When Dreams Fall Apart

When Dreams Fall Apart
Watching your dreams manifest and grow can be one of the greatest thrills of life; your heart’s joy is made manifest into the world for the benefit of all.

It takes a lot of energy and effort to manifest our dreams because there are so many things that might have to go into the process; money, education, support, discipline, clarity, etc. It may actually take years before we even see our dream take shape.

And when it comes to manifesting dreams, one of the most powerful tools a highly conscious person relies on is their intuition, or divine guidance. It is this step by step process of acting on small bits of information, and trusting that it will lead to our desired outcome, that allows us the opportunity for one of the most empowering experiences we could ever ask for.

So what happens when our dream falls apart?

The loss of a dream needs to be honored as any loss would, with a time of grieving. There are many feelings that may be experienced during this process, such as heartbreak, confusion, betrayal, and abandonment, and the highly conscious person may actually feel misled, or betrayed by the Universe.

Honor the Loss
Take time to grieve. The death of a dream can be heartbreaking. Your dream was more than just something you wanted to accomplish – it was a piece of you that you birthed into this world, so take time to mourn this loss.

Remember Your Divinity
Remember that you are an Infinite Being in a body. The expression of any particular dream is not your Soul’s Purpose. Your Soul’s Purpose is to experience its divine nature through your actions while in this life. Your dream was only one way to have this experience. There are still an infinite number of experiences ahead of you.

Let Go
No one wants to believe that their dream is only right during one particular time, and not in another, but sometimes this is the case. Everything in our life has a beginning and an ending; jobs, relationships, events, beliefs, and dreams.

Just as we have to move on from relationships, change jobs, or move from one home to another, sometimes we have to let a dream run its course too, and be grateful for the time spent living it.

It may feel like your intuition let you down. It didn’t. Remember that your intuition is not a guarantee; it’s simply the direction to take right in that particular moment. At that particular time in your life, that guidance was absolutely perfect in that you did have an amazing experience, and that experience will always be with you.

Dream Again
As an Infinite Being in a body, there will always be a vision seeking to work through you. Some of these visions may be short lived dreams, and others may be lifelong processes. By honoring the loss of your dream, and trusting that your Soul always has a bigger vision for you, you open the door to a new dream, a dream that allows you to experience yourself as a Soul in a body.

Are you ready to expand on your experience of living your Soul Purpose by discovering the specific set of gifts and talents in your personal Soul Profile? Get a Soul Realignment Reading with Deanna today!

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