One of the hottest concepts right now in the field of self-help is the “Law of Attraction.” I belong to several networking websites and on the largest one—Black Planet—The Law of Attraction forum has over 26,000 members! And you can’t ride the bus or trains in New York City without seeing someone with their nose buried in a copy of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.
I could not find The Secret at my local library, however after waiting for several weeks, I was able to land a copy of Michael J. Losier’s Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t.
The Law of Attraction according to Losier is “I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative.” Further Losier posits that around each of us is a bubble “and captured within this bubble are all the vibrations you are sending out.”
Losier lists things that can be found in our vibrational bubbles—both positive and negative. Things like complaints, which then attracts more of what we’re complaining about. And gratitude, which attracts more of the things we’re thankful for.
So how do you express gratitude when working with the Law of Attraction? When you are noticing and celebrating something you like and when you are remembering something positive. These are expressions of gratitude and are good things to include in your vibrational bubble says Losier.
Now the Law of Attraction and The Secret have been embroiled in controversy in terms of their efficacy, but many other experts from Psychologists like Martin Seligman to Spiritual teachers such as Elkhart Tolle agree that gratitude is fundamental when your goal is happiness, success and enlightenment.
Losier suggests making regular lists of all the abundance in your life. “Keeping a daily log shows you concrete proof (evidence) that abundance DOES exist and IS already present in your life,” he writes.
So here is my list on the day I drafted this article:
*My mother called yesterday to ask me what I wanted for my birthday.
*Over the weekend I received a $100 Amazon gift certificate for having not missed a deadline with my column.
*A radio show host I met on a social networking site asked to add me to her friend list, then another asked me to be a guest on her show!
*Recently I installed instant messenger on my computer and I’ve reconnected with several old friends and started a few new friendships.
*My son has started to do his homework more independently, so that gives me more time to devote to my writing.
I mean nothing is too small to include in your vibrational bubble. For example the copy of the Law of Attraction I borrowed from the library was due today. I went online hoping against hope I could renew this much sought after book. As it turned I was able to. When I saw the new due date—three weeks from now—I did a little happy dance.
Now I can read it again!