True Crime - Streets of LA Walkthrough
True Crime is just like The Getaway or Vice City - except that this time you're a cop and you're in the real life streets of Los Angeles. The city is simply HUGE. Do NOT go racing through this game to the very end just to "beat it"! That's not the point at all. Go slowly, explore the city, build up your skills. That way as you slowly progress through the missions that are there, you have the skills you need and the knowledge of the city to do well.
The point isn't to beat the game in 48 hours. The point is to enjoy the game and do it WELL. In fact they very nicely have many missions that you can put off until later. Don't run off to do each next mission. Take your time to prepare and to learn your moves and your city.
The Basics
The Characters
Basic Keys
Episode Upgrades - Guns
Episode Upgrades - Fighting
Episode Upgrades - Cars
The Street-Cop Assignments
Good Cop / Bad Cop
Badge Upgrades - Shooting
Badge Upgrades - Fighting
Badge Upgrades - Driving
Episode 1 - Triad Violence
1 - Shooting Practice
2 - Rushing to EOD
3 - Driving for Chow
4 - Triad Muscle
5 - Rosie Trouble
Episode II - Mean Streets
1 - Cruising for Leads
2 - Dojo Attacker
3 - Red Lantern Rush
4 - Bar Brawl
4 ALT - The Arsonist
5 - Chasing Triad Thug
6 - Driving to Jimmy's
7 - Sneaking In
8 - Jimmy's Ambush
9 - Sniper Assassin
Episode III - International Ties
1 - Off to Chong's
2 - Tailing Chong's Limo
3 - A Stakeout Gone Bad
4 - Driving to Spa
4 ALT - Russkie Trouble
5 - Spa Infiltration
6 - Shower Room Antics
7 - The Accomplice
Episode IV - Russian Face Off
1 - En Route to Autoshop
2 - Grease Monkeys
3 - Chasing Francis
4 - Off to the Gulag
5 - Another Way In
6 - Disco Inferno
6 ALT - Alley Brawl
7 - Cary in Trouble
8 - Vandal Wrath
Episode V - The Rescue
1 - Tailing Suspect Cop
2 - Bum Encounter
3 - Meeting Rafferty
3 ALT - The Peking Duck
4 - Butcher Shop Rush
5 - On the Chopping Block
6 - Slaughterhouse
7 - The Great Escape
Episode VI - House of Wu
1 - Off to Wu's Place
2 - Up the Food Chain
3 - Kitchen Inspection
4 - Seeking Ancient Wu
4 ALT - Tunnel Vision
5 - Inner Demons
6 - Die Die My Concubine
7 - Nightmare
Episode VII - Finding Rocky
1 - In the Driver's Seat
2 - Pressing Rafferty
3 - On Rafferty's Tail
3 ALT - FBI Goons
4 - Escaping the Feds
5 - Rafferty's Date
6 - Eavesdropping
7 - Father's Killer
Episode VIII - Retribution
1 - The Girlfriend ANgle
2 - Back to the Gulag
3 - Rocky's Trap
3 - Chopper Ambush
4 - Driving to Airport
5 - Hangar Showdown
6 - Jetting Away
7 - Puppet Master
True Crime - Streets of LA Review
Dim objCmd4
Set objCmd4 = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
SQLTxt = "update traffic set hit_count = hit_count + 1 where " & _
"site_id = 283 and page_id = 149 ;"
objCmd4.ActiveConnection = strConnect
objCmd4.CommandType = &H0001
objCmd4.CommandText = SQLTxt
objCmd4.Execute intRecords
Set objCmd4 = Nothing
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