Men in Red Rate with Women

Men who wear red look better and are more sexually attractive to women according to a multicultural study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology. Previous research has shown that men are more attracted to women in red. Apparently, the lady in red wants a man in red.
In color therapy red stimulates bold, passionate and energetic behavior. Red is associated with love like Valentine’s Day. If you check out investment bankers’ attire at a power meeting, they like to wear a tie in one of the shades of red to connote prosperity. If you look at other cultures, for example as found in the Asian countries, red conveys status and wealth; don’t forget in many cultures red can protect against the evil eye or ward off evil spirits. Besides, we don’t roll out the red carpet for just anyone!
The lead author of the study, Professor Andrew Elliot, explains that women tend to gravitate to powerful, prosperous males. In primates, red is more intensely expressed in alpha males and those are the males who mate most frequently because they are what females are looking for in terms of the best candidates to produce healthy offspring.
The study emphasizes that women are not even aware that red enhances a man’s attractiveness, as most likely it is a primal, in-grained biological perception. In fact, in several experiments when women were shown colorized photographs of males in red shirts (as opposed to the same males in other colored shirts) or photos with just red borders, they described the men pictured as more powerful and attractive. However, men did not share the same perception regarding other men in red.
It is interesting to note that according to this research the color red is not always a plus: In competitive scenarios like, a sports competition or an IQ test, red makes participants perform more poorly. Perhaps, there is too much energy and one needs to take it down a bit to focus.
The take-home message: The colors we like can affect our moods, relationships, work performance and healing. Orange can cheer us up; blue can be calming; green can promote healing; yellow can inspire the intellect.
Now that this hot research is out and men know about this new secret weapon - women must be wary. While the man in red might appear to have greater status and be more seductive, he is not necessarily kinder and smarter!
For more information on managing your stress and reclaiming your life read my book, Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7 Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life. To listen to archived radio shows with guest experts visit Turn On Your Inner Light Radio Show
In color therapy red stimulates bold, passionate and energetic behavior. Red is associated with love like Valentine’s Day. If you check out investment bankers’ attire at a power meeting, they like to wear a tie in one of the shades of red to connote prosperity. If you look at other cultures, for example as found in the Asian countries, red conveys status and wealth; don’t forget in many cultures red can protect against the evil eye or ward off evil spirits. Besides, we don’t roll out the red carpet for just anyone!
The lead author of the study, Professor Andrew Elliot, explains that women tend to gravitate to powerful, prosperous males. In primates, red is more intensely expressed in alpha males and those are the males who mate most frequently because they are what females are looking for in terms of the best candidates to produce healthy offspring.
The study emphasizes that women are not even aware that red enhances a man’s attractiveness, as most likely it is a primal, in-grained biological perception. In fact, in several experiments when women were shown colorized photographs of males in red shirts (as opposed to the same males in other colored shirts) or photos with just red borders, they described the men pictured as more powerful and attractive. However, men did not share the same perception regarding other men in red.
It is interesting to note that according to this research the color red is not always a plus: In competitive scenarios like, a sports competition or an IQ test, red makes participants perform more poorly. Perhaps, there is too much energy and one needs to take it down a bit to focus.
The take-home message: The colors we like can affect our moods, relationships, work performance and healing. Orange can cheer us up; blue can be calming; green can promote healing; yellow can inspire the intellect.
Now that this hot research is out and men know about this new secret weapon - women must be wary. While the man in red might appear to have greater status and be more seductive, he is not necessarily kinder and smarter!
For more information on managing your stress and reclaiming your life read my book, Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7 Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life. To listen to archived radio shows with guest experts visit Turn On Your Inner Light Radio Show