Bond With Your Baby Before Birth Book Review

Bond With Your Baby Before Birth Book Review
Wouldn’t you love to know the answers to questions like, “What will my child look like when he’s born?” “Is there a food she is especially fond of?” “What color will put my child at the greatest ease?” or “Will my child be good at math?”

Whether your child is destined for public services, accounting, stardom or missionary work, you will enjoy reading Kim Oneill’s new book Bond With Your Baby Before Birth. In it she reveals everything you need to know to reach a deeper understanding of your unborn baby's life through channeled communication.

Author and professional Channeler, Kim Oneill begins her new release by reflecting on her own personal journey with her guardian angel, John and the spirit of her child to be. To her delight and surprise and in her 40’s John announces she would conceive despite her deepest fears. Soon after, her baby introduces himself by communicating specific information regarding his dietary needs and personality traits which would in fact come to pass later in life.

In Bond With Your Baby Before Birth, Kim takes you on a guided tour of your child’s spiritual realm. This is the plane where our children’s Souls wait patiently for the perfect parents and conditions necessary for them to prevail in their earthly endeavors. She explains how during those precious developmental months both parent and child are in the closest channeling position possible to begin the bonding process. She shows how, with a few guided techniques, that any of us, regardless of our past or current circumstances, can begin communicating and have likely begun the process already with lucid dreams, cravings and outside interests our child is sending us.

Anyone, whether they are trying to conceive or are anxiously expecting can enhance their bonding experience! Bond With Your Baby Before Birth will show you how the intimate process of channeled communication works. She will explain how often the spirit of our unborn children whether they are adopted or naturally conceived hover closely to the mother trying to begin the process themselves.

So, if you are anxious to know the details surrounding your child’s life purpose, the effects of some of his or her past life learning lessons and some of the challenges they’ve chosen to take on during this particular life time with you, Bond With Your Baby Before Birth is sure to help both you and your child embark upon those precious moments of bonding communication.

Karen Elleise
Clairvoyance Editor
Angel Therapy, Healing Counseling & Development Courses

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