Mean Spirited Magicians Ruin It For The Rest

Mean Spirited Magicians Ruin It For The Rest
Wow! I have never seen such unprofessional behaviour by my friends in the magic world as I have seen at the magic forums.
I've seen posts attacking magicians for all kinds of reasons. Worse, I've read posts where magicians accuse other magicians of criminal activity based only on speculation.
Posts that say things like, this person is selling an item and it must be a bootleg copy. The funny thing is, these accusations do not come from folks that have bought the product, but just seem to want to tear down another performer.

This is poppycock.

When we tear each other down in public forums, we tear down our entire industry. If you have a legitimate complaint with another performer, contact them. Discuss it with that person, don't air it publicly.

Particularly when you only think the other person might be doing something you do not approve of. For crying out loud, have you never heard of slander? It is as wicked as can be.

You may think the forums are only for magicians, but a lot of hobbyists and interested lurkers also read the forums. You hurt not only other performers, but yourself also, when you post negative comments in the forums.

If you buy a product or service and you are not happy with it, I can understand posting a review to help others in their buying decisions. That is one of the benefits of a forum. But when you attack individuals character, particularly if you haven't even done business with them, you are most unprofessional.

I love magic and I hate to see it torn down by petty thinking and small minds.

The same goes for booking shows. Some magicians seem to think if they can tear down other performers when talking to a potential client that it helps them. It does not. No matter what I think of another performer, I never ever say negative things about that person to a client.

Even in casual conversations I make it a point to never belittle another performer. There are too many positive things I can discuss with friends, clients and on forums to waste my time tearing others down.

Remember, when you throw mud, you are the one losing ground.

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