This time out, we have Jami Alden's latest, Caught (Brava), which kicks off her new 'Gemini Men' series. Toni Crawford can't help but think about Ethan Taggart after they meet. His company provides security to a man whose daughter has just disappeared. Toni's been called in to help find her, which means she and the sexy Ethan have to work together, and this case shouldn't leave time to indulge in any hanky-panky. On the other hand, who is she to resist a man like Ethan? Toni thought she knew the girl they're searching for, but the deeper they get into the investigation, the more she knows she'd only scratched the surface with the younger girl, and it looks like something very, very bad is about to happen to Kara if her father doesn't give in to the kidnapper/blackmailer's demands. Still, no matter how intense the attraction between them, Toni can't help but know her computer-geek self is really no match for Ethan, who is so gorgeous he has women panting over him everywhere they go. On the other hand, if she can only have him for now, why not risk the broken heart? I liked this one a lot more than her last couple. There's much more story here, which gives her a chance to show off her great characterization skills again. I wouldn't say, however, that I loved it like I loved her first few. But it has made me rethink my plans to stop reading her in the future. The story is fast-paced and hot, and Toni and Ethan are believably written, drawing you in to their dilemmas. I'm borrowing three and a half of Cupid's five arrows for this one.
Until next time, happy reading!
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