Demon Can't Help It

Demon Can't Help It
Hello, and welcome back! It's been a crazy-busy week here again, but I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It took a few days to get back into the groove of work after two days in NYC at BEA, and the stack of June books on my desk is getting insane. I was doing really well at keeping up and even getting ahead on the reading, till last week. Now, while I'm still into the June books in my reading, I still have two more May romances to post reviews for, including the latest from Kathy Love.

Demon Can't Help It (Brava) is the newest addition to her paranormal series, this time with Jo Burke settling into her new home and job in New Orleans. Demon Maksim Kostova is never attracted to mortal women, but Jo doesn't seem to notice him, and it's driving him crazy, since he can't stop thinking about her. Of course, she has no idea what exactly he is, and he can't tell her. And Jo has been seeing things, which makes her believe she might be losing her mind. It couldn't be anything else, certainly not anything real, and she can't tell anybody about it. Maksim is so determined to get to her, though, he volunteers at the community center where she works, dealing with mischievous kids and worse just to be near her. And Jo can't possibly resist when a demon is on a mission of seduction. For fans of the series, you'll be happy to know you get to revisit old friends from previous books in the series. Maksim is a yummy hero, though not nearly as evil as he could be, you know, since he's a demon. And Jo has other issues to deal with, aside from her 'visions' and the sexy demon trying to get her into bed. Maksim is in uncharted territory, too, as he doesn't think demons can love, and that's a mighty big secret he's been keeping from Jo. As with all of Love's books, this one is funny and tender and sexy as all get out. It's earned four of Cupid's five arrows.

Until next time, happy reading!

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