Wake Up, America!

Wake Up, America!
We should all be SICK to our stomachs at what took place in a far away place called Iraq! The inhuman treatment and massacre of PFC Thomas L. Tucker and PFC Kristian Menchaca is an OUTRAGE and I want every American sitting at home right now, watching TV, in the comfort of your home, or in your bed, or in your car, to say a prayer and then remember, you may be next!

What? You don’t believe that? Well, believe it, America, because those people you want to tell us are ‘people’ who deserve humane treatment, will be on your doorstep if they have their way. And they won’t bother to ask whether you should treat them as human beings when they cut off your ears, your nose, your genitals, or cut out your heart! Then when they stuff your fingers in your mouth, try to object then or protest what they are doing to you. Do that while the intense pain creeps through your body and you get sick, sick and sicker!

The news media, for the most part, and some little crawling political insect in the state of Pennsylvania, and others like the aclu want you to leave the inhuman creatures you call “insurgents” alone and be good to the poor little deprived people who are abused!

I wonder what happened to America--the America where liberty, freedom, common sense, decency, pride, moral respect and moral goodness existed? Where did it go? I have no doubts that if Thomas Jefferson and the other creators and signers of the Declaration of Independence were alive, they would be standing up and shouting “Traitors” to the MEDIA, the aclu and a certain entity labeled Murtha in Pennsylvania.

I could go on and on but what good would that do? We need to heal the sickness spreading over this great nation. And if we do not, I think we should all get ready for what surely will be a sad state of affairs in the future--the fall of America! We need to sit up, take notice, and stop what is happening RIGHT NOW!

America the Beautiful? Not when a person like Judge Roy Moore can be removed from the BENCH for doing his job and honoring God at the same time! Not when we can look the other way while the Taliban and terrorists do what they want, when they want, with the approval of our Media and others! Not when we stand by and allow our Marines and soldiers to go to prison for ‘murdering’ poor little innocent Taliban’s and terrorists in Iraq!

The Taliban and terrorists torture, kill, maim, mutilate and the American people allow the media, the aclu and Murtha to dictate that it is inhuman for us to punish them! But our Marines and soldiers kill in self-defense and for survival and they are sent to prison for it.

What kind of leadership do we have in the Marine Corps? The leadership for the Marine Corps in Washington does not have the guts to stand up and be counted! The few, the proud and the Marines exist in places like Iraq, in training camps, and where Marines serve this nation, but not in Washington!

I could go on forever but I think you get the picture. We need to stand up and be counted and bring the media, the aclu, and people like Murtha before juries of their peers to judge them for what they are. And we need to quit subscribing to newspapers and quit supporting a media that has turned out to be one of the best friends the Taliban and terrorists could ever have.

I know one thing…..the devil must be having a field day with all the agents he has working for him on this earth!

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