An African Grey Parrot Named Bella

An African Grey Parrot Named Bella
A review of the Book "They Called Me Beautiful" the story of Beautiful Joe by Marshall Saunders – revised and illustrated by Claire Starr.

Beautiful Joe is a dog and this story is as told by Beautiful Joe.

One of the chapters of this book is about Bella, the African Grey Parrot. Bella was given to the children of the family who rescued Beautiful Joe and she responded to the kind treatment she received by saving the family from thieves who had broken into the home.

There were many pets in the household and this included another dog, a cat, several rabbits, a rat, a guinea pig, some pigeons, goldfish and bantams. One of the children also raised canaries, so you can see that this is a family that cares for all living creatures.

Each child looked after the pets, making sure that the best of care was provided.

Beautiful Joe was a real dog but the story is fiction. It is a wonderful story for children as the child learns how the animals feel about the way they are treated.

This book is different from the usual books that I review, because it really has nothing to do with the care of parrots – other than the love and commitment required. Of course, love and commitment are two of the most important aspects of pet ownership of any kind.

You can read more about Beautiful Joe at the Beautiful Joe Heritage Society

They Called Me Beautiful is published by Lucky Press and you can purchase directly from them. You will also be able to purchase some lovely cards with the illustrations from the book at this location. While you are there, please check out the collection of Birds of the World.

You can find They Called Me Beautiful or the original book Beautiful Joe or Beautiful Joe’s Paradise at

or at

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