Kiss of a Demon King

Kiss of a Demon King
Hello, and welcome back! We've gotten a little bit of snow here overnight, just enough to give the kids a delay for school this morning, which made them happy (though not as happy as they would have been if school were cancelled). And we're due for more snow overnight, which makes me happy, except for the fact that I'll be driving home in the wee hours of the morning when the weather is supposed to be bad. Oh well. I can drive in snow, as long as the roads aren't icy, and I'm off tomorrow, so I can enjoy the snow we get, until the rain comes.

This time out, we're starting the February romances with the latest from Kresley Cole, Kiss of a Demon King (Pocket), the sixth tale in her fantastic 'Immortals After Dark' series. This time, deposed demon king Rydstrom Woede meets his match in the sorceress Sabine, Queen of Illusions. Sabine has been charged by her evil half-brother with capturing Rydstrom while her brother tries to interfere with Rydstrom's brother's current task. Rydstrom tries to resist her, though it's a challenge to keep his libido in check. He also is plotting during his imprisonment to escape and take Sabine as his own prisoner, turning the tables on the smart seductress who is destined to be his queen. If he can defeat her impossible-to-kill-half-brother. Sabine is fantastic, smart and funny, and determined to win him. Rydstrom is equally determined to keep her once he has her, but he'll have her on his own terms. Demons and sorceresses do not ordinarily make a good pairing, but these two are absolutely irresistible together, even when one is bound to hurt the other in their quest to have their way. The sexual tension is terrific, building between them until neither can possibly resist it, and their romance is fun, filled with believable emotion all along the way. I've been hooked on this series for some time, and this is an absolutely awesome addition to it. Rydstrom is a darn-near perfect hero, wounded and still strong, not to mention sexy, sexy, sexy. And Sabine will make readers wish they were her, not just because of her hero, but because she's so great. This one's earned four and a half of Cupid's five arrows. As always, I can't wait to see what's next in this series. I hope it never ends!

Until next time, happy reading!

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