Do Women Intimidate Men?

Women have been referred to as the weaker sex, but are they really? In many cases women are physically weaker than men when it comes to brute force. And at work women are still pushing hard to be recognized and given equal pay for equal work. However, behind every man stands the little woman ready to push him off an emotional cliff, an Eve who can get him evicted from Eden, a Delilah ready to cut his hair while he sleeps, or a sorceress ready to turn a prince into a frog. Women sometimes forget that they possess a primal, almost supernatural power. And like any power, it can be used for the good or the bad.
A woman’s disapproval means a man’s shame. This pattern has been set during childhood when all a little boy wants is his mother’s approval. When a mother says “Good boy,” he internalizes, “I love you. You are terrific.” As a grown man, he wants to hear the woman in his life say: “You are a good man,” and “You rock my world.” However, because a woman feels her stress more intensely than a man, worries about everything and loses some of her true identity along the way of becoming a wife and mother, she is likely to lash out at HIM:
Keep in mind that a word said is never dead and that it doesn’t take much to make him feel small and unloved; he becomes easy quarry for another woman who will praise him, like you once did! To ask for help and clearly communicate what you need without making him feel bad try this smarter, more persuasive strategy.
For more information on stress/free relationships read my book, Turn On Your Inner Light: Fitness for Body, Mind and Soul. To listen to archived radio shows with guest experts visit Turn On Your Inner Light Radio Show
A woman’s disapproval means a man’s shame. This pattern has been set during childhood when all a little boy wants is his mother’s approval. When a mother says “Good boy,” he internalizes, “I love you. You are terrific.” As a grown man, he wants to hear the woman in his life say: “You are a good man,” and “You rock my world.” However, because a woman feels her stress more intensely than a man, worries about everything and loses some of her true identity along the way of becoming a wife and mother, she is likely to lash out at HIM:
- “You never take out the garbage” (which means he never helps around the house and is useless).
- “You shouldn’t have” (which means his present is now invalidated).
- “Not tonight, I’m tired.” (which means “I’m tired of you”).
- “That’s Okay!” Translation: “You will pay big for this!”
- “In my next life I want to come back as your car!” Translation: “I feel neglected.”
- “Do I look old?” Translation:”Do I still attract you or have you lost interest?”
Keep in mind that a word said is never dead and that it doesn’t take much to make him feel small and unloved; he becomes easy quarry for another woman who will praise him, like you once did! To ask for help and clearly communicate what you need without making him feel bad try this smarter, more persuasive strategy.
- Use three words to implant an idea in his memory.
- If you must speak in longer sentences, bear in mind that the first and last words are what he will actually hear.
- If you can create a visual image for him, he will retain what you say.
- Give him an incentive plan (I leave this to your imagination).
For more information on stress/free relationships read my book, Turn On Your Inner Light: Fitness for Body, Mind and Soul. To listen to archived radio shows with guest experts visit Turn On Your Inner Light Radio Show