7 Point Business Boost Tool Kit

7  Point Business Boost Tool Kit
Every business owner is in the business of marketing and it’s important to constantly gather tools that will bring your company, brand or service more exposure. For a quick boost, I’ve put together this 7 Point Business Boost Tool Kit. The Tool Kit is filled with practices and resources that will help you sharpen your marketing skills, position yourself as a leader in your industry and make more money.

10 Point Business Boost

1. Schedule Time to Business Boost
The first point in your tool kit is to set a time. You won’t be able to use the resources if you don’t make time each week to do your marketing…just like you do your laundry. If you let it pile up it will be too much to manage at one time. Pick a time that you will keep each week just to Business Boost.

2. Boost Your Copywriting
This is a high priority no matter what business you are in. You will always have to write about your business, product or service; what and how you write makes a big difference
Confident Writing

3. Boost Your Connection
How do you connect with your audience? Companies that have outstanding customer connections have found ways to boost their connection and become more visible. If you keep yourself visible to your customers in small and large ways, when they are ready to buy they will come to you.
Book: Shiny Objects Marketing-Using Simple Human Instincts to Make Your Brand Irresistible by David LaBonte

Creating Fame

4. Boost Your Goals
I cannot stress how important it is to have a system to accomplish your goals. If you wait for the right time, it will never come.

5. Boost Your Support
Leverage your success by sharing your ideas with others who can help you fine tune them. Look for ideas from unusual suspects. Ask your neighbor or a friend who knows little or nothing about your business. Find a group to be a part of such as a mastermind.

6. Boost Your Authority
To be considered a leader in your field you have to lead. Create a topic and become the expert on it and write about, speak about it, send out a quick email about it, hold forum discussions about it. Write to publishers (nearly all websites publish a blog) and offer them your expertise.
EzineArticles.com Ezine Articles

7. Boost Your Feedback
If you want to know what people think about your service…ask. It’s a good idea to tell your clients or customers that you are always interested in improving your business and you would like to ask for their feedback complete with ideas on how they think you can better meet their needs. Karen Sciecka author of Growing Great Ideas at Work, says that if you don’t ask for ideas they won’t tell. So ask for feedback and they will tell.

Three Extra Bonus Boosts

8. Boost Your Money
a. You’re in business to make money. It’s true that we all learn from the experiences of others. Look at what’s working and find ways to adjust your vision accordingly. Don’t be afraid to innovate and make small tweaks and changes to your business.
Income Diary>

9. Boost Your Sales
No More Cold Calling

10. Boost Your Excellence
Book: The Encore Effect

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This content was written by Jordan Mercedes. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Jordan Mercedes for details.