Reasons for Living

Reasons for Living
Having depression is... depressing. Anyone suffering a chronic illness - mental or physical - understands that the constant focus on a health problem can be quite taxing. Living with depression is draining, treatment and maintenance is tiresome, and the stress can sometimes be simply overwhelming.

In order to cope with all that depression demands of us, we need to have something to sustain us. We need a reason to push through the pain. We need a positive focus on the worst days. In a word, we need to have hope. In order to have hope, though, we may need inspiration or encouragement. The reminders in this article will help you to find it on the days you can't find it for yourself.

A Few Reminders for Hope

Your breath, your heartbeat, your life - daily reasons to remember that the life you have can be a gift rather than a burden.

Although you may not laugh today, you just might be able to laugh tomorrow.

Think of the seasons, the rotating planet, and remember, life is always changing and your situation eventually will too.

You are worthy of being happy.

Even though it may feel that way on your loneliest day, you are not truly alone.

Take a moment to stand in the sun and remember that the same force that powers the sun can save you from even the deepest despair.

Millions of people suffer from depression and you are not abnormal for having it.

It's okay to cry. Allowing yourself to weep is not a sign of weakness.

Having one bad day or even one bad week does not undo any of your progress.

Allow yourself to indulge in a few of your favorite things: a cherished song, a good book, a delectable dish; treat yourself with love.

On the days when everything you feel is negative, remember that it is depression filtering the truth.

You never know how you will positively impact someone else's life... perhaps you already have.

Remember to be kind, gentle, and patient with yourself, even if no one else is.

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