PlayStation Move Controller

PlayStation Move Controller
You'll absolutely want at least two PlayStation Move Controllers to use with your PS3 Move system. The starter bundle comes with one, but be prepared to keep buying more.

Move Controller You *must* have a PS3 Move camera in order to use this wand. So make sure you get that camera first, either alone or with the starter bundle. Once you get that camera, though, you'll want to stock up on your controllers. If you have a two person sword fight, each person needs a sword! Many games want you to have TWO controllers for a single person, one for each hand. So for a two person battle that would be four separate controllers, two for each person.

The controller fits nicely in your hand and the globe on top lights up with different colors, which is a neat touch. The buttons on the wand are easy to get to and help you activate different functions in your game. There's a wrist strap to keep the controller from flying of your hand and smashing into important things like your TV set.

I am thrilled that the controllers recharge. Just plug them into your PS3's USB port via the normal cable you use to recharge your other controllers. I'd highly recommend getting a recharging station, though, so you can recharge multiple of them at once easily. When you recharge the unit a red light blinks so that you know it's doing something.

As you might imagine, you need to get games that are designed for the Move system in order to use the Move controllers. You can't just pop in a game from 2008 that involves swords and expect the game to understand your Move controller's swinging around. Make sure the game you are interested in says on it that it is built to handle input from the Move controller system.

Well recommended! It's great fun to get into a sword fight where you actively swing your arm around to do your hits, striking high, swinging low, and watching your on screen character mimic your moves. It gets you active!

Buy the PlayStation Move Controller from

We purchased our PlayStation Move Controller with our own funds.

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