Does Stress Trigger Your Depression?

Does Stress Trigger Your Depression?
Depression can be all consuming when you are going through it, which is why I highly recommend for clients to start becoming aware of what could be "triggers" for their battle(s) with depression.

One trigger that I have found to be quite common is -- stress.

Stress is a word that we all too often just through around in everyday conversation as if it's not that big of a deal..."Oh I'm just a little stressed", "Oh I think my hair is coming out because of stress", "Oh, this is just a breakout from stress"...Need I go on?

Hey...stress is no joke. Trust me when I tell you that I give the major health insurers about 5 years before they start covering "stress reduction" services as a way to avoid having to pay out for the more serious medical conditions often caused by stress.

There are already large companies paying for stress prevention programs for their executives and management employees implemented by mental health professionals and coaches like myself.

So think about what has been going on in your life lately?

1. Have you been physically ill?
2. Has someone in your family been ill?
3. Are you having financial problems?
4. Are you in a volatile relationship?
5. Has someone close to you recently died?
6. Are you under pressure at work to perform?
7. Are you looking for a job or changing your career?
8. Are you balancing several things like school, work, family etc.?

Many of these typical stressful life situations can send you into a depression. So the real key is a two-part solution.

One - attack the source of the stress. Do all the things you can do to try alleviate this stress. Make smart choices about eliminating the stressor if you can.

Two - do things to counterbalance the stressor. Get massages, go to the movies, go out with friends, buy a new CD, start a new exercise program -- do any of the things that you enjoy. That make you feel good, because what this will do is begin a snowball effect.

For example, when I have slipped into one of my depressions over the years - I have many classic symptoms. I have to really force myself to get out of bed, dressed and moving. So you can forget about hair care, make-up etc!

So one time I went and got a much needed pedicure (which I didn't want to have, but I forced myself), and the good feelings I felt afterwards began a snowball effect of me doing other things to care for myself which included finally renewing my expired drivers license!

Lisa Angelettie, "GirlShrink" is an online advice authority. Her site is the #1 "Advice & Counseling" site on the web and contributing author of "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life". Instantly get a FREE Bonus when you sign up for her free Better Choices Ezine. Please visit us for more discussion on this topic in the depression forum to talk about it further. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter for topics in the news, new articles, website & book reviews, and other useful mental health resources. Subscribe below.

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