The Wife Who Walked Away Review

The Wife Who Walked Away Review
I like getting books to review from writers who have been through domestic violence situations because it helps me to know that I am not the only one who has walked the terrible path and survived to tell about it. Sharon L. Clark sent me a copy of her book The Wife Who Walked Away and I graciously accepted.
Sharon tells us the true story of her 23 years of abuse with her now ex-husband. You may be wondering how she endured 23 years of abuse as I did when she told me about her book. I personally live with an abusive husband for 5 years but my mother abused my father for 21 years of marriage. Their excuse was always staying together for us kids and Sharon conveys that same thing through he story. Even when her children begged her to leave him, she stuck it out.

Sharon met Patrick when she was only 16 years old. She immediately fell for him even though their relationship was abusive from the start. Back in the 70’s though, domestic violence was still a hush hush subject. He insists that she wears make-up, get her ears pierced, and dress a certain way. He has a passion for photography and insists on taking pictures of her constantly. All of this attention makes her feel important even though he used his temper at times to get her to do what he says. Patrick is an alcoholic in denial for most of their marriage. Before Sharon realizes what she went through was an abusive situation, she has children then like most victims of domestic violence feels stuck. How will she make it on her own with 3 children?

Sharon’s story can be difficult to read at times because it triggered memories even in me. It definitely worth the read though. I wish I could hand a copy to every person who emails me and says they are in a domestic violence relationship and they don’t think they can get away. Sharon’s story is a fine example of escaping an abuser and living to share her story with the world. If you have been in a relationship for as little as 1 year or 23 as Sharon was, you can escape and find a new life. Sharon’s story is very encouraging.

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