Beer and Women

Beer and Brewing
Aren´t you ready for something tall, dark and handsome? Drink beer!

1st Women's Collaboration Beer - Project Venus star
Women brew … Women brew … Women brew. Listen as the echo reaches your ears, like an ancient chant from the lips of Ninkasi, Isis, or Tjenenet - goddesses who inspired the brewing of ethereal beer, hypnotizing warriors who succumbed under such seductive power.

A Classic Beer Guide for Women star
Isn´t it time you experienced the pleasures of something tall, dark and handsome?

A Super Bowl Message to All Women from the Beer Fox star
Are you ready for a Super Bowl like no other? From Sugar Mama Pecans to Transatlantique Kriek, this is your chance to shine!

Beer for Women - Belgian Bière Babes star
You are a Bière de Babe! And that’s what you drink! Bière! Somehow, the accent and extra “e” at the end of the word change things, do they not?

Beer Goddesses and Surly Girls star
Do women possess a natural affinity for brewing? Ancient secrets allude to this fact. It is no wonder that men worshipped Ninkasi, the Beer Goddess, and that so many brews have been named to honor the woman.

Beerdrinker of the Year - A Woman Challenges the Big Boys star
Anyone who considers having children so she can name them Abbey, Mead and Chimay is a notch above the rest.

Beers That Make You Phat star
For any woman over thirty, it may feel like a challenge to view beer as a sophisticated dinner choice. But it’s different for women under thirty.

Carol Stoudt & Stoudts Brewing Company star
In his youth, Eddie stumbled into ownership of his 1929 Packard through a keen assessment of value in a world of antiques. She was a classic girl - light grey, with curvaceous, ebony fenders framing the tires in well-manicured arches.

Commemorative Mothers Day Beer & Food Pairings star
There is no question that every Mom has her unique signature, just like the beer styles you explore.

Coors UK - Gender Prejudice through Project Eve star
Coors UK, an international division of Molson Coors headquartered in the UK, has uncaged their market researching Neanderthals in an attempt to discover why UK women are put-off by beer.

Discovering Beer Power star
It was a life-changing moment for her, a discovery of her own inherent power.

Does Carmen Electra Drink Chimay ? star
What could be more seductive than Carmen Electra’s pliant tongue piercing the silken white head of a Chimay Cinq Cents Tripel?

Football & Beer Mini-Camp at Sprecher Brewing star
Although women stayed behind the fence when the subject of football and beer leaked into the conversation, they have now discovered how much fun it is to talk intelligently about both topics.

Honey Amber Rose for the Woman Beer Enthusiast star
The woman of the new millennium simply does not scare that easily, whether she is dressed in her classic rose-petal gown with vintage opera gloves or bedecked in the hat of an entrepreneurial adventuress.

In Pursuit of Ale Women's Club of Philadelphia star
You enter the room, and the smell of malt, hops and food titillate your nose. As your eyes adjust to the softened light of the room, you notice the young lady talking passionately about good beer.

Ladies Beer Tea - Belgian Cafe Philadelphia star
A steady caravan of women filed along the street. It was mid-afternoon, and one-by-one, they seemed to disappear through Belgian-esque colors of red, yellow and black. Some arrived, wearing wide-brimmed hats and afternoon dresses.

Ladies Beer Tea in Philadelphia star
Big events, such as the Forum of the Gods, the International Great Beer Festival, and Zythos America, anchored Philly Beer Week, but only one was totally focused on women: The Ladies Beer Tea at the Belgian Café in the Fairmount region of Philadelphia.

Luxury Beer for a Mother's Cheer star
In celebration of this Lady of the Day, raise your chalice to toast her wit and spirit! She deserves the honor! …and maybe she will let you taste her beer!

Mom Hates Beer - Gentle Ideas for Mother's Day star
As for Mom, she still insists she hates beer. Be gentle, and understand her point of view. Bring her in gently with Cuisine à la Bière.

Mother's Day Beer and Food star
What style is, or was, YOUR Mother? One thing is certain…whatever her style, good or bad, we all are children of someone whom we think about on Mother’s Day.

Mother's Day Beer Breakfast in Bed star
Slits of sunshine pattern my wall in vertical slashes. As the object of Mother’s Day, my secret thrill of escaping breakfast in bed is beyond words.

National Beerdrinker of the Year 2007 - Diane Catanzaro Seizes the Crown star
As she poured the coppery Old Chub into the glass of Duchesse, she proclaimed it "Chubesse," and added with a wink, “He’s in to her!”

PBG 2011 Natalie DeChico Future Ambitions star
Beer Fox Carolyn Smagalski, Co-founder of the Philly Beer Geek Competition, loves hearing how winners position themselves to win: what their goals are, how they expose themselves to opportunity, and how their ambitions lead to new adventure.

Philly Beer Geek 2011 Natalie DeChico Sounds Off star
Carolyn Smagalski, Beer Fox and Co-Founder of the Philly Beer Geek Competition, drills down to the heart of Philly Beer Geek 2011, Natalie DeChico: her opinions and the choices she makes about beer.

Philly Beer Geek Basil IPA star
Natalie DeChico could pass as the poster girl for all that is right about beer. As her reign as Philly Beer Geek 2011 rolls into its final weeks, she has added a surge of creativity to a year filled with accomplishments.

Pink Boots Society - Women in Brewing star
It is a secret place, a stellar place, where ideas transform into reality. It is not the exclusive domain of men, although some would have us believe that man is created to build, and woman to support.

Random Musings of a Beer Fan star
I have to confess – I haven’t always been a beer fan. Once upon a time, I would drink beer only as a second choice, when my budget wouldn’t stretch far enough to order a “real drink.”

Saison de Rose - Becky Dublin Delivers the Punch star
When four professional beer ladies from the Philadelphia region decided to team-up with the brewing pros at Free Will Brewing Company, magic began to happen.

Saison De Rose - Counting Down with Tara Nurin star
At Penn, funds will help local people through their challenge to eliminate breast cancer from their lives. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, a disease that takes the lives of an estimated 40,000 women and 390 men each year.

Saison de Rose - Erin Wallace & The Launch star
Erin Wallace is one of the most dynamic women you could ever meet. She comes off a bit soft spoken, with round edges like a well-seasoned Winter Warmer, classically designed for a special occasion.

Saison de Rose - Erin Wallace on the Personal Side star
When you hear the words Saison de Rose, what do you think of? Its meaning, “Season of Pink,” is multi-faceted, much like the Hope Diamond – and in this case, it symbolizes hope for the return to a normal life.

Saison de Rose - Intern Lydia Sine Does Quick Biz star
Saison de Rose, the Season of Pink beer made by Free Will Brewing Company in southeastern Pennsylvania, was designed by 4 ladies-of-beer in the Philadelphia region.

Saison de Rose - Laura Ferraiolo of Penn Medicine star
They named it Season of Pink, a moderate, rose-hued beer, introduced to the public as a tribute to the women and men challenged by breast cancer.

Saison de Rose - Marnie Old Speaks Good Beer Sense star
Saison de Rose, a Belgian-style, pink Saison Ale created for release during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, may just be a little, sessionable beer at 5% ABV, but she sure packs a wallop. Hear what the articulate Marnie Old has to say about the project.

Saison de Rose Debuts in Philadelphia star
Although my hair will never be pink, my commitment to the quality of life for women fighting Breast Cancer has never been greater.

Should You Buy Mom a Beer for Mother's Day ? star
To some people, this would be a shocking and bizarre suggestion. But think about it. This is the day we celebrate all those good lessons Mom taught us about life and good nutrition.

The Dark Side of Karen Eland star
Karen Eland of Bend, Oregon has expanded the culture of beer in ways unlike any other. Think: Michelangelo and DaVinci, Vermeer, Picasso or Van Gogh.

The Elite Pride of Women Brewers star
Women seem to have a natural affinity for brewing. This thing...this inexplicable brewing thing...something about it cannot not be ignored!

The Pleasures of Beer - A Woman's Passion star
Women are passionate creatures by nature. The discovery of beer, and all the pleasures related to it, is one of delight and exhilaration!

Top Woman Beer Rater in the USA - hotstuff star
Women who love beer are still in the quiet minority. These roots are silently growing, however, spreading out like magma beneath a dormant volcano, ready to explode in a climax that will draw other women to beer as quickly as they were drawn to wine two decades ago.

Weyerbacher Althea - Pink Beer for October star
Dan Weirback couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

Women Brewmasters - Inside the Brewers' Studio star
At the Great American Beer Festival, October 2007, I found myself onstage with Tom Dalldorf of Celebrator Beer News, for a live radio broadcast “Inside the Brewers’ Studio,” interviewing three sharp and sassy U.S. brewmasters.

Women in Brewing - Georgina Young star
What man does not find fascination in an intriguing woman, particularly one who can straddle the line between femininity and competency in brewing?

Women's Craft Beer Tasting Groups in America star
Craft Beer Tasting has become chic among American women. We have found a sense of sisterhood in trying new flavors and matching them with food.

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