Ratchet and Clank Walkthrough
This is an *amazing* game. The graphics and levels are extremely well put together. This was one of the most fun games I've played in a long time. I hope you're enjoying your playing - don't peek ahead at answers! A lot of the fun with this one is discovering the unexpected. Also note that you don't necessarily have to do things in order. You can always go back later to finish up areas or to hunt for special items.
Be sure to also play the sequels!
Ratchet and Clank 2 Walkthrough
Ratchet and Clank 3 Walkthrough
Tobruk Crater, Planet Novalis
Outpost X11, Planet Aridia
Metropolis, Kerwan
Logging Site, Planet Eudora
Blarg Station - Nebula G34
Blackwater City - Planet Rilgar
Quark's HQ - Planet Umbris
Fort Krontos - Planet Batalia
Blarg Depot - Planet Gaspar
Kogor Refinery - Planet Orxon
Jowai Resort - Pokitaru planet
Planet Hoven
Gemlik Base - Oltanic Orbit
Kogor Refinery - Planet Oltanis
Gorda City Ruins - Planet Oltanis
Robot Plant - planet Quartu
gadgetron site - kalebo III
Drek's Fleet - Veldin Orbit
Kyzil Plateau - Veldin
Ratchet and Clank on PS2 Review
Dim objCmd4
Set objCmd4 = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
SQLTxt = "update traffic set hit_count = hit_count + 1 where " & _
"site_id = 283 and page_id = 112 ;"
objCmd4.ActiveConnection = strConnect
objCmd4.CommandType = &H0001
objCmd4.CommandText = SQLTxt
objCmd4.Execute intRecords
Set objCmd4 = Nothing
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