The Minor Chakras

The Minor Chakras
In addition to the seven major chakras that run from the base of our spine to our crown we have many minor chakras located around our bodies. Minor chakras are rarely spoken of, but a blockage in a one of these energy centres can have a significant effect upon our health and wellbeing.

Under the soles of each foot are the minor chakras known as plantar chakras, which we use to keep our feet firmly on the ground. If you find you are rather disconnected from Earthly reality and people accuse you of being ‘in a dream’ or ‘dizzy’ then placing a grounding stone like hematite under the sole of each foot for ten minutes a day will help you reconnect and be more present. Do this when you are sitting or lying down, not whilst you are walking! As an added bonus your energy levels may also increase and you should feel more focussed and able to take life’s ups and downs in your stride. Many people feel a tingle in their soles when they activate this connection.

In the palm of each hand there is a chakra through which we readily transmit healing energy. This is why a mother knows instinctively to ‘rub it better’ when their child falls and hurts their knee. Choosing a crystal to hold, such as clear quartz or amethyst, will usually activate the palm chakras. Again you may notice tingling or warmth when this happens and you can give yourself healing energy by placing your hands on any area of your body that is achy or sore.

Other minor chakras exist in many locations including by the ears, helping us hear subtle guidance, at the eyes, promoting clear seeing, behind the knees and at the elbows, which promote flexibility, both physically and in our attitude to life, and at the navel point where we can connect to others. The minor chakras at the nipples might have a function to infuse breastmilk with Chi energy; another good reason to breast feed your babies if possible. There is another chakra located between the heart and throat chakras which some texts refer to as the higher heart chakra and others as the thymus chakra.

There are many more minor chakras and all have their own functions, but I’ve yet to find a text that documents them very clearly and the information available is scanty and often contradictory. Some sources claim there are only twenty one minor chakras, possibly because Barbara Brennan includes a diagram of the ones she was aware of in her classic healer’s text Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field

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Chakra System
Transpersonal Chakras
Basic Seven Chakra Information

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This content was written by Lauren D´Silva. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Deanna Leigh Joseph for details.