Final Fantasy X Walkthrough
Choose which level you'd like assistance with! Try not to read ahead - most
of the fun of playing strategy games is figuring out puzzles for yourself!
Blitzball Basics
The Basics
HP - Stamina
Tech Copy
Recruiting Info
The Game Beginning
Sin Attacks
The Al Bhed
Landing in Water
Flint and Tinder
Learning the Spheres
Turning On the Power
Village of Besaid
Map of Besaid Village
Meeting Wakka
The Village
The Cloister of Trials
Leaving Besaid
On to Kilika
On the Boat
Exploring Kilika
Map of Kilika Jungle
Kilika Jungle
Kilika Temple
On to Luca
On the Boat
Landing at Luca
Map of Luca
The First Game: Al Bhed
The Second Game: Luca Goers
Walking the Long Road
Fighting the Chocobo Eater
Sinspawn on the Beach
Djose Temple
Djose Village
Moonflow South Wharf
Guado Salam
Thunder Plains
Macalania Woods
Crawler Attack
Macalania Temple
Al Bhed and Bevelle
The Oasis
Al Bhed
Bevelle Temple
Calm Lands
Entering the Plains
Training Chocobos
The Zoo
Defender X
Meeting the Rhonso
Seymour Flux
The Prominence
Mountain Cave
The Trials of Gagazet
The Sanctuary Keeper
The Dead City
The Tetris Puzzle
The Spectral Keeper
Lady Yunalesca
AirShip and Free Movement
On the Ship
Random Cleanup Before the End
The Gorge after the Calm Lands and Yojimbo
Remiem Temple and the Magus Sisters
Baaj Temple and Anima
Dark Aeons
Ultimate Weapons
Cloudy Mirror / Celestial Mirror
Yuna: Nirvana, Moon Crest, Moon Sigil
Tidus: Caladbolg, Sun Crest, Sun Sigil
Lulu: Onion Knight, Venus Crest, Venus Sigil
Kimahri: Spirit Lance, Saturn Crest, Saturn Sigil
Rikku: Godhand, Mercury Crest, Mercury Sigil
Auron: Masamune, Mars Crest, Mars Sigil
Wakka: World Champion, Jupiter Crest, Jupiter Sigil
Final Sin Battles
Fighting Sin's Two Fins
Sinspawn Genais
Sin - The Mouth
Inside Sin: Braska's Final Aeon
Overdrive Notes
Auron's Overdrive and Jecht Spheres
Kimahri's Overdrive
Lulu's Overdrive
Rikku's Overdrive
Tidus's Overdrive
Wakka's Overdrive
Yuna's Overdrive and Aeons
Other Notes
Al Bhed Primer Locations
Aeon Ability Upgrade Listing
Cactaur Stone Challenge
Yojimbo and Zanmoto
All Weapon Customizations
All Armor Customizations
Level 3 and 4 Key Sphere Locations
How to Get Lots of Gil (Money)
How to Get Lots of AP (Sphere levels)
My Favorite Rikku Mixes
Take the Final Fantasy X Quiz!
Buy the Final Fantasy X Soundtrack
Final Fantasy X Review
Please swing by the
Gaming Forum to ask how to get through if you're stuck somewhere I haven't put up yet. Our team of FFX experts will get back to you quickly!
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