Writing Workshops

Writing Workshops
New - Writing Workshops

Workshops are one way to really learn and improve your writing, or particular aspects of your writing. Today we are all very busy, and while we have good intentions of moving ourselves forward, life can interrupt us at any moment.

The writing workshops I have attended at Southern New Hampshire University in my degree program have increased my skills, taught me more about writing in the genres I love, as well as boosted my self-confidence. I highly recommend you look into their writing degree programs if that is the avenue you are looking to take.

For many years, I had to write around my other career. Many times I struggled to find the answers to problems I was having with my writing without any trust worthy places to go.

Today, with the internet and the new handheld devices, you can make time in your busy schedule like never before. All you need to do is decide what are you want or need help in first, and then take action. Remember, you can’t build a career as a writer, or any career for that matter, simply thinking you will get to it someday.

What I like about Writer’s Digest University, is how easy it is to take their workshops. You simply sign up and take them online. Each workshop has been created and directed by experts to give you all that you need and want.

Not sure if one of their workshops is for you?

These workshops will help you if…

You are a beginner: They can help you over the huge decisions you will need to make to get your book written.

If you have some writing experience: These workshops are designed to give your the practice and help you need to grow your skills and get your writing published.

If you are a professional author: They can help you with the rewriting process as well as give your professional to critique your writing.

Here are the different workshops available:

Workshops by Form

Specific Genre/Topic
Short Story/Essay

Workshops by Goal
Start Writing/Finish First Draft
Improve Fiction Element
Grammar and Composition
Marketing/Build a Platform
Traditionally Publish Your Work
Self-Publish Your Work
Apply to MFA Programs

Workshops by Element

Character Development
Plot & Structure
Story Telling
Voice and Viewpoint
Description and Setting
Conflict and Suspense

Don’t waste any more time. Regardless of how busy you are, take a step out to improve your skills and finally reach the goals you seek. It’s easy to put things off. A true writer, one who has the ability to create a flourishing career, takes the steps they need to learn how to get there.


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