Blue Valentine

Blue Valentine
Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling both give extremely powerful performances in this romantic drama movie released in 2010. Blue Valentine, jumps from the present to the past and back again, showing us different time periods of their relationship over the years. The story is about a married couple (Dean and Cindy.) It shows us how they met and how in love they were at the beginning. It shows their chance encounter that got them together and their rapid love story. They rush into marriage after finding out that Cindy is pregnant to her previous boyfriend. Dean raises Cindy’s daughter as his own. We get to see their happier times, when they were carefree and completely in love and then we get to see the recent situation, which shows us a strong love still present from one half of the pair, while the other can’t stand it anymore.

It’s really sad when a love story goes from happily ever after and then changes for the worse. We don’t like to see the love birds drifting apart from one another. We want them to always be like Romeo and Juliet and run off into the sunset together. I think the acting was fantastic in this movie, although I found it very sad. I still enjoyed the movie but would have preferred a happier one. You have to see it to understand what I’m saying about their great performances. They worked really well together, through the good times that we see and the bad.

Being in love with your partner while they wanted out would be such a devastating situation to be in. It really made me feel for both sides of the couple, as they were both hurting in their own separate ways. I suppose not every movie can be a happy, butterflies in the tummy, head over heels, happily ever after story (as much as we wish they all were) because it’s just not reality. Not all love stories last forever. People get angry and annoyed and fall apart and move on from each other. Or they can try to stay and sort it out. What was the ending to this film you ask? Well you’ll just have to watch it and find out for yourself. I like to see all movies whether people say they are good or not, just so then I can have my own opinion about them.

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