Recipes for Romance

Recipes for Romance
Hello, and welcome back. I didn´t manage to get in much reading time last week, what with being glued to the television as I´m sure many of you were, too. The events in New York and Washington, D.C. last Tuesday certainly didn´t put anyone in the mood for romance, at least in my neck of the woods. However, my kids and hubby have been getting lots more hugs and "I love you"´s.
While I work at home, I was out running errands when I heard about the first plane crashing into the tower. By the time I was nearly home, the second plane had also crashed. But I was sitting in front of the television well before the towers collapsed, and those are images I know will stay with me forever. The plane that crashed in Pennsylvania came down very near both family and friends of mine, and another family member escaped the crashes into the Trade Center buildings by being late dropping her kids off at the babysitter on her way to work there. I know that lots of you also have the same kinds of stories to tell, and I´d like to let you know you´re more than welcome to join me in my forum to do just that. It´s been a rough week, and I suspect things won´t be returning to normal for a very long time.

But, in the spirit of getting things back on a more even keel, I did get the chance to look through a new nonfiction book I know lots of romance readers will love. No matter how many interviews you might read with favorite romance authors, how often do those interview questions get personal? As in, what do the authors find romantic? Pick up a copy of Tammie Clarke Gibbs´ book "Recipes for Romance," and you´ll find out. She´s gathered favorite recipes from popular romance authors, added their standard bio information, and then asked them some questions about what they find romantic. I wonder why no one thought of this idea before? Most romance authors are not only writers, but wives and mothers, so naturally we collect and create recipes. I´m dying to try some of the recipes in this book, like "Dixie´s Decadent Dessert"--a chocolatey pie that sounds divine--and "Original Sin"--another pie that makes my mouth water just reading the recipe. Nearly 70 authors have contributed their recipes and romantic ideas to this project. I´m giving this one four of Cupid´s five arrows. It´s full of great ideas, and even has places for you to add your own romantic recipes. Enjoy!

Until next week, happy reading.

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Tammie Clarke Gibbs

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