Immortals: The Redeeming

Immortals: The Redeeming
Hello, and welcome back! I hope you're all enjoying the shifting of the seasons as we are here in the northeast. The cooler weather makes it much nicer to sit outside with a book in the afternoons, though the evenings are a little chilly for that now. Pretty soon it'll be time for tea or hot chocolate, and I'm looking forward to that as well. I've just a few September books left to share with you all, now, and in the next week, we'll be diving into the October books.

Immortals: The Redeeming (LoveSpell) by Jennifer Ashley is out now, kicking off a new segment of the 'Immortals' series from last year. Remember Tain? The brother of last year's Immortals, Tain spent centuries being tortured by a demon, and now he's not quite nice. Samantha Taylor enjoys her work on the paranormal branch of the local police department, and her latest undercover assignment puts her back in contact with Tain, the sexy immortal she encountered last year. He's still broody and gorgeous, and still won't give in to their attraction. At least, that's the plan before they start working together. And when Samantha's newly-discovered demon relatives get involved, things could really get messy. I'm not a big fan of the author; I'm not sure why, maybe a style thing. But I did enjoy this one far more than I expected to. Tain is a classic wounded hero, immortal and all, and Samantha is no shrinking violet, a warrior in her own right, and becoming stronger as the story goes on. For fans of the original series, there's also the lure of revisiting favorite characters, and they do make appearances. After all, Tain and Samantha can't fight this battle on their own. I wouldn't say this one will make me pick up every Jennifer Ashley title from now on, but I liked this. Of course, I'm also very much looking forward to the next volume in the series in October, from Joy Nash. In any case, Ashley fans will love this one, and fans of the series will be happy to see it continued. This one's earned three and a half of Cupid's five arrows.

Until next time, happy reading!

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