How to Score

How to Score
Hello, and welcome back! It's a little cooler, but the skies are grey and I expect it'll be raining in the next few hours or so. Maybe then the muggy feeling in the air will go away. I've put a little bit of a dent in the July romances already, but it's still pretty early in the month. Plus I still have two more June books to share with you.

This time out, I have the latest from Robin Wells, How to Score (Grand Central). Sammi Matthews is not very good at dating. Her last few dates have ended in the hospital, one with a cracked rib, another with a broken leg. She's determined to get past all that clumsiness to a good relationship, but she's going to need help. Enter life coach Luke Jones. Only Luke's just been forced into Witness Protection and his brother FBI agent Chase is stepping in to help out until Luke gets through the trial of the mobsters he witnessed killing someone else. Chase isn't all that thrilled with the stuff he's got to say to his brother's clients, but Sammi's voice on the phone makes him track her down. Only as himself, not his brother. Got all that? Chase knows he can't possibly let their relationship develop as long as he's still posing as his brother on the phone, but when they're together, he can't see how he can tell her the truth and still keep her for himself. Knowing that he's lied to her is bound to hurt her, and she'll end the relationship. Then there are Sammi's boss and landlord, an older pair who are quite mismatched, but somehow seem to find their way into a relationship as well. As with her last book, this story is cute and filled with humor. The secondary characters are endearing (most of them) in their own way, though Sammi and Chase's relationship is generally front and center. I liked this one well enough, but I don't know that I'd say I loved it. It's a good way to spend a summer afternoon, sitting somewhere in the shade with a tall glass of something cool to drink. It's earned three of Cupid's five arrows.

Until next time, happy reading!

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