Venice - Season One

Venice - Season One
The season begins with a chance meeting between Ani Martin and Gina Brogno at the local grille. The couple had not seen each other for quite some time, but the encounter stirred up unresolved feelings between the women. Eventually, one thing led to another, setting the stage for the emotional turmoil that was to come. Ani is so very in love with Gina, but Gina really isn't looking for a commitment. Gina likes the comfort of knowing Ani will be there whenever she needs her, but Gina’s mind is career-driven. After hearing about the one nightstand, Gina’s brother Owen Brogno, warns her to be careful, otherwise she may fall back into a relationship with Ani.

Lucky for Gina, that she has Owen to guide her in her personal life and Michele, Gina's assistant, keeps her on track in her professional life. Gina attempts to negotiate a decorating contract with Alan Anders, owner of a prominent hotel chain in Europe. Tracy Lansing, Alan’s assistant, and Gina share some intense glances.

Later, Gina and her brother, Owen, meet up for dinner at her house. They reminisce about their beloved mother and talk love lives. Gina reveals that she has a new love interest (not Ani), while Owen pines for a girl named Sami Nelson, a former Peace Corps worker, whom he met on a blind date. Owen agrees to let Gina meet Sami, but the encounter is less than friendly. Gina’s snarky demeanor with her brother’s new love interest reveals Gina’s own insecurities and love troubles. Owen berates his sister for her behavior.

Guya, formerly known as Jane Hollis, urges her brother-in-law, John Brogno (a.k.a. the Colonel), to take the initiative to see his kids, Gina and Owen. He is resistant to the idea because nothing in his life turned out as he expected; his wife Kate died, his daughter is gay, and his brilliant son is a bartender. However, after much prodding, the Colonel summons his wayward children to his home for brunch. After they arrive, the Colonel cannot contain his emotions and begins to berate Owen for choosing meaningless careers as a bartender and actor. Gina will not stand for one more minute of their father’s tirade and tells him that he has been a disappointment to them as well.

Ani comforts Gina after the argument with her father. She tells Gina that she needs to fix her relationship with her dad before she can be a whole person. Ani tells Gina that she feels used and that she is moving on. Of course, this news does not sit well with Gina. Michele sees that Gina is torn. She understands her angst, but urges Gina either to be in love with Ani or to let her go.
Gina decides to lick her wounds and asks Tracy for a date. Tracy accepts and they enjoy an afternoon discussing their past relationships and exploring the electric vibe they have together in the bedroom.

Ani seems to be a bit more cautious in her relationships than her former partner is. This is evident when Ani meets Lara Miller, a children’s book writer. Enjoying the company of one another, they discuss Lara’s childhood and what drove her to write for children. Ani added that she enjoys reading as well, but loved the photographs more, hence leading her into a photography career.

While the gang celebrates Owen’s new film, the mood turns sour when Ani arrives with Lara. Tracy is clearly upset that Gina is not over Ani. Gina goes to Ani to clear things up and is rebuffed. Lara also notices the tension between Ani and Gina. However, Ani assures Lara that there is no chance at rekindling her relationship with Gina. A hurt Gina, true to her style, takes Tracy to bed and the two spend the night making passionate love.

The season ends after the Colonel calls Gina and tells her to come over right away. Gina arrives to find someone had committed suicide. Who in Venice Beach, was hurting inside so badly, and no one noticed?

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