Clearing Obstacles

Clearing Obstacles
What are the things that you do when you find yourself stuck? I'm talking about the kind of stuck where your mind starts to loop through the same cycles over and over. This is the stuck that makes it impossible to get anything done because every thought of what to do lends itself to more cyclical thoughts. How do you free yourself of this?!

We've all had that feeling and I'm sure we've all wondered in frustration, what do I do to break myself of this! Well there are quite a few techniques that work amazingly well. I'm going to detail a few of my favorites – you'll find that some work wonderfully for you; you'll find that others just don't gel. The key is finding what gets YOU through the gunky “stuck” phase.

Let's start with writing.

Interestingly enough, writing is one of my favorite ways to get unstuck. Not just any kind of writing though. Specifically, the key is writing about whatever thing is “sticking me”, i.e. whatever I'm stuck about. This falls into the category of a cathartic process. In writing out my feelings and/or thoughts (they are two different things!), a few things happen.

First, my mind is distracted away from circling around the distressing thing and becomes more focused on describing it and “organizing it” so to speak. For my mind, this is perfect distraction – my mind LOVES to think and think and think – when I give direction to the thoughts, things work much better *wink*.

Second, my thoughts and feelings actually do get organized and with that, I'm usually able to feel a sense of relief. Sometimes I even get such clarity that I'm able to see solutions to whatever was stressing me. Either way, a great physical pressure is removed. Literally, I always feel a weight lifted. The psychosomatic responses of the body are amazing indeed.

My second obstacle breaker favorite is EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique. I could go into a detailed explanation of this but there are tons of excellent resources abounding on the net. I will give you the definition as written on the official website It states that “Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is an emotional, needle free version of acupuncture that is based on new discoveries regarding the connection between your body's subtle energies, your emotions, and your health. It has been reported successful in thousands of cases and it applies to a huge range of emotional, health and performance issues. It often works where nothing else will."

I, along with countless other people, can attest to the fact that it works. And true to the definition, it does seem to be able to “complete the cycle” of other personal work I've done. In a case by case sense, it really does help “unstick” me in those times when my mind starts cycling.

The technique itself is extremely simple, deceptively so. It can even feel kind of silly. What I've told myself though many times is this: If what you have been doing hasn't been working, you've got to be willing to try something different:-). This just might be your something different.

These are by no means all of what I have to share -there are many other things I've done to get through the stumbling block of "stuck-ness". There are lots of techniques out there and mind shifts that are very possible and very effective. I will definitely continue to share with you all what works for me and what just may work for you too.

The only way you'll know what works for you though is to try it. Remember that!

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This content was written by Leah R. Patterson. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Leah R. Patterson for details.