Helping Haiti with LOA

Helping Haiti with LOA
The world has come together in a fantastic way to support Haiti and you may be wondering how you can contribute. Your budget may be limited. You may not have time right now to use your skills to craft something of use. What then can you do? This question may have you feeling helpless about how to aid in rebuilding Haiti.

However there is no reason to despair. There is something extremley easy and immensely effective that you can do to help, use the power of your thoughts. In many articles throughout the Wellness Channel I've talked about the power of your thoughts and the law of attraction. The concept has become a household idea due to the popularity of movies like the Secret and speakers like Jack Canfield and Joe Vitale. How can you use this concept to help the people of Haiti?

It's actually quite simple, almost to a fault. This is because it's easy to believe nothing is actually happening when you are using the power of your thoughts. However, numerous studies of the law of attraction prove to us the opposite.

Simply, all you need to do is this: Whenever you find a thought of despair creeping into your mind about Haiti, immediately stop the thought and replace it with a thought about how much help is coming their way. Think about how this is bringing our global community together in ways unimagined before. If you have a little time, take it a step further and infuse that thought with feelings of love, hopefulness, and gratitude. Then if you are so inclined, focus on sending that energy and enveloping the entire country with those feelings and thoughts you've envoked.

A few minutes of this creates a powerful influence on the world. The law of attraction states that anything we focus on we attract. If we believe this, it's easy to see how our focus on the recovery of Haiti is more beneficial than a focus on the tragedy itself.

You can expand this good effect by gathering friends and family together for a energy building/prayer group. One idea is to have an informal "Help Haiti" get together. Invite everyone over for a casual get-together, perhaps even a potluck, so that goodwill and fellowship permeate through the air. In addition to their dishes, ask everyone to bring one piece of positive news coming out of Haiti and perhaps one way to help (i.e. the name of organizations or projects devoted to relief or rebuilding efforts). The sharing will increase feelings of positivity and most importantly hope. What's most important is to change any thoughts of despair to thoughts of hope - out of hope grows possibilities.

End the get-together with a prayer or empowering meditation focusing on all the good things coming about. Include gratitude for the gathering and all the good energy it's added to the energy of hope and support surrounding the people of Haiti.

At the very least, everyone will leave more empowered and more aware of how to contribute positively; at the most, they will leave with one concrete way to give that will cost them nothing but time and focus.

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