March Journaling Prompts ~ Wk 3-4

March Journaling Prompts ~ Wk 3-4
March 15 is … Buzzard's Day and Everything You Think Is Wrong Day
* Buzzards and wrongs. Interesting duo. Let’s make this about complaining since everything is going wrong and will of course end up in death being eaten by buzzards! Journal about complaining and how it gives you no advantage in life.

March 16 is … Everything You Do Is Right Day
* Finally a day where everything goes right! Journal about a day that went you way in every way!

March 17 is … Submarine Day
* I had the privilege to tour a nuclear submarine a few years ago. The nukes did not catch my eye but the confined space sure did. Would you be able to live on a submarine? Journal about confined spaces and how they make you feel.

March 18 is … Supreme Sacrifice Day
* Think about the sacrifice of Jesus today. His was a supreme sacrifice because He took on you sin and mine so that we could have fellowship with the Father. Journal about His supreme sacrifice. Do you believe or is it foolishness to you?

March 19 is … Poultry Day
* Poultry. Chickens. Feathers. Journal about your favorite chicken cooked or alive.

March 20 is … Proposal Day and Festival Of Extraterrestrial Abductions Day
* Do you want to propose today or be abducted? Journal about UFO’s of any kind. A project you never completed and you forgot what it was suppose to be or something you saw that you could not explain.

March 21 is … Fragrance Day
* Fragrances bring memories to the surface quickly. Journal about the smells you smell today.

March 22 is … National Goof-off Day
* Take a day off and be silly. Journal about the last time you had a no rules kind of day.

March 23 is … National Organize Your Home Office Day and National Chip and Dip Day
* Forget the organizing my office I want the chip and dip! Journal about which describes you best today and why.

March 24 is … National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day
* Chocolate, good ~ Raisins, okay. Journal about why anyone would want this to be a national day.

March 25 is … Pecan Day and Waffle Day
* Strangely I see these two going together because I was born in Georgia and pecans and Waffle Houses are plentiful. I prefer pecans. Journal about the differences between pecans and waffles.

March 26 is … Make Up Your Own Holiday Day and Spinach Festival Day
* Spinach would not be my made up own holiday. I would have a Beatles holiday and only allow music from the Beatles or Paul McCartney. Journal about what your own holiday wold be and why.

March 27 is … National "Joe" Day More Info on National "Joe" Day
* Journal about what you would see National Joe Day being.

March 28 is … Something On A Stick Day
* My something on a stick day would involve banana popsicle. Journal about your favorite stick food item and why.

March 29 is … Festival Of Smoke and Mirrors Day
* Tricks up your sleeve on this day. Journal about a funny trick that you played on someone or someone played on you.

March 30 is … I Am In Control Day
* We all like this day, or so we think. Instead of journal about being in control, journal about a time you were out of control and what happened.

March 31 is … Bunsen Burner Day and National Clams On The Half Shell Day
* You choose which best describes you mood today. Are you on a Bunsen burner or being served in a half of a shell?

Enjoy March and journal daily!

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