New Exotic Pet Feature – Children’s Pet House
So You Want a Pet Goldfish – Children’s Pet House
Why should children have pets?
Children should have pets; there is no better friend or confidant. Their pet will never hurt them by taking away their friendship as children often do.
Parents frequently say I don’t have time for a pet. You need to take that time. Of course you will have to remind them to take care of the pets. They are children that is how they learn responsibility, by you teaching them, by doing, but most important, by your example.
Having a pet and caring for it, is a great way to learn responsibility; make sure that the pet is suitable for the child, your living situation, and your child’s age (or maturity level).
As long as parents stand behind what they say; if you tell them to do something involving their pet, be it food, water, cleaning the cage, make sure you follow up, and make sure it is done. Before long, they will develop good habits. This will go far going into adulthood, including work ethics.
Developing love, gentleness, tenderness – oh how these virtues are lacking these days. Children are growing so desensitized by violence around them every day, be it a video game, television, their friends, or even within their family.
A pet is a wonderful way to develop those special feelings that a child’s value code is weaved around. Imagine yarn; love and values, those two are so tightly woven together.
I often hear I don’t want them to have a pet and have to deal with the pain of death, of losing their pet.
Learning about death, young children don’t see death as permanent. My little granddaughter who is two-years old has had to deal with two deaths this past year. My parents both died. Yesterday we were sitting at the dining room table chatting and she pointed to my family wall. Tori looked at one of the pictures, and said Uncle Bobby, I said yes, and Uncle Bobby lives in Heaven.
Though she will never know my son, her uncle, I want him to be part of her life. His compassion and strength that he demonstrated during his life can still be a living example. She pointed to another picture, of my Mom and Dad, and said Grandma and Grandpa? I said yes, now they live in Heaven too. I know of few people in this world that had a stronger moral code than my parents did. I am so happy they were here for her during her two years. They too, can still be an example.
Dealing with a death of a pet, though it will be difficult, can help a child when they eventually have to deal with a family death. It is a nature course of life. How you deal with this death is going to be the child’s example of how they deal with the death.
I had pets when I was a child and I know I am a better person for it. When I was going through a difficult adolescence I had a cat. Every secret, everything I had to get off my chest, I shared with my cat. My cat always patiently listened never condemning anything I said.
There is good reason for your child to have a pet. I hope you are able to have a pet in your life. I will announce each new Children’s Pet House article in the Exotic Pet Newsletter and in the Exotic Pet Forum. Be sure to check back frequently and check under subjects, for the subject Children’s Pet House.
There will NEVER be an advertisement within the article – that would annoy me as it would you. Ads will only be placed at the end of articles. I may make a suggestion page for parent’s eyes only. Like for example, within the next few goldfish articles there will be an experiment requiring an empty soda bottle with a lid. The first article on goldfish suggests the child approach their parent or guardian and ask them to save an empty soda bottle.
Well, now that I have warned you – let’s launch this new series!
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Any child that wants a pet or has a pet should see the DVD; Paws, Claws, Feathers & Fins - A Kid's Guide to Happy, Healthy Pets. It is jammed pack full of great information on responsibility, cost of pets, time it takes to take care of pets, and much more in a fun approach with music and dance.
Paws, Claws, Feathers & Fins DVD Review
Ferrets: A Complete Guide available in paperback and Kindle. By Diana Geiger (me:) Five star reviews!
Ferrets: A Complete Guide - Paperback
Ferrets: A Complete Guide - Kindle
PDF Version Ferrets: A Complete Guide (Access to free PDF Reader)
Ferrets: A Complete Guide
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So You Want a Pet Goldfish – Children’s Pet House
Ferrets - A Complete Guide Paperback and Kindle
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