Do Men Prefer Face or Fanny ?

Females worry about their bodies as early as elementary school and as late as midlife. They diet, pound their bodies into submission and are rarely satisfied. Walking around in stiletto heels many have developed back and ankle problems. Men are often puzzled by female body dysmorphia. A new study from the University of Texas settles the different perspective of the sexes: for a short term relationship men drool over a woman’s body. However, for a relationship that goes the distance men prefer a woman’s face.
During an interview on my radio show a plastic surgeon Dr. Hubert Weinberg, who is a clinical professor at Mount Sinai in New York, frankly stated that a woman should not need a face lift as long as she does not yo-yo in weight or smokes. It is the weight gain and then the weight loss which cause the face to sag. Also, he advises older women not to lose too much weight to look as svelte as when they were young because their faces will become haggard, harsh and appear more wrinkled. Since most people talk to a face rather than a fanny, women need to think of the greater picture. A woman is a total package, so much more than the sum of her parts.
Now that we are focused on the face, the next step is to evaluate the eternal attraction factors:
For more information on managing your stress and reclaiming your life read my book, Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7 Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life. To listen to archived radio shows with guest experts visit Turn On Your Inner Light Radio Show
During an interview on my radio show a plastic surgeon Dr. Hubert Weinberg, who is a clinical professor at Mount Sinai in New York, frankly stated that a woman should not need a face lift as long as she does not yo-yo in weight or smokes. It is the weight gain and then the weight loss which cause the face to sag. Also, he advises older women not to lose too much weight to look as svelte as when they were young because their faces will become haggard, harsh and appear more wrinkled. Since most people talk to a face rather than a fanny, women need to think of the greater picture. A woman is a total package, so much more than the sum of her parts.
Now that we are focused on the face, the next step is to evaluate the eternal attraction factors:
- The intellect and wit which keep a man stimulated and delighted as opposed to bored.
- The sparkle in one’s eyes which emit confidence and empowerment.
- The lips which speak kind words and reframe negatives with more positive interpretations.
- The heart which uses power rather than force to tune into another person and create harmony.
- The hidden girl within who knows how to have fun and doesn’t worry what the neighbors will think. Her free spirit doesn’t correspond to the chronological age reflected in the mirror.
For more information on managing your stress and reclaiming your life read my book, Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7 Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life. To listen to archived radio shows with guest experts visit Turn On Your Inner Light Radio Show