link]

The Legacy House star[offsite link]
Scrapbook Retreat in Minnesota and Wisconsin

The Lions of Lucerne Book Review star

The Literacy Shed star[offsite link]

The Little People of the Cherokee star
Have you ever experienced a legend? There are so many things we consider to be just stories told by the Elders. But when there is interaction with the Little People, we are forced to re-consider.

The Lost Symbol Book Review star

The Lost Symbol Book Review star

The Love Parade, a Tragedy in Duisburg star
Its beginnings were in 1989 in a still divided Berlin, a small demonstration for peace and understanding through music, and it became one of the worlds most popular musical festivals, but in 2010 the latest Love Parade ended with 21 deaths and over 500 injured in the Ruhr town of Duisburg.

The Low Carb Workout star
Exercising on a low-carb diet is sometimes not the most pleasant experience. This program is specifically designed for those in the early stages of the low-carb lifestyle.

The Maid Of The Mists star
An Ongiaras Tribe Myth, Retold by Phyllis Doyle Burns

The Maine Lobster Company star[offsite link]
Learn how to boil lobsters, bake or steam lobsters.

The Man Who Was Almost A Man - A Review star
This was a 1961 posthumous story written by Richard Wright, one of American´s Black writers who enlightened his fellow citizens of the lives of the African-American community by showing similarities regarding parenting and teenagers.

The Mandala Project star[offsite link]
An online meditation center, the Mandala Project features original, non-traditional Mandalas, thoughtful prose and new age music. Those with high speed Internet connections can view multimedia movies. Others can enjoy the quiet and simply gaze. Very soothing.

The Marx Brothers star[offsite link]
This site is for the Marx brothers.

The Masie Center star[offsite link]
Elliott Masie presents his Learning and Technology e-lab and Think Tank to help educators and learners succeed in harnessing the unique abilities of online learning.

The Matrix Comics star[offsite link]
The navigation is a little confusing, but a good site about the Matrix Comic books

The Meditation Station star[offsite link]
The Meditation Society of America. Includes 108 meditation techniques, a beginner´s section, meditation concepts, a message board, and more.

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya DVDs star
Here you will find reviews for DVDs released for The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

The Minnesota Twin Family Study star[offsite link]

The Minor Arcana: Cups Video star[offsite link]
Youtube based video that gives a simple overview of the Cups suit of the Minor Arcana by G.S. Warner.

The Minor Arcana: Pentacles Video star[offsite link]
Youtube based video that gives a simple overview of the Pentacles (Coins) suit of the Minor Arcana by G.S. Warner.

The Minor Arcana: Swords Video star[offsite link]
Youtube based video that gives a simple overview of the Swords suit of the Minor Arcana by G.S. Warner.

The Minor Arcana: Wands Video star[offsite link]
Youtube based video that gives a simple overview of the Wands suit of the Minor Arcana by G.S. Warner.

The Mists Of Avalon, Book Review star
a magical and legendary story about the women in the life of King Arthur

The Monster of Florence - Book Review star
More than one “Monster” suspect, convicted by Italian Prosecutor, Giuliano Mignini, was later acquitted due to insufficient or complete lack of evidence. Giuliano Mignini is the same prosecutor who successfully convicted Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito in the murder of Meredith Kercher.

The Movie Page.net star[offsite link]
All the latest info on movies, past and present, news, insights and movie goofs!

The Murdered Banker Book Review star
When the body of a banker who had come to collect a debt is found in Giannetto Aurigi´s apartment, his friend, Inspector De Vincenzi must find the real murderer to prove that his friend is innocent.

The Muscular Dystrophy star[offsite link]
The Muscular Dystrophy Association helps people with Muscular Dystrophy and their families through research, by providing medical services and equipment, and support groups.

The Musings of Kate Chopin star
Kate Chopin was an American Writer who exposed life in Louisiana. She wrote of Creoles and Cajuns based on first hand experience. She was a Victorian writer who first touch the literary "iceburg theory."

The Mysterious Doom Book Review star
Review of the book "The Mysterious Doom, And Other Ghost Tales Of The Pacific Northwest" by Jessica Amanda Salmonson

The Mystic Cauldron star[offsite link]
Lovely site. Be sure to see their choices of wooden boxes if you enjoyed the article on Altar Boxes.

The Mysticism Resource Page on Prayer and Meditation from the Univ. of Florida star[offsite link]
Directory of useful links to prayer and meditation from different traditions.

The Myth of Multitasking star
Multitasking might seem to boost productivity, but at what cost to enjoyability and effectiveness? This article explains how focused attention, not multitasking, reduces stress by increasing productivity and satisfaction.

The National Association of Guide Dog Users star[offsite link]
The NAGDU is a forum for those who currently use a guide dog those considering getting a guide dog, or those who want to learn more about the use of such dogs. They promote guide dog training programs and work to raise awareness of the availability of these dogs to blind people who want them, and ensure that those who use the dogs receive training in the care and use of the animals.

The National Health Service star[offsite link]

The National Trust star[offsite link]

The Native American Flute star
Evolving from small whistles made of bone, wood, and cane, the Native American Flute is a uniquely crafted instrument. Its beautiful music was heard across the Americas for eons, and has surged in popularity world-wide.

The Netherlands Twin Register (NTR). star[offsite link]
founded in 1987 for research, this register takes information for the purpose of research. You can be a part of a study or register to receive monthly newsletters and research updates.

The New Age - Alternative Healing star
This is Part 2 of the "What Is The New Age?" series which discusses practices and beliefs that are common among those who identify with the New Age--especially alternative healing.

The NIA Technique star[offsite link]
A fitness and healing system, Nia uses practical and diverse movements, free expression and the senses to experientially create fitness and wellness.

The Oberammergau Passion Play star
The wind of change has blown through the Bavarian village of Oberammergau’s centuries old and unique Passion Play, although Jesus’ entrance to Jerusalem, his crucifixion and resurrection remain the focal points.

The Official Definition of Love star[offsite link]
This is the official Webster definition of love. From affection, warmth to devotion, love possesses its many fascinating facets and applications. Webster not only lists many definitions of love as we commonly understand it, but it also presents other descriptions that we often overlook.

The Official Pokemon Handbook star
The Official Pokemon Handbook was released in 1999, and includes all 150 original Pokemon, as well as Mew and Togepi.

The Official Worldcon Site star[offsite link]
information about the World Science Fiction Convention.

The Overachievers - The Secret Lives of Driven Kids star
Alexandra Robbins has written a book both daunting in its message...and urgent.

The Pale Horse by Agatha Christie star
A classic novella written by Agatha Christie published in 1961 by Fontana Books. A murder mystery wrapped up in the guise of old superstitions and (1960´s) technology.

The Pampered Puppy Guide to Air Travel with Pets star[offsite link]
Everything you need to know about air travel with your pet from rules for individual airlines to requirements for travel to some popular destinations.

The Paper Bag Inspiration star[offsite link]
The Paper Bag´s Inspiration section. Includes poems on Halloween, and Thanksgiving, and various other subjects.

The Parrot Finches star[offsite link]
This is the only page I could find that describes all the Parrot Finches. Most have pictures as well.

The Parrotlet Alliance, Inc star[offsite link]
The Parrotlet Alliance was formed in August of 2002 as an organization of owners and breeders of Parrotlets.

The Passenger Book Review star
The main character in this fun novel has been running for the last 10 years. Readers won´t know why until the end, but the suspense and twists and turns make the book very difficult to put down.

The Past Life Centre star[offsite link]
A site focussing especially on the past life memories of children.

The People of Corn star
According to the Mayan myth of creation, the gods made man from a dough of corn. Corn originated in Mexico, which was known as the "cradle of corn", and the veneration and cultivation of corn are inextricably woven into Mexican history, culture and food.

The Perch Net star[offsite link]
An all pet bird forum.

The Perfect Cup of Chai (or Tea) star[offsite link]
This site has it all, great information about tea, tea brewing tips and recipes too!

The Person You Want To Be star
Be true to yourself and you will always be the person you want to be.

The Personal Narrative of Edgar Allan Poe star
This article explores the personal narrative of the works of Edgar Allan Poe.

The Pink Panther Series (started 1964) star[offsite link]

The Poor Relation´s Story by Charles Dickens star
This is a short Christmas story by Charles Dickens. It is fun and silly. It should be a classic, away from the commercialized Santa and reindeer.

The Purpose of Knowing History for Teens star
Some people would say that teens don´t know history. This might be because some adults aren´t teaching them the right things. Click on to see Why history is important and what all teens deserve to know.

The Raven by Poe star
The Raven was first published in January 1845. It is possible that Poe may have been drawing upon various references to ravens in mythology and folklore.

The Reader´s Robot star[offsite link]
Database of books in many genres, searchabel by author, title or subgenre

The Real Macaw Parrot Club star[offsite link]
An all species parrot club in New Jersey, U.S.

The Rocking Horse Winner Themes D H Lawrence star
Successful short stories for students,such as The Rocking Horse Winner by D H Lawrence, usually have themes that are easy for young people to pick out and identify with. Themes in this story about childhood include guilt,duty,repression and responsibility.It´s also useful as a story about parenting

The Rough Guides star[offsite link]
UK guidebook publisher provides the text of its guides. You can search for information by country or city name, or do a keyword search.

The Rule of Thirds star
The rule of thirds is one of the most popular principles of composition in photography. By understanding and applying the rule of thirds to your own photographs, you´ll begin to produce more effective, well-balanced, or even dramatic pictures.

The Sacred Star of Milos Blu-ray/DVD Combo star
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos is an anime film based on the Fullmetal Alchemist franchise.

The Sacred Star of Milos Blu-ray/DVD Combo star
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos is an anime film based on the Fullmetal Alchemist franchise.

The sauces of Mexico - Encacahuatado star
A sauce thickened with seeds and nuts is an utterly pre-Hispanic concept, and Spanish chroniclers who accompanied Hernán Cortés during the conquest of Mexico talked in their accounts of great earthenware cazuelas full of bubbling red sauces which were thickened in precisely this way.

The Sauces of Mexico - Pipián Verde Recipe star
A truly pre-Hispanic sauce, Pipián Verde is rich with pumpkin seeds and the characteristic caramel tones of roasted tomatillos. Like all Mexican salsas it is very versatile and while I am serving it with chicken in this instance, it is equally good with steak, fish and roasted vegetables.

The sauces of Mexico - Recado star
The “recado”, like the ubiquitous “adobo”, is not really a sauce, but a spice and herb blend or paste used to flavour meat, fish or vegetables before cooking, and is a particular speciality of the Yucatán peninsula.

The sauces of Mexico - Salsa Verde Cocida star
Salsa Verde Cocida, cooked green sauce, is made with tomatillos or Mexican green husked tomatoes and comes in many guises, from nothing more than boiled, puréed tomatillos, to considerably more sophisticated versions.

The Sauces of Mexico - Salsa Verde Cocida star
Salsa Verde Cocida, cooked green sauce, is made with tomatillos or Mexican green husked tomatoes and comes in many guises, from nothing more than boiled, puréed tomatillos, to considerably more sophisticated versions.

The sauces of Mexico - Salsa Verde Cruda star
A raw “salsa”, made from tomatillos, the Mexican green husked tomato, is one of the pillars, and joys, of the Mexican table.

The Scam Book Review star
In the fourth installment of the Fox & O´Hare series, Nick and Kate go after Evan Trace, who uses his casinos to launder money for criminals.

The Scarlet Letter - An American Story star
Nathaniel Hawthorne´s novel "The Scarlet Letter" is an American classic about hypocrisy and Puritan beliefs. This is a great read for any teen who´s interested in historical settings.

The Science of Anime star
The Science of Anime: Mecha-Noids and AI-Super-Bots is a book written by Lois H. Gersh and Robert Weinberg, and it was published in 2005.

The science of having fun star[offsite link]

The Science of Meditation from Time Magazine star[offsite link]
Simple meditation instructions and related background articles.

The Secret Life Of Agatha Christie-Games-Stories star
New insights into the secret life of Agatha Christie´s hideaway home can now be glimpsed.The novelist with short stories,plays, and now Wii games to her name had an extra love in life-the shaded riverside spot which provided the silence and beauty she needed for writing. Now we can all peek in...

The Secret to Heartfelt Listening star
Listening is a skill that helps everyone. Heartfelt listening helps you communicate better with anyone, but especially with an adolescent. Learning it takes only a few minutes and a few steps.

The Secret World of Arrietty star
The Secret World of Arrietty (which is known as The Borrower Arrietty in Japan) is an anime film directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi, and it is based on The Borrowers by Mary Norton.

The Secret World of Arrietty Blu-ray/DVD Combo star
This is a review of the Blu-ray/DVD combo pressing for The Secret World of Arrietty.

The Secret World of Arrietty Blu-ray/DVD Combo star
This is a review of the Blu-ray/DVD combo pressing for The Secret World of Arrietty.

The Secrets Of Water star
Have you ever stopped to consider the Water that you use every day? Did you know that just like you Water has a memory?

The Seeing Eye star[offsite link]
The Seeing Eye, North America´s pioneer dog guide school, was founded in 1929. Since then, it has matched specially bred and trained Seeing Eye dogs with nearly 6,000 blind men and women from across the United States and Canada. A Seeing Eye dog is a working dog that has been carefully trained to guide its blind owner safely to his or her destination

The Sentinel (2006) Michael Douglas and Kim Basinger star
We have a winner. "The Sentinel", starring Michael Douglas as Secret Service agent Pete Garrison is definitely worth your time.

The Shawl by Cynthia Ozick - A Review star
Cynthia Ozick is an American-Jewish writer who writes closely to her roots. Her short story "The Shawl" unveils the Holocaust on a deeper and intimate level.

The Short Drop Book Review star

The Short Stack Cookbook Review star
This fun cookbook takes several common single ingredients and offers fabulous recipes using them. The book is fun to read, since there are explanations and stories about the recipes, and the instructions are easy to follow.

The Short Story Classics star[offsite link]
A site offering the best from the masters

The Sin Eater´s Last Confessions by Ross Heaven star
The old Celtic tradition of ‘sin eating’ has been lost now, but once it was customary here in Wales to invite the local sin eater to perform a ritual of eating food from the body of the corpse in order to cleanse the soul of sin and allow it free passage to the afterlife.

The Slayers Evolution-R star
This is a review of the Blu-ray pressing of The Slayers Evolution-R.

The Slayers Revolution star
The Slayers Revolution is the fourth season of The Slayers anime series, which only consists of 13 episodes.

The Sneaky Kitchen star[offsite link]

The Social Network Movie Review star
You may still be left wanting more after watching The Social Network about Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg, but watch it you should. It is like the party you should have went to, even though some of it wasn´t that much fun. Of course if you were there, maybe you´d know more of what was going on.

The Social Responsibility of Theme in Storytelling star
Storytelling is highly suggestive. Fictional writers should be mindful of how much influence fictional stories are to readers. There are consequences to telling tales and we must write with more social responsibility.

The Society for the Protection & Preservation of Fruitcake star[offsite link]
A variety of fruitcake recipes and facts about fruitcake.

The Soul of Anime star
The Soul of Anime is a book written by Ian Condry and published by Duke University Press Books in 2013.

The Spices of Mexico - Achiote star
The talents and versatility of the Americas’ “poor man’s saffron” are manifold, from body paint and cosmetics to insect repellent and food colouring.

The spices of Mexico - Cinnamon star
Researching cinnamon in a Mexican cookbook is a perplexing experience, as it can be referred to as Mexican cinnamon, true cinnamon, soft cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon or simply by its Spanish name, canela. The purpose is perhaps to avoid confusion with the bark of the cassia tree.

The spices of Mexico - Cumin star
“Comino” is one of the countless gastronomic immigrants which travelled to Mexico aboard the Spanish galleons and landed on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico - more likely than not in the port of Veracruz, where it made itself very much at home and was willingly absorbed into the local cuisine.

The spices of Mexico - Vanilla star
Vanilla is a shy and gentle spice. There is nothing brash or flamboyant about it, and yet its power is great, with a delicately warm, sweet flavour and scent which are deeply evocative, almost hypnotic.

The Spirit Lodge star
Like all Native American peoples, the Lenape had their mythological legends. One such myth is about The Spirit Lodge and their beloved chief Quaquahela,

The Stains of Christmas Past star[offsite link]
Find out how to remove wine, cranberry sauce, gravy and more from your holiday linens.

The stay at home mom gets a makeover star

The Steps To Getting Your First Real Job star
Getting your first real job is an important passage into adulthood. Here are the basics on how to do it.

The story of Peanut - Coping with the news of Holoprosencephaly star

The Story of Tuan Mac Cairill by James Stephens star
This tale was taken from a book by James Stephens entitled "Irish Fairy Tales." It´s a beautifully written story that includes some interesting perceptions from the animal kingdom. James Stephens honored his Irish culture by the retelling and publishing of this and other cultural tales.

The Straight Dope star[offsite link]
The straight dope on almost any scientific question you can think of.

The Suit of Pentacles star
The Suit of Pentacles represents financial gain and loss. Their message is all about the wax and wane of material prosperity.

The Summit at Snoqualmie star[offsite link]
Conditions, lodging, tickets and more for skiing the Summit at Snoqualmie.

The SureJel Hompage star[offsite link]
Expert tips and advice on creating blue ribbon jams & jellies. If you´ve ever thought about entering your own home-made jams & jellies in competition at a county or state fair, go here to find out when and where they will be in your area.

The SurLaLune Fairy Tales star[offsite link]
An interesting site featuring annotated classic children´s tales as well as their histories and parallel tales in other cultures

The Symbolism of the Tarot star[offsite link]
P. D. Ouspensky´s insightful essay on the intricate symbolism inherent in the Tarot.

The Taco Tuesday star

The Tarot Unlocked star[offsite link]
Tarot Symbolism and the Astrological Attributions of the 22 Hebrew Letters According to (the Hebrew formative letter - astrological correspondences of) early recensions of the Sepher Yetzirah.

The Teenager’s Motto star
Every teen has a saying or a quote that they use on a daily basis. But this saying is the one that is at the heart of them all.

The Thin Man Series (1930s) star[offsite link]

The Third Victim Book Review star

The Three Magi by Pura Belpreì star
This is a cute story with animals helping with the annual Christmas season.

The Transcendental Meditation Program star[offsite link]
The official U.S. Website about TM.

The Tree of Life for Insight and Personal Growth star
The Tree of Life is a symbol representing all of Creation taken from the Kabbalah. Studying it can give you much insight and personal growth. Here I give you a simple walk through the Tree to get you started on your journey.

The Truth About Calories & Weightloss star
Top 3 calorie truths you must accept if you want to lose weight quickly and permanently. The ugly truth about why people struggle with stubborn fat and a scale that just won´t budge.

The Truth About Tattoo Removal star

The Truth About Tattoo Removal star

The Tudors star[offsite link]

The Two Drovers - Walter Scott Short Story Review star
Anyone for Historical Novels and films with sporrans, kilts and feisty long-haired Highland lads with daggers hidden in their tartan? No time to read "Waverley" but enjoy watching "Braveheart","Rob Roy" and Courtroom Dramas? Readers with legal leanings may enjoy the justice issues analysis too.

The Ugly Necklace Jewelry Design Contest star
The Seventh Annual "The Ugly Necklace Contest," sponsored by Land of Odds and The Center for Beadwork and Jewelry Arts, features some truly ugly necklace designs by skilled designers accustomed to creating beautiful and appealing designer jewelry.

The Ultimate Instant pot star

The Ultimate Treasure Hunt: Finding Truffles star[offsite link]
Easy, accessible and interesting, this web page tells you where to look for truffles, what to look for, how to harvest and transport them, and provides a few interesting facts about this fascinating fungi.

The Underground star[offsite link]

The Unexpected Inheritance of Insp. Chopra Review star
On his last day on the job, Inspector Chopra learns of a suspicious drowning that is being ignored by the other detectives in his department. He decides to investigate on his own. He has also inherited a baby elephant from a relative, and doesn´t know what to do with him.

The Vacant Lot - A Critique star
This is a story for my Holloween collection but I had a very unexpected turn toward the story. This article is more of a critique than the ususal review.

The Value of Editing star
Editing is very important for writers. Writers who learn to edit their own work establish creative control and enrich their writing skills. This article lays out some very basic steps to that process.

The Very Best Book Picks on Troy star
The story of Troy has been told over and over in a thousand ways. There´s a huge range of novels about the Trojan War. This selection of accounts from different viewpoints are all entertaining, suspenseful and very very good

The Virgin of Guadalupe Mexico´s Cultural Icon star
Mexico is the second largest Catholic country in the world. The most popular and revered religious and cultural image in Mexico is the Virgin of Guadalupe. Transcending the religious domain, affectionately known as La Morenita, she is a symbol of Mexican identity and nationhood.

The Virtual Beit Midrash star[offsite link]
From Yeshivat Har Etzion in Israel. Each semester, free classes are sent out to registrants via e-mail on a variety of Jewish topics including the Parashah of the week, Talmud, Jewish ethics, Jewish philosophy and Jewish law. There are courses for the beginner as well as for the more advanced student.

The Walking Club of Georgia star[offsite link]
Racewalking in Atlanta, also discusses history of the sport as well as the benefits.

The Walking Dead star[offsite link]

The Wandering Bull star[offsite link]
2010 calendar of events

The Warning Signs of Anorexia star
Anorexia is a serious issue for teens and their loved ones. Learn how to avoid it here.

The Warrior Diet star
Take advantage of undereating and overeating: Nature´s ultimate secret for burning fat, igniting energy, and boosting brain power. Not your typical low carb diet.

The Waters of Eternal Youth Book Review star

The Weary Watcher And Other Tales star
Robert Montgomery Skinner´s collection of myths and legends of America.

The White Company star[offsite link]
Comfy clothing for bed time for all the family

The White House star[offsite link]
Find more up to date information about the American political system by visiting The White House.

The Whole Herb star[offsite link]
Wonderful crafts to make with herbs. Great ideas from wreaths to potpourri and much more!

The William Blake Archive star[offsite link]
An online compendium of the works of William Blake. Includes poems, bio and artwork.

The Wind God star
The Hopi legend of the Wind God, retold by Phyllis Doyle Burns

The Witch of Wanchai Book Review star
The Witch of Wanchai is an excellent thriller and gives readers a taste of the Asian underground. While the Witch has some disturbing attributes, it is not overly violent, but is fascinating.

The Women of Jane Austen Quiz star
Test your knowledge of the women in Jane Austen´s beloved novels with ten interactive questions.

The Women of Jane Austen Quiz star
A short interactive quiz to test your knowledge of the women of Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Emma, Mansfield Park, Persuasion and Northanger Abbey.

The Women´s Calendar star[offsite link]
The largest listing of women´s events covering every possible venue, topic or issue important to women. A superb networking tool for women.

The Wonderful Weimaraner star
Weimaraners are wonderful pets and versatile sporting dogs. They´re loving, fiercely devoted companions - quick to learn and eager to please. But... they´re not for everyone....

The Wonders of Garmin eTrex GPS star
The handheld Garmin eTrex GPS unit can be used for geocaching and other offroad activities.

The Worst Murderer, Man without a Soul star
What kind of man betrays his lover, his religion, and his army for money?

The Writer Gazette star[offsite link]
A writer´s resource site that provides tips, techniques, resources, articles, job postings, and more.

The Writings of Rabindranath Tagore star[offsite link]
A useful sample of the Bengali laureate´s works.

The Yellow Wallpaper - A Story Review star
This is a review of the story entitled "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. It recognizes common traits between Gilman´s life and the character´s experience. There is a feminist viewpoint between the story and Gilman´s era.

The Young Victoria Review star
U.S. Release Date December 2009: The Young Victoria: The story of love between the young, but soon to be, Queen Victoria and her Prince Albert. Queen Victoria´s speculated love for and supposed secret marriage to her gillie is surpassed by her true and lasting love for her husband Prince Albert.

The Zebra Finch at Finch.com star[offsite link]
Good information and pictures of the Zebra Finch.

The Zebra Finch Page star[offsite link]
This is a subsite of the Avian Behaviour & Ecology Research Group´s website with information on the Zebra Finch.

The ´A´ Kids Camp - for Autistic Sibs star
Autism Spectrum Australia is holding a second siblings camp during the school holidays in October.

The ´A´ Kids Camp - for Siblings of a child with Autism star
Autism Spectrum Australia is holding a second siblings camp during the school holidays in October.

Then and Now - January, 2011 News star
Every day, every hour, and every minute we’re saturated with media coverage of news events. Here´s a review of the "then and now" status of January, 2011´s significant news stories.

Then and Now - February, 2011 News in Review star
Continuing the "Then and Now" series, with a comparative review of significant news items for the month of February, 2011.

Therapy Dogs International star[offsite link]
Therapy Dogs International, Inc. (TDI) is a volunteer group organized to provide qualified handlers and their Therapy Dogs for visitations to hospitals, nursing homes and other institutions and facilities, and any other place where Therapy Dogs are needed

Therapy for Winter Days star
The Winter solstice marks the darkest point of the year. This is the time that many of us feel at a ‘low ebb’. Here I discuss ways to cosset yourself through Winter days.

Thermometer Guidelines from the National Turkey Federation star[offsite link]
Accurate temperatures, both in the oven and the turkey are important for quality and safety. Here are some guidelines to ensure thermometers are properly used.

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things star
Every now and then, I will share some of my favorite jewelry shopping resources with vistors to the Fashion Jewelry Site. Shop4Silver.com, Kari Pearls, and The Hollywood Collection are just a few of my faves.

Things to do in Nome star
Whether you´re an adventurer or a history buff, Nome has something that will peak your interest.

This American Life star[offsite link]

This Day in Film History star[offsite link]
Births, Deaths and Marriages of all those in the movie industry.

Thoth Tarot Deck star[offsite link]
A good overview of Aleister Crowley´s Thoth Deck complete with images.

Thread Painting for Belly Dance Costumes star
Embellish your plain skirts, veils and other costume pieces with this easy embroidery technique. All you need is a sewing machine and a free-motion embroidery foot. No special stitches needed. No special skills required.

Three Fun Facts About Pacific Halibut star
Pacific halibut is a white-meat flat fish found in the North Pacific Ocean, from California to Alaska.

Three Sisters Stand Together star
Throughout history, throughout the world, the love of sisters is to be cherished.

Tibetan Lamas star[offsite link]
The web-site provides an overview of contemporary Tibetan Buddhist teachers.

Ticketmaster star[offsite link]
Tickets to anything and everything that is currently hot in England

Tickets Sold Out For The Boys Are Back In Town star
The Boys are back in Town and all tickets are sold out to the first Motogp at Laguna Seca Raceway in eleven years.

Tie On Baby Seat star[offsite link]
Patterns and instructions for making a cloth baby seat that goes on a regular chair.

Tilt and Position of Your Saddle star
This article looks into a couple of ways in which you can adjust the tilt of your bike´s saddle.

Time for Mom star
Self-care involves creating time for ourselves.

Time Magazine star[offsite link]
Read Time´s archives and breaking news online.

Time´s Top 100 Movies of all Time star[offsite link]
This is Time Magazine´s top 100 movie list.

Tinkerbell star[offsite link]
Tinkerbell is a Congo African Grey, who lives in Taiwan and is allowed to fly outside with a harness and a long leash. There are many links to pictures as well as to the story leading up to her present life.

Tintype Care, Storage and Repair star
Most families have one or two tintypes, passed down from generation to generation. A tintype (or ferrotype) was an early form of photograph. It dates back to the 1850s, and many Civil War era images were done on tintype.

Tintype Care, Storage and Repair star
Most families have one or two tintypes, passed down from generation to generation. A tintype (or ferrotype) was an early form of photograph. It dates back to the 1850s, and many Civil War era images were done on tintype.

Tiny Cheese Biscuits star
These tiny biscuits pack a lot of punch.

Tiny Cheese Biscuits star
The mini biscuits are spicy and delicious.

Tips and Tricks for Teaching Online star[offsite link]
Tips and tricks for designing course content,facilitating and teaching online, developing learning objects, assessment ideas and tutorials.

Tips For Cooking Turkey star[offsite link]
Excellent information regarding turkey preparation.

Tips for Getting Kids to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables star[offsite link]
Dole 5-A-Day offers a number of tried and true techniques for getting kids to eat more fruits and vegetables.

Tips For Hiring the Right Coach star
How do you hire the right coach? That’s a great question and a very important one. The cornerstone to a successful coaching experience is hiring the right person. You want a coach who will prove to be a good match for your needs, level of experience, time schedule, budget and personality.

Tips For Party Foods star
Have you nixed the idea of entertaining because you thought it would be too expensive and too time consuming? Check out these tips and set your mind at ease.

Tips for Taking Better eBay Photos star
With the slump in the western economy and rising fuel costs many are looking for new ways to save money. Buying and selling on eBay is a great solution to grab a bargain and sell your items. This article gives you tips for taking better eBay photos of your items that will make them sell!

Tips for Teens on Back to School Readiness star
While everyone knows that getting ready for “Back to School” season means buying new clothes and notebooks, there are other minor but important things that teens can do to make the transition from summer fun to school move more smoothly.

Titans star
Greek Mythology first generation of the Elder Gods

TJobs star[offsite link]
TJobs is a place where you can find telecommunicating jobs.

To Lie or Not to Lie star
Article from BellaOnline´s Career Training site discusses the topic of providing false information to employers.

To moms from moms star[offsite link]
moms offering information and support for stay at home moms. e-mail momsclub@aol.com to find a moms club near you.

Today In History star[offsite link]
Find out what happened ...On this day in History...

Today in Literature star[offsite link]
What happened on this day in the writing world? This site presents daily stories about authors and their works related to the date.

Today´s Margarine: Selection and Usage star[offsite link]
There´s a whole new generation of margarine products on the market today designed to help reduce fat and cholesterol in our diets. Find out which type of margarine will work best in the recipe you´re using.

Toddler Games and Activities star
These fun games and activites are sure to be a hit at your next toddler party.

Toe to Toe Movie Review star
A difficult film to review, Toe to Toe tells a story of two girl Lacrosse players who find and lose friendship then find their new places in life.

Tolerance star

Tolerance.org star[offsite link]
Another great site to learn about tolerance and what kids are doing about it.

Tomatillo and Mulato Chilli Sauce Recipe star
My favourite way of serving this sauce is with a fried egg sitting on a lightly fried tortilla – very reminiscent in fact of that Mexican classic, Huevos Rancheros, Eggs from the Ranch. While the whole dish is typically served for breakfast, it also makes a delicious lunch or supper.

Tomato Crostini star

Tomato, Caper and Gorgonzola Salad Recipe star
Enjoy this beautiful salad as an antipasto!

Tomatoes - The Aztecs´ Tomatl star
The Incas thought little of the vine with its small golden fruit, a weed growing among the bean and corn plants in their fields. However, the vine slowly spread across the continent and today the Aztecs’ tomatl is cultivated wordwide and is an intrinsic part of countless gastronomies.

Toned abs workout for beginners star[offsite link]
The toned abs workout for beginners builds endurance and strength for tougher ab workouts. This is your first step to lean toned abs.

Tool Apron star[offsite link]
A short apron with pockets for your tools, whether they be for gardening, crafting or sewing.

Tools for Transformation star[offsite link]
Connie Russert is a spiritual channel. Her site includes transcripts of readings she has given as well as advice on spiritual growth.

Tools for website design star
A list of tools to help you design your website easily and beautifully.

Top 10 Indian Poets of All Time star[offsite link]
This site gives a useful overview of major Indian poets.

Top 11 Exercise Tips for Low-Carbers Part II star
Part two on the low carb exercise series. What you should and shouldn´t do to ensure weightloss and fitness success.

Top 3 full body exercises star
These top 3 full body exercises do triple duty and then some. They boost cardio endurance, build lean muscle, and burn fat while saving you time and money.

Top Blogging News at Alltop star[offsite link]
Alltop aggregates blogging news of the day from the top blog and news sites on the internet.

Top Chef Chicago starting on Bravo star
Bravo´s Top Chef to kick off season four in Chicago with sixteen contestants.

Top Social Media News at Alltop star[offsite link]
Alltop aggregates social media news of the day from the top blog and news sites on the internet.

Topics and References on Dreams, Dreaming and Dreamers star[offsite link]
One little web page is an incredibly comprehensive resource.

Topper Returns (1941) star

Torah.org star[offsite link]
Different classes on specific themes such as ethics and law discusses through the weekly Torah portion.

TorahToday star[offsite link]
Daily, one-minute streaming audio Torah classes. The classes are archived.

TorahWeb.org star[offsite link]
A series of weekly Divrei Torah written by the rabbis at Yeshiva University. The articles are archived on the site and sent out as an email list.

Torch Song Trilogy star
The play was a hit and the movie is a classic. Meet Arnold, a gay man who is not ashamed of who he is - even if those he loves are.

Tortillas, the bread of Mexico star
Corn tortillas are quintessentially Mexican, intoxicatingly fragrant and utterly addictive. They take centre stage in the national cuisine as the “bread” of Mexico, and no meal is complete without this truly pre-hispanic food which is eaten daily in every household.

Tostadas from Guadalajara Recipe star
Mexico’s second largest city, Guadalajara, is home to Los Tapatíos, as its residents are known. They are very keen on their food and the local cuisine is rich and savoury, with noticeable pre-Columbian and post-Hispanic roots.

Tote Bag star[offsite link]
Tutorial and pattern for a tote bag from jcaroline creative!

Tote Bag star[offsite link]
Basic tote bag with pictures.

Toucans and Toucanets star[offsite link]
An excellent article on keeping these gorgeous birds in captivity.

Tough Choices for the 2012 US Budget Compromise star
There will be more negotiations, issues and results relevant to the 2012 US Budget. Not all of them will be popular; but, there is one thing for certain – they will be a combination of what every single participating politician believes is best for their constituents and the American people.

Tour de France History star
The very first Tour de France back was back in 1903 - This first race became the creation of the greatest cycling race in the world we know today. Read on to find out about the tour de France´s early beginnings...

Tour de France History star
The Tour de France began as a wild adventure for only the heartiest of riders, back in 1903. The race initially began as a publicity stunt for the french sports newspaper L´Auto. Read on to find out about the Tour de France´s early beginnings...

Tour de France History - The Crucial Decade star
With the amount of controversy surrounding the early Tour de France of the 1920´s, and with its lack of winning successes for it’s homeland, its appeal was starting to waver. So the 1930´s saw significant changes. Read on to find how the Tour continued to survive

Toxins, Immunizations and Autism star[offsite link]
Dr. Oz on XM radio interviewing Dr. Ken Bock, physician and author of Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies, about the effect of toxins in the environment, immunization schedules and how to make your home safer for your kids.

Toy Making by All About Parrots star[offsite link]
Its easy to make simple toys for your bird(s) yourself if you following the directions at this site.

Trading Posts For Christmas Shopping star
Native American Trading Posts, the fun and valuable way for shopping for unique and unusual Christmas gifts.

Tradition vs. animal welfare star
Traditions that involve animal death and torture are still upheld - can this every be okay?

Traditional Folklore and Myths star
Where do traditional tales or folk stories originate? They are handed down through the ages, originally by word of mouth, altered with each telling and exaggerated for maximum impact when retold to a less educated audience.

Traditional Metal Work star[offsite link]
Native Tech provides a history of metal work in the Americas, from casting to jewelry

Traditional Roasted Turkey with Gravy star
Here´s a recipe for perfect roasted turkey that will make your mouth water.

Traditional Roasted Turkey with Gravy star
Make the perfect roasted turkey and gravy with this recipe.

Translate from English to French...or French to English! star[offsite link]
You can enter a phrase in French or English on this site and have it translated for free into another language. Not always accurate, but it will give you a fairly good idea as to what a phrase or passage means.

Translations from English star

Transylvanian Coffin Rolls star

Trap Door by Sarah Graves - Review star
A mystery novel that intertwines murder, suspense and home improvement tips all in one. Part of the "Home Repair is Homicide" series.

Travel Companion Program star[offsite link]
They maintain an active directory of healthcare professionals who are willing to use vacation time from their job to accompany you on vacation.

Travel Diaper Case - Tutorial star[offsite link]
Pattern for making a small bag for holding a diaper and wipes case for quick trips.

Travel Oregon star[offsite link]
Plan your Oregon vacation with this online information, or order free printed guides.

Travel Tips from the AKC star[offsite link]
Taking your dog on the family vacation can make for a great trip, if you plan carefully. Are you traveling by car, plane, train, bus, or boat? How long will the trip take? Will you be staying with family or friends, or at a hotel or motel? Is your dog in good health? Get some good advice from the AKC.

Travel Writer star
How to become a travel writer.

Treat Tote star[offsite link]
Upgrade from a pillowcase to this cute treat bag for all your Halloween goodies.

Tree House TV star[offsite link]
Games with a plethora of beloved children´s characters can be found here, along with full episodes online!

Trend Watch - Unflattering Smocks be Gone & Get Ready for Body-Con star
Are you fed up of the unflattering smock frenzy we´re seeing this Summer? If you´d like to reunite with your curves and add a little sass to your Summer wardrobe, here´s how with Body-Con

Triangle Heart star
Triangle Heart is a series of OVAs and hentai games, and the name comes from the fact that the story focuses on a "triangle."

Tribal Tattoo Designs star[offsite link]
This page offers an overview of traditional tribal tattoo styles, has photo galleries of modern tribal-style tattooing and some videos of tribal tattoos being done.

Tribute To My Mother star
I remember all the times you held me close, When I was young and needed you, And all the times you gave your most, With words that rang so true.

Tricep Extensions for Toned Arms star
Tricep extensions are key for tight toned arms and the two variations below are great for isolating and sculpting as well as building upper body strength, core strength and core stability.

Tricep Extensions for Toned Arms star
Tricep extensions are key for tight toned arms and the two variations below are great for isolating and sculpting as well as building upper body strength, core strength and core stability.

Trillium Cooking School star[offsite link]
Great tasting and easy prepare recipes. "A popular culinary destination for 19 years. Not your typical cooking school! Classes are held in a fully modern kitchen in Pam and Read Collacott´s 160 year-old renovated log home in a picturesque setting near North Gower Ontario, a short drive south of Ottawa."

Trim Carpentry and Built-Ins - Review star
Trim Carpentry and Built-Ins is from Taunton’s “Build Like A Pro” series. This book will teach you how to draw, measure, shop for materials, make professional cuts, fix mistakes and transform any home with trim.

Triple Chocolate Sour Cream Cake star
The most creamy, moist, to-die-for chocolate cake you will ever eat.

Trish´s Bloomin´ Good Recipes star[offsite link]
A exceptional collection of family recipes, divided into categories

Truss Poultry star[offsite link]
To truss means to secure poultry or meat into a compact shape. Here´s how - from The Food Network.

Try Not to Breathe Book Review star

Trying to Find Their Note star
How many times should an adolescent "fail"?

Tudor Rose Purse star[offsite link]
This links to the pattern and instructions for a beautiful rose-shaped purse.

Tuna-stuffed Jalapeño Chilli Recipe from Veracruz star
The famous jalapeño chilli is a native of Veracruz and finds its way into pretty much every area of the state’s (and country’s) gastronomy, and Veracruzana cooks are keen on stuffing it with anything from fresh crab and tinned tuna to cheese, meat and vegetables.

Turkey and Most of the Trimmings star[offsite link]
Read this article for excellent information about preparing a holiday turkey dinner.

Turkey Basics: Safe Cooking star[offsite link]
Before you cook your next turkey, you need to read this article from the Food Safety and Inspection Service, United States Department of Agriculture.

Turkey BLTs star[offsite link]
Start with leftover grilled or roast turkey, or good deli turkey , wrap it up in a soft flour shell with crispy bacon and garden fresh lettuce and tomatoes. Top with the dressing of your choice and it´s an easy, delicious meal for the height of Summer eating.

Turkey Cooking Tips star[offsite link]
From the National Turkey Federation...tips on buying and preparing turkey, thawing, roasting, smoking, grilling, storage and much more.

Turkey Grilling Tips star[offsite link]
Information about grilling turkey tenderloins, cutlets, boneless breasts and drumsticks, ground turkey, turkey breast and the whole turkey.

Turkey MotoGP 2005 star
The Motogp riders flew in for the first MotoGP race to be held in Turkey, some riders were on delayed flights from Australia, so didn´t have a lot of time to adjust to the time zone change.

Turkey, the American peacock star
The turkey is native to the Americas, and its earliest habitat seems to have been the highlands of Mexico, where fossils ten million years old have been found on the central plateau near Puebla. It was domesticated by the Aztecs who honoured it with a religious festival held every 200 days.

Turmeric Health Benefits star
What is turmeric used for apart from making delicious curry? Read this article and find out!

Turner Classic Movies star[offsite link]
Turner Classic site is a classic flm site with games, news, and articles.

Turner Classic Movies (TCM) star[offsite link]

Turning Out a Rolled Omelet star[offsite link]
A little technique and care can turn a simple ingredient, eggs, into a satisfying, even elegant meal.

Turning Your Passions Into Poems star
Discover how to transform your life experiences into publishable poems...

Tuscany Bistro Hard Rock Casino Review star
When selecting a place to eat at the Hollywood, Florida, Hard Rock Casino you will be wise to stay away from the Tuscany Bistro.

TV Guide star[offsite link]

TV Guide star[offsite link]

TV Now.com Current Film Noire Movies star[offsite link]

TV Now´s Pick for the Day star[offsite link]
Information about the films are included in each day´s daily pick.

TV.com star[offsite link]

Twalala star[offsite link]
A free tool allowing Twitter users a mute button functionality. "You can filter tweets out of your stream by keywords and phrases or mute individuals who get a bit too chatty."

Twin survey on personality star[offsite link]
Researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University are conducting a twin survey on personality. Please take the web based and interactive personality survey that provides participants with feedback. Go to the link below to fill out the survey!

Twin Willows Farm star[offsite link]
Original knitting patterns, counted cross stitch patterns, Border Leicester fleeces and French Angora fibers. Check out the free patterns too!

Twinings Tea star[offsite link]
The name Twinings says it all. Arguably the most popular British tea in the world.

Twins star
Are you the mother of multiples? Then this is the site for you!

Twins & Temperament star[offsite link]
This site offered by the University of Wisconsin -Madison studies the emotional development of twins. Great source if you ever wondered why your twins behave the way they do.

Twins Close Bond Lengthens Life star[offsite link]

Twins in School - Separate Them or Keep Them Together? star
When it´s time to send twins to school, many parents ask themselves whether or not their twins should remain together in the same classroom.

Twins in School: Together or Apart in the Classroom? star

Twisted Sisters Knitting star[offsite link]
The Twisted Sisters create hand dyed and hand painted luxury fibers for the discerning fiber artist. Our fresh take on pattern designs combined with our sensuous yarns produces fabulous one-of-a-kind garments that look beautiful on you.

Two Cookbook Reviews star
Take a journey around the world in "Sundays at Moosewood Restaurant" and through culinary history in "Rare Bits-Unusual Origins of Popular Recipes".

Two of Germany’s Fun and Unusual Museums star
The Potato Museum and The Medieval Crime Museum are two of many unusual museums that join Germany’s huge and comprehensive museum collection, which covers everything from classical antiquities filled with priceless treasures, chocolate, ships and composers Bach and Beethoven to Zeppelins.

Two Peas In A Bucket star[offsite link]
Two Peas is a really nice site. They have a store, and LO idea section, MB etc...

Two Peas in a Pod? Ten Ways to Encourage Individuality star[offsite link]

Two Peas Layout Gallery star[offsite link]
Two Peas In A Bucket has the largest Layout gallery I have seen! It is great to look thru when you are stuck for ideas.

Two Peas Simple Schemes star[offsite link]

Two-Tone Cookies star
Delicious chocolate and vanilla two-toned cookies are wonderful for almost any occasion Cut in shapes to suit the gathering.

Types and Care of Plastic Jewelry star
Plastic jewelry, also known as acrylic or resin, is fun to collect, and it´s even more fun to wear. With its dynamic array of brilliant colors, vintage and contemporary plastic jewelry is not only highly collectible, it´s often affordable.

Types of Pokemon star
There are several types of Pokemon, and what type a Pokemon is determines how it will fight in battle.

Typhoo Tea star[offsite link]
This site includes product information and a history of tea and tea drinking.

Tyson Recipes star[offsite link]
Find hundreds of chicken recipes organized in an easy-to-use system. To begin, just click on a category in the Recipe Retriever.

Ty´s Tricks by Ty Pennington - Review star
"Home repair secrets plus cheap and easy projects to transform any room." An inside look at how Ty Pennington renovated his California bungalow.

Tzintzuntzan star
Beautiful Lake Patzcuaro in Michoacan is ringed by many indigenous lakefront communities. One of the most lovely and interesting of these is the village of Tzintzuntzan with its colonial monastery complex, its unusual archaeological site, and its plethora of colorful and locally produced crafts.

U.S. Virgin Islands - Caribbean Center of Home Education star[offsite link]

Ugly Bugs Fall - A Garden Mischief Short Story star
A little guy tries to make a nice birthday for Mommy... Hit the Print button, Fix some coffee, put your feet up and take a few moments break for yourself with this gentle homespun tale of childhood garden mischief. Or maybe give to Mom or Grandma as a present?

UK Camping & Caravanning Directory star[offsite link]
This site includes a clickable map to help you find campsites. It also has information about retailers that sell caravans.

UK groceries star[offsite link]
Jelly babies to pot noodle, magazines, baby stuff and more.

UK Online star[offsite link]

UK Parrot Cages star[offsite link]
If you are looking for a cage in the UK, take a look at Bestpetcages.com

UK: Film Rating star[offsite link]

Ulster Fry and Irish Bread Recipes star
The Ulster Fry is a tradition from Northern Ireland. This is a very hearty meal.

UltraMetabolism star
One of the best books about weightloss and metabolism ever! Everything you need to know about why you gain weight and how to develop a super fast metabolism.

Uncle Walt´s Poetry Page star[offsite link]
Romantic, Inspirational, and Dark poetry.

Under Armour Women´s Athletic Clothes, Shoes & Gear star[offsite link]
Powerful workout couture

Understanding Common Household Dangers for your Bird star[offsite link]
From the writers of Dummies.com, a straightforward and easy to understand article about common household dangers.

Understanding Ectopic or Tubal Pregnancy Risks star
What is an ectopic pregnancy? Why are tubal pregnancies dangerous and what are the risk factors?

Understanding French Wines star[offsite link]
This great site features information not only about French wines, and the areas that they´re produced in, but it also provides some wonderful links for additional information such as a wine glossary and how to store, chill and serve wines. It also provides references to books on wine, and a vintage chart with a rating scale!

Understanding Meditation star[offsite link]
Site includes information on how feel more relaxed and connected to people.

Understanding Who Owns Your Blog star
Do you know if you own your blog content, or your blog, exclusively? Have you signed away your rights when you agreed to a free blog hosting service? Read the Terms of Service today and find out where you stand.

Understanding Your Dog star[offsite link]
Dogs have similar emotions to humans, for example depression jealousy happiness affection playfulness etc. The key to understanding your dog is though their behaviour; body language, expressions and actions.

Unique Beak Aviaries star[offsite link]
Information and pictures of the Green Singing Finch and other finches.

United Kennel Club (UKC) Recognized Breeds star[offsite link]
The UKC is an international registry and currently recognizes over 300 separate breeds. The breeds are divided into 8 groups. Click on the name of a dog group to see a list of breeds.

United Plant Savers star[offsite link]
Great nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting native medicinal plants in the U.S. and Canada. Also has many good links for herbal study programs.

United States Association of Blind Athletes star[offsite link]
Here is a wealth of information about sports for the blind and visually impaired. It contains information on how to get involved in support as well as information on the background behind specific sports.

United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism star[offsite link]
The USCJ is the congregational arm of the Conservative movement.

University of Chicago Film Studies Center star[offsite link]
The FSC houses the Gerald Mast Film Archive, which holds the growing collections of over 8,000 film, video and disc titles (including feature films, experimental cinema, silent film, classic Hollywood cinema, documentary, European art cinema, video art, international cinema, etc.).

University of Florida Art Room star[offsite link]
"This virtual art room is meant to be a "special" place. Within its "walls," kids are offered opportunities to create, to discover, to imagine, to invent, to learn, and to make their thoughts become things."

University of Puerto Rico star[offsite link]
Degrees Accredited by the American Library Association, Master of Information Sciences (Next Review: 2008) Other Degrees or Certificates: School Library Media Program, Post-Master´s Certifications

University of Tennessee star[offsite link]
Degrees Accredited by the American Library Association, Master of Science (Next Review: 2009) Other Degrees or Certificates: PhD, School Library Media Program

Unusual Holidays for 2008 star[offsite link]
Should you be celebrating today? This site features validated holidays/awarenesses/observances of the unusual kind for 2008.

Up At Six Aviaries star[offsite link]
Information and articles on all types of pet birds.

Uplift Breasts & Tone Underarms star
Specific exercises to zero in on sagging breasts and flabby underarms. Simple and targeted exercises to tone these problem areas.

Uranus Facts for Kids star
This ice giant is twenty times further from the Sun than we are. It orbits lying on its side so that half the planet can be dark for over twenty years at a time. This is the planet Uranus, discovered by William Herschel in 1871 and nearly named George!

Urusei Yatsura star
Urusei Yatsura is an anime based on a manga series by Rumiko Takahashi.

Urusei Yatsura Information star
Here you will find information for Urusei Yatsura.

US Department of State - International Adoptions star[offsite link]
United States Department of State site on International Adoptions. Specific country information, statistics and more.

US Dept. Health/ Female Genital Cutting star[offsite link]
Information of female genital cutting from the federal government´s source for women´s health information.

US Listings - Alaska to Hawaii star
Tattoo shops and piercing studios servicing Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, the District of Columbia, Delaware, Florida, Georgia and Hawaii.

US Listings - Idaho to Massachusetts star
Tattoo shops and body piercing studios located in Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, and Massachusetts.

US Listings - Michigan to North Dakota star
Tattooers and body piercing services located in Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraka, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina and North Dakota.

US Listings - Ohio to Wyoming star
Tattoo artists and body piercing studios found in Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

USCD - A Simple Pamphlet star[offsite link]
This illustrated page has instructions on creating a simple book with sewn thread to hold the pages in.

USDA Meat And Poultry Hotline! Call 1-800-535-4555 star[offsite link]
You can also E-mail them for answers to your questions on safe storage, safe handling, safe preparation, product content, power outage and much more! The email address is mphotline.fsis@usda.gov

Use A Food Thermometer star[offsite link]
Thermometers are turning up everywhere in today´s kitchens in all shapes and sizes -- digitals, instant-reads, probes for the oven and microwave, disposable indicators and sensor sticks, pop-ups, and even barbecue forks. This page has pictures of thermometer types, proper placement, and desired temperatures many foods should reach.

Uses For Soya Beans star
It is amazing how much can be done with the humble soya bean from industrial motor oil to cosmetics. Read on and try the simple soya bean recipe.

Uses For Wheat Germ star
What is wheat germ? Why is it good for you? Read on to find out.

Using Crystal Card Oracles star
If you enjoy working with crystals you may like to try a crystal card deck as a change from traditional tarot cards.

Using PayPal for your Business star
PayPal gives online entrepreneurs secure and easy options for payment management. Whether you eBay, buy or sell products or services, PayPal likely has a solution right for you.

Using PLR Content on a Blog star
Writer’s block is not the only reason to consider PLR content for use on your blog. Find out why PLR content may be useful on your blog.

Using Rose Quartz star

Using Short Stories to help kids with Schooling star
Many able children dont perform their best in school or in written tasks. They should never be written off,instead, alternative ways of delivering knowledge such as stories, should be found to ensure that they continue to enjoy soaking up knowledge while their fine motor skills catch up for writing.

Using short stories to help with schooling star
How Hearing Short Stories can help pupils whose reading and writing skills are still catching up.

Using Sources for Balance star
How to use sources to help your readers.

Using the Color Blue in Healing star
Blue is the color of the heavens; a blue sky is uplifting to our spirits. In our energy system blue is associated with the throat chakra.

Using the Color Green in Healing star
Green is the central point in our journey through the color spectrum; neither warm nor cold it harmonises our senses and brings us into balance.

Using the Color Indigo in Healing star
Indigo has a power and depth that goes beyond lighter shades of blue. It is the color of the night sky lit with stars and it stimulates our psychic senses.

Using the Color Orange in Healing star
Orange is a warming color which carries a feeling of wellbeing and fuels our creativity. Its vibrancy is enlivening and it can lift us out of despondency into a creative and positive state.

Using the Color Red in Healing star
Red is the warmest color in the spectrum. It is of immense use when we need energy and vitality, passion and the drive to make things happen.

Using the Color Violet in Healing star
Violet has the fastest vibration of any color in the spectrum. For this reason many people on a spiritual path feel drawn towards violet.

Using Theater to Develope Character star
This article explosres the benefits of acting to develope characterizations in literary fiction. The process may not be for everyone but it is worth a try. You just may enjoy it.

Using Water to Relieve Pain During Labor star
Hydrotherapy is the scientific word for using water for medicinal or therapeutic benefits and here are tips for how to use water for pain relief during childbirth.

Using WordPress to Blog Your Way to Success Review star
A review of the Kindle book, WordPress Power Guide – Using WordPress to Blog Your Way to Success by Lambert Klein.

Utah - Utah Homeschool Network star[offsite link]

Utah - Utah Homeschooling star[offsite link]

V - the series star[offsite link]

V&A Photography star[offsite link]
V&A Photography - Website of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London who began to collect photographs in 1852 and the collection is now is one of the largest and most important in the world

V-Day star[offsite link]
Eve Ensler´s site dedicated to the V-Day global movement to stop violence against women in all forms!

Vacation Ideas for Teens star[offsite link]
All kinds of ideas for family travel, especially around the holidays.

Valentine Be Mine! star[offsite link]
An outstanding collection of romantic recipes.

Valentine Jewelry Gift Ideas star
There’s nothing like jewelry as a gift for showing your affection to your valentine. Heart jewelry is a classic, but any type of jewelry is usually well received.

Valentine’s Day Survival 101 - Jewelry as a Gift star
A Valentine´s Day survivalist guide to keeping yourself off of the lousy gift-giver list now and forever after.

Valentine´s Day star[offsite link]
Valentine´s ABC´s!

Valentine´s Day Gifts star
When buying multiple gifts for Valentine´s Day, affordability is a key factor. Treat your Mom, your girlfriends, or drop him a hint about the great jewelry selection at Wal-Mart. From heart-shaped to pretty in pink and a beautiful red jewelry box, here´s some affordable gift ideas.

Valentine´s Day Lore And History star
Valentine´s Day, that special day set aside on February 14 each year for true love, when young lovers and even the elderly loves give each other flowers, special gifts, cards, candy and promises.

Valentine´s Day Prayer and Meditation on Friendship star

Valentine´s Day Prayer and Meditation on Friendship star
The celebration of love on Valentine´s Day shows itself in friendship. Here is a prayer for reflection and meditation on some ways to be a friend.

Valentine´s Day Recipes star[offsite link]
An outstanding collection of recipes for Valentine´s Day.

Valentine´s Day Recipes - Cakes star[offsite link]
A special collection of cake recipes.

Vampire Diaries star[offsite link]

Vampires And Bats star
Are there really vampires out there? Read about Bram Stoker´s Dracula and other vampire personalities. Also, learn how to protect yourself from them.

Vancouver German Resources star[offsite link]
A website providing a database of German churches, shops, companies and clubs in Vancouver, BC, Canada. There is also a guestbook, and a message board to share messages with other German families.

Vancouver Westside German School star[offsite link]
This is a once-a-week German school that takes place on Tuesday, from 4PM to 6:15PM from September to May. Tuesdays & Wednesdays (Senior classes) 4:00 – 6:15pm (September to May)

Various Articles star[offsite link]
Links to various job search articles such as resume writing, interviewing and more. Keep checking back to see new articles added.

Vegan Tacos star
Being vegan doesn´t mean you have to give up tacos! Try this easy and nutrient packed recipe for vegan tacos.

Vegan Thanksgiving Meal Plan star
Hosting a Vegan at Thanksgiving? No need to stress with this simple and satisfying meal plan!

Vegan Women Much Less Likely To Have Twins Than Women Who Eat Animal Products, Especially Dairy star[offsite link]

Vegas Baby! Food for the Soul star
Get the run down on fine dining in Vegas from Michelle Snow, BellaOnline´s Luxury Travel Editor!

Vegas, Baby! star
A more adult, more luxurious Las Vegas is gearing up to meet your every expectation and more. During my six-part series, I´ll explore the history of the city, what makes it worth visiting today and what you can expect from the Las Vegas of the near future.

Vegas, Baby!: Livin´ Large OFF the Strip star
Last week, I showed you the most luxurious places on the Strip to lay your head. This week, we travel to the city limits in search of three resorts that push the limits of luxury in Vegas.

Vegas, Baby!: Livin´ Large on the Strip star
Now that you know the history of Las Vegas, find out the most luxurious places on the Strip to lay your head.

Vegas, Baby!: On With The Show star
A night on the town in Las Vegas usually means either shows or nightclubs. But with so many to choose from it can be overwhelming. Inside are my picks for the ones that are worth your time and money.

Vegas, Baby!: The Future´s So Bright star
I wrap up my Vegas series with a look into the future of the city. What does the next year and a half have in store? I´ll give you the inside scoop.

Vegetarian Christmas Recipes star[offsite link]
Delicious holiday recipes for vegetarians.

Velvet Clutch Bag star[offsite link]
Pattern and tutorial from jcaroline creative!

Venere Hotel Reservations star[offsite link]
Reliable reservations in Italy and all of Europe, from fancy to basic lodging.

Venting to Your Husband star
Getting out frustrations can be healthy, but venting must be done carefully if you are to avoid damaging your marriage.

Venus Facts for Kids star
It´s the planet most likely to mistaken for a UFO. It spins backwards on its axis. A day is longer than a year. It´s Venus! Some call it Earth´s twin, but I think you´ll see that we don´t have all that much in common.

Veracruz - Black Gorditas Recipe star
The cafés around the Plaza de Armas in the port of Veracruz do a roaring trade at breakfast time, with the state’s famous Gorditas Negras flying out of the frying pan and onto the tables as fast as they can puff up.

Veracruz - Chicken Tlatonile Recipe star
Italian immigrants in the late 19th century undoubtedly left some kind of culinary legacy, but the gastronomy of the town of Huatusco is founded not on pasta and pizza but on ants and more particularly on the famous local “tlatonile”, a “mole” based on ancho chillies and sesame seeds.

Veracruz - El Torito Cocktail Recipe star
Little Bull, the Jarochos’ favourite tipple, packs a powerful punch. Based on heady fire water and tinned milk, both evaporated and condensed, El Torito is sweet and sickly, yet deeply refreshing – let alone hopelessly moreish and a thirst quencher redolent of warm tropical climes!

Veracruz - Huevos Tirados Recipe star
The “thrown eggs” from Veracruz, scrambled with black beans and topped with fresh cheese and fried plantains, are on offer in every restaurant and food stall in the state – and while they do not look wildly appetising, the texture and flavour more than make up for any shortcomings in appearance.

Veracruz - Molotes a la Veracruzana Recipe star
Plump, torpedo-shaped and decidedly carbohydrate rich, the molote’s main characteristic is its pastry, which is more often than not a mixture of pre-Hispanic masa harina or corn flour and post-Conquest wheat flour often with the addition of mashed potatoes or, in Veracruz, mashed cooked plantain.

Veracruz - Molotes a la Veracruzana Recipe star
Plump, torpedo-shaped and decidedly carbohydrate rich, the molote’s main characteristic is its pastry, which is more often than not a mixture of pre-Hispanic masa harina or corn flour and post-Conquest wheat flour often with the addition of mashed potatoes or, in Veracruz, mashed cooked plantain.

Veracruz - Pellizcadas Recipe star
The unattractively named Pellizcadas – pinched ones – of Veracruz are bumpy and dimpled, their surface a landscape of miniature hills and valleys to trap a topping and hold it firmly in place.

Veracruz - Picadas Recipe star
The Veracruzana Picada, like its sister, the Pellizcada, is a very regional member of the vast clan of Mexican antojitos – snacks based on corn, cooked, served and consumed mainly on the streets and in the markets.

Veracruz - White Gorditas Recipe star
The gorditas - little plump ones - of Veracruz are utterly pre-Hispanic, despite being deep fried, and as typical of the state as it comes. The negras which incorporate the local black beans and perhaps some Veracruzano chillies, are the most popular but the blancas are just as time-honoured.

Vermont - VT Assoc. of Home Educators star[offsite link]

Versatile Quartz Crystal star
Most crystal healers would agree that clear quartz crystal is the most versatile of all the stones we work with. Its clarity transmits white light in healing, which contains the whole colour spectrum. If I could only work with one type of crystal this would be my choice.

VHS - River of Love - A Documentary Drama on Amma star

VHS and DVD - G. I. Gurdjieff - Meetings with Remarkable Men star

Vidalia Onions star[offsite link]
From Morris Farms Vidalia Onions, here´s great Vidalia Onion recipes, handling and storage tips, and sweet onion facts.

Video by Design star[offsite link]
Video By Design has over the last 6 years collected a huge archive of films from all over the UK dating back to the turn of the century.

Vintage Costume star
We feature articles on all the major vintage costume designers.

Vintage Crochet Patterns star
Vintage crochet patterns, crochet abbreviations, crochet rag rugs

Vintage Games Newsletter star
Want to keep up with the latest news and information on vintage games? Subscribe to our newsletter and get the details delivered right to you!

Vintage Jewelry Retailers A - Z star

Vintage Patterns star[offsite link]
Vintage crochet and knitting patterns from various sources.

Vintage Retro Jewelry star
Retro jewelry is also known as "Cocktail Jewelry". Glamorous and bold, it originated in France with a collection of designs by Van Cleef & Arpels. Vintage Retro Jewelry has been popular since the 1980s. Popular gemstones of the period included citrine, aquamarine, amethyst, topaz, pearls and quartz.

Vintage Swarovski star
Vintage Swarovski crystal jewelry stands the test of time.

Vinyl Tote star[offsite link]
Pattern and tutorial for a vinyl tote from jcaroline creative!

Violence on Campus: For No Reason At All star
Student violence is escalating...where does it end...

Viper Guestbook - A Free Spam Resistant Addition for Your Web Site star
Viper Guestbook is a nice looking freeware PhP and MySQL based program that provides a rich, spam resistant addition to your web site.

Virginia Dare - White Doe Legend star
The Legend of the White Doe grew out of the mysterious disappearance of Virginia Dare.

Virtual Shtetl: Jewish Genealogy Resources star[offsite link]
A collection of Internet resources compiled at Virtual Shtetl.

Virtues star

Virtues - Series of Articles star

Visit Bella Online´s Fashion Jewelry site. star
Bella Online´s Fashion Jewelry Editor and Jewelry Making Editor, Chris Franchetti, is a jewelry artisan/designer, collector, and writer in Seattle, Washington. Her Fashion Jewelry site is brimful of information about jewelry, jewelry buying tips, interviews, reviews, and great jewelry resources.

Visit Bella Online´s Fashion Jewelry site. star
Bella Online´s Fashion Jewelry Editor, Andréa Edes, is a jewelry designer who always loved costume or fashion jewelry as opposed to diamonds. Her hope is that her “passion for fashion“ will come shining through as Fashion Jewelry editor here on BellaOnline.

Visit Bella Online´s Fashion Jewelry site. star
Bella Online´s Fashion Jewelry Editor and Jewelry Making Editor, Chris Franchetti, is a jewelry artisan/designer, collector, and writer in Seattle, Washington. Her Fashion Jewelry site is brimful of information about jewelry, jewelry buying tips, interviews, reviews, and great jewelry resources.

Visit Bella Online´s Fashion Jewelry site. star
Bella Online´s Fashion Jewelry Editor, Andréa Edes, is a jewelry designer who always loved costume or fashion jewelry as opposed to diamonds. Her hope is that her “passion for fashion“ will come shining through as Fashion Jewelry editor here on BellaOnline.

Visit Bella Online´s Fashion Jewelry site. star
Bella Online´s Fashion Jewelry Editor, Andréa Edes, is a jewelry designer who always loved costume or fashion jewelry as opposed to diamonds. Her hope is that her “passion for fashion“ will come shining through as Fashion Jewelry editor here on BellaOnline.

Visit Bella Online´s Fashion Jewelry site. star
Bella Online´s Fashion Jewelry Editor, Andréa Edes, is a jewelry designer who always loved costume or fashion jewelry as opposed to diamonds. Her hope is that her “passion for fashion“ will come shining through as Fashion Jewelry editor here on BellaOnline.

Visit Bella Online´s Fashion Jewelry site. star
Bella Online´s Fashion Jewelry Editor, Andréa Edes, is a jewelry designer who always loved costume or fashion jewelry as opposed to diamonds. Her hope is that her “passion for fashion“ will come shining through as Fashion Jewelry editor here on BellaOnline.

Visit Bella Online´s Fashion Jewelry site. star
Bella Online´s Fashion Jewelry Editor and Jewelry Making Editor, Chris Franchetti, is a jewelry artisan/designer, collector, and writer in Seattle, Washington. Her Fashion Jewelry site is brimful of information about jewelry, jewelry buying tips, interviews, reviews, and great jewelry resources.

Visit Bella Online´s Fashion Jewelry site. star
Bella Online´s Fashion Jewelry Editor, Andréa Edes, is a jewelry designer who always loved costume or fashion jewelry as opposed to diamonds. Her hope is that her “passion for fashion“ will come shining through as Fashion Jewelry editor here on BellaOnline.

Visu The Woodsman And The Old Priest star
Many years ago there lived on the barren plain of Suruga a woodsman by the name of Visu. He was a giant in stature, and lived in a hut with his wife and children.

Visual Wings - Bourke Parakeet star[offsite link]
Some information and pictures on the Bourkes Parakeet.

Vitex Agnus Castus star
Vitex Agnus Castus is known by the Arabs as the ´herb of the tent top´. It is used to restore hormone levels by increasing the ratio of progesterone to oestrogen and balancing excess oestrogen.

VNU Learning.com star[offsite link]
Newsletters and information about e-learning and how to become a presenter at the vnu expositions.

Voces Sin Eco star[offsite link]
"Voices Without Echo" - heartbreaking and graphic site which seeks to raise awareness of the killings of Juarez women which continues to this day. Founded by the sister of one of the slain girls.

Voices of a Distant Star star
Voices of a Distant Star is an anime Original Video Animation (OVA) directed and produced by Makoto Shinkai on his Macintosh computer.

Voltron DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of DVDs released for Voltron.

Voltron Fleet of Doom star
Voltron: Fleet of Doom is a one-hour special where the Lion Force Voltron team and the Vehicle Voltron team come together to fight an alliance between Planet Doom and the Drule Empire.

Voltron Soundtrack star
The Voltron soundtrack is a 52-track soundtrack CD.

Voltron Volume 1 star
Voltron Volume 1 is a three-disc DVD set that includes the first 15 episodes of the Lion Force Voltron series.

Voltron Volume 2 star
Voltron Volume 2 is a three-disc DVD set that includes 15 episodes of the Lion Force Voltron series.

Voltron Volume 3 star
Voltron Volume 3 is a three-disc DVD set that includes 15 episodes of the Lion Force Voltron series.

Voltron Volume 4 star
Voltron Volume 4 is a three-disc set that includes 14 episodes of the Lion Force Voltron series.

Voltron Volume 5 star
Voltron Volume 5 is a three-disc set that includes the final 13 episodes of the Lion Force Voltron series.

Voltron Volume 6 star
Voltron Volume 6 is a three-disc DVD set that includes the first 18 episodes of the Vehicle Voltron series.

Voltron Volume 7 star
Voltron Volume 7 is a three-disc DVD set that includes 18 episodes of the Vehicle Voltron series.

Voltron Volume 8 star
Voltron Volume 8 is a three-disc DVD set that includes the final 16 episodes of the Vehicle Voltron series.

Volunteering with Kids, Kelly Palmatier star[offsite link]
"Volunteering with Children" by Kelly Palmatier, CompassionateKids.com, while focused more on volunteering with young children, has great suggestions and links for getting started that can be relevant for older teenagers too.

Vulvodynia star

W. B. Yeats´ star[offsite link]
The speaker applies the Genesis concept to Eastern philosophy to include the moorfowl, a lotus, a roebuck, and a peacock.

W. B. Yeats´ star[offsite link]
Yeats´ interest in Eastern Philosophy influenced many of his poems. His widely anthologized poem, "Lapis Lazuli," is about finding tranquility in chaos.

W. B. Yeats´ star[offsite link]
One of Yeats´ most powerful poems.

W. B. Yeats´ star[offsite link]
W. B. Yeats´ "The Second Coming" with commentary.

W. H. Auden star[offsite link]
Useful commentary on the life and works of W. H. Auden.

WA - Carnation star[offsite link]
Carnation Tree Farm – Carnation, near Seattle (425) 333-4510

WA - Chocolate on the Beach star[offsite link]
February in Pacific Beach, Moclips and Seabrook

WA - Deming star[offsite link]
River’s Edge U Cut Christmas Trees Deming(12 miles east of Bellingham) (360)-592-5220

WA - Elk star[offsite link]
Garden Ranch Christmas Trees – Elk (40 minutes north of Spokane) (509) 292-2543

WA - Enumclaw Chocolate Festival star[offsite link]
February in Enumclaw

WA - Illwaco star[offsite link]

WA - Kennewick star[offsite link]

WA - La Conner star[offsite link]

WA - North Bend star[offsite link]
Crown Christmas Trees (425) 888-1506

WA - Olympia star[offsite link]
Hunter Christmas Trees (360) 456-0466

WA - Red Wine and Chocolate star[offsite link]
February in Sequim

WA - Red Wine and Chocolate star[offsite link]
February in the Yakima VAlley at Zillah

WA - Seattle star[offsite link]

WA - WA - Red Wine and Chocolate Weekend star[offsite link]
February in Mount Vernon

Walk in the Light (A Family Home Evening Christmas Lesson) star
The second of two family home evening lessons on the Wise Men. This lesson presents a spiritual application concerning our own invitation to go to the Savior. Based on a talk by Betty Jo N. Jepsen.

Walk Your Way to Fitness & Weightloss star
Walking is the easiest and least expensive way to get fit, and lose weight. Everything you need to get started plus great ways to get motivated.

Walking Meditation for Problem Solving star
Time for a 10 minute walk? Here is a meditation I find useful for problem solving.

Wall Street Journal´s Career Journal star[offsite link]
Wall Street Journal´s executive career site has valuable articles on every aspect of advancing your career, including advice columns. (More details coming soon...)

War Horse Novel Review star
A review of the heartwarming tale by British author Michael Morpurgo about a horse who is separated from his beloved owner during World War I.

Warm Ferret Clothing star
Ladybug and honey bee costumes and a variety of clothing for your ferret to keep them warm during their off hair periods.

Warming Families star[offsite link]
Worldwide charity providing clothing, blankets, toys and such to shelters, foster and nursing homes and other agencies in need. Their website features an extensive listing of free patterns, shelter listings and more. They also include contact information for chapters around the world.

Warner Bros. : United Kingdom star[offsite link]

Warner Bros.: Germany star[offsite link]

Warner Bros.: Italy star[offsite link]

Warner Bros.: Latin America star[offsite link]

Warner Bros.: Spain star[offsite link]

Warriors star
Native men who devoted their lives to the defense and support of their People. Their talent and strength continues to inspire.

Warwick Castle star[offsite link]

Watches star
(Coming soon!)

Waterstone Short Story Contest Tips 2008 star
Do you write Historical Romances, Horror Stories or Autobiographical Memoirs? All these genres and more are accepted in the Waterstone Bookstore postcard short story contest. Why not try your hand? It may be your big break or at least it may win you a writing course to improve your chances.

Waterstones Writing Contest Winning Authors star
So what kind of mini short stories did the Waterstones famous authors try to squeeze onto the back of a postcard? Your Short Stories editor takes a look and finds some surprises – not to mention – some disappointments....

Wayne´s Parrot Stuff star[offsite link]
Parrots just want to have fun & with a play gym from Wayne´s Parrot Stuff, your parrot should have plenty of fun.

We All Scream for Ice Cream! star[offsite link]
The scoop on America´s favorite dessert, lOts of ice cream trivia and facts + secipe for E-Z Ice Cream

We are moms, not genies star

We Are Proud to Introduce ´Our Gemology Expert´, Barbara W. Smigel, PhD. Graduate Gemologist, GIA star
We welcome Barbara to the Jewelry Collecting site as ´Our Gemology Expert´. Barbara will be contributing her expertise to our ´Everything You Ever Wanted to Know´ series of gemstone articles, and answering visitor´s questions about gemstones.

We Wear the Mask star[offsite link]
CafePress store created by the editor full of lovely merchandise, featuring excerpts of a poem and original artwork.

Web Del Sol star[offsite link]
A collection of the finest contemporary literary writing on the web

Web Design star
How to design websites and use website design software.

Web Templates - A Backbone for Site Design star
Templates are basically a website skeleton that includes the layout, design, graphics, spaces for titles but no content. These bare bone versions are popular with people new to the Internet - their site can still look savvy without the need to develop graphics and design expertise.

Webrings star
A list of Italian culture & food webrings.

Website Browers Compatibility star
With all the different web browsers out there it can seem impossible to keep your website compatible with them.

Website Creation Resources star
Get tons of links to free tools for webmasters, free graphics, HTML tutorials, website design and promotion resources...

Website Promotion Resources star
Learn how to promote your website using free tools online...

Wedding star
Vintage engagement rings, wedding rings and other bridal jewelry.

Wedding Album star[offsite link]
List of ABC´s for a wedding album.

Weddings star
Getting Married in Las Vegas? Check out these articles for great locations, tips and ideas!

Weddings in Las Vegas – Marriage License Requirements star
In Vegas, weddings are perfomed around the clock but a trip to the marriage license bureau is required before Elvis can marry you.

Wedgwood star
Here is a bit about Josiah Wedgwood- famous for his Wedgwood pottery and jewelry. Did you know he was the grandfather of Charles Darwin??? Read on....

Weeds star[offsite link]

Weekend DVD Pick - Dead Again (1991) star
Looking for a fun weekend mystery rental? Check out this review of ´Dead Again´ (1991) and flash back to why this movie was so much fun the first time around.

Weekly Drawing from Mia Bella star[offsite link]
Weekly drawing for one 16 oz. Soy candle and a Bella Bar(a natural Beauty Soap).

Weekly Torah Portion star[offsite link]
From the organization Aish Ha´Torah, here is a selection of weekly Parasha lists to which you can subscribe, including Shabbat Shalom from Rabbi Kalman Packouz and Shraga´s Weekly from Rabbi Shraga Simmons. The current commentaries are posted on the site, along with archives of commentaries for the same reading from previous years.

Weight Gain During Pregnancy star
What is a normal pregnancy weight gain? What causes the extra weight you put on during pregnancy anyway? Find out where the weight goes, why we gain weight in the first place, and what the most important thing to remember is.

Weight Maintenance star
Why weight maintenance is just as important as weight loss. Here´s what you need to know if you´re at your weightloss goal and thinking about losing extra pounds.

Weight Watchers star
Compare Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, L.A. Weightloss and find out which one suits your lifestyle and preferences the best.

Weightloss Mega Nutrients star
Taking a multivitamin with weightloss mega nutrients can help you burn fat and shed weight faster. What these mega nutrients do, great options for your individual needs, and how to incorporate them into your daily diet.

Weightloss Supplement Guide star
This weightloss supplement guide breaks down supplements into 3 categories, lists common ingredients, side effects, if they work, and which ones to buy.

Weightloss Supplements Keeping You Fat? star
How weightloss supplements prevent weightloss, when to use supplements to lose weight faster and useless diet supplements you need to avoid. The facts most other weightloss sites rarely talk about and why.

Weird Short Scary Stories - The Thing star
Weird short scary stories include the paranormal themed ´The Thing´ from Scotland,perfect for a Burns Night Supper.Gaelic culture can spook and creep out like no other-this one tells of a paranormal being with no identity,past,present or future.It may have come from traditional storytelling

Weird Travels star
Some people don´t believe in ghosts, but if you do and are looking for a unusual place to visit you might check out Weird Travels on the Travel Channel.

Welsh Faerie Mythology star
Welsh Folk-lore, Fairy Mythology, Legends and Traditions

Welsh Folk Lore And Mythology, Two star
British Goblins, Welsh Folk-lore, Fairy Mythology, Legends and Traditions by Wirt Sikes

Welsh Folklore And Mythology, One star
British Goblins, Welsh Folk-lore, Fairy Mythology, Legends and Traditions by Wirt Sikes, 1836 - 1883

Welsh Mythology star
Welsh mythology

Wendy´s Home Page of Poems star[offsite link]
Various poetry.

Wendy´s Shrugs Off Burger Wars star[offsite link]
While McDonald´s and Burger King duke it out over one dollar menu items and 99-cent menu items, Wendy´s plan is to "continue to do other things." According to Chief Executive John Schuessler, "We have a pipeline of new products. Our cupboard is full, and we have a lot of options."

Westminster Abbey - Place of Worship House of Kings star[offsite link]

Westminster Kennel Club Breed Information star[offsite link]
Read breed profiles from the great website of America´s largest dog show.

We´re All in This Economy Together star
Unemployment plays a huge role in civil unrest. The reality of the US economy is simply this: If this country doesn’t find a way to bring back the jobs it’s lost over the past 15-plus years, quality of life and cost of living won’t matter.

Whale Festivals star
California loves the gray whales so much that several towns hold March festivals to honor the whales and their calves.

Whale meat becomes lunch and pet food in Japan star
Despite worldwide ban on whaling, Japan has a glut of whale meat on the market

What are the Stages of Labor? star
There are three stages of labor that pregnant women should know about heading into the childbirth process. Learn about first, second and third stage labor; what to expect and how the body changes during each stage.

What Does it Take to Make a Poet? star[offsite link]
How to become a poet.

What Happens in a Crystal Healing? star
Crystal healing is an energy based therapy that uses crystals to bring mind, body and spirit back into balance. Here I explain what you might experience if you visit a crystal therapist.

What Herschel found in a dark cloud star
What´s hiding within an impenetrable dark cloud in the constellation of the Eagle? A stunning stellar nursery. Find out how the Herschel Space Observatory was able to photograph it.

What if Your Child is the Bully? star
Bullying is big news lately. Anti-bullying campaigns are springing up, celebrities are speaking out against it. Everyone, it seems, is aware of the problem. But what do you do if you find out that your child is the one doing the bullying?

What is a Healing Crisis? star
In an ideal world we would go for a healing and feel wonderful immediately afterwards. Unfortunately there is sometimes a clearing out phase after healing that may feel quite unpleasant for a day or two. This is commonly called a healing crisis.

What is Bulimia? star[offsite link]
A great content rich site about bulimia and other eating disorders.

What is Circumcision? by Rabbi Moshe Schapiro star[offsite link]
This is a very basic introduction to the practice of Brit Milah, the circumcision of Jewish baby boys. Rabbi Schapiro discusses the Biblical significance of the tradition, along with its spiritual implications.

What is Comedy Writing? star[offsite link]
Read how expert comedy writers learned their craft.

What Is Cosplay? star
This article gives a history and explanation of what cosplay is, and how it´s connected to anime.

What is Film Noir? star[offsite link]

What is it? Rhubarb star
A description of the vegetable rhubarb and a tasty rhubarb and strawberry pie recipe you can try. You might be pleasantly surprised!

What is Self-injurious Behavior? star
Learn what it is, why it happens, and what can be done to help.

What is the New Age? star
People have asked me what New Age really means. It is a valid question and there is no succinct and definitive answer, such is the holistic nature of New Age! Here’s my own explanation as your New Age Editor.

What is Whey Protein? star
Whey protein has become increasingly popular in recent years. What is whey protein? Can non-bodybuilders enjoy the benefits of whey protein as well? Will you “bulk up” when using whey protein? Read this article to find out…

What Teens Can Learn From Faulkner star
William Faulkner´s As I Lay Dying is an interesting novel that will surely captivate teenagers.

What to Give When You Don´t Have Any Cash star
What do you give when you don´t have any cash but are expected to give a gift? Some thoughts on the topic and ideas on what to give.

What We can Learn from Celebrity Marriages star
There are lessons to be learned from celebrity marriages that succeed or fail.

What will happen in 2012? star
There have been many predictions for the year 2012. Some are doom and gloom, apocalyptic nightmares. At the other end of the scale some predict we will ascend in our Lightbodies. Here I present my thoughts and feelings about this landmark time.

What You Should Know About Dangerous Texting star
People texting dangerous material is growing more and more rampant. Are you prepared to handle it?

What?s a Husband For? To Kill Bugs, Of Course! star
A humorous essay about husbands and bugs. Just when you wonder why you keep him around, a bug appears to make him a hero again.

What´s New at SPJ star
Thanks to everyone who has been visiting SPJ! I hope you are enjoying it. SPJ, an acronym for Susan´s Passion for Jewelry, was created to share information about jewelry and gemstones as well as to support and promote the independent artisan community. There´s lots new at SPJ!

What´s on Stage star[offsite link]
Offers information on London shows and venues, seating plans, reviews, special deals, and more.

What´s Playing Now star[offsite link]

What´s Really Keeping You From a Homebirth? star
More women still choose hospital birth over homebirth, but why? I challenge you to think about birth, and where you think the responsibility lies-in your hands or someone else´s?

What´s Your Book About? star
Help focus your writing with knowing how to do an elevator pitch. Read more to find out just what an elevator pitch is and how it must be learned in order to sell your book to publishers, agents, and brick and motar bookstores.

What´s your opinion of Hollywood movie-promotional fashion jewelry? (forum) star
Vote in this poll in the Fashion Jewelry Forum!

Wheel of Dreams star[offsite link]
Fascinating online role playing game that appears to be based on accurate information about dreams.

When a Stranger Calls (2006) Camilla Belle, John Bobek star
This 2006 version of When a Stranger Calls is quite different from the 1979 version which is truly a suspense-filled thriller.

When Bunnies Go Bad Book Review star
Pru Marlowe, who is an animal behaviorist with special powers gets involved in a murder investigation that puts her in grave danger. Hopefully she can get to the bottom of things before someone else is killed.

When Illegal Acts Arise star
Illegal acts undermine profit of private and governmental entities. Auditors could come across with fraudulent situations, however, forensic accountants or Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs)should take over an investigation to uncover wrongdoing.

When It Is Time To Move On star
When the time to move on comes, do not be afraid. Around every corner is the unexpected.

When Life Gives You Lemons star[offsite link]
A collection of lemon recipes that are "quick, easy and, most importantly, delicious." Try them to soothe your lemon cravings

When One Twin is Developmentally Delayed – Our Story star
Read about the experiences of one family with a twin who is developmentally delayed.

When others don´t believe in mental illness star
Why are some people dismayed to learn that a friend takes medication for a mental illness, saying, "It´s all in your head?" The expression is disdainful, because it implies a lack of willpower or toughness.

When the Bough Breaks Book Review star

When We Become A Dreaming Culture star[offsite link]
How would our lives change if we again became a society of dreamers?

When We Become A Dreaming Culture star

Where Do You Find Customers? star
There are two approaches to finding new customers: Active or passive. Promoting your business actively means you are getting out and meeting new people. Passively marketing your business means you expect new customers to find you. In the video and article I share ways to find new customers.

Where to find Halloween Costume Jewelry star
Online and offline sources to help you find just the right jewelry to complete your creepy look this Halloween.

Where To Get Published For Free Online star
Find links to more than 100 websites where you can publish your writing for free!

Whether you want to be a Coach, or already are one Coachville is your community. star[offsite link]
Resources for Business Coaches, Life Coaches & those who want to see if becoming a coach is right for them.

Whey Protein Side Effects star
What are the possible whey protein side effects? This article on “whey protein side effects” is a must read before you purchase whey protein…

Whey Protein Side Effects star
What are the possible whey protein side effects? This article on “whey protein side effects” is a must read before you purchase whey protein…

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You? star[offsite link]
If you´ve ever wondered what Fantasy or SciFi character you would be, take this quiz!

Which Harry Potter Kid Are You? star[offsite link]
Just in case you were wondering

Which Lord of the Rings Character are You? star[offsite link]

Which Science Fiction Writer are you? star[offsite link]

Whidbey Island, Isaac Ebeys Paradise star
Come read about Isaac N. Ebey and his island paradise, Ebey´s Prairie, on Whidbey Island in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

While They´re At War Book Review star
Book Review: While They´re At War: The True Story of American Families on the Homefront by Kristin Henderson

Whisper of the Heart star
Whisper of the Heart is a film produced by Studio Ghibli and directed by Yoshifumi Kondo.

Whispering Pines Retreat star[offsite link]
Montana Retreat house

Whispering Wind Magazine star[offsite link]
Whispering Wind has powwow listings and craft ideas/resources

White Boyz in the Hood star[offsite link]

White Castle Balls star
A meatball out of a slider? It makes a pretty good appetizer!

White Chocolate Fondue star
White-chocolate-covered strawberries - people pay a fortune for them, but you can create your own with this simple fondue recipe!

White Chocolate Fondue star
White-chocolate-covered strawberries - people pay a fortune for them, but you can create your own with this simple fondue recipe!

White Leopard Book Review star
Solo, a PI living in Mali, is hired by a French Lawyer to get her sister out of jail for drug smuggling. Her sister is released, and murdered shortly thereafter. Will it be possible for Solo solve the murder and stay alive?

White Wine Punch star
Easy to make and perfect for brunch.

Who Can Be A Business Coach? star
Who can be a coach? Anyone. You can say you’re a coach and, you’re a coach. There are no regulations or licenses needed to classify yourself as a coach. There are though various certification and training programs available. Here’s what I think makes a great coach.

Who Do Teens Ask for Opinions and Advice? star
In today’s cyber-connected 24/7 world, many teens turn to the Internet to find cyber pals with whom to chat and exchange situational anecdotes.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (1988) star[offsite link]

Who will win the 2006 Championship? star
Who will be the top contenders for the Championship in 2006?

Whole Bean Coffee star
What type of coffee drinker are you? Do you drink coffee for that burst of caffeine energy or do you drink it to savor the flavor?

Whole Foods Market Recipe Section star[offsite link]
Whole Foods Market has great recipes that call for all natural ingredients!

Whole Spice Online star[offsite link]
Whole Spice: suppliers of authentic Indian food & spices. The widest range of authentic Indian food and spices online.

Wholesome Baby Foods from Scratch star[offsite link]
Making your own baby food is convenient, and can save you money. Nutritionally, it´s hard to beat the wholesomeness of foods right from your kitchen. You can feed baby some of your family´s regular foods knowing that they are free from the additives and fillers found in some store-bought baby foods. Read more....

Why Can´t I Be You? star[offsite link]

Why I collect jewelry star
I have been asked by a number of readers – “Why do you collect jewelry”? Here is the long and the short of it!

Why The North Star Stands Still star
Paiute lore of the North Star.

Wicca Faq star[offsite link]
Answers to the most frequently asked questions of Wiccans.

Wicca for Beginners star[offsite link]
Free educational resource for those who are new to Wiccan. Basic information, but well written articles.

Wiggly Worm Torte star

WikiLeaks and the US Espionage and Sedition Acts star
Julian Assange has been apprehended and denied bail. In the midst of this, the continued release of sensitive documents identifying locations vital to the U.S. national security has again compromised its safety. Should he be prosecuted under these U.S. Acts?

Wikipedia - Photography by Genre star[offsite link]
Browse the list and find out more about the many different types of photography in Wikipedia´s website

Wild horses are under attack star
The BLM is once again rounding up our wild horses against the wishes of the people - help save these living monuments of the Western United States.

Wildlife and winter star
In nature even death nourishes.

Wildmind Meditation Supplies Store star[offsite link]

Will Success Ruin Brotherly Love? star
Rudo y Cursi is a comedy, a mystery, and a caper. Gael Garcia Bernal and Diego Luna return with the fun of "Y Tu Mama, Tambien."

Will the Roman Emperor become a Ninja? star
Still no word on the fate of the Roman Emperor for 2006. Apparently Bridgestone are willing to provide tyres, according to Max´s recent statement to fans at the Bologna Motorshow.

Williams, Tad star[offsite link]

Willow star
Review of Linda Lael Miller´s Willow.

Win a Gift Certificate from Woodruff.com star[offsite link]
Subscribe to Woodruff.com´s monthly email and be entered to win the grand prize of a $50 gift certificate, or one of three $25 gift certificates for pet products.

Windsor Castle star[offsite link]

Windy City Parrot star[offsite link]
You will find just about everything you will need for your bird at this store.

Winged Wisdom article - Hazards & Care of your Bird star[offsite link]
An excellent article detailing hazards such as teflon and providing links to information on several other household poisons. The home page of Winged Wisdom has numerous other informative articles for you to check out.

Winter Poems star[offsite link]
Winter poems, including "The Curtain" by Hayden Carruth, "Lines: The Cold Earth Slept Below" by Percy Shelley, and many others.

Winter Prayer and Meditation star

Winter Storytellers star
Winter was a time of teaching. One story that every child loved was about the beginning of life, the Creation.

Winterlude in Ottawa star[offsite link]
The Outaouais region lures almost 3/4 million visitors to its annual Winterlude festival, now celebratin its 26th year. Skate on the world´s longest ice skating rink, watch professional ice carvers, and see ice skating shows.

Wire Crochet - Crochetme pattern using wire star[offsite link]
Link to free pattern and information about crochet with wire

Wire Crochet - Lapidary Journal crochet with wire project star[offsite link]
Free project instructions for making a crocheted chain necklace

Wire Crochet - Off the Hook designs star[offsite link]
Examples of finished pieces of jewelry

Wire Crochet -Interweave Crochet, free project star[offsite link]
Free project for a beaded chain

Wire-sculpted jewelry star
Wire-sculpted jewelry is a new and innovative technique of working with wire to form heirloom quality jewelry...no glue, solder or weld nothing but sculpting by hand!

Wired Magazine star[offsite link]
Culture and technology news for a new century.

Wisdom And Energy In Crystals star
Exploring the healing energy of crystals and how they can re-align the chakras.

Wise Ol´ Owl star
Were owls always wise? This myth tells us...

Wise Women star[offsite link]
A magazine of women´s literature featuring poetry, prose, reviews, and commentary.

Witchcraft FAQ: Commonly-Asked Questions, Straightforward Answers star[offsite link]
Provided by the Covenant of the Goddess.

Witness For The Prosecution-Short Story-Play-Film star
The Witness For The Prosecution courtroom drama by Agatha Christie had rave reviews as a short story,then as The Witness For The Prosecution play,then as the film or dvd!Now there are Agatha Christie Wii and online games!How do stories make the leap from book through stage to screen to online game?

Wolf Crochet - blog, free patterns star[offsite link]
Blog, free patterns and writing

Wolfcoast´s Tarot Application star[offsite link]
Get a free traditional Celtic Cross spread on this website. Very detailed analysis of the cards and a nice layout.

Wolf´s Rain Leader of the Pack star
Wolf´s Rain: Leader of the Pack is the first DVD released for the anime series, Wolf´s Rain, and it contains the first five episodes of the series.

Woman´s Day Silly Cake Finder star[offsite link]
As a dessert for a special occasion, a decorated "silly" cake will steal the show. These six recipes are Woman´s Day Magazine´s most popular.

Women and Prison star[offsite link]
Fantastic site pertaining to women in prison and activism. Features articles and more by incarcerated women.

Women Blog Communities star
Looking for a place to network with women bloggers? Here are a number of publishing networks, social networks and forums to discuss blogging, social media and a variety of women topics. Share your blogthusiasm at any of these sites today!

Women Get The Vote 1920 star[offsite link]
The 19th Amendment to the US Constitution. Passed by Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920, the 19th amendment granted women the right to vote.

Women In Business – It is Time To Brag On Yourself star
Many women in business have a difficult time “bragging.” When going for the next big account or job, it is important to give yourself permission to talk with pride about your accomplishments. You’ll want to read this article and watch the video before your next business presentation.

Women of the Himalayas star[offsite link]
Biographies on famous (and not so famous) women teachers in the Tibetan Tantric traditions.

Women, Helpless or In Charge? star
Who are the women in mystery movies today? And how are they different from the shrinking maidens of earlier films. The role Joan Fontaine played in Hitchcock´s "Rebecca" is contrasted with the character played by Jodie Foster in "The Brave One."

WomenWriters.net star[offsite link]
Collection of original fiction by women writers

Women´s Moon Time: A Call To Power star[offsite link]
Brooke Medicine Eagle discusses the spiritual aspects of menstruation.

Wool in the Woods star[offsite link]
Based in Biglerville, Pennsylvania, Wool in the Woods offers its own line of hand dyed yarns and designer kits. Visit their website for more information on their line of products and to find a retail store in your area.

Worcestershire County star[offsite link]

Word Games for Tarot star
games, tarot, tarot decks, fun, activities, playing, online games, divination, wicca, wiccan, pagan, occult,

Word Scramble star
Unscramble the letters to form a word related to homeschooling.

Word Scramble star

Word Search star
Here is a knitting related Word Search for those who enjoy this game.

Word Search star
Have fun testing your homeschool knowledge with this Word Search game.

WordScramble star
Here is a version of Word Scramble which contains lots of knitting terms!

Wordtracker SEO Blogger – A Firefox Add-on star
Keyword research isn´t hard and shouldn´t take up a lot of a blogger´s time. Find the right keywords and keyword phrases while writing your blog posts. Improve your blogging and keyword research using Wordtracker SEO Blogger Firefox add-on.

Working With A Coach – Is It For You? star
As an empowered woman in business, are you thinking about working with a business coach? Are you a good coaching candidate? After all, a coach is interviewing you as much as you are interviewing them. You both must decide if it is win-win professional fit and personality match.

Workout Shoe Guide star
What shoes to buy, how often to replace them, getting your foot strike analysis, insoles, socks, and more things to consider when buying workout shoes.

Workout Wear for Your Body Type star
Take pounds inches and years off instantly by wearing the right workout clothes. This guide shows you how to find the right tops and bottoms for your bodytype plus what to avoid.

World Community for Christian Meditation star[offsite link]
Meditation site for Christians and Catholics, including a link to an online meditation group.

World Fantasy Convention star[offsite link]
An annual gathering of Authors, publishers and others interested in the genres of Light and Dark Fantasy. This convention does not include masquerades, gaming, or costumes. During the convention, the World Fantasy Awards are presented.

World of Froud- The Faeries Oracle star[offsite link]
Brain Froud designed the fabulous faeries in Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal. The Faeries Oracle features his artwork combined with insightful writing from Jessica Macbeth. The World of Froud site allows you to explore Faery and draw cards from the oracle.

World Of Inspiration star[offsite link]
Subjects Include: Attitude & Outlook, Character Enthusiasm, Friendship, Happiness, Hope & Dreams, Kindness, Leadership, Life, Love & Romance, Sports & Competition, Success

World Series Party star
Host your own World Series party with these easy and fun tips. Let the game begin!

World Superbike Championship Calendar 2006 star
World Superbike Championship Calendar 2006

World Superbikes Rider List 2005 star
Official WSBK Riders list for 2005 season

World Wildlife Fund (WWF): Listed by Country star
Known worldwide by its panda logo, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) leads international efforts to protect endangered species and their habitats.

World-Wide Directory of Teachers of the Radiant Child Yoga Program star[offsite link]
World-wide directory of teachers of yoga for children including meditation and quiet time.

Worldwide Online Meditation Center star[offsite link]
Provides instruction on a variety of meditation methods. Also offers meditation tapes.

Worldwide Welcome Waggin´ - Home of International Puppy Raisers star[offsite link]
The members are people who raise puppies that will serve as Assistance Dogs. Through an email list, members support one another and share ideas. See the heartbreak of giving back a puppy you have come to love as your own; and the joy of watching that puppy change a life.

World´s Best Pokemon Drawing Book star
World’s Best Pokemon Drawing Book was written by Ron Zalme, and was released in 2000.

Would That It Were star[offsite link]
Historical Science Fiction

Wrangell-St. Elias National Park star
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park is the largest National Park in the United States. But it is also the least visited. Don´t miss this this hidden treasure on your visit to Alaska!

Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve star
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park is the largest National Park in the United States. But it is also the least visited. Don´t miss this this hidden treasure on your visit to Alaska!

Wrapping a Holiday Cookie Platter star[offsite link]
From Reynold´s Kitchens

Wrights star[offsite link]
Free crochet and knitting projects as well as information on basic stitches, hairpin lace, and other techniques.

Write a Search Engine Friendly Blog Post Title star
Writing an effective blog post title that speaks to the search engines is key to bringing in relevant and profitable traffic to your blog or website. Practice using keywords and keyword phrases and create the best SEO titles.

Writers star
Are you a writer as well as a reader? Browse here for writing articles and links, and enjoy the featured stories submitted by readers like you.

Writers Need Support star
Writers often struggle with frustration, lonliness, rejection and other writing induced maladies. Each writer needs a support system but that support system isn´t always easy to find. One of the best ways to combat these maladies is to use pithy writing quotes posted all around your work area.

Writers Write - Guidelines star[offsite link]
Provides a searchable database of guidelines for magazines, including paying markets

Writer´s Digest star[offsite link]
This site provides submission information for established and new writers in the areas of short story genres and contests.

Writing Awards and Contests star[offsite link]
Where to find writing awards and contests.

Writing Contest Scams star
Protect yourself from writing contest scams

Writing Help star[offsite link]
Solutions to your writing issues.

Writing Jobs star[offsite link]
A listing of writing jobs.

Writing Process star[offsite link]
How to write better and easier.

Writing Quotes for Motivation star
Writing quotes can be miraculous in helping writers stay enouraged, focused, unblocked, and motivated. They provide encouragement that no writer is alone in the difficulties and joys of being called a writer. Check this out for some great quotes to keep you writing.

Writing Resources star[offsite link]
Writing Resources

Writing Shop star
A store for writers of all kinds.

Writing Shop star
Find reviews and links to a variety of products and services for writers online.

Writing Shop star
Find reviews and links to a variety of products and services for writers online.

Writing Short Stories With The Eyes Of A Child star
This article suggests Writing Tips and an exercise for reaching inside to the child within the writer in order to add immediacy, credibilty and vibrancy to writing about childhood.

Writing Skill star[offsite link]
How to make your writing better.

Writing Styles star[offsite link]
A definition of the different writing styles you can use to improve your writing.

Writing Tips star[offsite link]
Tips to help you with your writing.

Writing World star[offsite link]
Excellent source of writing tips, information, advice and online classes started by Moira Allen, formerly of the now defunct Inkspot

WV Scrap Camp star[offsite link]
WV Scrap Camp affordable weekend retreats!

Wyoming - WY Inclusive Homeschoolers star[offsite link]

X The Movie star
The film X is based off of an apocalyptic manga series.

X-Files star

Xocolatl, the Aztecs´ Food of the Gods star
The smooth, velvety, sophisticated chocolate we know today bears no resemblance whatsoever to its Latin American ancestor.

xtra Cages, Toys & Supplies star

Y2Knit star[offsite link]
Kits and events information.

Yad Vashem star[offsite link]
An organization with the mission to keep the memory of the Holocaust and its victims alive. The site includes information on the museum, library and archives, as well as education, an on-line magazine and on-line exhibitions.

Yahoo movies star[offsite link]
Here is the site for Yahoo movies.

Yahoo TV star[offsite link]

Yarn star
Yarn manufacturers, Knitter´s Review and other sites that will help you pick the right yarn for your projects.

Yarn Forward star[offsite link]
Yarn Forward´s website if packed with lots of great things, including several free patterns. A man´s bomber jacket, baby things, mittens and more, it´s well-worth the visit.

Yarn Forward - Hook Conversion star[offsite link]
Another crochet hook conversion guide with metric, US, and UK/Canada sizes.

Yarn Harlot´s Basic Sock Recipe star[offsite link]
Yarn Harlot a/k/a Stephanie Pearl-McPhee has a great simple pattern for making socks on double pointed needles.

Yarn Standards star[offsite link]
Very informative site on many valuable crochet standards for fitting.

Yeast Bread Baking Bloopers star[offsite link]
Remedies for your baking problems from Quaker Oats

Yeshivat Hadar star[offsite link]
Yeshivat Hadar is a traditional, egalitarian Yeshiva located on Manhattan´s Upper West Side. This site contains a wealth of excellent classes on a wide variety of Jewish topics and while the Yeshiva is in session, some of their evening programming is streamed worldwide.

Yin and Yang star
The ancient Taoist concept of yin and yang is a way of understanding that the Universe and everything in it, from the smallest insect to the largest solar system, is in a state of flux.

YIVO Institute for Jewish Research star[offsite link]
A large resource of Jewish genealogy information for those interested in tracing their family roots. The site includes research tips, resources and information on the YIVO archives.

Yoga Journal star[offsite link]
Site of the magazine Yoga Journal. Contains sample articles, books and tapes, postures, and self-care.

Yoga Zone star[offsite link]

Yom HaShoah star
Articles relating to Holocaust Remembrance Day

Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut star
In the United States, Memorial Day often comes and goes with little more than a day off of school and work. Yom HaZikaron - Israel’s Memorial Day - arrives right before Yom Ha’Atzmaut - Israel’s Independence Day. There is hardly a person in Israel who does not take pause for contemplation and then celebration during these two days.

Yom Kippur star
Information about the Holy Day

You Say Guava I Say Guayaba star
Have you ever had the pleasure of eating guavas or guayabas? Here in Mexico, I am fortunate enough to have a guayaba tree on our property. Guayabas are a versatile, delicious, fragrant, nutritious, and healthy tropical/subtropical fruit. that can be enjoyed in oh so many ways.

You Say Guava I Say Guayaba star
Have you ever had the pleasure of eating guavas or guayabas? Here in Mexico, I am fortunate enough to have a guayaba tree on our property. Guayabas are a versatile, delicious, fragrant, nutritious, and healthy tropical/subtropical fruit.

You Say Guava I Say Guayaba star
Have you ever had the pleasure of eating guavas or guayabas? Here in Mexico, I am fortunate enough to have a guayaba tree on our property. Guayabas are a versatile, delicious, fragrant, nutritious, and healthy tropical/subtropical fruit.

You say St Martin, and I say Sint Maarten star
However you choose to pronounce it, it is still one of the same - enjoyable to the max!

Young Adult Books Bestsellers Like Twilight Tales star
Young adults books like bestsellers Twilight and Breaking Dawn are great,but bright readers finish them quickly.Here´s some more short scary stories about love and supernatural romance for teen readers and Twilight fans which might make an unusual gift for a teen reader who has ´read everything!´

Young Child Acting Out In School star[offsite link]
The top 3 issues parents worry about the most.

Young Israel star[offsite link]
Information on the organization’s Women’s Division, Social Action, Speaker’s Bureau, and the synagogues which fall under this coordinator of Orthodox synagogues in North America.

Young Musician Of The Year star[offsite link]
This BBC competition has promoted some exceptional young musicians. Young people can enter one of five categories Brass, Keyboard, Strings, Percussion or Woodwind.

Younger Book Review star

Younger Generations Buddhist Syllabus star[offsite link]
Online lessons that were used by one Buddhist center in their children´s classes.

Younger Kids Pages star

Your British Village star[offsite link]
A place for ex pats to chat, swap stories, recipes and memories and generally have a good old rave.

Your Core Source of Strength and Stability star
Here are five exercises to give you a powerhouse of core strength and stability.

Your Credit star

Your Higher Self star
Everyone has a Higher Self, but few are aware of it and fewer still pause and listen to its wisdom. Here is guidance that will never desert us or judge us, that will always support us no matter what.

Your Metabolism & Low Calorie Dieting star
Find out what happens to your body on a low calorie diet and why it´s one of the worst ways to lose weight.

Your Metabolism & Low Calorie Dieting star
Find out what happens to your body on a low calorie diet and why it´s one of the worst ways to lose weight and bodyfat.

Youth Action star[offsite link]
Learn about how teens can get involved in political causes.

Youth Information star[offsite link]
Informative site pertaining to women incarcerated in the United Kingdom including statistics.

Youth noise star[offsite link]
Learn more about causes like tolerance and the environment, what kids are doing about it and how you can help.

YouTube star[offsite link]
If you haven´t been living in a ditch, you´ll know all about this free video hosting service. From your home movies to the Next Big Reality Show, upload and serve your favorite videos here.

Yu Yu Hakusho DVDs star
Here you will find reviews of DVDs released for the Yu Yu Hakusho anime series.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Series star
Here you will find overview articles for the various Yu-Gi-Oh! anime series.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Trivia Quiz star
How much do you know about Yu-Gi-Oh!? Take this quiz and find out!

Yucatán - Fish Tikin Xic Recipe star
Tikin Xic is an ancient Maya method of preparing fish, featuring local, pre-Hispanic ingredients like chillies, tomatoes and sour oranges, naranjas agrias. One can sometimes still find a truly authentic version, where the fish is wrapped in banana leaves and then baked in a pib or pit.

Yucatán - Kibbeh Recipe star
The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw an influx of Christian immigrants from the Middle East to the Yucatán Peninsula. Fleeing religious persecution under the Ottoman Empire, they brought traditional ingredients and dishes of their homelands which have been absorbed into Yucatecan cuisine.

Yucatán - Yucatecan Stuffed Cheese Recipe star
Legends abound concerning this Yucatecan speciality, but whatever Queso Relleno’s origin, it is a very peculiar dish indeed, almost gothic, the type of fusion food which is difficult to understand without tasting it. Nonetheless, the end result is balanced, comprehensible and utterly delicious.

Yucatán – Venison Salpicón Recipe star
The Maya hunted a small, red deer which they cooked with aromatic sauces boldly flavoured with chillies and often thickened with seeds or nuts – moles and pipianes. In modern times, domestication has enabled this species of venison to remain a traditional Yucatecan dish.

Yucatán – Yellow Rice Recipe star
Rice which has been dyed yellow by whatever means is popular throughout Latin America. The colouring medium is usually saffron or turmeric but the Yucatecos’ Arroz Amarillo or Yellow Rice is different in that it involves the very indigenous and even regional ingredient Annatto or Achiote.

Z - Virtual Online Tree Farm star[offsite link]
TreeSeligh.com – Delivery in Yakima Valley, WA Please always exercise prudence when ordering anything on line.

Z Birds star[offsite link]
This aviary specializes in Zebra Finches of rare colours.

Zachary star[offsite link]
Zachary is a Double Yellow Headed Amazon. Read all about him & learn information about parrots.

Zachary´s Website star[offsite link]
Meet Zachary and learn about Amazons.

Zap 2 It star[offsite link]

Zebra & Society Finches E-Book star
Zebra and Society Finches are wonderful and popular little birds. This e-book will give you lots of information to help you care for your own finches.

Zebra Finches star[offsite link]
Acadiana Aviaries, a breeder of Zebra Finches, had many different colour mutations of these birds.

Zebra Finches - Care for your New Bird star[offsite link]
Good basic information about the Zebra Finch.

Zebra Finches on the Internet star[offsite link]
Lots of information about the Zebra Finch. If you go to the colours page, you can see how many of the colour mutations look.

Zen Cart Shopping Cart for Your Web Site star
Zen Cart is a robust open source interface that you can add to your web site that provides a free complete commerce center to your commercial web site.

Zen Cart - Add a Robust Shopping Cart and Commerce Center to Your Web Site star
Zen Cart is a robust open source interface that you can add to your web site that provides a free complete commerce center to your commercial web site.

Zippered Pouch - Tutorial star[offsite link]
This tutorial is actually more about putting in a zipper, but the assembly of the pouch is nicely done and easy to understand.

Zoetrope Short Fiction Contest star[offsite link]
Accept all genres of literary fiction. Entries must be unpublished; 5,000 words or less; postmarked by October 2, 2006; clearly marked "Short Fiction Contest" on both the story and the outside of the envelope; accompanied by a $15 entry fee per story (make checks payable to AZX Publications). Please include name and address on first page or cover letter only. First prize $1,000. The winners and finalists will be announced at the website December 1, 2006, and in the Spring 2007 issue of Zoetrop

Zoetrope: All Story - Virtual Studio star[offsite link]
The prominent short story site created by Francis Ford Coppolo. The comprehensive community of thousands of writers offers short fiction writers an opportunity to submit their work to receive valuable feedback from other writers. Submissions may be considered for publication by the Zoetrope: All Story staff.

Zombie Hair star
A delicacy for true goblins, these are always the first to go at any monster gathering.

Zucchini Frittata - Frittata all Sardegnola star
This frittata recipe features healthy zucchini, but also has a fresh hint of lemon.

Zucchini Frittata - Frittata all Sardegnola star
This frittata recipe features healthy zucchini, but also has a fresh hint of lemon.

Zucchini Lime Pistachio Cake star

Zucchini Parmesan star

zzz recycle this link star[offsite link]
Site from ReligiousTolerance.org outlining the history of Wicca.

zzz-bodyart100 star

zzz-bodyart30 star

zzz-bodyart40 star

zzz-bodyart50 star

zzz-bodyart60 star

zzz-bodyart70 star

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zzz-bodyart90 star

“Chat-What? Chatan!: A Jewish Wedding Guide for Grooms star[offsite link]
An article by Harry Nelson that acts as a checklist for Jewish grooms of what they need to plan for the wedding.

Links marked with the [offsite link] designation point to websites not associated with BellaOnline.com. BellaOnline.com is not responsible for the material found there.

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