Because He Loves Me

Because He Loves Me
This week I wanted to take the opportunity to share a poem with you that I have written about the Savior, Jesus Christ. I originally wrote this as a song and set it to music, but I am not happy with the music portion of it yet. However, I am happy with the words and I thought it might be something you could use somewhere in a lesson or as a discussion for Family Home Evening. I hope it inspires you in some small way and that you are able to feel the spirit as you read it.

Because He Loves Me
By Brenda Emmett

I like to think of long a-go, of a time before my birth.
To when the Savior, Jesus, walked upon the earth.
I picture Him with His disciples while at Galilee.
And how He stilled the waters of the stormy sea.
With power and compassion, He commanded, "Peace, be still."
The winds and waves calmed at once to obey the Master's will.

For Jesus did work miracles, He touched so many lives.
He healed the blind, the sick, the tired; He gave them peace of mind.
And if I exercise my faith, I know that I will see
The miracles He performs each day because He loves me.

When Jesus healed two blind men, their eyes began to see.
He healed the ten lepers, from illness they were free.
When He raised up Lazarus, He showed His power over death.
And again with Jairus's daughter, when she rose and took a breath.
In Gethsemane, and then the cross, He paid for all our sins.
Then three days later he amazed us all when He rose again.

For Jesus did work miracles, He touched so many lives.
He healed the blind, the sick, the tired; He gave them peace of mind.
And if I exercise my faith, I know that I will see
The miracles He performs each day because He loves me.

Lord, Jesus, is my Savior. He is the Son of God.
He is there to help me hold the iron rod.
I feel His love enfold me when I kneel to pray.
His example shines before me each and every day.
And as I try to be like Him, I know that I will see
The miracles He gives each day because He loves me.

For Jesus did work miracles, He touched so many lives.
He healed the blind, the sick, the tired; He gave them peace of mind.
And if I exercise my faith, I know that I will see
The miracles He performs each day because He loves me.

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