Chakra System
Base Chakra Workout
Keeping your chakras healthy and functioning well will go a long way towards keeping you in great shape physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Here I help you assess the health of your base chakra and suggests ways you can strengthen it.
Becoming Heart Centred
Cold hearted, warm hearted, black hearted, heavy hearted, light hearted, broken hearted, open hearted, a heart of stone, a heart of gold…we have long used symbolic images of the heart to describe someone. We instinctively know that the qualities held at the heart affect the whole person.
Brow Chakra Workout
Keeping your chakras healthy and functioning well will go a long way towards keeping you in great shape physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Here I help you assess the health of your brow chakra and suggest ways you can develop it.
Chakras Quiz
How much do you know about the seven main chakras? Take this fun quiz to find out.
Crown Chakra Workout
Keeping your chakras healthy and functioning well will go a long way towards keeping you in great shape physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Here I help you assess the health of your crown chakra and suggest ways you can develop it.
Fifth Chakra - Throat Chakra - Blue
The fifth chakra, of the throat, is the primary focus of communication and action. Represented by blue, this chakra helps ensure you are heard.
First Chakra - Root Chakra - Red
The root chakra is the chakra located at your perineum, at the bottom of your spine. The root chakra is represented by the first color of the rainbow - red.
Fourth Chakra - Heart Chakra - Green
The heart chakra is the fourth chakra, and is represented by the color green. This is the chakra of love, romance, relationships and communication.
Gift of Enlightenment
A review of the board game based on the chakras and development of ESP.
Heart Chakra Workout
Keeping your chakras healthy and functioning well will go a long way towards keeping you in great shape physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Here I help you assess the health of your heart chakra and suggests ways you can strengthen it.
Sacral Chakra Workout
Keeping your chakras healthy and functioning well will go a long way towards keeping you in great shape physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Here I take you through the sacral chakra and give you suggestions for its maintenance.
Second Chakra - Sacral Chakra - Orange
The second chakra is the sacral chakra, represented by the color orange. The word sacral relates both to the back of your pelvis, as well as meaning "sacred".
Seventh Chakra - Crown Chakra - Violet
The seventh and final chakra is the crown chakra, represented by the color violet. It is sometimes also represented by white.
Should Chakras be Open or Closed?
Many spiritual healers and mediums believe that you should close your chakras when you ‘aren’t working’. Personally I think this is misleading as we are all meant to be using our chakras all the time. Chakras aren’t just reserved for people leading a ‘spiritual’ life!
Sixth Chakra - Brow Chakra - Indigo
The sixth chakra is the brow chakra, also called the chakra of the third eye. The color assigned to this chakra is indigo, or purple.
Solar Plexus Chakra Workout
Keeping your chakras healthy and functioning well will go a long way towards keeping you in great shape physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Here I take you through the solar plexus chakra and give you suggestions for its maintenance.
The Minor Chakras
In addition to the seven major chakras that run from the base of our spine to our crown we have many minor chakras located around our bodies. Minor chakras are rarely spoken of, but a blockage in a one of these energy centres can have a significant effect upon our health and wellbeing.
Third Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra - Yellow
The third chakra is that of the solar plexus. This is located right near your stomach. Interestingly, with the word "solar" in this chakra's name, its color is yellow.
Throat Chakra Workout
Keeping your chakras healthy and functioning well will go a long way towards keeping you in great shape physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Here I help you assess the health of your throat chakra and suggests ways you can develop it.
Top Heavy Chakras
Your chakras need to be developed equally. Patterns where some chakras are wide open and over-active whilst others remain sluggish or closed can cause problems. Here I examine the issue of top heavy chakras which can be an issue for spiritual seekers who are not grounded firmly in the physical realm
Transpersonal Chakras
In addition to the seven major chakras there are several important chakras located off the physical body which are important in spiritual well-being.
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