<%@ Language=VBScript %> Syberia Walkthrough - Tips and Techniques for Syberia by Lisa
g Computer / Console Gaming Site
Lisa Shea
BellaOnline's Computer / Console Game Editor


Syberia Walkthrough: The Final Stages - Rescuing Helena

OK, you see a long video of Helena's concert, and then the insane robot cages her. If you try to get into his office he just laughs at you. Use your metal shears to cut her out, then use the screwdriver to unscrew the hands from the organist. Go back to the door, and she goes in but then bars trap you inside. You give her the hands and tell her you'll meet her on the train.

Go back to the elevator on the right and go into the mine. When you get to the other end and call the elevator with the lever, it comes down and blows up. Luckily it also blows the grate off the ventilation shaft, just climb out. Chat with Oscar and head into the train to get Dan to call you and LIE TO YOU that nothing is going on. What a slime!!! It's just as well that you get BOTH of those sleazes out of your life, but just what is the game trying to tell you here? That if you go on a trip for more than 2 days, your fiance will take off on you with your best friend? And they both say it's because you've "changed" i.e. you're actually doing your JOB which you've been hired to do? ARRRRGGGGHHHHH

OK back to the story. What's left of it. Oscar says there are large rods blocking the path. Go left of the train and in the box by the elevator is a bomb. Go over to the statue that is blocking you, put the bomb on the statue and BOOM you're free.

Syberia Walkthrough, Tips and Techniques

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