Easter - a Time for Joy and Renewal

Easter - a Time for Joy and Renewal
For the millions of Christians around the world this weekend encompasses the most holy of days - Good Friday, the day that Christ suffered and died for our sins; then Easter Sunday, the most joyous day when Christ rose from the Dead and ascended into heaven to be with his Father.

It may be no coincidence that with Spring comes the promise of renewal - renewal of life; you look around and see the flowers and plants coming to life again, as they do every year at this time. Spring has always symbolized for me personally a new chapter in my life. It has been happening to me since I was a teenager. I have had the majority of my relationships end on the heels of winter - and new relationships form in my life at the beginning of Spring.

Cherishing and enjoying all of the four seasons as I do - especially since I feel each one brings with it something very special, I don't think I could live somewhere that did not have the four seasons. However, out of all of them, Autumn, or Fall if you will, is my favorite. I have always wanted to get married in the Fall - with the leaves glowing in those burnished hues of orange, brown, red and almost copper. When I think of one of those picturesque scenes, driving down a road that is nestled between streets full of tree-lined, spectacularly eye-popping, multi-colored foliage - the leaves of Fall, I can almost smell the crisp, clean air.

Spring is planting, harvesting, growing renewing; Summer brings with it the fruits of your labor, seeing the flower gardens bloom and vegetable plants springing up, ready to be picked and enjoyed - reaping what you've sown; it's a time for enjoying; Fall, for me, is contemplation; peacefulness; somehow the beautiful colors of Fall bring me quiet reflection; I love, just love, taking long walks in the Fall. For me, Fall is the perfect month. It's not too warm - and not too cold.

Although I am not a fan of Winter - it has its own specialness. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day have always been my two favorite days of the year - but Christmas Eve, most of all. I have always felt different on Christmas Eve - honestly felt a specialness about it and have always cherished it - the eve of Christ being born.

My daughter and I are taking my grandson, who is 3, on an Easter egg hunt this weekend. But, first, on Good Friday I will be visiting my local parish to stop and pay my respects on this very holy and sad day on which Christ suffered and sacrificed his life for us on the Cross. I am going to take my grandson with me, his first Good Friday at Church and my hope is that in time I can instill in him a gratefulness for all that he - that we - are able to have because of Christ's sacrifice for us (hopefully I can get him to sit still long enough!).

Whatever you are doing this Easter weekend - I hope you are able to surround yourself with loved ones - family and friends. Life is so short. At this time I pause and reflect about my loved ones who have passed away and how much I miss them and what I had and have now lost - the memories we shared together - and how I now realize that I should have spent more quality time with them and shown them how much I valued and appreciated them and their specialness.

Have a Joyous and safe Easter. A quote from Albert Einstein to ponder...

"A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty... We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive." - Albert Einstein ...

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