Kings And Queens Of The World

Kings And Queens Of The World
This week in the United Kingdom it was the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, who has been on the throne for sixty years. As the ruling monarch she is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England. As in the past the kings and queens of the world follow different religions. Over forty sovereign nations in the world have monarchs acting as heads of state including:

• Morocco ~ King Mohamed VI
• Saudi Arabia ~ King Abdullah
• Spain ~ King Juan Carlos I
• Holland ~ Queen Beatrix
• Cambodia ~ King Norodom Sihamoni
• Swaziland ~ King Mswati III
• Denmark ~ Queen Margrethe II

In a chapter of the Quran entitled The Ant, God tells us about the Queen of Sheba (27:22-44). God gave Solomon incredible abundance in everything, the wind was at his disposal, he was taught the skill of making armour, he could understand the language of animals and the devils were committed by God into his service.

One day a hoopoe bird came with news from Sheba about a queen who ruled over the land. She possessed a tremendous palace but her and her people prostrated before the sun instead of God.

Solomon invited the Queen of Sheba to visit him and to prove the wonder and oneness of God Solomon sent a powerful being from among the jinn to bring her palace and throne to him. It was put in front of Solomon in the blink of an eye and when the Queen of Sheba arrived he asked her, “Does your mansion look like this?” to which she replied, “It seems that this is it.”

The Queen was invited to go inside her mansion but as she entered she raised up her skirt exposing her leg. She thought she was stepping into a pool of water and when she saw this she said, “It is a palace paved with crystal! My Lord, I have wronged my soul. I now submit with Solomon to God, Lord of the universe.”

Imagine if that kind of power existed on Earth today and our rulers had access to it, how would they use it? This may sound like the stuff of fairy tales but God has been known to give people the ability to accomplish amazing feats. Solomon could command the jinn/devils and he used this ability for good, to prove to a queen that God alone has the power to do anything He desires. Would our present day rulers use this same gift for good?

The kings and queens of the world still have a responsibility to the people. Is it right that some of these people spend money on lavish life styles when those under their supremacy live below the poverty line? Living to excess does not impress especially when they are seen to be heads of spiritual paths also. These people are just human beings like the rest of us and they too will stand before God on the Day of Judgement. We all have different priorities in this life.

Chapter 3, verse 14
Adorned for the people are the worldly pleasures, such as the women, having children, piles upon piles of gold and silver, trained horses, livestock, and crops. These are the materials of this world. A far better abode is reserved at God.

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