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![]() Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Walkthrough Final Exam Day This bookmark leads you into the next 3 final exams. Go upstairs, up more stairs, turn right, turn left, take a quick right and go up the middle stairs to the Third Floor. Go I doorway and turn left. Carpe Retractum Final Exam Cast the bulb and land on a spinning bridge. Ride half way around, cast bulb and land on bridge. Cast bulb on wall behind and ride right a quarter turn. You may need to ride all the way around once to do both of these things. Jump in and cast trunk, go out and back to moving bridge. Cast next floating bulb above you. Drop on bridge and ride to shield. Cast bulb above you and land on bridge. On the top bridge cast through doorway to bulb, cast floating bulb and ride to first bridge. Cast armor. Cast bulb and ride to next bridge. Climb up and cast trunk and bulb. Gate opens. Ride bulb to next bridge and save book. Cast bulb behind you, cast trunk, ride to next bridge. Drop, turn right to save book. Open trunk, defeat skeletons, turn right and cast trunk. Defeat skeleton, turn right, cast trunk. Turn left all the way to trunk, cast, back up, cast floor. Turn left, cast armor. Turn right and cast trunk. Turn around and walk slowly out the window. It doesn’t look like it but you can jump to the ledge on the left. Continue this tight jump left and right until you reach an open window on the left. Go in and defeat two skeletons. Cast trunk on left and right and banner, then cast floor and jump to shield 3. Go back down and out the window on the left. Jump along the edge again until the window on the right is open. Save book. Cast the lock, walk through the door, defeat four firebugs. Cast all three armors and the banner overhead. Turn left out of the newly open door. On the bridge get shield 4. On the beginning right and far left you can jump off to the ledge for beans. Continue through the next door, cast armor, turn right, cast armor, turn left. Cast the Hogwart’s symbol ahead and then the chevron that appears. A gate appears on the right, go in and cast trunk on the left and right. The next part is about timing. Jump left onto the moving bridge, as it gets all the way left jump to the bridge ahead of you and turn right. Jump to the next bridge and ride around the corner. As you round the corner cast the chevron and then the bulb to be carried off. Go straight. Cast the floating bulb and ride all the way around to the stone in front of where you are. It lowers, defeat skeleton and cast trunk on the left. Cast chevron in the little room and then the floor. Jump up and cast the bulb and ride around to the opposite side. It will lower and you’ll fight several imps. Cast the trunks on the left and right, cast the floor and jump. Cast bulb in front of you. Go straight to shield 5. Final exam 100%. Draconifors-Lapifors Final Exam Cast the rabbit. As the rabbit, go right and dig mound, eat grass and go in. Turn right, eat grass, exit. Turn left, turn right, on left go in and turn right. Eat grass on right, leave. Turn left, dig mound and then go in. As Hermione, go left, cast floor and jump. Defeat 2 bundilums. Go straight and cast cauldron. Turn right, cast floor and jump to shield 1 and save book. Cast all 4 armors quickly enough that they’re all down at once. Get shield 2, goodies, and cast lock. Go straight. In this room you’ll find 4 stones on the floor on the right. When you step on one a chevron will appear on the forward wall. You want to cast it quickly enough that a picture of a shield drops down. Do this to all 4. Cast dragon. This part is a lot like the Hippogriffin challenge. Just stay slow and easy. Light the torch above you. Turn left through hole and a timer starts. Turn left, go up through th open room and light torch. The right gate opens. Go back down. Turn right, go straight through hole over and under the walls and right at the end. Grab at least one fire ball on the way. Go in the round room and up one level. Go in the hole. In the next round room go left to the hole. This torch opens the left gate. Go back to the big round room and through the hole to the other round room. Drop down 2 floors and cross in to the next room. Turn left and zigzag through walls. At the end turn left to moving walls. At the end turn right and turn left through more moving walls. Go through the hole at the end to light statue and raise the middle gate. At the very end blow fire at the statue near the roof. As Hermione, go through newly opened middle gate. Get shield, turn left. 100% Glacius Final Exam Cast fountain, get on and slide. When you land get Shield 1, defeat 2 salamanders and save book. Cast the skull on left and right. Go straight to door, defeat and 1 imp, then 2, then 3. Get Shield 2 and the floor drops. At the bottom you have 2 fire beetles on opposite sides. Once defeated 2 more appear on the adjacent opposite sides. Once defeated 4 will appear. Get chocolate frog and Shield 3. The floor drops. Defeat 4 fire beetles and then 4 trunks drop and open. Besides beans, 4 ferries jump out for you to defeat. Shield 4. The floor drops and you must defeat 4 imps. They seem to move faster ant he bombs explode quicker so move a lot. Once they’re done 4 more imps will appear. As you are about done 4 salamanders will appear. Move around a lot. Try to hit the salamanders and the main flame or they’ll continue to appear. If you have any imps left, don’t worry as they’re a little easier to avoid. Once everyone is defeated, a floor tile will rise up. Climb up, cast the square, jump. Repeat this 2 more times and you enter a room that drops. Loads of goodies, go straight to shield 5. Final Exam 100%. Last Day at Hogwarts
If you followed through and completed the missions first, you haven’t completed all of you tasks for 3rd year. Now is the time to go back and collect everything. Leave the professors and go out and enter the castle door on the right. This is the ground floor. You will be greeted by Peeves. Defeat him by triple casting him and then giving him a single cast. Do this several times. As you do this, move left and right to avoid the torches he’s throwing. It takes 4 or 5 attacks to finish him off. Go right to the save book and the floor portraits. Go to floor 7 and visit the Weasley’s shop. Buy as many passwords as you possible can. Once you have bought all they will sell you, collect more goodies and return as soon as you can to buy all 10.
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