I Love it When a Plan Comes Together

I Love it When a Plan Comes Together
My partner Janet Gravette and I who are involved in our Ladies Golf at Mill Creek Golf Club have been working on our Member/Guest tournament for the past few months. It will take place on May 19th and 20th and it is all falling into place. We had a goal of making at least ten teams making forty golfers that would be a good increase from last year. As it happened we now have eleven teams and forty four players which we were very excited about.

I am sure all you with a large golfing membership will think this small but to us that is a big improvement. We live in a small community and our golfing membership has been down but we feel by making this type of tournament a big success will also help people want to be a part of our club. It has been great working with Janet as she is full of good ideas and willing to work them out. She is a good organizer and relates to the other golfers and I think this is a talent in itself.

We came up with the theme of Swing Away in May and used colorful flyers and sign up sheets for our members. We also made them aware that our Pro Shop will be handling most of the game that will be played. Handicaps will be needed by all players and their guests need to give them their home course so handicaps can be checked.

Our Club Manager Ralph Harris and Pro Matt Somerfield have been great to work with and have provided us welcoming gifts with the flight prizes that will be gift certificates to the Pro Shop. We set the fees to charge enough money to provide welcoming gifts. The other day I picked up a bag of golf socks giving two pairs of colorful socks and one golf ball per person and tees that went into tie dyed paper sacks. These sacks will be given to each person as they sign in. I filled these sacks this week and closed them with colorful ribbons. They do make a colorful welcome for our guests.

Our Pro Matt will handle all the charges at the front desk and will also set up golf score card for each person entered. He also will make a scoring poster and will announce the winners at our luncheon after we play on May 20. He is very talented and designs a great poster for this announcement of the winners. Our Luncheon will be at the Stagecoach Inn Restaurant which is an original stagecoach stop and is now a historical dining room.

Besides the tournament play on May 20 we will have practice rounds the day before followed by a Putting Contest. Matt will set up our Putting Green into a six hole contest which will include an out of bounds, trees, sand and whatever he can think of to make it difficult. Following this we all go to a member’s home for wine and cheese followed by a trunk show by a Ladies Golf Shop in Austin, Texas. All our plans are coming together so now we are hoping for good weather and everybody stays healthy and will show up on the days we designated for our tournament.

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