Understanding Animals
My father, a college professor in social sciences, influenced my ability to understand, to reason, and to think. He died just a year ago but the box that he taught me to think outside of will forever remain in my mind. The many shades of gray will eternally be my rainbow.
Sure there are reasons not to have exotic pets however; there are good reasons to have them as well. I think the good outweighs the bad. I have had a lot of different pets. Some people will never understand how I could learn to love a crayfish, but I did.
What is that old maxim, “Don't judge a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins?” A person can’t understand what it is like until you have experienced the exact incidence. Even then you wouldn’t have the exact same understanding because you wouldn’t have the precise same background from which the foundation was built to have the same perception. Now that I have short circuited your brain…
We have all had different experiences with exotic pets and witnessed different experiences with other people and their exotic pets. Many of us judge some peoples experiences with exotic pets without having any actual experiences of their own; only hearsay. Often this is the case with people who set regulations and laws.
It took me a long while to understand why people liked to have fish in an aquarium. Then one day I was at a physician’s office with my daughter. She put her hand to the tank and gently moved her hand from one side of the tank to the other. The minute her hand went to the tank these fish raced over to it. They followed her hand the whole time she was there and appeared disappointed when she left. That certainly gave me a greater understanding of fish. I would guess the fish would not have had the same reaction to everyone including me.
When we perceive an animal’s intellect I think we are presuming, and take for granted of what they are truly capable. Many people treat animals according to these perceptions. If we see an animal as stupid or dirty we may treat the animal cruelly. Think about a pig and their immense intelligence. People saw pigs wallowing in mud, living in their own excrement. Pigs are very clean animals, at least would like to be very clean animals. But at one time someone must have seen a pig attempting to cool off by rolling in some cool muddy water and figured this is how a pig would want to live.
Pigs cannot perspire so need an alternative means of cooling themselves. People who presumed they liked to wallow in mud had incorrect perceptions of pigs. Makes you wonder where did the derogatory term swine or even animal came from?
My article on the Micro Pig Tea Cup Pig Mini Pig (Some information on Tea Cup Pigs for sale)
Miniature Pot-Bellied Pig
Humans have a limited understanding of opposite genders and will treat one gender differently than the other. Somehow humans see some races as less important than their own. Some people will see a person with a disability as a less significant person. If you watch two political parties (equally at fault) interact, how can a human possibly think they are more intelligent than any animal on earth? Stupid humans or smart animals, there are plenty of fish that may have a thought or two about that one.
**Always consider pet adoption - please. Search for animal rescues, pet rescues, exotic pet rescues in your area.***
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With Kindle books you can start reading your new book in 60 seconds and read it over and over. No need of new bookshelves – this is what has got me going again, on Kindle books – I have several piles of books on the floor in my office. I have bookshelves all over the place full of books. I can’t find a spot for a new book shelf. I thought about lining the halls with bookshelves but my mother-in-law has a walker. (I said has not uses LOL – I moved all my bookshelves from the hallways because of the walker.) I am getting much more serious about ebooks and an ebook reader like Amazons Kindle. (Plus there are always great kindle deals.) I am from the old school and it has taken some getting used to downloading books instead of buying books.
Exotic Pets (Kindle Edition)
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