Unblocking Your Money Prosperity

Unblocking Your Money Prosperity
In my life, I’ve found that it doesn’t matter one bit how intelligent, gifted, skilled, diverse and special you are - if you haven’t healed your relationship with money, you’ll never attract what you feel you need. If you are going through life with the same money story that you learned as a child or that your family carries or your ancestors carry, it won’t ever change for you.

Trust me on this! I learned this the hard way, through experiencing being full of fabulous ideas, awesome plans, unbounded energy and creativity – and no money. Barely enough money in fact, to keep a roof over my head and food on my table.

After a while, hopefully you begin to ask yourself why is this! You begin to get angry and “sick and tired” of living this way. And then maybe you start to see some light.

Part of my answer has come through understanding my money set point and understanding how it got that way and most importantly how to not just change it, but raise it off the charts.

You can think of a money set point as the amount of money you subconsciously think you are capable of bringing in. It’s the subconscious condition that makes you go “oh there’s no way I can afford that” when looking at something. It can even be the driving force behind you buying a Hyundai and never even looking at the Hondas.

Midlife Unfolds, a very interesting blog, has a very good quick read on money set points that you can find here.

Money set points are developed in a number of ways – in my life the most prevalent have been family conditioning and personal experience. I would venture to say that the family conditioning is the most influential. I grew up in family like most – although we didn’t really want for any material needs, the constant undertone was that we were barely making ends meet and that there was no money for non-necessities. We were always on the lookout for sales and price tag shopping (looking at the tag before you decide if you liked something or not) was the norm.

Translate that to my adult years and it shows up as looking at a 15-dollar shirt and actually thinking before I catch myself “wow, that’s kind of expensive.” It took me a long time to change that automatic thinking. My first year of college for instance, it amazed me that people spent 20 and 30 dollars on one article of clothing because in my family we rarely did. Looking back, I now understand that it wasn’t because we couldn’t necessarily, we just had developed a particular family money set point. So subconsciously we continued creating situations where the option didn’t exist to spend more.

And this is what often happens in people’s lives – they subconsciously create situations where their options to have more money don’t exist. For example, taking a job that doesn’t pay you well enough to cover your basic needs even though it’s something you love to do is stifling your options. No matter how much you love what you do, you will barely be able to enjoy it if you’re constantly worried about the light bill or worse yet pending eviction because you can’t pay the rent.

The question in situations like this is why am I committed to doing things this way? What’s going on with my relationship with money that this is what I’m attracting – a job that I love that doesn’t pay me enough for example. These kinds of questions are what get you to the bottom of your money story, which is the key to raising your money set point.

So is there a magic formula for changing your money set point? I can’t say that I’ve found an overnight success method per say, but I have found some very powerful tools that I know are responsible for the progress I have made, listed below. Instead of reinventing the wisdom they have imparted, I’ll invite you to read it firsthand.

The journey of life I’ve realized more and more is really all about the journey into self. It’s a documentable truth that the mind creates reality. So then the magic trick really just becomes aligning your mind to create the reality you truly desire.

My favorite “Prosperity equals Money Too” resources
Choosing Prosperity
Carol Tuttle’s Website
Lisa Nichols’ Website

You Should Also Read:
Choosing Prosperity
Carol Tuttle's Website
Lisa Nichol's Website

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This content was written by Leah R. Patterson. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Leah R. Patterson for details.