Rebel Bakes Cookbook Review

Rebel Bakes Cookbook Review

Title: Rebel Bakes: 80+ Deliciously Creative Cakes, Bakes and Treats For Every Occasion
Author: George Hepher
Published: June 11, 2024, Mobius
No. of Pages: 224
Cover Price: $30.00 Hardcover, $12.99 Kindle

If you’re looking for a fun and unique baking book, you’ll want to pick up Rebel Bakes: 80+ Deliciously Creative Cakes, Bakes and Treats For Every Occasion , by George Hepher, owner of George’s Bakery, an online site. This cookbook makes it obvious that Hepher is passionate about the d
desserts he has created, and once looking at the book, most readers will see why.
The cookbook includes dozens of recipes any baker will want to make. Hepher’s writing style is easy and forthcoming, so the book is not only inspiring, but fun to curl up and read. However, the recipes are so mouthwatering, most will want to immediately start baking. The first part of the cookbook includes several basic recipes, such as a perfect Ganache and Caramel. Then the recipes for amazing bakes follows. There is definitely a British flavor to this cookbook, although the recipes aren’t the classics that most of us are familiar with.

The author’s imagination in creating his recipes takes bakers out of the box. Most of the recipes are presented with beautiful, professional photographs of the finished product. The instructions are in the traditional form, with comments at the beginning, followed by a list of ingredients and then step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow. The author makes it so that any baker, beginning to advanced can make picture-perfect creations that will be ooed and awed over.

All told, this is a fun cookbook for anyone who likes to bake unique, mouthwatering dishes. Highly Recommended.

Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.

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