To Love Purely

To Love Purely
To love purely. What does that actually mean? It can mean so many different things to so many different people. But for me, it is to love with the love of God. The love of God is the purest form of love. It is the strongest love that I know. The love of God is that kind of love that enables you to love those which seem unlovable.

We struggle so much with love. Why? Perhaps it is because we really do not understand that love, in its purest form, is actually simple. To love, is to be as God—no strings attached. When God loves us, He loves us because we are His. Even when we don't know it, and when we do not act like it.

We often say that we love. That we are in love. That we love with all our hearts. But the truth is, we are really not loving. We are simulating what looks like love. But to truly love, we must also embody the spirit of selflessness and forgiveness. For there will be many times when love will call for us to give without reciprocation. Love will call for us to forgive, even when it is the hardest and farthest thing from your mind and heart.

When I read 1 Corinthians 13, in the Bible, and it tells about love being the greatest gift; I wonder how many of us really read the chapter in its entirety and understand what the Apostle Paul was saying. The love he was speaking about is unconditional. The love he referred to was speaking about loving through impossible circumstances and situations. Can we love like that? Are we able to love that way?

I believe we are. Only when we have totally surrendered our hearts to God, and have allowed Him to fill our hearts with who He is. For God is love. It is not a characteristic of who He is. It is who He is. God is love. If I said: I love you, I can also say: I “God” you, and it would mean the same. God and love are synonymous. But we often miss that, and short change ourselves when it comes to love.

When we place conditions on love, we stop the flow of pure love, and introduce pollutants. Love is something that must be active, and free, and unconditional. When we place conditions upon our love, we are ensuring that we will be disappointed. Why? Because no one can be who want them to be 100% of the time. We are humans, subject to fail and to disappoint the ones we love at some point in time. We make mistakes; we fall short. But it does not mean we are unlovable, or undeserving of love. If that was the case, then God would have washed His hands of us long ago.

Love has the power to heal, and to transform, and to bring life when we love with the love that is God. Love has the power to set our soul free. When we love ourselves, without conditions, we open ourselves to the bountiful blessings that the Father has for us. When we love ourselves, we create an atmosphere for love to grow in. And when love grows and blossoms, it is contagious.

Did you ever wonder what ails so many people; what makes some people so mean and evil or honor y? Could it be the lack of love in their lives? Maybe they were not shown love. Perhaps they do not love themselves. Where love is lacking, you will see, sickness, selfishness, greed, and the like. When love is present, unconditional love, you will see life, mercy, joy, and wholeness.

What is your definition of love? Have you loved unconditionally? Love is an action word. It is more than a feeling or a is a way of life. It is God. And when God is in you, how can you not love the way He has loved you.

Blessings to you and yours.

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