A Moses Costume

Many parents struggle with the idea of attending or letting their children attend a Halloween or Costume party. One alternative is to dress in biblical costume.
Moses Costume
Lets look at who Moses was. As we read about Moses in the Old Testament of the Bible, we can see that he was a strong and adventurous character.
He was well educated. He was raised as an Egyptian prince and received an Egyptian education. He had a strong sense of right and wrong. He defended the rights of a Hebrew slave even when he got himself in trouble for doing so. When he was forty years old, he left his life of luxury and went to live in the desert where he worked as a shepherd for another 40 years.
When he was eighty years old, God spoke to him through a burning bush and sent him back to Egypt to speak to Pharaoh and to free the Hebrew slaves. After much debate and a lot of God’s help, he led the Jewish nation out of Egypt with the Pharaoh’s army hot on his heels. Moses led the Hebrews through the desert for forty years. While in the desert, God gave him two stone tablets containing the Ten Commandments. Moses acted as leader, judge and law giver for the Hebrews. He died at the ripe old age of 120.
Your Moses costume should have a wig and beard of long flowing white hair since he was eighty years old when he became famous for freeing the slaves. His clothing would be that of a shepherd, consisting of a long robe, with a loose cloak over it.
An important part of Moses’ costume would be his staff. It should be large and strong – not a wimpy little stick. God used this staff as a sign to the Egyptians. Moses threw it on the ground and it became a snake. He picked it up and it became a staff again.
This was the staff Moses used when he parted the sea. The Lord said to Moses, “Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground.”Exodus 14
This is the staff Moses used to get water for the people in the desert. The Lord said to Moses, “ Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.”Exodus 17
This is the staff that Moses used when the Hebrews defeated the Amalekites. He stood with the staff held above his head. As long as he held it up, the Hebrews advanced. When he put it down the Amalekites gained ground. Exodus 17.
You may want to add the Ten Commandments to your costume. These can consist of cardboard or Styrofoam, made to look like stone. Each tablet should contain five of the Ten Commandments. Find the Ten Commandments in Deuteronomy chapter 5. You can shorten the longer commandments to "No idols." "Keep the Sabbath holy." etc.
Finish your costume with some sturdy sandals. They can be a bit worn looking. Moses used them during his entire forty years of leading the Hebrew nation in the desert.
Moses Costume
Lets look at who Moses was. As we read about Moses in the Old Testament of the Bible, we can see that he was a strong and adventurous character.
He was well educated. He was raised as an Egyptian prince and received an Egyptian education. He had a strong sense of right and wrong. He defended the rights of a Hebrew slave even when he got himself in trouble for doing so. When he was forty years old, he left his life of luxury and went to live in the desert where he worked as a shepherd for another 40 years.
When he was eighty years old, God spoke to him through a burning bush and sent him back to Egypt to speak to Pharaoh and to free the Hebrew slaves. After much debate and a lot of God’s help, he led the Jewish nation out of Egypt with the Pharaoh’s army hot on his heels. Moses led the Hebrews through the desert for forty years. While in the desert, God gave him two stone tablets containing the Ten Commandments. Moses acted as leader, judge and law giver for the Hebrews. He died at the ripe old age of 120.
Your Moses costume should have a wig and beard of long flowing white hair since he was eighty years old when he became famous for freeing the slaves. His clothing would be that of a shepherd, consisting of a long robe, with a loose cloak over it.
An important part of Moses’ costume would be his staff. It should be large and strong – not a wimpy little stick. God used this staff as a sign to the Egyptians. Moses threw it on the ground and it became a snake. He picked it up and it became a staff again.
This was the staff Moses used when he parted the sea. The Lord said to Moses, “Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground.”Exodus 14
This is the staff Moses used to get water for the people in the desert. The Lord said to Moses, “ Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.”Exodus 17
This is the staff that Moses used when the Hebrews defeated the Amalekites. He stood with the staff held above his head. As long as he held it up, the Hebrews advanced. When he put it down the Amalekites gained ground. Exodus 17.
You may want to add the Ten Commandments to your costume. These can consist of cardboard or Styrofoam, made to look like stone. Each tablet should contain five of the Ten Commandments. Find the Ten Commandments in Deuteronomy chapter 5. You can shorten the longer commandments to "No idols." "Keep the Sabbath holy." etc.
Finish your costume with some sturdy sandals. They can be a bit worn looking. Moses used them during his entire forty years of leading the Hebrew nation in the desert.