Loves Me Loves Me Knot

Loves Me Loves Me Knot
Hello, and welcome back! The heat and humidity are finally gone, at least for now, and it's absolutely gorgeous outside. So, naturally, I had to go to work today on one of my days off. But the beautiful weather is supposed to stick around a little while, so I should get to enjoy it a little later in the week. By then I'll also be able to start posting the September romance reviews, but right now I have one of the last of the August romances for you.

Loves Me, Loves Me Knot (St. Martin's) by Heidi Betts is on shelves now, the second of her knitting stories. Jenna Langan still wants a family, even after the failure of her marriage to Gage Marshall. When she and her two best friends come up with a half-baked plan while drinking margaritas, she and Gage get together again, though Gage doesn't know what the plan is until way too late. He has no intention of fathering a child, even with Jenna, not after the things he's seen working undercover with the police department. So he's going to stick to Jenna like glue until he knows whether or not they're going to be parents. The trouble is, the more time they spend together, the less he wants that time to be over again, because this time it'll be over for good. Luckily, her aunt has created just the right yarn for Jenna to use to get Gage back, even if neither of them knows it yet, and it probably won't hurt when Gage asks Jenna for a knitting lesson and she just happens to be working with the 'magic' yarn. I liked this one even better than Ms. Betts's last book. Jenna and her two best friends are terrific girlfriends, and Jenna and Gage have chemistry that is off the charts. Jenna's aunt is going to have her work cut out for her, though, with Jenna's pal Grace and her ex-fiance Zack. I'm borrowing four of Cupid's five arrows for Jenna and Gage; their story is sweet and hot and you'll fall in love with Gage, too.

Until next time, happy reading!

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