Books of Interest to Gardeners

Books of Interest to Gardeners
Books on a host of different subjects are of interest to gardeners. Here are reviews of several that I’ve found to be helpful and inspiring.

Botanic Gardens-Modern-Day Arks

By Sara Oldfield, this highly enlightening title was released by the MIT Press. The introductory chapter explains the global crisis that plant life is facing around the world. In this title, she focuses on the crucial role that botanical gardens are playing with respect to plant conservation. She provides a compelling background on the subject, and shows what is being done to ensure the future of targeted plant species that are facing mass extinction. This book profiles the efforts of 16 different gardens or organizations around the world. These represent a diverse group of gardens from different continents. Three of the gardens are in the U.S.

Each in-depth profile focuses on the conservation efforts and work of the respective garden as well as a background on the history and origins of the organization and its work through the years. Readers can learn about the conservation efforts for specific plant species, for example, orchids at Kew Gardens. This also tells the story of the Millennium Seed Bank at Kew.

The author offers a sobering look at the present situation and lays out different views for the future. She also presents highlights of the work of key individuals at the gardens.

Much is at stake with these endangered plants. For example, the original wild pear, which is native to Turkey, could be a critical resource in the future for breeding new varieties.

This book also focuses on the out-reach and educational efforts of the gardens in order to inform the public, particularly children.

This large format book does justice to the lush color photos. Throughout the book are boxes with profiles of key species and other topics of interest.

Simple Pleasures-Soothing Suggestions and Small Comforts for Living Well Year Round

This is by Susannah Seton et al. It was released by Conari Press. This delightful title features tips, inspiring stories, recipes, and things to do for each season of the year. All in all, the ideas from the volume can bring joy to everyday life. Enjoy life at its fullest by putting this book to good use year-round. Just delve into the section for the appropriate season.

This title is very reader-friendly and easy to use. This devotes one section to each season. Within each section, there are four categories or topics. These topics include gardening/outdoors, the home, family and friend, and personal tips.

This title has wonderful quotes and poetry along with inspiring stories from contributors that can bring joy to everyday life. There are easy to make quick recipes for all sorts of items. These range from culinary dishes and herbal teas to crafts and flower design tips. Within each section there are simple lists of things to do.

This covers all kinds of different gardening activities from planting seed and making easy potpourri to pressing flowers. Learn how to prepare houseplants for your vacation and feed the birds. There are delicious garden-based recipes, such as a wonderful jalapeno corn bread along with aromatherapy concoctions, such as herbal and floral waters. These are ideas to make life sweeter and create a cozy living space.

For disclosure purposes I received review copies of these books from the publishers.

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