Myst 3: Exile Walkthrough
Amaterin: In the Roof
In essence you want to spin each piece so that a continuous path is formed through all but the red points. Once you get a path between these points, you can push the blue button and ride inside the ball! At the end of the ride, you'll get the symbol for this world and a way back to the hub world.
The Myst 3: Exile Walkthrough
Dim objCmd4
Set objCmd4 = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
SQLTxt = "update traffic set hit_count = hit_count + 1 where " & _
"site_id = 283 and page_id = 61 ;"
objCmd4.ActiveConnection = strConnect
objCmd4.CommandType = &H0001
objCmd4.CommandText = SQLTxt
objCmd4.Execute intRecords
Set objCmd4 = Nothing
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