My Man Michael

My Man Michael
Hello, and welcome back! We're getting another little taste of spring here, with warm temps and a nice breeze. If only we'd had a better taste of winter first. Of course, I can't go out to enjoy it anyway, as I'm still recuperating from last week's little surgery. I'm due to go back to work tomorrow, though I'm wondering if I may just do a short day rather than my full shift.

This time out, I have the latest from Lori Foster, My Man Michael (Berkley), which is also the latest of her group of fighting heroes. Michael 'Mallet' Manchester was one of the biggest stars in the SBC, but now he'll be lucky to walk properly again. Kayli Raine mysteriously appears in his hospital room, and she intrigues him, even as unhappy as he is about his current situation. But when she talks about warriors, he can't quite figure her out. That's excusable, however, since Michael's never met a woman from a different world in the future before. Kayli's world has some issues and could use a man like Michael, injuries and all, but she's got to admit she wouldn't mind having him around for other reasons as well. This is quite a leap for Foster in her romances, going off-world. Yes, she tells her L. L. Foster fantasy series in a different world, but I have to say I'm not a big fan of that series; it's a bit too dark and too fantastic for me. I liked this story better than most of the others in this particular series, mostly because the emphasis isn't on the fighting. As readers have come to expect in a book from Ms. Foster, there's plenty of sexual tension between this pair, as well as a really great romance, a truly natural progression of emotions that deepen into love. Kayli's home world is believably rendered, and Michael's gradual adjustment to being there is also done very well. What's not to love here? Not a darn thing. I'm borrowing four of Cupid's five arrows for this one. It's definitely a keeper.

Until next time, happy reading!

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