Depression Newsletter

Depression Newsletter
Welcome and thank you for your interest in the Depression Newsletter.

This weekly newsletter is sent in a simple text format, so that you can read it easily on any device. It is completely free and packed with valuable information.

In the Depression Newsletter, we will examine some common misconceptions and how to deal with them. We will also examine different types of depression, how they are treated, and how to recognize the symptoms of each. I will also share holistic treatment information, new medications on the market, motivational tips, and suicide prevention. Finally, I will include reviews of books, movies, and websites about Depression.

When you sign up for a free newsletter from BellaOnline, your information is never sold or shared. That means when you sign up to receive the Depression Newsletter, you will only receive the Depression Newsletter.

To receive the free Depression Newsletter, do the following:
Choose a signup box: there is one on the righthand side of the page and another at the bottom.
Fill in the email address where you would like to receive the newsletter.
Click the submit button.
Check your email to make sure you receive our test email.
If you do not receive it, check your spam folder. It helps to add us to your email contacts to make sure that the newsletter always reaches you.
Voila! You will now receive our weekly newsletter full of hope, help, and information.

If you ever decide you no longer want to receive the Depression Newsletter, you may simply unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions at the bottom of the newsletter.

I would also encourage you to visit the Depression Forum regularly. I post there often, as do other members of the BellaOnline community. The forum has many encouraging experiences, motivational quotes, and popular questions asked from around the world. Feel free to share your thoughts, experiences, or ask a question.

Please remember, you are not alone.

Rayna H. Edwards
BellaOnline’s Depression Editor

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